Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

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June 2, 2007

Day One the the Lake County Forest Preserve

Filed under: Brood XIII — Dan @ 11:41 pm

Today was a great day. I attended Gene Kritsky’s talk at the Lake County Forest Preserve. After 11 years of Cicada Mania, it was great to finally meet Gene and see one of his speeches. I also got to meet Cicada Mania contributor Roy Troutman for the first time, as well as Gerry Bunker who runs the information rich Massachusetts Cicadas website, and Joe Green, who contributes to the Entomology – Cicadidae Yahoo! Group (rip).

I also spent a lot of the day with a film team from Fuji TV, the Japanese ABC affiliate. They’re filming the emergence for Japanese TV. Very cool!

I was able to take a couple good photos, and some video. I hope to upload the video on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Adult Magicicada


  1. STEVE TURNER says:

    This picture is incredible. The clarity is unbeleivable.

  2. Quite a well put together site and very informative. You’ve also got some nice photos.
    I wish I could shoot photos as nice.

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