Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

Cicada T-shirts

June 6, 2007

Chicago Trip Wrap Up

Filed under: Brood XIII | Magicicada | Periodical — Tags: — Dan @ 7:35 am

Sunday I spent the day at the Ryerson Woods Cicada Mania festival. The Lake County Forest Preserve folks did a fantastic job putting this event together: they had music, fun for kids like face painting and a costume contest, and entertaining & informative talks by cicada expert Gene Kritsky. I spent more time filming with the Fuji TV crew, looking for more white-eyed cicadas (no luck), and exploring trails. At the very end of my visit I discovered a large emergence of cicadas out by the river between a footbridge and a cabin (I think it was called the Stokes cabin). Around 5:30 pm I heard a sound like boiling water; I looked down and thousands of cicada nymphs were crawling from the ground. The experience was sublime. I even found a brown-eyed cicada.

A big shout out to everyone I saw wearing one of our t-shirts!

There are more cicada hikes going on at Ryerson this weekend. If you go, I recommend you go to the cabin by the river. This weekend there should be plenty more cicadas to see and hear.

Monday I made it out to the Brookfield Zoo, which is about 25 minutes south of O’Hare. I read that there was a large emergence of cicadas at the zoo and that the animals were feasting on the cicadas — I had to check it out. When I pulled into the parking lot of the zoo the noise of the cicadas was overwhelming! Kids were screaming “CICADA” and spending more time looking at cicadas than the zebras and bears. Most of the cicadas I saw and heard at the zoo were Magicicada cassini (small with all-black abdomens). I don’t remember seeing any animals eating cicadas — maybe they’ve had their fill. The Zoo carousel had two cicadas rides! How cool is that?



This is an example of lousy photo composition. If I were smart, I would have had a zoo animal in the background to prove this was at the zoo:

Cassini at the zoo

More video and photos to come... check back often…

No thanks to Sony, whose Handycam takes so-so video and isn’t compatible with Macs, Best Buy for lying to me when I asked if the Handycam was Mac compatible, Apple, for iMovie which does not support muxed Mpeg 2 video (which is what the Handycam makes), and Cannon, for making a digital camera with a macro setting that essentially turns every photo into a fuzzy blob.

Nothing to do with my trip to Chicago, but here’s a link to John’s been posting this URL on the message board every other day. Maybe if I post it on the homepage, he’ll chill out.

June 5, 2007

Magicicada nymphs emerging by Roy

Filed under: Brood XIII | Magicicada | Nymphs | Roy Troutman | Video — Dan @ 8:59 am

Magicicada nymphs emerging by Roy Troutman.

Magicicada nymphs emerging from Roy Troutman\.

June 2, 2007

Day One the the Lake County Forest Preserve

Filed under: Brood XIII — Dan @ 11:41 pm

Today was a great day. I attended Gene Kritsky’s talk at the Lake County Forest Preserve. After 11 years of Cicada Mania, it was great to finally meet Gene and see one of his speeches. I also got to meet Cicada Mania contributor Roy Troutman for the first time, as well as Gerry Bunker who runs the information rich Massachusetts Cicadas website, and Joe Green, who contributes to the Entomology – Cicadidae Yahoo! Group (rip).

I also spent a lot of the day with a film team from Fuji TV, the Japanese ABC affiliate. They’re filming the emergence for Japanese TV. Very cool!

I was able to take a couple good photos, and some video. I hope to upload the video on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Adult Magicicada

Time to face the (cicada) music

Filed under: Brood XIII | Magicicada — Dan @ 6:40 am

A great photo of a Magicicada by Christina Thorell:

Adult Magicicada

June 1, 2007


Filed under: Brood XIII | Magicicada — Dan @ 9:05 pm

Looking forward to seeing Gene Kritsky speak tomorrow at the Lake County Forest Preserve.

Blogs (some with pictures)
First, Catch Your Cicada .

Photo of the day

Photo by Joe Balynas.


May 30, 2007

Last update before Chicago

Filed under: Brood XIII — Dan @ 10:04 pm

Today I leave for Chicago! Saturday and Sunday I’ll be around the Lake County Forest Preserve Cicada Mania events. Saturday is Gene Kritsky, and Sunday is the Cicada Mania festival. Hopefully there will be time to drive up to Wisconsin because I’ve never been there. Monday, I’ll probably head down to the Brookfield Zoo, and watch the animals eat cicadas.

If you see me (I look like Lenny Clark) say hello.

Some new emergence locations: Prophetstown, IL, Wicker Park in Chicago, just east of Portage, IN, Moraine Nature Preserve, New Lenox, IL… BTW, Lake Geneva, Wi seems like a hot spot for Wisconsin.


A massive brood XIII photoset on Flickr. The Cicada photos keep pouring in to Flickr — check them out.

Ms Frack has posted another great series of photos on her blog.


It’s the King Of Cicada. Listen and download.

News and Blogs

Tips to protect small trees.

Video of teachers eating cicadas for charity.

Why is Curmudgeon driving us buggy? More cicada stuff….. Nice pictures.

Cicada Outbreaks Linked to Other Animals’ Booms, Busts. I contributed a quote to this one.

May 28, 2007

Emergence Report for 5/28

Filed under: Brood XIII | Magicicada — Dan @ 9:53 am

There’s been some Wisconsin reports: Lake Geneva, WI and Iowa County. Will Iowa state be next?


There are hundreds of cicada photos on flickr. Here’s some favorites:

A pile of exuvia.

A large pile at the foot of a tree.

Dozens climbing up a tree limb.

Close up of an adult.

Magicicada Emerging from its Exuvia

Filed under: Brood XIII | Magicicada — Dan @ 8:59 am

Here’s some nice close ups (macros) of a Magicicada emerging from its exuvia (what most people call skin, or husk, or shell). The photos were taken by Michael Fiorenzo with a Nikon Coolpix 3200. Click the images for the full size originals.

Molting Magicicada:
Molting Magicicada

Molting Magicicada:
Molting Magicicada

Mating Magicicada:
Mating Magicicada

May 25, 2007

Emergence Report for 5/26

Filed under: Brood XIII | Magicicada — Dan @ 9:17 pm

New Emergence Locations: River Forest, Oak Park, Lenox (all Illinois)

Anyone in Wisconsin or Iowa see a cicada yet?


And squirrels eating cicadas!

More Flickr photo sets:

ninjono’s cicada photos.

Elmhurst Bags’ cicada photos.

baywatchbanks’ cicada photos.

mawlor410’s cicada photos.

srfagan’s cicada photos. Nice photos of piles of cicada skins at the base of a tree.

Also read my article: Are cicadas safe to eat?. Watch out if you’re prone to gout.

May 24, 2007

Cicada Facts!

Filed under: Brood XIII | Eye Color — Dan @ 8:46 pm

Fact: Magicicadas can have blue and white eyes!

They’re very rare, but some Magicicadas can have blue or white eyes. Take a picture if you find one! Besides red, orange, white and blue, you might also find a magicicada with cream, yellow or tan eyes.

Fact: There is a wasp called the Cicada Killer Wasp

Can you guess why the Cicada Killer Wasp is called a cicada killer? They’re big wasps, but they’d rather sting a cicada than you. Read more about the Cicada Killer Wasp.

Fact: Cicadas don’t eat like people do, they drink tree fluids instead

Whether they’re in the ground on a root, or on a tree limb, cicadas drink tree fluids called xylem sap to stay nourished. They drink they fluid using their beak, also called a rostrum — it looks like a straw!

Fact: Magicicadas won’t appear everywhere

Even though the maps at the top of the page might suggest there are Magicicadas in your area, you might not find them on your property.

Here’s some reasons why:

  • You live in a new development, and the cicadas were killed when your neighborhood was built.
  • Too many pesticides.
  • There’s no large deciduous trees (like maples and oaks) in your neighborhood.
  • There simply aren’t any.

If none turn up in your yard, don’t give up hope:

  • Check local parks and forest preserves.
  • Ask some friends and family if they’ve seen some. Cicada networking!
  • Check your local news papers.

They’re out there, you just might have to travel a bit to see them.

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