Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

Cicada T-shirts

March 16, 2020

Hilaphura varipes photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García

Filed under: Cicadettini | Hilaphura | Ivan Garcia | Spain — Dan @ 6:17 pm

Hilaphura varipes photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.

Hilaphura varipes photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.

Hilaphura varipes photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.

Hilaphura varipes photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.

Hilaphura varipes photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García. Spain. 2014.

August 3, 2014

Iván Jesús Torresano García’s Cicadas of Spain

Filed under: Cicada | Euryphara | Hilaphura | Ivan Garcia | Spain | Tettigettalna — Tags: , , — Dan @ 6:20 pm

Iván Jesús Torresano García send us a dozens of cicada photos from Spain, where he resides. According to Iván June is a peak time for cicadas in Spain. Cicadas common to the area are: Cicada orni, Lyristes (old Tibicen) plebejus, Tettigetta argentata, Hilapura varipes, Euryphara contentei (miniature), Tibicina tomentosa, and finally the brownish “Barbara Lusitanica Cicada”.

Iván Jesús Torresano García Four cicadas from Spain


Here are some of these cicadas captured by Iván.

Cicada orni:

Cicada orni is one of the most common cicadas in Spain and all of Europe. The are incredibly well camouflaged.

Tettigettalna argentata:

Hilaphura varipes:

Euryphara contentei:

For more information of the cicadas of Spain, visit Songs of European Singing Cicadas.

Cicada T-shirts

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