Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

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December 31, 2005

2005 Archive of General Cicada Questions

Filed under: Annual | Old Message Board — Dan @ 1:01 am

These questions come from the old General Cicada Questions message board. The questions and answers are in reverse order. URLs found in comments are old and likely do not work.

You can tell by looking at their abdomens. The females abdomen ends with a sharp point, like a sharpened pencil. The male is more stubby, like the top of a house.

Comment by Dan Mozgai — November 14, 2005 [AT] 6:08 am

How do you tell if cicada’s are male or female?

Comment by annika — November 13, 2005 [AT] 10:22 pm

To Julianna,
Messages 48-50. Cicadas suck sap from trees and grasses during development underground and after emergence. They, in turn are “eaten” by higher predators , especially spiders, tree crickets and birds, as well as preyed upon by wasps (“cicada-killer” wasp)and cicada collecting humans, dogs and cats. The shell “exuviae” simply degenerates and gets recycled after emergence, becomes a spider’s temporary home, or gets collected and ground up for some traditional (especially Chinese) medicines.
Underground, cicada nymphs can be attacked by “entomophagic” (insect eating) fungus that kills the cicadas at some stage, but life above ground is pretty short and infection-free. Prolonged rain may promote bacterial disease.

Comment by david — October 9, 2005 [AT] 5:28 pm

Is it true that cicadas have a deathly disease?

Comment by Julianna Wojtowicz — October 7, 2005 [AT] 7:09 pm

What happens to a cicada shell when it’s left there?

Comment by Julianna Wojtowicz — October 7, 2005 [AT] 7:08 pm

what do cicadas eat and what eats them?

Comment by Julianna Wojtowicz — October 7, 2005 [AT] 7:04 pm

What do they eat and what eats them?

Comment by Julianna Wojtowicz — October 7, 2005 [AT] 7:02 pm

Hello I found a Cicada in a spider web (No spider in web) and rescued it.But it can’t fly it’s wings are messed up what do I do?

[Moderator: try to pick the web off its wing and then leave it in a bush. Maybe it will recover.]

Comment by Jennifer — September 17, 2005 [AT] 3:39 pm

do they have to sleep ? can they hurt u

[moderator: Sort of and no.]

Comment by caitlin — September 6, 2005 [AT] 4:57 pm

I live in Northern Virginia, and I’ve seen a few dead cicadas on the ground these past few weeks. They are black like the 17-year cicadas that we had last year, but they have white/greenish eyes. I’ve been hearing them singing in the trees all summer, but I thought they were the regular cicadas that we have every summer. Those are green though, aren’t they? These ones are black, and they look almost the same as the ones we had last year, only they don’t have red eyes. Are they regular annual cicadas or some special brood? Could they be Brood X and have emerged this year instead of last year? But why don’t they have red eyes, then?

Comment by Ashley — September 2, 2005 [AT] 5:20 pm

Hello,I am collecting cicada bodies and would gladly pay for shipping them if you have any. The area I am living in (Haverford, PA) does not have many this year. Please write and let me know. Thank you.


[Moderator: those are Tibicen, which are an annual species of cicada. Thanks too the massive emergence of Magicicadas, people have become “cicada aware”, and a now, finally noticing the annual species.]

Comment by Anne M — September 1, 2005 [AT] 12:52 pm

For a great photo of Tibicen dorsata (Grand western cicada) and some locations, get Boris Kondratieff’s book “Cicadas of Colorado” CSU Press- it’s great.

Comment by david — August 29, 2005 [AT] 10:24 pm

OK, cicada professionals:

What is the ‘Grand Western Cicada? Looking through various websites, I have seen three different ‘grand western cicadas’ One series of photos clearly shows tibicen auletes, definately NOT the GW. Next series of photos from mid, upper western states, like Illinois, Iowa, etc, show a brightly yellow-marked black tibicen-type cicada. And another set, including the one on this site, shows a very un-tibicen like cicada, with a huge, oversized thorax, and a funny, undersized, narrow head. So just who/what/where is the “GRAND WESTERN CICADA, TIBICEN DORSATA?”

[Moderator: It’s this: Tibicen dorsata.]

Comment by Fred Berry — August 23, 2005 [AT] 6:01 pm

I have so many cicada in my trees that the trees are now getting rot and are dying. is there anyway i can save my 8 trees with out killing all the cicada? They are a childhood favorite and I wouldnt want to kill them but i just bought my home and the 8 trees have been there forever and id like to keep them too. please help! 2 trees are dead and need to be removed before they fall….please dont let more dye too.

Comment by April Nowell — August 23, 2005 [AT] 8:35 am

Wile on our deck today (August 21, 2005) I spotted and took a picture of this insect that I THINK might be a Tibicen Cicada? I don’t know, I have never seen a Cicada before. Of the pictures I found online, that seemed to be the closest match. Could someone confirm if it is a Cicada, and if so what kind it is? After reading the message here I went back out to take a photo with a newspaper, but it was gone. I have posted 4 pictures on my web site at

[Moderator: it’s definitely a Tibicen, and probably a Tibicen pruinosa.]

Comment by Steve Smith — August 21, 2005 [AT] 11:25 am

Can anyone explain to me why I have been seeing cicada on my trees? I live in SC and this is the first time in the 20 years I have lived here that I have noticed these nasty insects. We used to have them in Northern VA about every 7 years but I though by moving down here they wouldn’t be here. I heard a bunch of them in the pine trees last night when I was in my backyard.

Comment by kim — August 16, 2005 [AT] 1:39 pm

My son found a cicada in the driveway today. It has been extremely hot outside so we brought it inside and made a little habitat for it which includes a pine branch, pine straw, dirt, and water on one end. It immediately grabbed ahold of the pine branch where it remains motionless. I prepared him it will likely have a very limited life span. No loud noises yet. Looks like he may mault and I know the kids will enjoy watching.

PS. I operate a municipal ULV insecticide fogging truck and I felt a little guilty leaving it outside. Plus as slow moving as this guy is, he would no doubt ended up as somebodys lunch.

[Moderator: Well, it could be a female — the females don’t make noise.]

Comment by Russ — August 15, 2005 [AT] 6:18 pm

Hi my son and I are trying to find out some info on cicada’s in our area. We live in Freehold, NJ and have been hearing them at night for weeks now. Tonight there is one perched on our screen door. From the websites I’ve read it says that there would’nt be any emerging in ’05, and that they only live for 2 weeks. They’ve definitly been out there more than 2 weeks.Or am I not getting the right info??

[Moderator: in Jersey you have two basic types of cicadas: 1) the annual type, and 2) the periodical type which arrive every 17 years. Right now you’re seeing the annual type, which belong to the Genus Tibicen]

Comment by Donna D. — August 14, 2005 [AT] 10:39 pm

The Cicadas are here in the Upstate of South Carolina. I live in a little town southwest of Greenville SC called Honea Path. We have Oak and Chesnut Trees and the are singing wonderfully all day like I used to hear them in Southern France.
Now here I need an expert for answers? I heard the same noise last year. Not quite as prominent then this year but still I could hear them well every day.
This year I have been looking around and found some dead Magicicadas.
I am a little lost about this 17 year cicle. How could I have heard some last year and this year.
Are they other types of cicadas that live every year and make a similar noise?
Also as I go about enjoying these wonderful creatures of nature I hear being closer some high pitch singing less loud and frequent?
I would be thankful if anybody can give me more information. Suggestions of site with information and an excellent book about cicadas.
I feel in heaven, romantic and this wonderful noise while reading a book under a tree is an awesome feeling.
Edmond Schafeitel
Honea Path SC

Message by Edmond Schafeitel — August 14, 2005 [AT] 8:38 am

Comment by Edmond Schafeitel — August 14, 2005 [AT] 8:53 am

Yesterday I was at a picnic with my family and spotted what seemed to be a large dragonfly buried in the grass dead. So I kind of kicked at it and it started buzzing. Come to find out it was two cicadas apparently mating. Since my daughter was with me and she likes to collect bugs of all sorts, we put it in a container with leaves and twigs and a catipillar that she had found earlier. How rare is it to find them in the grass like that? Port Huron, MI

Comment by Todd Taylor — August 14, 2005 [AT] 7:53 am

[Moderator: that’s a Tibicen, not a Magicicada, but go on…]

For the last few nights I have had the opportunity to observe the behavior of the Magicicada in my back yard. I live in Marlboro, NJ and this year the air is filled with the sound of the percing buzzing calls of the male cicada and the approving clicks of the females.

I have been painting an official size NBA basketball half court on my driveway. My family is anxious for me to finish so I have been painting into the night with two flood lights. The first night I stayed out late painting (till 2:30 AM) I immediately became aware that this was not going to be a normal night in Marlboro. As night fell, the intensity of the buzzing calls increased and the cicada began gathering in the tree above me (a towering 150 year old red maple tree). As I painted, I noticed that fresh leaves from the tree where slowly raining down around me often accompanied by what appeared to be shoots of dead grass, with their tiny dry rootlets attached. The grass appeared to have been coated with a sticky substance and teased so that the roots and leaves looked like they had been curled.

The leaves also appeared to have been altered. Sections of the leaf to the right and left of the mid-line had been removed in a roughly symetrical pattern, often punctuated by holes on either side. The substance coating the leaves had an acrid musky unpleasant smell (at least to me). It also seamed to be tuning the fresh green leaves a yellow to orange to brown color.

As I continued to paint, the cicadas in the tree above me seemed to be agrivated by my presence. They continued to gather above and the raining down of leaves increased, some landing on me directly. When ever I repositioned the flood lights their calls rose in intensity.
Finally, a particularly large cicada flew down out of the tree and aimed itself directly at my head causing me to duck to avoid a collision. I quickly set the light down and darted away from the spot light, and into the dark shadows of my yard, to avoid a second aireal assault by the cicada. The giant insect touched down directly in the spotlight created by the lamp and took up position as close to the light as possible, It was then that I noticed the bright red glowing eyes of this cicada as it peered into the light and beyond it into the night. I quickly learned the rules of this relationship. Don’t touch the light and don’t block the light. If you do, the arial assaults resume. I finally reached an uneasy peace with the cicada. I could slowly move the light, without prompting aggressive behavior from the cicada, if I made sure to keep the insect in the most prominent position under the spotlight.

All kidding aside, the events I recorded here did happen to me in the middle of the night when I entered the cicada’s space under that old tree. On the succeding three nights it took me to finish the basketball court I encountered the same behavior. I feel I have a deeper understanding of these cicada behaviors now although it contradicts the official excepted version of their behavior.

Has anyone out there had a similar experience with cicadas in their area or witnessed any other unusual behaviors by cicadas? If so I’d love to read about them.

Comment by Daniel Ross — August 13, 2005 [AT] 11:35 pm

Here in Albion my brother and I found a cicada under our outdore table umbrella we don’t know why it was there.We had it in a container but we let it go at night when we were done looking at it it was kewl but we were scared to hold it so we looked up on this website if they bite. And it told us they dont but we did’nt want to take a chance of it laying eggs in us so we decided to show our mom and when we did she freaked out so then we showed our step father and he yelled at us for having it so then like I said we let it free and it didn’t fly cuz it was too cold out and it was raining so then we decided to put it back on our umbrella so it didn’t get wet so it could fly away the next morning and we didnt take it abdomin off like dum rejected people do just for their entertainment. have a nice day c ya bye.

Comment by Heather — August 11, 2005 [AT] 5:56 pm

will there be any more big emergences of magicicada near the baltimore area anytime soon? I’m not expecting any news making hatchings near my home but i would like to drive to a close by place with a fairly large brood brood x was huge in martinsberg wv last year for example.

Comment by Vince Matson — August 10, 2005 [AT] 8:58 pm

hi, i am just curious if what i’ve been seeing on my tree in my yard are cicadas!!! I have found several body casingswhich are brown in color and from the middle of the back of the head to the middle of their back or open with embelicalcords or some kind of feeding line inside I saved four that I found because I found them very interesting and was determined to find out what they were! Well, I will tell you!!!!!!!!!!! I went outside to let my dogs out around eleven thirty pm one evening last week and saw the same brown insect attacted to the tree with it’s front claws several hours later this amazing huge insect was on top of it!! It was about 4 inches long from head to end of body ( body was a tanish color) but the wings on this creature were amazing!! they were theabout 2 to 3 inches long and irridesant green, blue, pink pearly looking. The head was tan/light green in color with black eyes. Was i scared you ask you bettcha!!! because the are so huge!!!!!!!! But i was also intreged an so astonished that this big creature came out of that excoskeleton(is that what they are called I am new to this) i deal with dogs all day i am a dog groomer!!!! So anyway last night at eleven thirty pm I found another one on my tree so i made my boyfriend come out to confirm my findings!!!! Because i really don’t think he beleived me on how big they are! Boy was he amazed and it made him a little nervous we both walked right up to the tree it seemed to be looking right at us it was upon the casing it must have just shed its skin!! Because at first it looks as if they are feeding on another insect until they walk off the body casing and you can see the inside with the embilical cords inside. I came to the conclusion that after they leave their skin they dry their wings rest for a few minutes about 20 minutes or so and they fly away leaving the casing behind!! I have one that i found on the ground it wasn’t injured and so i put in an aquarium and i am patently waiting for it to shed its skin ! once it comes out i will set iot free I believe in that !!! If any one has any information on this creature please let me now………………sincerely, amy the bug lady!!!!

Comment by amy gentile — August 8, 2005 [AT] 4:23 pm

CICADAS ATTACKING GRAPES IN ASIA (Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and Syria)
We are working on a project to assist grape growers in Asia to better manage cicadas that have been found on grape roots. Goals are to: (1) Determine the species of cicada, (2) create bio-control tactics to limit the damage done by the nymphs to grapevines.We would be interested in cicada projects which are being conducted to manage cicadas by any means (bio-control, cultural, and even chemical). Please respond to email Millern [AT]
Thank you

Comment by Nathaniel Miller — August 7, 2005 [AT] 6:56 pm

In Seattle, Aug 6, 2:30 pm, 80+ degreees (Thats quite hot for up here). I cam out of mygarage following a sound that reminded me of an air hose leak or a water hose still left on. I followed it past the house, and cupping my ears, followed the sound to a spot on a doug fir about 100′ high in my front yard. It was coming from what looks to be a squirrel’s nest aobut 30′ up. I had to ask my wife what it was, i have not ever heard these things before. It ended up being a sort of high pitched buzzing noise.

Comment by lloyd — August 7, 2005 [AT] 8:31 am

Well, they are driving me crazy here in eastern Iowa. Very Very loud in our partially wooded backyard. I know they have not been this loud for several years. When I was pumping gas nearby our home there was a cicada (the largest I have ever seen) climbing up the gas pump. It really startled me ( I swear it was staring at me! ) Ha! Anyway, is it possible this is the 17th year here in Cedar Rapids , Iowa? They have been everywhere and the sound at night is almost deafening.

Comment by sara — August 5, 2005 [AT] 10:05 pm

How come t.chloromera sometimes has a black thorax and neon green wings and sometimes doesn’t? My theory is that when they were in molt they were exposed to too much light, or there evolving iton another species.

Also whats the difference in color between t.lyricen and t.robinsonianus? And also when your identifing a cicada does the same species all look pretty much exactlly alike or does it very alot? And if you found one t.pruinosa in north carolina and another in florda would there proportion change any or just the color?

Comment by justin — August 3, 2005 [AT] 4:08 pm

Dear sirs,
In the last few days, that awful sound of the cicada has returned, unexpected in this portion of SE Ohio (Athens). This last weekend, we happened to drive to Canaan Valley, WV (near Davis) and stayed two days… NO NOISE! I assume from this that the current brood hatch is in SE Ohio, but not expansive to the east. Two questions: #1: I can’t find any map or prediction for a brood hatch (of the 17 year nor 13 year cycles) that match this year (looked on the UofMich website). What is the distribution for this year supposed to be? Could this be the 2004 brood running late? #2: Could a cicada “hitch a ride” on our car, transported to a new, virgin teritory like Canaan valley, and start a new infestation in 18 years? Alright, what if a PAIR of them hitched a ride under the hood of my car and dropped off there? I shudder to think what I have done to that paradise if this is true.
Thanks for any help you can supply me… I will share this with our TV viewers. -Kirk G, WTAP TV Weatherman

Comment by Kirk Greenfield — August 1, 2005 [AT] 7:47 am

When I went out for a smoke at about 3am in southern Ontario area, I saw a Cicada on the road, I caught it and I have it in a jar in my room. I thought my cat might get some fun out of viewing it from outside the jar… but as soon as my cat got in my room it went into killing mode. I couldnt go near my cat it was so agitated. Do Cicadas give off a scent that would scare off or perhaps entice predators?

(P.S, the next morning I let the Cicada go about its business back outside, unharmed by my cat)

Comment by Evan — July 29, 2005 [AT] 3:22 am

There is a cicada parked on the outside of my window right now. I live in South Nyack, NY. I happen to have a very deep phobia of bugs, especially flying ones, and the thought of having to deal with a cicada hatching… I didn’t think they came to Nyack!!!

Can someone please verify for me whether or not a brood is hatching right now? In Rockland county New York? I am shaking as I write this. Please let me know if I have to spend the summer elsewhere!!

I know they are hamless. Phobias are irrational. I just am terrified of them. I hope this is a fluke….

Comment by MzOuiser — July 26, 2005 [AT] 12:10 pm

These bugs are scary and it seems that I have a million of them in my yard, can someone tell me when are they going to go away.

Comment by Angelika — July 25, 2005 [AT] 11:14 pm

I have a green and black Cicada and I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Are they usually something that lives this far north?

Comment by Johnny — July 25, 2005 [AT] 8:47 am

Okay, I’m sorry if this is a Cicada loving site, but these things are DRIVING ME CRAZY! I live in Atlanta, GA — 2005. Please, please, please someone tell me that I will not have to deal with this here for another 17 years?

Comment by Heather — July 25, 2005 [AT] 7:13 am

hi ronald. i’m shay from south carolina. i “googled” cicadas florida. you should visit yes, cicadas do thrive in florida. happy searching!!

Comment by Shay C — July 22, 2005 [AT] 8:45 am

I live and work here in NE Philadelphia. I am from Seattle and this is the first time I have seen this bug. We found one outside our office here at Naval Station NAVICP Philadelphia. I thought it was a giant fly at first, figured he was trying to escape the hurricane season down there. However, I found the pictures of a cicada on your site through yahoo and it was a direct match with the green one I saw. I Just wanted to let you know they were here. John

Comment by John Reynolds — July 22, 2005 [AT] 7:04 am

I found a cicada here in tampa at alafia state park along a bike trail that a ride frequently. I would like to know if this is just an abnormal finding? I kept the insect for proof. I grew up in DC and didnt think that a cicada could or would grow here? Can anyone give me some answers or direction on the possibility or cicadas in Tampa Florida? rcarkhuff [AT]


Comment by ronald carkhuff — July 21, 2005 [AT] 7:01 pm


Comment by Shay C — July 21, 2005 [AT] 6:48 pm


Comment by Shay C — July 20, 2005 [AT] 9:14 pm

have you ever heard of a cicada killer it looks like a bee part wasp insect i saw one one time carring a cicada

Comment by holly — July 15, 2005 [AT] 1:43 am

If you really want to keep a Cicada something like a terrarium would be more suitable. Cicadas have mouth sucking parts known as a beak and they actually suck the Xylem of plants. So what would be good is to get a branch from a tree and stick it in some water then put the cicada on the branch, if you’re lucky you will see it start to feed. They like to feed for about an hour.

Also, Cicadas don’t really live long in captivity maybe about a week to 10 days.


Comment by Gerry — July 6, 2005 [AT] 9:34 pm

I just realized that in my excitement I didn’t tell anyone where it was that I found it. I’m in Elmont, N.Y. which is just over the border from Queens, NY.

Comment by edward b ford — July 4, 2005 [AT] 6:46 pm

July 4, 2005
I just found one attached to the louverd window of my basement. It was brown and in pre-emergence mode. I told my kids what it was and that we’d check it out in the morning to see if it had come out. A half an hour later I happend to be going out to the car and took a look at it and low and behold it was half way out. I waited another half hour taking photos before deciding to capture it. I now have it in a tupperware container about 5in deep by 8in wide and 14in long. I put some large wood chips for it to crawl on and some grass and some of the hedge. I also put some “honeysuckle” in there because I’m not sure what they eat. Any how I’d like any and all advice as to what I should do from here. I know that the Chinese keep them as pets. I’m sure that my girls would love that although they are very noisey.

Comment by edward b ford — July 4, 2005 [AT] 6:44 pm

I wanted to write that on june 28, 2005 in The Pas Manitoba Canada, i was out taking a walk and found a bug of the likes I have never seen before. I went home and looked it up and it was a cicada. I was surprised as it does not seem to be native to the north. I feel quite lucky to have found one- it was so big and beautiful (in its own way)
Brandy Stener

Comment by Brandy Stener — June 28, 2005 [AT] 7:34 pm

I wanted to write that on june 28, 2005 in The Pas Manitoba Canada, i was out taking a walk and found a bug of the likes I have never seen before. I went home and looked it up and it was a cicada. I was surprised as it does not seem to be native to the north. I feel quite lucky to have found one- it was so big and beautiful (in its own way)
Brandy Stener

Comment by Brandy Stener — June 28, 2005 [AT] 7:34 pm

Hi, I just wanted to say that on June 28 while out for a walk, I found a cicada. This is the first i have ever seen in my life! I did not even know what it was until i came home home and looked it up. Beautiful and interesting… So far as I know- they are not native to these areas so I feel lucky to have seen one. Brandy S.

Comment by Brandy Stener — June 28, 2005 [AT] 7:26 pm

When do the cicadas usually come out in Michigan? It is hot and muggy here and I am waiting for them.

Comment by Britta — June 24, 2005 [AT] 6:00 am

I found a cicada here in Central Texas in the track of my sliding glass door a few days ago, and it’s the smallest one I’ve ever seen in my life. I guess it never occured to me that they might come in different sizes. It’s small and brown (might have been green when alive), and about 3/4 inch from eyes to wing tip. I have an image I scanned of it with a ruler measuring it. I was actually pretty excited about it. Its always exciting to discover creatures you’ve never seen before, and Texas is full of those kinds of things. (I’m not from Texas) I’d also like to mention it occurred to me that the cicada sounds here are much different, more pleasant, less shrill than in Mississippi or North Carolina, and I also find that interesting. My parents and grammy mentioned the cicadas have not yet come out where they live in Mississippi, which is very unusual. They haven’t heard any this summer yet.

Comment by Mara — June 20, 2005 [AT] 7:38 am

Lately there has been a noise right outside my window at night that sounds just like a cicada. I’m fairly familiar with the sound cicadas make from my travels around the world. The thing is that I live in Western Washington State on the rainy side of the mountains, and I didn’t think that cicadas could live in this area because of the climate. Am I wrong? Can cicadas live in the wet and cold Pacific NW? If not, what sounds just like a cicada and lives in the Pacific NW (that sounds just liket he start to a bad joke)?

Comment by Collin — May 22, 2005 [AT] 1:39 pm

The American writer and naturalist Henry D. Thoreau mentions in his journal “a sort of black eyed septendecim” that began its call (at Concord, Massachusetts) around the first of June in 1854. Would you care to guess what particular species he might have referred to?

Thoreau sent a specimen to Harvard librarian and entomologist Thaddeus William Harris, who responded (apparently referring by “C. 17" to a print or a description in his own book on insects) thus: “The Cicada seems to be a female, and of course when living could not make the noise peculiar to the other sex. It differs from my specimens of Cicada septemdecim (& indeed still more from all the other species in my collection). It is not so large as the C. 17; it has more orange about its thorax; the wing-veins are not so vividly stained with orange, and the dusky zigzag on the anterior or upper wings, which is very distinct in the C. 17, is hardly visible in this specimen. It has much the same form as the female C. 17; but I must see the male in order to determine positively whether it be merely a variety or a different species.”

Comment by Bradley P. Dean — May 17, 2005 [AT] 3:31 pm

You might see some stagglers in the DC area. Nothing like last years emergence, but a few here and there.

Comment by Administrator — May 11, 2005 [AT] 7:33 am

Im curious will or when there be Cicada sight seeing in wash Dc area?

Comment by Merritt — May 10, 2005 [AT] 11:27 pm

Long Island’s Brood X disappointment.
Is it possible that the small emergence last year was simply an early emergence of Brood XIV four years early? Brood XIV is the dominant brood in this area and 4 year early emergences have been noted in many areas in the past. I suspect that previous appearances of Brood X on Long Island may have actually been actually members of Brood XIV.

Comment by AJay — May 9, 2005 [AT] 12:47 pm

July 17, 2004

June 8th – July 17th 2004 Cicada Comments

Filed under: Brood X | Old Message Board — Dan @ 1:10 am

Note: the archive of our 2004 comments for June 8th – July 17th, 2004 comments were missing from the site, so I’m adding them back in with this post. Old URLs were removed in some cases.

Cicada Watches Transit of Venus

Date: Thursday, Jun/17/2004
Talk about rare natural phenomena!
Check this out!

“The Year 2004 CE is the first since 797 CE that the two great periodical phenomena, a Brood X emergence and a transit of Venus, have occurred simultaneously.”
John DeMelas, Oak Ridge, TN

Preserving cicadas

Date: Thursday, Jun/17/2004
About 5 years ago, I found a dead yearly cicada. I put it in a tin with some shells. I show them every year to my science classes. I guess if they dry out they will survive. Did the same to the 17 year. Hopefully, I’ll have them until the next sighting.
Shirley Jeffords, Silver Spring, MD

Earler post

Date: Thursday, Jun/17/2004
Ignore my earlier question. I found the answer on the first of the listed Cicada Links. The white, chalky stuff is a fungal infection. First your ass turns all white, then it falls off. I hate it when that happens! Mac, Bethesda, MD 20817

They’rrre Gonnne!!!

Date: Thursday, Jun/17/2004
The cicadas are finally gone in Baltimore. Yes!!!! I can finally get on with my life, I have been afraid to get around on the bus. Life is back to normal. I will be old when they come back and won’t need to go outside. YES! Andrea, Baltimore, MD

Still nothing on Long Island

Date: Thursday, Jun/17/2004
All is still quiet on LI. I checked in with Connetqout State Park Preserve and there’s nothing doing there. This 3,500-acre preserve was a local hot spot for brood X in 1987 and remains mostly unchanged since then. Yet, the park staff has seen nothing. No holes, no skins, nothing! The same goes for the other towns or locales in which brood X was prevalent in ’87. Through a Florida-based website, I found some historical records for Brood X activity in New York since the mid-1800,s. There are many documented sightings in mid-June, late June and even early July. So, who knows? Would it be weirder for them to show up this late, or to not show up at all? It’s all very puzzling. If it is a bust, it will be very interesting to see what happens in 2008, when brood XIV is due to appear. Lenny, Sound Beach, NY (Suffolk County)

Weird white abdomens

Date: Thursday, Jun/17/2004
We’re about done with Brood X, but one question lingers. We spotted a very few cicadas with bright white abdomens, both corpses and flying around. My son took a dead one and attempted to dissect it; he discovered the white stuff was not a skin, but solid, and it scraped off like chalk. WTF? Mac, Bethesda MD 20817

None Here…

Date: Thursday, Jun/17/2004
I haven’t seen cicada one where I live. Luke, North Plainfield, NJ


Date: Thursday, Jun/17/2004
I remember years ago seeing the shells Extoskelton on trees when i was young. All the BIG HYPE about the cicadas so far is just that HYPE! I heard a male the other day but, i have not seen ANY! My girlfriend drives thru A2 everyday and not a one on here jeep dead either! WHERE ARE THEY!!!!!!!!! michael cox, Adrian MI. lenawee co.

Gone but not forgotten!

Date: Wednesday, Jun/16/2004
All gone except the ‘cassini’s. Why do they live longer than the ‘decim? Strangely, though there was no hatching here in Oaks, I swear I keep hearing ONE cassini chirping in my tree….
I want to thank the people who have written lovely poetry, including “My Lady Cicada” and the “Cicada Psalm”. I’ve been happy to read in so many posts a respect and love for Nature and her creatures. Hopefully many people have learned thru this experience, that this planet doesn’t belong to us alone but to other life forms too. Even ones that we think are ‘icky’! On the other hand I’ve also heard of folks who torture or deliberately crush cicadas. I certainly hope this type of person is in the minority!!!!!…Anyway, I feel better knowing I don’t have to wait 17 years to hear the magic again…I hear that in 2008 there is going to be a Brood XIV emergence in Central PA where my folks live. Time to book a campsite… Laura, Oaks PA

Maryland Cicada Vacation

Date: Wednesday, Jun/16/2004
I was amazed by the cicadas in 1987 when I was 21 years old and lived in Baltimore County. When I realized they were back I could not miss it.

Last week my 5 year old son got on a plane and visited Maryland to see them. June 5th when we got there it was very rainy an we could not here any. It was very disappointing. But When Monday the 7th came they were out in full force, just how I remembered them.

My son, a bug nut, will not forget them. I hope we will be able to make the journey again from wherever we are in 17 more years.
Craig Schmieder, Dallas, Texas

Still Not Here………..

Date: Wednesday, Jun/16/2004
Still haven’t seen one in my travels around the city. I live right next to a large nature park with big trees. I’m surprised we have none here. HB, Ann Arbor MI

Thank God they’re gone!!!

Date: Wednesday, Jun/16/2004
I heard rumors that the cicadas were going to infest Delaware and at the time I didn’t even know what cicadas were or what they looked like because the last time they paid the region a visit, I was four. A few weeks ago I went down to Maryland for a weekend for two different graduation parties and it took me no time to find out what these things were and how much they disgusted me! Giant nicey-niceroaches with wings; what could be more repulsive?! And they were everywhere!! Just know what they looked like made that shrilling noise they make even more horrifying. Needless to say I was more than happy to get back up here where the cicadas never even made an appearance. The next time they come back, Maryland and Virginia will be completely off limits. Adrian Martin, Wilmington, DE


Date: Wednesday, Jun/16/2004
I went out to lunch for the first time since early May!! THE CICADA’S ARE GONE, YIPPY!! Marianne, Herndon, Virginia

Missing those fascinating creatures terribly

Date: Wednesday, Jun/16/2004
I am so sorry that I did not get a good recording of the cicadas a couple weeks ago–without any traffic or airplane or people noise. Now they are gone. They were wonderful! They drowned out the sound of the noisy Washington Beltway! On Sunday (June 13), I drove out to Sky Meadows park near Paris, Va. and heard a little of the UFO-like sound of the 17-year cicadas high in the trees. But as it got warmer, they were drowned out by the annual summer cicadas closer to the ground. Then I drove up Route 81 to Chambersburg and east to Gettysburg–no sound. Then north to Duncannon–no sound. Thank you to all you wrote about good locations to hear cicadas, but a couple days sure makes a big difference. After a warmer morning, Sunday afternoon and evening were cool and overcast. Sure do miss those fascinating creatures. Susan Dale, Annandale, Va.

Got Wings!!!

Date: Wednesday, Jun/16/2004
Joyce, thanks ever so much for sending me the wings…they are wonderful…much more delicate and pretty than I had remembered. Marie, thanks also for offering. Now I just need to figure out how I am going to preserve them….if anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Debbie, Seattle

Still here

Date: Wednesday, Jun/16/2004
I was really hoping they would be gone by now. The cool weather + rain seemed to keep them away for a few days but as soon as the sun came out today they were back. The ” drone” sci-fi noise has left but you can still hear them in the trees here…screeching away. Still lots of live ones albeit I haven’t had a problem driving into hundreds of them as I did a few weeks back. Sad to see them leaving, really. Barbara, Woodlawn Maryland

Freaking OUT!!!!!!!!

Date: Wednesday, Jun/16/2004
This just cannot get over for me fast enough! I moved to the city from the country and we did not have them in the country 17 yrs ago. I can’t take the dy-bombing, the horrible noisy, and ugliness! I don’t get why people are disappointed in them disappearing so soon! I can’t deal with them crawling all over the place and getting in my hair. Fairfield OH was hit horrible this time. We moved the weekend they were out in the millions. Cant wait for them to go away! Good riddance! Wanda, Cincinnati ,OH, Hamilton county

Where are they (in S.E. Mich.)?

Date: Tuesday, Jun/15/2004
Has anyone seen the 17 year cicadas in s.e. Michigan, other than in Ann Arbor? How about Monroe or Lenawee counties or even the Toledo area? Susan, Lenawee Co., MI

preserving cicadas

Date: Tuesday, Jun/15/2004
Is it possible to preserve cicadas for a couple of years? Jacob Barger, Harford County, MD, USA

Cicadas in New York

Date: Tuesday, Jun/15/2004
I am curious as to te whereabouts of our Brood X Cicadas in New York. Suposedly Ronkonkoma, East Setaucket and Bohemia were to be hard hit. I remember in 1987, there was a strong showing in Ronkonkoma. I am still one of the hopefulls. Please keep posting about the emergence (or lack there of) in NY – thanks!
Elias, Queens New York

Males mostly gone only a few females, but what about the eggs?

Date: Tuesday, Jun/15/2004
In the last couple of days, I have only seen females. Lots of flagging, but I want to see the full cycle. Has anyone seen the eggs that look like rice with leggs? My son is coming from Texas in about 2 weeks. I don’t think there will be any thing left except dead ones (like the ones in my classroom) and shells. Well, it was fun while it lasted.

Shirley Jeffords Shirley Jeffords, Silver Spring, MD

miss them already

Date: Tuesday, Jun/15/2004
I miss the cicadas already – no longer do they cross sidewalks waiting to be picked up, perched upon my finger until they meet a tree and hesitatingly crawl away and up onto a branch – the browning limbs of tree tops big and small are the only reminder of these harmless and surprisingly friendly creatures – I’ve never met an insect that looks as menacing as the cicada with red eyes on a dark, bee-like body, but could sit on your arm and never pinch, sting or bite, but just sit there as if resting or happy to be there before the bug realizes that it still has work to do, say goodbye to the sunlight and continue the cycle for future generations to perch on friendly people and sing one last time. Grant, Washington, D.C.

Yaay they are almost gone!

Date: Tuesday, Jun/15/2004
I am so happy. They were gross, noisy and just an overall nusance. Next time they come out I will be 30-something. I will have my own car and my windows will be rolled up! Meagan, Baltimore, MD

Did we miss out?

Date: Tuesday, Jun/15/2004
My husband and I have been awaiting the cicadas, but we have none at all.

What is odd is that they were very plentiful last summer… we could always hear their “music” at night.

did they just not develop in our area at all, or could it still happen?

I would love to hear some info. 🙂 Rachel , Lancaster County, PA

They’re outta here!

Date: Tuesday, Jun/15/2004
Alas, sad to say that my neighborhood (North Highlands/Lyon Village) is now virtually cicada-free. However, I didn’t have to go far to see and hear them. Saturday, I drove up to an Orioles game in Baltimore, and the singing on the B-W Parkway is still pretty loud. One even got snagged on the hood ornament on my car! I even saw a few flying around Oriole Park. Also, during Reagan’s funeral procession on Wednesday a cicada landed on the cop standing guard on the curb in front of my section (between 9th and 10th and Constitution). That’s the last live one I’ve seen in DC. Phil Yabut, Arlington, VA, USA

Bye bye Cicadas

Date: Tuesday, Jun/15/2004
My cicada friends are down to about 10% of peak infestation here. I am missing them already. They were about two weeks later coming out on the west side of Patapsco State Park and are a little more plentiful there at this time. George, Elkridge, Md, USA

Cicada Status

Date: Tuesday, Jun/15/2004
I live a quarter mile south of the Mason Dixon Line. The cicadas seem to be in high gear here. Just 10 miles South they have declined dramatically and there is lots of tree flagging. Bart, MD Line, Maryland

They’re all over the place

Date: Tuesday, Jun/15/2004
Wow… I’ve read some of the messages and one by nearby Allentown, PA who said they did not have any. Well let me tell you we are overrun by them. Since we are in the suburbs it seems that they are more prevealent here. If you are located next to any tree lines, which we are, they are everywhere. You go out to cut the grass and they’re in your hair and on your clothes. They are extremely loud and my daughter, who is almost 2, will not go outside because of them. Our pool filters are crowded with them. Jill, Easton (Williams Twsp), PA

A new emergence area in 2021?

Date: Tuesday, Jun/15/2004
I drove to Ann Arbor and collected some to bring home. They are happily singing in my backyard trees. Jeannette, Sterling Heights, MI

All Is Quiet

Date: Tuesday, Jun/15/2004
It is amazing how quiet it is now around my house. Occasionally you can still hear some cassini rattling, but no more sci-fi noises anymore except for the lone “weee-ooohhh” I heard this morning. Driving around you still may “run” into a few. This past weekend I was in West Va. and they are still pretty active there. Friendly too, as 3 tried to land on me outside the high school in Hedgesville. Until next time:)!!
Grace, Abingdon, MD

Cicadas fading away…

Date: Tuesday, Jun/15/2004
Sad to say, it appears the cicadas are not going to be with us much longer; I haven’t seen a live one for 3 days, and even the carcasses on the ground seem to be getting fewer. Bye-bye cicadas, hope to see your young ‘uns in another 17 years! Sue, Riverdale, MD

Last Call at the Cicada Singles’ Bar

Date: Tuesday, Jun/15/2004
The party is almost over. There is still a lot of noise, but not as many flying around or flopping around on the sidewalk.
Some trees have a lot of damage. Others (same 1/4 acre, same type of tree) don’t appear to have been hit as hard.)
In the fall, we’ll still be able to see the damaged leaves still clinging to the trees, after the healthy ones die and fall off.
In spite of the total grossness of the entire episode, I’d like to stick around for two more visits from the little things.
See you in 2021, I hope, then maybe in 2038! Iris, Baltimore, MD

Alas, they are mostly dead by now

Date: Monday, Jun/14/2004
Hi everybody, I’m sorry to say that those amazing and beautiful bugs who have so captivated me are mostly all dead by now (although at least they started their new brood by laying eggs & the nymphs will end up underground). I took a walk yesterday and only found one live one, I named her Shirley and carried her for a while, then set her on a plant. Also their loud roaring noise can no longer be heard around here. How I miss them! Susan Burkhalter, Bethesda, MD


Date: Monday, Jun/14/2004
I saw one living cicada this morning on the way to work. That’s it. Amazing. From swarms last week to one living bug. No more flying. We’ve had rain, so the bodies are mostly gone.

What a great thing to have witnessed, a vast and predictable orgy that became an overwheming leimotif. Any outdoor conversation would include at least one little eavesdropper who was completely detached from the conversation. If I had to anthropormorphize them, I’d have them say “I have no idea what you are, but I need to land on a vertical surface to mate. Please help me.”

Sad to see them go. I probably won’t see them again. Michael, Falls Church, VA

No Cicadas

Date: Monday, Jun/14/2004
No cicadas as of today. Nothing, zilch, zero. Just the usual late spring sounds: lawn mowers, power blowers, power vacuums and the deafening “music” from souped up cars with noisy exhausts. Claude, Western Suffolk, NY

CICADAS Lifespan

Date: Monday, Jun/14/2004
Help!I have these insects in my backyard they have been there since
Mid MAY and here it is Mid JUNE and
they are still out back making all this
noise! Will i have to put up with this
horrible noise all summer! Went will
it end??? DEE, BattleCreek Michigan

Any Cicadas in Havre de Grace MD?

Date: Monday, Jun/14/2004
Of course it is depressing to go hiking and hear almost nothing, and see a lot of wiped-out looking cicadas that fall out of trees and die in your hand. Even though we knew this would happen and it is all part of Nature’s Plan. I went to French Creek State Park and heard a lovely concert of ‘decim (my favorite kind) along the Lenapa Trail (white/red blazes). But it was a cloudy day and they seemed played out. (Some of them were even singing off-key!) Or maybe not?? maybe it was just the cold weather?? One can only hope. But my big question is…next weekend I’m going to a festival near Havre de Grace MD. Anyone know if the Brood has visited this area? I would so love an encore… Laura Woodswalker, Oaks PA

Fading Away

Date: Monday, Jun/14/2004
The large guys are gone from my home. The little Cassinis are still active, though, but they’re fading out too. The trees in this area are very heavily flagged. In nearby annadale there is still quite a bit of Cassini activity. I am assuming the Cassini emerge later than the Septendecim. The ‘UFO’ sound is gone from this area. TIme for a trip to Michigan! Fred Berry, Alexandria, VA.

Brood X is going strong here

Date: Monday, Jun/14/2004
For pictures see..

Mark Schoof, Ann Arbor, MI

Fading Away

Date: Monday, Jun/14/2004
The large guys are gone from my home. The little Cassinis are still active, though, but they’re fading out too. The trees in this area are very heavily flagged. In nearby annadale there is still quite a bit of Cassini activity. I am assuming the Cassini emerge later than the Septendecim. The ‘UFO’ sound is gone from this area. TIme for a trip to Michigan! Fred Berry, Alexandria, VA.

Fading Away

Date: Monday, Jun/14/2004
The large guys are gone from my home. The little Cassinis are still active, though, but they’re fading out too. The trees in this area are very heavily flagged. In nearby annadale there is still quite a bit of Cassini activity. I am assuming the Cassini emerge later than the Septendecim. The ‘UFO’ sound is gone from this area. TIme for a trip to Michigan! Fred Berry, Alexandria, VA.

Brood X is going strong here

Date: Monday, Jun/14/2004
For pictures see..

Mark Schoof, Ann Arbor, MI

Brood X Dying Off

Date: Monday, Jun/14/2004
Earlier news reports seemed to suggest that the cicadas would be around through June but I am beginning to doubt that this will be the case. They began to emerge in suburban Washington DC around May 10. Within about 10-12 days of this they were in full cry. You would see lots of them flying around and there was a steady loud unmistakable din that was particularly loud in the mornings. You did not have to look hard to see them mating, either. This period lasted for a little over two weeks but then they began dying off in significant numbers. Over the past week the din has all but disappeared even in the morning and there are dead cicada carcasses all over the place. Even so my memory trace from 17 years ago is that there were even more dead cicadas lying about, although that could possibly be a function of where I live, in McLean as opposed to Arlington just outside of Rosslyn 17 years ago. Still, I would not be surprised to hear that the emergence this time around was not as great as the last. At this rate I suspect almost all will be dead within the coming week. jmgradon, McLean, VA


Date: Monday, Jun/14/2004
I stepped out my back door at noon time today, and a cicada flew right up at me! I followed it and caught it on a stick. It seemed real mellow, almost like it was drugged. His eyes are really red, and cool looking! Suzanne Roeder, Upper Sandusky, OH

CIcadas still in full swing?

Date: Monday, Jun/14/2004
I want to come experience the madness, and was hoping someone could reassure me of a place in NJ or NY that is still hopping with Magicicadas. The last post was helpful; anyone else? Hopefully close to NYC, so I can drive out pretty easily. Thanks! Julia Mandell, Brooklyn, NY

Cicadas a-plenty here

Date: Monday, Jun/14/2004
The droning is unbelievable. My 5-year-old son likes to pick them up and toss them into the air, which he thinks helps them to fly away (it does seem to help some of them). We are in our third week of this, and each day a different section of the street seems to hum loudest. Tim, Kingwood Township, NJ

Cicada Free Weekend

Date: Monday, Jun/14/2004
I went on a trip to Englishtown, NJ & Jamaica Queens, NY over the weekend and was glad to be cicada free, not a one in either city. Back to Baltimore and here they are still in “sing.” Not much though, I think they’re dying off, plus we’ve had a lot cool weather and rain. I heard only 1 and a half weeks left. Good!!! Andrea, Baltimore

Any cicadas in Blacksburg, VA?

Date: Monday, Jun/14/2004
I have a friend visiting from Blacksburg, Virginia, which is very mountainess and wooded and they have had *no* cicadas down there. Is anyone else from that area? I showed her pics from some of your web sites and thinks they’re beautiful. I would think they would be very plentiful down there.

Debbie, Seattle

they’re still around

Date: Sunday, Jun/13/2004
Have done some traveling in the last month in VA and MD. Cicadas came out in full force in the Fairfax area 3rd week of May and are still being heard loudly in the afternoons as of 6/10 (seem to be active but quiet in the AM). Heard them all the way driving up Rte 28 past Dulles, west on 7, then up 15 until I got 2 miles past Point of Rocks, then nothing thru Frederick and Hagerstown (this was on 5/22). Next day I went to Balt and heard nothing til crossing into Balt Co, then they were everywhere on 695! Same for the return trip on 5/30. Cicadas have also been heard for a few weeks now along I-66 from the US 50 exit to 2 or 3 miles past US 29 in Centreville, where they fade out by the time I get to the Manassas/234 exit. Have also heard them in smaller numbers at Manassas Battlefield. The boundary seems to go from the southern edge of the Battlefield, where it meets Manassas City, southeast to Rte 28 1/2-way btwn Centreville and Manassas Park, then along Bull Run. Have not heard anything between Manassas and Woodbridge. Can’t figure why Hagerstown has been quiet but have heard of sightings in Myersville and Clear Spring. I’d say the overwhelming majority of the cicadas I’ve heard have been decula and cassini. Heard decim early on, but hardly any since then. Maybe the UFO sound is being drowned out by the rattlesnake sounds. Also seen lots of flagging now, esp in Oak trees. Kenny, Manassas, VA

Still Sleeping I guess

Date: Sunday, Jun/13/2004
I’ve lived here for 30 years and they have come in varieing degrees through the year from 0 to ALOT. but so far this year as of 6/14/2004 it’s been a zero 0./but its been cooler than normal. John, Levittown, NY

cicadas still in Princeton

Date: Sunday, Jun/13/2004
As of 6/12, there were still plenty of cicadas singing in Princeton. I did not see any new ones molting though, and a lot of the ones on the ground seemed to be on their way out. There were orioles, a titmouse with 3 hungry fledglings and robins eating. Today (6/13) was overcast and cool, so things seemed quiet.

How far would birds go to eat cicadas? Found lots of wings on a nature trail about 10 mi from Princeton… cw, Pennington NJ

Losing hope on Long Island

Date: Sunday, Jun/13/2004
Still no Magicicada action on Long Island. Once again, I checked the area of East Setauket where there was a small emergence and there are no cicadas to be seen or heard. Lots of guilty looking grackles and starlings though. I guess they get picked off pretty quick when they emerge in small numbers. I wonder if that was the case for the other areas of LI where Brood X appeared last time around. Perhaps, small numbers did emerge and got picked off before anyone had a chance to notice them. At the very least, some skins and holes have been found in East Setauket, so we know they were there. They sure didn’t last too long though. I was hoping that this was just a small group making an early emergence and the real action would soon follow. But at this point, it’s not looking too good. Over the last week, it’s really started to warm up on the Island, so I guess if it was going to happen, it would have happened by now. The nights, however, have remained very cool. So, perhaps we are just a day or so away from the big emergence, or maybe it’s just wishful thinking! Lenny, Sound Beach, NY (Suffolk County)

Ivy League Cicadas

Date: Sunday, Jun/13/2004
All over Princeton University Campus! Extremely loud in the wooded sections, but even flying into shops that inadvertently leave their doors open. Saw a few scare a few small shoppers out of a toy store!

Should be a lot of happy fat campus birds this summer…. Laurence Gould, Princeton, New Jersey

Could They Still Emerge?

Date: Sunday, Jun/13/2004
I have been looking under every mature tree I come by around town, and always find countless chimney’s. I even dug up a chimney in my yard and found a brood X nymph. After it rains I notice mud activity around the tunnels too, but no cicada’s yet. They have already emerged in nearby towns, and I would love to find out if I can still expect them in Fairborne Ohio. I will be so sad if the amazing creatures avoid my area. Denise, Fairborne, OH


Date: Sunday, Jun/13/2004

i have found only two empty shells in my yard

Date: Sunday, Jun/13/2004
no infestation in my yard and yet outside of sharpsburg, maryland they are everywher in horsebend development. susan f cass, washington county maryland st james lappans road

Thriving in Nockamixon State Park

Date: Sunday, Jun/13/2004
Hello Everyone,
The Cicadas are very much alive and well in the Nockamixon State Park in Quakertown PA on 6/12/04. Looking across a field the size of a baseball field there were maybe 50 to 80 flying through the air. On the park benches there were 3 to 7 live ones crawling around and quite a few dead ones on the ground. And they were LOUD. We finaly had to leave because my wife could not take them flying into her and hanging on. My daughters loved it though. Richard Foulkes, Quakertown, PA


Date: Sunday, Jun/13/2004
We didnt know what they were until we did some research. Its a very odd sound, but amazing! Josh Oliver, Clarkston, MI

Cicadas in Hoosier National Forest, Indiana

Date: Sunday, Jun/13/2004
Went to Hoosier National Forest, IN June 11-12 to see/hear Brood X. On the way, first heard them from the highway about 40 miles east of the IL/IN border on I-64. Saddle Lake had low numbers but high diversity. Most calls were Cassini or distress, with a few Decim and what might be the little-known 3rd species. Also heard a few early Tibicen “annuals”, the same call I’ve heard at home (MO) starting June 7th. Heavy rain on the 12th. Pioneer Mothers’ Memorial Forest had enough Decim for the cool “Martian” effect, and seemed to have the other two species. Monsoon occurred at end of hike at Pioneer Forest, sending me home. Am done chasing broods in other areas; this is my third time as a storm magnet with low conentrations (IV in 1998, 13-year brood in 1992, and X this year).
Eric, Hoosier Nat’l Forest, IN

Starting to die off on the east coast

Date: Sunday, Jun/13/2004
We just arrived home in Indianapolis from a driving trip to Washington DC. Last Sunday and Monday, we heard and saw (and hit with our car) many cicadas along I-70, especially in Ohio and W.Va/Va areas. But, while we were in DC, we saw no live cicadas. On our drive home yesterday, we saw maybe one or two, even in Ohio. We did see, however, a great deal of flagging. Sometimes we would drive by huge groves of trees and every second tree would be dripping with dead branches. Here in Indy, we still have a number of noisy and active cicadas in the areas of heavy infestation, but there are noticeably fewer flying around. Holly, Indianapolis, In

The cicadas are singing in Ann Arbor!

Date: Sunday, Jun/13/2004
You don’t see them in the urban city, but just go to the forests on the outskirts of town (Marshall Park for example) and you can hear their chorus. Amazing! Neil, Ann Arbor, Michigan

No Brood X in Wash. State 🙁

Date: Sunday, Jun/13/2004
Jeff, I hate to tell you but I seriously doubt that what you found was a 17-year cicada (Brood X)…they are only in the East Coast and alittle bit into the midwest (Michigan):( You probably found a distance cousin though 🙂 Unless one migrated out here somehow…hey all we need is two and we can get them started out here! I have a feeling the humidity back east is what makes them thrive though. Debbie, Seattle

Sightings Aplenty in Ann Arbor, Mich

Date: Sunday, Jun/13/2004
To rasmussen from Detroit. Almost sure that they will not arrive in the Detroit area. Your best bet will be to seek out the wonderful creatures in N.E. Ann Arbor (specifically at Domino Farms..towards the back woods or Matthaei Botanical Gardens, off of Gedes Rd. close by) Don’t miss this opportunity to know one of Creations most amazing insect. They are fun to watch…and Oh that Sound! Hurry before they fade away for another 17 years. Deborah, Westland, Wayne County, Mich

still waiting in detroit

Date: Saturday, Jun/12/2004
i’ve seen in recent days post about sightins in ann arbor mi., to my west.
looking at the Brood X map i see that i’m on the fring here living on the river 3 mile east of downtown. there is a historical district across the street with large yards and trees, this in giving me hope.

kevin kevin rasmussen, Detroit ,Mi,

hypocenter of activity

Date: Saturday, Jun/12/2004
We have hit a peak today in cicadas. My son and I stopped at a gas station and couldn’t hear each other talk, due to the earsplitting volume. The cicadas were swarming all over the nearby trees and crawling all over us. We collected some dead bodies to preserve and show the unbelievers. We watched spiders carry off the ones that were hitting the ground. If it hadn’t been loud enough to hurt our ears, we could have stayed there all day observing and catching/releasing the lovely creatures. I am glad I don’t live near that station, I would have to leave from the noise! Karen, Kingwood Twp. Hunterdon Cty,NJ

Cicadas in New York

Date: Saturday, Jun/12/2004
Mindy – no longer need to be scared until the annuals come out. I am personally fascinated with them as they are living proof of the work of God. Imagine 17 years underground – all to comeup together!!
Where are the reports from Long Island -are the cicadas here yet or no??? Awaiting their arrival anxiously….. Elias, Queens County, New York

Not Dead Yet!

Date: Saturday, Jun/12/2004
After the cold weather this week and the doleful messages, I figured Brood X was finished… I was very happy to be proved wrong today at Green Lane! There were still lots singing and flying around and perched high up in the treetops, which my friend & I could observe thru her binocs. Interestingly the Cassini were way livelier and more prevalent than the ‘decim. I wonder why… maybe the ‘decim are clumsier because of their size, and die sooner? My friend got a great introduction to the cute little critters–glad we were able to have this experience before they are gone. I took some of them home, and they are still climbing around in my homemade bug-keeper. Laura , Oaks

Found One

Date: Saturday, Jun/12/2004
After hearing of all of the cicada on the east coast for the past month, I didn’t think we had them out here. I was suprised to find one in my driveway this morning (6/12) and captured it my kids insect kit. I wasn’t sure what it was, until I came to this site just now.

Jeff Berg, Vancouver, Washington

Answer to “Where are they?” (Karyn, Hazlet, NJ)

Date: Saturday, Jun/12/2004
Probably they are not there because you live in a city. You can find millions in areas around edges of forests away from the city. Someone, Columbus, OH, USA

Cicada Countdown

Date: Saturday, Jun/12/2004
Although they have been gone from my neighborhood for the past several days, I am glad to report that Magicicada is alive and well in nearby Annandale. I have twice recently been able to turn back time and enjoy and record their mating calls and their distinctive aerial antics. For those in the area who want to experience Brood X one more time, I recommend the park area next to Annandale High School. Enjoy and remember! Stephen, Alexandria, VA

Will some males be alive on July 2?

Date: Saturday, Jun/12/2004
I was in DC on memorial day to enjoy the cicada “chorusing centers.” I will be back in the area (Northern Virginia) on July 4th weekend. I hope some will still be around, but with a six week cycle, I doubt it. Are there “late” molters that may stll be around? In May they were particulary loud and melodious in Vienna, Virginia. If not in the DC area, did they emerge in late May anywhere else–and hence still be around in the first week of July?
Miami, Fl. David, Miami,FL

Finally found some….

Date: Saturday, Jun/12/2004
I’m putting together a short doucmentary on the Periodic cicadas for a summer film class at my university. Unfortuneatly I was not having any luck finding any cicadas in my area. I had almost given up hope, and planned to turn my documentary short into a piece about the lack of Cicadas in the area. As I informed a friend of my troubles with them, he informed me that the bed and breakfast that he works at in central bucks county was teaming with them. I took a trip up to the place he works yesterday, located just outside New Hope. I lucked out, as the area was teaming with them. Not only were there an abundance, but most were drying off from the morning raistorm, and so were very docile, and easy to capture on film. Michael, Bucks County, Pa.

To Marie about the Cicada wings

Date: Saturday, Jun/12/2004
Marie, how thoughtful…Joyce from Columbia is sending me some but if for some reason they don’t arrive okay, I’ll let you know. What did you use to mount them to the cards? They are so fragile and I don’t want to tear them. That triple-winged one sounds neat! We are now watching coverage of today’s funeral at National Cathedral for Ronald Reagan and still no cicadas as the guests are arriving….either they got sprayed down, died off, or just sense somehow this is not the time to sing…..kind of interesting. Debbie, Seattle

They are Gone! (I hope!)

Date: Saturday, Jun/12/2004
To those of you in NJ going to Baltimore – my husband and I went to the Inner Harbor in Baltimore about 2 weeks ago when the cicadas were in full swing in Bethesda, MD and I was thrilled to be able to eat outside in the Inner Harbor without seeing one of them! I’m not sure about Fells Point, but since there are not a lot of trees in either area, I bet it will make for a cicada-fee vacation for you.

I spent several nights watching these creatures from my front window crawl up and hatch out of their shells onto my rhododendron, and I was both freaked out and facinated by them. Mostly freaked out by the fact that there were about a million of them in my front yard! The stench of the dead ones has been dreadful, but over the past couple of days it seems the birds and squirrels have taken care of them.

Although I know they are harmless, I am truly glad to see that they are perhaps gone – mostly because I haven’t been outside in about a month! It’s hard to tell here if they really are gone since the weather has been cool and rainy and they tend to not be out and about in this kind of weather. But I will be glad to enjoy spring outside without them again. We’ll see what happens this weekend….

Lori, Bethesda, MD

To “CicadaX2001”

Date: Friday, Jun/11/2004
You were trying to reach me about cicada recordings: Anyone can email me or visit my site at … , where I wrote a little Brood X story. Right now I am trying to deal with my grief that Brood X will soon be gone. Note to Self: next time, don’t have insects for pets, they just don’t live very long!!!! However, for those into Earth Religion, the Magic Cicada makes a great Totem. It symbolizes patience, perseverance, and courage in pursuit of one’s goal: the goal of creating magic & beauty in the world. (yes, since they didn’t hatch in my backyard, I didn’t get any backyard concerts, but I also didn’t have to get the bad parts, like the decaying corpse thing.) Laura, Oaks

Scared to Death

Date: Friday, Jun/11/2004
Once again, thank you Elias for putting my fears to rest. I can answer
your question as to why I hate them so in two words… GROSSED OUT!!! They fly into my hair, land on my back and clothes, bang into my windows all day and night long. Also, to tell you the truth, I don’t even like flies. Insects and me don’t mix. And giant insects and me truly don’t cohabitate well together. I am an animal lover, however, so please don’t think I hate all of G-d’s creatures. I asked my friend if the ones he dug up last month had red eyes and he thinks not, so I guess those are our usual annuals on their way to making my life a miserable hell this summer. But like I said, thank goodness it is not the swarming brood X’ers. Mindy, Queens

cicada sighting

Date: Friday, Jun/11/2004
Found (1) Cicada in East Hanover, NJ. My daughter named him Sam-e, Sam-e the Cicada. Makes lots of sounds!!!! Wow they are ugly. Bill, EH NJ

1987 Film Fest in honor of Brood X

Date: Friday, Jun/11/2004
From a dude named Josh Ford: Break out your lawn chairs and get those tiki torches ready. Summer is
here! And in honor of the departure of the cicadas, The Screening
Roomís Urban Drive-In is featuring films from 1987 ñ the last time Brood X
walked among us. Weíre also joining forces with the annual parking lot
book sale for three unforgettable evenings of books, music, barbeque,
and cicada-free movies under the stars. Grab a bite, catch some tunes,
browse some incredible book bargains, and catch a summer flick ñ all in
the Washington DCJCCís parking lot on 16th & Q. Dan, Cicada Mania Headquarters

Cicada wings

Date: Friday, Jun/11/2004
to Debbie in Seattle, wondering if you have received the wings of cicada’s which you requested. I have some mounted on 3X5 cards here. Would like to send them to you if possible. Incidently, we have observed dozens of cicada’s and have found only 1 with triple wings. I agree, they are quite beautiful. Also thanks for the nice comment regarding the “Lady Cicada” poem we submitted. How can we get in touch ? Marie Chibirka, Dalton, PA

Cicadas in Baltimore

Date: Friday, Jun/11/2004
To Jennifer from Princeton: I work a little north of where you will be, but still in Baltimore City. You can hear a few in the parks and open spaces when it’s sunny, but for the most part, they are finished. There are a few dead ones on the ground.
I’m sorry to see them go, they have been a great experience. I live south of Baltimore and they have been an overwhelming presence there, but they are waning there also. Joyce, Baltimore

Mostly females remaining here…

Date: Friday, Jun/11/2004
Well, I guess they are finally dying off, I am sad to say. Out of the 10 cicadas I caught in the last 2 days, 9 were female, one was a male with that bacterial infection.We had a week of chilly rainy weather & I think that affected them, when it finally cleared up for 2 days, there were very few to be seen or heard, now today it is in the 70’s & cloudy and will be that way for a few days, so I guess it’s farewell to the cicadas who I grew fond of. I will watch the trees where the females layed their eggs & see if I see the eggs hatching. I guess the weather cut their already short stay with us even shorter. I hope I’m here in 2021 when they return (I’ll be 51….)I wonder if all of this dampness has also caused a more than usual occurence of that bacterial infection they get?? Staci, Beltsville, MD

To Lisa about Kings Dominion

Date: Friday, Jun/11/2004
There are no cicadas that far south. You will be safe. My sister lives in Fredericksburg, VA which is about 45 miles north of Doswell and she doesn’t have any either. I think once you are south of Prince William County you are safe. Robert, Fairfax, VA


Date: Friday, Jun/11/2004

Puzzel of the Chinese Cicadas

Date: Friday, Jun/11/2004
I was born in Northern China, and I fondly remember playing with cicadas and cicada shells as a child. However, there is something quite puzzling about the cicadas in my hometown. Rather than invading my hometown every 17 years, they come every single summer. For an entire summer, they would cling to trees, sing (or make loud noises, depending on your perspective).

No, those Chinese cicadas are not of a different species; from what I have learned, they are of the same species as their American counterpart — since the cicadas were such an omnipresence, we devoted considerable time studying them at local schools, and I remember distinctively what I was taught: that cicadas only emerge after 17 years deep down the earth.

The only reason I can think of is may be at the beginning there were simply was too many cicadas in my hometown area, and they had to lay their eggs at different intervals, and the result is that although their larvae still had to stay underground for 17 years, they emerge out of the ground at different intervals (every summer in this case) rather than all at once. I think it would be really interesting if some biologists can look into this issue. Does anybody have another explanation for this?

Another thing about cicadas is that their shells are considered to be of excellent medicinal value according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, for its anti-inflammatory and other magical properties. I remember that my mother lost her voice after a failed surgery (she was a singer), and she went to see some Chinese herbalists, and brought back a bag full of Chinese herbal medicine to boil, and one of the ingredients was cicada shell. My mother did regain her voice eventually, so I think the cicada shell soup really worked. As a child, I used to go out with my siblings collecting cicada shells and then sell or give them to the herbal medicine people.

Any way, great website. I am really glad I found this site. Shelby, San Francisco, CA

Mindy’s Prayers and LI Cicadas

Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
Hello from New York!

Mindy, I am glad I can allay your fears. Every year as you know – we do have pretty strong emergences of annual cicadas. They are Tibicen species. In my neighborhood, I know they are Tibicen Chloromera ìThe Dog Day Cicadaî and Tibicen Linnei ìThe Harvest Flyî. Their songs sound like variants of a circular saw cutting wood. I have on occasion dug a few nymphs up as well which should be getting ready for their emergence in late June and July. The Periodicals (Magicicada spp.) unfortunately do not come out here and I have never seen or heard a living specimen in Queens (except the ones I bring home from other emergences ñ ha ha!) Trust me ñ I searched the land looking of them when I was younger. Usually traveled out to Suffolk to find them however so you are safe in Brooklyn and Nassau too. One question to ask your friends ñ what was the eye color? Magicicada nymphs have red eyes like the adults before they molt. Tibicen nymphs are stockier and have greenish/brown eyes.
I hope the above was the answer to your prayers! Why do you dislike them so much Mindy? I am curious.

Lenny in Suffolk ñ please keep posting. I am awaiting the emergence too. I traveled to Ronkokoma in mid-July and missed the emergence in 1987. I did catch Brood XIV in Mid June 1991. I called the park in Ronkonkoma yesterday and they reported nothing. They will come. Please keep posting ñ I am sure I and a lot of Long Islanders are waiting anxiously for their arrival! Itís strange Michigan is getting them before us!! Ajay what happening by you??
Elias, Queens County, NY

it’s been weeks of cicada events

Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
we noticed the holes everywhere around our house – -then we watched as everything, every tree around us became covered with their first brown suits – even witnessed various ciciada emerging from the shell – -dripping, white with shriveled wings – and then the singing began – -flipped on one morning at about 8am and waxed and waned for weeks during any sunny day. They are fading away now – -my second cicada event in Princeton Eileen, Princeton, NJ

Dying Out in DC

Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
To Debbie from Seattle–you are very perceptive. The cicadas are dying out here. I work in DC and went to Reagan’s procession, and while ten days ago you couldn’t stand on Constitution Ave. without being hit by 4-6 cicadas, now there are none in the city. Honestly, the silence is rather disconcerting. But at my home in Falls Church, I can still see a few slowly crawling in the streets and I can still hear some tired humming…I’ll miss them! Rachel, Falls Church, VA

So far, so good!

Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
Nothing seen here in the greater NE part of the city (Philadelphia). Sort of worried about hearing about them in the general vicinity. Was told to ask around and see if any longtime natives remember them. So far, the few people that I have been able to talk to say they don’t recall anything like a cicada invasion…EVER. (one person said that they certainly would remember something like that, and I told him, “Yes, you would, because *I* remember the last time when I lived in Baltimore”.)

I’ll still keep my “holding” pattern until July, and see what happens.

PS-thanks to the person who wrote the word entomophobe in their posts…I can finally put a name to my fear! :p LadySycamore, Philadelphia, PA (Far NE part of the city, near Bucks Co.)

They are here!

Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
After weeks of hoping to avoid these flying, noisy things (that I thought my husband actually was joking about)I found one in my pool today…. kate , flemington, NJ

I Hope it is True

Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
Elias, thank you so much for responding to my question as to whether or not these creatures will be coming to Queens. You told me no. What is confusing me is that a month or so ago, a friend of mine was doing some planting and he saw them about 10″ down in the soil (in the nymph stage, of course). Could these have been the annual brood that we get every August working it’s way up already? All maps show that New York is a brood X territory. Still praying you are right. Mindy, Queens, NY

No cicadas during Reagan’s procession

Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
Thanks Joyce!! I’ll be writing you!
CW Boyce…thanks for the beautiful poem about My Lady Cicada…that was awesome!

I watched the entire procession for Ronald Reagan last night on CSPAN up to the Capitol, where there are a lot of trees, but heard not a single cicada 🙁 Are they waning in DC now or are they just being silently respectful of the somber nature of this event? I was sure I’d hear them whirring in the background, esp. since it was hot, muggy day. Debbie, Seattle


Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
Driving home from work yesterday evening, I noticed the “UFO” sound not as long as weeks prior. When I got home I noticed a lot more dead cicadas in my yard. Is this the end?? I thought this nightmare would never end.

It is already stinky in most parts of Cincinnati and with me being 10 weeks pregnant with a heightened sensitivity to fragrances….you can only imagine how I am feeling.


Waiting for Magicicada on Long Island

Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
Still searching for confirmed emergences on Long Island. I made a second trip to the area of East Setauket mentioned in the Newsday article from May 27. I have found a few holes along some property edges and have even found one skin, but I have not heard or seen any active Magicicada. I’m still hopeful that the action just hasn’t started here yet. Two archived articles from Long Island Newsday in 1987 plot the emergence as happening in mid-June. May 25, 1987 – Cicada’s in 17-yr cycle to emerge by the millions next month, and June 16, 1987 -Cicadas make a quiet entrance. Although the 1987 emergence was not Island-wide, several towns experienced some heavy cicada activity. It just seems weird that they wouldn’t appear at all this time around. It’s true that development and pesticide use has increased on Long Island since 1987, but many areas that experienced fairly large emergences back then are still in their natural state. One such area is the 3,500-acre Connetquot River State Park Preserve. This was a cicada hot spot in 1987. I have talked to people who work in the park, and they have yet to hear or see any cicadas this year. It would seem very strange that the small scale emergence in East Setauket would be the only appearance of Brood X on Long Island. Could this still just be the calm before the storm? Lenny, Sound Beach, NY (Suffolk County)

Baltimore again …

Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
Thanks to Andrea and Lisa for the info – to clarify, I will be staying by the Inner Harbor and spending most of my time there and in Fell’s Point – would you say these areas are relatively “cicada-free”? (It’s bad enough that I am dealing with them every day here – sprinting back and forth between my car and the building I work in! – but am hoping they are not going to ruin our vacation too …)

Thanks in advance for any additional info! Jennifer, Princeton, NJ

They have arrived in South Brunswick

Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
Although they have been on a rampage in neighboring Princeton for almost a month, I haven’t seen a one in my town–Till yesterday. While cleaning the pool skimmer I found one. Several minutes later I see one flying from my backyard oak. This morning while walking out the door I see one fly from our shrubs. Then I listened…the “UFO” is in the tall wooded section across the street. Our development was built after their last emergence…so, they are not underfoot, but close. Finally! And I thought they would miss us… Tom, Kendall Park, NJ

Going away anytime soon

Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
Hello Jennifer (Princeton, NJ)…I hope you enjoy your stay here in Baltimore….it really depends on where you go…if you stay in Towson, Owings Mills, Reisterstown, or West Baltimore, in general, you are in cicada land….if you stay in East Baltimore you are ok because they are subsiding…I hope this will help you… Lisa, Baltimore, Maryland


Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
I am going to Kings Dominion this weekend and I have a terrible fear of cicada…can someone please let me know if there are any cicadas in Doswell Virginia. Lisa, Baltimore, Maryland

Seventeen years? Or Sixteen?

Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
We have cicadas in our yard every year. Neighbors leave our patio late in the afternoon, early evening because the sound is too loud for comfortable conversation. Last year, 2003, was a huge year. There was a lot! The girls found them in each stage and lined them up for a photo. Every tree trunk and branch was lined with shells. We were both dreading and anticipating the number that would come this 17th year. We have none. Zero. Perhaps we had the scout group last year. Oh well.
Naughtons, Greenwood, Indiana

Cicadas in Baltimore

Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
This is to Jennifer, Princeton, NJ – We still have cicadas in Baltimore, in full “sing”. I will be glad when they leave, die or whatever they do. Just GO!! GO!! GO!! Andrea, Baltimore, MD

Waiting and Hoping (still)

Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
All remains quiet here in Allentown, PA. I thought the recent hot weather would help (90-plus degrees yesterday), but so far it hasn’t.

I have found about a dozen or so open holes in the ground under a tree. However, I’m rather stumped about this since up until 14 or 15 years ago, this area was covered in brick. There would have to be a previous generation under a tree to allow this emergence this year, correct? With no tree back then, plus a ground cover of bricks, I’m not sure what these holes are now. They appeared last weekend.

My daughter was stuck in traffic on the NE Extension of the PA Turnpike south of Quakertown. She said they were extremely loud and were flying into her car. This area was very loud when she and I traveled down to a Phillies game a few weeks ago.

At the time, I was hoping that the northern fringe would continue to move northward — but it appears to be stationary.

Still have fingers crossed. Frank DeFreitas, Allentown, PA (Center City)

Magicada Cassini confirmed///

Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
kind of bummed out here today given the overcast gloomy conditions i barely here any , yesterday with the nasty heat i just started to hear them and only grew in numbers as the day progressed.. my backyard has countless mud chimneys around the trees.. think i few renegade ones came out over past 48hrs..
leaving overseas next Monday! hoping for one good hot sunny day to get these suckers to swarm out in full bloom.

dan , ur from iselin area? seen / heard anything yet?

just cheacked the species calls and confirm as the Cassini strain ..

call consists of a few quick clicks followed by a very shrill whine..

excited but maybe the weather will hold it back.. maybe later this afternoon they come in force.. John, Colonia, union county NJ

Cicadas in show business

Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
We are producing a production of Much Ado About Nothing at an outdoor venue. Although the cicadas have been decreasing in numbers the last several days, we had an invasion last night. It was a very hot night and we used stage lights for the first time in rehearsal. The combination of hot weather, hot lights, and hot actors made them “attack” the stage. They left us alone until the stage was filled with overheated actors. Then, they came like moths to a flame. As soon as the actors left the stage, they stopped.

Cicadas are fans of the theater- I guess. Ian, Ellicott City, MD

they are coming

Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
just over the past couple days i’m starting to hear them , especially later in the day yesterday.Only handfull so far but looking forward to all out swarm.
it was only a few years ago we were pounded by the 13yr cicada.
John B, colonia NJ


Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
Look at a map. Find PA Turnpike. You can see them in the forested hills to the NORTH, from Morgantown in the east (less common further east) the whole way out to Somerset (heavy populations there). Still plenty in Lancaster, Lebanon, and Berks Counties. The “cicada line” is only about 5-10 miles wide in most areas. Mike, Lititz PA

gone to soon

Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004

on the wane

Date: Thursday, Jun/10/2004
They are definitely dying off in Towson, Md. Their legacy is the millions of dying leaves in the trees where the eggs have been laid, and the billions of cicadas that will emerge in 2021. It was a fascinating experience here, and definitely lived up to the media hype (for once).

Having said that, I’m glad they don’t last longer. One month every seventeen years is just about enough for me. The incessant noise, the white gloop on the windshield (and don’t even think that wipers/fluid will do anything but smear it), sweeping the porch every evening, it gets old fast.

And with that, I bid the cicadas, and everyone here, a fond farewell. Seeya in 17 years. greg, towson

Cicada Psalm

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
Cicada Psalm
By Gila RuskinO Cicada
Your passionate love song serenading
Its decibel defying waves pulsating
Golden orange wings and green iridescence
Mating hues of your adolescence
“God blessed them and said be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth…”*

O Cicada
In my yard your tunnel of soil aerates
On my hedge your carapace decorates
Each seventeen years, the Creator rejoices
With the harmonizing hum of all your voices
“Let all that has breath praise God, Halleluyah”**

O Cicada
Your crimson eyes shine as you seek romance
You choose a maple limb for your mating dance
You sacrifice your life for the next generation
And you renew my faith in ongoing Creation
“How great are Your works, God, in wisdom have you made them all” *** *Genesis 1
**Psalms 150
***Psalms 104

Gila, Baltimore. Maryland


Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
There are no cicadas in Somerset but boy are there cicadas in Gettysburg! My class took a trip out there today. They were noisy all day and they were flying everywhere. We went up to little round top in the park and i was climbing on a semi-dangerous group of boulders with my friend. I knew as long as i was careful I’d be fine. This was already dangerous enough when all of the sudden a cicada runs right into me from my left. I flipped out and almost lost my balance and would have dropped 15 ft. to the boulders below. Hopefully they don’t come to Somerset! Chelsey, Gettysburg, PA

On the Wane

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
They are fewer, to be sure. The remaining individuals are acting like it’s last call at a singles’ bar. I can’t help but admire them. Imagine living for 17 years underground, going through a metamorphasis, and suddenly being able to fly in a completely unfamiliar environment.

A friend of mine told me a joke today:

“What did one cicada say to the other?”

“Sorry for bumping into you.”

These little things bump into any smooth surface they try to land on, and end up landing with a thud on the pavement, where they sit as is if stunned, their wings tucked back, until they receive a signal to fly again.

I’ve seen scores of them on outdoor Metro platforms doing a strange dance that seems to involve the grouting between the tiles. The trains come along and the cicadas get knocked over by the wake. I try to set them back upright. What else can you do for a creature who is simply trying to have sex after 17 years of celibacy?

They unnerve me, because I don’t like having insects attach themselves to me. But many times now I’ve discovered one hitching a ride on my shoulder, quite content to sit quietly and await its destination. It’s a very cute and peaceful experience, after all. Michael, Falls Church VA

To Jim @ West Chester/Pottstown

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
Hi! You may not have seen my earlier messages. If you ride a bike, you must know about the Perkiomen Trail which goes to Green Lane Park. Green Lane Park is Montgomery Cty’s Cicada Grove. Go north up Rt. 29 past Schwenksville and Rt. 73, and turn left at Deep Creek Rd. Park in the L side parking lot. (Brood X doesn’t like the R. side of the park, only the left.) I don’t know how they’ll be this week; last weekend was cold & rainy & they were lookin pretty bedraggled. I sure hope they can get their steam back up for another weekend of song before their curtain closes. Also, it is a nice quiet state park & you can park your car & just hang out. That is nice because the last place I went to hear Brood X was in a wealthy wooded neighborhood (Valley Forge Mtn) with Security Watch. I was afraid the residents were going to call the cops about this strange woman who was wandering around enraptured, staring at the trees…Also, I did call French Creek State Pk. & the ranger said they DID have cicadas, but I never got a chance to go visit. (I have this thing called a job…) On another subject, does anyone know about resin casting? When Brood X is gone, I’m going to try & forget my sorrow by making castings of a few specimens which I tried to “freeze-dry”. Laura, Oaks PA

sightings along rt. 519, NJ

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
Took a long trip down to Princeton to see and hear the phenomenon. The noise on the campus was great, but didn’t see many flying around or dead ones either. A groundsman told us that he had cleaned them all up from under the trees for graduation ceremonies since some people find the sight and smell offensive. Traveled to a park nearby off Lovers Lane and heard even more great sounds, but not many flying. They all seemed to be high in the trees, maybe because of the heat (90’s). Heard plenty along Rt. 519 in Kingwood Township on the way home. The epicenter seemed to be around the intersection of 651 and 519. Also plenty on Sanford Rd. off Rt. 519. Many more flying around there, but not the swarms that I expected.
Susan Susan, Sussex County New Jersey

What’s going on in Baltimore?

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
I am heading to Baltimore on June 22 and would love to know if they are dying down at all down there. I have been reading this website everyday since the emergence first started because I’m afraid of bugs and thought that they were going to be around my house in Central, NJ. So far they aren’t in my area but I’m going on vacation to Baltimore and am totally paranoid that they are still going to be there 2 weeks from now. Can someone please let me know if the situation is getting any better. I would REALLY appreciate a response. Thanks and good luck to all of you who have them all over! Rachel, NJ

Cicada Wings for Debbie

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
I would like to respond to Debbie’s message asking for cicada wings. I will send you some. Try to send me a message at joyceyens at yahoo dot com. Joyce Duffy-Bilanow, Columbia, MD

There gone!!!!

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
There gone from here. We had a three day cold spell with rain and they never came back. The day before the cold, there were hundereds of them flying around and like clock work at 4am starting to hummmm, the first sunny day after those three days………… nothing. No noise, No flying, it was like they never exsisted. The only evidence they were here are empty shells and many many dead branches. I will actually miss the noise. I use to float in my pool and listen to them all day, now there is silence. I hope i’m around in 17yrs to see them again Lisa, Centreville, Va

We’ve had lots of them for 2 weeks strong

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
I’ve questioned friends east and south of me (Dauphin and Carlisle, Pa.) and they don’t have any cicadas yet. I’ve had them for 2 weeks now! They are flying all over, can’t put out laundry. (smile) They try to land on us as if we were trees. It is a wonderful site. I’ve taken pictures around my house: How loud on the decible scale do they get? We already are talking much louder than normal to hear each other over them. Chris, Duncannon

cicada microscope images

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
Me and my dad took microscope pictures of a cicada, and I posted them on my web page. Visit, click on microscope images, then click on insects. Also, please sign my guestbook and let me know what you thought of the pictures! Erin, Keyport, NJ

Going away anytime soon?

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
The cicadas definitely seem to be at full peak around Princeton – the activity level has been high for the past week to week-and-a-half but seems to grow daily in terms of the noise and the number flying around. (Unfortunately, for people with phobias like me, this makes for an extremely uncomfortable time!) Can anyone remember whether they suddenly seem to go quiet and fade away, or whether it is a long, drawn-out process?

Also, am heading to Baltimore this weekend for vacation – can anyone in Baltimore calm my fears by telling me they are subsiding there? (I’ve heard that they are but am not sure what to believe.) Thanks! Jennifer, Princeton, NJ

Saw only one today….

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
I live in Northeastern PA. One was in my neighbors yard on a canvas tent. I walked over slowly with my camera, but it flew away. All day I have been on the look out so I can get a shot of one. Michele, Pennsylvania

Cicadas in New York

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
I have good news for you (bad news for some of us that actually like them!!). I have lived in Queens for 31 years and there has never been a Periodical Cicada emergence here. Brood IV and Brood X are the largest that involve NY. So you are 100% safe. I know this to be true because I looked everywhere for them in 1987 and did not hear a single sound in Queens.
Ajay – keep up he good work my friend. I look forward to your updates and will make the trip to Port Jefferson or Ronkonkoma when they finally come up. Interesting that the soil has remained cold out here. Keep the updates coming for cicadas on Long Island! Elias, Queens New York

Return to the ground

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
Hopefully they will be gone in two weeks!

It seems as though the cold and rain kept them at bay over last weekend which was great for a scaredy cat like me.

They are back with a vengeance this past couple of days…is it my heightened sense of paranoia or does it seem that their flying isn’t as clumsy as when they first emerged?? Maybe they know they don’t have much longer which is admirable, which for an entomophobe like myself, is hard to say.

I have seen the “flagging” on several trees in the area which is an interesting sight.

All in all the past four weeks have been hell for me but so far I am unscathed! Scaredy, Silver Spring, MD


Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
Dan from CicadaMania – Please tell me when they will be gone from Northern Virginia. My life is suffering. I have a huge phobia!! This website said 4 weeks, but it’s been 4 weeks and they are still here!! Please, Help!! Marianne, Herndon, Virginia

Im so scared

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004

Tell me what these bugs are going to do. When they are coming and how long they will be here. And what is this I hear about them leaving shells? And how do they mate.
Scared in Detroit Cicada, Michigan

Not seen any

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
I have not seen any yet. I remember them from 34 years ago. Would prefer they don’t come out. cicada disliker, Lehighton, PA

Where they won’t be:

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
You won’t find them in New York City, or New York State with the exception of Long Island. You won’t find them in most of New Jersey with the exception of Princeton and random areas in Mercer, Middlesex, Somerset, and Huntington counties. You also won’t find them in Philadelphia. If you do see a cicada in these areas it’s probably not a 17-year cicada. Dan, Cicada Mania Headquarters

Great Fishing!

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
Spotted several Cicada’s landing on the water while fishing in Pinchot State park in Lewisberry on Sunday June 6. Since I heard they were good to use for bait, my intention was to grab one off the water try my luck. The rumors I had been hearing were true as I could not get to them fast enough. The fish were getting to them before I could. Finally, I managed to get one and it did not last a minute on my hook untit a huge carp sucked it in. I held on for the ride and landed a 10 pound carp with the “bugger”. I’m sold! Rick, Harrisburg, PA

Poem: My Lady Cicada

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
Like a surprise, she came to me from nowhere, filling me with delight. Sitting on my knee, her radiant beauty glistening in the sunlight. A lady of distinction, lovely eyes, her legs so graceful, so unique. She sat for so long, motionless, her body quivering, so trim and sleek. Then suddenly she left as quickly as she came, with no goodbye. She knew her life was nearly over and was about to die. She left like a butterfly, quietly on a gentle breeze, floating away. I would never see her again, not to return another day. I will always remember how fortunate I was to have met her. To keep her in my thoughts, I will name her Antoinette. C W Boyce/Marie Antoinette Chibirka, Augusta, WV

cicada sighting

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
One cicada found on my pillow in morning June 8. I have not seen any others nor heard the noise. He was about 1 3/4″ long, had black bug eyes, a mottled grey-brown back and I went to put him in a cup and he appeared dead, his legs all curled up. I left him in the cup, no lid, during the day and when I came home he was gone. I looked for him but couldn’t find him. I thought the cicada’s this year had red eyes, so was surprised by the black eyes. Newsday had pictures of them so I know it was a cicada. Charla Bolton, halesite ( e/sHuntington Harbor) Suffolk County, NY

Traveling for Cicada’s

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
Hello all…

I have been bike riding this past week all over SE PA…up to Poconos, down to Wilmington, West to Lancaster, and back home to Pottstown…

318 miles in all…No Cicadas…none?
Quiet rodes, busy traffic, rural, urban?
Guess I just have to wait another 17 years..

Jim Jim, West Chester, PA

No Cicadas yet!

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
No sightings of them yet in Hershey, PA (Dauphin County). Any change they won’t be coming since we’re half way into June now?? kate, hershey, pa

None here yet

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
I have been reading up on these creatures for a long time now. I am so envious of all of you who do not fear them, for I am terrified to the point of phobic. But there is a rumor going around NYC that for some reason they should have but will not be emerging this time around. I pray for this to be true. I have already decided to stay in for the month or so that they would be in town. But if they don’t emerge my job, my social life and my mental well being can be saved. So I guess what I am asking all you kind and knowledgeable people out there is if you know that they are coming to the NYC area.- Mindy Mindy, Queens, New York

Cicada (Locust)

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
I just found a hatched cicada this morning in Mashpee Ma. (cape cod)…..
Only 1 so far – when are they supposed to reach that area? I thought it was 2008
Cris, Mashpee, MA

they are here :oO

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
found one this morning , brought it to work told everyone it was a flesh eating space bug Drew, Dallas, TX

Wings/Recording Cicadas

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
I’m still trying to get some wings…anyone game?
I recorded them 17 years ago near where I worked in Adelphi MD…don’t know if I still have the tape though… Debbie, Seattle

Long Island Update

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
This evening I went To Port Jefferson Station LI to check the Brood X situation. The security guard at the local high school told me that he had seen a couple of shed skins but that there had been a huge cicada eruption in 1991 which left all the small tree branches brown and drooping. That would have been brood IV. I brought a lab thermometer and measured soil temperatures between 61 and 62 F at a depth of about five inches. This strongly implies that any brood X cicadas are still awaiting warmer conditions. I doubt if we will see anything like Princeton but there is still hope for Brood X here. (I will be investigating New Jersey myself soon) With 90 degree weather on tap for tomorrow here, we may not have long to wait. AJay, Suffolk County LI

Cicada City

Date: Wednesday, Jun/9/2004
In Princeton, NJ off of Harrison St.there is a huge amount of Cicadas. My dentist office is located there. This appointment I decided to bring my camera to record the noise that they make, it is unreal. It is sci-fi like. The problem is that I am extremely fascinated but freaked out by them at the same time. Logically, I know they don’t bite or anything. I really wanted to take a close-up picture of at least one but I chickened out. Even when I stopped to get gas one almost flew in my car.

On the way to work, I stopped at the mall to get something to eat. I felt something tickling my arm and I lookover and there is a 3 inch long cicada crawling on my arm. I screamed and flung it off and it landed next to some kid in a carriage.

When I went into work I felt like I had them crawling all over me. It was a creepy feeling.

I live in Mercerville (near Trenton) and there are no Cicadas here. I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Nicole, Mercer County, NJ

PA – where to see them

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
Northern Lancaster County – Rt 501 about 3 miles north of Rt 322. Have lunch at CJ’s Corral with the cicadas – they are numerous and louder than in more remote areas. Adds to the theory that auto traffic sounds cause the cicadas to get louder. Cassini can be heard in selected areas – one is Middle Creek, on the hiking trail west of the visitors center. Much louder than Decim found all over. 2004 emergence impressive, but not as large as 17 years ago in 1987. Mike, Lititz PA

Where are they?

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
I am a science teacher in Hazlet,NJ who has 2 classes of eager students waiting for cicadas! We have not found any! I am looking for any information about their emergence in Monmouth County. Karyn, Hazlet, NJ

To Gerry in North Mass.

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
Thanx for the tips. I am very familiar with the route you posted. I have actually stopped at that church to look around in the graveyard. It is the usual route I take when I go there. I LOVE that road. Will let you know how it was when I return. Grace, Abingdon,MD

Cicada songs

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
Hi All,

I’m writing on behalf of my husband Chris, who’s working out of town and away from a computer (and, sad to say, far from any cicada sightings). (I must confess that I’ve never heard or seen the cicadas in person, though have fallen in love with them through him!)

Chris is a huge cicada fan; he became infatuated with Brood X one night 17 years ago, when he heard them in a field outside Ann Arbor, Michigan. He wound up standing on top of his car, with a microphone in his hand, breathlessly recording the cries of one lone, desperate cicada. That cicada became the “star” of a song Chris later wrote, called “Cicada Baby” — a wonderful love ballad sung, naturally, from the point of view of a cicada looking for that one moment of happiness.

Just recently, Chris rerecorded his music bits and submitted the song to NPR’s “All Songs Considered” show — and the whole song will be available to hear as of tomorrow on We’d love to share the song (which incorporates these nice cicada cries) with other people who love these insects too — so we hope you’ll check it out! Jackie, New York, NY

I’ll sure miss this Magicicadical craziness!

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
I’m hoping it’s just the cold weather that’s made them so quiet. It seems like they should have had another week or 2 before falling out of trees into oblivion. It all passed so soon!! Anyway…I had a strange experience. I picked up a cicada that looked like it was done for. It didn’t want to leave my hand, so I put it on the car floor & drove home. A soda bottle rolled onto it and it let out a SCREAM! I didn’t know insects could scream like that.
…it does make a person depressed thinking about how long 17 years is. What are all of us nuts going to do for magic & excitement now?… I write fantasy & SF, and I was inspired to write a little tale about Brood X. You can read it on my website at …. And if any of you have made mp3 recordings of the cicada songs, PLEASE get in touch with me; my email is on my website. I’d like to put together a nice CD to remember these magical times. Laura, Oaks

Visited Princeton as per Advice: Great!

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
Sunday (6/6): cool, rainy; cicadas sluggish; no singing. Second one we saw had classic fungal infection.
Great car show on the square – nice treat!Monday (6/7): 70’s, sunny; cicadas singing their little hearts (timbrals) out. See my few pictures at: Paul Rader, Canton, NY

June 18, 2004

June 17th – Nov 26th 2004 Cicada Comments

Filed under: Brood X | Old Message Board — Dan @ 1:17 pm

Found nymph in shallow soil

Date: Friday, Nov/26/2004
Earlier this month (November), while digging for worms in the backyard, found a large nymph (almost certainly a Tibicen) in the soil. He was shallow, within five inches of the surface.
Eric, Missouri

thanks Lindsay

Date: Monday, Nov/22/2004
Thanks for that address change Lindsay.
I can also say that the cicadas in New Zealand are starting to emerge.
I have 4 species for the season so far.
Kikihia subalpina, Rhodopsalta sp, Amphipsalta strepitans and Maoricicada hamiltoni.
Things here are a bit behind you Australians, give us 1-2 more months and we will be fully into our season. Kees, Dunedin, New Zealand

Australian cicada website moved

Date: Wednesday, Nov/10/2004
Hi all. The website “Cicadas of central eastern Australia” has moved to Please update your bookmarks. Southern Hemisphere cicadas will soon be in full swing. Extensive rain across the east of Australia should bring the big ones out over the next few months. Lindsay, Australia

just sayin hey

Date: Wednesday, Nov/10/2004
Just stoppin in to say hey and howz it?
See ya later… Cicada x, In.

About the microhabitat selection of the emergence of cicadas

Date: Wednesday, Nov/3/2004
Most papers study in the adult cicadas,e.g.,sound. Is there any study focusing on the nymphs emergence to eclosion? Lin, Y. H. , Taiwan

Because they don’t

Date: Saturday, Oct/30/2004
Cicadas don’t emerge in 12, 14, or 16 year cycles because they don’t. Occasionsional cicadas will emerge a year late or early, howeever for the most part they emerge in intervals which happen to be prime numbers. Cicada Mania, Cicadatown


Date: Tuesday, Oct/26/2004
Why are there no 12,14,or 16 years locusts? tb, sc

found cicada

Date: Sunday, Oct/17/2004
sighted a green and black cicada, we thought it was dead or almost dead so we brought it home it was warmed up and is now crawling ang flying around, were not sure to release it just yet because of bad weather. -anonamous, canada, hamilton, ontario

Want that sound

Date: Tuesday, Oct/5/2004
If you’ve ever seen any Anime cartoons, you will hear that distinctive intermitant sound in the back ground – kind of 5 or 6 electric sounds, short, then a long one. I believe this to be a type of Cicada, but can not find any info with that sound. Do any of you know what makes that sound? Trent Kuver, Federal Way WA

NH sighting

Date: Thursday, Sep/30/2004
I have NEVER ever seen a Cicada before. Sunday there was a HUGE bug on the deck of my home where it remained for an hour or so and walked around and apparently flew away at some point………Did this guy take a wrong turn and wind up in NH? KP, Tuftonboro, NH

Cicadas in Il

Date: Sunday, Sep/26/2004
I found a cicada in our yard about a week ago. I had never seen one and have just found out through this sight. It was on our tree trunk, seemingly drying out it’s wings, and it’s old body was not far. I was going to get it, but I think the neighbor’s dog got to it first. Jay, Vaugh

Howz it.

Date: Monday, Sep/20/2004
Dan, hows your cicadas doing, are they still singing or have they all gone…in my area, I havent heard any since the first week of aug. Cicada x, In.


Date: Sunday, Sep/19/2004
Thanks Cicada X and Laura from the Yahoo! magicicada group. Dan, Cicada Mania


Date: Friday, Sep/17/2004
If you did not get enough 17 year cicada shells, look on the underside of leaves. Up to about 2 weeks ago, I still found them clinging to the leaves. I am trying to get as many as I can before the leaves fall. I have collected many to show in my science classes for the next 17 years. Shirley Jeffords, Silver Spring, MD

It was a GREAT cicada season!

Date: Thursday, Sep/16/2004
Well, I was sorry to see Brood X go, but then the Annuals started coming out (Tibicen Chloromera), and it was an awesome season for them… more than I have EVER heard in my life. So many of them it almost sounded like a periodical cicada brood, the sound kept flowing like ocean waves. That’s why I got a minidisc recorder and became a Nature recordist. The crickets and katydids were phenomenal too. It must have been because of the abundant rain, more eggs hatched than usual. Whatever the reason, it was an incredible summer! But now, regretfully, the cicadas are gone. Fall Happens! Laura Woodswalker, Oaks PA

They say there is a monster underneath the bed…

Date: Wednesday, Sep/15/2004
Oh my GAWD!!! I had a cicada underneath my bed and I almost fainted from fright. They are HUGE. I wouldn’t mind if they slept for another 17 years. Maria, Montreal, Canada

welcome back!

Date: Tuesday, Sep/14/2004
Welcome back Dan, hope ya had a great vacation! cicada x, In.


Date: Tuesday, Sep/14/2004

cicada season

Date: Tuesday, Sep/14/2004
I arrived in Bhutan in summer and suddenly only last week the cicada sound was there from morning till late at night. I am told they herald the start of autumn. Is this true? kleen, bhutan

found cicadas in yard

Date: Monday, Sep/13/2004
A fifth grade student found two cicadas in his backyard. Since I have never seen one, I looked it up on the internet. I didn’t think that they were around her and especially in Sept. Sharolyn, Minneapolis, MN USA

Cicadas are everywhere

Date: Sunday, Sep/12/2004
The cicadas are all over. My cats are constantly bringing them inside! (which is okay since I’m doing a bug project for school!) Sara, Olathe, KS United States

What’s that noise?

Date: Saturday, Sep/11/2004
I just moved here from Southern California about two weeks ago (don’t ask why) and I don’t think I’ve ever heard or seen a cicada before. Is that what I’m hearing? At first I thought I was hearing a power tool or weed whacker from a distance but was told it was an insect and the person didn’t know what type. I also heard that from a Jamaican woman the when she heard them in Jamaica, it meant that the coming day would be hot. Is this true? Denny, Ottowa, Ontario, Canada


Date: Thursday, Sep/9/2004
Good to see you guys back.
Well its about another 6 weeks or so before us cicada enthusiasts here in NZ can expect to hear our first cicadas for the new season. I cannot wait, make the most of the time you guys have left in the northern hemisphere.
Kees Green, Dunedin, New Zealand

Cicada on my window!

Date: Thursday, Sep/9/2004
I know nothing about the Cicada but I went to go make lunch and noticed a hige insect on my window, I thought he looked like a locust so I checked online at pictures and came across the Cicada and it’s a definite match. He is massive! I looked at the chart stating when they should be in MA and this guy is about 4 years too early…he must have got lost somewhere along the way! Stephanie Joyce, Everett, MA USA

Back from Vacation

Date: Wednesday, Sep/8/2004
We’re back. Dan, Jerzey

cicada sighting

Date: Thursday, Jul/29/2004
I’ve lived in Washington state for 33 years and have never seen a cicada, (locust)until today! I had one land on the side of my face while weedeating. To say the least, it freeked me out. I’m not sure what species it was, but I know what it is.
I’m originaly from Texas, and lived with the noisy little creatures for 17 years. I can’t say, that I’m pleased to have them here. I have a small apple, cherry, and grape orchard. I know how distructive they can be. I’m also an organic grower.(no pesticides) So, for all of you who enjoy their presence. I won’t be spraying, and will be purchasing some net covers for my trees and vines.
I just thought I’d leave a sighting message, and see if anyone else in Washington has seen any locusts.(cicadas);>) Bo, Graham, Washington. USA

It isn’t over until the last cicada sings…

Date: Thursday, Jul/29/2004
I couldn’t believe it! I was eating a bowl of ice cream and latently listening to the chorus of dog day cicadas when in amongst them – all by itself – one little cassini calling. Unbelievable – but it was there! We had only 4-5 in the woodlot earlier this spring that I could count by their calling. It was a delight to hear that ratcheting sound one more time today. Hopefully, he’ll be there tomorrow. Michele, NW Ohio


Date: Wednesday, Jul/28/2004
I had given up, but today they are finally here! I think our weather has perhaps delayed them, it’s been very cool with lots of rain this month.

Our elevation here is approx. 3,400 feet, so that might have had something to do with it too.

I have only seen one so far, but their song is filling the forest! S, Boone, NC

Deer Tick = LYME

Date: Monday, Jul/26/2004
Ajay, I read your post and can’t stress strongly enough to you, to please, please, please get checked for lyme disease!!! The rash only occurs in 50% of people who were bitten by a tick. THe fever indicates an infection, which is probably the lyme bacteria. You MUST be evaluated by a “lyme literate” doctor. My daughter has been battling lyme disease for about 12 yrs now. She is only 22 yrs old. Don’t assume that just because the fever dissipated quickly that you are free from lyme. The symptoms could be varied, and can appear much later. It is best if treated early; late stage lyme can be very difficult to eradicate. Sorry for the alarm, but most folks don’t know enough about this devastating illness to know how to proceed. I hope you don’t have it, but don’t just assume you don’t. My daughter was treated at 10 yrs, and 12 yrs later still has it, even tho we thought it was eradicated then. Don’t mean to be an alarmist, but this has been a nightmare in my home. If you need further info, or want to discuss, email me.
“during my fruitless June cicada I brought back a deer tick from Connetquot State park which I extracted from my lower leg with difficulty. Last weekend I suddenly developed a high two day fever which exceeded 103.5. It vanished as suddenly as it appeared. With no rash, or joint pain I do not think it is Lyme but there are other tick borne diseases. I hope my LI cicada was not even worse than I suspected. — AJay, Stony Brook ” Marilyn, Great Neck,NY

lots “o” cicadas!

Date: Monday, Jul/26/2004
hey! theres tons of baby cicadas at my house in Arizona. atleast every morning I wake up and go to my back yard and find 5 to 6 baby cicada shells. Ive seen how a nymph is born into a cicada, it was pretty cool. sometimes i find dead cicadas with there wings preformed, the neighborhood cats might like the noise they make when you BUG em. Collin, Gilbert az ,america

LI cicada sightings!

Date: Monday, Jul/26/2004
I live in Great Neck, but currently go to school in Valley Stream. I hear them every morning as I walk to class from my car. Haven’t heard any in Great Neck though.

Marilyn, Valley Stream, NY

Brood X: the Next Generation

Date: Sunday, Jul/25/2004
I’m overjoyed–I finally saw some Magicicada Brood X eggs! I went to the groves and picked up branches with oviposit marks, that had fallen onto the parking lot. I discovered you have to break the branches open to see the eggs. They look like miniature grains of rice, hardly bigger than a grain of sand. I had expected them to really BE the size of rice grains–hadn’t seen them before because I never thought of breaking the twig open! I planted them in a bucket with dirt & water…now I’m hoping to see hatchlings in a few days or so. How exciting to be witnessing the next generation of Brood X! The cycle is completed!

Laura Woodswalker, Oaks PA

saw first cicada

Date: Saturday, Jul/24/2004
A cicada flew into our kitchen last night and spent the night on the window sill. This is the first one I’ve seen. Julie, Nashville, TN

They’re here!

Date: Saturday, Jul/24/2004
Saw several cicadas in the yard today. Can’t recall ever seeing them before. Incredible little creatures! Hope to get a photo of them soon so I can identify which exact species we have and find out how often they come topside. They look like little hunters dressed in green camo. They need some flying lessons though — seem about as coordinated as my wife. Joe, Karnes City, Texas


Date: Friday, Jul/23/2004
The hatching nymphs wont have any wings that are visible or even formed…as for photos of hatching eggs, I dont have any or know where to find some,, if you were asking about molting photos, I have plenty of those.
Howdy Dan, Im still around and watching your site for new stuff on cicadas. Im glad you have this site, its awesome. cicadax, In.

I’ve got at least one

Date: Thursday, Jul/22/2004
How common are cicadas in California? I found one in my back yard today (loud sucker!) and now he’s perched on high on top of a tree making his noise.

I didn’t see CA in the Cicada calendar. Mark, Los Gatos, California

where are they

Date: Thursday, Jul/22/2004
charlotte nc,,,, none at all yet. wondering if our weather the last few years delayed them dave, charlotte nc

A huge one fell into my pool

Date: Thursday, Jul/22/2004
My mom told me to come outside real quick, because the birds dropped something huge and buzzing into the pool. I took it out with a skimmer, put it in my killjar and now I’m waiting to add this one to my collection. Its body is about 3 cm long, a dark green color. I am officially creeped out! Ivanna, Warren, MI, USA

Baby cicada

Date: Thursday, Jul/22/2004
There’s a picture of a freshly hatched baby cicada on this page: Dan, Cicada Mania Headquarters

Waiting for Hatchlings, and Remembering a Long Hunt

Date: Thursday, Jul/22/2004
I brought many egg branches back from Princeton and festooned the trees around my property in Stony Brook LI with them. I do not see any hatching yet, but I do not know what changes to look for. Sadly I suspect that this will be the only tiny Long Island emergence of Brood X in 2021. Perhaps there will be thousands but unfortunately, there must be millions to overcome the invasive bird predators. Wherever I am that spring, I will post the precise location and perhaps some rescuers will arrive with bird proof netting to provide small safe havens.

I am sorry that I did not save far more dried specimens for my display. They dried so nicely that with a little red nail polish I think they will look almost alive. I even have one female decula. While I hear a few Tibicens outside, they just are so less interesting than the Magics. Meanwhile, during my fruitless June cicada I brought back a deer tick from Connetquot State park which I extracted from my lower leg with difficulty. Last weekend I suddenly developed a high two day fever which exceeded 103.5. It vanished as suddenly as it appeared. With no rash, or joint pain I do not think it is Lyme but there are other tick borne diseases. I hope my LI cicada was not even worse than I suspected. AJay, Stony Brook

Nymphs Hatched from Eggs: Clarification

Date: Wednesday, Jul/21/2004
cicadax, In. pointed out that “only when they emerge and molt for the last time will their wings be fully formed.”
That’s exactly the stage I saw—maybe my earlier message wasn’t clear—nymphs hatched from eggs prior to heading downward for the next 17 years. Here in Maryland, we are in that stage about now. Do you know of any photos of this stage? Ann, Chevy Chase, MD

No Brood X’s live in Texas

Date: Tuesday, Jul/20/2004
As an FYI: only cicadas belonging to the genus Magicicada arrive in Broods. There are no Magicicadas in Texas, so there are no Broods in Texas. Plenty of other species of cicadas though… Dan, Cicada Mania Headquarters

Cicada Brood Unknown

Date: Tuesday, Jul/20/2004
Played golf Sunday in Universal City, Tx (Sub of San Antonio), the cicada singing was so loud it hurt my ears. I really mean that they were really loud. Guess since we’re in the 95 plus temps now, they are in full glory. During the day time hours today in the city, I can hear them as if there were no other sounds.. Bill Rain, San Antonio


Date: Monday, Jul/19/2004
Magicicada hatchlings have no wings out and durring nymph stage, they have none out as well. only when they emerge and molt for the last time will their wings be fully formed. You may have seen Aphids or young leaf hoppers, which both are related to cicada family. cicadax, In.

Hatched Nymphs: Think I’ve Finally Seen Them?!

Date: Sunday, Jul/18/2004
Yesterday I saw what I think are the cicada nymphs that have hatched, but would like some verification. They were of two ages, I think: the smallest were tannish grey and the larger were all white. Wings folded like a very narrow tent over their bodies and three pairs of legs. They were crawling on a box elder tree near areas where eggs had been laid. If these are the nymphs, I’m excited!
Ann, Chevy Chase, Maryland

Very last septendecim?

Date: Saturday, Jul/17/2004
OK, it wasn’t alive, but today I found a freshly dead septendecim that still LOOKED alive. The annuals have been chirping away for a few weeks now. And here’s to the possibility of a few Brood X stragglers next year! Phil, Arlington, VA

I got pictures!

Date: Saturday, Jul/17/2004
I took pictures of a newly emerged cicada on the frame of our back door last night! The aqua-blue veining in the wings was spectacular (I never realized they had that color), and the entire body shimmered with a metallic gold sheen. This is the first time I’ve seen a newly emerged one. I’m so excited! MrsJennings, Tulsa, OK USA

first one tonite

Date: Saturday, Jul/17/2004
hadn’t planned on seeing any in this part of the country, but found one on our patio earlier tonite! mikee, conway, sc

they are hatching!

Date: Friday, Jul/16/2004
Magicicada are hatching in full force here! I just watched several within a few moments! Look closely though, hard to see! Best to watch right where the ovipositing took place, you can see the nymphs slowly exit! ENJOY! cicada x, In.

They are here!!!!

Date: Friday, Jul/16/2004
After reading several reports expecting very little or no activity this year on Long Island. I stepped outside my office today to the wonderful sound of the Cicada! There are many singing their songs and buzzing through the air! I will try to get some visual evidence this evening! mikebober, Little Neck, NY (Long Island)

brood x in 2005?

Date: Thursday, Jul/15/2004
brood x delayed til 2005? is that possible? has that ever happened before? if so…i wanna know; that way i can experience the beauty i did this year all over again…..let me know! cicadia cruz, puerto rico


Date: Thursday, Jul/15/2004
Cooooooooool! They are everywhere! :):) cicadax, In.

Wait Till Next Year?

Date: Tuesday, Jul/13/2004
There is a slim chance that the awful cold spring and summer of 2003 may have delayed Brood X on Long Island. I am not very hopeful but next May on the first hot day I will be searching Connetquot River State park once more. I hope to find the exact location where they were seen in Ronkonkoma also. Meanwhile, my empty terrarium which I had hoped to populate with local Brood X specimens will have to be the host of far less interesting Tibicens. I wonder what will be the effect in areas of Brood X emergence of cicada tuned predators now hunting the “Dog Day” species. I suspect this will not be a good year for them. Maybe they should also wait for next year! At least I have some dried Brood X specimens to glue to a branch for an unusual wall trophy. AJay, Stony Brook LI

another Brood X location on Long Island

Date: Tuesday, Jul/13/2004
I received a call yesterday, in response to the recent Newsday article “Fearing the worst for cicada brood”. It was from a Ronkonkoma resident who was very surprised to read the article. At the end of May (she wasn’t sure of the exact date), she witnessed an emergence at her residence. She had just assumed that everyone else in the area was seeing the same thing. She first noticed emergence holes all over her lawn and property. Then, she found multitudes of skins littering the trees, bushes and grass. Finally, she saw live cicadas flying between the trees, which she sometimes had to dodge. Unfortunately, she never heard them calling. She remembered the deafening noise in 1987, but this time not a sound! Ronkonkoma was one of the hot spots for Brood X in 1987, but there had been no confirmed reports for this year, up until now. Once again, the birds must have been on the scene right away. Anyway, she’s going to call me back if she notices any flagging in the area, but I’m sure the cicadas never made it that point. So, I don’t know if it’s important, but here’s one more town to add to the list. It may be of interest only for the fact that these may be the final emergence locations ever listed for Brood X in New York State. Lenny, Sound Beach, NY

They’re Here!

Date: Monday, Jul/12/2004
I can finally hear them! I’ve been waiting all summer for the song of the cicada, but until tonight, July 12th have not heard them!

I don’t think there is anything unusual about the volume (such as there are millions of them)!

I know that summer has finally arrived in Michigan! Patty Thompson, Redford, Michigan

Cicada siting

Date: Monday, Jul/12/2004
Lots of Cicada in my backyard! I kept wondering what these brownish looking shrimp like shells are that are hanging on my kids jungle gym. I checked it out on the internet and found out about these marvelous bugs! I suppose the live ones are still in the trees. It truly is a phenomenon.

-Anna Anna, Bergen County, NJ

Christmas in July

Date: Sunday, Jul/11/2004
That’s what it looked like along Rt. 322 just west of Harrisburg PA. It appears that our Magicicada friends must have been busy there, flagging the trees so that lots of orange branches hang down like Xmas ornaments. No one reported a cicada emergence there, and I wasn’t even sure if it was in their range, but while everyone in the cities was bemoaning their absence, it seems they were quietly going about their business in more remote areas. Perhaps there is hope for their survival. Long live Magicicicada! Laura, Oaks PA

Comic strip

Date: Sunday, Jul/11/2004
Check out todays ‘JULY-11’ strip of “Over the hedge” Looks good! Jeff Jeff, waterford,NJ

Don’t expect questions to be answered on the message board

Date: Sunday, Jul/11/2004
But here’s a bunch of Tibicen sound files: Dan, Cicada Mania

Tibicen soundfiles?

Date: Saturday, Jul/10/2004
I’m definitely hearing annual cicadas around now, but I can’t tell the difference between species. I know I can hear more than one species, but I’m not sure which is which. Does anyone know where I can get soundclips for the various Tibicen songs? Mitya, Falls Church, VA

2004-07-09 ARIZONA /TUCSON /CHERRY ST /(Just So. of UofA)

Date: Saturday, Jul/10/2004
The Cicada’s are plentiful in this area (for the Desert Southwest). About 2-3 for every tree in this section from 6th down to Broadway St. Perhaps 2-300 or more there. They’re still humming along despite the 100 degree temps. Most of the trees they’re in are Mesquite. The ground out this way is cement-like. I wish them lots of luck digging into that! Rich B, Tucson, AZ

cicada fairwell

Date: Saturday, Jul/10/2004
The sun, warm in the trees and a breeze rustles the leaves as the last cicada finishes laying her eggs. She turns to take one last look at her own brood, the part of her life she lived for in the ground 17 years. She then flys away, knowing they are safe, she lands on a stone at the base of the tree and sits in the warm sunlight, knowing she has finished her job. With a flap of her wings and a touch in the air, she says goodbye to the world around her and slowly she begins to fade. She is happy, she has spent a lifetime in a day,a day in a life and lived in a huge world of wonder and excitement. Now, it all fades, but she isnt dying, for she lives on in her children and our memories….to brood x a cicada fairwell untill next we meet again. Cicada x, IN

Cab i cicada???

Date: Saturday, Jul/10/2004
Can a Cicada ever fight back agianst a cicada killer wasp? landon, Batesville ark.


Date: Friday, Jul/9/2004
I was under the impression that the cicadas would not be this far south, but tonight my husband and I spotted one on our patio screen. We had heard an evening sound that we had not heard for a long time and a friend from Minneapolis was visiting and said he believes the sound was the cicadas and after tonight we believe.
The Cabeza’s, Greer SC
Pandora, Greer, SC

They are invading Vegas

Date: Friday, Jul/9/2004
OMG….I saw these huge shells of a bugs on the side of all the houses where I live and I had no idea what they were until i read about it on a post somewhere came here and saw the pictures and realized what they are. They are all over the place. My dogs like playing with them. I think I actually saw one fly by my face when i was walking yesterday. EWWW. Angela, Las Vegas, NV

First Chloromera

Date: Friday, Jul/9/2004
I heard my first chloromera yesterday. Also, I’m starting to hear increasing numbers of canicularis (at least, that’s what I think they are). Ah, the sounds of summer! Lenny, Sound Beach, NY (Suffolk County)

Cicadas…in Goethe’s Faust!

Date: Friday, Jul/9/2004
I’m reading Goethe’s Faust just because I feel like it, but in the very beginning–the “Prologue in Heaven,” Mephistopheles relates the “small god of the earth” to a cicada. The quote (as translated by Walter Kaufmann) is thus: “He seems to me, if you don’t mind, Your Grace,/Like a cicada of the long-legged race,/that always flies, and, flying, springs,/And in the grass the same old ditty sings;/If only it were grass he could repose in!/There is no trash he will not poke his nose in.” Mitya, Falls Church, VA

Cicadas in Texas

Date: Thursday, Jul/8/2004
So I have looked at pictures of these things and have read up on them. This morning my roommate has me go outside to see these (what he calls) big bugs on the side of the house. After looking at it for a moment it dawned on me that it was a cicada and its shell. Looking at the tree out front I found more shells. I didnt think they were suppose to be in Texas. Has anyone else seen them down here. I have a picture but its on his telephone…what good that does me. Jenn, Celeste, Tx, USA

Finally Arrived!

Date: Thursday, Jul/8/2004
They are emerging in my yard as I write(9PM). Two shells are on my tree and two live ones are climbing the tree to emerge. I’m going to try and video tape some of it. It rained last night. Dylan Johnson, Kutztown,Pa

lots of cicadas

Date: Thursday, Jul/8/2004
We’ve heard and have seen them for about a month and a half and they usually stay through September. You know when winter’s coming here in Pflugerville and the hot summer days on the flip side. It’s kinda lonely when their sound disappears for the winter. My mom used to fly them like airplanes when she was a kid in Oklahoma. Not many toys. Drema, Pflugerville, TX., USA


Date: Thursday, Jul/8/2004
I have seen several Cicada Bugs in the Columbus, GA area! Why so early? CeeCee, Columbus, GA

First Tibicen!

Date: Tuesday, Jul/6/2004
Well, brood X was a flop on Long Island this year, but summer’s here and the tibicen show is beginning! I heard my first one today at Blydenburgh County Park in Smithtown (Suffolk County). I think it was a canicualris. It definitely wasn’t a chloromera. Lots of great dragonfly activity as well! Can’t wait to get my fill of Magicicada when brood XIV comes around in 2008! I’ll be counting the days! Lenny, Sound Beach, NY (Suffolk County)

Cicada Protection And the Endangered Species act

Date: Tuesday, Jul/6/2004
I think that we may be able to use the Endangered Species act against those disease bearing feathered vermin, sparrows and starlings. The seven species of periodical cicadas, divided into the 15 broods of 13 and 17 year species and incipient species are a unique North American phenomenon which are evidently in serious jeopardy from the invasion of sparrows and starlings. The extinction of Brood X on Long Island and the total extirpation of Brood XI are warning signs that Periodical cicadas may be less secure than many people realize. When predator satiation is not reached, the total destruction of entire populations can be nearly instantaneous. Certain native bird species such as the bluebird are also under great pressure. I propose that the invasive exotic species in effect constitute a form of environmental degradation and pollution which can and should be controlled. (Certain potentially deadly fungus diseases such as histoplasmosis are also spread by the massive excrement deposits left by these invaders) Avitrol for example is not only very effective but in addition, predators feeding on affected “feathered rats” have been shown not to suffer any deleterious effects. I Propose that as many people as possible (especially cicada fans) contact the appropriate Federal agencies to undertake feathered vermin control measures as expeditiously as possible. AJay, Stony Brook LI


Date: Monday, Jul/5/2004
I have 2 cicada’s sitting just outside my back door and am terrified to venture out there. What is all this talk about their beauty and myth? They are frightening looking and give me the willies! Donna, Bayport, LI, NY

First Cicada

Date: Sunday, Jul/4/2004
Just heard cicada last night. Old timers in the neighborhood say there was a huge brood here 17 years ago… Russell Young, Summit, NJ

A cicada in our yard

Date: Sunday, Jul/4/2004
I found a cicada hanging from our car’s tire that had just been parked on the grass overnight! What a beautiful creature.Does that mean there should be more of them nearby? Bob Doolittle, Memphis, NY

The Very Very Last Magicicada Septendecim!

Date: Saturday, Jul/3/2004
Greetings! People have been talking about “the Last Cicada” for about 2 weeks now. So here’s my very last word: I went hiking at the Green Lane Reservoir today. Did not expect to see or hear ANY Periodical Cicadas. Picked up a few tree branches that had been heavily oviposited…didn’t see any eggs. If they hatched, they fell onto concrete. But there we were, hiking along the lake, when we began to hear lone Cassini’s here & there, cranking up their “rr-rrr-bzzz”. And suddenly I heard it: the very very LAST Septendecim. I couldn’t believe my ears. He sang clear, long drawn-out notes lasting a good minute each…there seemed to be lots of wind and life left in this heroic holdout. They were all supposed to be gone by the end of june and here it is July 3. What an inspiration! Laura Woodswalker, Oaks PA

One cicada heard Friday am, July 2

Date: Saturday, Jul/3/2004
After a long silence all week (at least in the early am and evening), I heard one single cicada on Friday around 8:30 am “whoa-ing” in the woods in Princeton. Nobody was answering.

Haven’t heard any since.

Fairfax Fairfax, Princeton, NJ

Lack of sightings on Long Island

Date: Friday, Jul/2/2004
Hi fellow cicada enthusiasts,

I’ve written several stories in Newsday about Long Island’s Brood X representatives. Sadly, they seem to have fizzled out twice – first in East Setauket after a very brief showing and more recently in the NE part of Connetquot River State Park, where a Parks Dept. employee heard them in scattered locations, but only for a few days. Then nothing. The experts I’ve talked to so far are at a loss to explain it, since there are no obvious differences in the areas where the cicadas emerged in 1987. I would welcome comments from anyone who had been looking forward to seeing the cicadas and had actively sought them in different areas around the Island. You can contact me directly at Newsday at 631-843-2583.

Bryn Nelson, Melville, New York


Date: Friday, Jul/2/2004
Finding many Tibicens and hearing them more often. Got up this morn and couldnt believe my eyes, found one female cassini hanging on a limb, she looked as if she hadnt mated or layed eggs, ovipositor was still tucked away and she was quite active…..I held her for a few and then she flew away. I havent heard any males so she will die unhappy…..guess nature has its reasons. cicadax, in.

Cicada eggs and nymphs

Date: Friday, Jul/2/2004
I am interested in seeing pictures of the nymphs that emerge from the eggs that were recently laid. IF any one sees these little hatchlings please photograph them.
Well, here in NY looks like we missed the Magicicada. I heard a Tibicen cholomera singing on this early humid morning! Elias, Queens County New York

Lonely cicada heard

Date: Friday, Jul/2/2004
I was walking in the woods at Schooley Mill Park in Howard County in central Maryland around noon today (July 2) and I heard one cicada calling at the bottom of a little stream valley. The last time I saw or heard one before that had been June 22. Jim Glenn, Clarksville, MD

Magicicada e-group

Date: Thursday, Jul/1/2004
If anyone has questions or would like to discuss something at greater length, you can try my e-group at
***dead website ***. I changed the settings so that anyone can view messages and post. (the default is “members only” and that’s kind of a turn-off.) I think you have to create a Yahoo login first, though. See you there, maybe! Laura Woodswalker, Oaks PA

heard one

Date: Thursday, Jul/1/2004
heard one at 2:29 pm in a tree in front of my house. luis, tucson,az

Heard one

Date: Wednesday, Jun/30/2004
Periodical cicada was heard at the Shady Grove Metro near the new garage on June 30, 2004, around 3:30 PM, loud and clear. Hadn’t heard any for at least a week. Beth, Laytonsville

Eggs – part 2

Date: Wednesday, Jun/30/2004
Ooops, just went to the “Gallery,” saw photos of the eggs…. will try to find some! Sue, Riverdale, MD


Date: Wednesday, Jun/30/2004
I think the idea of an “egg rescue” is great; so what exactly are we looking for, something tiny IN the branches, on top, or? Sue, Riverdale, MD

Alas, absent in Ann Arbor

Date: Wednesday, Jun/30/2004
Larry from Detroit: Went in the Dixboro area yesterday, to see the Magic Cicadas (just south of Ply-Ann Arbor street)where the Botanical Gardens are. There was a huge showing here in the begining, but unfortunately they appear to be all gone. No singing and no flying..not one live soul spotted…and it was 80’and sunny. This is unusal as their life span was short of 3 weeks. Last week they were hardly singing (on July 24th)and the birds were plentiful, squawing,flying wildly and picking them out of the trees with ease. I suspect these predators, plus the cooler than usual nights (46’to 52′) and the days in the lower 70’s (with hardly any sunshine) wiped out alot of their numbers way too early. I will miss the Stars of Brood X (their air acrobatics, those pretty eyes,and friendliness) and hope their little ones make it safely back into the Earth. And thank-you Dan for this great board. Deborah, Westland, Wayne County, Mich

X Files

Date: Wednesday, Jun/30/2004
An X Files Episode tonight on TNT dealt with strange predatory humanoids living in a Florida Swamp. They had glowing red eyes and the only sound they produced was that of Magicicada Cassini! I thought I was gong to have to wait till 2008 for Brood XIV to hear that sound again! Ajay, Stony Book LI

Some cicadas still around in Western PA

Date: Tuesday, Jun/29/2004
We just returned from a trip to Kentucky. There were no cicadas left in Cincinnati but there are still some singing away near Bedford, PA – easy to hear if you are on the PA turnpike. I work in MD and commute along I-95 every day. The flagging starts just north of the DE/MD line between DE 896 and DE 273 – there is no singing left here. On 6/21 we heard lots of singing in Catoctin State Park. The heavy concentrations I saw this year seemed to be along old MD 924 in Bel Air and at the North East exit of I-95. I will sorely miss these fun insects and look forward to 2021. I was so disappointed they didn’t come out in my area. Joan, Chadds Ford, PA

Cicada Wedding in 1987

Date: Tuesday, Jun/29/2004
Hi I was looking at my articles on the cicadas from 1987 and I have
one about a lady who got married then and had a cicada-themed
wedding. Her name is Liz and she was married in the DC area.
She was born in a cicada year (1953) and graduated in another
cicada year (1970). So it was fitting that she got married in
1987…her third cidada year.

Liz, are you by any chance on this board? I would love to hear your
perspectives 17 years later on the cicadas and your wedding 🙂 What
life event did you celebrate this time around? The article even has
a pic of the invitation and pic of Liz’s sister with a cicada
wedding cake topping that she made (not a real cicada).

What an incredibly creative idea….I am so glad I kept this article.
Debbie, Seattle

Cicada Display

Date: Tuesday, Jun/29/2004
I have a half dozen dried cicadas on my microwave and they still look quite good; some have reddish eyes still. I plan on carefully gluing them to a small branch and spaying them with some plastic coating for as lifelike display as possible.
It is sad that this has all come to an end so quickly. I suspect that there still might be some left in NE PA. I remember years ago finding Brood II singing loudly in that area on a small mountain around July 1. I was training for my first NYC Marathon and stopped my run to enjoy the amazing sights and sounds. I was sure “Them” ants as big as busses would shortly come crashing out of the forest! When I brought some home for my yard in Flushing I found how quickly those vile starlings can appear out of nowhere. They were devoured within two minutes of release 🙁
AJay, Stony Brook LI

Rainy days & Resin

Date: Monday, Jun/28/2004
Someone asked about rainy days. The cicadas were definitely quieter on cool/cloudy days and I don’t think they would sing at all when it rained. As to the resin-cast: I haven’t tried it yet, I’m letting my specimens dry out more. The newest ones are 2 weeks old. I experimented w/ red nail polish to bring back the red in their eyes, and clear nail polish on other parts to get rid of that ‘dried-up dead bug’ look. On the resin can it says “to avoid trapping air, dip embedments into catalyzed resin.” See for information about resin products. Very toxic stuff. Laura Woodswalker, Oaks PA

Singing, Flagging, eggs

Date: Monday, Jun/28/2004
Someone asked about singing in cold, wet weather, they don’t sing. We had some weather like that and I noticed that they were on the trees but under leaves and no singing. The singing became less and less and one day it did not happen. We have alot of flagging in my area. In fact, I saw a lady today with a leave blower out because her yard was covered in small batches of leaves. It looks like fall here because of the brown leaves on the ground and on the trees. I still have not seen any eggs drop. Shirley Jeffords, Silver Spring, MD

Egg Rescue

Date: Monday, Jun/28/2004
Areas with large Magicicada populations now are littered with huge numbers of egg laden branches. I hope that some of the cicada fans out there can rescue as many as possible from lawnmowers and trash piles and place them in wooded areas, especially those with relatively small populations. A large garbage bag could hold lots but done forget it in a close car. The unnatural predation by starlings and sparrows is already putting severe pressure on these amazing species and we should all try to preserve this amazing beautiful natural resource for future generations to enjoy and marvel at. If I had thought of the idea earlier, I would have obtained some of the protective anti cicada mesh and used it to provide a safe haven for my Princeton cicadas by putting them inside out of reach of the disgusting disease bearing starlings and sparrows which quickly annihilated them. (I have a perfect peach tree for that too and extra compost could have compensated for any use of the trees’ resources) AJay, Stony Brook LI

Periodicals quieter, Annuals making some noise

Date: Sunday, Jun/27/2004
Noise has really dropped off in the last two weeks in the Fairfax/Clifton areas. Only hear a few lonely souls at a time now, instead of thousands. Last Friday I was surprised to hear some and see flagging SW of Clifton and along Yates Ford Rd east of Manassas. It seemed to stop as soon as the road ends at Prince William Pkwy. I’ve found cicadas north and east of Manassas now, but they disappear as soon as I get to town. Haven’t actually seen one in person since 2nd week of June. We must get the brood that comes in 2013. Interesting how they’re spaced 8 and 9 years apart from each other. BTW This morning was the 1st time I’ve noticed the song of the annual cicadas. It’s officially summer now that I’ve heard them!
Kenny, Manassas, VA

Nearby sighting, for the record

Date: Sunday, Jun/27/2004
My location, near Atlanta, GA, isn’t within Brood X’s range, but it’s close enough that I decided to try to drive fnorth to see it. My first attempt, at the end of May, was a drive through Gainesville. Nothing.

My second attempt, a few days later, went up 515 and took me as far as Ellijay. I didn’t find anything, but on the way back, about two miles south of Ellijay I stopped at a rest stop named “Scenic View”. There were about a dozen dead cicadas there; I spotted a single live one flying around the trees. A map tells me that this is probably the southernmost extent of the entire brood, so maybe this information is useful to someone.

My third attempt was a trip to Amicalola Falls State Park at the start of June. It was raining and I didn’t walk very far down the trails. I spotted the occasional dead cicada here and there–maybe 6 or 7 total–but nothing live, no singing (not unexpected given the weather), and certainly nothing even vaguely swarmlike. Ken Arromdee, Norcross, GA


Date: Sunday, Jun/27/2004
i caught my first cicada today at 2:00 he was a crawling one with no wingsand at 6:45 he molted grew wings and at 7:51 i set him free i have never experienced them coming out of their skins i have seen the skins and full grown but never the transformation it was a cool transformation i will have to catch another one and watch him too. Lex, Sanger,TX

First annual (Tibicen) cicada heard today!

Date: Sunday, Jun/27/2004
My family & I visited the Cincinnati Zoo this afternoon & I finally heard my first annual cicada there. It was a “Tibicen linnei”….my favorite of the annuals. Hopefully I will find an emerging nymph soon! I have heard no periodical cicadas since last Tuesday. Roy Troutman, Batavia, Ohio

Are they still singing around here?

Date: Sunday, Jun/27/2004
Need some help – the emergence was large west of me, in the Ann Arbor area, but I heard it was spotty. Any reports of these wonders still singing?
Must hear more, a wonderful sound.
Larry D
Larry DiVizio, Detroit, Mi. USA

Periodicals quieter, Annuals making some noise

Date: Sunday, Jun/27/2004
Noise has really dropped off in the last two weeks in the Fairfax/Clifton areas. Only hear a few lonely souls at a time now, instead of thousands. Last Friday I was surprised to hear some and see flagging SW of Clifton and along Yates Ford Rd east of Manassas. It seemed to stop as soon as the road ends at Prince William Pkwy. I’ve found cicadas north and east of Manassas now, but they disappear as soon as I get to town. Haven’t actually seen one in person since 2nd week of June. We must get the brood that comes in 2013. Interesting how they’re spaced 8 and 9 years apart from each other. BTW This morning was the 1st time I’ve noticed the song of the annual cicadas. It’s officially summer now that I’ve heard them!
Kenny, Manassas, VA

Nearby sighting, for the record

Date: Sunday, Jun/27/2004
My location, near Atlanta, GA, isn’t within Brood X’s range, but it’s close enough that I decided to try to drive fnorth to see it. My first attempt, at the end of May, was a drive through Gainesville. Nothing.

My second attempt, a few days later, went up 515 and took me as far as Ellijay. I didn’t find anything, but on the way back, about two miles south of Ellijay I stopped at a rest stop named “Scenic View”. There were about a dozen dead cicadas there; I spotted a single live one flying around the trees. A map tells me that this is probably the southernmost extent of the entire brood, so maybe this information is useful to someone.

My third attempt was a trip to Amicalola Falls State Park at the start of June. It was raining and I didn’t walk very far down the trails. I spotted the occasional dead cicada here and there–maybe 6 or 7 total–but nothing live, no singing (not unexpected given the weather), and certainly nothing even vaguely swarmlike. Ken Arromdee, Norcross, GA


Date: Sunday, Jun/27/2004
i caught my first cicada today at 2:00 he was a crawling one with no wingsand at 6:45 he molted grew wings and at 7:51 i set him free i have never experienced them coming out of their skins i have seen the skins and full grown but never the transformation it was a cool transformation i will have to catch another one and watch him too. Lex, Sanger,TX

First annual (Tibicen) cicada heard today!

Date: Sunday, Jun/27/2004
My family & I visited the Cincinnati Zoo this afternoon & I finally heard my first annual cicada there. It was a “Tibicen linnei”….my favorite of the annuals. Hopefully I will find an emerging nymph soon! I have heard no periodical cicadas since last Tuesday. Roy Troutman, Batavia, Ohio

Help with casting…

Date: Sunday, Jun/27/2004
I found this link on a taxidermy website last night…
That page is specific to what we’re trying to do but it’s a whole leaflet so to speak so you can read the whole thing if you like.
Looks like some things that I didn’t do were wait till the resin was gelled before I put in the cicada, I didn’t dry him out first with silica gel or something like it…
But that link should be pretty helpful and I’ll probably try again soon. I’ll probably try with one of the not so hot looking dead cicadas that are still outside rather than the “good” ones that I picked.
I hope this helps!!!!
Karen Karen , Catonsville

Resin Bubbles

Date: Sunday, Jun/27/2004
I had the same experience as you — lots of little bubbles, even this cloudy mold like stuff. This was my first try without talking to anyone, so I’m not 100% disappointed. If I let the cicadas dry first, and then poked a hole in their abdoments so the air would get out sooner… maybe that would have helped. Or maybe it would have hurt… I should have practiced on roaches! Dan, Cicadamania

Haven’t seen one

Date: Sunday, Jun/27/2004
Was checking the site because I was excited about the 17 year brood. Now I am disappointed that they have been here and gone. Not in North Jersey. Eric, Saddle Brook, NJ

Casting In Resin…

Date: Sunday, Jun/27/2004
Anyone tried this?
I tried today and although it was easier than I thought, my cicada ended up looking like she was covered in carbonation or covered in ice. No other air bubbles in the mixture except for around the cicada.
When I put her in, it didn’t appear that there was any problem.
Anyone have any suggestions?
I’ve seen a few casts on ebay and none of them look like what mine did.
Here’s a link to all of my cicada pics. At the end I’ve uploaded the pics of my cast.
By the way I took some photos of some eggs that I found. To get the full effect, there’s an option to view the original picture which will take up more than your screen but will show great detail if you’re interested.
Forgive the monotony of the pics, I just kept snapping in the hopes of a few coming out well 😉
It’s just a test and looks like a huge ice cube 🙂
Take care,
Karen, Catonsville

A few straggler Cicadas still going in Princeton

Date: Saturday, Jun/26/2004
They get a late start now-10:30 am as opposed to 4:30 am-but a few stragglers are still going. Suspect they’re the Cassinis. We call them the “ratchets” as they wind up their calls. They will be sorely missed. They’re the only insects that make alarm calls if I’m disturbing their habitat (low key agitated buzzes) or down right scream when I inadvertently close a barn door on a Cicada leg stuck in the door jam. They’ll be sorely missed. Fairfax, Princeton, NJ

Cicada singing

Date: Friday, Jun/25/2004
To all of you who have had the privilege of living with cicadas, I have a question I haven’t found on any site yet. Do the magicicadas sing on rainy days? Cloudy days? Cool days? Just curious if they are like the Dog-days. Also, when they start dying off – what does it sound like? Does the whirring and buzzing just get softer and weaker until there are only the sounds of individual singers? I had to drive 1 1/2 hours from where I live to enjoy them. Two trips I made were a weak apart and the second time I noticed that the decims weren’t as loud and many were dead. The cassini’s were still going strong. I went to Highbanks Metro Park in Columbus and it was freaky because just in one parking area I found numerous decims infected or dead with that gross fungus. Just in that one area! Gave me the creeps and I got out of there. It was kind of dark and shaded there too, which made it more creepy. Appreciate your comments on my questions and “dying” (oops) to know. Love this site and all the input from everyone since I wasn’t blessed with their presence. Michele, Ohio

New Search in Connetquoit Park

Date: Friday, Jun/25/2004
Connetquot State Park Today. Park Employees including Gil Bergen who has been
there for decades, told me that there definitely were a small number of periodical cicadas
in the tree tops a week ago. They disappeared quickly it seems; I suspect starlings and
sparrows wiped them out. I went on a long hike toward the North east section of the park
where the sounds were heard. I saw no trace of our ephemeral friends and had to cut my
expedition short when I found one of those nasty deer ticks embedded on my leg. I also
circled Lake Ronkonkoma, Again lots of great cicada habitat, but no trace of cicadas.
Gil promised to keep in touch and admitted that he was not absolutely positive about the
exact years of long ago emergences but will look through old records. I had prepared a
really nice terrarium with live small maple trees growing in moist soil but sadly have no
little red eyed singers to fill my living room with joyful sound. A disappointing day.
AJay, Stoy Brook LI

A cicada carving

Date: Thursday, Jun/24/2004
I just finished carving a cicada today.It turned out good, I think Ill make a necklace out of it. Im starting to see more of the green cicadas, the ones I get every year and the funny thing about them, they seem to tune up their tubas in practice…then begin to sing a little in the evening. They are a pretty cicada and faster than brood x.
Once you catch one though, they are quite tame and like being petted on the back. The one I held and petted leaned from side to side,the side I petted is where she would tilt. I placed her on a leaf, but she flew back to me as I headed back to the house, so, I had to carry her around a while, she stayed on my shoulder, even in the house. I guess Ill call her Kayla. She finally allowed me to put her on the tree, guess she was thirsty for some tree sap. Way cool bug. Went back out before going to work and she was still in the same tree, flew to me and landed on my forehead. I placed her back on the tree. will check on her in the morn. Cicada x, In.

Patapsco State Park Cicadas

Date: Thursday, Jun/24/2004
I saw about a dozen monday, and heard some in the trees, but for the most part not more than one at a time. Today I heard a few, but didn’t see any. I was in the park from the swinging bridge south on both the sides of the river. George, Elkridge, Md, USA

patapsco state park?

Date: Thursday, Jun/24/2004
Which part of the park have you seen cicadas? I know at the tire park in Catonsville they are probably gone; they arrived more than 6 weeks ago now.
If I could see another live one that would be so cool!
karen, catonsville

thanks to marie

Date: Thursday, Jun/24/2004
Thank you Marie for the info about the poem, it was very good and thank you for the touch….thank you Dan for the info on the resin and thank you for this wonderful site. i will visit often and hopefully get to read new messages.I do apologise for the shouting, i never knew all caps meant that. To all cicada lovers and haters, take care and be safe. 🙂 cicada x, in

Waning cicadas and messages

Date: Thursday, Jun/24/2004
The cicadas seem to be waning and so do the posts on this message board. Thank you so much Dan for setting up this message board so all could share their cicada experiences. It has been really wonderful for me to relive another emergence through hearing about it through all of you, even though I wasn’t there to experience them in person this time. And thanks for those of you who offered to send me wings and for those of you that posted awesome pics. I may go the web site that’s been set up and post my display of the wings Joyce sent me there. I have really appreciated being able to share my love for the magicicadas with all of you….. Debbie, Seattle

Long Search At Connetquot State Park

Date: Thursday, Jun/24/2004
I ran and walked close to 10 miles in and around Connetquot State Park today, carrying a new 3 CCD Panasonic camcorder. A woman at the gate described her daughter seeing “hordes of disgusting insects” around her home on Connetquot Avenue near the park. I missed Gil Began the resident expert and will try and go back and talk to him tomorrow. Unfortunately I saw and heard not one Magicicada. I had found cicada wings miles from Princeton last week but saw no wings, no exoskeletons and no exit holes during my long exploration today. The park was very beautiful, however, with mid 80s tomorrow, I will make another investigation. I still am hoping for some success. AJay, Stony Brook LI

New Yahoo Group

Date: Thursday, Jun/24/2004
Laura, who “noticed that it is hard for people to communicate directly with each other on this message board”, started a Yahoo! e-group . Check it out: *** dead website *** Dan, Cicada Mania

Don’t go to Cincinnati

Date: Wednesday, Jun/23/2004
I just got back from a couple of days in Newport KY and Cincinnatti (well, north at the King’s Island amusement park)… I believe the cicadas are finished in that area. We spent a lot of time outside, and there were none to be heard or seen. An employee of the natural history museum told me she hadn’t seen any for a few days. Sadly, the magic seems to be mostly over in the midwest. Holly, Indianapolis, In

Forget about periodical cicadas LI

Date: Wednesday, Jun/23/2004
If they haven’t shown up yet it is because they are dead and gone. Today I heard the first tibicen of the season and no doubt those creatures like soil temperatures a good bit higher than 64 degrees. It’s past that point – if they were going to come out they certainly would’ve been here at least 3-4 weeks ago. In fact, the tibicen is about 10 days earlier than usual which would point to above normal soil temperature.
Joe, Long Island

Cicada Time Line for Elkridge Md

Date: Wednesday, Jun/23/2004
May 12: Zero.
May 13: Cicada entrance.
May 15: Started singing.
May 22- Jun1: Approx peak.
Jun 18: Cicada exit.
Jun 19: Zero.

There are still a few in the Patapsco State Park. George, Elkridge, Md, USA


Date: Wednesday, Jun/23/2004
I have seen eggs and a few hatchlings today,tiny white bugs…cute…they seem to wait till evening here to come out of the eggs, they drop from the branches almost like a feather falling slowly.Very interesting to watch. if you see any its best not to handle the hatchlings. Very fragile, but enjoy them when you can. cicada x cicada x, in

Anyone know when they will be gone?

Date: Wednesday, Jun/23/2004
For over a week now things have been dying down in the Princeton area – although the mornings are quiet, in the afternoons I still hear the cassini “singing”/screeching and from time to time have seen them. Does anyone know how long until they are “officially” gone for the next 17 years? Day after day it seems that they are but then they reappear. (I thought by late June they were gone but guess I was wrong.) Also, when the eggs start dropping will they be apparent or is it something most people don’t even notice?
Thanks in advance. Jennifer, Princeton, NJ


Date: Wednesday, Jun/23/2004
I haven’t seen any hatch, but so many branches have fallen to the ground where eggs have been laid. The little dude and I were at the park yesterday and decided to investigate to see if we could find eggs. It was really easy to do. If you find a branch; there are tiny scratches in it. Break it apart where the scratches are and you can see the eggs inside; like little grains of rice. We didn’t see any that had hatched but then again I’m not sure how you’d see that. I’m sure as soon as they hatch they probably fall to the ground.
I think I’ll stay away from sitting under trees for a while 🙂
Karen Karen , Catonsville

How can you tell when the eggs are dropping??

Date: Wednesday, Jun/23/2004
I see lots of scratches on the branches of the trees in my yard. How large are these eggs or larva going to be when they “drop”?? I’d like to see it happen if possible, just want to know what I am looking for…..All cicadas are gone here, have been gone for 2 weeks now, I miss their songs & watching them interact up close. Staci, Beltsville, MD

Any eggs dropping yet?

Date: Wednesday, Jun/23/2004
I really want to see the eggs hatch and drop to the ground. Anything like that happening yet. There is a lot of flagging on the trees where I live. Some big trees are completely covered. I am surprised at how high these little bugs climbed to lay their eggs. Shirley Jeffords, Silver Spring, MD

CICADA Sightings and Hearings

Date: Tuesday, Jun/22/2004
U say they are just now coming out ? got news for you dudes, they are hot an heavy in our yard and make noises every year. OUr back yard is full of wonderful trees for them to play their tunes in. Tracey, East Prairie, Missouri USA

PA – still a few

Date: Tuesday, Jun/22/2004
(Middle Creek) I can still hear the UFO sounds, but it keeps sounding farther away and you can pick out individual ones. Cassinis still chattering away. I got the chance to observe several up close while singing (the cicada, not me). Dead bodies are littering the ground but the frequent thunderstorms are washing them away Mike, Lititz PA

A Magicicada Mystery on Long Island

Date: Tuesday, Jun/22/2004
I drove around the perimeter of Connetquot River State Park yesterday morning and there were no Magicicada to be seen or heard. I think the Brood X cicadas are playing games with us on Long Island. To AJay in Stony Brook – the cicadas in Connetquot River SP were reported by the regional environmental education coordinator for NY State Parks. He is extremely knowledgable and was at the park in 1987 for the last Brood X emergence. So, I’m sure they were Magicicadas. We just have to hope they didn’t pull a quick disappearing act like they did in East Setauket. To Michele in Ohio – Thanks for that info! Plum Island is a concern to a lot of folks here. There are a great deal of stories and rumors going around. I just hope the spotty Magicicada activity here can be attributed to natural causes, like AJay pointed out. Time will tell! Lenny, Sound Beach, NY (Suffolk County)

Fruitlless Search Tonight In Suffolk Co. LI

Date: Tuesday, Jun/22/2004
Results of a long search tonight: I went through Setauket and focused on Branch and Mayflower lanes, epicenter of the early Newsday report. Not a single exoskeleton was visible on any surface. (They were still everywhere in Princeton.) I also passed near Ronkonkoma earlier with nothing visible During last weeks’ search around Connetquot State Park I heard quite a few crickets. I HOPE that is not what those park employees heard earlier. Will go back for a second look within two days (Gotta work on my radio talk show tomorrow) AJay, Stony Brook, LI

Fruitlless Search Tonight In Suffolk Co. LI

Date: Tuesday, Jun/22/2004
Results of a long search tonight: I went through Setauket and focused on Branch and Mayflower lanes, epicenter of the early Newsday report. Not a single exoskeleton was visible on any surface. (They were still everywhere in Princeton.) I also passed near Ronkonkoma earlier with nothing visible During last weeks’ search around Connetquot State Park I heard quite a few crickets. I HOPE that is not what those park employees heard earlier. Will go back for a second look within two days (Gotta work on my radio talk show tomorrow) AJay, Stony Brook, LI

Miracle Cicadas

Date: Monday, Jun/21/2004
Very well said, Deborah…these are not just bugs to me either…they are a miracle of God….now roaches are another story 😉 But I suppose God has His reasons for creating those too….just don’t know what they are…I hear they can survive a nuclear blast… Debbie, Seattle

got some!

Date: Monday, Jun/21/2004
Went to Ann Arbor yesterday to Domino farms and got a fair number in the wooded area right next to the parking lot. I also got poison ivy, but that’s another story 🙂 I brought them up here to Algonac, so in 2021, maybe there will be another small pocket of activity! I used a net for the first one I caught, until I figured out that they are really rather slow, clumsy bugs and I can easily just pick them up. I only had 2 or three notice my approach and fly off. In 2021, I am SO going to Cincinnati! Elisa, Algonac, MI

Magicicada Musings

Date: Monday, Jun/21/2004
After not seeing (or hearing) any cicada activity since the 15th, was pleased to see them flying around in Jessup, MD on Friday afternoon on the way to a weekend conference near Northeast, MD. Being further north, I was hopeful that there would still be some cicada activity and was not disappointed. On morning walks both Saturday and Sunday was able to hear the calls of individual male cassini as well as a solitary ‘decim and to hold and watch several ‘decim females found among those who had recently completed their 17 year life. At the risk of overstating but to illustrate their uniqueness, I think that, given their harmlessness, their lack of fear of humans, their self-sacrifice for the brood as well as their dependable but transient appearances, magicicada can in some sense be considered a “holy insect.” Stephen, Alexandria, VA

Ann Arbor Cicadas

Date: Monday, Jun/21/2004
Neil, that’s perfect! Cicadas if you want them; no cicadas if you don’t.
And so one more reason for Ann Arbor to
stay on that most liveable city list 🙂 HB, Ann Arbor

My Dad and the cicadas

Date: Monday, Jun/21/2004
Talked to my Dad today in Baltimore…he was in NYC for the last two emergences so hadn’t experienced the magicicadas before…he said “he’d never heard such a racket” and he’s hard of hearing! I’m noticing that in the Washington Post webcam they seem to be gone now 🙁 He is fascinated by them, like me, and unlike my mother! Debbie, Seattle

Cicadas in NY!!!

Date: Sunday, Jun/20/2004

Thanks you for your persistence Lenny! I was losing hope rapidly reading about the majority of Brood X dying out. It would have been a very sad day if Brood X dissappeared entirely from Long Island. I will make a trip out there in the upcoming week to enjoy this once every 17 year spectacle!! Elias, Queens County, NY

Havre de Grace, Cassini behavior etc.

Date: Sunday, Jun/20/2004
I went down to Havre de Grace MD this weekend. Going south on Rt 95, I saw an incredible amount of tree flagging. I wondered “why did the cicadas like the environment along Rt 95, do they LIKE the noise & pollution of thousands of cars?” And when I got to my campground near Churchville along the Susquehanna, there were almost none…I did pick up one little Cassini with a broken-off wing. I thought he was nearly dead, until I passed another Cassini grove. When he heard his buddies chirping, he started singing his little heart out, then took off and joined them! It is funny how these critters seem to do cute things and have more ‘personality’ than your average ‘bug’…that’s why some of us have gotten so attached to them… I also spoke to someone who preserves furs & antlers. I asked him about preserving cicadas. He says “they are fat & juicy, so you should air-dry them.” I had some in my car & he said that would also work, it is equivalent to ‘baking’ them. (the car gets very hot.) I mentioned about how the red eye color fades & he said “some red nail polish works just fine for that.”
Laura Woodswalker, Oaks PA

Heard some in Towson, MD on Fri. Sat.

Date: Sunday, Jun/20/2004
Although I did not see any adults, I heard some in Towson,MD on Fri. and Sat. I am still waiting to see the eggs drop from my trees in Silver Spring, MD. I am going to Emmittsburg, MD on June 26. Anyone know if they have any there? I had fun with them and I miss them already.
I saw the display in the Natural History Museum in DC today. It wasn’t much. I had more in my backyard. Shirley Jeffords, Silver Spring, MD

RE: Large Cicada

Date: Sunday, Jun/20/2004
Your ‘large cicada’ is an annual cicada. These appear every year. With extra hot weather happening, these are emerging a bit early in some areas. I have heard a couple of T. Chloromera around here this weekend. T. Chloromera is black and green with dark eyes, and powdered white underneath.
Fred Berry, Alexandria, VA

Why So Late On LI

Date: Sunday, Jun/20/2004
Central and eastern Long Island probably have some of the chilliest weather in the Northeast. When we are not getting cold northwest winds from Canada, what would otherwise be warm spring days in May tend to be greatly chilled by southwest winds coming off of an Atlantic Ocean with water temperatures in the forties to low fifties. Not only does this keep the soil extremely cold, but it would provide for a very dangerous climate for cicadas, making them very sluggish at a time when birds are made extra hungry trying to keep warm on cold days. As soon as the current one-day cold snap is over I will be going back over all of the promising areas where cicadas were expected. Perhaps, the sandy soil makes pre-emergent holes unnecessary and difficult and that is why they are not being seen. (Hopefully this is not a case of Newsday crying wolf {or teneral cicada} again!) AJay, Stony Brook Long Island

Large cicadas are Tibicens (“annuals”)

Date: Sunday, Jun/20/2004
The large green cicada is almost certainly an “annual”, probably of the genus Tibicen. Their broods emerge every year.

It’s neat when periodicals and annuals overlap in late June.

The first Tibicen I heard this year was extremely early: June 7th! Their numbers have increased in the past week, but still only one speices. The common species with the “zing-a-zing” call should appear soon, usually shows up here the last week of June, as does my favorite Tibicen call, the one that sounds like Ms. Pac Man when you eat a power pill.
Eric, Eastern MO


Date: Sunday, Jun/20/2004
Happy Father’s Day! I woke up today to the news that the emergence has finally begun on Long Island. In a quarter page story in Newsday titled “Better late than never, cicadas”, reports of cicada activity in Connetquot State Park have begun. The first cicadas were heard on Friday by park staff. This was one of the hot spots on the Island back in 1987. No other reports from elsewhere on the ilsand yet, but confidence seems high that this is the beginning of the action! What a nice father’s day present! Lenny, Sound Beach, NY (Suffolk County)

To Lenny looking on Long Island

Date: Sunday, Jun/20/2004
Get the book titled “Lab 257”. I forget the author. It is about what is going on a Plum Island which is not far from Long Island. Personally, I hope what they are doing out there has nothing to do with the ‘cadas being late or no-shows. Let us know if they show up late! Michele, Ohio


Date: Sunday, Jun/20/2004
Extreme close up:
Yellow eyes:
Exoskeletons up in one of the three silver maples in my yard:
I made a t-shirt: Mitya, Falls Church, VA

Brood X meets Transit of Venus photo

Date: Saturday, Jun/19/2004
I’m the one who took the photo. The sun’s image is projected by a 3inch refracting telescope. At this writing (Sun., 6/19), the photo’s original sharpness has degrated and become too fuzzy to show Venus (near sun’s 4 o’clock edge), plus the famous cicada is not looking its best. Monday AM will contact Kodak, which put the image(s) online for me and ask it to please restore the original clarity! Regards, Herman P.S. Subtracting 797 from 2004 and dividing by 17 gives the number of Brood X cycles since last they coincided with a TOV! Herman Heyn, Baltimore, Maryland

Fond of Cicada’s

Date: Saturday, Jun/19/2004
To Cicada X, from one cicada lover to another, touche’.
go to the archives June 9 and see the beautiful poem to a lady cicada. Thanks, Marie Marie Chibirka, Dalton, PA


Date: Saturday, Jun/19/2004
This morning I found a very large cicada. It did not have any orange on its body . It was 3 times the size of the regular cicadas we have been having and it has black eyes, a green and black body with bluish wings. We have caught it and it is in a cage.
Does anyone know why this one is different? alex brownlow, loveland, ohio usa

Go To Princeton For Last Look

Date: Saturday, Jun/19/2004
Considerable action still in Princeton yesterday (June 18) though well past peak. Saw and heard lots of noisy singing, flying and landing on passersby in the blocks around the Revolutionary War Monument and walking tour areas just south of downtown. Mostly Cassinis however; not many Decims for flying saucer sound effects fans. Spectacular architecture and gorgeous landscaping made the trip worth while; bring a camcorder and watch the sights and sounds again on a cold winter night while dreaming of summer and hoping for a surprise deceleration next spring. AJay, Stony Brook LI


Date: Saturday, Jun/19/2004
Cicada X, first turn off your Caps Lock button. Then go to a craft or art supplies store to find the “Casting Resin” you need. Dan, Cicadamania Headquarters


Date: Saturday, Jun/19/2004


Date: Saturday, Jun/19/2004


Date: Friday, Jun/18/2004
Unless you live in Princeton, or a few select places in Mercer, Middlesex, Somerset or Hunterdon counties, you most likely won’t see cicadas this year. Dan, Cicadamania Headquarters


Date: Friday, Jun/18/2004
My husband and I went to Winchester, Virginia over the Memorial Day weekend. I’m glad because I would have never gotten to experience the Cicada. They were everyone, in the trees, on the ground, flying…One landed on my husband. We accidnetly brought one home in the back of our car, (dead), but I put it in a baggie and took it to school and showed it to the class I was in. Told the kids that this is all it was and it was nothing to be afraid off if they came out in New Jersey. Unfortunately, I guess we are missing them in New Jersey. Debbie, Haddon Heights. NJ

Any Cicadas Left in New Jersey or Pennsylvania?

Date: Friday, Jun/18/2004
My family will be traveling to New Jersey the weekend of June 19th . We would love to spot some cicadas. Are there any left in the Princeton area? We will also be in the Valley Forge area of Pennsylvania.
Cyrena, Massachusetts

PA – fading away

Date: Friday, Jun/18/2004
But some are still there! Now you can more easily pick out the wheeee-Oooooo of indviduals. The Cassinis are still readily heard; I just think it’s because they are louder. Mike, Lititz PA

Where are they???

Date: Friday, Jun/18/2004
Fri. June18th ’04

Not a cicada in sight (nor earshot)
Has our 2 consecutive 5 year droughts
‘done them in’?

We had a freak partial-emergence
a few years back of the “X” variety.
Those early birds mated & died in days.
So the line may bounce back, but on a
different schedule. (?)
We shall see what we shall see. 😉
Jake, Bloomfield, NJ (Essex Co)

Andrea, you may be old in 2021

Date: Friday, Jun/18/2004
But you will still need to get around. Probably in a large car at a slow speed. greg, baltimore

To Michael in Adrian

Date: Friday, Jun/18/2004
For cicada lovers and cicada haters, I think Ann Arbor is the best of both worlds. They’re not flying around in the city center and scaring the bejeezus out of the bug phobic. But go to the woods on the northeast side and they are everywhere!

Neil, Ann Arbor, Michigan


Date: Thursday, Jun/17/2004

preserving cicadas

Date: Thursday, Jun/17/2004
I bought some resin today and plan on making casts of some exoskeletons and some adults! It should work well; I’ve seen some resin paperweights and jewelry with cicadas inside on ebay 🙂 Not to mention I’ve seen insects in resin before.
I just hope the eyes stay red, that would be great!
I have a bunch in the freezer and then two live ones inside of my son’s sherrif’s playset thing. They were in the jail but escaped.
I miss them already 🙁 Karen, Catonsville MD

June 8, 2004

May 25th to June 8th 2004 Cicada Comments

Filed under: Brood X | Old Message Board — Dan @ 1:15 pm

Cicadas Numbers Declining

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
The cicadas have been declining here. They are about 60 percent peak as near as I can tell. George, Elkridge, Md, USA

No more bird talk

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
We’re ending the bird thread for now. I do encourage everyone to educate yourselves about invasive species. Dan, Cicada Mania

cicada’s after dark

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
Saturday, June 5 we went on a cicada hunt near Augusta WV and spotted cicada’s that glowed in the dark, only much larger and brighter than any firefly. Has anyone else observed this
phenomenon ? Marie Chibirka, Dalton, PA

Enough with the birds?

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
This is for Brad, from Birmingham. I don’t think its ever inappropriate to discuss cruelty to animals, be it birds or insects, as has been discussed here. Yes, this is a cicada board, but Fred from VA was killing birds to protect the cicadas, so the connection is not that remote. And, I think decisions on what we should be allowed to talk about here should be left to the creators of this board, not to just any poster.

I don’t know the solution to dealing with unnatural, invasive species, but I do know that the existence of those of us who are not Native Americans might be considered unnatural here in North America, and we certainly have been invasive. Should we be killed off now, too?

And, yes, I am a devout cicadaphobe, but I still wouldn’t hurt the little guys…they just scare me, rationally or not. Cicadaphobe, McLean, VA

To Grace in Abingdon, Md.

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
Hi Grace
I wish I could go with you this weekend, I’d love another opportunity to study them again. Out of the 20 cicada’s I captured most have died. 🙁 I contacted UMASS Amherst’s Entomology Dept and asked them if they’d be interested in my specimens for study and they jumped at the chance. They are sending me a box of dry ice to perserve the little bugger’s to ship them back to. They also want copies of my videos and pictures. It made me feel pretty good that I was able to contribute these to a respected University up here.
I strongly suggest I81 South from the Maryland border. Take the exit for Route 901 Spring Mill Road. It won’t be far once you cross the Patomac River.
When you come to the top of the off ramp, you will see a shell station straight ahead. Go right. Follow 901. Not only is it a very nice drive, the road is very windy with a lot of old standing trees. Please remember to open your windows and you will start to hear the Septendeculars singing. They sound like a giant weed-wacker. I followed 901 about half-way through and stopped by a big church that has an old graveyard next to it on the left there is an old colonial style brick building on the right where they are doing some construction to rebuild it. Park in the church parking lot and wonder the little graveyard. I spent an hour here. There were tons of Septendeculars and Septendecims taking turns chorusing. I talked to a lot of the locals and it seems that anywhere along 901 seems to be the biggest concentration of cicada’s. Once you get back in your car continue on 901, you will come to some orchards and go over a set of railroad tracks, the road get’s really windy and hilly, your kids will like this area as it’s like riding a roller-coaster. Eventually, 901 ends and you will come to a stop sign. At this stop sign is rte 9 and you will be in the center of Hedgesville.

Good luck and please post your experience once you come back.
Gerry Gerry, Northern Massachusetts

No Cicadas!

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
Are we too far north for Cicadas? We haven’t seen anything up here! Sharon, Pequannock, NJ, USA

Enough with the birds-This is a cicada board

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
Everybody is welcome to his or her opinions. Please do educate yourself about invasive species before posting such sharp responses. There are many websites devoted to invasive species and the damage they cause. English Sparrows and Starlings do not belong in the US and have devastated natural bird populations. Bluebirds, native sparrows, and woodpeckers are just a few that are becoming endangered as a direct result of competition with these invasive species.
Now lets hear about those CICADAS!! I am taking the whole family (wife, 3 and 7 year-old daughters, and myself) for an hour-long drive to Ann Arbor, MI in hopes of finding Brood X. Everybody is very excited about the outing. Brad, Birmingham,MI

They have landed in Georgia…

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
Three years ago I moved from the city to a home near 500 acres or preserved forest…I had never seen these things before. They are loud and trying to land on or near me whenever I am working in the yard in the evening.

Last night I had to stomp one FOUR times before it stopped moving…I thought moving to the country was supposed to be peaceful?!?!?

Tamara, Douglasville, GA

Birds and “fung-cadas”

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
Hi Deborah, Your message was very polite and I liked your wording. I’m sorry about the sparrows and starlings. I treasure our natural bird life, and these two species are wiping them out. This is why I destroy them. They are unatural to this country. Take another example: the common Grackle. This species as multiplied to the point where towns are starting to destroy them with chemical warefare. I have never harmed a grackle and never will. This is a NATIVE species, and they are multilpying for reasons that are above me. I have watched Robins, Catbirds, mockingbirds, song sparrows, white throated sparrows, common crows, bluejays and even gray squirrels eating cicadas. Although I hate to see ANY cicada destroyed, this is nature at work and I’ll not interfere with that. English sparrows are NOT nature (in this country, anyway)and they are UNBALANCING nature here. I could kill MILLIONS, but it would not interfere with their growing populations. I see your point about life and karma. I just value our natural species of ALL life over invaders. I am seeing quite a few “Fung-cadas” (cicadas with the cicada fungus), around here. Both sexes. I have watched males singing with only half an abdomen! The song is quite a bit louder and ‘buzzier’ without the enclosed sound-chamber needed to make their true song. I am seeing quite a few more than in 1987. Fred Berry, Alexandria, VA

I hate cicadas!

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
Why are all you weirdos so infatuated with these ugly bugs? They are ruining my life, i can’t go anywhere without them diving at my head. They are the stupidest creatures I have ever seen. They have no comprehension on how to fly which is the only thing they do with their lives other than breed and die. I can’t wait till they all die. All i know is that in 17 years i will not live anywhere that these bugs could possibly show up again. P.S. For all you people who eat them, you’re disgusting, I wonder if you eat their huge beady red eyes. sammy, Bloomington,IN

I HATE THEM!!!!!!!!!

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
The stupid things dive bomb my head so I have to take a text book everywhere with me to swat them away. I hate them. Only a week or two left before they all die and I am SO glad!! Oh, and Mrs.Cahill, are you here?!? Christine Croke, Baltimore, MD

Flying Like Mad

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
The noise level in my neighborhood has dropped some since last week. Well at least the decim anyway. I am definitly hearing more from the cassini now. My husband makes tons of “friends” when using the weedwhacker. Now I know why. The cassini sound alot like it and they must think it is a giant cicada. Even though the cicadas aren’t making as much noise now, they are flying about like crazy. Guess they are trying to fit in as much bug lovin’ as they can before their time is up. THANX TO GERRY IN NORTH MASS.-I am heading to Hedgesville this weekend to visit my sister and was glad of the bug report from there. Grace, Abingdon,MD

Squirels Enjoy Cicaras

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
When the cicadas first emerged, my family & I watched the squirels campure the cicada & eat them. We have approx 100 trees on our land & from our house windows we could see several squirels scooping the cicada from branches & munching on them.
You knew when the squirel moved to another branch, as you could see just the two wings slowly fluttering to the ground.
Dick in Bowie MD Dick Bolt, Bowie MD

Terrible Practice

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
To Fred of Alexandria,Va: Your practice of killing Sparrows and Starling is just plain Wrong!! You love the Cicadas (as I do and am awaiting the emergence of the wonderful creatures here S.E. Mich) yet hate these birds. An obvious contradiction…and a fraud.
How horrible to take a life of one of Earths creatures. Who are you to condem them to death? How would you feel if some entity judged your life worthless?
You are in fact no different than the stupid people who go around harming the beautiful Brood Xers.
I feel pity for you and your resultant Karma…and hope you find it in your heart to stop this awful practice. Deborah, Westland, Mich

Cassinis are still in full swing

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
Yesterday, I drove to nearby Fall Church, VA. for an errand. The Cassinis and ‘deculas’ are still in full numbers. They were flying accross the roads, landing on the traffic lights, my car’s hood when I was stopped, and in the road! This is great! I stopped and watched the Cassinis in a 12 foot tall tree next to the road. Again, these guys were ‘doin the Cassini Caper’ by singing all at one time, flying to the next twig, (all at one time) and then laying down another chorus. I aggree, the Cassinis are my favorites too. Alot of ‘deculas’ are mixed in with these. Their ending ‘Tick, tick, tick, tick’ stands out from the Cassinis’ shrill buzzes. The deculas sound very much like a South Eastern species of Annual cicada which inhabits the scrub and scrub plants on the beaches/dunes of South Carolina. These guys’ songs are the same steady ‘tick tick’ such as heard at the end of Decula’s song. Anyway, todaze weather is very hot and muggy, and the 17 year cicada still persists to my pleasure!
Fred Fred Berry, Alexandria, VA.

Invasive Species

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
To follow up on Fred’s post, here’s more info about the Euro starting, and invasive species: Dan, Cicada Mania Headquarters

Killing Birds

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
To Elena from “Farfax” VA:

I have forgotten more about birds than you’ll ever learn. The English Sparrow (European Weaver Finch, scientific name PASSER DOMESTICUS) has no business being in this country. A few individuals were introduced by some IDIOT back in the 1800’s along with the notorious starling (Sternus Vulgarus) because he/she/it/they desired to have all the birds from Shakespere’s time in this country. These two species have devastated our native species, especially the precious Eastern Bluebird. English Sparrows have devastated populations of periodical cicadas mainly because the sparrows are UNATURAL to this country! There are laws in place concerning the English Sparrow: They may be hunted, trapped and killed in unlimited numbers all year around in all fifty states also including our territories. I have killed countless thousands of English Sparrows and starlings with the blessing of this state. I submit: The cicadas are natural and are true natives of this country. You are NOT. Fred Berry, Alexandria, VA.

Killing birds, are you?

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
I never heard anything more disgusting than that – killing birds to save insects!!! And how CLEVER is that – just think how much he’ll achieve, does he think those creatures’ miserable few weeks life time is a good enough reason to start murdering the NORMAL NATURE? Thanks God, they’ll be dead in a month anyway – birds or no birds.
Besides – when we are talking about Nature’s performance, we should remember that everything that Nature does is BALANCED. This cicadas’ invasion may as well have a purpose of multiplication of OTHER SPECIES.
Such people should be punished by law – that’s my opinion.
Elena, Farfax VA

SO SAD! Cicadas are fewer and fewer!

Date: Monday, Jun/7/2004
Feeling rather blue today….the number of cicadas have diminished in our back wooded area dramatically. Although I heard some in the hottest heat of the afternoon, the numbers are down dramatically. Lots of deceased ones lying on our porch etc. I will really miss them when they are all gone, and feel blessed that we were able to witness such an amazing event in our lifetime. Makes me acutely aware of the passage of time, and how brief life really is. Cheryl VanDaalen, Falls Creek, Louisville, KY

Another location: Valley Forge Mt.

Date: Monday, Jun/7/2004
There is a small grove of -decim at the top of Valley Forge Mt. in Chester County PA. It is a wooded, wealthy suburban-type neighborhood–the vicinity of High Point Drive and N. Forge Mt. Drive. (you’ll need a map of Chester County.) The cicadas were singing softly and I could pick out individual singers. I saw few live ones, and I did see a lot of “flagging” on trees. I wonder if they are they already starting to diminish? I’ve been going to see/hear them every chance I get–who knows if I’ll ever experience this magic again? Laura, Oaks PA

Yellow Eyes

Date: Monday, Jun/7/2004
I found two cicadas with yellow eyes in my yard today. One’s eyes are more gold in color, while the other’s were more of a cream yellow. I was able to get a picture of the one with the gold eyes.
Are yellow-eyed cicadas as rare as blue-eyed ones? Mitya, Falls Church, VA

Still eagerly awaiting

Date: Monday, Jun/7/2004
Lived through a large emergence in the 70’s in Clinton County, was thoroughly fascinated. We have three children looking forward to brood X. Sadly, there have been no signs of any. Nancy Sakowski, Unityville, PA (Lycoming County)

Ryan in Towson

Date: Monday, Jun/7/2004
Hey Ryan, if you can’t find a good place to record around Towson, come to Allegany County! They were pretty quiet the last few days, but today was hot and humid, and they were singing their little hearts out! They are flying all over the place all of a sudden. I had to clean my windshield twice today, it was so covered with bug guts. (I didn’t mean to hit them…honest!) kiersa, Cumberland, Md

The Cicadas are here….still

Date: Monday, Jun/7/2004
We’ve had the invasion of the cicadas in our area for almost a month and they seem to be getting louder and louder. We hear then 24/7. They are all over the trees surrounding our home and every time we venture out of the house, we usually have one fly right at us. We’ve counted at least 50 of them at one time resting under the deck of our house. They make a horrible sound too when you pick them up or swat them away. When will they go back to their underground homes? Kathy H, Mertztown, PA, USA

On their way out

Date: Monday, Jun/7/2004
They are mostly gone now. I don’t see them flying around anymore. The noise sounds quite distant now. But I do see lots and lots of corpses. Dennis, Silver Spring MD

They’re back…

Date: Monday, Jun/7/2004
Friday, Saturday & Sunday were cold and rainy here. Sunday afternoon we got a little sun and a bit warmer, and the reward was some half-hearted Cassini’s. But today (Monday, 06/17) it is nice and warm and the Septendicum are back with their chorus (a bit less volume), and the Cassini and Decula are in full swing. While photographing some I noticed a Septendicum male with bright YELLOW eyes, that matched his wing veins! I got some good photos of him by himself and with some red-eyed Cassini & Decula. If you’re interested, I’ll send a few photos for your site. I don’t know how common a yellow-eyed specimen is. The trees around here are showing serious flagging, and the girls are steadily inserting their loads in the branches. The weather is supposed to be warm this week, so hopefully we’ll have at least another full week of chorus. Fred Berry, Alexandria, VA.

cicada destruction

Date: Monday, Jun/7/2004
They have been here since May 12-my yard is full of millions of cicadas.The noise is deafening,the smell is awful, they have destroyed more than half of the annuals and perennials in my garden by laying eggs in their stems.The theory that they only do damage to small tree branches was way off.Apparently they will lay eggs on any type of plant they can.I am so tired of people saying they wish they had them,or that they love the noise they make.PLEASE.I can’t wait until they leave and I hope to never experience this horror again. Floralgirl, Maryland

I drove 500 Miles to see them!!

Date: Tuesday, Jun/8/2004
Hi There, This may sound strange to some but, this past weekend, 6/4 – 6/6 I drove over 500 miles from Northern Massachusetts to just outside Martinsburg WV just over the Maryland border to see the Cicada’s. I grew up in Baltimore but unfortunately, in 1987 which supposedly was there previous appearance, I moved to Massachusetts and I do not remember the previous appearance back in 1970 so I’ve been missing them. Anyway, I figured if I didn’t go down to see them now, the next time they arrive I’d be 57 years old (I’m 40 now) so I just had to go. I was glad to discover that there are two different species currently out, Magicicada Septendecim and Magicicada septendecula. I have identified these from their songs and coloring and I think I got it right. Anyway, I was in bug-heaven. When I was a kid, I collected the annual Cicada’s and ever since then I’ve been in love with them. They are the coolest things ever, not too bright but still cool. So I just had to come down to see the brood this year. Anyway, I managed to collect about 20 specimens. 10 of each species and broken down into 10 males and 10 females. Man what a bunch of noise the Magicicada septendecula made on the drive home from WV Today!! Anyway, when I brought them home, I took tons of pictures. I wanted my pictures to be in sort of a natural setting so I went in my yeard and cut a piece of bush, stuck it in water and shined a 1000 watt light on it and placed some cicada’s on it. I was happy to report that the Magicicada septendecula started doing their chorus right in my house hoping to entice some of the females!! It was pretty cool. After a while I placed some of the Magicicada Septendecim females on my natural – looking bush and am happy to report that several of them actually started to lay eggsI I don’t know if they mated with the males in my specimen container or they mated previous to me collecting them. I suspect the latter. Anyway, I have tons of great pictures and also some AVI files of songs, and alarm sounds and also of the females laying eggs. I’m going to hold onto this little piece of bush for a while to see if the eggs hatch. You never know, by me doing this we may experience an emergence of these cicadas up here in Massachusetts in 17 years!! Also, I am also sorry to report that approximately 1 out of every 10 Magicicada Septendecim that I looked at seemed to be infected with the fungal parasite Massospora cicadina. Most were alive but I suspect it wouldn’t be for long. The actual places I went to to see, listen and collect cicada’s is Route 9 in Hedgesville which is Exit 16W off of I81 south and also Spring Mill Road which is route 901 I forget the Exit number off of I81 but it is the second exit in WV after you cross the Maryland Border. Gerry, Northern Massachusetts


Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
Their here in our part`s of OHIO ,,, We`re 18 miles east of Richmond Indiana ,,,, And these screaminnnn Cicada`s are all over here! ,,, My yard is FULL in the Tree`s ,,, Bush`s ,,,, fly`in all around!!!!
When drive`in on these back Country Roads ,,, In the Woods You can hear em
and VERY THINK in sum parts! Jas, Lewisburg Ohio

Lots of Them, AND a Bonus

Date: Monday, Jun/7/2004
Since posting my other message, I’ve gotten to see lots of activity and taken tons of pictures. One thing I didn’t figure on was the “buffet factor” – many different kinds of birds chowing down on the flying feast, from bluebirds to starlings. Nicest surprise was a flock of cedar waxwings (never saw this kind of bird at my house before). They set up shop at one of the cicada hot spots in the yard, and gorged themselves for a couple of days. One pair liked it so much, they moved in. I spotted them building a nest in a tree just ten feet from the front window. This has been a great experience! vbert, Kintnersville (Upper Bucks County), PA

cicada sightings

Date: Monday, Jun/7/2004
I have yet to see or hear any in my neighborhood, but this morning coming through the parking lot where I work in Plainsboro, one came flying up and landed on me. I was surprised at how much smaller they are than the yearly cicadas, and the coloring with the red eyes is really something. I have been watching through my office window and see quite a few of them flying about. Jennifer Teets, Roebling NJ

Have seen them in northern surburb of Philadelphia

Date: Monday, Jun/7/2004
Last Tuesday I saw hundred of them in the state park of Lake Nockamixon, about an hour drive to the north from Philadelphia. It was at the marina in the northern part of the lake. They were everywhere in the wooded area and were very noisy. Tonny, Philadelphia, PA

Reply to “West Michigan Cicadas?”

Date: Monday, Jun/7/2004
To Freddy of Grand Rapids MI, I was just out visiting my parents in Muskegon (on Lake Michigan) and they have found a couple dozen cicada shells in their 10 acre oak forest. Growing up there, I remember we could hear them every few years… but NOT the sound of a UFO! You could actually hear the individuals calling to each other. So they are there, but you really have to look for them. Kathleen, Ann Arbor, MI

Cicadas in Long Island

Date: Monday, Jun/7/2004
Hello all
We are up to a balmy 67 degrees today. It has been a cool spring so far. THe emrgence here has probably been delayed. Supposedly the heaviest numbers should be in Ronkonkoma. A few days ago, I was there and heard nothing. Then it rained and went down into the 50’s. If any one spots any cicadas in Long Island, please post here. Thanks! Elias, Long Island NY

A few show up on S.I.

Date: Monday, Jun/7/2004
On Staten Island, our big emergence is from Brood II, which last occurred in 1996. Brood X has generally been represented in the past by only a few individuals. On June 3, my co-worker Ray had 3 decim and 1 cassini singing in the woods in Blue Heron Park. That will probably be about it for us. Can’t wait until 2013! Ed Johnson, Staten Island, NY


Date: Monday, Jun/7/2004

Cicada sighting

Date: Monday, Jun/7/2004
Try going to Anarundel Mills Mall. Across the street from the mall at one of the hotels, they were swarming everywhere 2 weeks ago. They were very noisy too. There were tons and tons of them. DT, Washington, D.C.

Still waiting…..

Date: Monday, Jun/7/2004
Still no sign of cicadas here in Northwestern Indiana. Either it’s been too cold, or they have been killed off. If and when they do show up, I will post it on this site. Dan, Valparaiso IN


Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
Their here in our part`s of OHIO ,,, We`re 18 miles east of Richmond Indiana ,,,, And these screaminnnn Cicada`s are all over here! ,,, My yard is FULL in the Tree`s ,,, Bush`s ,,,, fly`in all around!!!!
When drive`in on these back Country Roads ,,, In the Woods You can hear em
and VERY THINK in sum parts! Jas, Lewisburg Ohio

Where are they?

Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
I am director of a day camp in Hatboro and we were hoping to spend a whole week talking about and observing cicadas. I have seen NONE in the area – just north of Philly in Montgomery county. Anybody close by seen any besides in Jenkintown???? PLEASE tell me they will come!!!! JoAnne, Glenside PA

cicada noise near towson

Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
Ryan, try Lutherville. Lotsa big old trees. You shoulda been there last week, but there’s still some around. greg, towson

drooping branches

Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
Ann, yes that’s the cicadas. They slit the tree branches near the end and deposit their eggs. This causes the rest of the branch to die. Since it’s near the end of the branches it doesn’t harm mature trees in the long term any more than pruning does, but it does look like some kinda disease. The eggs would be in the underside of the branch just before the droop. I think they drop to the ground in a couple months. greg, towson

Canton Michigan

Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
I am going to Canton Michigan and i was wonderfing if there are Cicadas there?
Thanks Renee, North Carolina

cicada sighting

Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
if anybody is looking for cicadas in the berks county area, i heard that there are some up at Nolde Park in Kenhorst on the watershed trail. im going to go up there this week on a nice sunny day and look for them myself. stephanie, Reading, PA


Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
they’re not where i live yet but i went up to Alexandria for a soccer game and they were there… not a lot but they were there. Just a warning to you guys… they stink (as in smell). Lyndsay, Virginia

Emergence in Ann Arbor

Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
I have been waiting for brood X with baited breath, wondering if one of those little blips in the Michigan area would be a big emergence. It was. I was in Ann Arbor today and everything in Marshall Park was covered with them. (Corner of Plymouth and Dixboro rds.) If you are in the area, do yourself a favor and check them out. I heard that they are also along the Huron River in Superior township. Brett, Ann Arbor, MI

Scared Sister Will be OK lol

Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
Looks like I am safe on Staten Island, my friend says im cicada obsessed.. I will say this much, i dont like the bugs but this website sure is fun..

Yuck [AT] cicada pizza Lisa , Staten Island NY

Today’s Golf and Cicadas in southern IN

Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
I don’t usually follow golf, but watched today’s coverage of the PGA event on CBS because the cicadas could be heard in the background. Loud! Heard both Decim and Cassini.

Am headed to Indiana in a few days for the purpose of hearing the cicadas, so someone please warn me in the event they’ve stopped singing there. I’ll be on 64 between the IL border and 37, and north and south within the national forest.
Eric, Eastern MO

Cicada Hypothermia

Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
Went back to Green Lane to visit the Brood. It was cold & rainy all weekend and they were just sitting under leaves, barely moving. I was afraid they were going to die if it got much colder. Some were just sitting on the pavement ready to be run over so I started “rescuing” them & letting them crawl on me to warm up. I carried so many cicadas around I thought I was gonna turn into a big cicada myself! I also noticed something else: this was a very quiet state park, and when a car came by, the Cassini chorus would get way louder (causing the Decim to sing louder too.) I wonder if they thought the car engine was ‘competition’! Um, maybe that’s why they are so deafening in places like DC… so they can hear themselves over the traffic! Laura, Green Lane

Michigan/Ann Arbor Cicadas

Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
Was just out in Ann Arbor today. There was some loud cicada activity all along Warren Road which runs sort of parellel to M14 just north of it. Most of the Action was Between Dixboro road in the west and some other road I cant remember on the east (where Warren Road dead ends into a big cemetary.) It goes without mentioning along that same stretch of road they are all over plants, trees, signs, mailboxes, etc. Josh , Detroit

Where Are the Eggs? Why All the Dropped Branchlets?

Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
Everywhere I walk I see small branchlets that have fallen from trees or drooping on shrubs. I think they are connected with the egg-laying cicadas. But how?

I want to try to see the eggs and perhaps some nymphs hatching. Where should I look? And when? And what do I look for?

I love the cicadas!!! And I mourn their slow passing as their songs are dimming. Ann, Chevy Chase, MD

Dexter-Ann Arbor cicadas

Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
Anyone else here do the Dexter-Ann Arbor half-marathon run this morning? Quite a cicada-choral accompaniment there in the middle miles! Sounded like they were north of Huron River Drive west of Maple in several areas. Jim, Ann Arbor, MI

cicadas around here?

Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
Last night when I took our dog out I heard this sound, at first I was clueless, later I had my dad hear it, he looked at me curious and said “cicadas??” later a couple popped up on our patio they were 1 1/2 inches (about) clumsy, fat in appearance, but looked like they were still in a “shell” anyway I looked it up and they matched to the description of the okanagan species, is this possible here brian, emerado, north dakota

It looked like a cicada,

Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
I was in Westwood where a bright green bug about the size of a pencil eraser it had red eyes and its wings were translucent, didn’t appear to have a mouth at all.

I’ve seen cicada’s before around my house but this bug looked like a more colorful and smaller version of the regulars.

Could this be a cicada also or did I find a leaf hopper of some sort? Zara Fabian, Massachusetts

Come Back Cicadas!!!

Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
For the last week, it has been rainy & a bit on the chilly side, and it seems to have affected our little friends. I have not seen ANY males, or heard them for that matter, I have spotted a few females in the trees laying eggs or just sitting there very quietly. I have also noticed alot of males are dying off. Are they coming back when the heat returns (they are supposed to be around till the end of June, right?) or has the weather shortened their already short stay with us?? I have a sandwich bag full of cicadas of all species that I am going to pick from & preserve them. I hope they come back, even if it is just for a few more short weeks…… Staci, Beltsville, MD

loudest area around baltimore county?

Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
Hi I am hoping to get a nice loud recording of the cicada chorus ( i know i waited a little too long) somewhere in the towson md area. anyone have any tips for loud areas? are they starting to die down in md?

ryan, MD ryan, jarrettsville, md

no cidadas yet

Date: Sunday, Jun/6/2004
in dauphin county, hershey, pa, no sightings here yet (june 6, 2004) kate, hummelstown, pa

cold affecting cicadas

Date: Saturday, Jun/5/2004
It’s been pretty chilly and rainy around here for the last two days and the cicadas were silent. Then today as the clouds started to give way a bit, I heard a few trying to chorus. Funny thing was they sound like an electrical device shorting out — as if all the dampness affected their noisemakers! I’m expecting they’ll be back in full noise tomorrow Jane, ashburn, va

bluebird eating cicada

Date: Saturday, Jun/5/2004
Saw a bluebird eating a cicada today- (about 2 miles south of Wwashington Crossing State Park). It was not easy for the little bird; kind of like a person eating a live lobster with no utencils. CW, Pennington, NJ

nearest Cicada site

Date: Saturday, Jun/5/2004
I read the message that Cicada have been sighted in Punxsutawny, PA. which is probably a 4 to 5 hour drive from us. We would like to find the nearest locale so we can view them next weekend or later in June.

Yesterday I called several state parks in PA, and a professor at UCONN recommended this site. I am grateful for his input, and any other. Thank you for the detailed directions.

State College would be even closer than Punxsatawny but when I called the nearby Bald Eagle State park, the person who answered the phone had not heard Cicadas. He suggested I contact the naturalist there.

I did find out that Cicadas are abundant in Gifford Pinchot State Park, PA which is a little south of Harrisburg. The person I spoke with expected them to be abundant at least until the end of June. She also said they are very noisy when it is sunny but real quiet when it is rainy.

I thank anyone for any information. Janet, near Buffalo, New York

Light-eyed cicada!

Date: Saturday, Jun/5/2004
I found this cicada on a tree off a bike path in Arlington (Lyon Village). Almost yellow eyes! Phil Yabut, Arlington, Virginia

Cicadas on a golf course in China

Date: Saturday, Jun/5/2004
I played golf at Zhongshan, the first golf course built in China, yesterday.

I saw and heard a lot of cicadas at holes 1,2 and 3 of the Arnold Palmer Course.
Paul Tsang, Hong Kong


Date: Saturday, Jun/5/2004

hi, i want to know why does cicadas shed there skin every certain time

Jose, beirut

still nothing and happy about it

Date: Saturday, Jun/5/2004
Still waiting for the invasion. We live in a very wooded area with lots of birds and other small animals. Could this be part of the reason for no sightings? How long before its safe to say they wont be here? Even the dog is not digging anymore so are they dying in the ground? Seems strange they are in Haverford which is so close by. D.C., Devon, Pa.

To Fred in Alexandria and anyone else being invaded by the Cassini

Date: Saturday, Jun/5/2004
I’m so glad someone else finally noticed the cassini and their synchronized chorus. I think they are amazing and they are my favorite Magicicada species by far. If anyone else has the cassini cicadas out in force in their area, they should take the opportunity to watch them in the upper and outer branches of the trees while they are in chorus. The best time to do that is mid afternoon. Later, Nick Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

None here…

Date: Saturday, Jun/5/2004
Haven’t seen one yet, just a few big dobsonflies. Anybody know if west Michigan gets a cicada hatch? Freddy, Grand Rapids MI

Cicadas still with us!

Date: Friday, Jun/4/2004
The cicadas started coming up from the ground up here probably about 2-1/2 weeks ago…fascinating to watch them emerge from their casings. They seem to be in very discrete locations here, you can tell when you’re driving by the sound of them where they are. We are lucky enough to live on about 10 acres with a lot of old, undisturbed trees, and they are out in force here. I’ll be sad when they’re gone. What a miracle of nature! Patty E. , Holland Township, NJ

No Bugs

Date: Friday, Jun/4/2004
I live in Northern Indiana and we have had no cicadas outbreak in our neighborhood at least Buzz, Elkhart IN


Date: Friday, Jun/4/2004
How long do cicada’s last? Susan, Ohio

New cicada pics!

Date: Friday, Jun/4/2004
I have posted more cicada pics from Bloomington, Indiana:
What an amazing phenomenon!

They are actually quite sweet, as some other visitors attest. They seem to like people, like to crawl on us, and like to be stroked on their upper back, just above their wings. Janee, Bloomington, Indiana, USA

Here in force

Date: Friday, Jun/4/2004
I live in the 13th story penthouse of my building. I come home for lunch, stand on my balcony and look downwards to our tree-covered landscape. I see countless thousands flying back and forth. The have layed eggs in the branches of my fake trees on the balcony, most of their smaller branches have been slit on their undersides by the females. One of my fake trees experienced a Cassini gathering, wherein the males (about 30 or so) were all taking off to another branch, singing one song, then taking off for a short 6 inch flight to another branch and singing a single song, ALL IN SYNCHRONIZATION! These insects are NOT thoughtless robots like some people insist; I see a sort of joy in their actions! I have also become expert at picking off english sparrows around here with my hunting slingshot. These unwanted pests have devastated some cicada populations, making them fair game! I don’t bother native birds, although I hate to see one take a cicada! I narrowly missed catching an alert blue-eyed Cassini on a smaller tree on Edsall Road. He also had a blue vein on each wing, and what appeared to be blue spots on his legs. Not really a true blue, but a very pale bluish white. If I can catch one, I’ll photograph it. In 1987 I caught some cicadas and mounted them in glass cases. This time I haven’t harmed a single insect.
It is now June 4th, and overcast and cool. The regular Septendicum are silent, but I am hearing some Cassini & Decula across the street. Some of our forest trees are now showing ‘flagging’. I hope this doesn’t mean the fun is over. We started seeing them around the thirteenth of May.
Please keep up this wonderful site! I have been with it since its conception!
Fred Fred Berry, Alexandria VA.

CIcadas in Long Island

Date: Friday, Jun/4/2004
Hello All

Ajay – I wish I read your post yesterday. I read that same Newsweek article and took a drive to Ronkonkoma and East Setaucket this morning. Looked all around by ny forested area I could find. Not a peep! No skins found either. I will stay tuned for the mid June invasion. In 1987 – I missed them because I went in early July so I will stay tuned! Anyone with infromation on Long Island townships with true emergences – please post here Elias, Long Island NewYork


Date: Friday, Jun/4/2004
yesterday I thought I was lucky, I got an upclose and personal look at one on a pole. But today, it’s like there’s a thousand UFO’s hovering in the sky! wow. Jen, Princeton, NJ


Date: Friday, Jun/4/2004
Oh, God, can it be true? They’re all gone! This morning and up till now – 1PM – there is no sight, no sound of them! Are they really gone? Did they all die last night? Did the cold night kill them all? They can’t be asleep, can they? Elena, Fairfax, VA


Date: Friday, Jun/4/2004
i am angry
i want a pefrect swarm
this sucks Dan Bissell, jounalism new providence

PGA Golf Cicadas

Date: Friday, Jun/4/2004
The cicadas have invaded the Memorial Tournament in Dublin Ohio this weekend, and you can hear (and maybe see) them on TV. ESPN on Friday 6/4 at 4pm EDT, CBS on Sat 6/5 at 3pm, and CBS on Sun 6/6 at 2pm. One of the bugs landed on Tiger Wood’s nose yesterday while he was putting, and on another golfer’s shoulders while he was putting too. The commentators mention them now and then, and you can hear the buzz in the background. I’m going to check it out in person this weekend !! Greg, Findlay, Ohio


Date: Friday, Jun/4/2004
Love the guy building airplanes out of them…….finally, a purpose for the gross out, fat, sloppy, monsters. Jane, wilmington, de

Enfin! Les cigales sont voisines !

Date: Friday, Jun/4/2004
I have been waiting with mounting anticipation for the cicada’s emergence here.
Disappointed and thinking that none would emerge in this area because of all the new construction, I had almost given up hope. Today I rode my bike 3 miles north of New Hope along the towpath, between here and Center Bridge. The cicadas song excited me and I started looking. I found four adults before I had to turn back to go to work. I will return tomorrow to marvel at the magic of the cicadas! Enfin! Cicada Sara, New Hope, PA

Things I have learned about cicadas

Date: Friday, Jun/4/2004
I have been surprised by a few things….

– I expected our city to be completely covered with cicadas, but they are very localized. You can walk 5 blocks and move from heavy infestation to zero.

– Cicadas are more active in heat and quiet and less active in cool weather.

– There are several different sounds that can be heard from individual species. They can sound like a bird chirping!

– They are smelly when they die.

– Cicadas can affect a golf game (did anyone watch the tournament in Ohio yesterday?)

– most children have a natural curiousity and very little fear… but many/most adults are afraid of the size and movement and sound of cicadas.Anyone want to add anything? Holly, Indianapolis, In

They Are Here!

Date: Friday, Jun/4/2004
We have been seeing these unique creatures for at least two weeks now. More are showing up daily. Desiree, Fayetteville, TN

They are here

Date: Friday, Jun/4/2004
The Cicadas are here in Monmouth Jct, NJ about 5 miles northeast of Princeton. I love watching the birds dive bomb to eat them in mid air! Golfman, Monmouth Junction, NJ

Performing Outdoors with cicadas

Date: Friday, Jun/4/2004
To the actor from New Jersey-

we postponed the opening of an outdoor Shakespeare production in Maryland because of the invasion- we’re now reahearsing outdoors to open in a week, the great news is that by 8:00 PM, they get real quiet and stop flying around. As long as you’re doing a show in the evening- you’ll be fine! Ian, Ellicott City, MD

To Priscilla from Smithville

Date: Friday, Jun/4/2004
Hi, I posted to you previously…we would definately love to see the casings you brought back from students are beginning to think I’m imagining these buggers. I’m disappointed that we didn’t get any here! We are in school until the 16th of June…hope to hear from you! Kim kim, Smithville, NJ

The Cicadas scared my pet

Date: Friday, Jun/4/2004
Just a few days ago I was taking my pet wombat(a good friend of Punxsutawney Phil) for a walk in a nearby park when the sound of the cicadas became quite deafening. My poor wooly wombat Willy became very frightened. The only way I could calm him down was to hum the theme song from Leave it to Beaver( his favorite show). Hope these things leave soon! Clive Carbunkle, Punxsutawney, PA

WHen ??????

Date: Friday, Jun/4/2004
When can I expect them to be around MI and how do I scout for the nearest forest where I can find sheds. Is there a particular tree or something they like? Please help I dont wanna miss the show. Rob, Jackson , MI

Still no sightings

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
I havent seen any cicadas yet.Have been as far as Princeton KY and none spotted yet. In a way I am glad but I would like to see a few before the next cycle emerges. Adrienne, Hopkinsville, KY

Investigation on Long island

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
Update on LI Cicada Hunt: Today I investigated an area in Port Jefferson Station where I had been told that cicadas were present in 1987. I found several hundred acres of old-growth oak trees, and a few possible holes in the ground. (I don’t know how long the holes appear before emergence) One longtime resident told me that his wife had stated that this was going to be the year for cicadas in their nearby backyard. A second resident described seeing cicadas flying around in 1970, two cycles ago. The weather here has been quite chilly (and will be so miserable this weekend I postponed a trip to Princeton) and unpromising but I remain optimistic, and will conduct an immediate investigation as soon as hot weather arrives. AJay, Suffolk Co. Long Island


Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
::shudders:: I cant belive I let one crawl
up my arm. They were noisey and all over
the Place Here in VA. I wonder
how old I will be for when they
ome out again in 2025??? Betsie Beadling, Fairfax, Virginia USA

no cicadas here either

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
Like Greg in Brunswick I am wondering where are the cicadas just over the river here in Lovettsville? Christy, Lovettsville, VA

concert in Indiana

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
Was planning to go to a Rush concert tomorrow outside of Indianapolis…suspect cicadas will affect my enjoying the show…and word on similar occurences? Vicki, Columbus, Oh

Black colour is definitely kind of protection

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
Thanks, Joe from Vienna – you have confirmed my guess. I generally wear black – and I was spared so far, not a single cicada landed on me. There are several guys in my office with whom I regularly go outside for smoke breaks. I am seeing those buggers bumping into my smoking buddies every minute. They seem particularly like WHITE and RED. So – if you are as disgusted of them as I am – wear black colour. It is not 100% safe, of course, but it’s less attractive to the enemy. Elena, Fairfax Villa, Fairfax VA

Not here, thank GOD!

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
Ok, so I’m in a “holding” pattern waiting for these things to come already. So far, so good..none to be seen. Sorry folks: I am a city gal, and bugs are evil as far as I’m concerned. Small bugs are ok I guess. I was living in Baltimore the last time they came (1987), and boy was I hating life. I cringed after reading the post about Jenkintown…that’s like 15 minutes from me…nooooo! I’m hoping against hope that they won’t show up. I just don’t have the physical strength to be ducking and dodging cicadas all dang day long (I am a dialysis patient with so-so health).

Crossing fingers and praying for a miracle! LOL! LadySycamore, NE Philadelphia

Still none Near Philly?

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
Live in the burbs near Philadelphia, still no sign of any cicada’s. I work in Princeton where there are billions but nothing here. The noise is out of this world. Very active in Princeton, flying around, noisy, and happy. They seem to be very localized, . A few patches here and there near New Hope,PA. As I head home from princeton I’m starting to here more and more closer to Philly so we’ll see. I’m starting to lose hope for an appearance in my area, they are starting to die in Princeton. Tim, Abington,PA

Cicada location in Princeton and feelings about the buggers

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004

When the cicada’s first emerged, they were all at another part of the campus in Princeton and I was BRAVE, seeking them out, until the first one dive bombed into my neck. Now a week later, I don’t want any harm done to them, but I sure would like them to go away. At this point, all my co-workers have new routes to pick up mail, get lunch, and all the other things we did without fear of these little bugs (irrational fear, I know! but it’s not fun having them dive and splat all over the place). Anyway, if you really want to see them (millions I’d say), go to Princeton, to Alexander and College Road. You’ll hear them and know they have arrived!!!! Enjoy *s* Lori, Princeton, New Jersey

We went to Princeton…

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
I homeschool my children; we took a field trip today to Princeton. We’d read about the cicadas, and seen pictures, but there’s nothing like experiencing it yourself!

I got a good picture of a cicada with its wings outstretched…I hadn’t seen a picture like that before.

One cicada hitched a ride on the windshield wiper of our van…we probably made it about 40 miles or so before it lost its grip. So, if 17 years from now there’s an unexpected emergence around Route 195 in Jackson, NJ, we’ll know why! Rhoda, Toms River, NJ

Not a single Cicada in site!

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
Not a single bug or any noise in the Brunwsick, MD area (in Frederick County). I am begaining to wonder if we’ll have them at all. I am near /along the Potomac river so I would have thought they would be here by now. Anyone know if they are just “sleeping in” ? 😀

Greg, Brunswick, MD

what is that?

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
why does white stuff come out of the cicadas body when they mate? jensen, ohio

Scared of them

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
if you are scared of cicadas i think that they dont like black clothes.ive watched at my school and they dont go on people with black clothes.write back if you have any thoughts about it. joe, Vienna VA

Will they be here?

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
Does anyone know if they will be hitting Central PA, around State College? If so, when?

Tom, Central PA

Cicada locations in MD

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
I heard them in Hagerstown during Sprint Car races last Sat night, but not in Deep Creek Lake area (1&1/2 hrs West) on Sun & Mon?
Dick Dick Bolt, Bowie MD

Cicada airplane with two cicada engines

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
I just built two balsa model planes using cicadas as engines. They printed the story with photos in todays Bowie Blade.
During early engine testing, I found out the males fly upward & the females land down ward. I think 2 out of 11 females did go up.
Planes are 2$ each at hobby store.
Super glue is slow to dry & results in less fingers being used for a few hours!
% minutes in freezer kills them. 15 Minutes in a refrig makes them act like dead, but they come back to life in few minutes. Its for easier gluing.
They were mostly removed from my fruit trees where the females are killing the
tips of my nut & fruit tree branches.

For results, tune in at 10!
Dick, NASA Engineer in MD Dick Bolt, Bowie MD

Missin hind quarters possible answer

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
A possible answer is a fungal disease. If you go on to University of Michigan cicada site in the links it has listing of diseases and deformities. It states that Magicicada are subject to infection by the specialized fungal parasite Massospora cicadina Peck. Cicadas infected early in the emergence develop asexual spores, which become evident as the rear of the infected individual’s abdomen breaks off, exposing a white, chalky mass of spores. This infection sterilizes the cicada but does not kill it immediately. These spores spread among the population, infecting other cicadas who will develop a secondary infection and whose abdomens will later break open, releasing sexual resting spores to infect the next generation of cicadas. This site is very good it has a lot of wonderful information about periodic cicadas. I hope this helps.

Heidi Hubbell, Arlington, VA

washington crossing

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
I was there just last weekend and there was no sign of them so don’t count on seeing them there. joe, nj

Just go to Princeton already!

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
If you live in Jersey or New York, just go to Princeton within the next 14 days. This weekend is prime! Dan, Cicada Mania Headquarters

performing with cicadas in Washington’s crossing?

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
Is anyone out there from the Washington’s Crossing State Park area? Did our little friends invade the Park in a big way 17 years ago?We’re about to open in a show in the Park’s open air theatre, and we’re wondering how much we’ll be sharing the stage with them! There were no signs of them last week, but who knows? Any recollections would be very much appreciated! An actor prepares! JQ, NJ

Where Will They Be?

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
Am I too late to catch an emergence with my son? Where will they be on June 5/6th? on June 12/13th?

Are they still emerging in Princeton?

Thanks! Paul Rader, Canton, NY

Alive & missing hind ends….????

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
To Shirley in Silver Spring…I have noticed several cicadas alive & flying around but missing their backs as well, they have all been males..Anyone know why this happens?? Bird attack?? Staci, Beltsville, MD

cool weather and cicadas

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
Seems like with the weather affects cicada sound and movement–we’ve had cool days here for a week, and they’re much calmed down. Disappointing, cause I thought they’d be here much longer.

But thanks to this list, I find cool weather does have an affect on them, as so amny are reporting it. Great! We’re extremely heavily infested, and though the smell in some areas is picking up, that’s OK, it’s part of the process.

Behnke’s Nursery here told me they wouldn’t hit the crepe myrtles–WRONG!!! Branches are dropping like flies!

This is a wonderful event-I am eagerly awaiting any brood we have coming next, though I regret having to wait 17 years for the next Brood X.

Merry Merry, Chevy Chase (Rock Creek Forest area), MD

Have arrived here!!

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
After visiting Princeton for lunch everyday, I was wondering if we would see them around here. We are only 5 miles from Princeton. The started emerging 2 days ago and are now in full swing. I love it !!! it’s starting to ebb in Princeton and starting here. I wonder if I will see an emergence in my home town of Keyport? Ed Hawley, Monmouth Junction


Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
This is the gyst of what I TRIED to say before I hit the wrong key(s): WHERE are they emerging so my son and I can see them on the weekend of June 5/6? June 12/13th?

Thank you.
Paul Rader, Upstate New York

17 year cicadas at Haverford College June 1

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004

Walked by Haverford College and saw
red eyed cicadas on side walk and
heard loud squealling sound like
a fan motor with a bad bearing.
But it was coming from all directions.
and for miles. High pitch steady
not quite as high pitch as Hor Osc
of TV set [16KC]. Jeff Justin, Philadelphia Pa

still nothing

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
Still seeing holes in the ground but no cicadas.We have had tons of rain and was wondering if that was the reason. If they don’t appear soon does that mean they arent coming at all? It’s amazing they are so close by and we haven’t seen any, yet. D.C., Devon, Pa.


Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
I am the hope-I’m -not-too-late father of a 14-year old who still thinks bugs are cool. Paul Rader, Upstate New York

Noise level

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
I had a speaker in my classroom last week Friday. He had a decebel meter because he was giving a talk about sound to my students. With my windows open, it was 60 decebels from the cicadas. Shirley Jefffods, Silver Spring, MD

theyre everywhere

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
We have them all over. they are covering the trees, they’re everywhere. if you want to see them come to dayton theyre everywhere! Tim, Dayton, OH(miamisburg)

To Chelsea in Ellicott City…..Got Wings?

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
To Chelsea in Ellicott City, MD….can you save me some well preserved cicada wings that you find lying about. This board will not allow me to post my email address so we’ll have to figure out some way to hook up…for now, I just want to know that someone is saving some wings for me…maybe 5 or 6…their wings are so beautiful. Thanks ever so much! Debbie, Seattle

Don’t Give Up on Long Island

Date: Thursday, Jun/3/2004
I investigated a false report published in NY Newsday about cicadas in Setauket. I went to the precise streets mentioned: No shed skins, no holes in a nearby park, not a single chirp. HOWEVER I was told today by a fellow in a nearby Circuit City that there was a massive and deafening invasion in Port Jefferson Station a long while back. His wife INSISTED it was the year before his 16 year old son was born. That means 1987. (Wanted to be sure it was not brood XIV) He told me that they did not appear until MID JUNE and stayed beyond July 4. Will carefully investigate the location tomorrow. Hoping to have a tasty cicada pizza and some nice video is a couple of weeks! I hope my informer was correct! Meanwhile I am jealous of my friend from the Travel Channel who lives in Silver Spring, MD. They invading his house, yard and even his office bathroom) AJay, Suffolk Co Long Island

Nationalistic Cicadas

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
I just returned from my weekend vacation to D.C. for memorial day, and I did not march alone in the parade. Everywhere I went, there were these monster size bugs flying off people, leaves, and cars. Being a city girl, a little house fly can creep me out. Good luck to all those who actually live in the heavily populated cicada areas. Mikai, Brooklyn, NY

For you folks near Philly: Green Lane is the place!

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
For you guys in Philly, Jenkintown, other parts of Montgo county PA: If you want to see some cicadas, get a map of Western Montgo County. Go up Rt 29 toward Green Lane Park. (Formerly called “Upper Perkiomen Park”.) Turn L. on “Deep Creek Rd.” There is a parking lot on the Left and a big lake a bit farther up on the Rt. As you approach this area the rattle-buzz of the Cassini species (the ‘weed-whackers’) will be unmistakable. Once you get out of your car you can hear the Septendicim (the “UFO’s”) singing as well. At least, that is what I heard on 5/22. (I will warn you I saw a LOT of dead ones clustered around a few trees. PA must not be as healthy for them as VA and MD.) I took a ride up the Perkiomen Bike Trail, and as soon as I passed Spring Mountain I began to hear them. Not in the quantity that Arlington VA has them, but certain groves were rockin’ and I could also hear individual calls. If I were you I wouldn’t delay. I’m going back this weekend–hope the Brood is still hanging in there! (I hear they are also plentiful near the Haverford train station on the Main Line. Haven’t gone there.) Laura, Oaks PA

They’re All Over Princeton, NJ

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
I work in Princeton, NJ and they are all over the place. We go walking at lunch and the noise from these bugs is so loud, it gives me a headache after about 10 minutes. My sister in CT came here for the weekend and I took her to Princeton so she could see them. Yet, as soon as you leave Princeton, there’s none. Pretty neat. Victoria, Hamilton Square, NJ

We are moving in 15 years!

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
I am sick of this. Since the invasion, we sweep our back porch EVERY day. We are now using the snow shovel to heave them into the mulch pile. Boy do they stink! I now have to mow the lawn with shoes since the mower doesn’t move them, and when I’m done the lawn flutters with their wings. And what is up with their attraction to our Blue recycle bin and my blue tarp they are swarmed all over it? I have advised my better 1/2 that we will move before they return… Ross Clemens, Silver Spring, MD

I have now seen 2 species in my brood X emergence

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
I have now seen two species: M. cassini as well as M septendecim here at my property. I am still looking for the third species. I have pictures at

The pictures I have of the cassini are all females because the cassini males
keep getting away but I plan to catch one tomorrow. Bonnie Dalzell, Hydes Maryland, north of Baltimore City

wonderful occassion

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
I think it’s wonderful that so many people are communicating with each other! The cicadas bring out the good in us! ilona, grove city

No Cicadas Sightings on Long Island

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
It has been raining here, still haven’t seen yet a one. Have given up and have taken the netting off my small shrubs. Kathy, Long Island, New York

Found A Nymph Skin!

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
I’ve been searching on a daily basis around my home and in some woods nearby for signs of cicadas. I finally found a nymph skin in the woods today. I am about 15 minutes from Ann Arbor, Michigan. I hope more are to come! I lived in Springfield, Virginia the last time they were around and it was a spectacular sight and sound. Hoping to see it all again in Michigan this time! Lindsey, Canton, Michigan

They’re everywhere!

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
If you wanna see a lot of Cicada’s come to good ol’ Indiana University, I guess human’s aren’t the only one’s who know that IU is known for parties, the trees here are a magnet for the lil buggers. When walking through campus more often than not you will see girls screaming and running in zigzags or guys trying to “deke” them out. It’s actually really funny, however it’s starting to become a pain because whenever you walk there’s a distinctive crunch sound that follows you around. Not to mention the noise that cannot be completely drowned out by loud music. Oh well, I’m thinking there’s only going to be a couple of weeks left b4 they start to die off! Amos, Bloomington, IN

Blue eyed Cicada

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
My husband has found a blue eyed cicada. Who is requesting them for research?

Thanks Cindy Cindy, Oella, MD


Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
Cicada’s are really nasty when they splatter all over your windshield. Miranda, Tennessee

Now we’re seein ’em

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
In Hagerstown they are not too plentiful, I have seen some on the wing but I have not heard any large gatherings. However cicadas are very plentiful on the mountains to the East & west of here, as well as on the
Potomac river. BTW for those of you who fish, they will make great bait. I am going to preseve some by freezing and we’ll see how it works come late July or August…
Greg M., Hagerstown, Wash. Co. MD

Cicada Love

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
I really enjoy reading everyone’s messages! I have a suggestion: why don’t we change things around? Why can’t we have cicadas every year and mosquitos & ticks once every 17! LOL!!! Now since someone else mentioned he watched a Cicada Mama laying eggs, let me describe a tender moment. I saw a male & female positioned face-to-face. He seemed to be holding hands with her & stroking her w/his orange front legs. Maybe he was crooning some sweet nothings? Then I went back to look a bit later and they were positioned end-to-end. Aww, how Romantic! Laura, Oaks PA

Close up in Va.

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
Last week, went to races in Charlotte NC. On the way down, in the Eastern panhandle of WV (Martinsburg WV/Winchester VA area) they are out by the millions. From Edinburg southward I saw & heard no evidence, and in NC I only saw one- a male -decim. Brood X apparrently is not active in the central/upper Shenendoah valley. Today I went to Clearbrook VA (WV/VA border) and spent some time in several places where they were gathered by the millions. I observed their behavior close-up. I find it fascinating! In one brushy area, the sound was nearly deafening and one could see them flying in such great numbers it looked like snow. (Cicada-blizzard!) I observed 3 seperate species, identfied on the net as M. Septendecula, -decim and cassini. I can also make out some of the song differences I am spending some extra time with this phenomenon since it is so rare, but God willing I will see it again.
Greg M ., Clearbrook VA

Nowhere to be seen in Jenkintown Pa.

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
We are just outside Philly in Eastern Montgomery County and I have yet to see any Cicadas

Anyone had any sightings in this area?? Greg, Jenkintown, Pa.


Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
My husband brought home a friend from work today. Apparently our lil “Brood Xer” found my hubby attractive enough
to land on the back of his neck. The only one we’ve seen so far. So thrilled he stopped by for a visit! B&L, SP,NJ

To Holly in Indy

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
Thanks for the post on Skiles Test Park. I took my children and my grandmother there this morning (Wednesday), what a wonderful experience. I can’t believe that my oldest will be 23 when they come back. I sure do hope that she remembers this and is as excited the next time they come around. It is truly awesome!!
Kim, Indy, Indiana

to Lisa Hornel from ny

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
If you want to see them go to wilkes barre pa. I was there and I guess its the closest to you so far. They are in the woods next to a Best Western on route 115. Take route 115 and turn on wildflower ave. When you get to the top off the hill there will be woods to your right. Go threw the woods cross another little road and they are right there. You will here them so just follow the sound. Ray , NJ

I’m Overwhelmed!!!

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
They are definitely here and are starting to wear out their welcome.

I have alot of trees and they are loaded with them. Their dead shells are all over the place.

But I have noticed that everytime it rains, they go away for a while.

Lisa, District Heights, MD

Woo Cicada Hoo!!

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
Thanks To Buzz at CM..we went to Princeton.. Nassau and Vandeventer.. it was awsome! The hover sound was unlike anything we ever heard! The chirps were neat too but the “ufo” hover sound was really something to write home about. My four kids had mixed reactions.. but my oldest daughter had them on her back, her legs.. her hair.. in her shirt.. it was great. We took lots of pictures. Well worth the trip. My twins.. Emily and Maria call them tickle bugs : ).. My lil man Anthony just kept saying Bug.. Bug! Mom & Dad had a swell time watching thier reactions and experiencing another one of Nature’s great awes! YaY Brood X! The Steitz Family (Nicole & Company), Westfield NJ

The Howard County Swarm

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
I grew up in College Park and was there in 1987, but I think there are more in the Ellicott City/Columbia area. Mowing my lawn has become fun, dodging them as they come at me. I have loads of dead ones (and the smell too), but there are just as many if not more flying about. My backyard will seem kind of boring when their gone. I can watch them for hours because they have no sense of direction. But, they are getting better using those wings. John, Ellicott City, MD

Cicadas attempting to leave Baltimore!

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
After suffering withering losses on the killing fields of the 695 Beltway, it appears that the cicadas have begun to defect via BWI. Massing on and around the parking garage, a few can be seen inside the terminal. One was spotted on the shoulder of a gentleman about to leave for South America. Alert security prevented this from happening. Homeland Security has upgraded the alert to “Red Eyes”. Mike, Lititz PA

cicada behavior

Date: Wednesday, Jun/2/2004
Shirley: They definitely make less noise when it’s cloudy and cool. When the sun comes and it gets hot they will resume raising hell. greg, towson, md

None in Philly region = predation or delayed emergence?

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
I took a trip up to Lake Nockamixon today to see and hear the cicadas. They were out in full force near the boat rental parking lot on the north side of the lake. I’m still puzzled that they haven’t been seen closer to the Philly suburbs and wonder if they a) have been overcome by urbanization and the remaining few eliminated by predation 17 years ago, or b) some climatological event has occurred to make them wait another 1-4 years before emerging. If so, would we have a new brood on our hands, specific to the Philly area??? Mike, Chalfont, PA

Milky White on my wall

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
There it was, a perfect description of the Brood X phenomenon. One inch, milky white and stuck to the side of my row house. The transforming cicada. Who would have thought that these guys life cycle could survive in an urban atmosphere. I only seen one. We have a large tree and a few bushes in front of the house. I will asume he survived off one of those. To think three life cycles ago our houses weren’t here. I wondner if there are more to come there sure are alot of holes in my yard. Johnny Johnson, Philadelphia/Mayfair

Do they sing only when it is warm?

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
We had colder weather (60’s and 70’s) this passed weekend and there was little or no singing at times. Do they sing less if it is cold? My students and I noticed some cicadas with their back portion missing but they were still alive and moving. What happened to them? Shirley Jeffords, Silver Spring, MD

Scared Sisters

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
Can anyone tell us where we can get up to date info as to when the Cicadas are supposed to arrive in our areas.. Im on Staten Island and my sister is in East Stroudsburg PA. We are both freaking out at the thought of these meaty little buggers landing on us or in our hair! Yes we are 31 and 37 respectively.. lol…

Any advice. Lisa & Diana, Staten Island NY & East Stroudsburgh PA

Friendly cicadas…

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
There are a lot of cicadas in this area; the poor things litter the sidewalks and roads. There are a lot of places where the ground is littered with wings only, their bodies long gone… quite weird.
Saw a deformed cicada today, with three wings… unfortunately, my hands were full, or I would have taken it home to photograph!
Anyway, there are still plenty of living cicadas; sometimes I find them lying on their backs and flailing their legs, so I pick them up and right them. Often they will cling to my finger for a good period of time, or will crawl about… They really seem very sweet, somehow, despite their limited intelligence. They’re quite possibly the friendliest bugs I’ve met, and I’ve grown quite attached to a few despite myself. I let them all go free, of course, but it’s nice to hold them for a little while. There’ve been plenty of run-ins with cicadas. I’m very glad they’re here. Chelsea A., Ellicott City, MD

To Bob in Baltimore

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
Take a good picture with a good camera. The eye color will disappear when the cicada dies, no matter how you preserve it. Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Cicadas are Princeton’s school colors 🙂

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
Laurel, that’s interesting…I don’t remember them singing at night in 1987…I thought they all went silent…they just want to sing you to sleep ;)…..My friend is back from NJ and said they were all over Princeton, who’s school colors were black and orange. Since the cicadas are black and orange, they were used in a school reunion theme 🙂 The other day I saw a news story out there that they are breaking the law in MD…their legal noise limit is 90 decibels and the cicadas come in at 92! Am still looking for a way to get some cicada wings….. Debbie, Seattle

The Party Has Resumed

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
My Cicada friends in Elkridge, Md have resumed their cherubic chatter after three straight days of sub par weather. Uh oh, I see storm clouds moving in to threaten the fun. George, Elkridge, Md, USA

Pesky Cicada Critters

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
What is all the excitement about these pesky little bugs. I must take cover when leaving my house. When !! anyone!! will these creatures leave my area? Sharon S, Indianapolis Indiana

Where are they?

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
I know not to expect an answer but I am still hoping that I will get one… I would love for my kids to experience this. BUT where are they? We live near Rochester/Elmira New York… We haven’t seen any? What is the nearest location that they have been spotted, we are willing to travel.

Thanks & I’ll keep looking! Lisa, Hornell, NY, USA

my beagle and kids love them

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004

New Englanders: Go To Princeton To See Them!

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
Sunday, May 30: From what I could gather from the experts at Uconn, UMich, local officials, this messsage board (Thanks!), and others, the closest place to New England to see Brood X is Princeton University, NJ. All OVER campus – 1000s alive and dead, can’t miss them. Land on pedestrians, cars, sidewalks, etc. Not present just two miles away. Dave Norris, Princeton, NJ

Good Riddance!

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
I am not quite a prisoner in my house, but I would prefer to stay indoors. I’ve lived through the emergence of the cicadas, pulled the shells off my trees and shrubs (with gloves), and am now trying to cope with them flying around all over. I cut the grass this morning and had to wear a hat and swat at them to keep them off me. We have a lot of them, but from what I can tell, no where near the number that are elsewhere in northern Virginia. I can’t wait for them to disappear as they are ruining the spring and early summer for me. I want to take my grandchildren to the park but too many cicadas are flying around. Does anyone know when they will really be gone??? I don’t mind the noise, just the flying BUGS! Alice, Vienna, VA

Cicada Calendar

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
Well, this has been the longest three weeks of my life (except for the last brood X attack 17 years ago). I have an extreme fear of cicadas. And, yes, I know it’s irrational. Does anyone know how much longer we have until their numbers start to dwindle? Is their an up-to-the-minute calendar on the Web somewhere that tracks the current progress of this invasion? I read that the emergence was about a week early, so I was hoping that the end was near. Is it?
Scared to Death, Fairfax, Virginia

Can hear them from the mountains

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
I haven’t seen any in my backyard but if you go up into the mountains of Western NJ in Warren County they are everywhere. Sound is so loud you can hear them from my back yard which is over a mile away. Merril Creek is a great spot to see/hear them for anyone interested. Jimmy, Warren County NJ

For folks in DC area

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
I have read some messages from people around the DC area like Fairfax, Wheaton, Silver Spring, etc etc who were really grossed out by these nasty things (much like I am). Some people asked where to go to escape them, and I have good news. While I work in Rockville and have to run to and from my car with arms flailing to avoid the nasty buggers, once I travel out 66 past Centerville, they are gone. Have not seen or heard a single Cicada in Manassas. So there you go, that’s where you can move 🙂
Make it stop!, Manassas, VA

Cicada infestation wrecks havoc on HVAC

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
According to the building engineers where I work on Eaton Place, a cicada infestation in the HVAC system has shut down our air conditioning today (June 1). They are currently working on the problem. It feels like 90 degrees in my office and it’s only 10 am. Luckily I have a small fan to circulate some air around me, otherwise it would be unbearable. This building was constructed in 1988, one year after the previous Brood X emergence. Maybe these cicadas are mad because their previous habitat was destroyed, and this is their way of getting even. Mike, Fairfax, VA

well where are they???

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
All the hype said end of May. Well…it’s June and none in sight. What is up with that? susan miller, somerset county, new hersey

Loads of them here!

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
We were in this town 12 miles south of Baltimore this past Saturday. My car had several plastered on it. We were watching a soccer game and the players kept running into them. They were also landing on the spectators. It was a funny sight! Dave, Ellicott City, MD

Are Cicadas Blind

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
are Cicadas blind? Some people have been telling me that is why they fly so poorly, but I can’t find anything to prove or disprove this. Ken, Gaithersburg, MD

Where are they?

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
It’s already the beginning of June and I still haven’t seen one little cicada. Any sightings anywhere in Metro Detroit or Livingston County? I really want to see these little guys and I’ll drive to see a large number of them. Please let me know… Peggy, Plymouth, MI

Invasion of the cicada’ s (while on riding mower)

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
Does anyone find it impossible to mow, particularly with a riding mower. The Cicada’s attack!! We have a mowing service and my 21 year old (former football) player son is finding it impossible to mow the baseball fields because of the invasion of the cicada’s…We’re talking 50 to 60 landing on us and swarming around. Any tips you can offer. I’m sure it’s the noise but what can we do???! vikki, Covington, Kentucky

Maryvale Castle Events

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
For anyone having a wedding or event, during the day the Cicadas are definitely singing a loud song, but not flying around – (we were scared at our wedding rehearsal which was at 3:30 pm). But, the wedding day (May 30), at 6:00 pm, the Cicadas were quiet! Night time and cooler temperatures really make a difference. Good Luck! Julie Maguire, Brooklandville, MD


Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
where i captured blue/gray eyed individual the m.cassini outnumbered m.septendecim 10 to 1.i have many extra cassini.thanks. robert gardner, red lion penna

Washington DC

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
We saw thousands of them in Washington DC this past weekend. Gross! Svante Pettersson, Malmo, Sweden

Cicadas emerging in Michigan

Date: Tuesday, Jun/1/2004
They’re finally coming out in Ann Arbor! The trees around Oak Trail School (that Jim mentioned below) were teeming with them today. Tons of larvae were climbing up the tree trunks with many in the process of climbing out of their skins. The lower leaves were filled with hundreds of adults, just sitting there quietly. The ground was littered with shed skins. But so far no noise. That should come soon when the adults fly up into the trees to sing. Marshall Park off Dixboro Road is another place to find them. There’s not quite as many of them there but they are still abundant on the trail near the parking lot. Neil Richards, Ann Arbor, Michigan

I had the ride of my life!

Date: Monday, May/31/2004
I was in Maryland over the weekend riding my bike and so many cicadas flew on me and started flapping their little wings that I became like Elliot in the E.T. movie and flew around about 15 scenic miles. It was awesome! I love those little guys. Joey Shnook, D.C. Metro

blue eyed cicada

Date: Monday, May/31/2004
I found a blue-eyed cicada! It is in my bug box-but it died. Carly, Cross Junction, VA

Where to find cicadas in Indianapolis

Date: Monday, May/31/2004
I posted a couple of days ago about finding big numbers if cicadas on the east side of Indy, north and south of 56 street just west of 465.

We have also discovered that you can visit these noisy friends in a couple of public places… Skiles Test park and Skiles Test Elementary School. Also, if you drive toward Fort Harrison, you will likely find a few public places to experience the sights and sounds.

We discovered that their singing cooresponds with temperature as well as light. They will not sing if it is chilly, even if it is light. Once it warms up, they are singing, chirping, buzzing and hummmmmming and flying around.

My oldest daughter found one that sounded almost like a chirp when she held it… the next day (in a different place), many of them made a loud buzzing sound when they were touched. I wonder if the chirping one was a different species or one with a malformed buzzer. Has anyone heard one of the big ones make a chirping/blurping sound?

If you want to visit these swarms, be aware that they like to crawl up your legs or land on the tallest object around (which with me and my girls is usually me!). I love these creatures, but I still get creeped out when they come buzzing and flying at me like tiny out of control airplanes.

My personal goal before this is all over is to be able to not scream and duck when one wants to land on me. I’m in awe of my children who (rightfully) have no fear. Holly, Indianapolis IN

North of the Turnpike, Dinosaur Rock

Date: Monday, May/31/2004
Well, I finally found some cicadas. If you live in Lancaster county in Pennsylvania, go North of the PA Turnpike. Also if you know where Dinosaur rock is, take a trip there, there are tons there. Josh, Manheim, Pa

cicada sightings

Date: Monday, May/31/2004
i dont have any cicada’s in my area but i just got back from visiting family in baltimore and they are all over the place there. we watched birds flying around haveing a field day catching them and eatting them. one even flew in our moveing car and hit my husband in the cheaek while he was driveing tabitha, virgina

I Have Heard of them before – Finally saw them!

Date: Monday, May/31/2004
I have been hearing a lot about Cicaddas in the past few months but have never seen them. My mom, brother and I went to Springdale, Maryland to visit my aunt & uncle. The sound was incredible, they were flying (blindly) everywhere, on every tree. I will never forget it. We took some dead ones home with us. I am writing a report for school. Isabelle Jackson, Blackwood, NJ

Cicada Count: Zero

Date: Monday, May/31/2004
Nothing yet. Jim, Bridgewater, NJ (Somerset County)

Not here but tons in in southern West Virginia

Date: Monday, May/31/2004
I just returned today from a trip up north. I took 81 South through Maryland and West Virginia into Virginia to 66 East. I could hear and see them in the in the last 10 minutes of West Virginia on into Virginia. I must have hit at least a dozen with my car. I left interstate 81 to head east on interstate 66, and then I exited interstate 66 for a McDonald’s at Front Royal. There were swarms of them in the trees and bushes surrounding the restaurant and gas station. I am originally from upstate New York and have never seen nor heard anything like it! Based on the fact that they kept flying in my face and hair – I hope I don’t see them near where I live – I was happy to get away from them. Kelly, Richmond, VA

Not a Sound!

Date: Monday, May/31/2004
Not one sound of the pests here in Ballsville. Just waiting for now.Jack Pollio. Virginia Jack Pollio, Ballsville, Virginia

Kind treatment of Cicadas and egg laying.

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
I am a science teacher in the Maryland/DC area. My 4th and 5th graders have been going outside to study these unusual insects. They are not allow to hurt them. They are allowed to handle them gently. I also work in our after care program so the same rules apply. All the teachers are making sure that the students do not hurt them.

Today I saw several females laying eggs on the tree in my yard. My husband took some great pictures. I should have taken movies but I wanted to watch. After the female inserts the body part (I forgot what it is called)into the branch, she pumps her abdomen up and down. It take about a minute. Hope you all can see it.

Shirley Shirley Jeffords, Silver Spring, MD

Cincinatti is loaded with Cicadas!

Date: Monday, May/31/2004
My family spent this past weekend in Cincinatti… it seems that the Cicada love the Cincy area. We just heard the Cicada in the masses while driving, but we were almost attacked by the hordes of Cicada at the Cincinatti Zoo. A Zoo worker said it best “This is Ground Zero for Cicada”; I think she was right. Tons of Cicada flying around, landing on people, freaking out little kids. Once jumped in my van and hitched a ride to Columbus. They were neat and you could hear them while driving (with windows up and with the A/C and radio on). Truly amazing. Erik, Columbus, OH

Bike Riders Beware!

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
We have plenty of cicadas around here. When riding bikes on the bike path along the Big Miami River the cicadas are flying everywhere and their singing is quite monotonous! You’d best not open your mouth for any reason or you just might experience a nice tasty cicada snack! Karen , West Carrollton, OH

Another bathroom cicada encounter!

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
I work on the south side of Capitol Hill in DC, in a fairly new building. I have seen only a couple of cicadas around there so far – which didn’t surprise me, since the ground has been torn up quite a bit around there in the past 17 years. What DID surprise me was that yesterday, in the bathroom at work, I felt something on my shirt, which I went to brush away – and then looked down and saw I was holding a cicada, and jumped about a mile! I’m not really afraid of them, he (she? It was the women’s bathroom) just startled me.
My home is in Cleveland Park, DC. I haven’t seen that many on my street – maybe 20 total. Just a few streets away, though, my neighbors say they have tons. Elizabeth, Washington, DC

Any in Long Island Yet?

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
Planning a trip to see (and hear) the cicadas. Was hoping to hit Long Island bacuase it is a shorter trip than New Jersey, but I have not heard of any showing up there yet. Any sightings at all? Al, Westborough,, MA

Pssing Through

Date: Monday, May/31/2004
On a road trip from middle tennessee to monmouth county NJ, we used interstate 81 north. We left Roanoke Va at 9:30 am, May 30th, didn’t see any cicades until we hiy West Virginia around 1:30pm. They were lots as the highway wound through the more wooded areas. Once until Maryland we saw very few and once in PA, we saw none. West Virginia had plenty. I do not know how to estimate, but through many miles we were hitting a cicada about every 2 or 3 seconds. (was driving a truck).
Bob, Aberdeen NJ

No Cicadas here !

Date: Monday, May/31/2004
We are still waiting here. There were exploring in a few areas and noticed just west of here in Berks County. Heavily infested pockets seem to be the rule. Steve, Pottstown, E.Coventry Township PA

Can anyone explain this??

Date: Monday, May/31/2004
We have had cicadas emerging here since at least May 12th. We are in the middle of a 500 acre forest at 2000 ft altitude just west of Murphy and near the TN border.
The mystery IS that we have not heard any of the cicadas singing in the trees surrounding our house although we see them flitting from tree to tree, but we have heard them for a week or so in the distance to the east of us.
Why don’t they make noise in our trees or anywhere around our house???
We usually feed hundreds of birds here with our feeders but they have been gone the last few weeks apparently on an Atkins diet of cicadas instead of our sunflower seed so I can’t see that the cicadas would be afraid of our bird population…they aren’t here!
Can anyone venture a theory? We’re mystified. We want to hear them up close and personal. 🙂 Hope, Murphy, NC

Located in North Georgia Mountains – Amicalola Falls

Date: Monday, May/31/2004
We hike at Amicalola Falls State Park almost every weekend… 05/23 and 05/30 we saw many holes in the ground, the Cicada Nymphal Skins on the trees and Cicada Periodical adult bodies on the ground… then of course, the mating calls in the trees. All very cool! I grew up in Delaware with the Dog-Day Cicada which I saw/heard every year. It is fun to learn about the different species.

No Cicada Periodical sightings in Gainesville GA (just 35 miles away) C Dew, Gainesville, Georgia

Protect your ears

Date: Monday, May/31/2004
I have somewhere between 30-50,000 in my area and have found the sound interesting but uncomfortable. I decided to measure how much sound they were producing.

Standing on my deck mid afternoon the din is a steady 85-90 dBA.
Per O.S.H.A’s guidelines 8 hours/day is the limit before hearing damage may occur. Many audiologists believe hearing damage may happen in a shorter period of time.

If you are working out in an area where Cicada’s are bountiful you may want to consider hearing protection for the next few weeks.
Karl Freudenreich, Columbus, Ohio

A lot of Cicadas

Date: Monday, May/31/2004
Near the University of Cincinnati Ryan, Clifton, Ohio

Are they gone already?

Date: Monday, May/31/2004
I went away last Friday to the mountains where there were no cicadas, when I left they were chirping as loud as ever, when I returned home yesterday, I heard no chirping & saw many dead or dying cicadas…I was able to catch a few males & a couple of females. Today, it’s rainy & only in the upper 60’s, could the weather have something to do with this??? Anyone?? Also, how can you tell that a male has mated? Or can you? I have heard that males can only mate once then they die… Staci, Beltsville, MD

WARNING: Cicada’s and Skirts

Date: Monday, May/31/2004
I don’t know how many other women have had this experience? I’m tired of it. I can’t until they are all gone. These nasty bugs keep flying up my skirt. It seems to happen mostly when I’m about to go into my car. I start driving, have to pull over and get them out. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr

Only a few more weeks and it will be just a memory. Lori, Pikesville, MD

New photos of Terpnosia vacua

Date: Monday, May/31/2004
New photos of Terpnosia vacua (Japanese name is Haruzemi, which means ‘Spring Cicada’) are available from my Cicadae in Japan website:

Please enjoy them. Yasumasa SAISHO, Hiroshima, JAPAN

Cicada Panic

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
Has anyone heard if they are headed for Staten Island? You guys in PA are freaking me out! I have never seen a cicada and I am not looking forward to it. I may have to live under a bug net for the rest of the summer. Karen, Staten Island

They are in Gettysburg…I heard them today!

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
Today, my husband, son, and I drove down to the Boyds Bear Country Barn in Gettysburg, PA. On the road to the Barn, my husband said, “do you hear that?” Well, our windows were all rolled up, our airconditioner was on full blast, and my son had his CD player blasting (headphones half off his ears, of course). Heck no, I didn’t hear THAT! Then, he slowed down the car, turned off the air, and my son got quiet also. When we rolled down the windows, it sounded like a million crickets in the creek gone haywire. A non-stop buzz that could drive you nuts if you lived in the midst of it. A gleeful grin came over my husband’s face…CICADAS!!!!! We have been waiting for them for the last month…talk about media hype….but have had no signs whatsoever. I truly hope that today’s encounter will be my one and only experience with these bugs. Heard but not seen! Nancy, PA

VDOT Against Cicadas?

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
Prior to the emergence of the cicadas, I noticed VDOT workers every morning (I drive 150 miles round trip on 81 South everyday) spraying some kind of liquid on the medians and hillsides.

Was this intended to reduce the number of emerging cicadas? They certainly weren’t watering the plants.

Just wondering.

Cardo, Winchester, VA

in my neighborhood, finally!

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
When the cicadas were first to emerge, i went out everynite with my flashlight and hoped to see one emerge from its shell. i gave up hope, and realized i was just going to have to listen to them at work, in severna park. but two days ago, i started to hear them in my area, and now they are everywhere. I say that i am very brave, because i actually go outside during the day. For the last 3 days the weather was very warm and sunny, and those little guys were singing their little hearts out, and flying everywhere. today was cool and overcast so they were not as loud or active. i did have a close encounter at work on friday, i heard this growling noise behind me, and when i turned around i was eyeball to eyeball to one. boy did i run.
carolyn, glen burnie, maryland

To “Unique Blue Eyed Cicada”

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
Release your cicada so it can breed more blue eyed cicadas. If it is already dead, bring it to your local university’s biology department and ask the teacher there most likely to know about insects how best to preserve it without harming the eyes (an entymologist, or other biologist). We have no cicadas here in the triangle. I’m disappointed. SG, Triangle, NC


Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
I have seen so many cicadas and dead cicadas in my yard! before I used to be freaked out with them but now they are ok. Im 9 yrs old so the next time ‘I see cicadas is when I’m going to be about 26. Im trying to enjoy the first time I meet cicadas because I wont see them again for a very long time! Mary, Maryland

South Jersey cicadas

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
For the person who asked about cicadas in South Jersey: There are not many sites in that area for this brood, but there is a decent population along Woodstown-Alloway Rd., S. of Woodstown, NJ, and mainly north of the Timberman Rd. junction (and in that general area). You can also look along Pierson Rd. off Commissioners Pike. Those locations are in Salem County, NJ. There are also odd spots scattered around NJ to the northeast of that, but I do not know the specifics. Much of NJ, including the northern areas connecting with the Hudson River Valley of NY, belongs to a different brood (Brood II) which emerged last in 1996, so most New Jerseyans do not have them this year.
Dave Marshall, Evansville, Indiana, for the next few days

None In Hagerstown…

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
I left my cicada ridden neighborhood for the mountains of northern MD & not a SIGN of even one cicada…..It was much cooler there than it is here in the D.C. suburbs. They may stink, but it was nice to come home to their singing…..This happens only every 17 yrs, that’s alot of time, I think we should make the best of them for the short time they are here…Buy your child a “bug cage” or a “Critter Keeper” available at any pet store. They are pretty cool to watch & listen to when there are only 4 or 5 in the cage….Make sure you put plenty of sticks & leafy material for them to eat & drink from, I change mine daily, let the cicadas go & catch new ones & fill the keeper with fresh branches & shrubbery. I keep a water squirt bottle close to spray them occasionally. I think this is really a very interesting time, they may stink, but they are harmless & cool to watch! My 3 yr old will be 20, omg, when Brood X appears next!!!! Does anyone know hoew to keep the dead cicadas on some kind of display behind glass?? I would like to keep a few males & females & compare them the next time they come around, God willing I am here 🙂 Staci, Beltsville, MD


Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
According to the Michigan website, I won’t be getting any cicadas… I’m so bummed. Can anyone confirm or deny this? I’m about an hour north of the PA border. I’ve been soooo anticipating this, too. Sebastian , Binghamton, NY

None in Rochester but alot in D.C.

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
I was just in D.C. last weekend this weekend and there was thousands of cicadas. Especially in Arlington Cemetary. There are none in my part of New York. Probably never will be. Brendon, Rochester, NY

None here but plenty there!

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
Still none in my area, but I went to Hagerstown MD yesterday and heard none down I-95. Heard some around Baltimore, but not on I-70 and none in Hagerstown. Went from Hagerstown to Artemas PA and started hearing and seeing them as we traveled on I-70. When we got to Artemas we saw plenty! We then went to Hannicey-nice MD for dinner and saw plenty there also by the canal. It was great to see them. Today we went to Antietam National Battlefield (a great place to visit) and saw a few there but heard many in the surrounding area. On the trip back I heard them all the way until the Newark DE exit on I-95. David, Media PA

Found Them!!

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
Kept waiting for these things to show up at the house and they didn’t so we went looking. Found them in Southern Lancaster County. Loads of them driving on 340 tword Pinacle Point in Holtwood. Stopped at Pinacle and got dive bombed! Loved It!!The sound is amazing, so incredibly loud. So, if your hunting, just take a drive in the southern end of Lancaster, keep your ears open and pull over when it gets really loud. Kelly, Lancaster, PA

Plenty on the Mountain

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
Lots of cicadas in the western part of Hillsborough, especially up the Sourland mountain. Sounds like a million tiny little chain saws buzzing in the trees! christine, Hillsborough, NJ

To Kelly in Columbus, Dated May 24- White Cicada

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
Hi, Kelly!
Yes and yes! I have seen and photographed an albino cicada, too! Isn’t it exciting?! The white body really shows up the striking red eyes, doesn’t it? Makes it look rather alien. 😉
In my necka the woods, the cicadas have peaked in noise level and are now dwindling down a bit. We are having coolish weather, now, so I wonder if that has anything to do with it, because when it was hot last week, boy, the cicadas really buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzed and flew around!
If anyone knows the answer to this question, please do post it: Now and then, we’ll hear, above the “running water” droning sound, a sudden burst of a low, buzzy, WEEEEEEEEEEEEohhhhhhhhhh, WEEEEEEEEEohhhhhhhhhh sound, like it’s from an individual cicada. Does anyone have any clue what that means/is? THANKS IN ADVANCE!

+Becki, Who will miss them when they’re gone! +Becki, Landover Hills, MD


Date: Sunday, May/30/2004

When will they arrive? Not here yet….

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
I’m anxiously awaiting their arrival here in the Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania, VA area. Can anyone tell me if there were here 17 yrs ago or if they are coming? Terri, Spotsylvania, VA

So fascinating to watch them up close

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
Am I lucky to be visiting Cumberland MD this week (was in Arlington 2 weeks ago. I get around!) The mountains are echoing & vibrating with their incredible song. I stood under a small tree and watched them closely for the first time. I saw the females laying eggs with a long ovipositor that she inserts into the twig. And I saw the males fly in & land on a twig and start singing, lifting their abdomen and making their “whee-oh” call. The “oh” part is when they relax their abdomen at the end. It is a soft, mellow call…hard to believe that ambient whistle in the woods is just millions of insects making this little noise all at once. This really is a magical phenomenon. The guy who named them “magicicada” had it right!! Laura Woodswalker, Visiting Cumberland MD


Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
TOO MANY CICADAS!!! The sound is INSANE, and they are flying EVERYWHERE!
I fled to my parent’s this weekend to get away from the deafening noise, and to hopefully get some sleep. I have a few that attatch themselves to the screen on my bedroom window and sing to me all night long!! Lucky me. Lauren, Reston, VA

To Priscilla of Smithville

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
We will certainly all be disappointed if we do not see the cicadas here. That would be wonderful if you could share with us your exoskeletal “bounty”. My class and I would greatly appreciate it! I still have hope that they will come….but starting to doubt! Kim Kim, Smithville, NJ

still waiting

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
I have seen holes in the ground for weeks but no signs of any cicadas. Don’t hear any either. We live in a wooded area and expected, still do, to be covered. Would like to get this over with. Any sightings near here? D.C., Devon, Pa.

TO CHRIS, Carlsbad, CATO

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
Would you like to move into my house? Would you like to be imprisoned in the house with windows and doors tightly closed – so you wouldn’t smell decaying “friends” from outside? Would you like to drive in rush hour being bombed by these lovely creatures, and then spend an hour washing the mess off your car?
That’s very good of you to be such a wise guy, who is reading about cicadas from afar. Come and stay here, then we’ll see how you feel about these “friends”.
Elena, Fairfax Villa, Fairfax VA

They’re here!

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
Thanks to Mike, my kids and I went to Middle Creek last evening (Kleinfeltersville, PA, just North of PA turnpike)And they’re there by the millions, I would say. The ground is peppered with their holes. We saw a whole lot of cases, adults, but no freshly emerged ones. You have to look UNDER the leaves mostly, and surprisingly, not on the big trees, but the small vegetation (mind the poison ivy!) So, we had to drive 30 minutes to see them, but my kids were impressed. A nice outing, with a happy ending. Steve, Leola, PA

my new friend

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
i was driving home yesterday on a beautiful day and had all my windows open, and next thing i knew a cicada flew in my car! i guess i’m not too much of a girly girl cause i think cicadas are the coolest things ever so i closed my windows and brought him home with me. i showed all my friends my new cicada friend but they weren’t as impressed as i. then i set him free but he only made it a few feet before a bird ate him. poor little booger… Leah, Dayton, OH

Where are they???

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
We were covered up with them when the 13 yr. brood arose. I have not seen a single one yet this time. Are they coming to this area? Theresa, Southern Middle Tennessee

1987 Cicadas

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
We lived in Reading (Berks County) from March-October 1987. I can honestly say I NEVER saw one cicada that year. Since that was 17 years ago, the sidewalks should have been literally covered with them. We lived near the museum and used to go there several times a week. Saw lots of chipmunks but no cicadas. And I *KNOW* I would have remembered swarms of ANY kind of bug. This whole cicada cycle thing is very puzzling to me. Mindy, Las Vegas, NV (formerly Reading, PA)

For Kim at Smithville School

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
No cicadas here yet, but my sister and I took a ride up to Princeton today to see them. They were everywhere! And that noise! It was like a million crickets over our heads. They were quite clumsy, and even friendly, as they allowed my sister and I to pick them up and carry them around.

I don’t know if we’ll be seeing them here, but I have a feeling we won’t (too many pines and not enough deciduous trees). If not, I brought home a few exoskeletons and can drop them off at the school for you and your class. Let me know if you want them. You can post it here. Priscilla, Smithville, NJ

May 29, 2004

May 25th – May 29th 2004 Cicada Comments

Filed under: Brood X | Old Message Board — Dan @ 1:09 pm

For Kim at Smithville School

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
No cicadas here yet, but my sister and I took a ride up to Princeton today to see them. They were everywhere! And that noise! It was like a million crickets over our heads. They were quite clumsy, and even friendly, as they allowed my sister and I to pick them up and carry them around.

I don’t know if we’ll be seeing them here, but I have a feeling we won’t (too many pines and not enough deciduous trees). If not, I brought home a few exoskeletons and can drop them off at the school for you and your class. Let me know if you want them. You can post it here. Priscilla, Smithville, NJ

still no cicadas!

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
where are they ? i haven’t seen them here in stuarts draft virginia yet! patiently_waiting, stuarts draft, virginia

cicadas do pee

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
A cicada pee’d on my car the other day and then flew away. It was gross!! I didn’t know bugs could pee like that. Judy, Hamilton, Ohio

Bunch of Cicadas out in NEPA

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
I took a walk up by Pittson Area High School in the woods behind the school and I found a bunch of old shells, and was about to just leave when I spotted an adult. I snatched him up and put him in my jug, and I looked down at this bush and there were a ton of them under the leaves. I snatched up about 20 of the. 2 vibrated or made that noise they make when I picked them up. It must come from deep within their angry, demonic soul, because it couldn’t use its wings to make it the way I was holding it. All had red eyes except one had orange. I noticed some of them had one wing that was smaller than the other also. Vel, Pittston, PA


Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
Today I spent the day in Cincinnati. From what I noticed, there are cicadas just about everywhere in town in some number. However, the two places I found the most were Alms Park in Cincinnati (it’s a big park, on just about any map) and Withrow Nature Preserve in Anderson Twp. In Alms Park, there were literally hundreds on every single tree in the park. They were also flying EVERYWHERE. The noise, of course, was nearly deafening. If anyone reading this is planning to goto Cincy to check the cicadas out, I highly recommend the two places I mentioned. Josh , Detroit, MI

Finally found some

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
I went hiking today in Caledonia State Park (near Chambersburg, PA) and saw hundreds of exit-holes in the ground, as well as about 50 shells and two dead adults. Didn’t see any live ones, although we could hear their sound emanating from somewhere in the distance, varying in volume depending on our location. Upon returning to our starting point at around 5:30 PM, the sound was completely gone. I don’t know if they moved on to somewhere else or if they just get quiet at certain times of the day. I’ll be disappointed if I don’t see any live ones. During the ’87 emergence, I lived up in the central part of the state and we had cicadas out the ying-yang. I was eight years old and I remember the playground at my school was covered with them.
Jason, York, PA

Cicadas found in Cincinnati

Date: Sunday, May/30/2004
There is a big swarm covering some small trees in the Kenwood Mall parking lot, easy to catch. Also I heard there were some at an office park off of 75, but I’m not sure where. Ellen, Cincinnati, OH

anyone know where i can see them locally?

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
I heard on NPR that they emerging in a few spots locally. The report said Haverford College and i forget where else. i tried to search their website for more info. anyone know any local sightings?

trish trish, philadelphia

cicada golf hazards

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
I missed an important birdie putt yesterday when a cicada altered the path of the ball by landing in front of it. Can you believe it? A cicada hazard. Are these things blind or just stupid? Why didn’t it move? Don’t these things realize just how rare a birdie is, or do they just hart all birdies?
also, while driving the cart through wooded areas, I must’ve taken a hundred cicadas in the face. They make great targets for practice swings, but you have to wipe the guts off your driver. Bob Goldberg, Baltimore

unique cicada caught!!!

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
I have captured a living cicada with unique eyes. The specimen, caught in Mt. Washington (Baltimore) Maryland, has silvery or light blue eyes, depending on lighting conditions, and has what appear to be dark eyeballs. How can I preserve this specimen without destroying or altering the eyes? Alcohol? Formaldehyde? Please advise. Thank you Bob, northern Baltimore, Maryland

Cicada at work

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
Yesterday I found a live cicada in the men’s room at work. It was a male. How did he know which restroom to use? Can cicada’s read? Probably it had flown onto a man who entered the restroom but it was funny to find a male cicada in the men’s room. Lorenzo, Baltimore

cicada spotted

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
Cicada spotted in Massachusetts!
Last in the neighborhood Summer of ’90.
Are they early? Marje, Mashpee, Massachusetts


Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
Where are your teachers? They should be telling the kids not to hurt them! Elaine, Sterling,VA

PA – where they are (and where they are not)

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
Advance news had hyped the cicadas as “they will be everywhere”. They are not EVERYWHERE but where they are, there are a LOT of them. Look for them in the woodland hills just north of the PA Turnpike. Not many south of that (till they reappear in the Baltimore area). Mike, Lititz PA

PA – Still emerging!!!

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
I drove up to Middle Creek Wildlife preserve last night at dusk and saw hundreds emerging. Looks like the emergence is slowing down a little but the chorus is just getting under way. Took pictures, will put them on web site as soon as I can. Mike, Lititz PA

Hearing them from afar

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
I finally heard them on TV!!! Just barely during a news story with Bush out in the Rose Garden of the White House….it didn’t even hit me at first and then realized that that whirring sound was the cicadas! It will be interesting to see if you can hear them during the WWII Memorial dedication tomorrow
Rachel, good for you for saving the Cicadas and Mike, I loved your web site 🙂 Debbie, Seattle

my cicadas wings are wilted 🙁

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
I found a nymph today and it quickly turned into a winged black adult. the thing is, the tips of the wings are wilted and the cicada doesn;t seem too active. also there are 2 thin strandy white things still attached to the shell. what went wrong with this guy? Vel, pittston, pa

Will they come to Minnesota

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
I am pretty jealous of all the sightings in the east coast. Will they every appear in Minneosta? Or it is too cold for them.

Where is the sighting closest to Minnesota? I would like to drive over and experience it.

Thanks Larry, Eden Prairie, MN

Where are they!?

Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
I must admit, if you haven’t seen a cicada..then count your self lucky!
Those little frisky fellas are everywhere!

They might not like pine trees a lot, but they seem to have no problem hanging on to them.
In fact, there’s hardly anything I don’t seem to NOT hanging on to!
They don’t bother me and I won’t bother them..I do carry my trusty badminton racket with me to help them on their way though!

The First 2 weeks wasn’t that bad, but this week is just plain crazy!!
I have so many buzzing around my house, I call it ” Alpha Base Charlie”
Look, if you don’t have’s a blessing.
Take a road trip to go see some if you must, but for God’s sake don’t bring them home!
Squashed cicadas stink too, so the recent rain was a real big help.
They truly ARE a sight to behold, especially while fleeing! 🙂
Michelle, Randallstown, MD


Date: Saturday, May/29/2004
PLEASE, CSI and DC metro area trackers–STOP THOSE CRUEL KIDS AT SCHOOL FROM HARMING THESE WINGED WONDERS!!! Leave them be in peace! We’re missing out on all the fun here in cicada deficient CA, but tracking the daily emergence from afar…BE KIND TO OUR FLYING FRIENDS!!! They’ll soon all be gone. Chris, Carlsbad, CA

Where are they?

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
I have yet to see any around here. We visited VA and DC last week and they have tons. Where are ours? Eisey, Hazleton PA

Archbald PA

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
I saw my first cicada in Archbald PA yesterday. 8 miles east of Scranton. Rick, Archbald, PA

Lake Nockamixon, Bucks County, PA

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
We went on a cicada quest today, since there are none in our own area. We found them in Nockamixon Township, Bucks County, PA. On Top Rock Trail Road off of route 563 they were so loud that my daughters had to plug their ears! (That was mid-afternoon.) We caught a bunch there, including some as they were flying. Then we went to the lake, where the boat rental is, and in the woods by the parking lot there we found hundreds of live ones in the bushes on and the trees. We came home with a terrarium full of dozens of them, and they sang for us all the way home. We decided that, close up, their sound alternates between a machine gun noise and a chain saw noise. Ed, PA

Still not here

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
I heard them heading into Quakertown on rte. 309 in various places, but still none in Chalfont or Horsham, PA. They seem to be to our North (Q-town), South (MD), East (Princeton), and West (Valley Forge), but not here! Waahhhh! Mike, Chalfont, PA

My Home Isn’t Safe Anymore

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
What is going on? I am losing weight by having to drive in a car with the windows cracked, if not rolled completely up. Sick and tired of cicadas flying in the car and having to fumble with getting them out. There have even been a couple found in my basement. This isnt a MOTEL! When will these buzzards leave!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! They are EVERYWHERE I GO! Completely Disturbed, Baltimore, Maryland

Feel stupid

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
U know how sometimes you feel stupid looking at or hearing someone say stupid things. Well today this guy was on the bus talking to a woman about the cicadas. This dumb dumb said cicadas don’t have eyes. lol, they have eye sockets ,but no eyes oh and they also don’t have mouths. I felt so stupid hearing him say that. lol , oh ,but the funny thing is the lady listening genuinely beleived what he was saying. so she was like oh they don’t have eyes i thought they didn’t then she was like so if they don’t have mouths how do they eat he said they don’t eat. then he said well they do ,but u know how some fish don’t have mouths? well the cicadas are the same way and eat through there gills .HA HA HA what fish do you know of that doesn’t have a mouth. Also when did cicadas evolve and grew gills ? LOL Lil Paul, Seat Pleasant, MD

They are still around

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
For the last 2 weeks that the cicadas have been out i barely saw any around here. I’m takeing a guess that the rain last night bothered some that were not yet out of the ground ,because when I woke up this morning they were swarming everywhere and loud as ever. I could hear them even with my walkman on full blast. Paco, Laurel Maryland

cicada sighting outside Ann Arbor!

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
These are the first I’ve seen in Michigan–a little sluggish in this cold, wet weather and not making much noise. But there are some at Oak Trails School off Warren northeast of town. There are quite a few, charmingly, on the sign that says “Oak Trails School” itself. More to come, I hope! Jim, Ann Arbor, MI

I hate cicadas…

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
… and they’re coming to get me.
VS, Nashville TN


Date: Friday, May/28/2004
I work at Princeton University and man is it load.Everyone I talk to says the same thing.It sounds exactly like the alien spaceships from movies.Although I’m sqeemish around bugs I’m glad Ive been able to experience this once in my life.Its the noise thats most impressive.
Mike Mike Peloso, Princeton NJ

Still waiting!

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
Haven’t seen any yet. I’m in an area that hasn’t had a house built for at least 50-60 years so they should be here. David, Media PA Delaware County

how much longer?

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
does anyone know how much longer the cicadas will be around? Becca, Prince George County, MD

Cicadas in Dublin

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
Amy in Dublin: can’t imagine cicadas in Dublin (I used to live on Avery Rd) They’ve poured so much concrete in the past eight years, how could one EVER crawl through??? Helen, Ann Arbor MI

Yeah for the CSI ‘-)

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
Good for you Rachel (and the CSI). I am not crazy about cicadas, but it’s not right to abuse anything for fun. I’m proud of you. Helen, Ann Arbor MI

My House is Possessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
Just when I thought I was fearing something pointless (none of my friends in Grove City, Columbus (Polaris area) or even Sunburry had seen any cicadas)…I wake up this morning to see them in my lawn by the hundreds…didn’t think we were on the map to get them, but they tried to mate with my husband while he mowed the grass. I thought I was lucky since we live in a brand new subdivision, but just as the real estate is moving to Lewis Center/Delaware, I suppose the cicadas are attracted to Olentangy schools too! After growing up on Lake Erie (Huron, OH) I thought I’d never see another swarm of May Flies when I moved to the Columbus area…but I’d take those nasty things ANY DAY over these Cicadas!! Heather, Delaware, OH

White Eyed Cicadas

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
Has anyone seen any of these? My son just brought one in. He wanted to take it to the police station to get his $1000 that he heard at school was being paid for them. 🙂 JW, Trenotn, OH


Date: Friday, May/28/2004
I am starting to think this whole thing is overblown–not a cicada in sight, not a buzz or hum in the air. What’s up? c, union, new jersey

They’re Close!

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
We don’t have any Cicadas in our woods yet, but we’ve been hearing them from a distance for several days. We’ve been getting a lot of T-Storms, that may have something to do with it. Mike, Macungie, PA

Loud little buggers, aren’t they?

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
Jeez. We’ve got cicadas! They started emerging about 2 weeks ago- and we aren’t seeing any more new skins anywhere, so I guess we’re done with that aspect of things. However – now my backyard and trees are filled with VERY LOUD cicadas. Our lot backs up to a woods, and so we have more cicadas than our sparsely wooded lot deserves. My daughter won’t go out to her swingset now. It’s pretty Hollywood ugly out there. Hopefully this will all be over soon???
Amanda L, Fairfield, OH

“Anti-Cicada Policy at My Son’s School”

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
My son and I collected a few cicadas a few miles north of where we live in Hilliard, Ohio so he could take them to his elemetary school and show them to his classmates. After he came home from school the next day, I asked how it went. He said, with sadness in his eyes, his 2nd grade teacher made him throw out the cicadas before he could show them to anyone.
Apparently, she has a anti-bug policy in class and has a “zero tollerance” toward all bug bringer-in-ers. I was amazed and upset, too! So much for trying to bring the wonderful world of nature and science to thier classroom. I think his teacher needs to rethink her additude toward those red-eyed creatures from below.
For instance: “1-cicada, 2-cicada, 3-cacada, 4. How many cicadas can we get past her door?” Chris J., Hilliard, Ohio


Date: Friday, May/28/2004
Kids at my school rip the wings, legs &heads off cicadas.. me, Carson, & Katie are the CSI, the cicada saving industry. I’m making flyers now! 😀 Rachel, MD

Went to Princeton today

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
I went into Princeton today and as I was walking around downtown it sounded like a giant transformer. The area around where Princeton Pike, 206, and Nassau Street come together was unbelievable load and full of Cicada. Saw two that were still white, they must have just emerged. Also saw a lot on Vandeventer Ave. Leaving Princeton via Harrison Street the sound faded and by the time I reach Carnegie they could not be heard. Amazing how localized they are. Jim, nj

Not as loud as before…

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
Finally, they noise from these annoying critteres appears to be tappering down. Definitely not as loud the past couple of days. I hope this marks the beginning of the end of this “emergence”.
Alan, Fairfax, VA

Finally found the mother lode of cicadas in Indianapolis!

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
So I’ve been bummed because we’ve had so few cicadas… then I’m driving along 56th street on the east side, between 465 and Keystone, and I notice a loud buzzing/humming sound … it was thousands of cicadas! I had to roll up my windows for fear of one flying in the window! Holy cow!

I got my daughters and we went back… we drove through a neighborhood there and were amazed. These creatures were crawling on everything from the ground, grass, low lying plants, up tree trunks and all over houses. There are hundreds flying in the air.

The sound was unbelievable. There was a recognizable buzzing that seemed to ebb and flow in unison… and overlaying that bug sounding buzz was an eerie high pitched hum. Now I understand the references to lasers and UFOs. It’s really undescribable.

We drove past one house that had a blow up jumping toy set up in the front yard apparently for a birthday party this weekend… but I’m afraid there will be more than a few kids and adults who will refuse to go outside in the midst of all those flying monsters.

My daughters begged me to let them out to catch a few… so we got out a bag and they each brought in a captured cicada, but my oldest daughter caught a mating pair! When we got home, she transplanted the mating pair to a tree in our yard hoping this couple would populate our yard! My other daughter’s friend flew off only to be IMMEDIATELY picked off in mid-air by a bird! My daughter was more than a bit honked off.

The sheer numbers of this emergence is overwhelming. We are so happy that a) we finally got to experience this phenomenon and b) there are not this many in our yard! Yuck!

If anyone in the Indianapolis area wants to experience this – head to the neighborhoods north and south of 56th street between 465 and Keystone (closer to 465). Open your car windows a bit, you can’t miss the sound! Holly, Indianapolis Indiana

Just back from Hershey Park

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
We just spent 2 days in Hershey and there were no signs of any cicadas there yet. Christine Lisciak, PA

They are everywhere

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
Just had two on my back from walking to my car and back. Store owners are sweeping live ones up like they were discarded cigarette butts. My car is covered in smashed cicadas from the beltway around DC. I left for a trip last friday and there were none and I came back to this. ARGH john, Rockville MD

Cicadas — Come Baaaack!!!!

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
Not a sighting or sounding for these creatures — when are they coming to South Jersey? We’re waiting!! Anneliese, Pine Hill, NJ

Cicadas in Towson!!!

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
This is my second time around with these things and the first time I don’t remember it being ANYTHING like this. I work in Towson, and there is not ONE place that I’ve been to that hasn’t had hundreds of Cicadas per tree. I’ve noticed that they don’t particularly care for the pine trees, but they certainly LOVE the maple trees! I thought that I would not be seeing them near my home since I live in the city, but yesterday I had one in my front yard, then today I saw at least 5 or 6, so they are definitely emerging slowly but surely and my SUV windows are taking a lot a of misguided Cicadas. Smashed Cicadas are hard to clean off your windshield!!! Tiffany, Baltimore, MD

New Gallery and Blue-eyed Cicada

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
Arlington’s in full swing. My neighborhood actually doesn’t sound as loud as earlier in the week, but there are more in the city area than last weekend.

I have some pictures and commentary at
There are two pages. Next weekend, a birthday party for my daughter with cicada pinata, cake, and racetrack (tried it out, and it’s a little underwhelming– they’re perfectly happy to sit still). Mike, Arlington


Date: Friday, May/28/2004
I saw the post below about Quakertown PA. I live there and havent seen or heard anything! Mike, Quakertown PA


Date: Friday, May/28/2004
I have been looking forward to seeing these creatures, but I have yet to see one. Are they coming to Georgia? Jenny, Locust Grove, Georgia

Where should we go?

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
I am going to head up to Princeton on Thursday June 3rd in the hope of finding and documenting some cicada activity. Could any of you fine folks in Princeton reccommend some specific locations to seek out? Much obliged. I. A. Bodulait, Brooklyn, NY

Sooooo Loud

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
The cicadas are definatly here. Too noisy to be outside. We are on 2 acres just outside of dublin. My black lab thinks they are delicious! A,my, Dublin,ohio


Date: Friday, May/28/2004
My back yard is like a Hitchcock movie. The smell is getting stronger and so are the cicada’s. I saw one trying to carry off my neighbor’s kid much to my joy, only to drop him in the middle of the street. Cutting the grass is a growing adventure. Several have found me to be a suitable mate, but I guess they don’t like Italian. Can’t wait until I’m able to hear the music coming from my stereo again, but I’ll miss them nonetheless. Born in the cicada year of 1987 ties me to them I guess. Sorry for those of you not able to enjoy this craziness. It’s quite memorizing. Terp Fan, Ellicott City, MD

I found which direction they are moving in.

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
Thur. May 27th, i was driving through Dublin, OH when the setting outside went from normal to erie. I soon relized that when I had crossed the Scioto River that I had entered Cicada central. I wonder when they will cross the river and arrive at my house? They are so loud. I could hear them in my car with the windows all up and the radoi playing. I thought something was wrong with my car. It was incredible. Dustin Z., Dublin, OH

Where are they???

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
Sadly, none to speak of in Warrington. No one can tell me if they remember them from 17 years ago. T. Hess, Warrington, PA (Central Bucks)

Cicada songs – fading away 🙁

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
Sad to say, the cicada songs are fading in my area; presumably they’re ending their stay? I’ve rescued a few from the street over the past few days, and when I picked them up, they started “crenelating” (is that the proper word?) I don’t know if they were singing to me or swearing at me, but it’s a fascinating sound! Also, I was out walking last week and it seemed every cicada in the area was using me for a landing strip; a man was walking 10 feet in front of me, but they were leaving him alone; any thoughts on “why me?” (not that I minded, I think the Magics are just that – magic!) Sue, Riverdale, MD

Webcam with audio?

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
Has anyone found a webcam with audio yet in a cicada-intense area? Still haven’t had a chance to *hear* them (my mother still won’t open her window, even though she has screens…she’s completely freaked out) Debbie, Seattle

Philadelphia, PA suburbs

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
Saw 2 live cicadas (one with deformed wings) and their exoskeletons here in the near western suburbs of Philadelphia on 5/25. Several more exoskeletons each day since, though no more live cidadas. Perhaps 20 cicada holes readily visible under the maple in our back yard.

Former homeowner told us there had been a relatively large emergence here in 1987. Dawn, Wynnewood, PA

Friend visiting Princeton from Seattle

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
I have a friend who grew up here in Seattle who’s visiting Princeton this weekend with her boyfriend for a college reunion….I did not have a chance to talk to her before she left so she may have *no* idea what she’s in for! It sounds like they are all over Princeton campus from what I’m reading here…am I correct? It will be interesting to hear her comments when she gets back.

I wonder if researchers would be interested in these special colored eye cicadas? I know the person who found the blue-eyed cicada in MD turned it in to researchers at the UM. Debbie, Seattle

Not here yet……

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
I have not seen or heard even one yet here in Northwestern Indiana. I thought perhaps our recent spell of cool and wet weather is postponing the emergence. I do not remember seeing any in 1987, but I vividly remember the brood in 1973, when to a child it seemed to be the coolest natural thing on earth. I am hoping that our human race has not obliterated these fascinating creatures; but I am afraid with deforestation and rapid urbanization of countryside in this area, this may very well be the case. A sad thing to happen to a harmless and interesting animal. Dan, Valparaiso, IN

Brood X Street Locations

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
I was wondering if we could give more specific street locations for some of the hotspots. I just came back from Maryland and Brood X was not as widespread as I thought. I did not hear any in Hagerstown. Baltimore was incredible though. Specifically: Edmondson Avenue. The noise level was amazing. I located all three species near a middle school on that street. Septendecula sang loudly around 8 pm. I also found a tree with roughly 5000 skins underneath. Anyways, I want to see other sights but to save time (and gas)I would like specific locations. Also, I believe this info will prove useful for future seekers. Thanks cicadamaniacs!
Mike Mike, Connecticut -Maryland

NE Extension / PA Turnpike

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
Nothing in the Allentown, PA area yet . . . but my daughter and I were driving down to the Phillies game late afternoon and could not believe the intensity of noise coming from the woods beginning just south of the Quakertown exit of the NE Extension/PA Turnpike. Stayed that way for several miles towards Lansdale, then — just like that — it was all over with for the rest of the trip south into the Phila. area. The wave of emergence must be making it’s way north a little each day.
Frankie D, Allentown PA

Traveling into Hillsborough

Date: Friday, May/28/2004
I am about 10 miles north of Princeton and I spotted 3 fluttering cicadas on Hwy 206. None on trees yet, and nothing like Princeton! Was in Princeton yesterday, and one was traveling with me on my windshield. Set it free before I left Princeton. Can they survive if they are transported into other areas by cars, buses, etc…? Janet, Hillsborough, NJ

Smithsonian attack

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
Just fyi for anyone visting the new Dulles Smithsonian National Aircraft and Space Museum in Virginia/DC — the cicadas were swarming the place. They were blindly running into the glass building, a small pile was at the front door where they had all haplessly landed. We were there on a field trip for my son’s class and had to eat outside. When we re-entered the building, one teacher found three had landed on or in his collar area and students pulled them out for him YUK!!! In general, I feel sorry for these bugs. The cicadas are about the dumbest, saddest flying insects ever. They look as if they’re struggling horribly when flying and they just run into anything. And if they land upside down, they just lay their waving their feet in agony. And half the time when you flip them over, they flip right back onto their back. Jane, Ashburn, VA

cicadas and hershey park

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
LOL to the guy asking about Hershey Park. I emailed the very same question to the park a couple of days ago and this is the LONG answer I got back: Thank you for your inquiry regarding Cicadas. It is projected to be a peak
cyclic year for these insects to mature to adulthood in the Northeastern
United States. So far I have only heard one adult within HERSHEYPARK. We do
expect numbers to increase and the projected peak breeding season is to be
mid-to-late June. One will expect to see evidence of the metamorphosis to
adulthood by the time of your visit. However, I do not expect that the
presence of these insects to impact greatly on your visit. I expect the
sights, sounds and excitement of HERSHEYPARK will overshadow the impact of
this natural, but harmless, phenomenon.

To hypothesize regarding one of your concerns, I suppose it is conceivable
that one could encounter one of the insects while it is in flight. The
likelihood seems improbable, but I suppose possible. All I can tell you is
that I’ve been an adult living in this area long enough to have been here
for two previous peak cyclic years, and I do not recall an incident of that
type happening or having had my lifestyle impacted in any way during these
“peak” cycles. As Director of the zoo associated with HERSHEYPARK, I and my
staff attempt to be aware of all of these natural occurrences. In our area
some cicada reach adulthood every year, but there are these cyclic peak
years. The sound of these insects competing for mating rites and seeing an
occasional adult in flight is expected. These insects do not bite or seek
out any sources of food throughout this portion of their life cycle. I do
reiterate that so far whatever we may see remains to happen. I have only
heard two adults so far, and only one was within HERSHEYPARK as of this

Please feel free to contact me if I can offer additional information.

Troy E. Stump
ZOOAMERICA Wildlife Park
Jane, Ashburn VA

I am 15 minutes from Princeton and still I do not see any!

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
Are the people surrounding the Princeton area supposed to be Plagued with these bugs? I have been in fear of these little buggers, sticking their heads above ground, for some time now. I know people who live in Princeton and they say that they are everywhere! What I am asking is this….. Is this the first generation that wants an education from an Ivy League school or are more supposed to arrive and be in the area of Plainsboro, Cranbury and the surrounding areas??? I pray that they just stay in Princeton and become graduates of 2004. 🙂 Michael, Cranbury

White eyes?

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
I’v heard there are a few with blue eyes. This ones eyes are for sure not red. My wife says they are white? Earl, Lancaster Pa.

None yet.,

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004

Are they blind?

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
I have been trying to convince my roomate that these buggers are not blind. But she insists that they are.
How about it? Anyone else want to back me up on this one?
Tony Roberts, Columbia MD

Gold eyed cicada

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
Hi everybody, today I found a gold eyed cicada and I’m thinking that it has to be rare so im keeping it in my room. If anyone knows about the rarity of this color, please send back a message because I’m very interested in knowing If my discovery is actually a discovery. Thanks for your time, Nick Nick Kostreski, Wheaton, MD, U.S.

can they see?? or just stupid..

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
here’s my ‘cicada’ question..are they blind?? everyday driving home on kenilworth avenue in the berwyn heights area (cicada central), they fly into my windshield..they MUST be blind or incredibly stupid..they r EVERYWHERE..very creepy and SO BIG… michelle, greenbelt, maryland

Keeping my ears open for the Magic

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
I am listening closely for a sign of our Magic friends. Sometimes I’ll think I hear it, but it just turns out to be a malfunctioning car engine. How disappointed I’ll be if they dont’ visit me… I have heard an occasional sound coming from the trees, which sounds like a weed-whacker. I wonder if it might be one *solitary* cicada. Up at Green Lane last week, there were 2 different species singing. One of them made that hollow whistle that could be compared to a jet at the other end of the runway. The other breed sounded like a chorus of weed-whackers. Then I also detected the ‘howling’ or warbling– I think that’s the actual mating call. Also, the females make a clicking sort of sound when they are ready to, um, get it on. I learned all this from a web site from a university in michigan, which has .mp3 and .wav files of the different cicada calls. I think the link is here on this site. Check it out! Laura, Oaks PA


Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
They are everywhere! When will they leave?! I m going to lose my mind or not go outside until they go away! Hannah, oakton, va

how to avoid cicadas?

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
i am scared of cicadas….how can i avoid them? Jan, Indiana

Cicada Attack!

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
I was working off the Beltway in Falls Church looking out a fourth story window Tuesday morning as the Cicadas starting bouncing around. By noon the side of the building was covered with thousands. By 6pm when I left they were 5 to 6 inches deep along the bottom of the walls crawling over each other like something off of fear factor!
We have none of these in Yorktown.
Taking the family to Hershey PA two weeks from now…can anyone tell me if it is that bad there? I don’t want to take my kids on a roller coaster going 70mph if these things are flying around!
Regards… Jeff Dixon, Yorktown, VA

Where are they?

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
Haven’t seen any here yet. Lots of ticks (yuk) though! David, Media, Delaware County, PA


Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
I work off Rolling Road. Man, they’re invading my freakin’ job!!! They’re all over the place here! I run into them in the truck on delivery, they come into my warehouse… they’re everywhere! I really wonder how long this thing will last. Hope not too long, I’m tired of having to flash my towel when I’m walkin’ outside to ward them off, lol. Have fun, cicada lovers! Obie , Springfield, VA (Where I work anyways…)

Black Eyes

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
I found a female this afternoon with grey-black eyes. Has anyone heard of this sort of anomaly before? Joyce, Rockville, MD

first live one

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
I have finally seen a live one and they look really cool and they are not the least bit scared of us I still have not seen what I was expecting, I have seen about 5 shells but and one live one but still not what others are seeing. I hope I get to see that. Scott Davis, Bel Air, MD

welcome cicadas!

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
the cicadas have been here for about a week. They are very “patchy” in their gathering, you can drive the down the street and not hear them, then turn the corner and hear 100s of them in one tree. You can hear their melodic droning in the distance all day, but standing under a tree where they are all hanging out is UNREAL! I always smile when i see or hear them. Paul, Germantown, MD

what a buzz!

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
I thought I remembered how LOUD these guys were from the last time… The buzz started here a few nights ago, but this morning – after some heavy, persistent rain moved off – the buzz is truly in the air! Amazing too how isoloated some of the noise is; even in town you can drive past a city block and there’d be a sudden and very noticeable increase in the volume. rick xaver, bloomington, in


Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
They’ve started to swarm big time in Falls Church VA. Riding home from the lunch, we saw scores of people on the sidewalk flailing haplessly at the air. It resembled a science-finction movie. It’s dangerous–a co-worker almost hit a child who jumped into the street to escape a cicada. michael, Falls Church

They’re back!

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
They are all over Princeton Borough. Depending on where you are – near old trees and woods – you can see zillions of them and hear them buzzing very loudly.

I remember them from 17 years ago when I worked in town. They carpeted the streets and side-walks. You had no choice but to step on them. They were everywhere! Cyn, Princeton, NJ

Crunchy Critters invade West Virginia!

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
Coming home from Virginia this weekend (5/25), north on I81, my fiance and I stopped in an antique market in West Virginia. THEY WERE EVERYWHERE! Crunching off the windshield as we pulled off the exit, swooping down from the trees, crushed under our feet as we walked…The shop owner said they’re looking forward to 4 more weeks of the squealing, crunchy critters! Ichhhh! Jen, Wilkes-Barre, PA.

Guess What?

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
I saw a cicada today! I’ve been waiting for a moment like this! I didn’t think they existed until I finally saw one myself. They’re a lot bigger than I thought they were! YAY Cicadas! WEEEEEEE!! 🙂 Ryan Swift, Georgetown

Flying Everywhere Heere!

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
Please, Please tell me when this madness will end!!!! There are BIG Cicadas flying everywhere. It must stop soon or I am going to lose my MIND. Saw a different breed this morning just a bit smaller with white wings. I am petrified!! Rock, Northwest Baltimore, MD

They’re so cool!

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
I live right by the water, so I haven’t seen any at home. But we were at a Baysox game on Sunday, and there were so many we could catch them in the air and pass them around. And they feel really neat when you hold them. sort of like little prickles… Mer, Annapolis, MD

Cicadas like blondes

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
One of these nasty things flew into my wife’s hair. Alan, Washington DC

Found Brood X

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
Thanks to this message board and the earlier posting from Green Lane, PA.
We found the brood.

See ya in 17 years !!! Danny, Audubon,PA

Cicadas in Upstate NY?

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
Does anyone know if the cicadas are coming to upstate NY. I’m only 17, and curious to find out as much as I can, I obviously cant remember the last time they came, as I was born that year. Let me know… Melanie, Lisbon NY (St. Lawrence County)

Trip To Washington DC

Date: Thursday, May/27/2004
Yesterday I made a quick trip to Washington National Airport and had a couple of hours to collect cicadas and bring some home to Chicago. There’s a beautiful bike path that goes north from the airport along the Potomac, and it was heavily populated with cicadas. I collected a few males and females and brought them home. They’re in a big jar climbing around on a big ball of wet paper towels.

Odd thing is that they seem to have two or three distinct mating calls. Do they vary by family, mood, or both??

I’ll probably let’em go free tomorrow in the forest preserves up here. They’ll have a ball in these here woods… Philip, Chicago

On the Mall

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
There are pockets of cicadas on the National Mall in Washington that emerged late last week. Most of the trees there are pruned regularly of their low brances so there aren’t a lot to be seen up close anymore, but you can definitely hear them in patches around the National Gallery of Art and the National Museum of American History.

Meanwhile, my neighborhood in Arlington has been droning for almost two weeks. I’ve had cicadas land on my shoulder and sing — it’s loud, but OK by me. The courtyard below my 7th floor apartment just became active in recent days, and cicadas sometimes land on my window screens and sing. I haven’t seen any new emergences in several days. P. Yabut, Arlington, VA

Sightings in NJ?

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
We’re on the look-out, but haven’t seen any yet! Is it possible they won’t emerge here? Chuck, Montclair, NJ

Where are they?

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
Why haven’t the cicadas invaded this town. I saw one today for the first time and it was probably blown here from a storm we had the night before. Don’t get me wrong though, I am relieved not to have that rotting smell but I would like to know the reason if there is one. M.O., Glen Burnie, MD

100s [AT] Battelle Darby Park

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
I took my dog on the Wag Trail. They were all over some of the bushes. The sound came in waves. I found a few dead ones on the ground. I brought them back with me, along with a couple of ticks. I got some tick spray and plan to head back out on a daily bases. Tim Hamilton, Columbus, Ohio

koo koo bugs

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
Funny bugs. They’ve become part of the fabric of life. They land on you because you’re vertical. Had one on the car the other day, demurely staring with red eyes. Funny.

I have sympathy for bug phobics. Oh my God. michael, falls church VA

Cicada in NJ

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
Nothing in EB NJ but I know that they will come soon. If they don’t then I guess I’ll try in another 17 years. Jason, East Brunswick, NJ


Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
Just wondering if anyone along the Jersey shore has seen any abundance of these buggers yet? I have my tunnel builders on standby and I want to make sure they have enough construction time! My mother went to Crofton,MD yesterday for a few days to visit and only lasted a day! She said the cicadas were so bad she was having a nervous breakdown and went back home to upstate New York! Ha-Ha! Hope some followed her… Kimmy, SMITHVILLE, NJ

need a few

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
in my middle school classes, we do a number of comparitive studys. i would love to have a few males and females to compare to the annual cicadas that we have in kansas. we are not due for an emergence until 2015, and with all of the discussion
on the news, my students are really interested.

d butler, leon kansas

white eyed cicada

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
found a white eyed cicada when I was walking up to my school so I picked it up and put it in my backpack. I can’t bring cicadas into my school so when I got home I took it out to take a picture. Then I put it in a jar with a branch.
SEAN WILKINSON M.D sean wilkinson, upper marlboro maryland

Not hear yet! 🙁

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
I’m about 30 miles south of Nashville and no sitings yet! Although I hear Knoxville, about 150 miles east of us, is covered with them.
Cicadas, come west, young bugs, come west! Sandra, Murfreesboro, TN

Boy are they ever loud!!

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
These cicadas are deafening. Our house is surrounded by woods and the noise is really unbearable during the day! We have to turn up the TV to hear it and that’s with the windows shut! The end of June won’t be here soon enough! Karen, Gettysburg, PA

None spotted Yet!

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
Will they reach as far east in NJ as Howell? Randy, Howell NJ

I heard them over the phone from Princeton!

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
Nothing here in NorthEast Somerset County so far, and looking at the Brood X territory map, we’re really close to the edge of the expected emergence so I’m not 100% certain we’re in the zone. My husband thinks it’s Brood II that emerges here based on the year he remembers it, so we’ll have to wait and see.

However, my husband was on business in Princeton today and called to say he didn’t see cicadas anywhere! I told him it was impossible based on the reports on this site. He pulled over near a wooded area and when no cars were going by, he said he could hear the UFO noise. I urged him to drive closer to the noise and sure enough, it got much louder and I could hear them over the phone! It really sounded like the attack of the giant bugs in old horror movies. He only saw one cicada flying – it might be too chilly today – but they were very noisy in the tree tops. This was along the Raritan canal and just a few blocks from the older part of the University campus. Loretta, North Plainfield, NJ

looks like dive bombers

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
Sitting here in clinic and looked out the window…must be a hundred i have seen in the past few minutes…7 floors up…flying through the air like dive bombers…males chasing females??…females looking for a tree branch???…in the heat and heart of a urban center…more buildings than grass and trees… health provider, Baltimore

The noise is deafening

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
Even tho’ I’m 17 years older than I was in 1987 and us old folk are supposed to be losing our hearing, the noise seems louder than it was the last time.

Also, the smell of dead and dying cicadas is starting to be a little gamey.

I don’t know if I can make it another 4 weeks without going mad! Iris, Baltimore, MD

where the heck are they?!

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
I read your message shorty from kunkletown, pa; we’re neighbors and I haven’t seen any yet. I’m getting the feeling we may not see any, and that makes me sad! becky, saylorsburg,pa

The Maddening Noise

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
The noise level in my neighborhood is getting pretty loud. Everyone said that we wouldn’t see too many here because my neighborhood was built about 10 yrs. ago. Not true!! And now they “sing” at night, too. My husband likes the noise. He says it is soothing.
To Debbie in Seattle: Here is the web page with the article you were looking for:
Grace, Abingdon, MD

They freak me out

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
They are EVERYWHERE! They fly around all over the place and they have landed on me a few times. I wanted to cry. I’m trying to accept them, I’m actually starting to like them a little bit. They are kind of cute in an ugly sort of way… Melody, Hanover, MD


Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
Cicadas are disgusting and thats all i have to say about that!! Amanda, MD

are they coming?

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
ARE THE CICADA BUGS COMING TO SHIRLEY?????????????? OR MASTIC?????? Brittany, Shirley

manhattan cicadas

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004

i am very excited about the prospect of seeing cicadas in manhattan. it drives me wild, in fact. when will they be in manhattan. will they even be in manhattan? does anyone remember from the last outbreak. im talking about in the parks eg central park, riverside park etc…

reply back soon,
manhattan cicadamaniac TK, new york, ny


Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
So far, not any sign of them over here.
However, saw them yesterday, while driving, only 25 miles south of here. “Hope” we’ll have them soon in northern NJ. Peter, Long Valley, NJ

Washing the windshield

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
They seem to be very active this week. And there lots of them dead on the sidewalks – perhaps the first to show up had done their dirty business already and can die in peace now. Anyway – driving home from work yesterday, I got quite a few killed on my windshield. And it’s not an easy task to wash the mess off – no way it would come off with water or regular fluid. Even Windex wasn’t working very well – you have to rub it and scrub it.
And boy, do they stink! I guess people who eats them consider it “delicious”, but I’m actually thinking of getting a gas mask – it’ll be much worse in a week or two…
By the way – to those, who love them so much, and say they are totally harmless: DON’T YOU KNOW THAT ROTTEN FLESH IN LARGE AMOUNTS CAN BE BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH? Have you read (in history schoolbooks perhaps?) that they use to bury corpses after a battle, instead of leaving them around to decompose. And it isn’t only because they honor their soldiers – they bury the enemy soldiers as well. So – who’s gonna bury those “harmless” and “cute” and whatnot things? EIU, Fairfax, VA

Cicadas take a lickin’, but keep on tickin’

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
Yesterday evening (May 25) we experienced a serious thunderstorm in Stonewall Manor with nickel sized hail stones. The hail lasted about 5 minutes and shredded leaves of trees in our community. So how did the cicadas, which were perched high in the treetops, weather this assault, you ask? This morning they were singing their usual tune, although at a somewhat reduced volume from the day before. It sounded like most of them survived. Mike, Vienna, VA

They all may have died…

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
…from all the fertilizer and lawn care products being absorbed into the ground, I feel it will be just another normal year for the Cicada.

McKenzie McKenzie, Bucks County


Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004

Still waiting in NC mountains

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
We are in the northwestern corner of NC very close to TN and VA. Elevation 3400′. So far, not a single cicada has been seen. The past month has been cooler than normal, so we are thinking the soil temp has not reached the magic 65 degrees yet. We are hoping they come soon! SK, Watauga County, Boone, NC

Cicadas Make Great Models

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
They’re often so slow and docile, and so large, that they take great photo close-ups. Here’s one from my back yard that sat still long enough for me to get this great shot. B. Marshall, Annandale, VA

nothing dramatic

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
I found some larvae that was ready to emerge while digging the garden but I haven’t seen any adults. Haven’t heard them yet either. Last weekend near Quakertown Pa on Rt 663 they were very loud. MJB, Mountaintop pa

Egg laying

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
Yesterday, I noticed that some cicadas have started to lay eggs on my 13 year old tree. It looked like thread on several branches. I plan on checking the trees at my school. I will try to take a picture to send to you. Shirley Jeffords , Silver Spring MD

Cicadas everywhere

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
I live in knox county tennessee. my 2.5 wooded acres are absolutely covered with these buggers. They haven’t caused any trouble but they make a lot of noise all day and now all night. first time i’ve ever seen them Wayne, Knoxville TN


Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
They are here by literally the billions!! This small quiet town literally sounds like a big city now! Just one tree in my yards has 1000’s of them!! WOW! Scott, Marshall, IL

Egg laying

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
Yesterday, I noticed that some cicadas have started to lay eggs on my 13 year old tree. It looked like thread on several branches. I plan on checking the trees at my school. I will try to take a picture to send to you. Shirley Jeffords , Silver Spring MD

Cicadas everywhere

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
I live in knox county tennessee. my 2.5 wooded acres are absolutely covered with these buggers. They haven’t caused any trouble but they make a lot of noise all day and now all night. first time i’ve ever seen them Wayne, Knoxville TN


Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
They are here by literally the billions!! This small quiet town literally sounds like a big city now! Just one tree in my yards has 1000’s of them!! WOW! Scott, Marshall, IL

Cicadas a no show

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
Cicadas have not shown up in the Englishtown/ Manalapan area. If anyone sees them please let me know which community. Thanks. Lauren, Englishtown, New Jersey

Another blue-eyed cicada

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
Just read that a blue-eyed cicada turned up in McLean (where I’m from)….there’s an article on the WTOP web site about it. Mom still lives there…I’ll have to tell her to keep an eye out for blue-eyed cicadas… Debbie, Seattle

“The Eyes”

Date: Wednesday, May/26/2004
I am on a message board of folks that ‘appreciate’ (to say the least) Frodo from Lord of the Rings and we are especially always talking about ‘The Eyes’….those deep blue, wide eyes that enhanced Elijah Wood’s character throughout the movie trilogy.

Well, I pulled a meanie last night and posted a pic on that board from the PA station Priscilla mentioned that shows a cicada quite up close and personal with the bulging red eyes 😉 and called it ‘The Eyes’……had a mixed reaction on that one….LOL!!!!!

My Mom is in McLean, VA so from the sounds of what’s being posted here, it sounds like she’s inundated. Dad is in Baltimore….I asked Mom to open the weekend so I can hear them singing a couple of weeks ago (Mother’s Day) but she doesn’t even want to think about them. It must be much worse now….after the post I saw about hitting 40 or 50 of them going down the beltway.

It sounds like they are even more of them than 1970 and 87. Back then my boyfriend and I had tshirts that said ‘Cicada Invasion Summer 1987 with a bunch of cicadas all the the red eyes…if anyone sees a shirt like that can someone let me know.
Is there a news article anywhere on the woman who hit the fire hydrant? Debbie, Seattle

how far upstate will they come?

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
are they coming to upstate ny. at all? i took my kids out to look for them, found a shell of one in a knothole in my pine tree, it was very old. covered in spider webs and sap. bill, modena, ny.

attracted to light?

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Are cicadas known to be attracted to outdoor lighting? JLB, Louisville, KY

Still No Cicadas!

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Had them in ’87, but so far I haven’t seen any here in Matthews, NC or 50 miles away at our lake cottage. They were abundant at the lake in ’87, so I’m wondering where they are now!!!
Lisa in Charlotte, NC Lisa, Charlotte, NC

Where are they?

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
I drive an 18 wheeler, haven’t seen a live one yet. Maybe thats what the big splat was on the windshield? shorty, Kunkletown, PA USA


Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Havent seen any either. I saw a lot in Bloomington. Dr. Dre, Indianapolis


Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Anyone have any ideas if these things are coming to South Jersey? I think I may have seen 2 babies on my screen door the other day. They were pretty small but had those red eyes and one was making a pretty loud sound! Haven’t seen (or heard)anything since then but I’m still looking. Is it possible to have just a few and not mass quantities? I’m building a tunnel… KIMMY, SMITHVILLE,NJ

Michigan Sightings

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Have there been any reports of sightings in Michigan? sc, MI

Cicadas early arrival

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
I think our Cicadas arrived early . In April we had a deafening sound in the woods behind our apartment complex. We couldn’t figure out what it was. It was so loud. It was done by May. And now we have no cicadas around like everyone else does. Our woods out back are quiet and down the road is filled with them. I think they came early. Amy Murberg, Bel Air, Maryland


Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Still none here in Ann Arbor MI that I have seen. Helen, Ann Arbor MI

PLEASE Say it isnt so!!!!!

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
I’m in Washington NJ too Danny, and I dont have them at my house yet. I look outside every night and every morning…so far… complete relief! None here! I lived in Colonia (Middlesex County) in 1996 when Brood II was there. That was so incredibly bad I cant even imagine what this year has in store! You could scoop up many MANY handfulls at the base of each tree back then…OMG what am I instore for this year??? I’m sooo freaked out! New Jersey-ites….please keep me posted!!! B.T., Washington NJ (Warren County)

Are any hatching still?

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Does anyone know where any more cicadas may be hatching still in the Cincinnati area, as of 5/26? I would like to try to watch one emerge out of its shell (I missed them in 1987, as I was in Pearl Harbor serving in the Navy). Carol Ann vivedly remembers 1987, and is looking forward to the “peak” time of this “Brood X” emergence.


Thanks for allowing us to share. Larry and Carol Ann, Cincinnati, OH

Just a few – bummer

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
My family has been waiting to experience this invasion, but, alas, we have just had a few emerge under one tree. For the last week we have seen 4-8 new shells each morning. Most of them are being eaten by birds. I can hear an occasional weee-ooohhh, but it’s just one or two at a time. Looks like we are going to have to drive down to southern Indiana to experience the big numbers. Holly, Indianapolis Indiana

Cicadas Everywhere!!

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Oh, if you really want to see some cicadas just come to the DC metro area and you will see more than you need. I am on the campus of my school (Trinity College) and cicadas are even flocking inside the dorms. You can here the cicadas all around you…they actually sound like car alarms. Also, can you believe that one little cicada cause a huge accident in Maryland. A lady was driving to work when a cicada flew in her car and she instinctively went to swat it away and crashed into a fire hydrant knocking out all of the water for the neighborhood. I am totally scared of bugs…if you want the cicadas come to DC and take them all because I have had enough of them. 🙂 Ndara, Washington, DC

Where are They?

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
I live in williamson county about 15 min from downtown and haven’t seen them yet I hope they come soon! danny, nashville TN

Giant cicada!

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Just saw the first cicada in our neighborhood- it’s in an oak tree on our street. It is huge! This is the first one we have seen, even though we live in a rural area about seven miles from Princeton (which is overrun with them). Hopefully, we will see more. Sue, Franklin Twp (Somerset Co) NJ

The Enterprise is here

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
I live in the country and man do they like to make noise it sounds almost like a Spaceship hovering over our house. We have holes around every tree i mowed the lawn and saw about 100 holes Joe, Pennsylvania

The smell of Cicadas

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
We have had cicadas for over two weeks and the smell from the rotting shells and dead bugs was overwhelming in our back yard. We have been shoveling cicadas into trash cans and putting down lime and cedar mulch to deal with the stench….

KP, Gaithersburg, MD


Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
These critters are deeeeeelish! Catch a jar full, freeze them. Next day rinse w/cold h20, pat dry. Toss in flour/salt/pepper/creole season and fry 2-3 min in hot canola oil.
Eat them like popcorn! Great w/beer or Cheerwine… ‘Hoss, Knoxegas, TN

May 25, 2004

May 23rd – May 25th 2004 Cicada Comments

Filed under: Brood X | Old Message Board — Dan @ 1:07 pm

Giant cicada!

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Just saw the first cicada in our neighborhood- it’s in an oak tree on our street. It is huge! This is the first one we have seen, even though we live in a rural area about seven miles from Princeton (which is overrun with them). Hopefully, we will see more. Sue, Franklin Twp (Somerset Co) NJ

Cicadas are up in eastern PA!

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
I dug up a cicada a few weeks ago while planting trees, so I knew they were coming. I went out today to take some pictures and they’re everywhere! Still not as noisey as I remember in years past, but I don’t think they’re done emerging yet. Jon, Zionsville, Lehigh County, PA

Unsuccessful Hunt

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Searched through Setauket, Old Field, Stony Brook and Lake Grove in Suffolk County without success. Not a single shell or chirp. Getting hungry and jealous after reading all those cicada recipes! AJay, Long Island


Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
I visted this site for more info on them since we have people calling our landscaping business worrying about their plants. Its all very interesting. Nothing here as of yet as I am anticipating will will have many at our home which is a few acres of untimbered forest land. We do have an unusual amount of mosquitos this year though, and are HUGE! Looking forward to hearing and seeing this phenomenon, hopefully our young nursery trees are not too hard hit!!! Anyone near us see any??? Susan, Elysburg, PA

Emerged 5/22

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
They’re heeeere. JOhn, Downingtown PA

blue eyes

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Are you still looking for the blue eyed one?

Got it. Bryan , ft thomas


Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
people at my school are trying to kill them they have killed 70 bob, U.S


Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Are Cicadas blind? Jay Schultz, Silver Spring MD

When will this end?

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
There are thousands, they’re everywhere, and they’ve been here since the 8th. They were cool to look at and photograph for a while, but I’m so over this… they are really stinky, loud and annoying now! Donna, Rockville, MD

17 Years Ago

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
I have not yet seen them in the suburban Philadelphia region, but understand they are around. 17 years ago, I remember them quite well. For a few weeks, I was qondering what that constant din outside was — they were not in our neighborhood, but quite heavy in the surrounding area. Then one night, I saw a piece on the news about them. Much different today with all the TV & newspaper coverage and Web sites dedicated to the emergence. I’ll have to keep an ear open on the way home. GFE, Glenside, PA

They’re heeeere!

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Yep.. we have cicadas here in Bloomington, Indiana! I have some photos I took on 24 May 2004 here:
I hope to get more as the season progresses. I love these bugs! Janee, Bloomington, Indiana, USA

They’re DEFINATELY here!

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Have been watching my trees and finding scads of exoskeletons. The awful noise started over the weekend…can barely here myself think and I can’t close the windows because I don’t have central air! Ugh.. Jeanne, Perkiomenville, Pa

No Sightings Yet

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Where are they??!! I want to see these little critters… I hope that I haven’t missed them yet. Mike, Hanover, PA – near Gettysburg

It’s Like a Science Fiction Movie!!

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Carcasses are everywhere as nymphs transform into adults and a constant cacaphony fills the residential forest community known as Spring Hill Acres (near Mt Gretna), Lebanon Co., PA. I ran through the woods along the Horseshoe Trail up to Gov. Dick Lookout last Sunday and could hear the “courtship songs”, even though listening to Smooth Jazz on my Walkman!! Stan, Spring Hill Acres, Cornwall, Lebanon Co, PA

Cicada’s coming to Hagerstown??

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
It appears the Cicada’s are everywhere around Hagerstown, MD, but not in the city. They have invaded all surrounding towns, and rivers but not here yet. Are they coming here??

Marcia McKnight Marcia McKnight, Hagerstown, MD

“There Back!”

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
My boys had me outside in the woods looking for them. This morning while looking out the window there they were, three of them in a white birch tree still in the shells. I cannot wait to see the boys faces after school today! Raquel Lutton, Schnecksville, PA

They’re Heere!!!

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
I have only seen little to none in the city. Will they be in Englishtown, New Jersey? I am going on a trip there on June 12. Andrea, Baltimore, MD

Hoards of Them

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
I got attacked on the ear by one this morning, nearly broke my glasses. Freaked out really bad! When are they leaving already? I hate the eeery sounds too. Enough! Enough! I am ready to leave home and stay with my Aunt. How many more weeks of this terror? Shelly, Gwynn Oak, MD

OMG that’s loud

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
I’m here on the Ohio/Kentucky border near Cincinnati, and they’re everywhere. My brothers and I were out working on a car and they kept landing on us.

In some parts of Hamilton, Ohio (where most of my family lives) they’re so loud you can’t hear anything else!

BTW – these things seems to have pupils. It looks like when I hold one in front of me and move around, it follows me with it’s eyes. Or am I just seeing things? John Davison, Florence, Kentucky


Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
We have them…BIG TIME! There is a swarm on our ridge in the woods. I can hear them starting as soon as it’s warm enough in the morning until it cools down in the evening. They’ve been here for about 2 weeks (first emergence was the morning of 5/15/2004. I have a question for anyone, however. I keep hearing something that sounds like crying, wailing, or lasers in addition to the buzzing that’s like a machine or water running. Does anyone know what this sound is? THANKS! Sharon Heller, 7 mi. west of Newport, PA, USA

There Here!

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Since last Friday (May 21) they’ve really invaded Princeton. It sounds as if the mother ship has landed and is beaming everyone up! Marjory , Princeton, NJ


Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
they are real thick in the vineyard but nowhere else Mitch Boatman, Hillsboro, Ohio

Our cicadas make great “scarecrows” for our cherry trees

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Typically we don’t get a chance to enjoy the fruit of the cherry trees in our back yard because the birds beat us to it. Not this year. We have thousands of cicadas and lots of delicious ripe cherries.

We figure the cicadas’extremely loud call is scaring the birds out of the trees.

Anyone else getting the same results? Will, Mary, Cindy, & Jim, Ft. Thomas, KY


Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
My oldest son and I have been waiting anxiously for them. We heard the noise (finally!) early Sat morn (21st) and went on a walk to coleect some Sunday night. It’s very cool, exciting and GROSS! It must be a BOY thing!!! Shawn Marie & Michael T., Belcamp, MD (Harford County)

You can have some of ours!!!!

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
For everyone who hasn’t seen or heard any cicadas yet, consider yourselves lucky…They are so loud, they started this morning at 4 am, and of course the ones my daughter has in a “critter keeper” started singing as well, so I had to take it outside. I let them go & catch her new ones every day. It would be a shame to just have them live 17 yrs underground & die without doing what Mother Nature made them for……I have seen birds feasting on them, red ants eating them, my cat even ate one yesterday….YUCK! They are kind of interesting, though, I got a pic yesterday of a pair mating on my tree. The only thing that really bothers me about them is their smell, it stinks outside, I can’t imagine how bad it will be when they all start dying off & laying under trees in mass piles…. Staci, Beltsville, MD

They are learning to fly better!

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
I think the Cicadas are learning to fly better after the two weeks of practice they have had since emerging from the soil. If you drive for about a mile on the DC Beltway, one should expect to hit between 40 to 50 Cicadas. They are flying everywhere. Watch your head!!! Jared, Arlington, VA

Finally Found An Adult

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
After several days of finding about 6-8 empty cicada shells in the grass under the same tree, I finally encountered and adult. It seemed to be caught up in the tall grass so I scooped it up and off it went up into the tree. If your in Wilmington, De and haven’t seen one yet, keep looking they’re here! KJ, Wilmington, DE


Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
we have TONS of them… everywhere!! traci, new jersey (princeton)


Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
I wanna see some, but no luck yet… Joe, Long Island

They are in MD/DC area

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Was down at the Potomac River fishing this past weekend and heard them just south of Rt. 95 bridge that crosses the Potomac.
Also heard them on the way home while stuck in traffic on Rt. 95. Had the windows up and radio and A/C on and could still hear them. Just glad I don’t need to sleep through that, YET! JON, PA

Anxiously Waiting

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
There are no cicadas in Tennessee yet, as far as I’ve seen. I wonder if they’ll even get down here this year? I can’t believe I’ll be 42 when they come back… Marijean, Nashville, TN

The emergence pattern is not what I was expecting

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
I thought that we would see maybe 1-3 nights of mass emergence, and the subsequent mating & dying. Instead, it seems like they are coming out little by little in my neck of the woods. When will they STOP emerging? Chrissy, Mt. Pleasant, Washington, DC

They are most definitely here!

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
I have been amazed at the sheer volume…both in numbers and in decibels! They are all over the Miamisburg-West Carrollton area of Dayton but are not downtown as of yet. They were out in great force this weekend at The Srping Fling in Miamisburg. You could hardly walk 20 feet without one dive-bombing into your hair or landing on your arm, back, shoulder…etc. Watching people scream like little school girls and flail about was a bit entertaining (including yours truly). I’m trying to get “used” to them…really….

For all you cicada enthusiasts…enjoy!

PS: the birds are getting fat! :-> Kharis, Miamisburg

Every Where

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
I never saw so many in my life. We have to watch were we step, and shake off our close before we come inside. Theres shells all over the trees and on the ground. Wesley, Delaware, Oh

Where are they

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
I want to photograph Cicadae. I live in Providence RI. Does anyone know where some are that are close to me? Scott Lapham, Providence RI


Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004

They’re Here

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Found my first shell, followed by about 20 more scattered around the base of our huge Pin-Oak. I’m sure there is many to follow. Hope to se a live one soon. J Stauffer, Columbus,Ohio

When do we get them?

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
I live in Atlanta, GA. Do they come this far south? If so, when? I haven’t seen a one. Sheree, Atlanta, GA

In Princeton

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
They’re in Princeton CB, Princeton


Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
Here in Bell Buckle (40 mi SSE of Nashville), ther are no cicadas yet. Everyone that was here in ’87 says that there were plenty, so by all accounts they should still be in the ground……planning. Hopefully I’ll see some when I go backpacking in East Tennessee at the end of this month, I’ve never experienced an invasion before and I feel like a child before his first Christmas. Jake Stringfellow, Bell Buckle, Bedford Co., Tn

First noticed them Thursday May 20

Date: Tuesday, May/25/2004
I have only seen one and it was dead, have only found one shell. The woods across the road sounds like there are millions. They are real loud till way after dark. L:inda Napier, Winslow Indiana

the plagues of Egypt? Nothing compared to what’s coming!

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Why has God decided to torment us this way. Have we come to the end of our time. We’ve boarded up our house and only have enough supplies to last us for a month. Save yourselves!!!!!!!!!! the Booher’s, Quincy, MI

They’re everywhere!

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
They are all over the College Park, MD area. There must be thousands around the house and in the trees. The noise is AMAZING… it’s like being on another planet… I feel like the alien here! It’s absolutely incredible! I’m in cicada heaven! Scott, College Park, MD

None here yet

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Magicicadas have supposedly been spotted near the Delaware-Maryland state line, but none up here in the northern Delaware hills near Pennsylvania. Not even a hint of nymphs crawling out of the ground.

We’re all eagerly awaiting their arrival here…

Michael Sensor, Hockessin, Delaware


Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Driving home from work this evening with the windows down I heard a buzzing sound. I pulled over in Warwick Park to check it out. As I walked into the woods the noise was rather loud and I saw a few dried shells, but I never did actually see a cicada. Hopefully I will find more in the days to come, but they are finally here. Dave Fuertsch, North Coventry,Pa


Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I have experienced a true natural high!
At Clark Park, about 2 miles from my home, I experienced Cicadamania, up close and personal!

I found by the roadside,
A small tree with a chrous of MagiCicada septumdicem…
Unearthly beauty…
Absolute calm…
No fear…
Is there any other creature on earth that has NO FEAR of humans?
They bumble through the air
They do not have a care
They sing … Delightful!
Landing on me, they linger
Sitting on my finger!
Calling, chourousing, tumbling
Ruby eyes looking,
Cellophane wings flicking
Their clocks are a-ticking
Phhharrrooohhh! They cry!
Soon we will die!
But we will be back
You can count on that
Thank You, Oh Magic Ones
You may outlive me
But you will always be with me. John DeMelas, Oak Ridge, TN

Still going strong

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
It seems they’re still going strong here and at Tysons Corner. The parking lot where I work looks like a little cicada cemetary. We’re almost “attacked” every time we step out of the office. You have to do a cicada check before going back in to remove the unfortunate ones that bump into you and stick! I saw more today dead, dying AND flying around than I have in the last few weeks. I saw new ones still emerging at Wolf Trap over the weekend as well! Entertained, Vienna, Virginia-Fairfax County

First sighting of the year.

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Tonight I went out on the patio and in flew a rather large flying bug. I don’t know anything about these, but I caught it and looked up a picture and sure enough it was a Cicada! It’s the only one I’ve seen, scared the **** out of me. Matt, LaFayette, New York, USA

Our cicadas arrived May 11th! Love ’em!

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Hey, they are so exciting! I saw them in 1987 here, too. Each day there are hundreds of new ones in our yard. I love to see them fly like tiny red-gold helicopters. I like to get them on my hand or arm and take them for a walk – they just sit quietly. My cats enjoy stalking them, too. I have named some of them – Loretta & Isabel sit on the back screen door. Susan Burkhalter, Bethesd, Maryland, USA

Just a few of them are here!

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
There are abot 10 of them in my backyard! Daniel KIm, Franklin Lakes, NJ


Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Because of previous West Carrolton posting, we went there to see them (drove down fron Canada!!). Took exit 44 off of Interstate 75, and they are everywhere. High concentrations (perhaps millions) in Sycamore Trails Park, West Carrollton, Ohio. Joe Minor, West Carrollton, Ohio

they’re everywhere

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Wow. It’s humbling, really. They’re everywhere. It’s their party, and we just need to avoid having them bump into us.

Fearless little things. Zen bugs.They didn’t start flying until this weekend, and now they’re flying everywhere, going about their business. Today it struck me that it’s lucky these things aren’t inherently malevolent/poisonous. The early colonists wouldn’t have had a chance. michael, falls church, va

White Cicada’s?

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
My son found a white cicada. Has anyone ever seen a white or albino cicada? It still has red eyes…. Kelly, Columbus, Ohio

Sitings but no singing

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Drove 75 miles from Toledo and camped. On May 18 saw 1st skins and adults, hundreds more each day till I left Powell Creek Camprounds on May 20. One or two sang. The proprieter called May 23, said they are now coming out in woods in camp but still not real load yet. Gary Lovell, Ayersville, Ohio Route 15


Date: Monday, May/24/2004
cicadas creep me out…there r some in my yard, but TONS in the crescent hill area…my friend says theres some in her house…EW…there arent any cicadas by the summit shopping center…probably bc it was farmland b4 and then they covered it with cement, mulch, and sod…and killed any trees that r there and planted new ones…well, at least theres 1 place where im safe lol rachel (again), louisville, ky

cicadas everywhere!

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
there r cicadas everywhere, especially on my school campus. one got in my shirt 2day…it scared me 2 death…i got it out and i didnt kill it! rachel, louisville ky

They took the city

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I live in downtown DC (Dupont Circle). So far, I haven’t seen more than any other year…until today. It’s full of them. And I am sorry, I don’t like them. I am scared even of walking on the street. Pablo , Washington, DC

Camping with Cicadas

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Cicada’s everywhere. Spent a weekend camping at Big Bone Lick State Park. Averaged about 5-600 cicadas on the tent at any given time. Had to use a broom to sweep away the cicada’s from the tent entrance. The sound of Cicada’s crawling around on your tent at night sounds very much like a gentle rain. I thought my memory of these little guys from 1987 in Cincinnati, Ohio was bad……this definitely tops that!! Neetz3t, Big Bone Lick State Park, KY

no live ones

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I have not really heard any cicadas here in my area I have seen a few shells here and there but no live ones or sounds that I know of yet. I’m hoping that maybe I’ll have a better chance of hearing them at night. Scott Davis, Bel Air, MD

where are they?

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Where are these creatures? I don’t they are in my area? mark, N. Royalton, Ohio

The big bug invasion

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I saw a single hole in the back yard today. No dought it was from brood x. I think the ivasion is about to start. J.P., York,P.A.


Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Cicadas, where are you? I so desperately want to see them around here so that I can show my foreign born boyfriend the craziness that are Cicadas. Back when I was in high school there was a different brood going about and though I hate bugs, it was still really neat. Does anyone know if they’ll be headed up here eventually or should I drive my boyfriend (who doesn’t want to see them at all) down to Princeton? Thanks! Tiffany, Edison, NJ

so curious…

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I will be in the DC area this upcoming weekend, and I’m really looking forward to the cicada experience. Can someone tell me when and where is the best time to experience them in their most …annoying? 🙂 BigMac0420, Jacksonville, FL

great there here

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
yup there here, saw the first one today sunning itself on rhododendron flower. Big ugly and many more to come I’m sure…….. Ryan, Brookline, MA

Crabapple Trees and Cicada

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Evidently, cicadas love crab apple trees. I have one in my front yard and it is covered completely in cicada. I don’t mind, except when they chatter at me for stepping out side my own house. Rachel, Cincinnati, Ohio


Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Ok guys. This thing is getting intense. I really don’t like leaving my house because there are sooooo many of them now. A few weeks ago I thought I was lucky b/c we really didn’t have that many. Well that was then, this is now. Does anyone agree that they seem to be less active at night?? Or is it just me? I know that they are supposed to be leaving by late june, but does anyone know if this week and the next are their peak times??? I’ve heard that from my mom and a friend and I’m just praying that it’s true. simone , Silver Spring,MD

Where they this noisey?

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I don’t remember them being this loud the last time during the day. Meg, Bedford, PA


Date: Monday, May/24/2004
They were gross from the beginning, but now they are actually flying around. There are hundreds of them within a hundred foot radius. I have already been unfortunate enough to see about 4 explode upon flying into my windshield. I drive with my windows up, the air on, and music, and they are still loud enough to slowly drive me insane before getting to where I need to be. I’m sure there are many people in baltimore and surrounding areas wondering who the nut is running around with a hoodie on and a tennis racket. yes folks, it’s me. I take all necesary precautions before venturing out into the land of the cicadas. For the next month or so, they are in control. I, personally will be thrilled when they go back to ruling the underworld!! Kee, Randallstown, MD

Still no sight of them!

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
We’re close to Phoenixville and Malvern – both locations have representatives on the message board. And yes, there’s little if any activity here. When will they show up? Elaine, Oaks, PA

None Spotted

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
We have nothing but woods surrounding our home and have yet to see a single one here is Harrisburg. Jeremy, Harrisburg, PA


Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Okay, the cicadas came slowly, but now they are in full effect !! Man these things are a pain, but fascinating. I don’t want to kill them but when they in sorrounding my apartment I have todo something. I’ll be glad when this is over. My biggest worry is going to work with one of these things in my hair. Felicia , Arlington, Virginia

Nothing where I am

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I’m 20 miles or so north of Princeton. Nothing by me yet. Maybe tonight. Jim, Bridgewater, NJ


Date: Monday, May/24/2004

They’re Heeeeeeere

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Baltimore is now experiencing a cicada invasion. Over the weekend they finally started appearing in mass quantities in my neighborhood. Wherever I go in town, I can always hear the alien-like hum of the cicadas in the background. It is quite loud here and the smell is already pretty strong. Every time I walk to my car, at least a handful of them fly right at me. This morning one flew down the collar of my dress shirt. I think I invented a new dance. I heard on the news that only 25% of them have emerged which is staggering. I can’t imagine how there could possibly be MORE in a few days. They are already everywhere, hitting the windshields of moving vehicles, climbing my house, in my bushes. Amazing. Chris, Baltimore, MD

None here yet 5/24/04

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Nothing here yet. Last evening was quiet, no casings around. D.F., Medford, N.J.

Cicadas Are At Or Near Peak In Elkridge Md.

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
They emerged on May 13 and have been as loud or louder than I have ever heard them since Saturday. This is my fourth time around with them since 1953. George, Elkridge, Md, USA


Date: Monday, May/24/2004
None None None.. Nowhere to be seen here. Yeah!! Carrie, Allentown, PA

None here yet!

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Not a peep! I love the sound of the cicadas – they are truly the sound of a lazy summer day. I heard they have arrived about 1/2 hour from here in Green Lane. Karen Romano, Conshohocken, PA

All Over!

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
The Cicadas are every where!! Disgusted With, Reston, VA

Cicadas in full tilt

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
They’re here, hundreds of thousands, probably millions of them. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. We moved to this house about 5yrs ago, it’s in a heavily wooded neighborhood. The sound is intense. I can best describe it as rushing air, something like air escaping from a valve. It’s loud and the cicadas are flying everywhere you look. What happens to the carcases when they die? I heard the stink as they decompose…like land-shrimp. Alex, Downingtown, PA (40 mi west of Philly)

There are everywhere!

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Any very very loud – like someone vacuuming in the next room! Jen, Baltimore, MD

Cicada Experience

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Just thought I’d relate a story about my 1st cicada experience. Back in 1998 I was camping with a bunch of fellow geology students in Providence Canyon state park in east Georgia….we did the back country hike through the canyon and we camped overnight down in the canyon. A bunch of us slept out under the stars that night….meanwhile, while we were sleepling and unbeknowent to us, the cicadas (13 year variety)were emerging…when we woke up we literaly had hundreds of hollow cicada exoskeletons all over our sleeping bags, hundreds more in out shoes and a large nearby tree (maybe 5 ft. away) had thousands of exoskeletons ont it…needless to say we were alittle freaked out knowing that thousands of creepy little bugs were crawling all over us and our stuff. But it does make a cool story to tell. thanks. Gristlejaw, Flroiduh


Date: Monday, May/24/2004
We are very excited that this is the year the cicadas are emerging. We are busy learning about all aspects of their lives. Daeshawn found one on his oak tree last weekend. Patrick found one on his apple tree. It was head-down, four feet above the ground. We are waiting to find more! Mrs.Moynahan’s Third Grade Class rade, Coquillard Primary Center, South Bend, In


Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I thought the worst was over, but boy was I wrong! There were so many cicadas on my patio on Sunday morning that my boyfriend had to come over and sweep them up just so I could get outside. I’m just an innocent person trying to live my life. When will this be over? Heather, Falls Church, VA

Yippee! Cicadas at last

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
After much anticipatory dread, I had actually begun to get into Cicadamania. But there were no signs of the little buggers in Owings Mills while surrounding areas got tons of them. They finally began singing on Saturday. Can’t see many, but the sound is just awesome!!!!! Kathy Valentine, Owings Mills, MD

Mmmm mmmm good.

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I haven’t seen too many in Germantown, but I did gather about 100 post-teneral female cicadas. Over the weekend, I made about two dozen dry-roasted, chocolate covered cicadas, which five co-workers tried today! I’ve got a few more recipes I want to try. The verdict? So far, so good. Not exceptionally delicious. But, not bad either. Mike K., Germantown, MD

Still looking

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I’ve never experienced the Brood X cicadas but have heard stories. Someone said that they won’t be in Union County, NJ this year! Say it ‘aint so! Anybody hear this? SMC, Summit, NJ

Cicada clear for the 28 approach

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Like a blink of an eye they are flying all over the tarmac….just yesterday there were none JP, BWI

Cicadas in Full Force

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Went camping/horseback riding this past weekend at Fair Hill, MD. Large pockets of Cicadas everywhere. You could hear them from the barn constantly. I enjoyed listening to them–although others did not. Sometimes when riding through the pockets they would be flying everywhere and landing on you and the horses. It was amazing how loud they were. The horses didn’t mind the sound but didn’t like when being hit in the head by them. It was a pretty neat experience. They are quite amazing. Barb, Fair Hill, Maryland

Faster than a speeding cicada

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I went for a bike ride yesterday from my house in Stonewall Manor to Reston via the W&OD bike trail. It was a challenge to avoid hitting these flying creatures while zooming along at 18+ mph on the bike trail. I happened along a cicada flying parallel to the trail, so I slowed down to match its speed. It was flying at about 9 mph into a slight headwind. So, for anyone wondering how fast these little buggers fly, my empirical evidence suggests about 10-12 mph without any wind resistance or wind assistance. Mike, Vienna, VA


Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Hello –
Cicadas began emerging here in Arlington 2 weeks ago. Since they came out so early here, will they leave sooner than other areas. It is unbearable. David, Arlington, VA

They’re Heeeeeeeeeeeeere!!

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
First spotted Saturday, 5/22. Noticed a few “shells” on a row of short lilac bushes while cutting the grass. Closer inspection revealed TONS of them on the undersides of almost every leaf, often piggy-backed in bunches of four and five. A few hours later, heard the first sounds, like the string section of an orchestra warming up. Sounds and sightings of adults wobbily making their way to the trees is steadily increasing. vbert, Kintnersville (Upper Bucks County), PA

Merrill Creek Reservoir

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Went for a walk at the Merrill Creek Reservoir. Cicadas were everywhere. Pretty awesome to actually walk through them, and to hear them. Danny, Washington, (Warren Co.), NJ

Indiana Cicada

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Haven’t seen any Cicadas here at home in Hamilton County, but I spent the weekend camping at McCormick Creek State Park in Southern/Central Indiana (~60 miles south of Indy). As I drove south, the chorus began. At times the noise from trees on either side of the highway was just plain creepy. At camp they were everywhere, in various stages. Many little holes on the ground where they had emerged. Many shells and living Cicadas on the trees. Shells all over the ground. Many carcasses of those that didn’t make it as well. Lots of “music” from the trees until dusk, when it would quiet down until morning. Angela, North of Indianapolis

Still Waiting

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Still no cicadas in Damascus. Still waiting patiently. I think they are cool looking, but not in such large quantities. Donna, Damascus, MD


Date: Monday, May/24/2004
The Cicada are everywhere even inside the metro rail cars. Doreen, Forestville, Maryland

They’re Singing in Crownsville!

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
We have a constant concert going on in Crownsville — they are plentiful, large and LOUD!

CM, Crownsville

Nothing yet

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I am anticipating a most enjoyable show of the cicadas,but as of now 5/24/04 I have been disappointed. When should I expect this 4th of uly explosion of Brood X? Jim, Hamburg,New Jersey


Date: Monday, May/24/2004
i was visiting Dayton for the weekend and it’s incredible on how many cicadas there are! It’s hard to believe, and they are so loud! It seems like Chicago is still a couple weeks away from this adventure! Christopher Byczko, Dayton, Ohio


Date: Monday, May/24/2004
They are so bad in my neighborhood, particularly my house with the most trees on the street, hovering over it. I moved out this weekend to go stay with my mother. I can’t handle it, the noise is deafening. My daughter screamed, “I CAN’T THINK”. It’s terrible. I don’t know how I am going to survive this. MzTJones, Baltimore, MD

Still not too bad

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
We have them… but not real bad. I hear them (how could you not!) and see them, but they are not as bad as other ares. My sister lives on the other side of Delhi and is confined to her home. I cut my grass yesterday!! I am really waiting on being hit hard-my kids are going to FREAK!! Cindie, Delhi Twp, Ohio (Cincinnati)

Where are they?

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I understand that York, PA should be in the thick of it, but so far, nothing. I am not especially fond of bugs, but I am fascinated by the life cycle of these particular insects and can’t help but be excited. Anyone in my area seen any? Karen, York, Pennsylvania

Found a few

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Went in search of cicadas this weekend. Heard or saw a few in Harleysville, Pa. A fair number reported by friend in Spring Mt. area. A large number (maybe a few thousand to ten thous./acre)in area west of Quakertown, emergence began around 15th of may. Andy, Montgomery County, PA

None Here

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I have been looking, but I haven’t seen or herd any at all. It’s probably to cold and rainy. There are a few wholes in my garden. Maybe it’s the nymphs getting ready to emerge???

I went to Toledo on Saturday May 22 and didn’t see any there either. Mark, Washtenaw County

Where are they?

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
i live in Beavercreek, Oh, Just east of Dayton. I found one shell on my sidewalk yesterday. That has been it!! No more to be found.

Roger, Beavercreek, OH

they’re here

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Yesterday, there were thousands in my back yard. Extremely loud even when I was inside with windows closed. Outside it was almost deafening. Jeff, Dublin, OH

Are we getting them???

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I live in Ringwood N.J. and have seen one shell,I work in Suffern, New York and there aren’t any there either. Will we be getting them? My sister who lives in Baltimore, M.D. has been freaking out about them being everywhere for 2-3 weeks already. Lori, Ringwood New Jersey

The smell of the Cicadas

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Hi! I came to this site to see if anyone else smells this “gargbage in the heat” or “dead animal” smell..I hope it’s coming from them..I thought my sewer system was backing up!

I’m sorry,I don’t like them and when are they leaving? 🙂 Maysa Leak, Baltimore

Nothing in Pottstown, PA

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I’m in the North Western Philadelphipa suburbs. We’ve got holes in our yard but haven’t seen or heard any cicadas yet. We’d like to see a few but don’t want the numbers that others are reporting. Vic, Pottstown, PA

will I see them???

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
My niece is having an outdoor party for her 5th birthday. She is NOT a “bug-lover”, to put it mildly. My sister is freakin’ out….do they show up in Manhattan or Brooklyn? We are native Floridians so we are completely ill-equipped (emotionally) for cicada swarms/sounds/urine-mistings. lissa, brooklyn, NY

I’m going crazy!

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I thought I was petrified of spiders, well not anymore! The cicadas are everywhere! They were exceptionally loud between 5 and 6am this morning. I opened my door this morning to dead and dying cicadas all over the breezeway! I was horrified! They were all over the hallway stairs and were flying everywhere! I had a couple fly at me and buzz me – I was screaming like a lunatic! I CAN’T WAIT FOR THEM TO GO AWAY! Lynne, Alexandria, VA


Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I was walking around outside and they just seem to fly from one place to another. One flew into me and I was walking.Are cicadas blind or is it hard for them to turn directions? Kanika, Washington,DC

Where Are They?

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of the cicadas. I thought I heard one last week, but none since then. Where are they? I’m jealous to hear that there are other people in PA that are experiencing them! I’ve been patiently waiting, but now I’m getting worried I might not see them or I’ll miss them! Becky, Saylorsburg , PA Monroe


Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Last week we noticed a few skeletons in the trees (about Thursday, May 20). Saturday morning, we went outside and could hear the eeriest sound. We thought someone had left a pump on somewhere. Then we realized it was THEM!!! Yesterday, May 23, we went to a nearby woods and they were EVERYWHERE. Thousands of skeletons and the noise was so loud we could hardly carry on a conversation. Awesome! Paula, Newark, DE

Where are they?

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I live in a Detroit metro suburb and haven’t seen or heard one little cicada. And none of my other family members scattered throughout the area have seen them either. Has anyone else seen a large siting of them anywhere in Michigan? I’m patiently waiting… Peg, Plymouth, MI

Cicada sighting

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
They’re out, but certainly not in the numbers I expected. Our weekend house is in a wooded, rural area; most of the cicadas are at the edge of our property on trees and shrubs, but not many near the house. Maybe the big invasion has only just begun. Linda, Upper Bucks County, PA

Cicadas in Montgomery County PA

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
They’re here in Green Lane Reservoir, Montgomery County PA, sounding like a million weed whackers running at once. They are so pretty. When you pick one up it squeeks! Mary A. Phalan, Philadelphia PA

Albino Cicada

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
This morning (May 24) a co-worker told me of an albino cicada. My first thought was he saw a newly emerged one and mentioned that to him. He said he knows the difference between a “soft” one and a “hard” one — this one was hard and had fully expanded wings. His wife is a photo buff and I think she planned to take a picture of it. I will post a picture if possible. Ron J, PA 17339

Hey Priscilla from Smithville

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I teach at Smithville Elementary School and did a short unit on the cicadas. We are anxiously awaiting their arrival but I am getting a bit nervous! The kids and I will be totally bummed if they don’t show up. Please let us know as soon as you see one! Thanks and happy hunting! Kim, Smithville, New Jersey

TAKE THEM AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
As I left for work this morning I had to wake my husband to make him walk out with me. There were probably 1,000 walking on my decks and the other door (sliding glass) the doors were totally covered with these nasty, creepy, noisy critters. The security light above this door attracted them and my whole side of the house was covered. GO AWAY – GO AWAY – GO AWAY Missy, Lexington, Indiana

Cicadas in Delaware?

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Has anyone observed the emergence in Delaware? My daughter is graduating from UDel and I was wondering if they were present on campus.

Yesterday, Sunday 23-May, I went down to Princeton University. Some realy intense “outbreaks” down there. Really cool.

Jim jim occi, Cranford, New Jersey

To Kristen from Rockville, MD

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Answering your questions – “DO THEY SMELL?” INDEED THEY DO!!! My husband killed hundreds of them on the ground cutting the grass – and now they STINK. The smell which some call “peculiar” is really terrible – so we better prepare ourselves for the end of June, when they will be going back to hell by millions… Elena, Fairfax Villa, Fairfax VA

Cicada Feast in Tennessee

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
I saw a newsclip from Tennessee tonight where they had a Cicada feast…they had all different types of cicada dishes, though not the Choco-Cicadas that I saw a recipe for somewhere.

Priscilla, thanks for the info…I couldn’t get the video but did see the images…love that last closeup shot of “the eyes.” 🙂 Debbie, Seattle

How long do they live

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
How long will the cicada’s be here? There are billions of them. -Shelton KY Shelton, Louisville, KY

Cicadas around Princeton, NJ

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Hey Alan:

Re your post maybe Cicadas like the upper crust of the earth but not society. I’d stay underground if I were near Princeton also! Go Rutgers! Pete , Bridgewater, NJ

NJ Cicadas Where are You?

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
Funny to see all the messages from Central NJ. We were plagued 17 years ago but nothing yet here in Bridgewater. Maybe tonight or tomorrow (Monday) after a few days of hot weather. I see holes in the lawn and think that might be them but we also have chipmunks and a lawnmowers that could do that. Can’t believe that we could miss it all. Do these guys actually migrate? I thought they lived straight underground a foot or so down.
Maybe the wet spring weather (not more than usual-we’ve had worse springs) has put a damper on it. My guess says any day now if not tonight. Pete, Bridgewater, NJ

PA – emergence picks up steam

Date: Monday, May/24/2004
In the woodlands along the Lancaster / Lebanon / Berks County lines, sightings have gone from “a few” last week to “dozens” on Friday; now thousands tonight. I watched (and took pictures) This afternoon, you could hear them singing. Not really loud yet. Mike Frey, Lititz PA


Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
after hearing what sounded to me and my girlfriend like a cat being murdered, i found a HUGE “casing” of some insect ive never seen on the post of our front porch, it had a big hole in the back…after looking on the internet i have found out that these are cicadas!! I guess the season has begun!–gotta admit, i hope they stay outside! Josh Crager, Lexington ky

Awesome sound

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Spent a weekend getaway in the country in Clinton Falls Indiana and those noisy things were everywhere. It’s like being in a twilight zone. God’s nature is awesome!! Cindy Towne, Clinton Falls, Indiana

I’m gonna cry!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Oooooh, I’m so jealous! I’ve never seen a live cicada, only mounted. I’m a bug afficianado and am so envious of you guys that get to hear the calls and see such an amazing event.

Heck, I’m jealous that other states even have TREES. Those are a rarity in freakin’ LA. Enjoy the cicadas! I’m seething with envy. Alie, Los Angeles, CA

Cicada Sighting

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
I was at my cabin on the Ocoee River about a mile outside Copperhill on May 16th and heard the Cicadas singing and they were still singing on the 23rd. Carlton Williams, Copperhill, Tenn.

They’re Here!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Cicadas arrived in my neighborhood yesterday (Saturday) in mass, but they do get quiet and disappear at dusk, till the a.m. Briana, Abingdon, MD

The Hills are Alive!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Visiting N. Georgia from Atlanta. As we pull into the drive way of the farm, I see what I thought was a small hummingbird. As I step out of the car, the sound was so intense I thought a house alarm was going off. Turned out to be the sound of meellions of Cicadas. They are awesome! Gavin , Blairsville, Georgia

Cicadas spotted in Clover SC

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
2 yrs. ago I lived in Clover SC on the border of NC and my daughter and I found 3 in our backyard,we knew they were different so we watched them from day to day,,but I realized today what the bugs were Cicadas, my daughter was so excited to learn about them,they must be good to eat because my cat jumped on this big brown one and tore into him,Ive since moved but we’re on the lookout in Lumberton NC,,,Good Luck! meltripper, Lumberton NC

Crawling back yard

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004

They are eveywhere in my backyard. My family and I have had the priviledge to see them coming up out of the ground in their beetle shells to the final transformation. What a great sight. One night at about at 9PM there were hundreds of beetles crawling up the tree. At 11:45PM several of them were hanging from the leaves clutching to their formal shell as their wings dry out and expand and their fragile white bodies strengthen as they also darken. Our back yard is full of them so that no step can be taken without looking down to see that you’re not smashing one. The background noise is
similar to the strange sounds used in old science fiction movies. I thank God for creating such a fascinating species and for the invention of the video camera. Pete, Timonium, MD

Attack of the creepy crawlers!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
May/23/04:Been watching these amazing but creepy creatures for a few days.Increasingly getting more abundent.Don’t really mind them because i know they are harmless but they still make me scream.I have to say the noise is amazing!Somewhere between a horror movie scream and a machine running badly.I like the UFO sound comments.Nothing too much but except alot more,Alot more.Have fun:)
michele, mohnton,PA

cicada sounds

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Has anyone else noticed that there seem to be different layers of cicada sounds? There is a general din that has been getting louder and louder for days, and then there are the cicadas right near us that seem to go up and down in pitch in unison, so that it sounds like waves. How do the cicadas coordinate their sounds like that? How do they all go up in pitch at the same time and then all down at the same time???

P.S. My wife looked pretty funny trying to get the cicada out of her blouse, believe me. John , Louisville, KY (Crescent Hill)

a cicada down my blouse!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
My husband and I were eating lunch outside, enjoying the cicadas (he was encouraging them to go ahead and try flying) when a cicada hit my face. I screamed and threw my yogurt across the grass—and the cicada ended up down my blouse! How do I describe what happened next? I went through a lot of contortions to get that cicada OUT of there! Tamara Meinecke, Louisville, KY (Crescent Hill)


Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
There are hoards of cicadas in my yard, they are bouncing off the windows, and the house. I have a tree that overhangs my second floor balcony and there are so many that I can’t go out back without being hit by them. My 12 year old cat isn’t paying attention to them, but my dog is crazy for them. He’s eaten a couple but I’m making an effort not to let him eat any more. I still feel freaked out a bit by them but they are pretty cool as long as they don’t land on me. Liz, St. Bernard, Ohio

Still Waiting!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Well, I’ve yet to read or hear about any cicada sightings here in NC!!! I remember them from 1987. Now that I know more about them, hopefully they won’t seem as gross and scary!
Lisa in NC Lisa, Charlotte, NC

Still waiting…

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Haven’t seen any here in Frederick, MD yet. Got off a plane at BWI (Baltimore, MD) this morning and it sounded like a UFO was in the area. Maybe the “UFO” will land this week in Frederick… Tony, Frederick, MD

cicada sightings

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
lots of cicada’a… Lisa, Kettering ,Ohio

An Unwelcome Alarm Clock!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
I spent 3 nights with the critters watching them emerge last week, and then spent the next few days observing and enjoying. We have a lot of cicadas in the neighborhood, but not so many that they’ve become a nuisance.
I was so disappointed when the droning began in the distance, but none were singing in our yard. Where were the little guys (and gals) I had sat up with all those late nights?
Well, a few days later they began to sing in the neighborhood – an even steady drone, nearby but faint. When I told my son I was disappointed that the cicadas had left our yard he replied, “You have to be here at 3 in the afternoon. They sure are singing here then!”
Turns out I was looking for the song when I came home from work, late in the day, after the singing wound down. Sure enough, on the weekend the droning and chirping was IN the yard and created an incredidle din. Like other message posters, I’d describe it as a combination between a buzz and the throbbing whine of a 1950’s UFO movie.
It begins at about 4am and continues only until late in the day. By sunset, there’s no sound from them at all. I hear only a very occasional chirp as I write this now, after a very constantly noisy day.
Well, its been interesting waking to the buzz each morning for the past few days, but today took a new turn. I’m sound asleep whe I’m startled awake by a tremendously loud WEEEEEEEEE-ooooooooo! I bolt up out of bed only to realize a single cicada must have been sitting in the tree right outside our bedroom window. I look at the clock and it’s 3:05 AM! My single songster must have taken off after that because I shortly fell asleep again to a sleep-inducing soft buzz off in the distance.
But the “song” had begun for the day, and it became a rousing chorus that lasted all day until about 7:00 pm! Pat, Gaithersburg MD

there here!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Saw my first cicada on Saturday. What a surprise! What a racket. It was amazing how the dead exoskeletons hung on to the bottom of the leaves while the adults were on top feeding

onemoremile, Oley, pa

Cicada Urine

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Have you felt unexpected drops of liquid outside where cicadas are present? I read an article in the New York Times that said:

“A passer-by may experience the harmless mist of cicada urine if there are enough of them in a tree overhead…”

Today I was taking photos, trying to get a shot of flying cicadas. I did, and also got some added value… Dona, Bethesda, Maryland

they are here

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
I am a recent transplant to this area (from Fl). My son-in-law was telling me this would be happening soon. I arrived in Md. from a trip to Fl. Sat. w/ my grandson- turned the car off and we sat trying to figure out what the noise was!!! Opened the doors and realized it was the cicads. They are EVERYWHERE and very loud but quiet down around sunset.
How long will they be here?
Sandi, Chevy Chase, Md.

male and dead female

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Hi.I’ve questions. Why do cicadas loves my car tires? They always there. Second, I caught a male cicada trying to mate with a dead female.Why don’t he understand its dead? There are many lives cicadas around? His sex organ inside her and he attached himself and apparently can’t get loose. any reason to mate a dead female? sezai, springfield, va

Emergence in Kingwood Township, NJ

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Emergence in Kingwood Township -Hunterdon County.
Many dozens seen flying and hundreds of shells in trees. Mostly seen at forest edges adjacent to crop fields. Chris Arthur, Kingwood Township, NJ


Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
I’m still waiting for these creatures to arrive. I really don’t want to see what they look like in person. I’ve heard that they can be ankle deep in some areas. Now with a big back yard like I have, and lots of trees, knowing my luck there going to be EVERYWHERE! I’ve listened to recordings and now I’m even more scared. Can’t wait to see how I’ll be able to sleep or even get out of the house! Rachael, Green Brook, NJ

They’ve Taken Over My Neighborhood!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
For those who haven’t seen them yet – come to Maryland. The trees in my backyard (and neighborhood) have come alive with cicadas… Quite active and noisy from 7 AM – 7 PM and flying all around. My kids are intrigued, my wife was fine until one flew in her ear while walking the dogs. Saw hundreds (perhaps thousands) of nymphs crawling in the stree last night as they continue to emerge. Definetly a seen from a B-Movie. Cheers… BJ, Ellicott City, MD

miss the cicada’s song

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
originally from north central ohio, now in north central texas…miss the song of the cicada 🙁

just thought you’d like to know i’m thinking of y’all. 🙂 karla, burleson, texas

Upper Bucks (by the Delaware river)

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
We spotted our first cicadas yesterday, on the tires of our car. They seem to like the hotter black surface to hang and molt off of. Since he racket has started further out in the terminal forest that surrounds our house, we hope more will be visible soon. At the time of the previous brood X emergence we were in Chester Springs PA, and it was a non-event. Kurt, Upper Black Eddy PA

Their everywhere

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
I go to Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. They are Everywhere and they are very loud!!! Last week I must have seen about 200 on the wall of a ramp leading up to a building. Every step I take im stepping on a dead carcass! They are everywhere, loud, and gross!!!! Annie, Bloomington, Indiana

We are INVADED!!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
We have THOUSANDS in our back yard–but at my parent’s place, a mile and a half away, they’ve had not a peep!

My husband and I stood in the back yard under the trees, and they were so loud we had to shout to be heard!

This is incredible! Beth, Spring Mount, PA

They are all over here!!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
I have millions of them in my yard, on my trees, covering the side of my house and barn. Any one that wants them can come get them. The noise is deafening! Kathy, Southern Indiana

Yay Cicadas

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
The cicadas of Brood X are special to me because they came out when I was born and also when my mother was born. There are a lot of them here now, and their beautiful (and loud!) music is drifting into my room as I type. I am on a mission to help ciacadas in need! If I see a cicada struggling on its back I will help him/her onto a tree. Long live the cicadas (no pun intended)! Allison, Washington DC


Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
there are cicadas everywhere, i cant go outside without being divebombed. and they are loud too. i actually kind of like though, people dont know what to do. pete, cincinnati


Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
I have been watching and tracking this message board for the last three weeks. Watching and waiting for the cicadas to come to my town. THEY ARE FINALLY HERE. I am so excited. I hate bugs but these things are incredible. missy, Topton, PA

Population is fragmented

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
There’s a lot of cicadas in several parts in the princeton area, including my backyard and the cemetery near the Princeton Public Library. Some parts of princeton though do not have any cicadas. The cemetary smells real bad due to the fact that millions of them are dead crushed on the little roads and baking in the summer heat. Quite a lot of them have wing deformities. There’s cicada shells everywhere around the large trees. Right now the noise volume is not too bad but it’s definately quite loud, although in southern France, every summer, during the month of july, the cicadas can get extremely loud. Right now you can easily hear Magicicada septendecim in the background, seems like there very high up in the trees. In my backyard you can hear Magicicada cassini and seems like Magicicada septendecula is also present. For those of you in other parts of Jersey, seems like brood II (last seen in 1996) is much more of a nuisance then Brood X. Alex, Princeton, New Jersey

First Evidence of Cicadas

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
We were in the yard doing some yard work today and we found about 6 or 7 cicada shells on various trees. We even found one poor soul who didn’t quite make it out of his shell before a spider got him! Still, no live cicadas to be seen, or heard…yet. John, Anderson, Indiana


Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
I stood under a pear tree in my yard, and the cicadas were so loud my ears were vibrating. There are thousands in that tree. The cicadas closest to the house have a shrill screechy sound, in the distance they have a more humming type noise. Both are at a very high volume. I’m enjoying them while they are here, but also glad we don’t have them every year. Trish, Silver Spring, MD

they’re nearby…

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
After days of rain, we’re now having hot humid weather. We live on the edge of a forested area a few miles north of Elverson,PA and we started to hear them in the distance yesterday, today the noise is louder but still seems to be coming from quite far away. This morning I found two dead adults and one empty nymph skin, but so far haven’t seen any live ones. S.B., Southern Berks County, PA

P U!!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
It’s official. They STINK! I thought it was only happening at my mom’s because she has so so many of them. But as of this afternoon, it stinks here too. This is truly a bummer. I was really starting to enjoy them. Why do they stink so badly?

Lori Lori, Herndon, Virginia

cicada sighting

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
I have seen about a dozen adults, starting yesterday, in my yard. robert fulton, Scio Township, Michigan (near Ann Arbor)

Cicada shells smell

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
An earlier posting asked if there was a smell to cicada shells. Yesterday I was standing under a big tree that was very popular with cicadas and there was a very strong smell; similar to crab shells that have been sitting in the sun for a couple of days. There were a lot of shells, cicadas that fell off the tree and were attacked by ants and those that were unable to emerge from their shells. When raking up the shells (preparing for a party!) it was clear that this was the source of the smell. Joyce, Columbia, MD

A strange question…

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
I know this is an odd question, but I have a little bug cage so my 3 yr old can watch these creatures up close, and when I picked up a female cicada this morning, it expelled two drops of liquid on me…..Do they do that when they are frightened??? I had no idea…Last week, I thought we would not be getting a whole lot of these insects, but they are EVERYWHERE now & I have noticed they have a strange smell to them… Staci, Beltsville, MD

THER’RE HERE!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
The cicadas are here they came to Rising Sun first and covered the trees with shells and we go around picking them up and collecting them. They’re coming everywere!!!! BEWARE OF THE INVATION Keep young trees in cheescloth so mothers can’t lay eggs and kill them!!!!! Samantha, Dillsboro Indiana

All three kinds!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
I’ve been observing how these guys spread over my backyard woods the last few days, and as of this morning can now say I’ve heard all three Magicicadia species. The ‘buzzers’ were first (five days ago), then the ‘spaceships’ joined in (two days ago), and now the ‘phaaa-roahs’ started up. The cats think they’re fun (they think the females are tasty and the males – that chirp – are nifty toys), but I’m keeping the cats inside now, much to their annoyance. Like I want to step on cicada hairballs in the dark, if you know what I mean! …I don’t want to think about what this is going to smell like when they rot – like the garbage strikes in NYC I remember, probably – ick. Feel like I’m in my own episode of the ‘X files’. Kat Nell, Bloomington, IN

Holy Molting, Batman!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
We took the kids to Batelle Darby Creek Park in Central Ohio yesterday, and boy did we pick the right day! There were hundreds, thousands of cicadas just emerging from the ground and shedding their skins. The trees were absolutely covered with cas-off brown skins, and milky-white, newly-emerged cicadas were working their way up the trees. The kids were astounded. DuffyMoon, Columbus, Ohio

Yee Haw!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
I drove out to my mother’s in Alexandria/Franconia last weekend (5-15) to see the cicadas because there weren’t any at my house, 25 miles west of her.

But I got up the next morning and I could hear them very faintly in the distance. Each day they got louder and louderand more and more of their little armor suits appeared. And now it’s official, I have cicadas!!

This is my 2nd go round with them for my lifetime to date and I don’t remember them being this loud 17 years ago. I can hear them from inside the house with the air conditioner running and the music playing.

They start their day with their consistant humming sound and as the day grows, they get louder and louder and more high pitched. It actually sounds like they’re mating when they really start shreeking. But the constant hum is always present in the bachground. I am truly amazed at how loud they are!

I love it. I’m sure it’ll grow old in another week or so, but it happens so rarely in a person’s lifetime that I think we should enjoy them while they’re here.

Lori in Herndon Virginia Lori, Herndon, Virginia

They’re here!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
I found a cicada ‘shell’ yesterday, and today have seen several cicadas, but not swarms yet. We are located near Hellertown, PA. JenniferP, Easton, PA (Williams Township)

Southern Indiana

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Here in Bloomington, Indiana, they’ve been coming out in earnest for about 12 days, and, at least in the cooler places, there seems to be no end of them yet. This morning I again saw hundreds of new ones in my backyard that had emerged during the night.

The sound, which is of course still getting louder every day as the numbers increase, is awesome. You can easily distinguish the calls of the three species, though septendecula sometimes get drowned out by the other two, which are apparently more numerous. Mike Gasser, Bloomington, Indiana

What an amazing thing! Like a giant car alarm

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
The cicadas have been here for more than a week and my dogs are in snacking heaven! I have to keep an eye on them or they will get very sick. The noise is unbelieveable, so prehistoric and wonderful. Today they are thicker than ever and yesterday while cutting the grass (I hear they are attracked to the lawn mower noise) one flew into my mouth. Yuk! Today they are flying around like crazy, bumping into everything! I have to make a run for my car to go visit family that don’t have the cicadas yet, about 5 miles away. Weird huh? Mary, Louisville, Kentucky


Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
I cannot believe how loud these things are….they really hit their stride yesterday afternoon, when the temp. reached near 90. Still loud in the house with all the windows shut. And this morning at 5:45, I could hear that metallic hum starting. Cathy, Cincinnati (Silverton), Ohio

None here

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
I remember hearing that cicada species don’t overlap on territories, so I don’t know if western Prince William County is home to another brood, but in my neighborhood which is heavily wooded, there are no cicadas, but when I head eastbound into Fairfax County, there they are! Andrew D, Haymarket, VA

full swing

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
The cicadas are loud, proud and many. The community and surrounding area has been extensively developed in the last 17 years, but has swaths of untouched land, so we have quite a number of cicadas. Some of our pre-invasion worries have not come true and I thought I’d share in case anyone else is still awaiting their emergence and has some similar worries.

So far kids’ soccer games have not been impacted. The bugs usually stay higher up in the trees and at least in our area there aren’t many old trees left by the soccer fields. My daily walks have not been affected. I thought I’d have to curtail walks as I hate flying bugs hitting me, but none have hit me so far. I do have tons flying around in my backyard as I back to woods, but I don’t think they would interfere with a barbecue if I were to have one. I’ve found three on my deck, but they’ve just flopped around helplessly. And while some dogs like to eat them and my boss’s cat has gone nuts wanting to go outside all the time to catch them, my finicky terrier won’t eat them. He does like to torture them (poor things), but that’s it. Jane, Ashburn, VA

1st sighting

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
I didn’t really see them. What I found were a couple of their shells they left behind, plus the holes they came out of. I looked on the trees and didn’t see them. Coulda been there or coulda got eaten by something. I’ve been checking regularly and this is the 1st sign that they are on their way. It rained 4inches on Friday so ground is very soft. Tim Hamilton, Grove City, OH


Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
none yet.. Anybody see them on LI? scott, Eastern Long Island

Ivy League Cicadas

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
If it were not for my friend Lori, I wouldn’t have known what this HUGE bug was that flew by me in downtown Princeton. That afternoon as I drove home, I heard this constant humming sound which I thought was a saw from a construction site but as I drove further out of town, the sound did not go away. Perhaps they’re looking for a better education!! Cathy, Princeton

Still waiting

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
I thought maybe I heard one today but only one. A cicada expert at the University of Michigan (now retired) says that Washtenaw County should see millions this year, especially in the northeast and northwest parts of Ann Arbor. Maybe now that the storms have passed, they’ll come out. Neil Richards, Ann Arbor, Michigan

“They’re on our doorstep!”

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
None in Ephrata, but went hiking near Mt. Gretna and they’re out, noise and all. Can’t wait! Tom Wettach, Ephrata, Pa.


Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Just wondering if anyone around here has seen any….i’m starting to think this is some kind of orson welles deal because i have not seen any hordes of insects…let me know! Tracy, Dover, DE

cicadas everywhere

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Already a stinking mess in Cincinnati plastered on the pavement and piled corpses at the bases of trees. They are just emerging in the northern Centerville and southern Kettering areas. found none in the sugarcreek area yet. What a sight to see I have been watching and photographing the emergence for the last week from cincy to Dayton Larry Hill, Kettering Ohio

None Yet!!!!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Kinda want to get it over with! Alan, Hauppauge. Long Island

May 23, 2004

May 19th – May 23rd 2004 Cicada Comments

Filed under: Brood X | Old Message Board — Dan @ 11:32 am

None Yet!!!!

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Kinda want to get it over with! Alan, Hauppauge. Long Island

Where are they

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
I have been watching for them everyday. Nothing yet here =( Frank, Toledo, Ohio

Awaiting the Wonderous Cicadas

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Many storms here over the last week, lots of flooding in S.E. Michigan, cool soil tempertures. Hopefully the babies are in waiting. Envious of those who are now in the midst. Searched in southern Washtenaw County..none so far. Can’t wait for an emergence of Brood X nearby my location in western Wayne County. Has anybody seen them yet in S. E. Mich? And shame on the Humans that are doing the Magic Cicadas harm…watch that your Karma doesn’t whip back around at you. Respect their life. Deb, Western Wayne County, Mi.

airport invation

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
hey they are at cvg (airport) they love apu’s on planes and ac units drew, hebron ky

TN Cicadas…

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Hey, East TN – if ya’ll don’t care,
just keep them there – it’s quiet
in southern middle-TN, so far!
(fingers crossed, of course!) Annette, Summertown, TN (Lawrence County)

Cicadas are still awake even at night

Date: Sunday, May/23/2004
Its almost Midnight on Saturday Night.I went outside and just observed at least a Hundred or more still Singing on the pavement of my street in front of my house under the Street Light.It seems that they are attracted to light at night which explains why there are so many out on my front step in the Morning after leaving the front light on all night.I Dont remember this in 87 Ron and Mary, Annandale, Virginia

Noise is peaking here in southern Indiana

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Incredible noise in some areas of town today. Out in the Hoosier Nat’l Forest today the background drone gave the eerie feeling of a Japanese monster movie. I suppose it might get louder yet, but it’s hard to imagine. Mike, Bloomington, IN

epicenter in princeton new jersey

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Took a ride through Princeton today and opened the window…could hear them buzzing and vibrating like there was a UFO hovering overhead. I got out of my car and walked around. I looked at this one tree which may just have been the epicenter of all cicada activity in Princeton…there must have been upwards over 100000 cicada casings on just one tree…other trees in the vicinity were also mightily covered. I saw lots of dried dead cicadas on the sidewalk and driveways. I also saw something interesting…dead cicads which were half way out of their molting process…they were dried up…I guess something happened during the molting process that prevented them from finishing it and they just dried out.

I was quite amazing to hear their shrills in the air. It sounded like two distinct waves of noise…one was the general chirping and the second was the UFO type noise like it was hovering overheard and vibrating back and forth. I live about 10 miles north in Belle Mead and none have made it there so I think Princeton and Skillman which is a couple miles north is as far as they will get. mark, belle mead, nj


Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
I live in the Cresent Hill area of Louisville and we are crawling (and flying and crunching). They are everywhere!!! This area of Louisville and the Highlands seems to be very popular with brood X. Must be all the old houses. We have been seeing more of the bats from Cave Hill flying around. Soon they will be too heavy to fly from all the crunch and munch. Lisa, Louisville, KY

I still haven’t seen any cicadas!!!

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
In response to the 5/18 entry from Debbie from Middlesex, NJ: Have you heard of anybody seeing them around here? I haven’t seen any and I’m not looking forward to it at all. In the paper it said that the epicenter for them is Princeton. Has anyone heard anything similar? Thanks. Tracy, Middlesex, NJ

Strange cicada emergence in new jersey

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
You can go a full circle around princeton, NJ and not find a single cicada but in and around the university campus there are millions of them. Maybe there’s some kind of funny microclimate there? Or perhaps they’ve died out in areas around princeton? alan w., new jersey

Green Lane Park PA–They’ve Arrived!

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Last week I was visiting Arlington VA–and they were hatching. Next morning they were in full cry. I couldn’t believe their awesome sound!! I was thoroughly enchanted by these weird lovestruck critters. But I didn’t think we’d get them here in Suburban Philly area because I don’t recall them from 87. Today I went up to Green Lane Park and there they were!! It seemed to be a different species. The ones in VA had a lovely mellow tone–these sounded more shrill. They were very heavy in this one field by Rt 29, and I went to look. I saw a huge number of dead ones around the bottom of trees. A lot of them looked deformed. I was kind of worried, maybe the environmental pollutants are harming them? Laura , Oaks PA

None here.

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
There are no signs of anything Cicada here. Planning a trip to Cincinnati next weekend to hang with the cicadas instead. Josh , Ferndale, MI (Just north of Detroit)

Do cicada’s smell?

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
We have tons of cicada’s in our yard and we have been noticing a terrible smell lately. We are worried that there is an animal that died that we can’t find but is is possible that it could be an odor from all of the cicadas? We seem to have noticed it in other areas of our neighborhood as well. Does anyone have any info? Kristen, Rockville, MD

Can’t wait to see you!

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
I’m not a friend of creepy crawlies, but I’m excited to see them emerge.
So far I haven’t seen even one. I will take pictures of this event and send them to friends all over the world!

Ilona, Grove City,Ohio

Tey’re everywhere, they’re everywhere

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
There seems to be millions of them. I live in a wooded area and they are all over everything. We saw a lot of them comming out of the shell last night & it looks like they have none or almost no wings at all. Saw a lot of them in different stages, was a very interesting show! Carol, Coopersburg, PA

Pump up the volume

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
They really cranked it up today just north of Baltimore. I live on the 6th floor of an apt. building right next to the beltway and they were louder than the traffic. The noise seemed to start to taper off around 7 pm and they were silent by sunset (8:20 here today). Interesting creatures and all, but the noise is gonna get old pretty soon I suspect. greg, Towson, Md.

Millions!!! Cicada

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Unbelievable! Louder than a chain Saw!!! Trees That were 25 ft apart appear now to connect! This is my 3rd time I’ve seen them in my life. There are so many at my place of employment they cannot all fit into the trees. They have spilled onto the roadway to be pulverized by autos. I have never witnessed so many. It is only their 3 rd day coming out. Dayton Ky is 3 miles southeast of Cincinnati Ohio. runninmn, Dayton, Ky.

What is so awesome about these ugly things??!

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
My daughter and I went walking around Ft. Benjamin Harrison, and they were everywhere! It wasn’t until I remembered reading an article earlier this week that I realized what they were. Some of my daughter’s classmates were telling her about them as well. I don’t like the summer bugs that come every year, let alone these nasty things! So, I am limited to the outdoors until the end of June! Traci, Indianapolis IN

Small emergence-Delaware

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
We have had a small emergence of cicadas here in my backyard, but so far, I have heard but one or two. I think that most may have been eaten by birds? Have tons of birds out back. About 2 miles away, just on the border of Elkton MD and Delaware, there have been many, many more. The loud humming sound is audible from a mile or so away. shishypat, Newark, DE

They’re here

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
I read a message that the Cicadas weren’t visible on campus two days ago. I just moved here from Minnesota and we never have Cicadas. But they are definitely visible now! Holy cow! MG, Miami University

None here!

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Someone from this area posted these 17 year cicadas in Massachusetts, but as far as I can tell there are NONE in New England. Not even sure if there are any as far north as NJ. Tom Aloisi, Bridgewater, MA (southeastern Mass)

So loud

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
I woke this morning to the sound–I was sure someone had left the water running somewhere. I searched all over the house, but no faucets were running. I opened the front door and sound hit me. I live within 200ft of a major Interstate highway, yet the cicadas drowned out the sound of the traffic. Amazing. Anita, Arlington, Virginia

There here

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Finally found my first cicada’s here on Long Island……….yippy Paul, Deer Park NY


Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Finally arrived on the northeast side. State Road 37 and 71st Street. Small emergance so far, we will see how it goes. Kim, Indianapolis IN

Big emergence ’round here

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
The cicadas started emerging about two weeks or so ago in Annandale (suburb of Washington, DC), and I think they may have hit their peak this weekend. There are literally millions of them – you cannot walk down the street without running into hundreds and hundreds. And the discarded shells are also everywhere. They are so LOUD!

This is pretty cool, but I am also glad to know they will be gone by the end of June. Squished cicadas are pretty icky. And one crawled up the leg of my jeans – ugh! Siobhan Green, Annandale, VA

kevin rasmussen, where exactly?

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
just where are the across from belle isle? anywhere in particular? i need to go and find some… minda, detroit ‘burb

Thank God!!!…

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
I’m very glad we don’t have them around here — swarms of insects like that, however harmless they may be, just creep me out!!! Kristin, Everett, MA

They’re FINALLY here!

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Last week I posted that I haven’t seen or heard any and was VERY disappointed about it. I’ve been walking my dog every day searching for them in the woods nearby.
This morning, I opened the front door and could hear them VERY well coming from the wooded hill nearby. It’s an AWESOME sound!!!
We drove this morning around town to look for them. They can be heard very well on Riva Road in Annapolis.
I wish I could get some photos of them emerging out of their exoskeletons.
Varda, Arnold, Cape St. Claire

Cicada Invasion

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Our back yard is full of cicadas. I was surprised to see so many since we live in town. Our home is 100 years old though and we have an old oak tree in our back yard. At night our yard is fully covered with them with only an inch or two between them. Of a morning our back door and steps are covered with them. They are on everything. The worst part is that the smell of them is starting to get nauseous. Debra, North Vernon,IN USA

Stonewall Manor filled with cicada crooning

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Today (May 22) the cicadas were in full song in my Stonewall Manor neighborhood. Sitting on my deck, I could barely hear the neighbor’s lawn mower over the cicada singing. We are near the I-495/I-66 interchange, and normally the interstate traffic can be heard from my deck, but not today. Even the noise from the jet airplanes heading to National Airport are mostly drowned out by the cicadas. I was in Falls Church in 1987, but don’t remember them being this loud. It’s very impressive. Mike, Vienna, VA

Cicadas are Here & Noisy!!

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Hi everyone…during the past two days the number and noise level of the cicadas have increased dramatically in the woods behind our house. Their symphony is at the highest level at the hottest part of the day, about 3 to 4 p.m. or so. Our Border Collie ate his first cicada last night on the porch…apparently, he really enjoyed the experience!

It continues to be absolutely fascinating. I’ll be sad when it is all over!! Cheryl VanDaalen, Falls Creek, Louisville, Kentucky

Cicadas on key.

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
The cicadas have been singing their song here in this part of East TN since around May 22. Their steady song seems to fill the nearby wood. TennTom, Blount County, Tennessee,USA

I haven’t seen any here..

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
I wonder if I’ll be seeing any cicadas around here. Part of me finds the fact that swarms of these things taking over my town is kind of cool. Another part of me is creeped out, because one bug alone is creepy enough! If they end up showing up here in high numbers, I will totally freak out! Ha-It’ll probably look like that movie “The Birds!”lol!-and at least my cats will have fun! Cait, Bergan County, NJ

How much longer????

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Does anyone know when our unwanted visitors will be leaving or at least becoming dormant? These things are driving me nuts – they’re just plan nasty.

Elan, Fairfax, Virginia

You can have mine, I have plenty!!!

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
The Cicadas have taken over my property!!! I dont even want to cut the grass right now!!! I should wait till they quite down and do it at night to see how they like that!!! If anyone wants to take these bugs for research you are more than welcome to them. One condition, YOU MUST TAKE THEM ALL!!! David, Knoxville TN

cicadas everywhere

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
today has been the most exciting day so far… they are busily buzzing all over the place, its very loud. I live off a golf course with lots of trees and I can’t imagine how the golfers are concentrating on their game. My friend and I went for a walk and practically had to yell to be heard! nikki, reston, va

Noisy Cicadas

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
First week of May i did not Know what this noise was,and it was very loud and you new there was alot of them. I thaught at first bats but then i saw a story on good morning america. I then took a good look out in the back yard and sure enough it was cicadas. Hundreds if not thousands…This was the first week of May and they only started around dusk and went till 5 in the morning…Now you still hear them but theres not as many, you can tell the differnce….The Cicadas are in a garden that has a few trees around it on one side of the house but there not any where else around the house.I’ve never had such a noise keep me up through the night,the bed room windows are on the side of the house that looks into the garden…. michelle, (nonquit,)So.Dartmouth.Ma.

Cicadia Sighting

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
Saw a few starting about a week ago.
This morning there were several hundred on and around the sycamore trees in our front yard. Walt Mills, Springfield OH


Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
This is the first time I’ve experienced this chaos. They are freaking me out. They don’t really serve much purpose, but I suppose this is pretty cool:
My husband called our local fly-fishing shop and asked if they thought he could use them as bait & if trout (and the like) will eat the cicadas….He replied “The trout should be pounding them once they figure it out!” He also said they should be huge in the fall. I imagine several other species of animals will enjoy gorging themselves and having a good healthy year. So at least they are good for something.
At the very least, just think of it as a ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT BUFFET FOR MOTHER NATURE!!
Paula, Reisterstown, MD

Tool using cicadas??

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
I live in an old sea captain’s house on Barnegat Bay. There is a 130 year old Elm tree in the yard and from the amount of mud chimneys, we are expecting a shipload of bugs. However, our chimneys have sticks pulled into the holes, and even some green leaves. The sticks are up to 8 inches tall, some are little twigs,pointing staight up, very unnaturally, all over the place.The sticks go into the ground at least an inch. Our soil is sandy, could they use these sticks to maintain an air tunnel when it rains? Heide, Waretown, NJ.

They’re Here

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
They have come to Bedford. Although my house is a new construction and I feel many were killed during excavation, I have talked to folks to have tons around their homes. Erick, Bedford, PA

None Yet?

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
I live in Mooresville, IN about 40 miles north or Bloomington and I have yet to see any. I am starting to get depressed because I am pumped up for the invasion. The way everybody (media) talked is that they all come out pretty much the same time. The ground temps are far past 64 degrees and we have had lots of rain this week so the conditions are prime. I just hope they save the best for last. Good Cicada Hunting. Tyler Martin, Mooresville, Indiana

Cicadas in Dandridge

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
I’ve been actively searching and the only concentration of Cicadas that I’ve found in Tennessee were 30 miles or so southeast of Knoxville in Dandridge. Even there, thry were mostly spotty and while definitely loud they were for the most part all in the treetops being camera shy. Fred Hallman, Nashville, Tennessee

Cicadas on South Mountain

Date: Saturday, May/22/2004
We’ve been hearing Brood X for about a week or 10 days now, all over the mountain. I wnet into an area where many are emerging, and their nymph ‘husks’ are on trees by the hundreds per tree. I don’t think it’s at a peak yet. So far, I have neither seen or heard them in the valley nearer Hagerstown. I don’t know why, just probably havent found the right place. Greg , Hagerstown, Wash. Co. MD


Date: Saturday, May/22/2004

this is not the huge emergence we were hoping for but for the last two nights we have seen several thousand in a small cluster of woods next to our property. nymphs, adults, and all in between on low shrubs headed for the treetops. they’re getting louder, it’s a nice sound. Big Daddy G, Gambrills, MD

See what?

Date: Friday, May/21/2004
I have seen where a few people in my surrounding area have seen a few, but nothing here so far, I do leave outside of town in the country area of D-ville, but nothing so far.
I have been waiting, so I can show my kids what I got to see when I was their age!
On another note, I do think dogs can hear them coming! My dog seems to dig a lot lately too, she has been nose to the ground, digging since last week or so. Being as she is only a little over 4 pounds, she will be more scared of them then they are of her, it should be good for a laugh if she gets to see them in full force! Kathleen, Duncansville, Blair County, Central PA

cicadas are weird

Date: Friday, May/21/2004
hi, i woke up one morning to find shells all over the tires of my car. and that droning sound is so annoying. i live in front of a wooded area. anyways, i think they are on the trees somewhere now because i dont see them crawling in the grass anymore.

also, i’ve always wondered what was the point of the cicada life cycle. they are born larvae, live in the ground for 17 years, come out and die. that must be a great life… Drew, Rockville (Montgomery CO), Maryland

Sitting Ducks

Date: Friday, May/21/2004
I have been closely observing the emergence of cicadas here over the past few nights. I am struck by how vulnerable they are for such an extended length of time – molting out in the open. I figured that since most of them emerge at night, they avoid most predators, like birds.

Tonight I found one emerging on my screen door, with a large droplet of dark, almost black fluid dangling off it. Closer examination revealed that they are, in fact, succeptible to predators. While the Cicada was partially emerged, a soldier beetle simply began feeding on it, releasing a lot of liquid. Undoubtedly, the cicada must use that fluid to expand it’s body, cracking and emerging from its shell –

There must be a lot of soldier beetles feasting this week! Richard, Rockville, MD

Dead cicadas everywere

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Ugh, the sidewalks are disgusting with smashed cicadas everywhere. At one point I looked down today and there were at least 20 cicadas within inches of my feet. Taylor, Washington, DC

they are everywhere

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Well, I’ve got about 20000 in my back yard, and the yards not the big. Don’t go out there barefoot! They are crawling everywhere tonight and falling out of the trees. Awesome, but creepy too. Zach Winning, West Carrollton (Dayton), Montgomery CO, OH

Woo-hoo!!! At last they are here!

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Yesterday I saw my first Brood X cicada near Berea, KY in a wooded area — could hear many singing, but only found one down near the ground.. It seems a pretty light emergence so far in central KY. Then today (after appearing on the morning news as a cicada “expert”) I found my first live cicada here in Lexington, right on the lawn of the Living Arts and Science Center! I took it inside to show it to my fellow workers — they had decided I was making up this whole story of cicadas, since we’d seen none so far. I breathed a sigh of relief since I am creating a small cicada exhibit to interpret the emergence — I was worried we’d see nothing here.

So this all got me so excited that I went and got my son out of preschool early and drove up to Cincinnati for the evening to see the BIG emergence in my sister’s backyard near College Hill. Thousands and thousands of cicadas everywhere!!! What a thrill. Now I have dozens of nymph shells to put in the exhibit. We’re having a cicada celebration on Saturday at the Living Arts and Science Center — we’ll be making “cicada time capsules” and cicada origami, among other things. Hopefully I’ll have completed my giant paper mache cicada by then! Roberta Burnes, Lexington, KY

I’ve seen a few, but mostly just wings…

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I first posted on May 16th and I hadn’t seen one. Then a friend that lives in Hyattsville brought one over in a water bottle so I could see one up close and personal. The red eyes creep me out, but they are kind of cute. I’ve seen a few near Route 1 and Cypress Street (near Best Buy and Safeway), but none near my house. I think the birds know where they are though because every night I come home from work there are dozens of wings and heads on my sidewalk, walkway and front step. I haven’t heard them yet, but if they are in Beltsville like some of the posts say, I’m sure I’ll be able to hear them in the distance once they start their mating call. Ayanna, Laurel, MD

Cicada Shells spotted at Miami University grounds

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Crunchy shells underfoot on my way to class…they look just like the photos…haven’t heard or seen any flying during the day however, YET! 🙂 A.M. , Oxford, Ohio

No Cicadas yet 🙂

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Have yet to see or hear any emergence in the area. I wasn’t here in ’87 but it seems like a place that would have them. Its an older fully wooded community. I have several trees that are well over 100 years old. Maybe all of the shade keeps the ground cooler. I’ll be bummed if we don’t have any…. Steve, Cape St Claire, MD (Bay Bridge)

they’re here ….

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
The cicadas started emerging here on May 12, started flying and “humming” on the 17th.Every day the noise gets louder and the shells and newly emeging cicadas litter my garden. The sound could drive me over the edge.I live in a heavily wooded area, and the noise is deafening. Let me just turn my radio up a little louder.. Megan, Sharpsburg, Maryland

Nothing to report

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I’ve been looking but not a one seen in yard or in parks near by. Dave Douglas, Grove City, OH

When are they coming?

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Can anyone say when they will emerge here in North-Central Jersey? Kevin, Morris County, NJ

None Yet

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
If anyone has seen any in Yardley, PA, please give your section and what you see! Sharon, West Acres in Yardley, PA

Whre can I find Cicada’s in Ohio

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I live in Medina, OH 30 miles southwest of Cleveland.
I am looking for the closest spot whre I can find Brood x cicada’s.
Gary Gary, Medina

They’re here, too

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I have hundreds of them around my house. They started coming out within the last few days. We’ve had a lot of storms the last week and I’ve found the poor things hanging backwards from the trees, knocked off by the rain. They don’t appear very smart, and can’t navigate during flight worth a darn, but it has been fun watching them. Sure, they are making a mess in the yard and my dog is barfing them up on the couch, but I guess can handle it every 17 years.

Natalie, Winchester, VA

Think I might have seen my first…

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Looks like there’s a nymph dangling from a leaf just outside the entrance to my office. I just hope I don’t have to clean up the walkway every day to rid my path of shells and carcasses! Dr. Jayson Levine, Cincinnati, OH

Waiting patiently and hoping

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
According to the news reports, the Cicadas have been seen in the Scranton area and Mountaintop. But none here yet. I’m about 50 miles north and east of Scranton. I’m hoping they will emerge here. I love the Cicada, and their “summer chorus.” We don’t have the common variety up here either, that is why I’m hoping this brood will arrive. The Cicada brings back many good and happy memories of my childhood, down in the countryside a little north of Philadelphia. I really miss them. Sandra Knapp, Lake Como, Northeast Pa.

Haven’t seen one!

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I keep waiting for the gross, red-eyed buggers to appear around us since everyone else I know has been infested for a few days now. I’m guessing maybe the northeast suburbs are slower to emerge… hopefully that means we’ll have fewer! Jamie, Loveland, OH

Cicada eater!

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I read the article about the yellow wasp that lays eggs in the cicada, but I have seen a BLACK wasp attacking a cicada. It clung onto it and bit off one of the wings, then flew away. It came back and wrestled the cicada off its leaf and subdued it on the ground. It thn proceeded to rip off legs and fly off to eat them, then scissored open the abdomen. When I came back later I saw only a hollow thorax with four legs. I dont theink the wasp laid its eggs in it… ^_^ Luke, Howard County, MD

Coming out in moderate numbers in Valley Forge

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
First couple showed up on 5/15 in the sunniest SE-facing spots here (Valley Forge Mountain.) For the last few days they’ve started to emerge in the shadier areas above the slope and under the trees. Still not in huge numbers, but just walking past the gardens this morning I saw 10 or 15 drying their wings, and many more cases. This is mostly-undisturbed oak forest (last logged >70 years ago I’d guess), so I’d imagine it’s close to ideal habitat. Randell Jesup, Malvern, PA

Still no Cicadas

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Still have not spotted a single cicada. The rains over this past week have probably kept them underground for now. I’m sure that once it gets sunny again, they will be on the move. Mike H., Phoenixville, PA (Valley Forge, PA)

They are all over

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
We are next door to a orcard and they are all over this place. Rebel, Elkton Md

They’re here

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I saw a few in my yard last night for the first time. I am at zip code 19539. Sue, Fredericksville, PA, Berks County

Ode To The Cicada

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Who’s ‘afraida’ a little old Cicada?
We only get to see ’em every 17 years– Kinda makes ya wanna break out in tears!–So fear not when you behold their beady red eyes–For soon enough you’ll come to realize–The insect that tunnels its way through the ground–Just a little while longer will not be found–And if you should almost step on one accidently–Just pick it up nicely and say to it most gently: Oh Cicada, I’m sorry I almost squashed the life from you–And be very glad, for there’s no cicada goo on yer shoe!–The Cicada gets out there and sings its mating song–For it knows deep down it doesn’t have long–You see, the Cicada needs to be findin’ a mate–And it can’t be wastin’ precious time… no, it can’t be late!–So when you hear the Cicadas all ’round you there–Just keep your head down and them outta yer hair–For they will clumsily flutter into your path–How many of ’em you see?–You do the math! I’ve heard it said that they’re fine for cookin’–Man, they’re so ugly they’re kinda good lookin’!–But to eat the flesh of this beady red-eyed bug?–I’d rather fry me up a slimy garden slug!–Oh Cicada, Cicada… as you fly though the air–It’s okay, you can alight on me… if you so care–For I won’t be ‘afraida’ a little old Cicada–So see ya ’round next time…
See ya ‘lata’ Cicada! Lauri Clapper, White Post, VA

are we gonna get some of this X

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
hey, i was wondering if anybody knows if the brood will reach Western Long Island? The news around here mentions it, but there doesnt seem to be much action. If someone could leave a message to let us know it would be great, WE want in on some of this action 2! Joe , Nassau County, Long Island NY


Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I am in lower York County Pa right above nicey-niceeysville Md and I have not found a single one!! We are waiting anxiously!! I did find some yesterday in Reistertown Md outside the Boston Market. They were all over the trees and ground but not an insane amount. Vicki, GLEN ROCK YORK COUNTY PA

Cicada free

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Not a one here. Not that I’ve seen, at least. I lived in PA 17 years ago and remember them well. Tony, Raleigh, NC

Brood X in da house

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
Well, not really ‘in da house’, at least not yet. Hasn’t stopped my 4-year old from wanting to bring in some of his ‘buddies’ as he calls them. His daycare in Delhi is inundated with them, all over the parking lot, their playground area, etc. The birds are getting confused as they don’t know which one to chase next, they are a bit overwhelmed (and probably full). I bought a Cicadanator just for kicks. beer_advocate, Cincinnati, OH

Heard them but yet to see them…

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I’ve heard them but I have yet to see them.. Actually yes I saw one flying arounf buts that it. When are the cicadas going to take full effect?! I am waiting and keep going outside to see whther there all around or not haha! Please let me know if there are any sightings around cause I am right by the Somerset border so we should get some here! Jason, Union County, NJ

first cicada

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I saw the first blimpy, bumbling cicada yesterday evening but the surround woods resound with their noise. marianne, ashland, va

im still waiting………

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
hello, has anyone from the lancaster county area spotted any cicadas yet? im anxiously waiting to catch one! im in the city so maybe i need to get out to the county? thanks…. fasteddie, lancaster pa

Cicadas have taken over my yard!

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I noticed a bunch over last weekend clinging to grass and the house,but now they have absolutely covered the ground and trees in my yard.Oddly enough i haven’t seen many in the front of the house but the backyard is covered.They’ve been emerging from their shells over the past few days but not much noise yet.The sheer number of them is amazing and i guess i still have the noise and smell to look forward to. Mike, Newark,DE

hatching on the rivers edge

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
i heard one on monday may 17th and then several today the 19th. i live on the Detroit river across from Belle Isle.

kevin rasmussen, detroit, mi,

Why Are People Happy About Cicadas?

Date: Thursday, May/20/2004
I can’t believe some of the posts here. How can anyone be excited about seeing something so ugly? All cicadas do is make noise, fly around and make our lives miserable until they mate and perish.

The cicadas i have seen in reston have been dead.

However every morning you can hear the loud roar.

I will be glad when this is over. joe, reston, va

No cicadas yet

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I have not seen any cicadas yet. I have heard them since Monday and they are getting louder. Maybe they will skip my area. One can only hope. Debbie, Severna Park MD

Any Delaware sightings yet?

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I was hoping we’d get them here, though we’re just on the border of the area indicated by the maps. Has anyone heard of any sightings in lower Delaware? When is the last date we can expect them — as in, if we don’t have them by that day we’re not going to get them? Leslie, Sussex County, DE


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
They are starting to appear, i have them all over my barn. Tate, white hall,md(harford county)

None yet….

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
So far I haven’t seen any here in Corvette City. My apartment complex is pretty new, though, so I’m guessing that moving all the dirt around probably got rid of brood X in this area… I don’t hear any outside yet. I’m moving back home to eastern KY this weekend. We’ll see if there’s any more over there. Haven’t heard anything from my dad about them yet. I remember Brood XIV from 1991. They were really thick then. Ty Martin, Bowling Green, KY

Here But Not Hear

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Here in East Tennessee we seem to have a rather spotty emergence going on. Some areas, esp. in parts of Knoxville, are seeing the predicted hordes, and hearing the din. However, at my location, there is little to get excited about yet. I went out driving today, and found a somewhat sparse chorous about 2 miles to my east, at Haw Ridge. I am told that slightly further east (Powel), things are buzzing. I have my fingers crossed, but am afraid there may be no calls of “Pharrrroooo” in my neighborhood. John DeMelas, Oak Ridge, TN


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Does anyone know whether or not the Cicadas are native to Brown County? I am looking forward to seeing them in my own home town, but I am not sure as to whether they are even in this particular area. Any help with this question would be appreciated! Darrin, Brown County, Oh

ground zero?

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
ann arbor, ground zero? wow. i’m near there. havent seen anything. maybe more south, towards the ohio border there are some? minda, detroit ‘burb, michigan

cicadas 10 miles south of here, but not here….yet

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
my mom lives 10 miles south of here and has had cicadas for about 5 days. We have some park areas nearby loaded with oaks and maples and no cicadas yet. Could that be because we’ve had more rain recenlty? Do you think our cicadas will be sounding out soon?
Joanne Joanne, Bel Air, Md

cicadas in New York

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
starting to see cicadas in Warick New York Ken, Warwick, New York


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004

for Debbie in Seattle

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Hi! There’s a TV station in Philadelphia (WPVI) that broadcast a cicada story from Princeton, NJ last night at 5 PM. The cicadas were everywhere and singing quite loudly (very cool)! I know they have a website, but don’t know if there are video archives of stories. Check it out and see what you get. Good luck! Priscilla, Smithville, NJ


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I have seen tons of Cicada’s where I work in Fairfax. Just this morning one was sitting next to me on the front steps of my office building. But I haven’t seen any out by my house in Leesburg. This worries me, does this mean they will come in droves?
I better be ready for them to make an appreance soon! Anne, Leesburg, VA

Any one in NYC see then yet?

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Has anyone in New York City, especially Brooklyn, seen any Cicada’s yet?
Just wondering. I hope we’ll get them here. Allison, Brooklyn, NY

Memorial Day Weekend in Darien, CT

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
My daughter’s getting married outdoors on May 30 in Darien, CT. Are we likely to be cicadaless? Craig Miller, Milwaukee, WI

Memorial Day Weekend in Darien, CT

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
My daughter’s getting married outdoors on May 30 in Darien, CT. Are we likely to be cicadaless? Craig Miller, Milwaukee, WI

they’re coming!

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I went and walked the dog this morning and there are hundreds of chimney holes under the trees! Haven’t seen any cicadas yet but I’m gonna go looking tonight. Should see them any day now. Kyle, North Wales, PA


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
This is great. each day my apartment has more and more. still metamorphasizing at dusk. at night the sidewalks look like its moving BECAUSEe soooo many mymphs crawling. this is unreal. i was a skeptic at first the the scientists were right cincinnati does have all 5 billion of 3 species of brood x this year. go bengals!, go REDS, Go BROOD X CICADAS!(SMILE) misscube, cincinnati ohio(pleasant ridge)

those things are everywhere

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
where do they go after the emerge? we seen 100 crawling to the trees hae not seen any flying yet tho bobbie saylor, cincinnati(landen) deerfeild township

only one lonely cicada…….

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I saw my first cicada yesterday morning. I found the shell clinging near my back door, and then looked up to find the culprit who came out of the shell. I see reports that they are out in Howard Co, but I have not seen anything except this one. When will the madness begin? I hope not during my party Memorial Day weekend! Kim, Glenelg, MD

cicads crawling everywhere!!!!!

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
im a 31 year old mother of one..yesterday me and my son was sitting outside moms and i knew the bugs was coming and all so we had just got talking about the bugs when we looked on some flowers and saw the shells i was some exited but it gave me the chills… well later on that night my moms whole entire block was outside and we came out with flashlights and i mean everywhere they was coming out of the ground all over the pace .. me i was creeped out because its been since i was 13 or so since i remember them and i never remembered this,..,. but they was everywhere crawling to find there ways to the branches it was like ants back to back going up the tree like 20 at a time and they was everywhere………… bobbie, maineville ohio (cincinnati}

Update From North Springfield, Virginia

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I first reported back on 9 May. My yard is now a virtual blanket of Cicadas and their shells are covering everything (walls, trees, brooms,rakes, shoes). I swept up a 2-foot wide pile the other day, only to awake the following morning to have the patio covered again. Their mating call is now at a low roar. Their novelty has worn off, and I’m OVER THEM. Angie, North Springfield, Virginia

None here

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
We were camping in Elizabethtown this past weekend and the cicadas were emerging everywhere. Me grandchildren got to see one actually emerge from the shell and ‘evolve’. But, here in Spring Grove near Hanover, PA we haven’t seen a one, and our property is completed wooded. Helen, Spring Grove, PA

People, if you don’t get them – consider yourselves lucky

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Now – it is not a joke. We are seeing adult cicadas here in Fairfax for only about 8-9 days. And already I can’t open windows in my house. Because the whole neighborhood stinks of week-old meat leftovers thrown outside to rot in the middle of the summer. How cool is that? And what it’s going to be like in 3-4 weeks, when they start dropping dead by thousands? I read somewhere that they have “a peculiar smell” when dead – it is a humongous understatement, trust me – they STINK. You all can be very happy about watching them out of shells, and flying around and about. But I doubt it very much you’ll be enjoying this divine fragrance. Elena, Fairfax. VA

Will we be effected

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I was wondering if anyone know how we will be effect in Florida. I have yet to see one. Becci, Port St Lucie, FL

Cicadas have hatched

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
During the morning of May 17, 2004, thousands of cicadas emerged in our yard, 17 miles northwest of Columbus, Ohio. Thousands of cicadas were hanging on hostas, trees, bushes and flowers and their shells were left behind today. My wife reported that she could not see the green on the leaves of our 15 hostas because of the number of cicadas. Mark Koogler, Dublin, Ohio

disgusting cicadas

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
They are really bad around here. You see them on all the trees and tires.At night they are coming out and you can here a crunching noise.They are sooo gross. Michelle, Camp Springs, MD

first sighting

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
First sighting of the cicadas in Fallston, in the woods behind Fallston High School. I’m so excited, I’ll probably eat some! Yummy! Brian, Fallston, Maryland

It’s raining cicads in KY

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Cicadas are EVERYWHERE! They emerged last week and have since multipled by the hundreds. The just love my apartment, I can’t even get into teh place without getting frisked by a few of them. I have recently decided to move. If only I could get out of the house….. Lauren F, Louisville, Highlands

When Are They Coming To Long Island?

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I haven’t seen one yet. Kathy, Long Island, New York

It’s raining cicads in KY

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Cicadas are EVERYWHERE! They emerged last week and have since multipled by the hundreds. Strange thing is they seem to be mostly around my apartment. Lauren F, Louisville KY

No Bugs Here Yet!

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Have not seen anything yet! Does anyone have an idea when they may emerge in North Carolina?

I lived thru them in ’79 with two screaming toddlers – now my older girls are still dreading them! Lisa Reinhardt, Charlotte, NC

Brood X Emergence Current Status

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
As reported in earlier messages, the emergence in the DC suburbs of Northern Virginia began a week ago last Monday night (May 10-11). It reached a peak at the beginning of the weekend and yesterday morning (Tuesday morning) I was still seeing a few nymphs crawling along the grass heading for the trees. This morning, for the first time, I saw none, but did not look carefully. At any rate, it appears the emergence has more or less run its course. There is now a steady “flying saucer” din throughout the area, particularly loud in them morning, less so in the evening. This morning, also, for the first time, I saw significant numbers flying about. Up until now they appear to have mainly been roosting in the trees. Now they are on the move. jmgradon, McLean, VA


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
hey all i was wondering if anyone has seen them near Corbin I have some scouts that would love to see them i sure wish they would show up in my yard . Linda , Corbin Ky

Cicadas in Indianapolis

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Monday I found two exoskeletons. Today I found over 25 exoskeletons and a lot of wings!!! Do birds dislike cicada wings? I still haven’t seen a live cicada, though.

I was told that in 1987, Indianapolis wasn’t hit as hard as other, more southern places. Does that mean that we won’t get hit hard this year? The temperatures have been in the 80’s for weeks now, so the climate should be favorable. Lori, Fishers, IN

They have finally emerged here!

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Last night’s rain must have done something to speed them up, because until this morning, there were very few in this area & no singing to be heard. I walked outside this morning & there were literally thousands of their shells stuck to my house & the 2 large trees in my front yard…Many still emerging. It was kind of interesting to catch one of the nymphs & watch it emerge & harden it’s shell.
My 3 year old daughter likes watching them, but is terrified of touching them!
Staci, Beltsville, MD

Still nothing here…

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
It’s been exceptionally cool and rainy, especially cool at night–probably delaying them. I hear we are supposed to be Ground Zero… Carol Shepherd, Ann Arbor, MI


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I have only seen one, flying round. I’m on pins and needles waiting – or maybe they’re not coming to Herndon!! dede, Herndon, VA

First Sighting This Morning!

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Today was the first day that I have seen the cicadas on our property. I have only seen about 20-50 per tree, though I think the birds are eating them. We use about 40 lbs. of bird seed every two weeks, but we have not had to fill the feeders for the past two days! Maybe there will be more tomorrow. Kristen Miles, Martinsville, IN


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
They are here, everywhere in my wooded yard. I had seen the holes a month ago so knew they were coming as we had them 17 years ago, also at the same location. Today they are all over my peonies, azaleas, side of my house and elsewhere. Ugh! They can’t leave soon enough! I remember 17 years ago, the awful deafening noise they made. Jan, Solebury, PA

Lots Of Shells But No Cicadas?

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
In the grass around a large tree, there are hundreds of cicada shells but there is no evidence of the adults. Haven’t seen or heard one of them yet. Not really sure where they are? Hope to see them soon! KJ, Wilmington, DE

Under Siege

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Thousands of them. Everywhere. Wonderful and amazing to watch. I highly recommend early morning forays to watch them in every state of metamorphasis to fully appreciate them. They started emerging here on Saturday (5/15), and despite their vast numbers, I’ve yet to hear their song. Anxiously awaiting… Deborah, Stewartstown, PA

found set of cicada wings

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I found a half of a set of wings 2 days ago. I know they were cicada wings because I matched them up with a specimen from the 1991 hatch.I’ve been looking for them everywhere but none found. stimely, central pa

Double ugh

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
In response to Sally from the same area, I was glad to hear that I am not the only one creaped out by the thousands, maybe millions of cicadas in our yard. We have seveal very old trees in our yard and neighborhood, and the bugs are everywhere. We have to sweep them off with a broom several times a day from our porches and garage door opening. They also seem to like the tires on our cars as they attach themselves there too. I do appreciate nature, but this is a bit rediculous. I am definately feeling “invaded!” Heather, Louisville, KY(highlands)

Brood X

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
What’s controlling them from being hee sooner?

What’s Brood X been doing all these years?

How many Brood X’ers will be “invading” ? Kimyatha White, Eastpoint, Georgia

Spotted our first one!

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
How exciting…I found the first one in our driveway this morning! I Picked it up to look at it more closely…fascinating! Love their bulging red eyeballs!! We live in a heavily wooded lot so will check out back to see if more have arrived.

My husband saw what must have been several hundred cicadas crawling up the side of a building in downtown Madison, Indiana yesterday.

How fun!! Cheryl VanDaalen, Louisville, KY


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
I live in southern Blair County, PA. The Cicada have begun to emerge here on the night of the 17th. John, Roaring Spring, PA


Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
We saw several cicadas emerge from the ground last night after a hard rain. There were a few empty casings attached to tree limbs in the same area. Kristen H., Dublin, OH

Milford, NJ

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Today I took a drive to Milford, NJ after reading a post on here. Well they are definatly out there. Saw hundreds of shells and heard a few calling. Also caught 1 adult male cicada. And took lots of pictures. I just hope they emerge here in Scranton very soon. Rick, Scranton, PA

Our first sighting of the cicadas

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
My husband and I had our first sighting of the cicadas this morning(1am)it’s our first time with this type of cicada.
He’s from TX and I’m from WA state. We’ve lived in Bloomington for almost 2 yrs. now. I thought I’d be really grossed out by them(with all the internet pics I’ve seen)but I’ve found I’m more intrigued with watching them shed their shell and head for high ground to dry out. Hmmmm….wonder how I’ll feel in a couple of days when they start their singing……… Marci Smith, Bloomington, IN

Ed’s cicada pics

Date: Wednesday, May/19/2004
Edward, your pics are *fantastic*…so clear….I am still hoping to catch a news story on them or at least here them in the background of a news report from the east coast….I’m enjoying reading the mixed reactions posted here….they’re really okay…they won’t hurt you if they land on you although the first time one does it will give you a fright. I was 16 in 1970 and remember hearing this loud chirp right in my ear and having one in my shoulder…got really spooked but after that, I was fascinated with them. I keep imagining that I’m hearing them out here. Debbie, Seattle, WA

Nothing yet

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
I have yet to see anything in my area but I am hoping that with first sighting taking place in Louisville, KY and Bloomington,IN that we are still a few days away as we are a little farther north.

Anyone seen our guest yet in the Indy area? Kenny, Indianapolis

Cicada sitings

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
I live on the western side of Annapolis (away from the Bay). Last night and tonight the cicada’s have begun to emerge. I haven’t seen a lot of adults, but I think that will change soon. I work in Bowie, MD and you can hear them all day all around the City. David, Annapolis, MD

Picture of Cicada

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
5/18/04 -I just caught this one on my patio. How can I send a picture to get the brood identified. John Lottinger, Houma, Louisiana

first cicada

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Saw my first member of brood X tonight- It came buzzing right at me….but only one. He must have been the scout. CW, Pennington, NJ

They’re here!

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
My son and his scout troop found the dried shells everywhere on our walk tonight. I grew up around brood V in sw PA, and these shells looked small to me. I’m curious to see how brood X will compare! LMB, Denver, PA

They’re Finally Here!

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
First sighting this morning, maybe a couple 100 or so in my yard, just coming out of their shells. This afternoon when I got home from work, they were all gone! I guess the birds, etc. got to them. I later went to a cemetery a half mile from my house, there were quite a few live ones there still. None of them fly or sing yet though, I guess that comes after they molt again. David Kirk, Brokkville, IN

Here they come! Watch Out!

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Loads of them today coming out in Crofton Park. We shall see how many there are tomorrow. Kevin Stratton, Crofton, MD

None in Pasadena yet, but hoping

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Haven’t seen any in Pasadena where I live, but they are everywhere in Howard County where I work they are wonderful and the sound is incredible Meg, Pasadena Md

First Cicadas

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Found our first Cicada shell today in our yard along with a dozen or so holes in our mulch bed! Lisa, Deerfield Township, Ohio (Mason area)

No sighting yet

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
There is nothing here but the dogs have been going crazy digging for a couple of days. Do they hear them coming? Lyn, Tobyhanna, PA

Finally they arrive today.

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
We had our first sightings today. Because we have no direct trees in our yard, we had no nympy holes, but today there are adults flying everywhere. From next door to across the street. My baby is 18mo old, I’m taking pictures and putting in a keep sake box to see when he’s 18 years old. Its kinda neat to see him run after the little critters. He is not afrain one bit. Isaiah’s mom, Evanston, Cincinnati Ohio

Hoping this is a good sign…..

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
I am reading many messages of cicadas emerging in other states and some in NJ, but I have still not seen any – and I have been looking. I know this is all very exciting, but I am hoping that the fact that I have not seen any yet is a good sign that they won’t be coming out around here. I remember them from a few years ago when I lived in Edison and I remember how much I hated going outside. If you are from this area and have seen any, please let me know…….I’ll need to start planning indoor activities. Debbie, Middlesex, NJ

Nothing Here Yet

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Can’t see any evidence here yet. This is a new development, but wetlands have been undisturbed. Will check my parents house in Birmingham. I remember finding empty shells there years ago…. Sue, Novi, Michigan


Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
They are all. Over. The. Place.
I was walking the dog last night and made the mistake of looking down… only to see the sidewalk CRAWLING with them. And they are all over our back deck and yard– clinging to fence posts, hanging on to the rails on the steps, there was even one attached to out stone house by the front door this morning. And the noise? Deafening. Reading other people’s messages about having them fly into their shirts or hair has just about completely freaked me out. I may not leave the house till July. Who needs a job, anyway? Sally, Louisville, KY (Highlands)

Coastal Cicadas?

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
I live very close to the coast, and I am wondering if cicadas are indigenous to coastal areas of NJ. If not, I’d like to hear of any sightings in inland Atlantic County. Thanks. Priscilla, Smithville, NJ

Out in force in Towson, Md.

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
The li’l buggers started coming out over the weekend and are now all over the place in wooded areas. Today is the first day they’ve really been making noise. One even hitched a ride into my apt. with the plumber. He was promptly evicted, in a firm but gentle manner. The cicada, I mean. greg, Towson, Md.

My Bullfrog’s Gonna Explode!

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
The cicadas have been out for a week now. I have a fish pond in my back yard. My frog has been sitting on the edge of the pond every day and he’s been gorging himself. Ellen, Falls Church, Virginia

saw one

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
saw the first one today Trey, Chambersburg PA

ED: Please only submit cicada sightings. If you have a question — email us instead.

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Ed, that’s why we have this note on the “Add your sighting page”: “Please only submit cicada sightings. If you have a question — email us instead.” admin, Cicada Mania Headquarters

Any Emergences in GA Yet? PLEASE NO!

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Has anyone seen (HEARD) emergence near me? Went thru 2 years in a row in NC during late ’90s; don’t want a repeat. Thanks. CV Roberts, Martin, GA, Franklin Co., USA

Any answer

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
I think the site admin should talk to some expert to visit the message board and answer questions. I see a lot of questions but no answer. Ed, Ga

Thousands and Thousands!!!

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
It all started about 3 weeks ago with the mud chimneys, but this week they are everywhere. Probably 10 thousand or so. They seems to like lily of the valley, butterfly bushes, and tiger lillies before they climb the trees. The shells are about 3 or 4 thick on the ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Karen, Randallstown, MD

None Here Yet

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
We have not seen any cicadas here yet. Saw some shells a week ago, but no noise, no bugs. Maybe the storm we had in the fall (all the flooding and salt water) jolted their rebirth! One can hope! John F, Annapolis MD

They just keep coming!

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Rates of emergence here have increased at an almost exponential rate since last Tuesday, except for Saturday (15th) when we had unusually cold weather. They are particularly heavy on dogwood, red maple and pin oak. Heavy chorusing began yesterday morning; today it woke me up. I *am not* the Bloomingtonian who ended up in the hospital … although I finally try several tempura battered tenerals Thursday night. Very tasty, but I prefer watching them and listening.
INCREDIBLE NUMBERS!!! Keith, Bloomington, IN

we’ve seen our first

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
we found our first cicada this afternoon – our chicken thought it was a yummie treat! i didn’t think they’d be emerging this far north yet. joanne, tyrone, pa

my cicada emergence picts

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
some of the night photos I think are pretty cool. Edward Delaplaine, Highland, Maryland (howard county)

Hills are Alive with the sound of CICADA’S

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Since May 13th the cicada’s have been breaking through the ground, hustling up the trees and emerging from their shells. There are millions! Each day the mating calls get louder and louder – it is incredible! The only time they quiet down other than at night is when it rains.
We had a “cicada party” on Friday night where all the bug geeks in the neighborhood hung out and watched them climb, emerge and hang.
One question though, when will they stop coming out of the ground??? Theresa Lock, Harpers Ferry, WV, Jefferson County

Is this Normal???

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Well our little friends came out in a swarm the other night and I thought it was pretty cool, but now they seem to be following me everywhere I go….oh No why are they coming at me….they are attacking!!!! Call the national guard!!! They are eating my brain and spine!!! Helllppp!!! Jim S., Woodbridge, NJ

May 18, 2004

May 16th – 18th 2004 Cicada Comments

Filed under: Brood X | Old Message Board — Dan @ 11:28 am

Is this Normal???

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Well our little friends came out in a swarm the other night and I thought it was pretty cool, but now they seem to be following me everywhere I go….oh No why are they coming at me….they are attacking!!!! Call the national guard!!! They are eating my brain and spine!!! Helllppp!!! Jim S., Woodbridge, NJ

Cicada Sighting

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
We have Cicadas in our yard. They are on our garage door and on our chainlink fence. They seem to have just come our of their shells within the last few days. There are several with deformed wings. Mickey, Brooklyn Park, MD

There here!

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
i thought we were lucking out and escaping the invasion, but then I went out in the backyard and actually started looking. There are absolutely thousands of them! The exoskeltons are all over the trees and now I am seeing red eyed buggers everywhere! Jenny, West Chester, OH


Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
I saw one last night in Princeton on the Campus of Princeton University, Carol, Princeton, NJ

They’re here in force!

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Found hundreds of shells and newly emerged cicadas yesterday. My irises are covered with them. No noise yet.
Betty, Malvern, PA

Can hear them, but don’t see them

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
The noise is definitely here. But I haven’t seen a single one yet. They’re probably living it up in the park just behind our community. Hopefully they won’t find their way to my house. Nathan’s mom, Chantilly, VA


Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Well, we first saw them on the morning of the 16th. There weren’t too many…..until the following morning, we saw TONS coming out of their shells all over our deck. As if that wasn’t enough, there are like 10 times more this morning!!! Iv’e been taking lots of pictures! I had nightmares last night. Sarah, Fairfax – Cincinnati Ohio


Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004

No Sightings Yet

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
An update: Haven’t seen any in our part of Cherry Hill, NJ yet. I can’t say that I remember them coming in 1987 either. We usually start hearing them in late July/early August, and see one or two of their discarded shells in the yard per year. I’ll let everyone know if we see them in Cherry Hill anytime soon! Maria, Cherry Hill, NJ

more, more ,more,

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
There were even more last night than yesterday. still metamorphazising and my building still looks like a polka dot art project!!!!! more is better. now they are on my window seal, hundreds and hundreds. some are 1.5 inches long, some are very tiny, some are medium. live adults were even on my car hood and stuck to my tires. this is great!!!!! misscube, cincinnati ohio/norwood/pleasant ridge

I’ve got a bad felling that they are coming!!!

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
I hav been hearing that they are in princton now. i am seeing more holes near my house and i have big trees in my yard. These things are going to suck.

I was just wondering if they were going to ruin my summer?? Ricky, Hillsborough, NJ!!!!!!


Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
We’d only seen one shell so far, but this morning they were all over the place — on the honeysuckle, the grass, playground even. Jade, Broadlands, Ashburn, VA

None yet

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
I live in Northern NJ and haven’t seen one yet, I do hope they come out this far North. Pam, Sussex County, New Jersey

I have yet to see ANY

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
I live in Gaithersburg near Great Seneca and Muddy Branch. I have not see any cicada’s yet, not even a shell. I know that the developments in my area may be less than 17-years old but even in talking with friends, no one has seen the “emergence” that was expected. Some of the areas have not been turned by construction but yet none of these vile, red-eyed demon hordes have begun to take over my part of the earth. Any thoughts? Tom, Gaithersburg, MD

will we see them?

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
is there any chance we might see them in louisians. there were here when we were children. and we loved to hook the shells on our clothes. helaine moyse, baton rouge, louisiana

Sole singer

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Heard one this morning. I remember last emergence when I was a kid…and they weren’t as interesting then, that’s for sure! It will be nice to teach my kids about these fascinating creatures to pass down the line! Carla, Amherst, Ohio

cicada emergence

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Empty shells found 5/17 and live cicadas on grass stems 5/18. No noise or flying yet. Cheryl Smagala, Milford, NJ, USA


Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
I live in Leesburg, Virginia, which is about 40 miles west of DC and so far I’ve been pretty disappointed with the cicada count in my area. I was really looking forward to the hatch and so far I’ve seen one and heard maybe three. How long do they take to all come out to play? javajoe220, Leesburg, Virginia

they’re flying

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
I first noticed some cicadas on Saturday, but most of them were dead on the sidewalk. There seemed to be many more around yesterday and I saw some flying. As I’m originally from the UK, cicadas are a totally new thing to me and I was a little surprised to see one fly out at me when I opened my mailbox… Oscar, Princeton, NJ

I pity my neigbors

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
So far I have been lucky not to see or hear the cicadas in my complex. I have been receiving reports from others across Maryland (specifically Baltimore) who have told me the are out in numbers.

Every day I have been peeping out of my door so I won’t be alarmed at a sighting and have made out good. This morning when I was exiting my apartment with my poncho, scarf and gloves in tow, I noticed a single shell. To my dismay on my door sill there was a CICADA!

I was so petrified at 6:45 in the morning that I started yelling “Holy Moly” as I walked all the way to my car. If this is only the beginning, I feel very sorry for my neighbors as I will be yelling, as a coping mechanism, for 6 weeks yet!

I hope it was a stray and isn’t there when I get off this evening. The hair on my arms is still standing up! scaredy, Silver Spring, MD

PA – a few more; “Big One” yet to come

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
The soil temperature almost certainly plays some part. In edges of forests with a sunny southern exposure, many are out. Elsewhere, they are just under the surface of the soil waiting their cue. Found many under rocks and logs. My guess is “any day now” for the big one. Mike Frey, Lititz PA

No Cicadas at all

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Hey, There still are no signs of these bugs in this region, maybe the lack of rain? Chris, Lehigh Valley, PA

Camping in Noblesville

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
I will be camping in the Noblesville/Deer Creek area around the 23rd of June.

Are these things going to be a problem? Dude, Milwaukee

Cicada webcams?

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Hi, I posted previously about being out in Seattle and missing the Cicadas. I have found one webcam of a few on a fence through the Washington Post but if anyone knows of any other webcams, would you please post them here…esp. ones with audio….I want to see AND hear them. I made a tape of them singing back in 87 but am not sure I still have it…that’s when I was about to leave the east coast so I figured I’d miss them this time around…but they *are* mentioned in the Seattle PI! Gee wonder why they don’t like the Pacific NW….so green, lots of trees and moisture. Debbie , Seattle, WA

And I thought I Was the ONLY One Who Talked To These Little Critters!

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
Here a cicada, there a cicada… everywhere you look, there’s another cicada! The Northern Shenandoah Valley has it’s share for sure!

What I found really interesting is that they tend to like to spend time with you once they realize they won’t be hurt! Lol! Cute little red eyes they have! So ugly they are cute! But you won’t catch ME eating one!

Happy Cicada Mania To You All! Lauri Clapper, White Post, VA

take them away!

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Marianne from Herndon – I will buy one of your umbrellas! I sit in my car when I get home from work and wait for the coast to be clear before dashing into the house. I count how many there are on my plastic chair out back – usually about 15 on one chair alone – needless to say, I’m not going to be chillin’ on the patio any time soon. The worst part about this is that I have to move to a wooded area in about 2 weeks – and by then I think there will be a lot more of them. I might have a panic attack if one lands on me – someone make them go away!! Veronica, Arlington, VA

Where Are They?

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Elisa, I haven’t seen or heard one yet. Not sure what to expect here. I keep watching the ground but nothing. hb, Ann Arbor MI


Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I saw one! Yes, just one, so far :o) It was just on my window screen. We were so excited and looking like goofballs examining this thing through the screen! This guy must be an early escapee since there aren’t swarms yet but we’ve had a few heavy rain showers lately and the temperature is right, so any minute now I expect to see zillions. Okay, I’ll be patient… I can wait another day or so. 😉 Kym, Pottstown, PA

not seen in michigan yet

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
hey, elisa, i havent heard or seen anything yet either. i dont expect them near me, so i plan on heading out somewhere to find them. i hear ann arbor, or in washtenaw cty. but i dont know where exactly. hopefully someone will let it be known if any are seen in michigan. i’m patiently waiting to see it all… minda, detroit ‘burb, michigan

Something wrong with car engine?

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Exactly one week after my thinking the weird noise was from a nearby house alarm, my youngest daughter came home to put oil in her car. About a mile from the house she heard a weird noise which became louder as she entered our driveway. Thinking it was the engine going bad, she left the motor running, jumped out of the car and put the hood up. She was relieved that the noise wasn’t coming from the engine. As soon as she turned off the engine, she told me the noise must be from a house alarm. I laughed and told her it was the cicada mating call, and that I had made the same mistake last week, even calling Public Safety in the gated community where I live. Joyce, Ellijay, Georgia

Where can I go in Ohio to see them ?

Date: Tuesday, May/18/2004
My husband and I want to take a drive this Sunday to see the cicadas and I was hoping someone could tell me where in Ohio they are emerging. Just give me a good town, and if you can, a good metro park to check out, and we’ll find it !
Thanks !
MJ Mary Jo, Maple Hts, OH

crazy neighbor

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Yes, I know. There are millions of huge, ugly bugs invading everyone’s yards. Actually I don’t think they’re ugly but pretty interesting and fascinating to observe. But, my crazy neighbor has some kind of vendetta against these creatures. For the last two nights she has been outside on her front walk smashing every cicada she sees with the flat end of a swiffer broom. The ones she can’t get with the swiffer she stomps with her shoe. Oh, did I mention she does this at from about 10:00 PM – 12:00 AM??

I just feel bad for the poor cicadas. They lie in wait 17 years only to emerge and be smashed by the busniess end of a swiffer broom. What a loon. John, Vienna, VA

Will They Be In New York

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Can anybody please verify if the Cicadas will be heading up to NY. I can’t wait to see this marvelous sight! Mark Rosen, Rye, New York

Sounds like a burglar alarm going off !

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I’ve seen several cool sites provided by mother nature but this one will be in the top 3 for a long time,at least 17 years.On May 16th my son and I turned onto the gravel road that takes us to our mountain cabin in north GA. We began to hear a noise. First I thought it was engine trouble. Then when I turned the truck off the noise continued. I could hear the “buzz” of a couple close by cicadas but this noise was constant,like it was just 1/4 mile away .Loud but distant. We went uo to the neighbors house to ask if they know who’s house has a burglar alarm possibly going off without attention.They filled us in with the news. That noise is from the cicadas. The closer we inspected the trees, they they were. Just like the pictures on this site. My son and I notice a mist-like squirt coming from them.Thank goodness it was odorless! Todd, Dahlonega, GA ,USA

Someone Please Answer Cuz I’m Scared

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
My whole backyard is wooded. I have been hearing the cicadas loud and clear all weekend. Will I definetly see a lot of these? Will they definetly be all over my sidewalk and car or will they mainly stay in the woods where the trees are? I have seen 2. Is this really the beginning? I know they are just bugs, but they really creap me out. Tiffany, Farragut, TN

Where else in New Jersey

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I posted earlier that I saw hundreds at least in Skillman in Southern Somerset County but it seems that other Jersey sightings are very rare…some in Princeton which is not far from Skillman. It looks like the enslaught hasnt yet begun. Is it possible that the ones in Skillman that I saw is the first reported case in NJ mark, belle mead, NJ

I think there are more coming

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I live in an apartment complex where birds, dogs and cats are having a feast with our cicadas. We get to see a lot of them (of whatever is left of them) around the walkways and trees. They don’t look scary anymore. They are very friendly (although clumsy at times!). I’m not sure we’re ready for the many more to come (or so we hear!). Alberto Flores, Greenbelt, MD


Date: Monday, May/17/2004
If I feed my baby ducks cicadas, will it harm them? Lexus Jarrell, Elkridge MD. USA


Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I got some pesticide for my two youngest trees today and the nursery told me the cicadas have emerged so far in parts of the Highlands and Crescent Hill neighborhoods. I remember that the news folks said their expected date was May 21, so I bet this is just the tip of the iceberg. A friend of mine said the man across the street from her in the Highlands went out and shook his tree. She said it RAINED cicadas. She’s been picking them off certain bushes, etc.
Judy, Louisville, KY

Where are they?

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
around where i live, there are NO cicadas around me. i think i heard one for a day on the side of my house in a tree by the street, that was like 3-4 days ago. i still have yet to see any skeletons or cicadas themselves. Andrew Freeman, Cincinnati, OH

May 15th I heard a sole Cicada.

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
They`re here. Last Saturday I heard a sole one singing. Sunday there was several more. Getting ready for the deafening sound. I live just down the HILL from the Blue Ridge Parkway. Dave Barthel David Barthel, Morganton NC

Finally Saw One

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I’ve really been looking forward to the invasion. I finally saw my first one this moring – not in Alexandria, but in Arlington. It was an adult, on the walkway from the bus platform leading to the Metro escalator on the east side of the upper bus platform I hope they will soon be in my Del Ray neighborhood. Fancy, Alexandria, VA

Cicada Muse

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Cicadas singing in the trees
Can bring a grown man to his knees.
A little insect in a shell
Creates for man a living hell.
The creep emerging from its hole
Shows man that he has no control.
And when it starts to fly around
And to emit its clicking sound,
Those few who can will move away
At least until the bug-free day
When once again he can pretend
To be in charge of fortunes bend,
To look around but not to see —
A fellow who’s a lot like me. NR Stratton, Baltimore, MD

They’re here!!

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
the cicadas are all over my school T.C. Williams High School on the front steps. This weekend when I went to Kings Dominion ther were cicadas on the seats of the roller coasters. Tim Walker, Alexanria,VA& Kings Dominion Doswell, VA

When will they be gone?

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
An absolute mess! They mess up sidewalks,
cars, and are a total menace!

I understand they should be gone by the
end of June, but when should they start dying in numbers? In a week, two weeks, a month?
Jack K., Arlington, VA

getting impatient

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I’ve been so excited about the emergence…telling all my friends, telling teachers and kids all about cicadas, etc. I haven’t seen one yet! A lady I work with mentioned that her friend up in Carsonville (thumb area) saw one the other day, so hopefully they are on their way. Anyone else here in Michigan who has seen some? Elisa, Metro Detroit, MI

Save Me

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
The Cicada’s are all over my house, trees, Swings…. They are everywhere.
How much longer do we have to sit in the house in fear of these alien bugs. Every man for themselves is our motto during this emergence. The kids & I (my husband too)make a mad dash for the car everyday, screaming like nuts if the cicadas swoop down near us.
:o( :o( :o( :o( :o( :o( :o( :o( :o( Patricia E. P.Craig, Gwynn Oak Maryland

When do they Stop Emerging?

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Our backyard and deck resembles an air landing strip. The cicadas line up on the deck railing and thru some silent take off order, individually flit off to the large tree in the yard. Every morning brings a new “fleet” of them. My question is, will the emergence continue for the next several weeks? And when do they stop leaving those creepy shells all over the place? It practically takes a blow torch to remove them from the bushes.

Despite all the news hype about cicadas, they’re really not that bad. And they are pretty fascinating to watch.

Carole M, Silver Spring, Maryland

Cicadas Cicadas, Cicadas

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
They’re everywhere! It was so much fun as a bratty 10 year old – lighting them on fire…chopping off their heads, throwing at my older sister’s friends. I’m all grown up now and quite normal I assure you and I couldn’t think of harming one. I keep picking them off the sidewalk so they don’t squashed. I mean they’ve been sitting in the ground for 17 years waiting to get laid and then some drunk carries about and ends that 17 year dream with one drunken smash of his/her foot! Our band plays a show this Thursday and it’s very tempting to fill the drummer’s bass drum with live Cicadas. The first crack of the kick pedal against the drum head sends them into a paniced frenzy and scores of cicadas pour into the unsuspecting audience! What an opener!


P.S. ~ The mothership has landed. David, Washington, DC

Tired of Cicada Talk

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I am really tired of hearing Cicada talk.Even teachers at school talk about it.Not only am i sick of the talk.Im sick of it, its self.Every time I open my front door (on my way to the bus stop) i see dozens upon dozens of them.I know alot of people probably feel me.Right Lane, Laurel,MD

They are here!

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
After this weekend’s rain, we had them everywhere…My 2 year old is quite excited, but I am not a bug person and they are creeping me out. I am looking forward to their return to their slumber! Cruzan, Princeton

major emergence in Winchester VA

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Must be millions. I remember this as a child in Fairfax VA but have been living in Shenandoah County in 1987 and didn’t see them there.

I went to vist my sister in Front Royal – she had none – this is hard to believe that they would have none at all and we are dancing with them.

They don’t appear to like bright sun at all. rox, Winchester VA

Still Waiting

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Haven’t seen them yet. I have nore hope now that I see they are emerging in Columbus and Miamisburg!! Cathy, Urbana, OH

beginning in Elkton

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Saw first one Saturday AM. Spotted about 5 in my backyard Saturday Pm. Spotted about 50 in neighbor’s tree on Sunday, 5/16. Bob Gorman, Elkton, MD

Why us?

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
We got ’em en masse here in Lockland – though they are not one town over in Reading…Amazing! They must have been eager to get going because we have hundreds of molted shells on high blades of grass in our yard – not even bothering with the trees. Sarah S., Lockland, OH

Still nothing in Lexington

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I went out to the woods yesterday and still no signs. Were they in Lexington in ’87??? Ed, Lexington, KY

Brood X has risen

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Lots of cicadas emerging from their exoskeletons all over the neighborhood. Fence posts and trees are covered with them. Lots of empty shells attatched to the underside of my hostas, and other large vegetation. The noise has started. This is great. Nate Leopold, Fairfax/Cincinnati OH

No Cicadas To Be Found!

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Hey everyone, so far we haven’t seen a single one of this buggers. I hope we get to see some soon since the last time they were here I was only 4 years old and don’t remember it. I hope the Northern Bucks County area of PA gets some this time around. Justin, Allentown, PA

Crackly sound…

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Do the cicadas make a sound as they are digging their way to the top of the ground? When walking in the woods lately I have heard the ground on either side of the trail “crackling”… kind of like rice krispies. I have never heard anything like that before. It seems to be especially in sunnier areas and I know ground temperature helps them know when to come out. Is it related to them? Have not seen any actual cicadas emerge yet. Julie, York, PA

Hear them finally

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
They are behind ashburn elementary school and the ashburn vol. fire dept. We can hear them finally this afternoon. They started coming out on Saturday am and the birds were really chirping back there! Jill, Ashburn Village, VA

any sightings near cleveland ohio?

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I would like to find a large # of cicadas near cleveland, ohio so my family and I can experience these neat little guys. Any feedback would be appreciated. I know they are around cincinati, columbus etc. but looking for a public place a little closer. Thanks. lee chance, cleveland, oh

the invasion is underway

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
The dog and I found several exoskeletons and one adult bumbling around on the dirt lane next to our home. We haven’t heard them yet, but if this swarm is anything like the one in 1987 they will soon be deafening. I think they are waiting for a good rain to finish emerging-it’s very dry here. It’s intresting, but the little things are too creepy for me. Glad we only do this every 17 years! kim c, New Creek, WV

Here, too!

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
The cicadas arrived here on Saturday, May 15. Brent Badger, Martinsville, Indiana

They’re in Indiana!

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I have tons of these little buggers in my yard and trees! My son collected a bowl full of skeletons, he thought it was so cool! H, Bloomington, Indiana

Dayton Area

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Anyone seen any in the Dayton, Ohio area? I was 8 years old (1973) and then 25 (1990) for Brood XIII outside of Chicago. 1990 was also our wedding, and my fiance/wife was a bit worried. However, wedding was not until July, and all were safe back in the ground by then. I have very fond memories of those two cycles, and am looking forwards to sharing that experience with our two sons (age 7 and 12). Thanks! Jim, Kettering, OH

Came out in Catonsville on Friday, 14th

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Just an update for those of you tracking their progress. Noticed a few shells Friday afternoon……by Friday night they were all over the place! Chuck, Catonsville, Maryland

They are singing now!

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Today is the first day I noticed that the cidadas were in full song. It sounds like a space ship hovering- kind of cool and freaky at the same time. It’s also a high pitched sound and warbly, but it’s constant.

Another odd observation. I live in a high rise on the 12th floor. Last night a cidada was crawling on my window screen. How did he get up so high? It was definitely a cidada- with the big red eyes and all. I went over to say hello. He hung out for a bit and then started walking up the screen and then he flew away. Lisa Jane, Falls Church, Va

dense and loud

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
have about 100+ per square yard.
sounds like a space ship or car alarm ann, potomac md

Cicada keychains

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
The last time the cicadas emerged, the keychains appeared well after they had gone. Please post where we can buy them whenever the keychains appear (even up to a year later). Someone is bound to catch on and make a batch. Thanks. R. Mead, Arlington, VA

Cicada Protection!!!

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
My daughter and I are terrified of these awful-looking creatures. I know they are harmless, but unrational fear is unrational fear…17 years ago, while running into my place of employment, ducking and dodging these little creatures, one landed on my collar (I didn’t know). When I finally got to my desk, with a huge sigh of relief, my co-worker pointed out that one was sitting on my collar. I panicked, screamed and practically undressed at my desk.

17 YEARS LATER – I’M PREPARED! I’ve fashioned a cicadia-proof umbrella. My umbrella is covered from top to bottom with netting. My husband says he will not be seen in public with me with my cicadia umbrella! Marianne, Herndon, Virginia


Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Our home is nestled in the mountains at the far west corner of North Carolina. The cicadas have emerged in a valley behind our house starting 2-3 days ago. Over the last two days, the noise was so loud that no one wanted to go outside. We thought we’d been invaded by a flying saucer (smile) before we heard about the cicadas. What a racket! Pam W, Murphy,NC

No Emergence Yet

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I was wondering if the lack of emergence in Pa could be due to the significant late season snowfall we had. I did ground temp readings late last week and found that about 2-4 inches below the surface the temp was 68F after reading that the temp must go above 64F for them to emerge. How deep must the temp penetrate before they emerge? Dylan Johnson, Kutztown, Pa

Cicadas emerging

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Cicadas began emerging over the May 15-16 weekend in Princeton. Tom, Princeton, New Jersey

Almost Here

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
No sightings yet, but the chimneys are present. Put netting over my new trees yesterday – we’ll see if it helps more than hurts. Dave A., Powell, Ohio

Are they here yet?

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I live in a wooded area – we’ve heard them for years – the deeper into the woods you go, the more deafening the sound. Have seen the shells on fence posts around the yard for the past couple of years. Am very curious to what the magnitude of what’s to come will be! Jennifer, Ewing, NJ, USA


Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Cicadas emerged after Saturday evenings rainfall – Sunday AM hundreds of cicadas were everywhere on our property. We watched as the nymphs came out of there shells in the AM. By Sunday PM the skeletal shells were everywhere. D. Baird, Upper Black Eddy, PA

Oh, no! First sighting!

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I found two cicada chimneys in my yard this morning, then two exoskeletons underneath newly planted trees. The invasion is starting in Indianapolis! Help! I get wigged-out by bugs!!! Lori, Fishers, IN

Cicada Sightings

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
No one in our subdivision, which was a work in process in 1987 has spotted one yet. We walked into the surrounding wodds with some older trees, but nothing. We did see ONE cicada on a trip into Wyoming yesterday. Looks like it’ll either miss our section of Cincinnati or come later. garrett , Evendale

I Agree

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I agree with Lori from Va Sharion, BowlingGreen,Oh

Makin’ some noise

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
The ciadas are really starting to make some noise near the Howard County Court House in Ellicott City, Maryland. It’s not “crazy” yet but you can definately tell that they’re here. Interesting tidbit is that they are not everywhere. There might be a lot of noise coming from a bunch of trees and a hundred yeards away- nothing. Ian, Ellicott City, MD

They are in Princeton, NJ

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Saw numerous nymphs and adults on many trees. There were even telephone poles festooned with them! Interesting to observe the various states of emergence, as they build from white, and darken over time. None seen flying, nor were any heard. Wait… Tom B., Princeton, NJ

Won’t See Many In Neighboorhoods built since 1987

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
If you happen to live in one of the newer developments in our area, you may not see the Brood X cicadas, or you may only see a couple here and there.

The developers scrape away and tear up most of the soil and trees where the Cicada live and feed on underground roots. So if you are one of these people, count yourself lucky…or maybe not…depending on what you were hoping for.yourself lucky…or maybe not…depending on what you were hopeing for. Thomas, Oak Hill, VA

two dead, none living…yet

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I saw two squashed cicadas and 1 shell in my parking lot this morning. No holes and none on the trees though.

When does this end? sj, Calverton, MD


Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I saw one when I fishing at ludlow Hill Park in a tree.
Oscar Harrell, Lawrencburg IN


Date: Monday, May/17/2004
are cicadas poisonous? i few bit my dog and now he is really sick. i really don’t like these guys. fred scott, arlington, va

albino cicadas

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
i have collected 6 albino cicadas since this morning……

we have been overrun by the smelling things !!!

are albino cicadas rare ?? John, ruxton, maryland

None here yet.

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I have been checking daily and have not seen any cicadas yet. Have not even seen many holes in the ground around the trees in my yard. Maybe they will pass us by. BG, Springfield Township, PA

Greetings from Cicada Holler

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
The Washington Post referenced this message board on their Cicada thread, and I have enjoyed reading everyone’s posts.

Since last Thursday the Cicada have been in abundance in our neighborhood. They appear about first light, the woods gradually swell with their song, by nightfall all is fairly quiet, until the next day. My front porch and surrounding shrubs are full of them. The squirrels and neighborhood cats clean up any they can reach. The deer eat all that they can reach from the leaves of trees and on the grass.

Basically the bugs sleep and eat for 17 years, emerge to reproduce…that all. Nature’s ritual has distracted me from more serious news, not a bad thing. Parenthia Page, Vienna/Oakton, (Fairfax County, VA

More from Arlington

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Last week, pockets of big emergences. They finally came out in force in our front yard Sat. and Sunday night.

TONS of nymphs crawling around under the maple trees around 10pm. It was physically impossible to step on the grass without killing at least one. I stood on the driveway to videotape the writhing mass of cicadas, and it was generally about 10 seconds before they were crawling up my legs.

Saw our first mating pair (leading to intensive questioning from my 6-year-old) on Saturday.

The dog now has a breakfast buffet along our fence, picking and choosing the most tender looking ones. The hostas seem to be the favored landing pads– each leaf of our 20 or so hostas has at least 3-4 cicadas.

There’s the wonderful UFO hovering sound in the neighborhood, shutting down around 3 in the afternoon. But I’ve only heard one singing up close. Mike, Arlington, VA

United States

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I am located in southwestern Adams County, PA about ten miles southwest of Gettysburg. Emergence began Saturday, 5/15. Mating chorus building. Dan, Carroll Valley, PA


Date: Monday, May/17/2004

they’re here

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
The older trees in the neighborhood, including the one in my front yard, are well on the way to be being completely covered with old shells and mature adults. They are all over the ground nearest the base of the tree – as well as the side of the house – you hear them more often now too. Probably about half never make it very far – there are cicada parts on many of the sidewalks. Certainly not an infestation, yet, but getting there. Sarah, Columbia, MD

Mount Airy Arrival

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
We still have not seen any in Mt. Airy (Frederick County MD). We keep hoping, because I remember what they were like in Silver Spring back in 87. I will keep my fingers crossed. Jen, Mt. Airy, MD

Northeastern Pennsylvania

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Has anyone in the northeastern part of Pennsylvania (Scranton) seen any cicadas yet? I am not sure if we had as big emergence in 1987 or not. But I know for a fact we had “millions” in 1991. So no matter what happens this year, watch out in 2008. Rick, Scranton, PA

Hear them but don’t see them

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I haven’t seen any near my house in Harford County MD (did see one at our local Target,though)Our development is less than 15 years old, although the developer did leave a considerable amount of older trees behind. BTW, does anyone know which trees they prefer? I would like to know which ones, so I can take pictures. This morning as I was walking my daughter to the bus stop,I could hear them off in the distance. I was 14 in 1987 and lived in an older area of Baltimore County, so I remember how loud it was. This wasn’t that bad though:-) Grace, Abingdon, MD

Not so bad

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Thousands and thousands of cicadas have emerged from my little lot. Late last night, the newcomers completely covered the ground under my trees, and this morning, their shells were everywhere. I am happy to say that it remained pleasant to sit outside yesterday afternoon and this morning — a bunch of hilarious bugs flying around did not spoil the moment. Gaston, Silver Spring, MD

where are they???

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
i figured they would be out already?? what are they on vacation????anyone seen any??? matt, central new jersey

They’re everywhere now

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Well as of Monday morning 17 May, cicadas can be seen everywhere, every tree, weed, signpost, and light pole has 5 or more grouped together and it was hard to avoid stepping on them while I was walking my dog at 5 am. Haven’t heard any really loud noises yet though…thankfully… WSOsGirl, Wilde Lake, Columbia, MD


Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Leaving for work this morning..saw about 30-40 cicadas in all stages on the ground and on the trees. I am very scared of these things but because I have to go out and live my life, I am sure my phobia will decrease as the weeks go by. Pray for me!!!!!!!!! ANGIE, PLEASANT RIDGE (CINCY, OHIO)

Dittoing the Catonsville sightings

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
It is incredible and amazing….but bordering on skeevy and creepy. They are literally everywhere…like a true Biblical plague. Karen, Catonsville, MD

The Quiet Roar Has Begun

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
We’ve only seen a few actual cicada in Ellicott City. While in neighboring Columbia this weekend, we saw about 100 but that was it.

Yesterday the gentle roar of the Cicada could be heard, from what seemed far away.

Today the din is slowly becoming a roar. It’s almost like being in a sci-fi movie.

They’re coming…They’re coming…
BenignVanilla, Ellicott City, MD


Date: Monday, May/17/2004

More and more every morning

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
And I thought Friday was bad enough… I can’t even bring myself to leave the house – it is that bad now. We have an old elm tree on the front yard – and it is covered by these stupid ugly things, every inch of it, and every inch of the grass around it – a circle about 40′ in diameter. My husband mowed the grass yesterday – he said he’d never have believed it can be that bad if he didn’t see it himself – they are “boiling” and “bubbling” in the grass. Also they already stink – and it is just the first week!
Odd enough – there are not many in the back yard, although we have dozens of old trees – mostly oaks, at least 45 years old. When we bought the house in middle 90s, the back yard was covered with ivy, which we pulled out during the years almost completely. I wonder if such ground covers as ivy prevents cicadas’ larvae from burying themselves under it.

Best regards,
Elena, Fairfax Villa, Fairfax VA

I feel like I’m in a horror movie

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I have them so bad that half of them are rotting away before they can leave there shell and it is leaving a odor in my yard. I feel like I am the hotel for the Cicada’s this year. My parents live next door and they dont have many at all I live on a half acrea and I know I have at least 1000 or more. After a raining night they came out so bad they were getting in my house under a small crack under my front door. Dori, Clinton, Maryland

Sandy areas

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Apparently in sandy areas, it is tougher for the cicada’s to stick around without being effectively washed away over the 17 or so year period. I think this may be the reason as to why they are not around closer to the shoreline areas now, but they could be around when they start to miander/fly into other areas. Seth, Glen Burnie, MD


Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I’ve been searching for them for a week now! If anyone has seen them here in Lower Bucks, PA, please post!!! C, BUCKS CO. PA

First sighting

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Saw first sighting, just one, though! Jennifer, Evendale, Ohio

paging Dave Marshall, CT

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Follow up to your Cumberland County, NJ post…. see any signs for Gloucester County??? I’m getting married 5/22 and although I didn’t see an chimneys on the site I’m freaking out that they will be emerging!! Lisa, Gloucester Co, NJ

Helpful hints for cicada sighting

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
To those people who live in the “cicada zones,” who haven’t seen any, yet; if you live in a new housing development, or if there’s been a lot of construction in your area, you may have to go to an older neighborhood or wooded area to see the cicadas. Look on the trees and on the ground; if you see the shells, you’re on the right track! Also, listen – a bit corny, but the cicadas do sound like spaceships; so far, it’s noticeable, but I haven’t heard them as loud as people are saying, e.g., loud enough to drown out a conversation? Too, I’ve noticed that I see LOTS more cicadas early in the day (say, before 9:00 am.), and they seem to be more active; the nymphs are waddling along, shedding the shells, the wings are drying, etc., it’s a sight to see. Good luck in your cicada sightings! Sue, Riverdale, MD


Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Now we have so many of them it’s just gross. Squished ones all over the sidewalks and streets. Tons in my backyard. So many, I’d say it even smells bad from all the decaying matter. They’re getting pretty noisy too. The background noise sounds like a UFO from an old science fiction movie.
Bob, Bethesda, Maryland

Nothing yet?

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Havent seen a thing….nothing….im quite upset Autorush, Lansdale,PA

They are at Gram’s!

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Well, we still don’t have any cicada’s at our house in Arnold, but my Gram, who lives just 1-3 miles from us, has them EVERYWHERE! My friend Molly who lives in the heart of Annapolis,(4 1/2 miles away) also has them……I wanna know why we don’t have any at our house!
Anyway, we went to Gram’s house on Sat. night, I got some really great photos, and picked them up, let them crawl on my hands, and completely inspected them…..they are so cool! Cute too! I have never experienced anything like this before, I’m so glad I can! Becky, Anne Arundel Co., MD.

The earth is moving beneath my feet!!!!

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
Heard them for the first time today at 1:30pm, at 9:30pm went to my back yard with flash light lots and lots of crawling critters on my fence and one of the larger tree’s next to our pool. It was very quiet and all I could hear was clicking and cracking from them breaking thru the ground, the earth was moving under my feet literally. Cant wait for tomorrow to get here. Lisa, Centreville, Va

No cicadas out here :(:(

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I really miss them now that I live out here in Seattle…I remember both the 1970 and 1987 invasions….I was living in Maryland then….I really think they are fascinating….my exboyfriend and I even had Cicada Invasion Summer of 87 tshirts….Called my Mom today in Virginia and asked her to open her window so I could hear them but she wants nothing to do with them….I think they are a wonder of nature and I love their song. So I am enjoying reading all these posts. Iorhael, Seattle, WA

why do i have cicada’s and my neighbor does not?

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
i am puzzled as to why i have hundreds of cicadas in my backyard, and my neighbor four houses away seems to have none? we both have trees in the backyard, and both have dogs. just curious? btw, my kids are loving the cicadas, and having a glorious time torturing their poor mother! i know, cicadas are harmless, but i am just not a bug kind of girl! 🙂 gwen, fairfield, ohio


Date: Monday, May/17/2004
where are they? haven’t seen one yet! i’m not looking forward to it i am terrified. i do remember them from 1987 and it was awful! i know they can’t hurt you, but they are gross and scary! are they gonna be here soon? has any body close to here seen one yet? kerry, lyons IL

Explosion Today in Silver Spring

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
In our yard, we saw maybe a couple of dozen yesterday (Saturday). But there were HUNDREDS today — emerging, transforming, crawling, and starting to fly. Jan, Silver Spring, Maryland

So far, so good

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I have not seen one in the Annapolis area either – thank goodness! I’m hoping we’ll be spared. I heard that they are less likely to be in places close to the water. Any chance they won’t come to Annapolis or are they just not here yet? Mary, Annapolis, MD

Cicada Party

Date: Monday, May/17/2004
I got a call from my family at 9:30 Sunday night about an emergence on the underside of a dogwood. When I arived I found a bunch of people drinking and laughing, holding flashlights and taking pictures of these little red eyed bugs in all stages of metamorphasis, it was cool. So were the cicadas. Big D, Gambrills MD

mor more more

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
each day since wednesday, i thought there could not be more. each night, there are exponetionally more nimphs emerging. the sound of cicadas walking to a spot to shed is loud enough to notice inside. my yard has to have 25000-30000 right now. during the day their music is louder than anything else except the occaisional helocopter.

my street is lined with oak trees. i wonder if this makes adifference? timmy, arlington va

saw one today

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Had to go out and get a new weed eater, and while trying to start it by the shed, Saw one coming out of the ground…in MID DAY, with no rain for the past couple days. It was kinda strange. Can’t wait to see if we are gonna have tons of them around here too. My Fiance is gonna FREAK. I told her i saw it…and the importance of the sighting was beyond her. I told her the story about them coming out every 17 years…and I think she KINDA understands…but she don’t MUAHAHAHAHA!!!! JasonB, Apollo, PA 25m E of PGH

That’s no truck idling outside…

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
…that’s just the cicadas! Holy moley! My heavily wooded old neighborhood is cicada central. I really thought there was a moving van idling outside last night, and then I realized it was the cicadas. Had one fly down the back of my shirt yesterday. The front step of my building has a pile of exoskeletons and live red-eyed wonders waiting for me each morning. Yesterday, I had a cicada ride with me to the local CVS on the windshield. (Well, until I hit 45 mph, and then that tenacious in-need-of-Clear-Eye bugger flew off – probably not by choice.) I find myself uprighting the poor guys who end up flailing around on their backs. Strangely, despite the exoskeleton remains giving me the creeps, I find them pretty endearing, and the cheeeeep cheeeeeep cheeeeep is a marvelous white noise machine – I haven’t heard the guy upstairs for a couple of days! Thank you, Mother Nature!! Melissa J., Bethesda, Maryland

Were they here in 1987?

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
I feel cheated. Never seen a Cicada, and I’m really looking forward to seeing them. Haven’t seen any in Arnold, MD or Annapolis, MD. Were they here back in 1987? Is there a reason why they’d be emerging later than their brothers and sisters in Virginia?
Where can I find a list of the places they were spotted back in 1987?
Varda, Arnold, MD

They’re here!

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
They Started emerging mostly on Thurday the 13th, and in HUGE amounts on Friday , Sat. and Sunday. They must really taste good. Our dogs are simply walking and eating. They never lift their faces from the yard! It looks magical. The nymphs simply emerge from the ground out of nowhere. Art D., Amberley Village ( Cicinnati) Ohio

found an exoskeleton in DE

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
While weeding my husband found an exoskeleton. Carolyn, New Castle, Delaware

Lots of Cicadas!

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
They’re starting to catch up to speed here; I’ve seen hundreds on certain types of trees, but none on another type right next to those. Funny. They enjoy climbing me and my house wall. Took some pictures, thought they were pretty cool. Find one with blue eyes and bring it to Johns Hopkins for $1000! Jen, Baltimore/Towson, MD

“They are here by the thousands!”

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
We went away to the beach for the weekend only seeing a few on Thursday. We returned today to a yard and trees invaded. It was so neat to watch them emerge from their shells at different stages on Thursday. Now, it’s just gross. There are hundreds of shells, dead and live cicadas around each tree and you can’t walk in our back yard without stepping on them. Is this only the begining? If less than half have emerged, I’m heading back to the beach. For those who want to see them and haven’t, come on over to catonsville. I heard they were ankle deep 17 and 34 years ago. I don’t look forward to that! Trish, Catonsville, MD

where are they

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Where are the Cicadas in Richmond? Relatives out west want to know what the infestation is like but I can’t tell them. Steve Dixon, Glen Allen, VA

They’re here, too!

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Walked around the neighborhood this afternoon and after yesterday’s rain the cicadas are finally emerging–one tree (Emerson and Gray Ave.) had hundreds of live cicadas and the sidewalk was covered with their skeletons. Waiting for more! Sallie, Hamilton, Ohio

Chip Curley’s moth

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Chip, that’s a moth. 🙁 Dan, Cicadamania

Is this a cicada?

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Saw this heading up a tree today when I was cutting grass. Had the beady little red eyes.
Chip Curley, Nashville, Tennessee

First sightings

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
First sightings late this afternoon. Only a couple and quite small from my recollection from 1987. One neighbor said she saw some approximately five days ago about one hundred yards down the street. I play golf at Ivy Hills golf course (in Newtown and walked 18 holes this afternoon and saw or heard none although the course was built after the last brood; the surrounding woods was for the most part there. Dr.John McDonald, Anderson Township, Cincinnati, Ohio

Come out, come out wherever you are

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
The cicadas started coming out en masse early this morning (May 16) just south of the National Park at Gettysburg. I am not a big “bug” fan, but at a distance, I can appreciate the fascination these creatures hold. I’m sure when I return to the National Park over Memorial Day they will be everywhere! Leslie, Gettysburg, PA

None here.

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Haven’t seen a single one in the inner harbor area. that’s good because yesterday was my daughter’s wedding and it was outside at Pier V.

Paul, Downtown Baltimore Md.

Saw one

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
OK, I saw my first Cicada today. It was in new Greenbelt. I went to Silver Spring the other day, and oddly enough, I didn’t see any. But I’m glad that I finally saw one. I think I’m gonna have a heart attack when there are thousands of them flying around! Hisham, Greenbelt, MD

Cicada Damage

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
They say cicadas don’t cause damage but I beg to differ. They are all over our newly planted rhodies and azaleas. They have already broken the limbs of the new growth and they haven’t even gotten started. Will they eventually go up into the trees or will they stay on the shrubs? I don’t care if they ever come back!
Jane Jane Branch, Clear Spring, MD USA


Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
I remember the last invasion! It was awful! I did not leave the house and was scared to death!! I did not realize that this was the year. We have a family vacation planned for June 19th at Kentucky Lake. I am thinking of canceling. Any information about emersions in Marshall County KY or when they will leave will be helpful. Thanks Sandi, Orland Park, IL

still waiting

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Reily Township is just south of Oxford, Ohio and about 20 miles north of Cincinnati Ohio.
We are still waiting for them to show up.
I thought with the rain we had over the weekend that they would come out.

Maybe soon
Teddy P Teddy P, Reily Township, Ohio

Waiting for sighting

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Living in Southeastern PA just west of Philadelphia. Would love to hear about a sighting in this area to take the kids. David, Bala Cynwyd, PA

cicada sighting

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
I had my first sighting of cicadas as I was mowing the lawn today, Sunday May 16th. They were sitting on a mum plant in my front yard. Bruce Wolfe, Hidden Valley Lake Lawrenceburg,Indiana

One Cicada shell reported

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Only one so far Andy, South Riding, VA

Lots in frontyard, very few in back

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
After wondering what took so long, I now see many of them in the front yard. (They are particularly prominent in a squashed state on the street, but that is another story.)

Curiously, there are very few in the backyard. I have a huge tulip poplar in the back yard. I suspect they do not like that species of tree.

Love the UFO sound they make. Well, I assume the sound is from the cicadas 🙂
Dennis, Silver Spring, MD

A cicada-free zone

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
We are in the mid-shore area of MD’s Eastern Shore. We have seen and heard ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! It’s very strange to read about what’s going on in the rest of MD and the Mid-Atlantic. When I cross the Chesapeake Bay Bridge tomorrow to go to work, I think I’m in for a rude awakening! My 3 dogs are VERY disappointed. Kati, Centreville, MD

Arrived Thursday Night

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Thursday night we saw out first cicadas emerging. We are having so much fun watching them. Dalit, Silver Spring, MD

Will I see any

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
I took a nice long walk around my yard and the neighbhorhood and didn’t see any. I am kind of disappointed. Has anyone living in South Jersey seen any?

Rich Simmers, Burlington Twp. NJ

Thousands in our backyard in Govans

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Friday during the day I found about 25 adults throughout the yard, but it took over an hour of searching. Saturday there were dozens to be had. Now today there are thousands upon thousands of adults clining to just about every bush and tree in the yard. I easily collected over 100 in the course of fifteen minutes. We’re planning to try some of the recepies, however even I will need a little bit of “liquid courage” to take my first bite. Nate, Baltimore, MD

Angelic Inscects!

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Wow.. God is amazing in his creativity! I am not afraid of very many things. But I am not accustomed to picking up inscects either. I can’t help the strange urge to play with these little guys though! I Love the white ones with long translucent wings and dark markings. They look like little angels. I keep looking around to make sure my neighboors aren’t laughing at me! No really I could care less. I am an artist and a nature lover anyway! I have been helping little cicadas find the tree in my backyard and rescuing some of them from the wet ground when there wings get stuck! It’s funny! I deffinately feel a connection and have a respect for a creature that hibernates that long! It’s Amazing! Heard some songs today! Can’t wait til the whole chior wakes up! No plans to eat any! I like em’ too much! Think I am going to draw some fantasy pics using Cicadas! Inspiration!! Remember! Have fun and Respect all creatures! They are our responsibility!

-Justin Justin “Davinci” Whye, Baltimore, Maryland

tons in the front yard

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
I was beginning to think maybe they weren’t coming … but this morning I spotted one on a hosta. I thought that was it, but the more I looked – they were EVERYWHERE! Sue, Mount Pleasant Washington, DC

ATTN: Eating Cicadas Can Cause Severe Allergic Reaction!

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
While N. Kentuckians are still waiting for the Cicadas to appear, Indiana has apparently had a flood of them. According to today’s Cincinnati Enquirer, one unlucky man there decided to saute’ 30 of them with butter, garlic and basil and later found himself in the emergency room. Turns out he was having what the doctors described as a “severe allergic reaction.” It’s important to note that the man already suffered from asthma and allergies to shellfish. Hmmmm. You’d think he would’ve been a bit more careful considering. People … don’t try to be cool man on the block by eating these things. Let them have their sex and die. Believe it or not, they’re not here for our enjoyment, but theirs. If you’re desperate for protein, for Heaven’s sake, eat an egg! Lisa , N. KY

First one spotted

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Found one cassini male near his empty shell while checking milkweed leaves for monarch eggs on 5/15/04 at Blendon Woods Metro Park. First of many I’m sure! Sarah Dalton, Columbus, OH

It’s beginning

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
We found the first of the skeletons and live cicadas this morning – 30 or so in the back yard mainly on hostas and lillies. This is fascinating – I’d like to see some actually emerging. We’ve noticed the holes in the ground for approximately a week – varying depths of up to 6 inches. Julie, Western Loudoun County, VA

Cicada Sighting

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
May 13 we spotted several holes in the ground in our yard. That evening we started looking in some of the trees and spotted several shells. The our first cicada. Vicky, Aurora, Indiana, U.S.A.

where are the cicadas?

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
The cicadas aren’t here yet! We live in oxford,Pennsylvania right near the maryland border line. Do anybody know when they are coming here. I have been waiting for a long time for them!! Nicholas Rifon, Oxford P.A

Hope Springs Eternal!

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Okay, emergence appears to be definitely slowing down. At least I THINK it’s not just my imagination or wishful thinking. I am beginning to have a burgeoning hope that this won’t reach Biblical proportions in my neighborhood. (The noise level in the park across Rt. 50, next to the Sunrise Assisted Living complex, however is deafening) They can go up in the trees and make all the noise they want as long as they leave my person alone! I’m originally from SC (Hi Robb!) and the noise doesn’t faze me as it is everpresent in my home state during the summer.
What I really want to know is, though, when they finally die, will they start dropping out of the trees on my head? What about the new nymphs? How big are they and will THEY drop out of the trees onto my head? As you can see, I am extremely concerned about these things getting tangled up in my hair and me looking like a total idiot thrashing about and screeching, “Get it off me! Get it off me!” I have my dignity to preserve, after all. 🙂
One last thing: what motivates someone to voluntarily eat these bugs? Is it a macho deal? Are there people who don’t have laundry to do or lawns to mow? Or do you just wake up one morning and think, “I’ve got a real hankerin’ for a nice batch of fried cicadas today!” I wonder if there are any women in these households? The greater sociological implications of cicada-eating are worth a government funded study I think. 🙂 Laura, Rt. 50 and Nutley, Fairfax, VA

I’ve never seen to many….THOUSANDS!!!!

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
I now know that I DO NOT remember 1987 AT ALL! Sort of fascinating at first, but now a really big nuisance. All over the house, the grounds, the trees, the cars, door and window screens – flying EVERYWHERE including getting inside the house. I’ve actually had to pick some of the live critters up and move them – I really didn’t want to kill them! Haven’t had one land on me yet and really don’t want one landing on me – you can duck out of their way pretty easily – really clumsey fliers. And the noise! You can hear it grow louder by the hour. I can even hear it with all the windows closed! The dogs definitely do not like them at all. They are getting really spooked by their singing. I can’t imagine it getting much worse, but I’m sure it will! Linda, Catonsville, MD

Sightings and link to pictures

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
A few cicadas in our garden yesterday, lots and lots today (16th May).

Some pictures at

Dave Dave, Princeton, NJ

I found a cicada today!

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
I found my first cicada. We saw lots of them this morning behind our house. One jumped on my little sisters leg and she screamed. It was really loud. Daddy said that was the loudest time Leah ever screamed before. I like cicadas because they are not really around for much, and that’s why I like them. And they look good. I’m going to bring one to my school. We can hear lots of them in the woods but my bug dictionary says they will be as loud as jet engine later. Bye. That’s all I want to say about cicadas. Madeline Peloff (age 5), Olney, MD

This is horrible

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
the loud mating calls of the cicadas sound like some alien machine…its neverending even with the air on blast…i dont know if i’ll to make it for another six weeks…they are covering my entire flew up and landed on my foot and i screamed…i grew up in ny and i remember 1987 and how they were all over the place..but no where near the extent of this…dc area is horrible Jessica C, Bethesda, MD

Brood X Emerging

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Brood X emerged in our area [AT] Burnett Woods yesterday afternoon during the most recent rain. I witnessed several still crawling in their shells, a bunch of empty shells, and two drying themselves on blades of grass after sheading their skins. Neil, Cincinnati, Ohio.USA

Finally out in Centreville

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
I saw one flying around the backyard this morning and can hear them singing in the wooded area in the distance. Our neighborhood is barely 17 years old, which explains why there have been so few near the house. Susan, Centreville/Chantilly, VA

Sight and Sound in Ashburn

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Went for a ride on the W&OD trail from Ashburn Village to Leesburg and saw them on the trail as well as heard them in the woodland. Amazing! S Kenney, Ashburn

PA and NJ emergence

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
ANYBODY in southeastern PA or NJ seeing LARGE numbers of nymphs, chimney holes.
Or found large numbers of nymphs under boards, logs, etc. I would like to travel to an area in PA or NJ where there will be a large emergence. PLEASE POST if anyone in those areas sees evidence of a large emergence.

THANKS! Jeff, Lancaster, PA

Sunday – May 16, 2004 – First Emergence Noticed

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
They are walking all over the rails of my deck and the floor of my deck has about 50-100 dead ones. I do not hear any “singing” nearby, but I do hear it in the distance. Does this mean I’m surrounded by females who will lay eggs? Peg, Germantown, MD

My new respect for Cicadas

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Bugs, in general, give me an advanced case of the “willies.” Spotting a spider on my wall or a centipede scuttling across my floor can cause my heart to skip a beat. So, naturally, it was with a nameless dread that I anticipated the cicada onslaught. But now they’re here en masse, and I must say that – although I still find them physically repulsive – I have a new respect for the little fellows, and I go out of my way to avoid treading upon them. I find their background song to be rather soothing, and they have a certain dignified majesty about them. The next few weeks are, quite literally, their brief moment in the sun, and the upcoming days will provide us humans with a rare chance to witness a brief stage in the cicadas’ lifecycle (a lifecycle which is truly close to miraculous). So if this is being read by anyone from far away who shares my general distaste for bugs and feels pity for we poor souls who are being subjected to cicadas, you may rest assured that things aren’t altogether bad. In fact, I rather pity you for your inability to witness this rare and curious natural display firsthand. I maintain, however, that if one of these things lands on me I will scream with reckless abandon and run for cover. Ken Ramsey, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

They’re fantastic!

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
While I can understand a fear of spiders, I cannot understand the fear of these amazing creatures. To emerge for a couple of weeks, after 17 years underground, sing a mating tune, do “the thing” and then die, only to have one’s offspring appear in another 17 years – well, I think it’s something worth experiencing. Compared to tent caterpillars, the cicadas are a wonder to behold AND hear.

Mireille, Bethesda, MD Mireille, Bethesda, MD

Cicadas in southern NJ

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Cindy –

I’m pretty sure that there will be none out in Cumberland Co. NJ this year — the soil is pretty sandy there. Still, there are some old records from the region so you could get lucky (in which case I would like to hear about it). The closest populations will be in northern Salem County. In two weeks or so, once the cicada are all out, you can call around to people in that area to see if they have heard of any populations out. Dave Marshall, CT

One spotted near Mount Vernon

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
We spotted one on our doorstep last night. When we awoke, his shell was attached to our brick house and the adult was still on the doorstep. Here they come! Susanne, Alexandria (Mount Vernon), VA

Cicada shell

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
I was out putting wood on a burn pile this morning when I noticed a strange insect shell. I brought it inside and started searching the web to identify it. I have come to the conclusion that it is a cicada exoskeleton thingy. How cool! I havent seen any of the adults or heard any of them sing either. Hope I see some soon. Do they work well as bait for fishing? I’m an avid fisher”girl” and would like to use them if I ever find any. Ashley, Mercersburg PA

Old Lutherville is LOADED with them!

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Went to church in Old Lutherville this morning. Cicadas everywhere! Lots of them on trees but also on outdoor railing, telephone pole and the handicap parking sign.
Saw 1 with a deformed wing. Lea, Lutherville, Md

emergence-Suburban DC

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
continuing to accelerate in Bethesda/Chevy
Chase MD area. Still areas with huge numbers waiting to emerge mostly in wooded park areas. Deformed wings are mostly caused by being disturbed during emergence IMO. This happens when they fall, get trampled by another cicada or touched by a human. David, Bethesda

I hear them!!!

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
This morning for the first time, I can hear the cicadas but the sound appears to be in the distance. Have not seen any flying around as yet, but like Lori in Va. I plan to stay indoors….I would have cardiac arrest if one landed on me! Eeewwwww is right! Ellen, Baltimore, Md


Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
first sighting 5/15 evening jeff, Anderson, Cincinnati, OH 45244

Not here yet

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
I thought the rain we got last night might encourage them to come out, but my AM yard check shows nothing yet. South Jersey seems to be behind, but I’ll report back as soon as we have them! Lori, Mullica Hill, NJ

Emergence in Gaithersburg, MD

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
We started to experience the first wave of emergence this week in the Washington Grove area of Gaithersburg. Yesterday (Saturday, 5/15) we started to hear the first low buzz of the cicadas. It was still at the level of background, much like traffic noise, but you could already hear the modulation. John Bradfield, Gaithersburg, MD

tree bark

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
The last 2 nights so many have appeared
at dark that the tree bark looks like it’s sliding up the tree. We have had thousands out since thursday the 13th. These poor guys only seem to make it to about noon the next day with wings, and body parts found all around. The birds and squirrel are just waiting each morning for thier next meal.Just as the singing and flying start, it’s over that quick. Any one else seeing the same? Thomas S., Fallston- Maryland

The bugs are arriving

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Saw two empty nymph shells and one adult cicada today. I have been checking everyday for a week and a half looking for signs of them coming out and finally saw the first one. I’m sure the rest will be following shortly. Cindy, Pr. William Pkwy, Virginia

where best to record cicada song within radius of Asheville?

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Hello! A colleague and I are organizing an expedition to record the song of Brood X using wide-format analog tape and good microphones… where is the best emergence zone within a few hours of Asheville North Carolina? Would we do best to head north, to the NC/TN border, or farther east towards Virginia? Thanks for any replies.

North American Institute for Psychoacoustic Research Amos, Asheville NC

They’re here…!

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
Apparently, I jumped the gun the other day in declaring that the recent development in the area had prevented any emergence of Brood X.

Walking… er, stumbling home tonight, there are at least 200-300 nymphs and some white adults on the trees, bushes and street signs in front of my apartment building – Potomac at River House. (And here I am posting about it at 3am, how dorky.)

I feel a little less masculine saying so, but these bugs are creepy — I was up at a friend of mine’s house in Silver Spring today and his yard was literally teeming with them. And apparently, they seemed to think that my shoes were a good resting spot, even while I was standing in them (they’re tenacious little buggers and wouldn’t let go). Dan, Pentagon City, Arlington, Virginia

They have started emerging

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
I noticed a few on Friday, maybe 10-15. Today (Sat.) there were hundreds in all stages all over the yard. My dog had a field day. Needless to say she didn’t touch her food in her dog bowl. I’ve been telling my kids about the Brood X envasion for a few months now. They were totally freaking out today thinking this was it….I told them “IT’S ONLY JUST BEGUN…JUST WAIT” they can’t believe there will be more….I’m sure the sound will be WAY more than they expected too. It’s quite cool tonight so it will be interesting to see if many more emerge tongiht. The temp is below 65. Jan, French Lick , Indiana

First nighttime sightings

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
We had thunderstorms roll through the area tonight, and I decided to go out after the storm (12:30 am) and see if I could find any Cicadas. I’m excited to report that I saw three white nymphs on the lower bare branches of some oak trees. I’m excited! Neighborhood (Loveton Farms) is just barely 17 years old, at higher elevation. We’re late, I guess!

Greg, Sparks, Maryland

Haven’t seen one yet….

Date: Sunday, May/16/2004
My neighborhood is relatively young. To put it in perspective, my house is only 17 years old. We’ve had an enoromous amount of new construction right behind our communicty, so I’m thinking…maybe we won’t get hit that hard. I’m not ruling it out though. I’m bracing myself. I’M TERRIFIED OF BUGS!! I’ve been conditioning myself for a face to face confortation with one of these things by looking at every picture possible posted on the web. Co-workers that live in Beltsville and near College Park have seen hundreds of them. Is it possible to such concentrated pockets of activity only a few miles away? Ayanna, Laurel, MD

no cicadas yet…

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
I have not seen a single cicada at my house yet. I live on a 1 acre lot that is 1/2 wooded, so this area would have been all woods 17 years ago. Somebody said they don’t like sandy soil? Could I miss out on all the excitement? john, pasadena, md

Sightings in Odenton, MD

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
Have seen many cicadas in the lawns of Odenton, but none in Crofton, MD. Eileen, Crofton, MD

Cicada sightings

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
I saw the first one Thurs.5/13 and tonight,5/15, when I got home from work there were hundreds of them in the trees,on my house and anything else they could climb on. I think they are fasinating! Mike O., McCoole,Maryland

Maybe they’re staying in MD and VA??

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
Haven’t seen one critter yet..maybe the thunderstorms are keeping them away.. fine by me ! Kay, Enola, PA

more emerging

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
I thought they would come in one big swoop, but everyday as I walk I see new emergence sites. Tip for those looking, look low. I thought they would be up higher on the trees, but they are low in the bushes and tall grass. I pointed them out to many people who were walking by and never even noticed them. I hate bugs, but these guys have me morbidly fascinated Jane, Ashburn

They are here!

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
I’m really hoping they come to York. My mom only remembers a few here. We are 30 miles for the PA/MD border and it seems PA has nothing and MD has everything. I went to my grandma’s house in Timonium and brought some back to satisfy myself by placing them in our yard! Now we have cicadas! Yay!!! Ed, York PA

They’re coming!

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
AM chilly and rainy. While walking the dogs I saw dozens of nymph shells. Also several nymphs walking around, sluggish. Emergence is spotty. For example, our neighbor’s yard next door had a bunch of nymphs on grass, with cicadas molting, but I see none in our yard. I took one cicada home and took pictures. When you put them somewhere, they go ‘up’. Probably a lot of cicadas high in the trees. PM. Rain stopped. Saw numerous cicadas in the back yard. There were also more emergence holes in the ground. We gave the dogs their second walk. Some trees and telephone poles had 20 shells/nymphs on them, others no signs. Tom Cpp[er, Miamisburg, OH

Cicada are here!!

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
Woke up this morning and there must be 1 million of those things all over my house, car, yard, trees and that nosie is annoying

Great pics Sean, Springfield VA

found one cocoon

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
I found one cocoon under a rock this morning, put in jar. Anyone in northern morris county having an emergence? rikikitty, succasunna nj

Seems to be starting

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
I was starting to get worried…no sign of cicadas in Leesburg, but I found my first exoskeleton yesterday. Found 10 more in one tree in my front yard today. I can hear a few singing off in the distance. I guess we are about to get it.

It’s raining right now, so I expect a serious emergence tomorrow.

Gary, Leesburg, VA

Importing Wheaton Cicadas to Flower Hill

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
My kids and I live in Gaithersburg and have been disappointed with our lack of cicadas. My husbands house in Wheaton is submerged in cicadas. We packed up a bowl of them and imported them to our apt. here. We taken tons of photos. So far the cicadas have been on the toy train and remote control car rides and lots of cicada races. Oh yes, the cicadas also hung out with my daughter’s Barbie’s on the little beds and tables and fridge. Our cat has snacked on three which rather upset my son. We’ll play with them a bit more then release them tomorrow or tonight. We put a boy and a girl on our plant on the balcony and wished them luck. Yes, we’re nuts, but they are rather cute with their red eyes and their little growls. We liked reading all about them on the nicey-nice’s. Thanks for the info! Amy Israel, Gaithersburg, MD

Poor Bloomington Guy

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
I hope this isn’t the “Keith” that’s been posting from Bloomington;
None seen yet in the northern suburbs of Indianapolis, IN. Joe, Noblesville, IN

Emerged cicadas here on May 12…

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
We are in the middle of a 500 acre forest near the Tennessee border west of Murphy, NC.
We really don’t seem to have that many and no sound yet except off in the distance to the east of us for some odd reason we hear cicadas singing loudly during the day.
We have bird feeders and usually feed hundreds of birds but they have been gone the last few days…very wierd.
Pictures here:
Cicada skins
Very exciting!
Hope Hope, Murphy, NC

First cicada sighted

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
Found one this afternoon while checking milkweed plants for monarch eggs – newly emerged, still next to its shell — a cassini male. Sarah Dalton, NE Columbus, OH

OH MY GOD the cicadas are here

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
When I woke up this morning and I stepped outside, I took a deep breath, and I said “oh my”. Things were looking, a little peculiar. So I saw cicadas, OH MY GOD did I see cicadas, I SEE THEM ALL THE TIME! IT’S A REVOLUTION!!! So I said, “Hey hey hey hey, hey hey hey” I said, “hey, what’s going on?” Ryan J, Oakton

Any NJ sightings yet???

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
Are there any confimed NJ sightings yet? I did read that one person saw some in Somerset Cty, but would especially like to know if cicadas have emerged any further south in the state. I read that Salem County was a likely emergence area, and am dying to know if any there have been seen or heard. I CAN’T WAIT!!! Debbi, southwestern NJ

cooking cicadas

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
My Mexican neighbors visited my yard late last night to collect several hundred newly-hatched cicadas for cooking. They say they soak them in water and remove the shells & legs, fry them, and wrap them in tortillas. They will bring me some tonight & I may try eating one of these tortillas, or at least see how they look. I was afraid there would not be any cicadas left but there are lots more…Hyattsville Maryland. mahala, hyattsville maryland


Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
they are everywhere, in the tree’s the pond,and they are nasty can’t wait for them to leave,on the other hand my grandson like’s them and he is only 2 1/2 so we are getting picture of him with them elizabeth, severn maryland

Crunch crunch crunch.

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
Must be thousands that have emerged in my neighborhood, Parkside Condos near the Grosvenor Metro stop. Went for a walk this morning and they are all over the trees, sidewalks, sign posts, fire hydrants…felt bad about stepping on them but I tried to avoid that as best I could. Not too many are actually flying though. A lot of them seem to have messed up wings, and many seem to have died shortly after emerging. Makes me wonder if something is wrong with my local population. As for the healthy ones, they’re fascinating to watch. See Evan, North Bethesda, MD

If I were just about to graduate from high school…

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
I would plan my next 17 years so that I will be able to come up with a working pesticide to kill this X brood before it invades our living space again. Nothing but disgust to the people it brings – everyone I know would prefer never see it. They don’t even “taste just like chicken” – according to those who are curious enough to try. MY DOG IS WEARING A MUZZLE since Monday – because just a though of her eating those things make me sick, thank you very much. I’d rather compensate her need in proteins with beef or lamb.
Best regards,
Elena, Fairfax Villa, Fairfax VA

They are singing!

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
I spotted my first adult cicada this morning on my balcony. Well, my cat Layla did. Luckily enough the window was closed hehehehe. Laura from Fairfax, I agree with you. If one of those things landed on me, I might die!!! Ewwwww. I’m not going out for the whole cicada season. Anyway, they are clearly visible today here across from W & OD Railroad Trail Regional Park, and they have been singing in the wooded park since this morning. Lori, Arlington, VA

May 16, 2004

May 13th – 16th 2004 Cicada Comments

Filed under: Brood X | Old Message Board — Dan @ 11:25 am

They are singing!

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
I spotted my first adult cicada this morning on my balcony. Well, my cat Layla did. Luckily enough the window was closed hehehehe. Laura from Fairfax, I agree with you. If one of those things landed on me, I might die!!! Ewwwww. I’m not going out for the whole cicada season. Anyway, they are clearly visible today here across from W & OD Railroad Trail Regional Park, and they have been singing in the wooded park since this morning. Lori, Arlington, VA

Where are the cicadas?

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
I want to take my kids to see the cicadas but the only sightings in NJ appear to be in the central/northern regions of the state. I am in Cumberland County located in the southern region, has anyone sighted any in this area? Any ideas where to look, wooded areas etc. There seem to be plenty in DE and MD so I may just have to take a day/night trip. Cindy, Bridgeton,NJ

Cicada Emergence Maps

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
I would love to see a map of the US (or the world, if someone is really motivated) on this site that shows the areas affected by Cicada emergence. It would be cool if it were interactive, too, such that one can see maybe states, or moderately accurate colored areas indicating the emergence (and maybe colored to indicate they type of cicada that’s emerging) that one can click on to zoom and see a more accurate detailed layout of the emergence patterns. Robb, Columbia, SC

There here…..

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
Just came in from watching a few thousand emerge & molt in my back yard! There everywhere!

GlennR, Vienna, VA

The Plague Gathers Strength

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
Emergence picking up speed now…not yet to the horror stage (and I’m praying we are spared), but they’re coming out fast and furious. Started on 12 May and increasing by leaps and bounds. (BTW, The Pentagon courtyard was LOADED by 13 May), I am no longer spending any time outside. If one of those things lands on me I may have heart failure. Most bugs, spiders, etc., don’t much bother me, but these things are so big and so mindless (will land on ANYTHING upright!) and so numerous, that I am totally creeped out. Got my husband to clean out the garage so I can park my car inside and dash straight from the house, heehee. Also ordered 1/4inches mesh to put over my small (less than 6 ft.) trees, as there is a chance of injury to these less established plants. My dogs, on the other hand, are having a field day! Every ten minutes they are “bugging” me to go outside so they can gorge themselves. They are having a blast scouring the yard and the small bushes for what they obviously consider a VERY tasty treat. (sorry to you cicada lovers out there–no disrespect intended 🙂 Fortunately, I also have encouraged LOTS of wildlife in my yard, so everyone benefits. I hope I survive this month with my sanity intact–my Mom grew up in Baltimore and remembers the 1953 emergence there and she won’t even let me TALK about cicadas, she gets creeped out so bad…I am hoping my experience won’t be similar! Laura, Rt. 50 and Nutley St., Fairfax, VA


Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
They’re definitely out and about in Falls Church. Not a huge number yet in my yard, but enough to be distinctly audible. And from what I can tell, there are primarily M. septendecim in the area. But music geek that I am, I had to figure out the pitch of the call. For the most part, it’s a descending perfect fifth. Yesterday (13 May), the top note of that fifth was E, the bottom A440 (which is the pitch orchestras tune to)–and I found this very interesting. Today, though, I noticed that the top pitch is more like E-flat, and the bottom more A-flat (or some quartertone very nearby). Is there any known reason for shifts of pitch like that?
And has anyone ever studied the pitch/rhythm of cicada song in terms of musical analysis as opposed to biological function of the song? Mitya, Falls Church, VA

Spewing from the ground

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
There are hundreds beneath the street trees, climbing everywhere. Yesterday nothing. Tomorrow —- oh my! Rutherford B, Potomac

Cicadas are coming

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
I haven’t seen any until tonight. They are all over the sidewalks, and each step goes crunch. I think I’m really to go on a vacation for 6 weeks until they are all gone. Abby, Pikesville/Upper Park Heights – Baltimore


Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
I came home tonight around 11:30 pm and hundreds of the little buggers were crawling all over the pavement and onto trees…i even saw some on the wheels of other cars! Took some great pictures. Oh and my cat loves them! Bring a few in for your kitty. They are a great toy! Andrew, Fairfax County off Columbia PIke, Falls Church, Virginia

Advice for Cooking and Eating

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
We have now tried a couple of the recipes from the Cicada-licious cook book, and I have some thoughts/advice to share. (1) Don’t to the blanching thing. They turn out really gross that way. Just freeze them and cook them later, dry roast them straight away, or use them fresh. (2) There is wide variation in size, with the very largest being easily 4 times as big as the very tiniest. (3) We have blanched, pan fried, and dry roasted, and no matter how you cook them they turn out basically hollow inside. Some proteinaceous material collects in the very tail end of the abdomen, and some more in in the thorax and head area, but they are at least 80% hollow after cooking. (4) Dry roasting took some experimenting. The cook book says 10-15 minutes, but I found it took a good 40-45 minutes to completely dry out the largest cicadas. When roasting, they smell a lot like baking potatoes. It’s probably a good idea to throw them in the freezer for 10 minutes to “knock them out” before you try to roast them. (5) By the time you get them home and begin cooking with them, they will probably start to turn a little dark. This did not cause us any problems at all with cooking or eating. They were all still alive at least 2 hours after we started collecting. (6) They really do taste like a very mild nut. The “soft shelled” cicadas from the cook book were basically a waste of time–they tasted mostly like the fried breading, with just a very small amount of cicada flavor. The chocolate covered cicadas are very good. They taste a lot like chocolate covered nuts, but have just a very slight chewiness. Have a glass of mild or water on hand, because the chocolate melts away before you are done chewing cicada material, and you might get some stuck in your teeth. Don’t let that last bit scare you away, because the cooked cicada is really only a small amount of actual stuff, and the taste of the chocolate covered cicadas is really very good. Good luck! Keith2, Bloomington, IN

Amazing Little Miracles

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
Went out last night and found about 7 or 8.
Had a good rain here today and this evening, my friends & I drove all over our neighborhoods, sighting hundreds!
zappagirl, cincinati (greenhills) ohio

Cicada’s have arrived

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
Haven’t seen them at my house but they have invaded my parent’s yard. There are holes about 2 inches apard all over one side of their yard and you can’t take a step without stepping on one. And the noise. It sounded like hundreds of motors running. Amazing. Sandy, East Tennessee

Cicada Landing

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
Yesterday (5/14) at the Howard County High School Tennis Tournament at Wilde Lake Tennis Center an adult Cicada utilized my leg as a landing strip. It was alarming at first but I recovered quickly and inspected the creature. Very docile and in a wierd way, cute.

Most of the High School boys around me reacted with curiosity. Most of the girls ran away screaming.

After seeing NO cicadas around my property I awoke this morning to see about 50 shells and 30 adults clinging to the side of my house. The area birds have yet to notice them. A literal smorgasbord awaits them! Jeff Grimshaw, Columbia, MD

Our Apartment is crawling, neighbors have very few…

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
We first started seeing them on Tuesday at our apartment. On Wednesday night I could only find 4 to use as fishing bait. Friday night there were hundreds crawling everywhere around our apartment building, but the neighboring buildings have very few. Today, we are seeing them everywere, in all stages of growth. Jeff the Canadian in MD, Catonsville, MD

The Unearthly Singing

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
You walk outside in the morning and it’s like the ALIENS have landed (so true). No kidding, it’s like the Flying Saucer Invasion sound effect in the movies. To me that’s the most unsettling part initially. You actually don’t even have to go outside, you can hear them indoors too. You cannot escape it. It is here. We spent last night watching hundreds of them coming out of their shells on our front step, and all around the creepy rustling. Everywhere. John, Arlington, VA

First Large Emergence–and First Sounds too!!

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
Updated photos at
Found a HUGE concentration in some weeds and grass over by a stream, and heard them chirping for the first time while I was over there taking photos. WSOsGirl, Wilde Lake, Columbia, MD

Haven’t Seen a one!

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
I live in South Bowie and I haven’t seen one cicada. My son said he saw a couple of shells on his way to school yesterday. I am thankful and hope this will continue. I do like those big bugs that fly on you. If I don’t see a one it will be ok with me. Denise, Bowie, Maryland

Bienvenidos Cicadas

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
They are here in Columbia. I watched them emerge last night around 10:30. It was so cool. Today there are many shells on trees and bushes. There are also a few fully developed cicadas on plants and trees. There were two hanging out on the tires of my car!! They are so cute. Tommorrow I expect to see a lot more. Monica , Columbia MD

Cicadas Everywhere!

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
There are everywhere this morning, 5-15-2004 and I don’t think they were here yesterday! They are mostly found in sunny places, I suppose to help with their metamorphosis. I can clearly see them emerging from their old shells, unfolding their wings, warming up and hardening and then moving for vertical structures. Dave Starcher, Reisterstown, MD

Blackhill Regional Park

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
Found a couple of molting nymphs out front of my house. I can hear the drone of cicadas in the distance, across the lake at Blackhill. Was getting worried because I’ve seen tons in Rockville, but none up here. Thought that maybe that these new townhouse developments had plowed all the critters under. drex snodworth, Germantown, MD

Cicada attack

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
I woke up this morning, and went outside. And there were cicadas all over my house! There are probably about 50 of them on my front porch! Laura, Maryland

cicadas are awesome!

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
TOP SERIOUS! Jon, Owings Mills, MD

Lots now

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
Yesterday 7pm, nothing. Yesterday 11pm, maybe a hundred on all the trees. 5/15 at 11:30am, over a thousand shells. More coming, but the stupid dog eats all of them (along with everything else non-metal) Brad, Timonium, MD

They’re here!

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
The cicadas were slow to emerge here, in Reston, but are coming out more and more. Yesterday we had about 10 in the back yard on the house, but today, there were enough for my husband to sweep up and move out of the way. Our dog has already eated one and decided it wasn’t as tasty as it could have been!

No noise yet either…I’m anxious for the noises. This brood year is the first I ever remember seeing.

Robin, Reston, Va

Theyre here and singining!

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
After seeing lots of thier holes in the ground, and lots of thier husks on trees, and LOTS of thier dead bodies on the sidewalk and street, they are not only finally here, but they started to sing today.

At first I didnt think there were going to be that many, but I was wrong. They are literally crawling all over the place. I was kind of surprised even to hear them this morning when I woke, let alone how LOUD they are.

At the gas station this morning while pumping fuel, I felt a strange tickling on my lower leg. I brushed it away not even looking or thinking. Then a minute later I looked down.. and there were 4 fully adult cicadas on the ground near me. I didnt pay much attention to them at first. Then I felt the strange tickling again. I look down and one is on my shoe, and one is on my leg about half way up my calf!

He fell off and fluttered around on his back for a minute then went right back to climbing up my shoe again. So when I finsihed pumping the gas. I picked all 4 of em up, and placed them in the tree at the edge of the station.

I dont see how on earth anyone can be scared of these things. I think they are kinda cute! I even feel kinda sorry for them because they are so clumsy. LOL! So they are here and in BIG numbers in Fairfax VA! DC UNITED FAN – K.J., Fairfax, VA

There Here!!!!!!! First shells/bugs late Fri evening

Date: Saturday, May/15/2004
There Here!!!!!!! First shells/bugs late Fri evening.

We have had intense rain….and Now Cicadas..found 10 in just the lenght of my house on west side of foundation.

Here we go…….

James Hail, Martinsville Indiana

Need travel advice

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
So, my 82 year old dad mentioned to me that he would like to experience a cicada emergence before he passes on. He’s in great health, don’t worry, but despite his robust nature, chances are he won’t be around for Brood X’s next go ’round.

If I was to organize a trip in the next month to see an emergence, where in your expert opinion might we have the most memorable experience?

Any advice is helpful, as I’m a California native and never seen a cidada, much less an emergence.

Thanks! Edith , Never Seen a Cicada, CA


Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Each last three nights ten times the night before. Tonight so many they are knocking each other out of the trees for lack of space. Chris, Potomac, MD

1st sighting

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I haven’t been sure if I was looking forward to this or dreading it, having grown up in the western US, where periodical cicadas don’t live. We saw a couple dozen this evening in south-eastern Ellicott City. Came home (western Ellicott City) and looked outside with a flashlight, and still no sign of mass emergence, but did see one brave little cicada fly past my head and through the beam of my flashlight while I was looking! Corine, Ellicott City, MD

All over the place!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I live in Annandale, VA and during the morning to early afternoon, they are all over the place. I know they are only bugs but they scare me because of how big they are. Just waiting at the bus stop, I saw them going into the street and beside the bus stop in the dirt. Mike, Annandale, VA

I never thought an insect could be cute…until now!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I was terrified when I opened my door a few days ago and saw so many huge bugs all over my front porch. Since then, I have learned all about cicadas and am no longer afraid. I love seeing and hearing them all around my yard. Jo, Cheverly, MD

First cicada

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Saw the first cicada climbing up the brick wall at school this afternoon. Lynn, Dover DE

Brood X finally spotted in New Jersey

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
There havent been alot of postings from New Jersey. They have finally arrived. I saw hundreds of them today when cutting lawns about 5 miles away in a wooded area in southern Somerset County. Lots of discarded shells….Cicadas resting in bushes and tree leaves. Also saw some deformed cicadas and just leftover wings with no bodies…I guess the birds got to them. I didnt get a chance to see one molt before my eyes or the nymphs climb up from the ground but hopefully in my travels I will. mark, belle mead, new jersey

The songs have begun

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
This afternoon I heared cicada songs for the first time this week. They were faint, only a few cicadas, and they sounded like they were a few houses over from mine. This week has been pretty active with cicadas emerging each evening. Sean, Kensington, MD

Cicadas are arriving!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Talking with co-workers today, someone who lives in Columbia MD saw them emerging today and watched one moult. Someone who lives in Kensington MD said they began to come out yesterday, today he had what he called “cicada siding” on his house and hosed them off, I’m sure they’re back. I saw one in North Potomac today all by itself (my first sighting). None yet in my yard in Poolesville. The yard looks aerated though with their holes. Daughter has bug cage ready we are waiting. Barb, Poolesville MD

Deformed Brood X Cicadas

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I can hear the cicadas coming out of the ground. They sound almost like rice crispies. There are cicadas on my porch that need to be swept away, there are cicadas on every leaf of many of the trees here, there are cicadas every morning on my car tires, there are cicadas an inch thick around the base of several of my trees. We have tons of them.

But–the thing that scares me is that about 10% of them are deformed. Yes, hundreds are emerging with dwarfed, curled wings. Some have no wings and some are small and round. Is anyone else experiencing the same?

Linda, McLean, VA USA

Yes! They’re finially here!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Yesterday, during my daily walk, I found one cicada dead in the road. I never saw any shed shells on the trees, so I though it was possible that it was brought up from DC on someone’s car.

Today on my walk, I found more smushed cicadas in the road where I found the other one. But this time, I found scores and scores of husks in the nearby shurbs.

I’m sure my girlfriend will be less than pleased. Dale, Harpers Ferry, WV

Where did they go

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
This morning there were plenty with the wobbling noise. By this afternoon all the live ones were gone. There are tons of shells, some trees having hundreds. Maybe the birds havn’t been sated. Alan, Fairfax


Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Cicada’s are ugly. I saw a picture of one and I’m gald they have not came here ,yet! paige, maryland,pasadena

no sign of them yet

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
i live just outside of nashville,tn…so far i have not seen or heard them yet jon, nashville,tn

Saw our First Cicada

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I work at the Tournament Players Club at Jasna Polana, a golf club in Princeton NJ. One of our workers trapped the first cicada we’ve seen, right by the clubhouse, in a soda cup with a lid. It was his gift to me! Kristine, princeton, nj

LOTS of Cicadas at Potomac Overlook Park!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
My wife & I went “hunting” for the cicadas last night at Potomac Overlook Park on Marcy Drive in Arlington last night and saw about 100 or so in various stages of the molting process. There were lots of empty shells around, but we only saw 1 adult. I grabbed him and he started vibrating like he was trying to sing.

It was really cool watching them come out of the ground, molting out of their shells, and expanding out their wings. They look beautiful and angelic while they’re still white, before they turn dark. What fun! Evan, Arlington

Any in Centreville/Manassas?

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Has anyone seen ANY of the 17-year cicadas in the Centreville or Manassas areas?

We have yet to see EVEN ONE of them in that area. Brad, Centreville

First poor buggers didn’t stand a chance

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
We watched hundreds of the critters emerge last night. This morning, our sons could find nothing but shells and wings–we live next to a bird sanctuary. The birds seemed happier this morning. Cicadapizza, Cincinnati

They’re coming out in KY

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I’ve had few exoskeletons decorate my front porch, and a few more live ones climbing trees nearby. No mating calls yet, but we’re getting ready for the orgy. Robin Jones, Louisville, KY


Date: Friday, May/14/2004
2 shells found in yard Karen, Severn, MD

Seen, not heard

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
The last couple days I only saw a few cicadas here and there. This morning my yard had lots of little holes in it and my bushes were covered with hundreds of cicadas. Haven’t heard them sing yet, though. Lynn, Cheverly, MD

Nuttin’ Yet

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I am in northern baltimore county, And I have a 150 year old property with many old trees, I have one seen a few single cicadas around the yard ,but no masses just yet. Cicada Bob, Hereford , MD

Vast sightings

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
The madness has begun. In the neighboorhood of Somerset in Chevy Chase, MD, there are pockets of activity. The most activity is near where some trees were recently cut down (the trunks are still there). I imagine that the loss of tree cover has exposed the ground to more sunlight, causing these areas to become more active than others.

In stretches along sidewalks near these, you can see many nymphs actively walking towards their molting destinations in the evenings and mornings (along with the unfortunate ones that didn’t make it). This morning alone, I got an excellent view of several stages of the molting process on one tree. There were the just emerging, the struggling to get out, the out, but white, and the darkening ones.

And to think that this is only the beginning! I must take pictures. Maurice, Chevy Chase, MD

search at the right time of day(night)

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I thought we were going to miss out on the show. Not many to be found in my yard.
Peeked out again before I went to bed at 11:30pm and found the yard FULL of hatchlings. Sat on my porch and watched several hatch from right up close. They are so beautiful when they are still white!
I thought I heard it start to rain but shortly realized I was hearing the scuffling of all the cicadas in the leaves and in the grass. Okay – THAT was pretty creepy.
By morning they were again hard to find. Finally located many spent skins from the night before, and discovered that the grown bugs had hidden under leaves or flown high into the trees.

Next came the free Cicada Buffet for all the birds and squirrels in the neighborhood! Saw one last white nymph on a tree trunk but before I could get close enough to see him close a bird swooped in and gobbled him up.

Now its afternoon and the adults are flying and one has finally started singing – WEEEEoooo! WEEEEooo!

Oh this is going to be fun! Pat, Gaithersburg MD


Date: Friday, May/14/2004

A-feared from a-far

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I was 8 years old when the 1987 infestation hit metro DC, and am now 25 and living in New England, where no one I’ve talked to has even HEARD of cicadas. My mother, still living in Arlington, VA, has been keeping me posted, and I’ll be traveling that direction tomorrow for a week. I feel that I’m making some sort of pilgrimage. Ben, Keene, New Hampshire

not much here

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
So far, I’ve only seen about 6 cicada during walks with my dogs on a wide path in some open woodland. No “buzz” yet. Hoping for a little more drama! joan, west Columbia, MD

5/13 – none – 5/14 – Hundreds

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Saw 2 discarded shells yesterday (5/13) today on the post for the Stop sign at the end of our Sreet there are at LEAST 200 of them, like they were trying to pretend they were strings of Alien Christmas (or should that be Stop sign) lights! Ed, Glenelg, Maryland

Slowing Starting to Emerg

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I’ve seen a few on the sidewalks but not a major amount yet. Live in the Courthouse Area so I’m not sure about what type of population to expect. Mike, Arlington, VA

Heard a Cicada Yesterday , IL

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Heard the first Cicada yesterday in Naperville, IL where I back up to a golf course…My Girlfriend is from California and was freaked out by the noise. Will, Naperville, IL

There are only a few HUNDRED!!!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Yesterday morning saw a few shells on the driveway. Came home from work and saw the crows having a party in the front yard so I had to see what the party was about. Looked up in the trees and saw hundreds of shells. Then I went in the backyard and along the fence there were at least 250 – 300 more shells. I couldn’t believe it!!! And this is only the beginning…….
I saw a white one (he hadn’t turned black yet) this morning on the driveway and he was kind of cute so I avoided running him over. Mind you I have a serious bugphobia!!! This is going to be very hard for me. I’m even going to quit smoking because of the cicadas I can’t smoke outside anymore!! Charlene, Aspen Hill, MD

I hear them now

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
This morning, I can hear them singing for the first time. That same sound I haven’t heard since 1987. Jason, Alexandria

Cicada emergence

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
This morning, May 14th, cicadas emerged and are visible in large numbers, both molting and done. Boris, Towson, Maryland


Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Had one on the garbage can and a few more on the telephone pole. I live in an older neighborhood across from a wooded park so the noise ought to be deafening cicadalady, Arlington, VA


Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Someone posted a message earlier about the number of deformed cicadas in his yard. I’ve been doing a lot of reading on these fascinating creatures (thanks to all the excellent links on this site!) and more than one has confirmed what I suspected: the use of pesticides in the garden can lead to deformed larvae and nymphs. Something to consider – nothing we do on God’s green earth is not without impact! 🙂 DLE, Great Falls, VA


Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I posted here a few days ago about an enormous number of nymphs underground on my property. A small section of my property finally had an emergence last night (was in the most sunlit section). A large number (for the small area) of nymphs emerged right at sunset, immediately headed into the forest and started climbing every tree and plant in site. Once locked on in spot, the skin split on the back of their heads, the (very white) cicadas slowly emerged out of their shells, then they grabbed onto the heads of their old skins and hung suspended while their wings filled out and their bodies grew some. This was an amazing thing to watch. What is more amazing to me is that the big show is yet to happen – when they emerge in the wooded part of my property (which is most of it), there will be an amazing number of bugs. It’s going to get loud soon. Greg Lehmiller, North Baltimore County, MD

First Sightings

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Found several shells & a live one on my porch today! Erica, Owings Mills, MD


Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I have been hearing them for weeks now, but just started seeing them this past Sunday. I am totally freaked out by them and even ran in to work from my car this morning because one was hot on my heals. So far I have seen them in Randallstown and in Arbutus. I heard that they are out in full force in Woodlaawn, MD and have been for 2 days now.
Good Luck East Coast, we’re in for a duzy this time!! Coles, Randallstown, MD

cicada siting

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I saw 5 cicadas in my backyard at 6:00am
Looking for some more today. It might rain today. They were on my dad’S BARN. Tammy Wallace, Lawrenceburg, Indiana

Cicadas Captured In Middletown, Ohio

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Per today’s “Dayton Daily News”, Cicadas have emerged and been captured by 4 and 6 year old siblings, Kyle and Sierra Stanley of Middletown, Ohio. Pauline, Dayton, OH USA

I Deserve a Day Off!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
This morning when I got off a Metrobus to unlock the door at work, there was a family – like 15 cicadas – between me and the front door.

I was too mad and timid to go in the front, so I walked around the building to the back entrance, which is away from the trees and lawn. I can’t believe these things just TAKE OVER!!
Maurechal, Hillcrest Heights, MD

albino cicada

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
we found an albino cicada….how common is that? andrea, annapolis, md

Nothing yet

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
As of today, no action yet even though there are tons of wooded areas near our house in the western part of Price William County, hope they won’t disappoint us, maybe the traffic in this area scared them away. Andy, Bristow, VA

Sighting in Hunt Valley

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Cicada shells on the sidewalk coming into work, and I was surprised considering our building and parking lot are just barely 17 years old. Lots of holes in the ground in some places. Saw no lives ones but the evidence is there! Greg, Hunt Valley, Maryland

They’rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
They are definitely out and climbing up the trees! Lots found in the past few days in the soil while doing trailwork. The anticipation is killing me! fiona harrison, blue ridge center for environmental stewardship, neersville, VA

Where Are They???

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I saw two trees full of empty exoskeleton’s in Towson yesterday and figured when I went home to Parkville, 10 minutes away, I should be able to find plenty in the numerous trees behind my house, to show my children, but we found NONE!!!!! We were sooooo disappointed. 🙁 Cicada Lover, Parkville, Maryland

There are all over the place

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I have not seen any at my apartments. There are 100s of tghem outside my work place. John, Reston, VA

Right out the door!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I walked out my apt door this morning only to find two cicadas mating right on my front porch! Talk about a start to the morning… NIkki, Takoma Park, MD

Rockville, MD sighting

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
All over the place here, all of a sudden, in the area near Twinbrook Metro station, in south Rockville. Sitting on trees, telephone poles, and quite a few dead ones on the ground. Mark, Rockville, MD

more today

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
First day only a few, yesterday twenty or so, today many more in different areas. Yesterday I only saw one adult. Today I saw dozens and many shells. Jane, Ashburn, VA

Cicada Art – CORRECT link

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I posted a link to my cicada art photos which I’m told does not work. This should work. So sorry…

Suzette Crim, Silver Spring, MD


Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I was mowing my lawn yester day and i saw alot of holes in my yard. There was even holes in my molch. I havn’t seen them yet but i think they will be here in a couple of days if it is hot… Ricky , NJ-Hillsborough

Cicada pictures and web site

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
It’s delightful here in Arlington. Nowhere near full emergence, but pockets of truly Old Testament-level hordes.

I’ve put up a web page with some photos and commentary. Mike, Arlington, VA

Sighted at Columbia Landing Apt. on Tamar Drive

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
As I stepped outside this morning there were at least six cicadas in various stages of molting on the front step. Fortunately or unforunately, depending on your point of view, they were all either dead or dying at the hands (or mandibles) of the ants that covered them. Tim, Columbia

Plenty this morning

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
A few dozen yesterday, hundreds today. Robert, Rockville MD

Cicadas at night

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Stood outside in the backyard after dark last night and watched the drama unfold. As fast as you would see one come out you’d spot another and another and another. They worked hard because this morning not a single one on the ground and they had climbed as high into the old trees as they could. Saw some fully grown adults sunning and drying off. Probably doing some mental solfege and vocalise. Okay I did break down my ten year old fear memories by letting one crawl up and down my arm. It just tickled and my son thought I was pretty weird. Lesley, Centreville, Virginia

Cicadas aren’t a problem

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I’ve seen a few cicadas, but they’re hardly a problem compared to the mass infestation of mosquitoes that plagues all of Northern Virgina each Summer. Snow, Fairfax, VA


Date: Friday, May/14/2004
The first real emergence started yesterday the 13th and was really underway this morning, Friday. A tremendous population under our large elm tree. At 6:30 in the morning they were in all stages from nympths to fully emerged. Richard, Sandy Spring, Montgomery County, Maryland

They are starting to sing.

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I went out my door and was greeted with the beginning of their singing. I live near Sligo Creek on one side and a wooded area on another side. Shirley Jeffords, Wheaton, MD

Friday Morning Photos

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Got some photos, still only sporadic sightings, guess they will take a few days to fully emerge here. WSOsGirl, Wilde Lake, Columbia, MD

Cicadas should learn!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Wow! There are a lot of cicadas out in Northern Virginia! I’ve seen them in Herndon Reston Oakton Springfield Alexandria Clifton and even in Gaithersburg!! I think we should help them whenever possible. Hey cicada, this is where you should molt. Hey cicada, heres a tree for you to live on. I can’t believe that people are eating them! 🙂 Ray, Alexandria

cicada song!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I heard the cicadas singing this morning for the first time. They sounded as loud as a rooster! I went out to investigate and saw one laying on the ground so I put him up on the fence. Then the cicada started singing! He must have plenty of sense. Little Johnny, Oakton

Where are the crowds of cicadas!?!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Based on my cicada experience in 1987, I’ve been excitedly pushing my students to be on the lookout for hordes of cicadas any time in the last week through this one. To my disappointment (and theirs), I have yet to see a single one in my backyard or neighborhood for that matter. Out of pity for me, one of my students brought in a carcass yesterday.

Where are all the cicadas? Reiko, Reston, VA

They’re HEEEEEERE!!!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Found 5 shells and 2 live cicadas this morning. The kids were so funny. My normally bug-phobic son was so excited to be able to take them in for show-and-tell this morning at school. My brave daughter just said “EEWWWWWWW”. Haven’t heard any singing yet. Eric, Bellbrook, OH

Emergence May 13

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Johnson City, TN

Pretty significant emergence around the apple tree and shrubs in my front yard.

Cute little buggers! I feel like a proud parent. Dave, Jones

Major emergence starting

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I’d seen only one carcass up until this morning, May 14, in my area of southern Columbia. This morning, I found several carcasses and cicadas on my house and yard (15 upon minimal searching). So the big emergence is starting here in southern Howard County! Stephen Roth, Columbia, MD

Have pics of emerging cicada

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Have a pic of an emerging cicada, it’s yellow with red eyes. Looks so neat. Nicole, Lanham, MD

Sloooow start……

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
First 2 empty shells last night (5/13) and the neighbor caught 1 live one this a.m. OH NO!!…….Here they come>!>!
Getting out the ear plugs………. Dave, Glen Burnie, MD


Date: Friday, May/14/2004
They have finally started showing up in Herndon! I saw a few shells in my backyard today, and tonight I saw a few unfortunate critters squished at a parking lot. I did save the one live one I found, though. I picked him up off the road and pointed him toward a tree so he could discard his shell and live on. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings! KJ, Herndon, VA

not much here

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
So far, I’ve only seen about 6 cicada during walks with my dogs on a wide path in some open woodland. No “buzz” yet. Hoping for a little more drama! joan, west Columbia, MD

5/13 – none – 5/14 – Hundreds

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Saw 2 discarded shells yesterday (5/13) today on the post for the Stop sign at the end of our Sreet there are at LEAST 200 of them, like they were trying to pretend they were strings of Alien Christmas (or should that be Stop sign) lights! Ed, Glenelg, Maryland

Slowing Starting to Emerg

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I’ve seen a few on the sidewalks but not a major amount yet. Live in the Courthouse Area so I’m not sure about what type of population to expect. Mike, Arlington, VA

Heard a Cicada Yesterday , IL

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Heard the first Cicada yesterday in Naperville, IL where I back up to a golf course…My Girlfriend is from California and was freaked out by the noise. Will, Naperville, IL

There are only a few HUNDRED!!!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Yesterday morning saw a few shells on the driveway. Came home from work and saw the crows having a party in the front yard so I had to see what the party was about. Looked up in the trees and saw hundreds of shells. Then I went in the backyard and along the fence there were at least 250 – 300 more shells. I couldn’t believe it!!! And this is only the beginning…….
I saw a white one (he hadn’t turned black yet) this morning on the driveway and he was kind of cute so I avoided running him over. Mind you I have a serious bugphobia!!! This is going to be very hard for me. I’m even going to quit smoking because of the cicadas I can’t smoke outside anymore!! Charlene, Aspen Hill, MD

I hear them now

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
This morning, I can hear them singing for the first time. That same sound I haven’t heard since 1987. Jason, Alexandria

Cicada emergence

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
This morning, May 14th, cicadas emerged and are visible in large numbers, both molting and done. Boris, Towson, Maryland


Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Had one on the garbage can and a few more on the telephone pole. I live in an older neighborhood across from a wooded park so the noise ought to be deafening cicadalady, Arlington, VA


Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Someone posted a message earlier about the number of deformed cicadas in his yard. I’ve been doing a lot of reading on these fascinating creatures (thanks to all the excellent links on this site!) and more than one has confirmed what I suspected: the use of pesticides in the garden can lead to deformed larvae and nymphs. Something to consider – nothing we do on God’s green earth is not without impact! 🙂 DLE, Great Falls, VA


Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I posted here a few days ago about an enormous number of nymphs underground on my property. A small section of my property finally had an emergence last night (was in the most sunlit section). A large number (for the small area) of nymphs emerged right at sunset, immediately headed into the forest and started climbing every tree and plant in site. Once locked on in spot, the skin split on the back of their heads, the (very white) cicadas slowly emerged out of their shells, then they grabbed onto the heads of their old skins and hung suspended while their wings filled out and their bodies grew some. This was an amazing thing to watch. What is more amazing to me is that the big show is yet to happen – when they emerge in the wooded part of my property (which is most of it), there will be an amazing number of bugs. It’s going to get loud soon. Greg Lehmiller, North Baltimore County, MD

First Sightings

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Found several shells & a live one on my porch today! Erica, Owings Mills, MD


Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I have been hearing them for weeks now, but just started seeing them this past Sunday. I am totally freaked out by them and even ran in to work from my car this morning because one was hot on my heals. So far I have seen them in Randallstown and in Arbutus. I heard that they are out in full force in Woodlaawn, MD and have been for 2 days now.
Good Luck East Coast, we’re in for a duzy this time!! Coles, Randallstown, MD

cicada siting

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I saw 5 cicadas in my backyard at 6:00am
Looking for some more today. It might rain today. They were on my dad’S BARN. Tammy Wallace, Lawrenceburg, Indiana

Cicadas Captured In Middletown, Ohio

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Per today’s “Dayton Daily News”, Cicadas have emerged and been captured by 4 and 6 year old siblings, Kyle and Sierra Stanley of Middletown, Ohio. Pauline, Dayton, OH USA

I Deserve a Day Off!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
This morning when I got off a Metrobus to unlock the door at work, there was a family – like 15 cicadas – between me and the front door.

I was too mad and timid to go in the front, so I walked around the building to the back entrance, which is away from the trees and lawn. I can’t believe these things just TAKE OVER!!
Maurechal, Hillcrest Heights, MD

albino cicada

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
we found an albino cicada….how common is that? andrea, annapolis, md

Sighting in Hunt Valley

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Cicada shells on the sidewalk coming into work, and I was surprised considering our building and parking lot are just barely 17 years old. Lots of holes in the ground in some places. Saw no lives ones but the evidence is there! Greg, Hunt Valley, Maryland

They’rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
They are definitely out and climbing up the trees! Lots found in the past few days in the soil while doing trailwork. The anticipation is killing me! fiona harrison, blue ridge center for environmental stewardship, neersville, VA

Where Are They???

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I saw two trees full of empty exoskeleton’s in Towson yesterday and figured when I went home to Parkville, 10 minutes away, I should be able to find plenty in the numerous trees behind my house, to show my children, but we found NONE!!!!! We were sooooo disappointed. 🙁 Cicada Lover, Parkville, Maryland

There are all over the place

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I have not seen any at my apartments. There are 100s of tghem outside my work place. John, Reston, VA

Right out the door!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I walked out my apt door this morning only to find two cicadas mating right on my front porch! Talk about a start to the morning… NIkki, Takoma Park, MD

Rockville, MD sighting

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
All over the place here, all of a sudden, in the area near Twinbrook Metro station, in south Rockville. Sitting on trees, telephone poles, and quite a few dead ones on the ground. Mark, Rockville, MD

more today

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
First day only a few, yesterday twenty or so, today many more in different areas. Yesterday I only saw one adult. Today I saw dozens and many shells. Jane, Ashburn, VA

Cicada Art – CORRECT link

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I posted a link to my cicada art photos which I’m told does not work. This should work. So sorry…

Suzette Crim, Silver Spring, MD


Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I was mowing my lawn yester day and i saw alot of holes in my yard. There was even holes in my molch. I havn’t seen them yet but i think they will be here in a couple of days if it is hot… Ricky , NJ-Hillsborough

Cicada pictures and web site

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
It’s delightful here in Arlington. Nowhere near full emergence, but pockets of truly Old Testament-level hordes.

I’ve put up a web page with some photos and commentary. Mike, Arlington, VA

Sighted at Columbia Landing Apt. on Tamar Drive

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
As I stepped outside this morning there were at least six cicadas in various stages of molting on the front step. Fortunately or unforunately, depending on your point of view, they were all either dead or dying at the hands (or mandibles) of the ants that covered them. Tim, Columbia

Plenty this morning

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
A few dozen yesterday, hundreds today. Robert, Rockville MD

Cicadas at night

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Stood outside in the backyard after dark last night and watched the drama unfold. As fast as you would see one come out you’d spot another and another and another. They worked hard because this morning not a single one on the ground and they had climbed as high into the old trees as they could. Saw some fully grown adults sunning and drying off. Probably doing some mental solfege and vocalise. Okay I did break down my ten year old fear memories by letting one crawl up and down my arm. It just tickled and my son thought I was pretty weird. Lesley, Centreville, Virginia

Cicadas aren’t a problem

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I’ve seen a few cicadas, but they’re hardly a problem compared to the mass infestation of mosquitoes that plagues all of Northern Virgina each Summer. Snow, Fairfax, VA


Date: Friday, May/14/2004
The first real emergence started yesterday the 13th and was really underway this morning, Friday. A tremendous population under our large elm tree. At 6:30 in the morning they were in all stages from nympths to fully emerged. Richard, Sandy Spring, Montgomery County, Maryland

They are starting to sing.

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I went out my door and was greeted with the beginning of their singing. I live near Sligo Creek on one side and a wooded area on another side. Shirley Jeffords, Wheaton, MD

Friday Morning Photos

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Got some photos, still only sporadic sightings, guess they will take a few days to fully emerge here. WSOsGirl, Wilde Lake, Columbia, MD

Cicadas should learn!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Wow! There are a lot of cicadas out in Northern Virginia! I’ve seen them in Herndon Reston Oakton Springfield Alexandria Clifton and even in Gaithersburg!! I think we should help them whenever possible. Hey cicada, this is where you should molt. Hey cicada, heres a tree for you to live on. I can’t believe that people are eating them! 🙂 Ray, Alexandria

cicada song!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I heard the cicadas singing this morning for the first time. They sounded as loud as a rooster! I went out to investigate and saw one laying on the ground so I put him up on the fence. Then the cicada started singing! He must have plenty of sense. Little Johnny, Oakton

They’re HEEEEEERE!!!

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Found 5 shells and 2 live cicadas this morning. The kids were so funny. My normally bug-phobic son was so excited to be able to take them in for show-and-tell this morning at school. My brave daughter just said “EEWWWWWWW”. Haven’t heard any singing yet. Eric, Bellbrook, OH

Emergence May 13

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Johnson City, TN

Pretty significant emergence around the apple tree and shrubs in my front yard.

Cute little buggers! I feel like a proud parent. Dave, Jones

Major emergence starting

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
I’d seen only one carcass up until this morning, May 14, in my area of southern Columbia. This morning, I found several carcasses and cicadas on my house and yard (15 upon minimal searching). So the big emergence is starting here in southern Howard County! Stephen Roth, Columbia, MD

Columbia spotting

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
There was a cicada carcass on my garage this morning! Yuck! Jean, Columbia, MD

Clifton sighting

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
We have seen them, nymphs, in our backyard for two days now. The kids are alreadly killing, adults, them on the playground. We are excited and freaked out!!!!! cicadahunter, Cincinnati, Ohio

Big Night in Bloomington

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Took the kids out tonight to gather cicadas on the IU campus. They were all over. In some places the grass was just crawling with the nymphs. We found LOADS of tenerals just ready for the picking on bushes and trees around the Jordan River (more like a middling creek) near the Bryan House. It was an amazing sight to behold. It was literally like picking berries. I recommend rubber gloves and a gallon sized zip-loc style bag. Fifty are now marinating to be breaded and fried for dinner tomorrow, about one hundred fifty more are dry roasting for chocolate covered cicadas. I’ll post again with a verdict on the flavor. Keith2, Bloomington, IN

The Molt has begun in earnest

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
After seeing only one climb a tree two nights ago, I am seeing quite a few climbing and molting tonight. Just looked at a couple of trees, and saw probably 15-20 climbers, 5 or so actively molting, and a few drying wings off of the molts. And I didn’t even have to leave my deck! Scott McAfee, Springfield, VA

Cicada Hunting

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Went cicada hunting today near rock creek park. HUNDREDS UPON HUNDREDS of cicadas. Many of them were molting. We collected some of them and gonna cook ’em up and eat them. Rumor has it they are quite tasty! Its official, i’ve caught cicadamania Scott, Silver Spring, MD

Few Photos of Cicada Swarm

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
The 17 year swarm started in our area – if interested you can check few photos I made tonight at SIPA, Vienna, VA

Columbia spotting

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
There was a cicada carcass on my garage this morning! Yuck! Jean, Columbia, MD

Clifton sighting

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
We have seen them, nymphs, in our backyard for two days now. The kids are alreadly killing, adults, them on the playground. We are excited and freaked out!!!!! cicadahunter, Cincinnati, Ohio

no action yet

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
No emergence yet in Burnsville, Yancey Co. western North Carolina. Elevation downtown is 2,815 feet; elevation at the house ~2,950 ft. Temperature 63 degrees f at 2am so I gather soil temperature is a little too low.

This is in a borderline area – was not here in 1987 or 1970. I hope they live here and are fixin’ to emerge – want to see this once-every-17-y phenomenon. Ruth, Burnsville, NC

Big Night in Bloomington

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Took the kids out tonight to gather cicadas on the IU campus. They were all over. In some places the grass was just crawling with the nymphs. We found LOADS of tenerals just ready for the picking on bushes and trees around the Jordan River (more like a middling creek) near the Bryan House. It was an amazing sight to behold. It was literally like picking berries. I recommend rubber gloves and a gallon sized zip-loc style bag. Fifty are now marinating to be breaded and fried for dinner tomorrow, about one hundred fifty more are dry roasting for chocolate covered cicadas. I’ll post again with a verdict on the flavor. Keith2, Bloomington, IN

The Molt has begun in earnest

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
After seeing only one climb a tree two nights ago, I am seeing quite a few climbing and molting tonight. Just looked at a couple of trees, and saw probably 15-20 climbers, 5 or so actively molting, and a few drying wings off of the molts. And I didn’t even have to leave my deck! Scott McAfee, Springfield, VA

Cicada Hunting

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
Went cicada hunting today near rock creek park. HUNDREDS UPON HUNDREDS of cicadas. Many of them were molting. We collected some of them and gonna cook ’em up and eat them. Rumor has it they are quite tasty! Its official, i’ve caught cicadamania Scott, Silver Spring, MD

Few Photos of Cicada Swarm

Date: Friday, May/14/2004
The 17 year swarm started in our area – if interested you can check few photos I made tonight at SIPA, Vienna, VA

Mud tubes in Hershey

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Noticed a couple of mub tubes and exit holes under our large wild cherry tree yesterday morning. Nothing outside yet. Rhett, Hershey, PA

May 14, 2004

May 11th – 14th 2004 Cicada Comments

Filed under: Brood X | Old Message Board — Dan @ 11:22 am

Mud tubes in Hershey

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Noticed a couple of mub tubes and exit holes under our large wild cherry tree yesterday morning. Nothing outside yet. Rhett, Hershey, PA

There are here in force

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I saw the first one 2 days ago. Came home to find 3 more yesterday afternoon. Woke up this orning to find over 200 on my front porch! I am home now and they have begin singing here in Catonsville. John, Catonsville, MD

Noise is on the way

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Well the cicadas are definitely afoot. I saw a few of the lumbering larva last night crawling up one side of my house. Tonight is a totally different story, not few but many, possibly hundreds are crawling up a nearby tree with the sole intent of exiting there collective carcasses. Interesting creatures to be sure if you find them you can actually hear them crawling on the lawn, climbing trees, trying to grasp at leaves. After viewing them in all there glory I decided to hop in the car and run to the store. As I exit the driveway I feel something crawling up my leg. Yep you guessed it, one of them 17 year critters, yuck. I suspect I’ll be having cicada nightmares soon. Brandon, Rockville, Md

The emergence has started in Cincinnati

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
The widespread Cincinnati emergence started on May 12 with 40% of our study sites showing cicada activity. We have now received reports from Northern Kentucky, central Cincinnati, and the western suburbs. Gene Kritsky, Cincinnati, OH

Sighting in Gaithersburg MD

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Saw postings of others nearby and was feeling forgotten even though our yard is full of the definitive “dime-sized” holes.
Was not disappointed this morning – saw about 50-60 skins and a couple of dozen of live cicadas. Worked from home and was able to watch the molt, the climb, the nap, and the flight to adventure. Probably would have sighted quite few more except for the birds happily enjoying cicada buffet for lunch! Pat, Gaithersburg, MD

only crawling larvae so far…

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Well, for some reason I really haven’t found any on my property, but last night I counted about fifteen larvae crawling on the sidewalk out front of my neighbors house. Tonight I counted sixteen, along with a couple of shells Gosh this is exciting. I’m only twenty five so I don’t really remember the last one. I hope they hurry along because nothing sounds more like summer than the music of cicadas! Joshua, Northeast Baltimore, Maryland

They’re here!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Saw about ten cicadas crawling around on one block in Woodley Park. Can’t wait till they start getting loud. Taylor, Washington DC

First Sighting in Chevy Chase, MD

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I first saw them (yeah!!) yesterday morning sitting on daffodil leaves when I went out to get the paper. More this AM. Grabbed my digital camera both times and got great close-ups since the cicadas were drying their wings and couldn’t fly yet. They are a marvel!!!! Ann, Chevy Chase, Maryland

FOUND: Cicada shell…

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
My daughter brought me what she considered an interesting insect shell 2 days ago (May 11th), and I finally checked it out…Sure enough, it’s a cicada shell…I haven’t heard too much ruckus, so don’t know if it was a solitary cicada, or if there’s more and we just haven’t found more shells…I’ll be mowing the grass tomorrow, so we’ll see then…If not, at least we know that they’ve arrived in Odenton… Vivian P, Odenton, Maryland USA

There here-tough on motorcyclists

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Had my first one smash right into my face (faceshield on my helmet was raised) at about 35 mph in Owen County, Indiana. Man was it painful. It will be a tough month for motorcyclists in Indiana.
Brendan Kearns, Clay City, IN

They’re back!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Finally, after a long awaited arrival, I caught my first one this round tonight. They are cte in there own sort of bug eyed way, only saw one live one, saw many shells however. Can’t wait until they’re making my ears ring…oh, and I’ve heard some people say they are finding “albinos”. While there may be albinos out there, they all start out white, with red eyes (look like an albino, right?!), but however they are just newly emerged. Just wanted to clear up any confusion. Enjoy them while they’re here! Jeff, Parkville, MD

Just starting to see them

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Walked my dog this evening thinking maybe there just aren’t any cicadas around me, being in a newly developed neighborhood. Just then I heard something fall from a tree, walked over to it, and in the process stepped on a cicada and saw a few crawling up a tree, and saw the holes. I was only able to see about 5 of them, low in the trees and on the ground. So, they are likely the first buggers to come. gmoney, North Potomac, MD

Slowly but surely

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Saw a shell WAAAAAAAAAAY up in a tree this morning, 2 more on a signpost this afternoon…expecting to see tons tomorrow..we’ll see. Saw TONS in Silver Spring on my way to work though… WSOsGirl, Wilde Lake, Columbia, MD

O NOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo!!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! I cant believe people are actually eating these things. Is there like a shortage of spam at the local Giant or something. I havent seen a cicada yet, but I have been preparing myself for the mass hysteria they will cause. I remember when I was 8 and they first showed. It was crazy. They were everywhere. The worse was the shells they leave behind. O well they are one of god’s creatures. Sytero Illgalscus, Riverdale, MD

Cicadas are up in Bloomington, IN (but not in the countryside)

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
The Cicadas are up today, May 13, inside the town (Bloomington, Indiana), but out in the countryside away from the heat sinks of pavement and buildings, they don’t seem to be up yet.

Kevin, Bloomington, Indiana

House alarm?

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
My mother, who lives in Ellijay, GA, called me today. She told me that she called the security office of the gated community where she lives to report a house alarm going off nearby. They called back a few minutes later, “I’m sorry ma’am, but the noise you are hearing is not an alarm going off, it is the cicada’s mating call.” Needless to say, my mother felt very foolish! Linda, Jonesborough, TN

They’re here!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I hadn’t seen any until this morning but there are shells everywhere so they are here! Beth, Catonsville MD

Abnormal Mutations.

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I have noticed that a lot of the cicadas are mutated in some way. Some have no wings, some have small shriveled wings, some have one large & one small wing, some have two curly wings, etcetera. I have also noticed that some have underdeveloped bodies. For every normal cicada I have seen in my yard I have seen two or three that are abnormal. We are still getting hundreds of them as of today, 05/13/04.
Scott, Franconia, Virginia

One shell…

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I saw my first cicada shell today on the tire of my car this morning. I imagine that is a good indication of what is to come!!! Karla, Fairfax

Cicadas are Awesome and Here!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Cicadas are everywhere here in Timonium, every night hundreds more emerge – my cat is going crazy. I left NY and love this! Steve Saia, Timonium, Maryland

Sighting in Takoma Park

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Cicada sighting today, at my busstop, Wabash & Flower Ave. Yesterday there was nothing and this morning…there were shells galore! Ugh! yuck! There was one little cicada wabbling around in the grass as well.

Jennifer, Takoma Park, MD

Any Carroll County (MD) sightings?

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
We are still looking for them – someone told me in Carroll County, MD they really aren’t that prevalent. Has anyone seen them in Carroll County yet? I am in the southwestern corner near Frederick and Montgomery Co. Laura, Mount Airy, MD

Here They Are

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
First saw several yesterday morning on the trunk of a tree in my front yard. Saw even more this morning as well as some making their way through the grass. I live on 1/2 acre very wooded lot backing to acres of treed parkland. Tons of cicada holes all over the back yard. Should get very exciting in the next few days! Tom McCafferty, Falls Church, VA

Go to the National Cathedral, see tons of them

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Was around the neighborhood of the National Cathedral last night, and they are EVERYWHERE. The concentration of them was huge walking up the sidewalks of Wisconsin Ave, and they are in all stages of emergence. Crazy. Eric, Washington, DC

All over the place but no noise yet

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Well they’re all over the clothing left outside overnight and the benches and coming up through the gardens. No noise is coming from them yet. Jennifer, College Park, MD

First One

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I heard one for the first time today. It actually woke me up from my nap. It ha been “singing” all day. I will be going out to look for him later. Wolfie, Olmsted Falls Ohio

Any other brides?

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
So I’m getting hitched June 5th IN THE PARK outside of Philly. I’m just worried that we won’t have enough seats for these uninvited guests. Any other brides share my concern? Rachel, Philadelphia

Just starting here

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I *think* I saw a cicada flying past my kitchen window in the backyard within the last hour. I haven’t seen any up close yet, though a neighbor said that they did out on New Hampshire Avenue. Melissa, Cloverly,Montgomery County, MD

emergence dates

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
First observed emergence on May 5. Night of May 11 was heavy activity, but night of May 12 was even heavier! As many as 50 on one Iris plant. Daniel, Bethesda, MD

Bugged Out!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
The cicadas have emerged in the Kensington area this past Monday. I hated them in 1987 and nothing has changed since! Hopefully, I can survive this emergence without going insane! AMSL, Kensington, MD


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
They were out in full force this AM. We had seen the shells but nothing else. This morning the grass was moving as they made their way to the maple tree in our front yard. Very creepy…There were hundreds all trying to get a date. Gretchen, Fairfax, VA

Night vigil with my daughter – they’re here!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Yesterday we saw a couple casts in the yard and one half-eaten adult. So last night at 10:00 pm I took my fellow-bug-loving 3-yr-old daughter and my always-looking-for-adventure foreign exchange student out with a flashlight and the digital camera and caught hundreds of the bugs in the act of molting on a tree in the front yard. It was fascinating. They’d crawl on our feet if we stood still too long (no Flip-flops from now on!). It was like watching a birth every time a new molting ocurred. I let my 3-yr-old take a newly-molted adult with fully unfurled wings, inside in a plastic container, so she could see how he (she?) would have changed from white to black by morning. I hope she remembers this forever! Viki Johnson, Temple Hills, MD

Interesting timing noted.

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
We live in a hollow, that is slightly cooler and a bit behind on most climatological events, so the Cicadas just began in earnest last night. Interesting that they only seemed to come out of the ground for the first hour or so of darkness. I’m guessing this is another insanely instinctual part of this strange bug; that gives them the most time until daylight to climb and molt while the predators (birds and squirrels) are all asleep.
We live on five acres of old trees, so I think we’re in for quite a show! Armand Sadlier, Howard County, MD

One Cicada

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
I saw one live adult this morning while walking to work in Falls Church VA. I saw a lot of remnants in the Metro parking lot. Strange–where are all the live ones? M, Falls Church

Now I’m Sure

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Previously, I may have mistaken a brown slug emerging for a Cicada. The photo gallery on this site convinces me I may have had initial confusion. However, I later did see a red-eyed Cicada on a tree in the evening, and an empty shell in the morning, so they’re here … Peter, Sterling, VA

Cicadas in the bluegrass

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Found one exoskeleton Wednesday morning on my porch, and a live one — beady red eyes and all — on a wooden gate. Also a few sitings in Southern Indiana… Alex Davis, Louisville, KY

“white” cidadas

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Thousands in very isolated pockets only, around N. Grubb Rd. in Chevy Chase.

This morning I found what I thought were albinos, then realized they were slowly drying their wings and becoming adults.

One’s in a bug cage on my desk right now-I’m watching his tiny crumpled wings unfold, and his abdomen darken. They are very sweet bugs, and crawl placidly on your arms and fingers, a delight to examine closely. Amazing, the red eyes.

This is truly a beautiful and awesome event and I’m enjoying every minute of it! Going out to look tonight and see it begin… MerryB, Chevy Chase,MD

WOW WOW WOW WOW and WOW to infinity

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Today was a HUGE day — early morning while it is still cool and dewey is definitely a great time to see them in action, molting out of their sheds. Their are THOUSANDS in our yard — some have really climbed quite a ways to get up and out on ends of branches; others were bogged down by the pachysandra and are only a few inches up. We saw many in various stages of emerging — a real treat since one was at eye level for the girls to see up close. Obviously many had emerged overnight, as there were hundreds that were already dark and sunning themselves. We rescued a few that were in the middle of the yard and placed them in areas where they wouldn’t be as exposed to feet or predators.

Truly an amazing event to witness… more to come! LST, Annandale, VA


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Every since the first sighting a few days ago in College Park, I think that everything flying around is a cicada. I am terrified of large bugs. Really, I wish that this entire cicada thing goes away PRONTO!!!!! By the way I think I hear the ugly buggers now. Charmaine S., Riverdale, Md

None here yet!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
After reading all the messages on this board yesterday. I went out and check my yard last evening. I saw some holes in the ground, not sure if they are ant colonies, or cicadas readying to emerge. Beverly G, Springfield Towship, PA

They have emerged in West Springfield Va

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
They are coming out overklok, west springfield

Ellicott City Maryland Cicadas

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I’ve been watching the board with great interest- but hadn’t seen any signs of cicadas in Ellicott City, Maryland. But finally this morning I saw dozens of shells in the Howard County Court House parking lot- and even one little guy who was trying to make his way to some place verticle- but having a tough time of it. Glas to see it’s not all hype. Ian , Ellicott City

Nasty Creatures!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
First started seeing them on Monday. I’ve been doing the Cicada Two Step every morning when I leave for work. Apparently, they like the front porch of my apartment building! Ugh! Nasty creatures! There were twice as many this morning as yesterday.

I have tickets for the Capital Jazz Fest [AT] Merriweather in Columbia, MD on 6/5 and 6/6. This emergence should make my concert going experience…rather interesting. MB, Arlington, VA

They’re baaaaaaaaaack!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Saw my first batch of Brood X yesterday; fascinating! I was turned off by the fact that so many were being eaten by birds; now, how fair is that? I mean, you’re underground for 17 years, and the minute you come out, you’re a snack for a bird! Boo!

Welcome back, cicadas! Sue, Riverdale, MD

Cicada Sighting

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
They are definitely in the Hamilton area. I have a tree that sits in my front yard. This morning as I was leaving for work, I saw about ten in the tree and about 20 or so in the street. They are really starting to emerge. I saw a lot of holes in the ground. The last time they were here, I was 4. I remember very vaguely, so I am very excited about them coming. Enjoy! L. Lynch, Baltimore, MD

Thery’re Mobilizing

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
The cicadas have now awakened and no longer slowly moving about. They are flying, dropping from trees. I need an umbrella to go from my walk way to the front door without getting landed on. I’m glad this is only a major event every 17 years! ED, Bethesda


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
While walking to work this morning, I saw several dead (smooshed) cicadas on the sidewalk and one alive cicada walking along the sidewalk; it had to have been at least an inch and a half long. Seeing it totally wigged me out. I think that these things are going to be out and flying about real soon. I’m going to have to dig out my old baseball cap to wear so that the darn things don’t get caught in my hair. EWWWWW
Let’s just get this over with already!! Mary, Rockville, Maryland

Cicada sighting

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
My Grammy and me just saw our first cicadas on our front porch. Grammy told me all about them and said they go through many changes. We even think we could hear a little bit singing way back in the woods. It might be too early, Grammy has heard them before and said she thinks that is them. Anyway, from Clarksville, Maryland…There Here! Olivia Schwab, Clarksville, Maryland

convoy—popping sounds

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
When we returned home after dark last night my kids said ‘hey look, its a convoy’. Curious, I looked down at the sidewalk and sure enough there were at least 100 cicadas creeping alond in formation from the tree lawn to the fence. It surely is amazing to witness the inate determination of these creatures!…
Last night was warm again so we left the windows open as we slept. I was awaken early this morning when a car drove down our street. Pop, pop, pop was the sound of the poor cicadas being crushed by the moving vehicle…
ldb, McLean, VA

Ready or not…

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I saw my first cluster of cicadas (cicadae???) & abandoned skins in front of my house this morning as I headed out to work. There were maybe 10 or 12, all still white, and a couple were still in the process of emerging from the skins. I was beginning to wonder if we were going to see any in Springfield, but I guess the time has come! My colleagues who live in Burke also began seeing the cicadas in their yards in the past couple of days. Michael, Springfield, VA

Remove Bugs – I’ll pay you

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
They are all over the place in front of my apartment complex in Bethesda (cheltenham / tilbury / chase). I’d pay someone to sweep them off my sidewalk and stoop every morning before I leave for work!

Herbert, Bethesda, MD


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I finally got to see a bunch last night. They are amazing- I swear I could hear them moving in the grass as well as see them emerging. I watched one “hatch” from it’s shell and watched his wings come about. VERY COOL!! Wile so many folks are disgusted by them, I am absolutely fascinated by them and can’t wait for the rest to arrive!
Does anyone know if they come out more at night? There were too many to count last night and then this morning just a handful of shells remaining. Jenn, Alexandria, VA


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
BAM! They are here! Hundreds of Brood X graduates showed up on the morning of May 12 in the back yard with dozens climbing up the back of our house. One oak tree in particular is bearing the attack of the cicadas so far. Larry, Burke, Virginia

Brood X Emergence May 13

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Last night was the third night of emergence and by far the heaviest. When I got up this morning the large trees in my front yard were covered with empty nymph shells and so was much of the ground around them. There were still large numbers of nymphs edging their way through the grass and many adults in the process of quickening or sitting on the ground waiting to get up enough gumption to fly off. I also began to see some in the air although still not many. My 9-year-old son picked up a couple of adults and let them crawl up his arms. Our six-year-old son, however, is suffering from a bout of the “yucks.” My suspicion is that tonight will be even bigger. We shall see. jmgradon, McLean, VA


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Adrian Portland says: “He seen a cicada in a hole being attacked by ants” He also said ” That is common” so being the nice person he is he dug it up; got it out of the hole and made a new hole and put him in there till it was ready to leave it. Marc Yourfavoritstudent, Pottsville, Pennsylvania, USA

Cicadas are neat!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I’ve been waiting and waiting for my first sighting this year – and was rewarded this morning. Our old elm tree was covered with numerous cicadas in various stages of emergence! Watching them develop from an embryo-like critter into a fully mature cicada in a matter of hours is truly amazing! Evidently, the birds think so too, as I was joined by a male cardinal who came within about three feet of me before he decided I might eat him before he could eat the cicadas! (LOL). Since we have lost several of our old trees in the last couple of years, and there’s been a lot of development in the area and increasing use of pesticides in no-till farming,I was concerned our cicada crop might not be as healthy as it was the last two cycles (we’ve been at the same house since 1963). This morning’s emergence is reassuring!
Frances Smith, Sparks, MD

cicada sightings

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I have a bunch munching on my azaleas, must be more than 20. My cats have sniffed at them, but not taken a bite yet! I have spotted one that is white with black eyes, the rest are the regular red eyed type. M Merriman, Springfield Va 22153

Don’t hurt them, they won’t hurt you 🙂

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I know many people get the jeebies about large bugs, as I am one of them, lol, but these are amazing creatures….They have lives 17 years underground waiting to emerge for a few weeks, mate & die. I bought my 3 yr old daughter one of those bug boxes with the air vents & handle on top so she can see how interesting they are. So, don’t squash them, try to deal with them, it will be 17 years before we see them again, hard to believe my daughter will be 20!! Staci, Beltsville, MD

Wow. Really Cool!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
At first I was pretty anxious about this whole thing (being from NY and all), but I finally saw a bunch last night and they’re cool! An adult popped out from behind my car tire this morning…I think he’d been hiding from the birds (lots of squished/eaten nymphs around him). Now I’m excited…they’re kinda cute in a spooky way. Sue, Arlington, VA

Cicada Sighting

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
When I went out for a smoke this morning around 1000 I saw a cicada skin on a tree by the picnic table and the cicada on the table. I moved it off of the table at which time it left. Fred Oelrich, Andrews AFB, Clinton, MD

Does anyone know where the largest concentration in this area is???

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I was just wondering, where in the MD/DC/VA area where the largest concentrations of the cicadas will be?
I have seen about 12 shells & 2 cicadas, one which I caught for my daughter, the other became an ant victim, he landed on the concrete & the ants ate his legs off!! I guess ants enjoy them, too!! Staci, Beltsville, MD

Bonjour, cigales!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Eerie sounds from the trees, and piles of shells on the road, a few blocks east of downtown Silver Spring. Wow! Gaston, Silver Spring, MD

The Great Gathering Tree

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
This tree is located on a warm streetcorner in my Rockville neighborhood. Last night as I was walking by I heard an unearthly squirming, crawling, scrabbling sound. I came back with the flashlight to see what must have been at least a thousand cicadas on the base, trunk and branches of the tree. Interestingly, there were many trees nearby with few or none. The warmth of this spot seems to have attracted them.

When I returned this morning, there was a large pile of husks and a few bugs still struggling to emerge. There are also lots squished on the roads–again, I’m guessing because the warm surface is attractive to them. Julia, Rockville, MD

early risers – not the brightest creatures

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Last night I stepped outside around 11pm and witnessed the first few arrivals in the mulch beds in front of my house. We have a concrete porch with steps at the entrance, and for some reason this was their sought after destination. It was only three or four of them but I watched intently for about an hour to see what they would do. And what they did was proceed to make the arduous journey up the side of the porch, only to want to climb higher once they reached the foot of the door. So they walked along the edge of the porch (fairly swiftly) around and around trying to climb the various surfaces, all of which were too steep. Some would fall back off the porch and then try and climb it again. Now there is a nice tree in our front yard so I moved one over to it and he seemed content with the fact that he could get a foothold and started climbing up. I thought great, Ill get to see one molt! But he didnt stop climbing, and after about ten minutes he was 7 feet up on the tree. He promptly lost his footing and fell 7 feet into the grass below. Unharmed and frustrated with the tree he proceeded to start back for the porch! (Cicada skating rink). So I gave up and went to bed. Im sure Ill be sick of them soon enough Brian, North Potomac, Md

Die Cicadas Die

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
On my way to the garbage can I saw one dead on the sidewalk. One fell from a tree branch and down my neck into my shirt. I threw it to the ground and poured the rest of my Pepsi soda on it. Donald Pilner, Washington, DC

They are out!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Went for a walk this morning 5am, couldn’t help but crunch a few under my feet. Saw what looked to be hundreds on the street under a light. Looks like many will be squashed under the tires. I hope my dog doesn’t eat too many! Who knows maybe they will make her breath smell better! Curt, Aspen Hill, Rockville MD

Saw some today hanging

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I saw a bunch of cicadas (perhaps 10) hanging on a tree. I found a molted shell on the ground, and noted many emergence holes near the base. Probably many cicadas here. Ben, UMBC Campus, Catonsville, MD

Bunches in Bloomington

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I found a moderately sized emergence Wednesday night around 11:30 on the north side of the Indiana University campus (across the street from the parking lot “up-the-hill” from the Psych building). Several hundred in various stages of development. Fascinating, but seriously creepy, too. I for one am looking forward to the noise. Keith2, Bloomington, IN

Nothing so far 13MAY2004 [AT] 0230

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
I just got through looking around some of the trees here around the barracks and no sign of the Brood X Cicada yet. I’ll give it a couple of days, since we have had a very cold winter this past year, they might be running a little behind schedule from the surrounding areas like Springfield, Alexandria and DC, which already have lots of ’em! I’ve been looking forward to seeing these little critters for the past couple of weeks. Back in Texas where I am originally from, we get the annual “Dog-Day Cicadas” in late Summer that have and Orange shell, black spots, and hazel eyes. Private First-Class, Fort Belvoir, VA

Theyre heeerrrrreeeeee

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
A cicada flew in the window in nymph stage ot looks to me and I have saved him here sure is ugly and kinda small, maybe not a cicada I dont know…LOL Nicole, Stanley Virginia


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
No need to witness my first confontation- these things will make a man squeel like a girl. Do I dynomite the family’s prized oak tree or move out of civilization for 5 weeks- life dependent decisions are always hard to choose! Azza, Woodbridge, VA


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
We were excited to see one molt on the old oak tree – it took about 20 minutes. But then alarmed to see 50 in the street. Laurie Jo, Bowie, Maryland


Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Tonight I was preparing to go on a nighthike with my boyfriend when we happened upon a thriving mass of ten to twenty cicada nymphs pumping themselves up through the loose soil in a planting island at a gas station.

There were trees nearby and the nymphs are protected from being run over by cars as long as they head toward the nearest trees.

We saw more on the sidewalk and soon we decided to give up on the walk because the pavement was poorly lit and we didn’t want to risk stepping on any of them.

I can’t wait. This is my first experience with a full brood! Carmen, Columbia, MD

Cicadas are right outside my door!

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
There must be several hundred cicadas within 50 feet of my condo. I’ve been seeing lots of holes around here for the past few days, and I finally spotted about 5 of them in the bushes and trees this morning. I knew more would be on the way tonight, but WOW! There’s a LOT. Saw them in all stages: Just coming up and crawling along the ground – climbing up bushes and trees – just breaking out of their shells – wings just unfolding – wings fully extended, etc.. It’s amazing to watch them pump blood into their wings. This is just plain cool! Dan, Reston, Virginia

Tonite is the night

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Just opening the front door, I can hear them coming out. The end of the driveway has at least 50 of them crawling around. alan, fairfax va

Saw them emerging

Date: Thursday, May/13/2004
Thanks to this great web site, I knew the nymphs crawl out at 1030 pm or so. I also knew they were coming based on the many detailed reports here. Sure enough, I went out a few minutes after that, and saw my first one crawling out of the dirt just under a slightly raised shed.

After looking the first one over, I was able to see two more, one on a concrete slab for the hot tub, another on dirt near the base of a tree in a flower bedding area just off the lawn. They look a lot like slugs, and are a very dark choclate brown with medium brown spots and two distinct antennae.

I realize there are folks out there who are concerned about being touched by the cicadas. About the best advice I can give these folks is to consider long-sleeved shirts, long pants, wide brimmed hats and keeping some spares available, as well as some towels or moist towelettes. These preparations may not be needed, but will help assure confidence.

Best. Peter, VA – Loudoun – Sterling – near Church Rd. & Lincoln Rd.


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Late wednesday nite the cicadas arrived in my apartment complex much to my dismay. These things are disgusting. I feel like we are being invaded by bugs. Heather, Rockville MD (Courthouse Area)

Large emergence on my street

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I came home tonight at 9:00 and thought I saw a cicada on a tree. Grabbed my flashlight and went out to look closer, I’m glad I did because in a 60 minute period I counted no less than 20 in various stages of molting. Lots of exit holes in the ground so there will probably be many more I didn’t find. COOL stuff!! you only get to see this once in a great while. It takes about 20-30 minutes for them to complete the molting process from cracking their shell to sitting on a branch with wings unfurled. John Schmidt, Springfield, VA, USA

One Cicada on a Mailbox Pole!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I grew up in Annandale and am very familiar with the Cicadas. Last large emergence which I witnessed had the cicadas with flourescent orange outlines on their wings. Three weeks ago I noticed something that really shocked me, while I was getting my mail at the community PO, I noticed a hole in the ground, moderate sized and I told my wife how Cicadas sow the soil like you wouldn’t believe. About 9 Days Later I went to get the mail and I saw a shell on the post which supports the canopy to the mailbox, lowenbehold there was a cicada on the post all by its lonesome self. At first I didn’t think it was real, I tried to pick it up and it sure was, it was definitely a cicada. This poor guy kept returning to its “post” for a few days, now hes gone. My theory on this is that 20 years ago, when our neighborhood was a pig farm, someone brought some cicadae with them from back East (in a suitcase, truck etc). They must have survived long enough to mate and drop their eggs into a tree. Now the only one left came out! His friends are all victims of the bulldozer, he will die alone, but I can say that he lived in California for a few weeks. I have never heard or seen cicadas out here, so I think this guy got lost (or punished). I know about lookalike insects, my neighbors are from back East and we all were in agreement as to what he was, hopefully another one came out maybe a female (or vice versa, not sure what this was but it had the needle on the abdomen). Amazing but true, I shoulda taken his picture. Wish I was there for this brood. At least the pictures are up! Bringing back memories, while I’m at it, I lived in Annandale for 18 years, we recently had a Thunderstorm which was more intense than Annandale ever had in 18 years, goes to show you that the climate is changing. I hope we get more, it was wonderful to see some lightning!
Daniel Gidez, Sylmar California (No Joke)

Chow Time

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Im a highschool student in baltimore, and one of our biology teachers gave an assembly today on the cicadas. he also publically announced to the entire school that i am the one member of the school community who will eat a cicada in any stage of its life cycle. what can i say? they are yummy! well, i just wanted to give everybody and update on my cicada eatinf prowess and encourage those who have not eaten any to do so. *they emerged in roland park/ ruxton today*

~chris~ chris schmidt, baltimore

A bunch here

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
The birds were going absolutely nuts today outside my house, so I looked out and saw a bird fly to the trunk of a tree, then onto the ground, eating a cicada. My daughters and I went out tonight to collect them to maybe cook and eat. You have to look for the grass moving. But the first bag we collected had a bunch of mites in it. We must have grabbed one bad cicada. Got about 60 totally, but we’ll toss the half with the mites. James, Potomac, MD

Cicadas With Hangovers in Wheaton

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Gizmo (our old tabby cat) just deposited a lone cicada on the front step. (It’s his concept of rent.) Hundreds of chimneys under trees here, but the red-eyed guys are “sleepin’ in” here in Wheaton. Jack, Silver Spring, MD

Heebie Jeebies

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I have been seeing several of them on my walk way in front of my house. This is giving me the heebies. If I had known about these things a year ago… I would have paved my whole yard! Going to go stay with some relatives for three weeks. Can’t take it alone. Yuk. I know it’s an amazing thing but I just can’t stand to see so many at once. Yuk.
Lisa, Riverdale

Kids going bug crazy!!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
The neighbourhood kids are getting into the Cicadas here…popping up ALL OVER THE PLACE (the bugs, not the kids…lol)on our morning walks to school.
There were at least 20 of them on my front stoop, & the large tree in out front yard must be the happin place “hang out” at! Paisley, Fairfax, Virginia

So what’s the bracha (blessing) for sighting a Cicada?

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I was with a friend when we went walking. I saw them in the upper park heights/pikesville area climbing on a few trees. Not many yet, but enough to freak me out. Naomi, Pikesville, MD

Lone Tree Cicadas

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Last night we saw a few holes around a tree, and one cicada on a blade of grass. Tonight, after dark, we saw at least 12 crawling up one tree, but not a single cicada on the other trees! They are so neat! My brother wants to try eating some cicadas, and we put one in a box to see it change. Sarah, Eldersburg, MD

PA – found one! (lots more to come)

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Tonight 8:00PM, Route 322 near Lancaster / Lebanon County line. I’ve been watching for the past week. Finally found a nymph coming out of the ground. It’s now in a small cage next to my computer. I’ll be watching daily, more news to come. Film at 11. Mike Frey, Lancaster PA

Cicada in Ashburn, VA

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I teach Pre-K in Sterling, VA. One of my students brought in a Ciciada still in its shell, she lives in Ashburn, VA. That is the only one I have seen so far, nobody I work with has seen them yet. Maybe they will be here soon. Kimberly, Leesburg, VA

Waiting Patiently

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Well, so far I have seen three empty shells, all on the garage doors. I am waiting patiently for the hammer to fall. Aaron, Silver Spring


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I just let my dog out to find a cicad invasion in my back yard!!!!I emptied my son’s baby pool earlier today to find that I must have really loosened the soil and set them free. I have to admit it makes me a little queasy to see so many. Im talking dozens!!!! kara, severna park, md

Out and about.

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
We have not seen any spread their wings yet, but this evening a nymph was out of his hole to take a look around. Hoping that tomorrow brings us a lot of little red eyed friends warming up to a 17 year symphony! Rich G, Gambrills, MD

Saw some in Crofton

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I saw about 1/2 a dozen in the backyard where I work today in Crofton. Pam, Severn

Zilch, Nada, Nichevo, Rien, Zip, Zero

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Maybe this area’s seen too much development over the last decade – I have yet to see a nymph casing, let alone an actual red-eyed beastie. And to think that I was kind of looking forward to this – I’m originally from central North Carolina and as far as I can remember from my childhood, all we ever got there were the pedestrian annual Dog-Day Cicadas. Dan, Pentagon City, Arlington, VA

cicada sightings!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Tongiht as I tuned in to watch the Bachelor on TV I had a cicada fly INTO my house through my window! I’ve seen a lot out in my front yard, its fun to see them leak some shells! Mandy, Oakton

Where are they??

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Have only seen a few husks around the trees and fence. I found a few wings laying around the fence. I guess the first few are the unlucky ones that get eaten by birds.

I suppose there will be plenty of them around soon enough. John, Vienna, VA

Cicada Chimneys

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Found lots of cicada chimneys and holes in the backyard. As many as 10 per square foot. No bugs though.
Steve, Miamisburg, OH

There here!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I saw my first one this morning after it had just shed it’s shell….So add Beltsville, MD to the list!!!! Stacy, Beltsville, MD

Thereeee hereeeee

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
In 2 days we collected a full gallon size ziploc bag of the shells. We took them to my son’s pre-K class for show and tell. They loved it! Teacher said was the best show and tell ever. I am
amazed by these mysterious creatures. I’m watching them come out of shells (white) and within 30 minutes they turn brown and their wings develope. So cool!
Can we sell these anywhere??? Misti Stevens, Johnson City, TN

Where are they?

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I’m disappointed. I thought that since our development was built around 20 years ago we would have a good number about. Saw one nymph two nights ago crossing our front step. One on a screen this afternoon and that’s it. Some signs of holes around a couple of trees where the developers left them, but not many (maybe a dozen). Alastair Thomson, Centreville VA

Finally here!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I was so excited to see the cicadas arrive in Fairfax! I had only seen a couple in the past few days but today they have literally taken over my entire yard! I think there have to be at least 10 per square foot!! I have an old lot with lots of deciduous trees so I wasn’t surprised. My son and I are going to break out the digital camera later today and take pictures. I’ll have to be careful though – the last time we did that he took 302 pictures! Happy cicada hunting! 🙂 Charles, Fairfax, VA

Cicidas Have Arrived

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Cicidas have arrived in Jefferson City. Cassandra, Jefferson County Tennessee

They’re Here

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
They started ewmerging here about 1 1/2 weeks ago. Now at night they seem to be making a b-line for my sun room. Had to seal the space in the door before they invaded. Jay, Kensington, MD

So far only saw a few

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
On my walk to the Metro (Forest Glen), I saw 3 shells and 2 basking cicadas. Later, walking to my office, I saw lots of *pieces* of cicadas but nothing much else.

I remember back in 1987 (I was 12)I used to catch them in flight and stick them to my gym teacher’s shirt. He’d scream like a little girl. That memory still makes me laugh! JR, Silver Spring, MD

Sighted one in NC!!!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I have my first cicada!!!! After dealing with these guys last year with Brood IX, I know better of what to expect this year. All of my trees were ‘pruned’ last year by the cicadas and really looked better by summer’s end than they did before. If you have grapes, GET SOME NETTING!! Please do not spray these guys, or anything else in your yard. The only thing that irritates me about these is the fact that my 5 year old daughter sneaks them in the house!! Happy watching. Jennifer, Westfield, Stokes Co, North Carolina

Thousands Hatched May 8-9th,2004

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Ranger, 6 miles west of Murphy NC the trees are alive with cicada’s .. dean, Ranger, NC

Cicada Attack

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I walked out of my house this morning to find a single cicada sitting on my back wall, staring at me. I knew I had to act quickly, so I jetted for my car. I jumped in and slammed the door just in time to look back and see… that he was still sitting there staring at me. Maybe he is harmless. But I think he is waiting for his friends before he strikes. Matt, Arlington, VA

Seen some here

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Actually got to see some emerge lastnight. Picked up one to check out texture. Felt kinda rubbery. Placed him back on the tree and left him to dry. Watching him dry out was quite amazing. I could actually see the little moisture drops on his wings. I felt like I was watching the discovery channel, only live 🙂 I’m very excited. The last time I seen these guys I was 9 and had just moved to the area also very freaked out by bugs. Heather , Laurel, MD

The cidadas won’t hurt you!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I was 13 when Brood X emerged in 1970 and that seemed like a big emergence to me. On my walk to school I’d see the cidada body shells all over trees and fence posts and I’d see the just emerged cidadas (we actually called them locusts back then)trying to dry and harden up. The 1987 emergence didn’t seem as dramatic to me and it’s probably because I wasn’t walking in a wooded area as much as I did at age 13.

A lot of people are trying to tease those who have never experienced the cidadas that these insects are going to attack them. This is NOT TRUE! These are very gentle creatures and the only thing that I thought was kind of gross was all the cidada body shells everywhere and the wet, shiny, just emerged insects. The “singing” does get a bit loud, but most people have air conditioning this time of year and keep the windows closed. It’s such a cool phenomenon so just enjoy it. This time I’m taking lots of pictures.

The cidadas will not fly at you or bother you or bite or sting you. I remember that in 1970 and 1987 when I had cats that they loved to eat the cicadas. They just dive bomb for them and the poor cicadas didn’t stand a chance. If you are really afraid of them, stay away from wooded areas and trees. If you go to the swimming pool you may see a stray cidada or two floating on top of the water. That’s a minor downside.

I walked to the Metro stop at East Falls Church today- which is actually in Arlington, VA- and I didn’t see one cidada. I have not seen any yet but I know they will be here! Enjoy them while they last. Lisa Jane, Falls Church, VA

None here yet either

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
We are just north of Kensington, MD(technically in Wheaton) and we haven’t seen any yet either. We have tons in the ground but none have emerged yet.
I’m waiting. Dalit, Silver Spring, MD

An interesting buzz on the Hill

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I saw my first cicada cut in front of me in traffic this morning as I was approaching Pennsylvania Avenue on 4th Street SE. Luckily it was faster than my windshield and continued on its merry way! Johanna, Capitol Hill, Washington, DC

They have arrived….

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
A note from Columbia, Maryland: they are now here! Saw a few on a tree last night! Heather, Columbia, MD

They’re here!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
We went to the local rec center today — a lovely wooded area — and they are HERE! Tons of sheds all over trees and the side of the building. We saw several “groggy” ones basking in the sun, waiting for their wings and bodies to dry. We also saw quite a few carcasses strewn about, not sure of the cause.

Now we await the chorus!
L S T, Annandale, VA


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Emergence really got started last night– saw hundreds and only one with any sign of massospora. They seemed to be molting much more quickly than in 1987. Also noticed that male nymphs headed way up into trees to molt. I only found a few adults from last night when I checked this morning– this first group didn’t come out in sufficient numbers to escape predation. The next three or four nights will be incredible, as we’re in the 1 million plus epicentre of the brood. I LOVE THESE GUYS! This is the most fantastic display of nature you are going to see in North America! Keith, Bloomington, IN

big emergence

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
over 70 nymphs were emerging last night in the pikesville Chruch lane area. lots were just splitting in the street, and soon swarmed by ants. so i picked up the cicadas and stepped on the ants… (that will teach em to plague my kitchen). James, Pikesville

Cicada races

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Today, my students found several adults cicadas in the grass. So we put them on the trees and watched them race to the top. Shirley Jeffords, Silver Spring, MD

They’re in Virginia

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Like everyone else on the thread, I noticed several last night on the underside of plants. This morning, there were about 100 on and around a telephone pole. I’m corrected as I thought this was mostly hype. Rahul, Falls Church, VA

The Cicadas

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Hey Guys! I’m so excited about the Cicadas. In fact, I just saw one this morning! It was so cool. I’m a little nervous about one flying into me though. That would be so gross! I can’t wait! I’m going to put one as my Windows XP backdrop now! Anne R., Oakton

Dale Hollow Lake KY/TN

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Our family will be on our annual houseboat trip to Dale Hollow all of next week, May 15-23. Any ideas on what we can expect by way of the cicada hatch? Have a couple of terrified kids so need to know. Still will go, but have to plan alternative things for them to do if they won’t go catch them! Thanks! KP Kristie, Illinois

Hundreds in my yard

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
As of 05/12/04 there are hundreds of cicadas in my yard most of them are sitting at ground level or on the side of my house. One plant in my front yard had easily several hundred clinging to it. There were a few emerging yesterday, but the bulk seem to be today. Scott, Franconia, Virgnina

Release the Hounds

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Saw a couple of them flying around Braddock Park in Centreville on Tuesday night…a lot of evergreen trees out that way, so we’ll see if the park becomes a “million per acre” site or not. Jason, Centreville, VA

They’re Here in Columbia

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
May 12 lots of them are coming out of the ground. Watched dozens climb out of the ground and climb the tree. Several emerging. Matt, Columbia, MD

Sat 5-8-04

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
We got a few hundred this past Saturday in Anneslie South of Towson.
Very friendly bugs. Lots of smiles for the kids.

They’re definitely here

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
We first discovered fifty to one hundred cicadas in our front yard on Sunday night, when I went to take out the garbage and heard something crunch underfoot. They were swarming my front porch. My teenage son and I watched for an hour as they skittered across the pavement and wriggled out of their skins. We posted a warning sign, “Watch your step–cicadas!” There were not so many on Monday or Tuesday night, but this morning the back yard was full of cicadas festooned on the azalea bushes, resting on the swingset, buzzing through the sunlight. One enormous, enterprising black squirrel was harvesting cicadas from the bushes and consuming them as fast as he could. They have definitely arrived. Laura, Wheaton, MD

Where do I get protective clothing?!?!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I am very anxious about these cicadas flying into me, landing on me, swarming around me, seeing them, etc…. Is there some sort of “beekeeper-ish” suit that I could purchase in the DC area to avoid “feeling” them on me? I am already getting panic attacks and some anxiety about them!! PLEASE HELP!! Scared!, Washington DC

Cicadas at Goucher College!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I went to check out some of the emerging cicadas this morning with three of my co-workers. There were shells every where, and we watched some very groggy guys climbing up trees and drying out. There were some dead ones on the sidewalk who didn’t seem to have the strength to continue their journey.
Audrey, Towson, Maryland

pretty neat!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I have seen one this morning [AT] 7am.
It’s 11:30 and i have approx 100 popping out. It’s really cool to
them go from the larva stage to the flight stage. Watch one, it will
be worth it!! Thomas S., Fallston- Maryland

1 Shell Found

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I found 1 shell this morning on the base of a White Birch tree in my yard. Rick, Archbald, PA

Saw one… but only one so far

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I saw one yesterday (May 11) on my mailbox, but thus far this is the only one I have seen. My boyfriend, in Silver Spring, MD has seen many. Jennifer, Hyattsville, MD


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I have hundreds of cicadas on my front lawn, front elm tree and on our walkway. The squirrels and birds have been feasting the past 2 days. The squirrels like to eat the abdomen and leave the legs wriggling. Leaving the front light on seems to make a difference. I had a few less around the front door last night as I left the front light off. Not doing this the night before resulted in many hanging on the front screen. ED, Bethesda


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Our backyard is covered with shells and adults. We had our first couple on May 5, then a few more on the 6th. I left town for the weekend and when I returned on the 9th, our house exterior and back yard were covered. They seem particularly fond of the south point of our yard where I found hundreds this morning. Ashley, Baltimore, Maryland

Windshield sitting!!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
On my drive along the GSP to pick up my daughter from college I saw this thing coming from a fair distance away. It left a big smudge on my windshield. Can’t wait to see the full emergence. Ed Hawley, Keyport,NJ

None yesterday – hundreds today

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Couldn’t find a single one yesterday. This morning, there were hundreds in my front yard alone. Most were on the shrubs and hostas underneath my oak tree. The squirrels were going nuts! Vic, McLean, VA

saw 2!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I saw two this morning. One had just shed his nymph-skin and was drying his wings. Very beautiful. The red eyes are stunning.

Looking forward to more! kristenfw, lower Brookland, DC

Cicada arrival

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Cicadas are here in the Middleridge section of Fairfax. A dozen moltings around my front door this morning and a few cicadas hanging out on the front steps, not quite ready to fly. Dave, Fairfax, VA

First One!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I saw my first empty shell (alright, 1/2 a shell) this morning! Susan, Columbia, MD

Finally saw them!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Last night I took a walk around the block and saw about two dozen shells on utility poles — no cicadas. This morning, when I went outside to bring in the newspapers — no cicadas. However, when my ten year old and I went to get in the car at 8AM, she spotted one perched on a rear tire! Then I saw one on the other rear tire.

I remember them from when I was ten back in 1970 and then again 17 years ago. My question is: when will I say I’ve seen too many? Dennis, Silver Spring, Maryland

Driveway Melting Pot

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
This past Monday, May 10th they were covering my entire driveway. All dead due to the heat of the blacktop. Judy, Rockville, MD

The Mulch Will Not Harm Them

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
No worries on the mulch. Even if you kill 1000 of them, there’s 10,000’s more right behind ’em…..

I live in Northwest DC — Friendship Heights area. They’re here! Witness to about 300 cicadas this morning on my walk around the block Cicada BBQ-Man, Washington, DC

First Sightings

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Yesterday (5/11/2004), I saw 4 shells on a short walk in the evening outside my home about a mile west of the Pentagon. This morning, I saw between 6 and 12 more shells and 2 cicadas while walking to the car. David Gray, Arlington, VA

Brood X Emergence Update May 12

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Here in McLean in suburban DC we had even more cicads emerging last night than the night before. My 9-year-old son amused himself by picking up nymphs crawling through the grass and helping them out by putting them onto the tree trunks. Although there appear to be dozens and perhaps hundreds of empty nymph casings on the trunks of our older trees or in the grass at their base we have yet to see cicadas flying around much less in large numbers. Nor have we heard any noises we could identify as cicada buzzing. jmgradon, McLean, VA

No signs yet – Preakness?

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Only about an hour south of DC and I’ve had no sightings and I haven’t heard them yet either. I’m excited to see them, but don’t want them to ruin the Preakness up in Baltimore this weekend. Has anyone in the Baltimore area seen them? Wendel, Southern Maryland

Got ’em

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
We’ve had them for over a week. Just a handful right now, but the dog’s loving it. Bart, Woodbridge, VA

The cicadas have arrived in my neighborhood!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
On my morning walk yesterday, 5/11/04, I first saw holes in the ground, then empty skins, then some dead cicadas and finally a live one, drying in the sun.

But this morning, 5/12/04…it was a bug of a different color! They seemed to be everywhere! Hundreds of skins, lots of live and dead cicadas on the sidewalks (including some 1/2 eaten and lots of random wings! Yuk!) As well as some still emerging, many buzzing about on shrubs and some in the beaks of passing sparrows. The invasion is upon us! J. Lowe, Woodley Park, Washington, DC


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I haven’t seen any yet, but I’ve been doing research. There is a cookbook online at the University of Maryland entomology department!

There are soft-shelled cicadas, shanghai cicadas, cicada dumplings, cicada stir-fry, chirper tacos, chocolate covered circadas, circada pie, and others!!! Bonnie, Elkridge, Maryland

I don’t like these Cicadas

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
My children and I saw a few cicadas on our building as you walk out. We even saw them stuck together. I think they are so nasty looking. I’m getting married in June, what I’m I going to do.

Jeanine, New Carrollton, MD

Saw them in the yard!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Saw a few shells on my tree this morning – saw a shell on a leaf in the tree last night, saw two birds fighting over a cicada in front of the door, and then saw another shell on the ground under the same tree! Telephone poles on Ravensworth Rd. in Annandale are covered with shells. Lisa, Springfield, VA

what a pleasant surprise

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
This morning, there were shells all over the ground, and lots of critters all over the trees – hugging the bark, the leaves. Everywhere. For a number, let’s go with dozens. No noise noted.
Joe, mount washinton, MD

The Cicada Invasion Has Begun!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Arlington Village – Arlington, VA

Cicada’s, cicada’s everywhere!

The birds seemed especially loud this morning…. Cicada Steve, Arlington, VA

Cicadas are plentiful in Pickens County

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Our State entymologist did not expect Cicadas South of Lumpkin County, GA. Well I can tell you for sure they are here! (5/12/04) Dave Blake, Jasper, Georgia


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
The emergence began last night here in Potomac Farms. I watched several cicadas emerge and begin to shed thier shells at about 10:30 pm. By this morning there were several dozen empty shells at the base of an old maple tree in my front yard and adult cicadas hanging out in the branches. We are expecting more to emerge in the coming days! James, Ashburn, Virginia

There Here

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Found one in the pool this morning! I’m sure there are many more to come. Tami, North Potomac, MD

on car Tires!!

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Woke up this morning and found dozens of cicadas attached to the black tires on our car!! Also on a little tree and our wooden fence! Wow!!! Jeff G, Silver Spring, MD


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
There must have been almost two dozen of the nasty critters clinging to my garage door this morning. I can only guess that the birds will soon be showing up and it will look like something out of a Hitchcock film! Funny thing, though, that’s the only place I saw them. Were they there because of the morning sun? Lynne, Oak HIll, VA

Any Cicadas near Pennsville, NJ ??

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I’ll be in the Pennsville, NJ area this weekend. Does anyone know of a place nearby to see the Cicadas ? Karen, Rochester, NY

They’re all over the parking lot

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I just spent some time picking up 20 or so off the parking lot and tires of trucks parked overnight here at work. Yesterday we saw 2 or 3, today there are tons. Kathy, Camp Springs, MD

Front porch sitings

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Found 5 on the front porch and a shell hanging on the brick. My son freaked out when he poked the shell and realized that there was still a bug in it that had not emerged yet. The fun has begun. Cam, Severna Park, Maryland

No cicadas yet

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I live near Georgia Avenue and the beltway. Yesterday there were reportedly lots of cicadas near my church (east side of Ga. ave) but I haven’t even seen a shell on the west side. Tammy, Silver Spring

Thousands in my backyard

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I’ve got thousands of cicadas in my backyard. Last night the ground seemed alive with them. There were hundreds climbing up one tree. It was bizarre. Now I know why there are big piles of the skeletons at the base of the tree. A lot climb up and then fall down. Go out at night to see them come out. Bob, Bethesda, Maryland

They’re here

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Empty shells on the trees Monday; saw MANY emerging Tuesday evening. They are definitely here. John, Bowie, MD


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
We don’t have large cicadas in the Netherlands, but I have encountered them on my trips to southern Spain and the Sonoran desert in Arizona. How an insect like this can make such a lot of noise is a mystery to me! I would love to see this 2004 Brood X phenomenon take place. Edith Nies, The Netherlands

Exiting the soil

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I’ve seen nymphs for about a week when digging the soil and turning over rocks. Inspired by todays May 11 Post article, I went out tonight and saw a nymph crawling up the tree. Quite a few holes in the ground, and saw one cicada butt sticking out of one. Quite a kick to see them making their way out of the soil.

I’d been feeding nymphs to my daughter’s White’s Tree Frog over the last week, but he’s been looking fat and constipated, so I stopped that practice . . . Scott McAfee, Springfield, VA

Cicadas hit Jessup

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
My son found 2 cicadas on the front porch at 10:30pm Tuesday. Terri, Jessup,Maryland

First look

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
Saw one (and only one) at around midnight. The rest should be out by tomorrow. John, Severna Park, MD

Photographing an Emerging Cicada From The Shell

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I’ve been sitting outside watching a Cicada come out of it’s shell…it is so amazing!
Lisa S, Rockville Maryland, USA

They’re Back

Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
We’ve seen a few over the past couple of days, but tonight they are EVERYWHERE! Jean, Annandale, VA


Date: Wednesday, May/12/2004
I finally saw some of the little critters as I was on the way to our laundry room. I’m in the Courthouse metro area, in Colinial Village. As I watched the one slowly make its way along the sidealk, another one came out. I think this is pretty exciting. But, maybe in a few days when they are every where….. Barb, Arlington, Va.

They’re here!

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
Came face to face with my first cicada in my back yard yesterday morning. Saw more later last night after sundown. Today, those were all dead or torn apart. Tonight, 3 times as many on my back and front patios. I am morbidly engrossed and grossed out. I am not happy about this. I’ve got a huge yard with many old, old trees. I resent that I won’t be able to enjoy it for the next few weeks. Shawn, Garrett Park, Maryland

Re: was planning to mulch

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
Don’t worry about it —- my mom described to me once how they were coming up through sun-warmed asphalt during an emergence in her youth!!!! Sarah Dalton, Columbus, OH


Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
Yeah my aunts dog came in with a cicada wing hanging out of it’s mouth. So they have arrived in Morristown. Mark , Morristown, New Jersey

They are here!

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
Went outside to retrieve a something from the car, and there they were on the pavement, just roaming very slowly… they are not afraid like most insects… Can’t wait to hear them “SING”

Good-Luck James, Montgomery Village, MD USA

they are out

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
10pm tues. i found 8-10 crawling on my front walk and house. They are here!!!! K Hicks, oxon hill, md

What’s taking them so long?

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
I’m seeing more and more holes every day, can even look into some of the holes and see those red eyes peering back at me. Have not seen a single shell from one that has emerged. I was in Vienna
Virginia in 1987, they were everywhere. Rich G, Gambrills, MD

Cicadas seen here!

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
On my morning walk of, I saw 1 1/2 mile in western Annandale on Monday 5/10, I saw 2 cicadas. Today I saw about 250!! Claire, Annandale, VA

one big molt-a-rama

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
it’s 9:30pm and there is a molt-fest going on in my backyard. fascinating! i highly recommend looking for cicadas soon after nightfall. Pam, Kensington, MD

crunch crunch crunch

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
my kids collected 28 exoskeletons this afternoon and placed them in baggies to bring to school tomorrow. They were playfully arguing over their new posessions. We also found 2 live ones in the grass that did not make it up into the trees. Mary Ellen Wolf, Reston VA

We call Cicadas ” ChakChanh “

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
Laotians are very exited about ” Chakchanh ”
will come out because It is exotic. Khammoung, Murfreesboro, TN

Was planning to mulch…

Date: Tuesday, May/11/2004
Was planning to put down mulch around some of our trees this weekend but I’m afraid I my hurt the ciacdas chances of getting out? Does anyone know it this is a valid concern?

Thanks! Peter, Princeton, NJ

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