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September 13, 2020

Australian Cicada Names

Filed under: Australia | David Emery | L. W. Popple | Nathan Emery — Dan @ 1:01 am

This page features information about common cicadas of Australia researchers, and websites dedicated to the cicadas of Australia. Australia has the best cicada names!

Bladder Cicada (Cystosoma saundersii)

The Bladder Cicada can be sound in eastern Queensland & NSW1, can be found September-January, peaking in October2. It is called a Bladder Cicada because of its large abdomen.

Bladder cicadas (Cystosoma saundersii)
Photo by David Emery.

Cyclochila australasiae

Cyclochila australasiae can be found in eastern Queensland, NSW and Victoria, and most emerge between September & December1, but peaking in November2.

Green Grocer morph of Cyclochila australasiae

Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae) photo by Bron
Photo by Bron.

Green Grocer morph of Cyclochila australasiae

Kevin Lee's Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae)
Photo by Kevin Lee. Yellow-Green Green Grocer with Mask.

Yellow Monday morph of Cyclochila australasiae

Yellow Monday (Cyclochila australasiae) photos by Tom Katzoulopolopoulous.
Photo by Tom Katzoulopolopoulous.

Blue Moon morph of Cyclochila australasiae

Cyclochila australasiae, Blue Moon, by David Emery
Photo by David Emery.

Masked Devil morph of Cyclochila australasiae

Masked Devil cicada (Cyclochila australasiae). Photo by David Emery.
Photo by David Emery.

Bagpipe Cicada (Lembeja paradoxa)

The Bagpipe cicada can be found in the Northern tip of Queensland1, from October to February, but they’re most common during January2.

Lembeja paradoxa (Karsch, 1890). Photo by David Emery.
Photo by David Emery.

Cherrynose or Whiskey Drinker (Macrotristria angularis)

The Cherry Nose cicada can be found in Eastern Queensland, NSW, and a small part of South Australia, and is found November-February1, but is most common in December2.

Cherry Nose cicada (Macrotristria angularis). Photo by David Emery.
Photo by David Emery.

Double Drummer (Thopha saccata)

The Double Drummer can be found in parts of eastern Queensland and Eastern NSW, from November to early March1. Peaks in December.

Double Drummer (Thopha saccata)
Photo by Dan.

White Drummer (Arunta perulata)

The White Drummer cicada can be found in eastern Queensland and NSW, from November to April, but they are most common during December and January1.

White Drummer cicada (Arunta perulata). Photo by David Emery.
Photo by David Emery.

Orange Drummer (Thopha colorata)

When: January.

Orange Drummer (Thopha colorata) photos by Jodi from 2007. Australia.
Photo by Jodi.

Redeye cicada (Psaltoda moerens)

The Redeye cicada can be found in eastern NSW, Victoria, and Tasmania, and are most abundant in late November and December1, but can be found until February2.

Redeye cicada (Aleeta curvicosta). Photo by David Emery.
Photo by David Emery.

Golden Emperor (Anapsaltoda pulchra)

When is it out: Nov-Jan.

Anapsaltoda pulchra - Golden Emperors. Photo by David Emery.
Photo by David Emery.

Floury Baker (Aleeta curvicosta)

The Floury Baker can be found along the coast of Queensland & NSW. Adults are most common in late December and January1.

Photo by Michelle Thompson.

Tiger Prince or Tiger Cherrynose (Macrotristria godingi)

Tiger Prince

Golden Twanger aka Diemeniana euronotiana

The Diemeniana euronotiana can be found in eastern NSW, south-eastern Victoria, and Tasmania. They are most common from late November to January1.

Diemeniana euronotiana
Diemeniana euronotiana. Photo by David Emery.

Tasmanian Hairy Cicada aka Tettigarcta

Out: January-May.

Tettigarctidae sp.
Tettigarcta tomentosa.

More interesting names:

Date and location:
1 Moulds, M.S.. Australian Cicadas Kennsignton: New South Wales Press, 1990.

Researchers & resources:

David Emery

David Emery is a cicada researcher and has contributed many of the images you see on this website.

Use this amazing image by David Emery to identify some of the most well-known Australian cicada species:

Aussie cicadas 1 (3)

Nathan Emery

Nathan Emery released a cicada book called “A photo guide to the common cicadas of the Greater Sydney Region”. You can buy it online.
A photo guide to the common cicadas of the Greater Sydney Region

Dr. Popple

M.S. Moulds


  • Atlas of Living Australia Cicada page.
  • Brisbane Cicadas.
  • Narelle Power’s Cicada Photos.
  • Scribbly Gum’s The Summer of Signing Cicadas.
  • Morwell National Park Online.
  • Laura Imbruglia sings songs that mention Green Grocers and Yellow Mondays on her album “It Makes a Crunchy Noise”.

    1. michael brownjohn says:

      Hi ,
      Love your site.
      Im 60 years old now but when I was 12 years old I was an avid cicada collector.
      I had collected a few species in NSW Royal National Park which where new to
      the Australian museum in the 1970s.
      There is one thing that has always bugged me.
      When I was a kid another kid showed me a cicada that was big and hairy and silvery white.
      He told me it was called a White Whiskey.
      Im a bit shocked to find that there is a cicada called a Whiskey Drinker.
      So there is some connection with the word Whiskey.
      The only other time I saw one was at school.
      I spotted one way up a gum tree so I spent all afternoon throwing rocks at it.
      I think the hairy white fur helped them to blend in with white gums.
      Finally I got it and it fell dead to the ground and it was the same type of White Whiskey
      that kid had shown me.
      I have never seen one since.
      Im just curious if you could shed any light on this for me?


      1. Dan says:

        The Whiskey Nose is also known as a Cherrynose. or Macrotristria angularis. The cicada was called a Whiskeynose because people who drink a lot of hard liquor can develop rhinophyma that makes their nose look read. I suppose Cherrynose is a more polite way of saying that.

        The closest Australian cicadas I know that is fuzzy and white is White Drummer (Arunta perulata) which has large fuzzy white “drums” or Floury Bakers, Aleeta curvicosta, which have a “dusty white pubescence” on them when they’ve recently molted… linking to a photo.

    2. Dan says:

      2018-2019 Cicada Sightings

      I’ll post sightings I hear about on social media here:

      1. January 15, 2019: Black Prince (Psaltoda plaga). Millions of them in Bendalong NSW were reported by David Barr via email.
      2. December 31, 2018: Floury Baker (Aleeta curvicosta). Reported by @GB_Wildlyf on Twitter.
      3. December 21, 2018: Marbled Bottle Cicada (Chlorocysta suffusa) . Reported by Lindsay Popple on Twitter.
      4. December 20, 2018: Brown Bunyip (Tamasa tristigma). Reported by Nathan Emery on Twitter.
      5. December 17, 2018: Razor Grinders (Henicopsaltria eydouxii). Reported by EmmaCCroker on Twitter.
      6. December 16, 2018: Black Prince (Psaltoda plaga). Reported by .
      7. December 2, 2018: Red Ringers. Reported by @GB_Wildlyf on Twitter.
      8. November 4, 2018: Southern Mountain Squeaker (Atrapsalta furcilla). Reported by ozzicada on iNaturalist
      9. October 31, 2018: Small Bassian Ambertail (Yoyetta landsboroughi). Reported by ozzicada on iNaturalist.
      10. October 21, 2018: Alarm Clock Squawker (Pauropsalta mneme), Sandstone Squeaker (Atrapsalta corticinus sp. complex) & Fence Buzzer (Myopsalta mackinlayi) . Reported by Nathan Emery on Twitter.
      11. October 16, 2018: Zipping Ambertail (Yoyetta repetens), Ferny Acacia Cicada (Clinopsalta autumna), Southern Red-eyed Squeaker (Popplepsalta notialis), and Southern Bark Squeaker (Atrapsalta corticinus). Reported by Nathan Emery on Twitter.
      12. October 3, 2018: Small Bottle Cicada (Chlorocysta vitripennis). Reported by dianneclarke on iNaturalist.
      13. September 28, 2018: Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae). Reported by EmmaCCroker on Twitter.
      14. September 19, 2018: Alarm Clock Squawker (Pauropsalta mneme). Reported by njemery on iNaturalist.
      15. September 11, 2018: Silver Princess (Yoyetta celis). Reported by @christiewithaC on Twitter
      16. September 11, 2018: Bladder Cicada (Cystosoma saundersii). Reported by joelp on iNaturalist

      2017-2018 reports of cicadas as I see them on social media

      This might be handy for guessing when cicada species in Australia will emerge.

      Recent Articles

    3. Alex says:

      I have photo of a bug, probably cicada, very big. It move from grunt to the tree to unfold its wings.
      To whom I can send the photo for identification?

    4. Matty says:

      Great site, reminded me of the fun times as a young boy. me & my friends would climb the trees to catch cicadas around Sydney’s hills district area. Mostly green grocers & occasional yellow Monday. Another time my parents took us to Cowra & down by the river & in the trees were thousands of black princes which were rare in Sydney but common that summer in Cowra.
      It’s sad that our kids these days don’t venture outdoors to experience the raw fun & adventures that we created for ourselves to enjoy.
      My kids addicted to the virtual world, stuck in the web without spiders! Time flies in this fast changing world of ours.

      1. Dan says:

        My nephew is addicted to cellphones & Minecraft, but I take him around his neighborhood to look for cicadas whenever I can.

    5. Opal says:

      Hey, I’m in Melbourne and I found some cicada shells last night. I’ve been searching for them since I first heard their calls in November. I know there were three types of cicada calls in my nearby parklands, I eagerly listen out for them on my daily dogwalks.
      The only thing is that these shells are the smallest shells I’ve ever seen!
      Can cicada’s be identifed by their shells alone? I collected the ones I found. They are roughly 2-3cm long with a narrow abdomen (compared to greengrocers that I am most familliar with). Happy to send pics!
      The call that was the most common in the area was a distinct ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-brrrrrrrrrrr (repeated, with the ba- section going for anywhere b/w 15-26 beats).

      1. Dan says:

        Opal, yes they can. If you’re on Facebook, 90% of the top Australia cicada experts hang out here

        Otherwise, Dr Popple is the best resource on the web He doesn’t have photos of skins, but you might be able to contact him through the site.

        1. Opal says:

          Thank you so much, Dan! I feel I’ve finally found the secret society of Cicada lovers I dreamt of when I was six 🙂

    6. Zain Al-Shemmeri says:

      I love the names that they give them!

    7. Cheryl says:

      What cicada has black top and black wings but orange underbelly

    8. Tony says:

      What a great site. Didn’t realise there were many other cicada trajics out there. Very much part of my childhood around Sydney in the 50s
      About a year ago I tried to encourage Australia Post to do a series on cicadas..the sounds of summer. We’ll see.

    9. Margaret Barlin says:

      We live on a farm at Lorne just outside Kendall NSw and the cicadas have been deafening this summer. Interestingly I have found no bladder cicadas this year and very few green grocers all the other varieties have been in abundance though. My granddaughters have had a marvellous time collecting and identifying them.

    10. Wendy Duffy says:

      Hello. We have just returned from a couple of days camping on a property we have bought up near Gloucester/Barrington Tops in NSW. The noise from the cicadas was deafening. I’m wondering if you might be able to tell me which species they are likely to be in that area and if they they are likely to sing so loudly and in such large numbers in future years. Many thanks.

      1. Dan says:


        The loudest species is the Double Drummer/Thopha saccata — might be that.
        See for a sound sample.

        Razor Grinders
        Green Grocers

    11. Steve Oh says:

      Plenty of Floury Bakers in the lower Blue Mountains right now. One flew in my car window as I was driving. It hit my shoulder and flew into the back seat. Upon recovering it, I noticed that its abdomen had popped off quite neatly. The poor bloke was still very much alive 6 hours later. Is this some kind of defense, like skinks dropping their tails?

    12. Ria says:

      We just moved to Artarmon area, very near to the station, and was surprised to hear the loud singing of Cicadas.
      Though it might be music to some, I wanna know when do they stop. And are they dangerous ? My 3yo often go around them.
      Thanks !

      1. Dan says:

        They aren’t dangerous in that they’re not venomous not do they transmit disease. Prolonged exposure to their song might cause hearing damage though. Double Drummers can get up around 120db. Definitely don’t put one up to your ear.

    13. Bevan Wall says:

      Just recorded some video of an absolute plague of Floury Baker, and what I thought were Black Princes, but after looking at some photos on this site I now think may be Red Eye,cicadas in my backyard at Elanora Heights, on Sydney’s northern beaches.

    14. Georg Kalmar says:

      Missing is the Black Prince which was almost mythical and the dream of each kid to find one (I did it was very small). The female Green Grocers were called “Pissers because they sprad a clear liquid on you.

      For us kids, who lived in Lane Cove, to catch them it was a sin to get them when they came out of their shells and were still wet. We believed if we gave a thousand wings to a certain company, they would give a wheel chair to a poor kid.

      Since the Green Grocers had a four-year cycle and the Yellow Bakers a three-year cycle ever twelve years their emergence would coincide and the din was unbelievable. On off years just a few would come out.

    15. david emery says:

      “Blue moons” could occur wherever there are “green grocers” with an estimated frquency of 1/10000. But strangely enough, despite the absolute huge numbers of GGs about this 2013 season from September, no blue moons seem to have been found/ photographed/ handed to the Australian Museum. Claudine’s “indelicate” is probably the nickname given to female cicadas as males croak loudly when caught, females only can excrete water!
      Chris, what species cam to dive into the pool?

    16. Chris Evans says:

      WOW……what a site. Last night we had a late night swim in the pool and turned the lights on. Big mistake. There were cicadas coming from every here. Spent our time rescuing them all. We are in the Hawkesbury district. I am over the moon about the number of cicadas. We start them singing by shining a torch in the trees at night. Fabulous.

    17. Claudine ogden says:

      As a child I collected cicadas in Sydney. The boys taught me all the names & one of them is not mentioned probably because it is indelicate. It was called the Pisswacker presumably because it made no noise and released water on you , it was probably a female and did this when caught.

    18. Daemon says:

      I am sitting in my mums backyard listening to their song and little else. I remembered the black price also but couldn’t remember the green grocer. Thanks for the memory kick is getting much more difficult as I approach my is mums 86th.

    19. lex says:

      where could you find the blue moon around Australia ??

      1. Dan says:

        Near Sydney (according to L. Popple). I’ve also read that they are more prevalent in hilly areas.

    20. erexun says:

      “My fav one is the blue moon how beautiful.”
      How much is it possible?

    21. Brian Flaherty says:

      Excellent page. Reminder of the glorious days of summer when I was a youngster.
      You didn’t mention that the local pharmacist bought black princes wings and made some
      special concoction from them.
      Why were they known as “locusts” 50 years ago?

      1. Dan says:

        I think they called them locusts because they reminded people of the locusts that are actually grasshoppers.

    22. a adam says:

      haha – very cool in a nerdy way 🙂

    23. Ben says:

      That ‘chocolate soldier’ one is actually a ‘red rocket’ but i think the names for the other ones are very clever. My fav one is the blue moon how beautiful.

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    Cicada T-shirts

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