Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

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January 11, 2007

It’s a Floury Baker aka Aleeta curvicosta

Filed under: Aleeta | Australia | Lamotialnini — Tags: — Dan @ 6:29 am

Michelle Thompson took this picture of a cicada on the trunk of her oak tree in Willoughby in Sydney Australia. It’s a Floury Baker aka Aleeta curvicosta.

Floury Baker


  1. tug dumbly says:

    looks more like a White Wednesday

  2. David E says:

    This is Abricta curvicosta (“floury baker”), named because of the whitish “floury” pubescent covering after emergence and the fact that it faces down the tree trunk. A goodly emergence of these around Sydney in the past month. The “razor grinder” (Henicopsaltria sp) does occur in northern Sydney around Terrey Hills, Kuringai Chase and further north in the larger timber- smaller numbers of it have emerged, but large numbers down the south coast around Berry.

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