Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

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March 18, 2020

Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae) photos by Kees Green

Filed under: Australia | Cyclochila | Cyclochilini | Kees Green — Tags: — Dan @ 5:26 pm

Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae) photos from Kees Green. Australia. 2013.

Green Grocer Cyclochila australasiae nymph by Kees Green
Green Grocer Cyclochila australasiae nymph by Kees Green

Green Grocer Cyclochila australasiae moulting by Kees Green
Green Grocer Cyclochila australasiae molting by Kees Green

Green Grocer Cyclochila australasiae moulting by Kees Green
Green Grocer Cyclochila australasiae molting by Kees Green 02

Green Grocer Cyclochila australasiae moulting by Kees Green
Green Grocer Cyclochila australasiae molting by Kees Green

Green Grocer Cyclochila australasiae Adults by Kees Green
Green Grocer Cyclochila australasiae Adults by Kees Green

March 8, 2020

Kevin Lee’s Green Grocer Photos

Filed under: Australia | Cyclochila | Cyclochilini | Kevin Lee — Tags: — Dan @ 12:23 pm

Kevin Lee’s Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae) photos:

Kevin Lee's Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae)

Kevin Lee's Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae)

This one is somewhere between a Green Grocer and a Yellow Monday, I think. Check out the “mask” between the eyes:
Kevin Lee's Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae)

Kevin Lee's Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae)

February 29, 2020

Yellow Monday by Tom Katzoulopolopoulous

Filed under: Australia | Cyclochila | Cyclochilini — Tags: — Dan @ 2:39 pm

Yellow Monday (Cyclochila australasiae) photos by Tom Katzoulopolopoulous.

Yellow Monday (Cyclochila australasiae) photos by Tom Katzoulopolopoulous.

Yellow Monday (Cyclochila australasiae) photos by Tom Katzoulopolopoulous.

Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae) photo by Bron

Filed under: Australia | Cyclochila | Cyclochilini | Photos & Illustrations — Tags: — Dan @ 10:46 am

Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae) photo by Bron. Taken in Australia in 2007.

Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae) photo by Bron

October 23, 2018

Cyclochila australasiae (Donovan, 1805)

Cyclochila australasiae (Donovan, 1805) is found in Australia and is remarkable for its variety of color morph, including green (Green Grocers), yellow (Yellow Mondays), blue (Blue Moons), and orange (Masked Devils).

Scientific classification:
Family: Cicadidae
Subfamily: Cicadinae
Tribe: Cyclochilini
Genus: Cyclochila
Species: Cyclochila australasiae (Donovan, 1805)

A Green Grocer:
C. australasiae (Donovan, 1805)

Cyclochila australasiae
Green Grocer Photo by Kevin Lee.

A Green Grocer Specimen:
Green Grocer specimen

Cyclochila australasiae, Blue Moon, by David Emery
Rare Blue Moon variety. Photo by David Emery.

Cyclochila genus description by W. L. Distant:

Characters. — Head about long as breadth between eyes, including eyes distinctly narrower than pronotum but almost as wide as its anterior margin, ocelli close together near middle of vertex, very much more remote from eyes than from each other; face longer than broad, moderately globose; pronotum about as long as mesonotum including the cruciform elevation, its lateral. margins moderately convexly ampliated ; abdomen about as long as space between apex of head and base of cruciform elevation, beneath moderately convex ; opercula short, not passing base of abdomen ; tegmina about or nearly three times longer than broad, basal cell scarcely longer than broad, apical areas eight; wings more than half the length of tegmina, apical areas six.


  1. The illustration and genus description comes from the journal Genera Insectorum, and a specific article from 1913 by W. L. Distant titled Homoptera. Fam. Cicadidae, Subfam, Cicadinae. Read it on the Biodiversity Heritage Library website.
  2. Current species name verified using Allen Sanborn’s Catalogue of the Cicadoidea (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha).

November 27, 2007

Ozzie Cicadas: Blue Moon

Filed under: Australia | Cyclochila | Cyclochilini | David Emery — Tags: — Dan @ 6:26 am

More Ozzie Cicada photos have come in. Here is an incredible Blue Moon taken by David Emery (found by his daughter). The Blue Moon is the same species as the Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae).

Cyclochila australasiae, Blue Moon, by David Emery

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