Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

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Magicicada periodical cicada Broods.

May 4, 2009

Magicicada septendecim emerging in Greensboro, NC

Filed under: Brood II | Brood XIV | Magicicada | Periodical — Tags: — Dan @ 5:56 pm

Tommy Joseph took these photos of Magicicada septendecim emerging Greensboro, North Carolina.

Update: looking at the maps, they probably aren’t brood XIV. Looks like they are Brood II accelerated 4 years, or Brood XIX accelerated 2 years (which would make them 13 year cicadas).

Big pile of skins:
Big pile of cicada skins

Magicicada with damaged wings:
Magicicada with damaged wings

Adult Magicicada:
Adult Magicicada

Magicicada Exuvia

Male Magicicada septendecim:
Male Magicicada septendecim

Exuvia/skins/shells on leaves:
Exuvia/skins on leaves

April 24, 2009

Be on the lookout for Brood XIV stragglers?

Filed under: Brood XIV | Magicicada | Periodical Stragglers — Dan @ 6:23 am

Be on the lookout for Brood XIV stragglers. A few Magicicada that didn’t emerge in 2008 should appear in 2009! Keep your eyes and ears peeled.

January 11, 2009

HD Cicada Videos from Roy Troutman

Filed under: Anatomy | Brood XIV | Magicicada | Roy Troutman | Video — Dan @ 7:36 pm

Here’s something special. Roy Troutman has uploaded some HD quality videos of Magicicadas to YouTube. Click the links to see the full-size versions.

Periodical Cicada sitting on leaf in HD:

Periodical Cicada’s heart pumping in HD:

Cicada molting in HD:

Here’s a Brood XIV Roy created as well:

Brood XIV Map by Roy Troutman

December 31, 2008

2008 General Cicada Questions

Filed under: Brood XIV | Old Message Board — Dan @ 1:01 am

These questions come from the old General Cicada Questions message board. They are from 2008, so there is a good chance there are Magicicada Brood XIV questions interspersed. The questions and answers are in reverse order. URLs found in comments are old and likely do not work.

There are some sites on the internet detailing Thai cicadas. Additionally there is a book called Cicadas of Thailand by Bouchard, Volume I. This is the best text with multiple illustrations and a CD on Cicada calls. Hope that helped

Comment by Elias — November 21, 2008 [AT] 7:51 am

when will both cicadas come out?

Comment by tyler — November 15, 2008 [AT] 2:23 pm

I have seen very big cicadas in Thailand recently which make sounds like very very loud sirens.
Do you know, what they are called?
I could send you a photo!
Greetings from Andrea, Germany

Comment by Andrea — November 5, 2008 [AT] 1:21 pm

Sounds like Katydids.

Comment by Dan — October 21, 2008 [AT] 8:08 am

COuld they be Katydids? Check the sounds of insects site from an earlier post of mine and listen to the calls. Hope that helps. I do not believe any cicadas in North America sing at night. A few speices will call at late dusk however.

Comment by Elias — October 21, 2008 [AT] 7:27 am


I live in Wisconsin. I’ve been hearing strange clicking sounds coming from the trees this past summer, and they seem to last all day and into the night. I’ve not heard these clicking sounds before, so I’m curious as to what insect may be producing these noises.

Can someone tell me what i’m hearing?

Comment by Robert — October 12, 2008 [AT] 6:41 pm

Hello Mckenzie,

Do you have pictures of this cicada? Please send them to my email epb471 [AT] I am not sure if you are the “librarian” or Nathan. I would like to see both specimens to help with the ID.

Here in NY we have temps 50-60′s. Katydids and crickets still singing at night albeit slowly. Cicadas are all gone.


Comment by Elias — October 6, 2008 [AT] 3:57 am

I would think as an answer to both Librarian and Nathan that the highest likelihood is Tibicen canicularis. Click on the link for a picture and call.
End quote

I haven’t heard this call in my backyard before…

Comment by McKenzie — September 30, 2008 [AT] 9:51 am

Wow, still hearing a lone cicada this late in the year.

Comment by McKenzie — September 30, 2008 [AT] 9:48 am

Not sure if anyone breeds or sells cicadas. They have a long subterranean life cycle and are quite difficult to rear in captivity.

Comment by Elias — September 24, 2008 [AT] 11:59 am

hey guys
just wondering where i could find a breeder/seller of cicadas in southwestern ontario


Comment by JIM VLAHOS — September 23, 2008 [AT] 7:13 pm

The Tibicen species have a 2 — 9 year life cycle which has not been fully worked out yet. They are not periodical like the 17 year cicada as a brood of Tibicen emerges every year. It has been observed that some years they are more plentiful then others. This species emerges as far north as mid Canada so they are likely better able to handle the cold. You are probably seeing the end of the emergence. It is interesting that they were males because usually the females emerge most commonly later on.

Comment by Elias — September 12, 2008 [AT] 6:58 am

Thanks, Elias, this looks like what I found.

Any ideas why they emerged and molted so late in the fall? We are soon to have frost, so I don’t think that there will be time for mating, egg laying, hatching, etc.

Did these guys just miss their cycle? (they were both males).


Comment by Nathan — September 11, 2008 [AT] 6:42 am

I would think as an answer to both Librarian and Nathan that the highest likelihood is Tibicen canicularis. Click on the link for a picture and call.

Comment by Elias — September 10, 2008 [AT] 9:45 am

Yesterday my son found two very recently shed cicadas in Eastern South Dakota. They had just shed and their wings were still shriveled up and green. I didn’t know anything about them, so I have been doing some internet research. It doesn’t seem that these would be the 13 or 17 yr. species. It has been pretty cool for the last several weeks, into the 40s and 50s at nights and 60s during the day although yesterday was in the upper 70s. Any ideas as to why these emerged so late and what year they would have hatched? They are green and black like a frog and the leading edge of their wings is bright green. Thanks.

Comment by Nathan — September 10, 2008 [AT] 6:54 am


Can someone tell me what species of Tibicen would be in the Albany, NY (Niskayuna area specifically) locale?


Comment by Librarian — September 9, 2008 [AT] 6:06 am

Here’s a link to a story about cicadas that have landed in Buffalo!

Comment by David — September 8, 2008 [AT] 1:52 pm

Greetings all:

I am looking for any information on the location of Tibicen auletes on Long Island or Staten Island, New York.
Please review this picture/call of T. auletes. They like sandy soil and oak trees and call mainly at dusk.
Please tell me what town or nearby place you hear them or you can email me directly at epb471 [AT] The goal is to update nearly 100 year old databases on this elusive species. Thank you!! ELIAS

Comment by Elias — September 7, 2008 [AT] 6:50 pm

Hello Darvin,

I would think that the larvae are probably the immature forms of another insect. The cicada undergoes an incomplete metamorphisis, sheds its shell and flies away. The eggs are laid in branches and they fall to the ground and burrow in. Cast of shells do not have any further role in a cicadas life cycle. I am sure in a very heavy periodical emergence, some new nymphs could by chance fall on to a cast off shell.

Take care and hope this helped

Comment by Elias — September 5, 2008 [AT] 3:04 pm

We live in Minnesota, and we have found alot of Cicada “shells” around our maple tree this summer. My daughter found two of these shells and put them in a container to take to school to show her class. After two or three days she brought them to me and said that there were worms in the shells. Sure enough — there were two small white larvae crawling out of the shell. I didn’t know that that was part of the life cycle. The next day there were larvae crawling in the second shell. Have you come across this situation before? Cicada are amazing!

Comment by Darvin Ische — September 5, 2008 [AT] 7:50 am

NEW!!! Joe Green: Tibicen resonans, Florida, 2007
The pictures here are most like the cicadas here. They’re mostly black with a little bit of green though. They’re wings are loooong and they fold behind them. They’re not as active at night as they were…my husband and I quit smoking though so we haven’t been outside much at night. We did go outside one night this past weekend and there was one still alive on the ground and one ran into the porch light and then tried to get me, another ran into the end of our house and flew above it. They sing all day here all year round. Since I moved to east Texas from south Texas I’ve heard them every day but I’ve only seen the shells left behind until I moved here to Winnsboro. There aren’t any more shells around than normal…I guess they’re just getting a bit more brave…or could clearing of the woods behind us stir them up??

Comment by Ashley — September 4, 2008 [AT] 8:57 pm

Yes, Steve, it would be very interesting to see your photos of cicadas in Israel!

Comment by Bob Jacobson — September 1, 2008 [AT] 7:37 pm

Someone told me that cicada’a in Austrailia sing at night. i saw your page that says that is generally not true. i told the person that they were hearing treetoads or crickets but not cicadas.

also i took close up photos of cicadas in israel. anyone interested?

please reply to:
listed [AT]

Comment by steve — September 1, 2008 [AT] 6:05 pm



Has anyone a recording of a green grocer cicada?

I can find many others on the web, but not that one.

Here, by the way, is a Japanese tsuku tsuku boshi cicada—>

Very distinct sound (like a bird)



Comment by Paul Arenson — August 31, 2008 [AT] 3:37 pm

It is atypical for the nymphs to shed in the daytime. I am not sure if this leads to a higher deformity rate. Also it may have been stuck during the molting process and you found it at a later time. If the emerging portion of the cicada was black already than this was the case.
Unfortunately alot can go wrong during that final molt! Once they are stuck there is nothing that can be done to help them.

Comment by Elias — August 31, 2008 [AT] 9:18 am

Hi! This morning as I was out walking, I saw a cicada nymph in the street. It was clinging to the pavement and had begun shedding, but I didn’t want it to get run over by a car, so I picked it up and carried it to a safe spot. I know it was alive, as I could feel little spasms or jerks from its body as it tried to get the old shell off. However, it never continued shedding after that point; it died soon after. Did it die because its shedding process was disturbed? Or perhaps it had already become overheated in the morning sun when I found it? I’m sad that the lil guy didn’t make it..

Comment by Colleen S. — August 30, 2008 [AT] 4:06 pm

I wish I could send pics, but I don’t have a camera. I can say that there have been a couple that fell from a high tree and hit the roof, then fell to the ground. The others all had sufficient climbing surfaces. Many, which I forgot to mention, were almost entirely black in coloration, the darkest ones tended to have the worst wing deformation..
Thank you, by the way, for responding to my inquiries. 🙂 They are Very much appreciated!

Comment by bugwhisperer — August 28, 2008 [AT] 7:39 pm

The less choices that periodicals have in terms of vertical surfaces, the higher the deformity rate. They trample and mash each other. Somehow enough usually survive. Also if there is undergrowth the deformed males can call and mate with deformed females. I have witnessed this on several occasions.

Comment by Elias — August 28, 2008 [AT] 7:01 pm

This seems reasonable to me. One can often find deformed periodical cicadas, too.

Comment by Bob Jacobson — August 28, 2008 [AT] 3:19 pm

There exists the possibility that the cicadas where injured during their shedding process. When this occurs, they may bleed (technically endolymph)and this creates dark blotches or spots. This can be seen if the nymph falls far onto a hard surface or if it is attacked by another insect/arachnid, or sometimes from other cicada nymphs trampling a shedding nymph on its way up a tree. Just a theory based on what you gave us. What does everyone else think. Please send pictures so we can see.

Comment by Elias — August 27, 2008 [AT] 4:33 am

Hi! I had no idea this website existed, this is so awesome!!! Question. I live in central Indiana and have noticed some type of epidemic with the population this year. I have found several with black spots whose wings will not fully develope, also covered in black spots. ALL of them have died. It’s almost as if their wings are stuck together. These friendly buggies are very dear to me, but I don’t know much, in fact I just saw my first attack by a ‘killer wasp’ yesterday. If anyone has an expaination I would appreciate it, because it breaks my heart everytime I find one.

Comment by bugwhisperer — August 24, 2008 [AT] 7:48 pm

That’s not true. Cicadas stop singing a dusk for the most part. Katydids and cicadas keep chirping into the night.

Comment by Dan — August 23, 2008 [AT] 8:35 pm

My sister swears that the cicadas stop singing at 2AM. Is that true? If yes, why?

Comment by Kathleen — August 23, 2008 [AT] 6:08 pm

Hello Cress,

I am postive the cicada killer venom lasts for the remaining life of the cicada. I have collected many specimens by gently tugging them away from female cicada killers when they are making their final approach to the burrow. I have never been stung in the process. All of my specimens never “woke up”. They will last approximately 5 — 8 days which is the lifespan of the cicada killer larva. If the cicada dies and spoils, so does the larva. Unfortunately, your friend wont come out of it, and I do not believe a known antidote has been developed.

I am also a huge admirer of Tibicen chloromera!

Comment by Elias — August 23, 2008 [AT] 6:14 am

Hey everyone,

I’m a *HUGE* fan of tibicen chloromera, I think of them as good friends. So imagine my shock and horror when I heard the sound of a distressed male as he landed to the ground being attacked by a cicada killer! I get that they’re beneficial and all but I took this as my one chance of being a cicada hero. I got the killer to leave without much effort and gently scooped my friend up to take home. He’s definitely paralyzed and has been chilling here for the better part of 6 hours. Concerned he was in pain and I was prolonging release I searched cicada killer venom to find it shouldn’t cause pain. But I can’t find any source that tells me how long the venom remains effective. Does anyone know how long my friend will be stuck like this?

Comment by Cress — August 22, 2008 [AT] 12:32 pm

Hello Mar,
Not much we can do except preserve woodlands and neighborhood trees. They are more often heard then seen so it will take a little diligence to find them. Trying to find a nymph at night and watching it emerge from its “shell” is the easiest way to acquire specimens. Good luck

Comment by Elias — August 22, 2008 [AT] 4:21 am

Hi, this is an awesome site!
I have Cicada singing in my garden, but, and I’m embarrassed to admit this, I can only find one so far to look at! (In the maple tree)
I have seen two Cicada killer wasps (I think; they’re large solitary wasps) they are pleasant, (like the Euro paper wasps who nest in the window well) and curious, (there might be more than two, but honestly the markings seem like the same two) but so far I haven’t seen any predation. I know it’s nature and the wasps have to eat, honestly I’m glad. Is there anything I can do that would help the Cicada (and his friends I can’t find) in my garden?

Comment by Mar — August 19, 2008 [AT] 6:52 pm

Does anyone out there collect cicadas, or is anyone interested in exchanging specimens? I’m trying to build a representative collection of as many different species as I can. Even specimens found dead on the ground would be of interest. (Ashley, I’d love to see what kinds are pestering you in Texas!)

I’m particularly interested in such species as Tibicen texana, robbinsoniana, similaris, resh, resonans, superba, figurata, bifidus and cultriformis, but they are all of interest, including other genera such as Okanagana and Diceroprocta. I’ll gladly pay postage for reasonably intact dead cicadas anyone is willing to send.


Bob Jacobson
jacobsonbob [AT]

Comment by Bob Jacobson — August 19, 2008 [AT] 4:18 pm

2 general questions, has anyone in New York heard T. auletes. I hear they are present in Staten Island and have confirmed them calling in Wading River (not large population however).

Second — anyone in NY seeing first instar Magicicada yet?

Comment by Elias — August 18, 2008 [AT] 4:03 am

Glad that worked out Ashley. It is strange for them to move around at night. They might have been freshly emerged from dusk and decided to take flight. The explanations are countless. Look forward to a picture and video this “bug dance” so all member could see a unique human — bug intereraction — ha ha! Keep us posted, and enjoy your weekend!

Comment by Elias — August 16, 2008 [AT] 4:15 am

Hello Elias,

I’m not scared of them persay, just don’t like bugs at all! I havent seen any in about a week so I think we may be fine. I still hear them in the trees. They just don’t come flying at us at night anymore. Thanks for your help! If I see one again I’ll try to take a picture of it while I’m dancing around doing the “bug dance”. 🙂

Comment by Ashley — August 15, 2008 [AT] 9:14 pm

Hello Ashley,

They fly randomly and will zig zag during their course. Nothing attracts them from a scent based perspective. Some cicadas are attracted to very bright lights at night, which is not your case.
You may just be experiencing a strong emergence which makes your probability of meeting them in flight much higher than average. When I saw the periodicals, I had 6 land on me at once. They are harmless and will not bite or sting you. The males will make a loud, screeching “alarm squawk”. Please send a picture if you can. Hope this helps. Knowledge always reduces fear 🙂

Comment by Elias — August 15, 2008 [AT] 8:43 am


I just need to know what they’re attracted to so that I can minus that factor out and hopefully they won’t come get me! lol For some reason I just can’t stand the bugs!! When my husband had it’s wing, it had like a screaching, screaming kind of a sound.

Comment by Ashley — August 14, 2008 [AT] 9:34 pm

Hello Ashley,

Please do not murder the cicadas. They are harmless! You may be experiencing a particularly strong emergence. Can you describe the call they make. Also if you could send a picture to the site it would be interesting. Thanks and good luck

Comment by Elias — August 14, 2008 [AT] 4:29 pm

I live in east Texas, about 2 hours east of Dallas. I’m positive their cicadas. Everyone here calls them locust which I looked up and locust are actually like grasshopper things. I’m not sure why, but they’re definately cicadas. They look exactly like the pictures and they leave the little shells everywhere. They don’t necesarily “attack” me, they just fly into me a million times before they hit the ground. I’ve never in my life seen so many of these things!!! We were sitting outside this past weekend for about 2 hrs and my husband killed 6 of them! They make that awful clicking sound thing and everything. 🙁 They freak me out!

Comment by Ashley — August 14, 2008 [AT] 9:46 am

Ashley — what state do you live in and are you sure these are cicadas??? They rarely move about at night.

Comment by Elias — August 12, 2008 [AT] 7:33 pm

I have a million cicadas at my house and they “attack” me at night when I’m sitting outside. What are these horrible disgusting things attracted to?????? Is there any way that I can keep them away from me???? Help PLEASE!!!

Comment by Ashley — August 12, 2008 [AT] 1:21 pm

The drought probably is affecting them. Also some sepcies are proto periodical, meaning they experience larger numbers in some years as compared to others. Okanagana rimosa is known to have 4 year variations in emergence numbers. I hope they come soon. Last summer was like that here in NY. The numbers of the annual species were quite weak because of unusually cold weather we had.

Comment by Elias — August 7, 2008 [AT] 8:09 pm

I always look forward to the cicada’s song this time of year. It’s a sign of the changing seasons. However, this year, I have not heard it’s song?!! I live in South Minneapolis, MN. We are currently in a modest drought and I’m wondering if this may be the cause of the silence.

Comment by Jeanne — August 7, 2008 [AT] 5:26 pm

Hello Jo

Cicada Killers are large wasps that are actually quite harmless. You are probably on a lek which is a cicada killer colony. They will not bother you and only the females can sting. They will sting only if grabbed. I would be interested in seeing the cicada killer sites if you are inclined to tell me. I live in Queens county and am studying cicadas on Long Island. They bring in members of the local species and specimens can be taken for study.
They can paint a better picture of what species live in your area. As far as exterminating them, most exterminators do not have a good solution as each digs a burrow and they solitary. Hope this helps. Email epb471 [AT] if I can check out this colony. Thanks!

Comment by Elias — August 6, 2008 [AT] 4:36 pm

We are having a problem in Smithtown, NY with killer cicadas. They are ruining my lawn and my neighbors lawn. Who do I call about this nuisance?

Comment by Jo — August 6, 2008 [AT] 3:44 pm

Dan, Thanks for your help. I haven’t seen what ever it is making the noise just heard it. It was driving me nuts as I didn’t think cicada were to be found this far west. Again, thanks for you help.

Comment by Janice — August 4, 2008 [AT] 9:39 pm

Cicadas are definitely found in California. Locusts by the way are grasshoppers — not cicadas. People mistakenly call cicadas “locusts”, but they are not the same insect. This is a picture of a locust

Here’s an example of a cicada from California:

Comment by Dan — August 4, 2008 [AT] 7:24 pm

Can anyone tell me if Cicadas or locust are found in California (norhtern Los Angeles area to be exact)? This summer I have been hearing a sound that that is very similar to the sounds I would hear growing up in SouthWest Louisiana during the summer…which were always Locust. I can’t recall hearing it previous to now in the five years I have lived here.

Comment by Janice — August 4, 2008 [AT] 3:24 pm

Hi, does anyone here have specimens of magicicada, they are willing to trade?

you can write me at:
c_raynault at
of course replace the at by [AT] .

I have been looking for specimens for a while. I Can’t find any. Only 2 dryed would do the thing but I can take more.

I prefer specimens in good conditions with their collecting data.
I am willing to do both buying and exchnaging.

Comment by jarl — August 4, 2008 [AT] 6:04 am

This should come out better. I meant to say “PINCH” not “pich”

Comment by Elias — August 1, 2008 [AT] 3:37 pm

Hello Blaine.

Cicadas do not sting. The only time it may “pich” you if you let it rest on your hand for a long time and it will try to feed on your finger with its beak thinking you are a tree branch! They do not mean to do this.

Perfect site to ID your cicada is Cicadas of Michigan.

Hope that helps,

Comment by Elias — August 1, 2008 [AT] 3:36 pm

Hi, I am new to the Cicada craze, but I have always been intrigued by insects and spiders. Today, I found a Cicada of the following description laying on the ground on its back motionless. When I tried to pick it up, it started buzzing. It has one torn large wing on its back. The underbelly is mostly white, with a large set of bumps on the front two legs. The top of the Cicada is a dark army green. The wings are also army green. OOOH, I let it out of its bottle and it lifted its rear and a stream of clearliquid squirted out. I have been handling it a lot, so it must be a male as I wasn’t stung at all. Bay City, Michigan 48708

Comment by BUGMAN BLAINE — July 31, 2008 [AT] 12:00 pm

Yes Cathy they look the same because they’re the same species.

Yes they broods are based on the years they emerge.

All this information is in the FAQs, throughout the site, or other cicada sites.

If you want good books, look at the books section along the left side of the homepage.

Comment by Dan — July 31, 2008 [AT] 4:11 am

In addition, the sounds of insects site that Elias recommended in his post on July 23 is really good. I heard a zapping sound tonight and I located it on that site as a kaydid, of which I have found several in my yard. I’ve also been hearing a really annoying sound and I found that one also on that site — it was listed as a type of cricket.

Comment by Cathy — July 30, 2008 [AT] 10:47 pm

I just looked at the pictures of Brood X and Brood XIII. They look exactly like Brood XIV. Are they named different broods because of the different years that they emerged or because of the different places they emerged? If so, what happened to Brood XI and Brood XII? This may be a silly question but I’m really curious — how do they determine what brood they are going to call it and, if there are differences in the broods — what are they? Also, I teach first grade and when I showed my students on the computer back in May and June the cicadas they were totally fascinated by them. Does anyone know of any good sites for teachers that would list books, videos, games, activities relating to cicadas — and for that matter, insects in general? Thanks for any info you can possibly give me. Cathy

Comment by Cathy — July 30, 2008 [AT] 10:39 pm

Hello Cathy,

You are definitely getting braver. Cicada killers are very docile despite their fierce appearance. Female cicada killers (generally much larger than the males) can deliver a sting if grabbed. Males (generally smaller) are incapable of stinging. In addition to size, the female has larger spurs on the hind legs. You can actually collect cicadas from a cicada killer by placing a stick into its burrow. When a female returns with a cicada, it cannot get in. The technique is to grab the cicada by its wings and pull quickly parallel to the ground. You asked…. LOL!

Comment by Elias — July 30, 2008 [AT] 10:21 am

I almost caught a cicada killer. I held it down with the skimmer pole net for a few minutes. But when I went to slip a container under it for it to go into, it escaped. Do these things sting you? If I am able to catch one, I’ll save it for you Elias.

Comment by Cathy — July 30, 2008 [AT] 9:22 am

Quick update — TIBICEN AULETES has been located. I think the last T. auletes updates were from Davis himself between 1917 — 1026. Wildwood state park in Wading River, eastern Long Island, between 8:05 — 8:30PM, admist an incredibly loud T. lyricen chorus, I heard T. auletes for the first time. I caught a nymph too but I think it will turn out to be lyricen. (dark eyes, medium sized). Anyone know if T. auletes prefers a certain tree to feed on as nymphs?? More to follow…..
P.S. Cathy, nice to finally meet you today. Welcome to the cicada enthusiast world!!

Comment by Elias — July 29, 2008 [AT] 8:51 pm

Hello Edward,

I checked the site and the sound files dont work, but the pictures are still fantastic. Here are some sites that may help:

Thai cicadas at sunset.

Best site here: Songs of South East Asian Cicadas. Mostly Malaysian which is geographically close:

Best for Thai cicadas only is Michel Boulard’s Book

It has a CD on all the acoustic characteristics of Thai Cicadas.

Hope that helps. Tot Ziens!!


Comment by Elias — July 29, 2008 [AT] 8:46 pm


I thought that there was a file of the singing of a tibicen out of Thailand. Very loud. Can not find it now. Were is it?


Edward Koldewijn

Comment by edward koldewijn — July 29, 2008 [AT] 11:11 am

Just drove out to Riverhead and made my way west looking for signs of T. auletes. Heard T. lyricen and T. linnei call. Maybe its to early for auletes here, not sure.

I went back to Lilco Road where I thought I heard Okanagana and I heard the same noise. I thnk I was duped by the power lines. This was most likely not Okanagana.

In response to Cathy’s post, drove by Brookhaven (William Floyd Parkway) and the flagging is unbelievable. This was one of the densest emergences on Long island. Looking forward to seeing first instars soon.

Tomorrow should be warm and I am off from work. Lets see what we can find….

Comment by Elias — July 28, 2008 [AT] 8:47 pm also has an article and a video, both dated June 12th about the cicadas here in my town of Coram. They’re interviewing on the intersection of Penniquid and Winside Lane which is where I live. Although I didn’t see any cicadas on Penniquid — just on Winside. It’s a cool video — you can see them flying around and they’re even on the reporter and on her microphone.

Comment by Cathy — July 28, 2008 [AT] 6:27 pm

News12 Long Island did a segment tonight that included a representative from Brookhaven Labs and interviews with people from Ridge, Long Island about the tree damage from the cicadas in Nassau and Suffolk counties.

Comment by Cathy — July 28, 2008 [AT] 6:20 pm

I found a light green bug on my patio table this morning. It was about the size of the cicada and the same thickness. It was laying on its side. A closer look showed long legs and two long what looked like antennas coming out of its head. I guess it was a praying mantis. Whatever it was, it was apparently dead because when I picked it up to put it in a container it didn’t move. On another note, I just looked up cicada killers. Those black and yellow markings are unforgetable. I have definitely seen one or two of them this summer.

Comment by Cathy — July 28, 2008 [AT] 6:44 am

Have snapped a photo of a cicada found floating in our pool last night. He’s worse for wear today. Can you ID what he is? The songs seem fainter tonight, though it is less hot & humid in SE Ohio today. Thanks!

Search photobucket for Cicada 1 and Cicada 2 and Cicada 3 which is a smaller cropped version of 1. thanks

Comment by Kirk G — July 27, 2008 [AT] 5:56 pm

Hello all,

In my travels out to Riverhead and Wading river searching for T. auletes I think I may have stumbled upon Okanagana rimosa. It was calling along with T. linnei and T. lyricen. I did not know LI was in their range. More research will follow. Good night.

Comment by Elias — July 26, 2008 [AT] 10:44 pm

Hello Cathy,

Sound like a Tibicen cicada that you have seen. May be traveling out east to find some different species. The object of my search is Tibicen auletes. Here is a link to what the cicada looks like and you can hear its song. If anyone on LI hears this particular species, which usually calls at dusk, please respond.

The closest I got was a huge nymphal shell (exuvia) that I found last year in Wading River.

Take care and see you soon

Comment by Elias — July 26, 2008 [AT] 5:56 am

One other thing — the belly of the newly emerged cicada I saw was bigger and rounder than that of the magicicada.

Comment by Cathy — July 25, 2008 [AT] 7:21 am

Hi Elias — I just heard them for a minute and then they stopped. Yesterday, a few hours after the rain finally stopped — at about 5:00 they started calling. The good thing is that its not a continuous all day thing like before. If you’d like to take some samples off of the tree leaves, email me and I’ll give you my address so you can stop by in your travels — cath1106 [AT]

Comment by Cathy — July 25, 2008 [AT] 6:34 am

Hello Cathy,

That may be preying mantis. The young as well as the older mantids will hold there two front legs up in that characteristic “praying” position. They can also be katydids or young walking sticks. Please post a picture.

Periodical cicada nymph shells (exuvia) are lighter and more elongated than the annual variety (Tibicen). The annual ones are usually a little larger, squatter and darker tan in color.

I wonder if you hear the Dusk calling cicada (Tibicen Auletes). They call just before dusk with a very distinctive low pitched call. Please tell me what you hear. I am ready for a field trip this Saturday 🙂

Comment by Elias — July 24, 2008 [AT] 8:12 pm

OK—I’m getting a little braver here! I went to the tree where the leaves all turned brown from the magicicadas hanging out there. I saw about 10 shells hanging onto a few of the green leaves left. They are definitely not left over shells from the magicicadas. I have those by my fence and in the grass and those are all dried out. These are definitely new ones waiting to emerge. I’ll let you know if they’re bright light green like the one I found the other day.

Comment by Cathy — July 24, 2008 [AT] 2:11 pm

Come to think of it, I’ve been finding over the past week little green skinny insects in my pool skimmer and last night on my patio table there was a large (maybe3 to 4 inches) skinny green insect with long legs. Are those preying mantis or something else?

Comment by Cathy — July 24, 2008 [AT] 12:39 pm

Hi Elias — I can’t find the picture on the japanese site I found the other day. But, if you go to Cicada Mania Links, under Tibicen #2 Annual Cicadas of Arkansas and scroll down to the the picture of the bright, light green tibicen aulete newly emerged it looked like that. Also, under Cicada Mania Gallery by North America #8 Dan’s 2005 Tibicen Gallery if you scroll down to the bright light green one — that looks like it also. The one on my patio had that bright light green all over its body. If I knew you were going to be in the area I would have caught it and saved it. That day I also heard them. They were loud like the magicicadas but it wasn’t continuous. There were periods of silence. That was the only one I saw. The fact that we’ve been having torential rains the past two days might have something to do with it.

Comment by Cathy — July 24, 2008 [AT] 12:23 pm

Hello Cathy,

I am curious as to what type of cicadas you are seeing. Out in Coram you should have Tibicen lyricen and Tibicen canicularis. They have a whining call. Tibicen linnei and chloromera have an alternaitng call.

I am very interested in finding Tibicen auletes, the Northern Dusk calling cicada. I have data to suggest they are found in Coram (from 1926, hoever!) I will be making a trip out to your town possibly this weekend. I will also try to hit Farmingville, Selden, Wading River and Riverhead.

Please go to this website and play the calls for the various cicada speices. You can see their pictures too.

These cicadas are very loud, but emerge in much smaller numbers so the biblical swarms are over for you 🙂 Please tell me what you find.

Comment by Elias — July 23, 2008 [AT] 8:21 pm

Now that I’m aware of it, I’m hearing the sounds of them also but so far I’m not seeing masses of them like before…and I hope I don’t.

Comment by Cathy — July 22, 2008 [AT] 10:10 am

Oh my God!! I just looked up the japanese cicada and the pictures look exactly like what was on my patio. Am I going to have my fences covered with these things again and have them all over my grass again? I don’t think I can take another round of this.

Comment by Cathy — July 22, 2008 [AT] 9:54 am

Cathy — a different type yes, but they emerge in comparatively small numbers.

Zolton — that’s a Japanese cicada called a Cryptotympana yayeyamana.

Comment by Dan — July 22, 2008 [AT] 9:43 am

I just noticed on my patio today what looked very similiar to the cicadas that finally went away several weeks ago. This one was on its back and had a hint of green to it though. Not far away from it was the same kind of shell that the other cicadas came out of. Please tell me that we’re not in for another round of a different type!!!!

Comment by Cathy — July 22, 2008 [AT] 9:24 am

Hi everyone. I’m currently making a game with a heavy focus on the environment and am collecting sound effects for it.

Could someone identify the cicada in this video?

I love that lawn sprinkler sound they make and need to have that in my game. Thanks.

Comment by Zolton — July 11, 2008 [AT] 3:55 pm

Hello Cathy,

I was involved with the University of Conn. mapping project here in LI. I drove all across L.I. looking for these things.As I drove through Coram on 6/10/08, heard them on Wedgewood Drive, Wycomb Court,Wellsley Lane and Welling way. Also saw them in ManorvRidge, Brookhaven, Coram, Dix Hills, East Setauket and saw some dense emergences in Port Jeff as well. The emergence was very patchy. Reading through literature on LI cicadas they have traditionally been very patchy. You could drive a few blocks down and there is NOTHING! Then go back the other way and there is a deafening chorus. Definitely weird. I could see lots of people in Coram probably wondering what the excitement was about if there were not in that exact area. Down Pinnaquid, I saw absolutely nothing until I hit your part of the street.

Comment by Elias — July 8, 2008 [AT] 6:31 am

Hi Elias — Pinnaquid — so you do know the area! I’m on Winside and Winside was covered with those cicadas from where Winside begins by Wedgewood all the way down to the end of Winside. It was strange that they weren’t all over Coram. Port Jefferson also reported one street that had them. Other than that, I hadn’t heard of any other close by areas like Selden or Medford having any. Cathy

Comment by Cathy — July 4, 2008 [AT] 7:52 pm

Hello Cathy,

Thanks for writing back. I was also in Newsday regarding the cicadas. The article regarding Coram came out a few days later! I made a trip to your town but did not see the massive numbers reported. Also only a few blocks had some decent chorusing. It was strange how patchy the emergence was. One block would have nothing and another block would be covered! I was on the legendary Pinnaquid road for a while. It sounds like they have survived by you and we should see them again in 2025! Take care

Comment by Elias — July 4, 2008 [AT] 5:50 am

Hi Elias — The cicadas were in my town of Coram. We made the pages of Newsday as my street was covered with them.

Comment by Cathy — July 2, 2008 [AT] 7:25 pm

Here’s an update (Yes we do have a life, but this is the highlight of my daughter’s life right now!):
Our cicada nymph is balanced on just it’s two front legs that look like claws. All four of the longer legs are sticking straight out. Is it dead? Is it molting? Is is contemplating its future? How long do you think it will be before we know the answers to these burning questions? Daughter and I got to watch a cicada molt last Summer whilst it was stuck to a tree, so I know that the process of molting is a long, long, one. Just curious to know, if it is dead, when to know for sure so I can dispose of it properly. Thanks!! Great website, BTW!!!

Comment by Vicki — July 1, 2008 [AT] 7:14 pm

Thanks for the reply! We have had the little fella in a plastic bug house that has screen on the two long sides. He’s been hanging out on about a 4" piece of tree bark that we placed in there too. He’s moving around here and there, not too much. Unfortunately, it appears that he has an injured or deformed back RT “leg” (don’t know cicada nymph anatomy) b/c it is staying bent and moving very little while he moves the other legs freely. He occasionally falls over on his back, in the direction of the bent leg. Thoughts??

Comment by Vicki — July 1, 2008 [AT] 1:55 pm

Vicki — keep it in warm place, but not in direct sunlight. A good idea is to put some netting around a branch (so birds can’t get it) and place it in there. If you can’t do that, place a branch in the cage for it to climb.

Comment by Dan — July 1, 2008 [AT] 12:20 pm

Vicki again… did more poking around on your website and learned that it was the nymph that we discovered, not the larva. It appears to be getting ready to molt.

Anyway, same question applies: Anything we can do to facilitate the molting process?

Comment by Vicki — July 1, 2008 [AT] 9:40 am

My daughter and I found a cicada still in its shell (is that a larva?)and brought it home to watch it move around, presumably getting ready to “hatch.” We placed in daughter’s well ventilated bug house and sat it on a piece of bark for it to stick to. Anything we can do to ease its transition into adulthood? It keeps falling upside down off the bark we placed in there for it, and daughter goes in and rights it.
Any suggestions?

Comment by Vicki — July 1, 2008 [AT] 9:28 am

I found what I believe is a Cicada. I let it crawl around my hands my orange cat found it but wasn’t sure what to make of it. It was bright green wings and more tan body than dark like most of the pictures on the web. I placed it in the bushes for safety and turn my head for a second. My new kitten came from nowhere and eat its wings but didn’t kill it. I put it in a wood pile for safety. will the wings grow back or is it doomed?

Comment by Greg — June 30, 2008 [AT] 5:29 pm

Hello Cathy,

What town did you observe the cicadas in? (Long Island)


Comment by Elias — June 27, 2008 [AT] 3:08 pm

I was outside of Big Bear California this past weekend and we saw (and heard) many cicadas flying around (one guy who didn’t know what they were named them orange lined bird bugs). One landed on me and began to walk around a bit while a friend took photos. After a few moments of walking around, I saw the mouth part come down and I felt a mild twinge of pain. But cicadas don’t bite! Well, I took some time to research more (which led me here) and I found a site that says “Basically, periodical cicadas can hurt you only if they mistake you for a tree branch and try to feed, something that can happen only if you hold a cicada in your hand for a very long time (eventually this makes the cicada hot and thirsty). Such rare mistakes feel like a brief pinprick and cause no damage.” I have to say that this guy was not on my hand for a very long time. Obviously I’m fine. We found the insect again after my involuntary hand flick of surprise and saw that the abdomen was gaping open in two place an we could see inside. Perhaps from a bird? Anyway, the point of all this is, here is a photo of a cicada trying to tap into human skin, taken an instant before I shook it off.

Comment by Vantid — June 26, 2008 [AT] 7:43 pm

I would keep an eye on them. Even though they seem to have taken a beating, I’d bet they will bounce back. I have seen some small trees really badly damaged last June, but seems they came back this spring.

Not much you can do about them though. Hope for the best. Check my website for some images of trees that took the hit.

Comment by John — June 25, 2008 [AT] 9:48 pm

I figured that the cicadas would instinctively avoid killing trees, but that didn’t happen in my case. If there was ever a situation where Cicadas have infested anything, it’s right here at my house. Five of my trees were nearly completely shredded by the females. All of my these were maple trees. My cherry, apple, and pear trees will probably survive with only damage to the top third of the trees. One of my dogwood trees also took a beating.

Comment by Leslie — June 25, 2008 [AT] 4:18 am

The cicadas don’t generally kill trees…you should understand they lay eggs so that the next brood will survive, and a dead tree won’t help their cause. Somehow, they KNOW this and control their egg laying to minimize tree limb damage. By next season, the trees will have recovered just fine. They will last maybe four or five weeks and then be gone completely. Just enjoy them…they don’t bite and don’t do anything except make noise and mate.

Comment by John — June 24, 2008 [AT] 7:57 pm

I planted a regular cherry tree and a weeping cherry tree the last week of April. The cicadas came around May 18. I couldn’t figure out why the regular cherry tree hasn’t bloomed somewhat — just a couple of brown leaves on top. The weeping cherry was doing good until I noticed a few days ago that all of its leaves were turning brown along with the old trees near it. I snipped the branches of the regular cherry tree to see if there was any life in them but there’s not. Should I get rid of it or wait it out? If the weeping cherry was doing good until now, is it still worth holding onto?

Comment by Cathy — June 21, 2008 [AT] 7:42 am

The female cicadas have killed the tops of all of my small trees. My trees have hundreds of half-inch rips in the branches where they deposited their eggs. The tops have all turned brown and broken off. I had about 10 5 to 8 foot trees. Now they are about 3 to 5 feet tall. I know it’s too late now, but what could I have done to prevent this? I occasionally walked around and shook the cicadas off the trees, but I couldn’t do that all the time.

Comment by Leslie — June 20, 2008 [AT] 4:45 am

I came home yesterday to quiet. Not a single cicada was flying. It’s been exactly one month since the invasion hit my block here on Long Island, New York. Now I just have the clean up — wings, shells, and dead cicadas. I can say without a doubt — I SURVIVED A CIRCADA INVASION!

Comment by Cathy — June 18, 2008 [AT] 6:18 pm

How can i keep them from flying on me? Wgat do they avoid…try to stay away from?

Comment by DB — June 10, 2008 [AT] 7:59 pm

I think the cicadas are awesome to listen to. I am fearful however of them getting on me. Do they bite? I can rest easier if I know that they do not bite.

Comment by christy — June 9, 2008 [AT] 10:45 am

We live in Central PA around Huntingdon, we have so many cicada’s that my daughter and I can not go outside because of the loud high-pitch sounds they are making. How long will they continue their singing? I loved to sit outside to hear all the beautiful birds chirping, but can’t hear them because of the loud noise of these cicada’s. We drown out the sound of the cicada’s with our air conditioner. P.S. My husband doesn’t mind the sound!

Comment by Donna Brubaker — June 8, 2008 [AT] 4:29 pm

Deb — I’ve called 6 exterminating places. They all said there was nothing they could do. One said you needed a special license and I should call a lawn care place. I called 2 of them. I got the same response — there’s nothing they can do that will control or eliminate them. I’ve sprayed the ones on my front porch with bug spray (which does work) just so I can get out the door.

Comment by Cathy — June 7, 2008 [AT] 7:54 pm

My pool is surrounded on 3 sides by woods — which are INFESTED with these brood 14 noise-makers! I can hardly keep up with keeping the pool filters clear — is there any way to get rid of them (e.g., spray, noise, etc.)? I can’t imagine dealing with these for another 3-4 weeks….

Comment by Deb Hileman — June 7, 2008 [AT] 4:30 pm

My husband was at our local hardware store, and heard it mentioned that cicadas eat gypsy moth catapillars. Of course the adult cicada doesn’t, but I was wondering if the juveniles eat them. Is there any truth to this at all? I live in Bellefonte, PA and the gypsy moth catapillars were descending upon/munching on our trees about 3 weeks before a VERY LARGE brood of cicadas emerged. I know the emergence of the brood isn’t related to the gypsy moth. Any info is greatly appreciated!

Comment by Leslie — June 7, 2008 [AT] 3:22 pm

From my understanding, cicadas make holes in branches to lay their eggs. I have cicadas that have moved onto the posts around my above ground swimming pool. Are they or will they make holes in the metal of the posts and destroy my swimming pool?

Comment by Cathy — June 7, 2008 [AT] 7:45 am

Diane — depending on how hot and dry it is, it should take 3 to 7 days for the males to sing.

Comment by Dan — June 3, 2008 [AT] 9:08 am

They arrived here in my backyard on Long Island (Suffolk County) about a week ago. My dog was bringing them in — about one a day. I decided to look around and see what he was eating and where he was getting them from. There were hundreds on my fence, in the trees, in the grass. I called five exterminating companies but they said there was nothing that could be done — just wait it out. I can understand the fascination with them but they’re still disgusting when there’s so many of them in one place!

Comment by Cathy — June 1, 2008 [AT] 10:08 am

Diane — they should be chorusing in a week.

Tina — the chorusing should end within 3 to 4 weeks.

Josh — maybe not 17 year cicadas, but there are many annual cicadas emerging in Georgia.

Scared-y-cat — they should be emerging now (5/18).

Mary — the cicadas are definitely less noisy in the evening, but they will continue to make noise if there’s a light source.

Comment by Dan — May 18, 2008 [AT] 6:42 am

When will they go away. The noise at my house is killing my ears and head. I seem to be the only one in my family affected by the sound. My kids love to find and carry them around. I don’t mind them, but the noise is awful.

Comment by Tina — May 17, 2008 [AT] 11:05 am

The Cicadas have arrived in our trees. We are 30 miles northwest of Nashville, TN. They seem to like our sycamore trees. So far, they are drying out. No noise yet. It looks like a pretty good crop of them. Does anyone know how long it takes from coming out of their shell to singing their “songs”?

Comment by Diane — May 16, 2008 [AT] 4:03 pm

I just moved from the west coast to Statham, GA (a small town between Atlanta and Athens, Georgia, It didn’t look like from the map that the cicadas would reach this far south, will I see any cicadas this summer?

Comment by Josh — May 16, 2008 [AT] 7:37 am

Does anyone know if this brood is to invade Nashville, TN. I can’t tell, from the map. Thanks.

Comment by scared-y-cat — May 7, 2008 [AT] 1:29 pm

We’re planning a graduation for my niece and would like to know if cicadas are less active in the evening — especially Brood XIV — which are already emerging at my sister’s house in Loveland OH.

Comment by Mary — May 7, 2008 [AT] 7:42 am

July 25, 2008

2008 Magicicada Sightings – Brood XIV

Filed under: Brood XIV | Magicicada | Old Message Board | Periodical — Dan @ 1:40 pm

This page represents 274 sightings, comments and questions from the 2008 Brood XIV emergence. It’s a good resource for locations and details about what a cicada emergence is like. The next Brood XIV emergence is 2025. You’ll find plenty of comments by cicada enthusiasts and experts like Elias Bonaros, Roy Troutman, Bob Jacobson and Dave Marshall.

I am fairly new to N.E. Texas (Jacksonville—Cherokee County). I went out by the swimming pool and cold drink machine at 1:30am on July 23rd, and I heard a LOUD EERIEE sound. Something landed on my shirt, and SCREAMED like a siren. My wife said when I came in, that it was a Cecada….All I know is that it really startled me. It was still on my shirt. I’m a big guy, but i thought it was from outerspace….ha ha. I live on E. Loop 456 on East side of Jacksonville…about 2 miles from center of town.

Comment by Thomas — July 25, 2008 [AT] 10:42 am

Our part of Cape Cod (East Falmouth) also looks a bit like an early Autumn from the aftermath of the cicadas. See this article in the Cape Cod Times

Comment by Laura Tutino — July 24, 2008 [AT] 8:08 am

Hello Dan,

I just visited Dix Hills this weekend to see if I could locate some first instar nymphs. THe emergence here was nearly over after fathers day because the predation from birds was so severe. Some oviposiitng did occur into scrub oaks and small aspen trees and I will be watching these closely. I will search again this weekend.

As far as flagging, I looked for it in Brookhaven. It was impressive here. Looked like an early Autumn. May look for first instars here as it was one of the best emergences on Long Island. Wish I knew about this site earlier and have to thank John Cooley for the tip. According to a Chris Simon paper, Brood I, II, VI, X and XIV can be found in Brookhaven!

Further infromation to follow.

Comment by Elias — July 23, 2008 [AT] 8:14 pm

“Folks — any new cicadas you find at this point aren’t Magicicada, they’re other species like Tibicen. If you want an id, email us a photo.”

While I have Tibicen in my area, there are still straggler Magicicada’s here. The song is definitely different and they look exactly like what I saw a month ago. So I suspect that some of these do not get the “general” alarm right and come out later. There is not a lot of them, but I do hear th occasional song.

Comment by Ken — July 23, 2008 [AT] 2:36 pm

Elias: how was the flagging in L.I. — not too bad, right? Have you observed any hatchlings yet?

Comment by Dan — July 22, 2008 [AT] 9:45 am

Folks — any new cicadas you find at this point aren’t Magicicada, they’re other species like Tibicen. If you want an id, email us a photo.

Comment by Dan — July 22, 2008 [AT] 9:44 am

OH yes,
I’ve been surprised at the number of broken twigs we have hanging from our lilac bushes and other trees in the area, and I thought I had pruned them all off…
and now I realize that it is flagging as the cicada must have been digging/slitting them and doing their thing! Arrrgghhh! I wish the singing would stop. I haven’t heard this since 1999 and the bad Brood outbreak! (and in mid-Michigan in the summer of 1972 before that! Was gone in Utah during the 1988-89 emergence and missed it all with the drought and browning grass!)

Comment by Kirk G — July 21, 2008 [AT] 8:28 pm

The chorus of songs have picked up each evening at sunset in the Athens, Ohio area. I had almost overlooked them, as I worked on the patio this weekend. But then I paused in the high heat as it became more humid, and realized that I was hearing not just one song, but several in the trees that border my house.

Didn’t think we would get any this year!!!

Comment by Kirk G — July 21, 2008 [AT] 8:14 pm

My son found a cicada tonight in the backyard today July 21,2008. in Cleveland Ohio eastern suburb

Comment by Kelly O — July 21, 2008 [AT] 6:43 pm

Elias—I’ve done this with other groups of insects, particularly wasps and hornets, in the past. I’ve had cicadas in the past (M. cassini from Ohio Brood X, T. aurifera from Kansas and D. apache from Las Vegas), but I’ve generally kept them on branches inside cage at room temperature so they would sing. This year is the first time I’ve tried keeping periodical cicadas refrigerated. Because I’m away almost every weekend in addition to other travel, this substantially reduces the “babysitting” required! Therefore, it is partly an adaptation of what I have been doing with other insects as well as a certain amount of luck I suppose!

The last female M. septendecim died over the weekend, so now there are 3 male M. septendecim and a male and female of M. cassini.


Comment by Bob Jacobson — July 20, 2008 [AT] 6:42 pm

Have not yet seen any cicadas but have swarms of the cicada killers now that are making homes in the large rocks. They seem to be feeding off one of our varagated lilac bushes, eating the sap.

We are in Washington Township, Warren County, New Jersey

Comment by Irene — July 19, 2008 [AT] 5:30 pm

Have you performed this suspended animation experiment before? Where did you learn this technique? Very impressive!

Comment by Elias — July 18, 2008 [AT] 10:16 pm


The ones from PA I have kept on Red Maple twigs in the refrigerator, but I don’t know if or how much they have fed (although I have seen some probing the twigs with their beaks). Only three, all M. cassini, are still alive. The ones from NC (now only about 5, all M. septendecim) have been kept under refrigeration without food. As some of the latter were collected next to their nymphal shells, I believe they were somewhat teneral and perhaps this has contributed to their longevity in captivity.


Comment by Bob Jacobson — July 15, 2008 [AT] 9:38 am

This is very interesting! You are the only one in the US with living Magicicada. I probably should have done this. Do you allow them to feed from time to time or just keep them in suspended animation?

Comment by Elias — July 15, 2008 [AT] 6:29 am

Tonight (in Lenoir, NC) I went out to check the twigs into which eggs had been laid, and I found two newly-hatched nymphs. I was able to capture one and put it under a microscope, and it looks just like the one in the video. These are M. septendecim. Now I am trying to figure out the best way to pose the adults I’m keeping alive in the refrigerator with the “next generation” in a photo—not an easy task given the size difference!

Comment by Bob Jacobson — July 14, 2008 [AT] 6:22 pm

I live in Mount Prospect, Illinois (northwest suburb of Chicago). It is July 14, 2008 and there are Cicadas chirping up a storm. It sounds as loud as last year’s Brood XIV. I don’t know if these are Magicicadas.

Has anyone else reported large scale emergence of Cicadas anywhere else in the Chicagoland area?

Are these cicadas different than Brood XIV that emerged last summer?

Comment by Hans — July 14, 2008 [AT] 6:21 pm

Hello Diane,

Thanks for writing. Please let me know when the eggs hatch. THis is the part of the lifecycle I have not personally witnessed. Here is a video of a first instar nymph after hatching. THey are about the size of ants.

Take care,

Comment by Elias — July 10, 2008 [AT] 3:29 am

Hi Elias 🙂 We still have major flagging on alot of trees. My kids have been picking up the branches and breaking them open to shake out the eggs onto the ground to give them a chance to live before they throw out the branches 🙂 My son went to the library and took out some books on cicadas to show me pictures of what the nymphs will look like so I can tell you when they start hatching and coming down off of the trees. As soon as we see it I will come on here and post it and I will email you too so you can get out here. Gotta run…….talk to ya soon!! Diane

Comment by Diane — July 9, 2008 [AT] 7:29 pm

Yes, most are still alive, although 8 of the M. cassini from PA have died this week. In addition to others, I still have 5 of the M. septendecim collected in Asheville, NC on May 17, so that is seven and a half weeks. This is the longest I have ever kept any cicadas alive.

Comment by Bob Jacobson — July 8, 2008 [AT] 3:03 pm

Hello Bob,

Interesting. Are they still alive? WHat is the record length of time you have kept them alive in this fashion?

I have received some live specimens form a good friend in Cape Cod. Hope they will survivie for a little while!

Comment by Elias — July 8, 2008 [AT] 12:31 pm

The cicadas seem to have finished their lifecycles here in East Falmouth on Cape Cod, MA.

Comment by Laura Tutino — July 7, 2008 [AT] 7:13 pm

I have kept the M. cassini from PA inside a plastic bag with branches of red maple (Acer rubrum); I’m not sure of the precise temperature but believe it is in the low 40s(F). I take the bag out of refrigeration every 2 or 3 days and let them warm up for at least a half hour, both to see what they will do and to determine which have died so they can be removed for pinning as specimens. The M. septendecim from NC have been kept without food other than the leaf to which they or their nymphal shell was attached.

Comment by Bob Jacobson — July 6, 2008 [AT] 8:18 pm

The M. cassini have been kept with branches of red maple (Acer rubrum), and at least one was observed inserting its beak into a twig. I’ll have to check on the temperature, but I believe it is in the low 40s (F). I let them warm up for at least a half hour, often longer, but mainly to determine which are alive so I can remove any that have died (to be pinned as specimens). Interestingly, most of the M. septendecim from NC have been kept without food other than at most the leaf they were on (or the leaf to which the nymphal shell is/was attached).

Comment by Bob Jacobson — July 6, 2008 [AT] 8:11 pm

Hello Bob,

Please elaborate a little on the refrigeration technique. How long have you been able to keep them alive in this manner? What temperature do you keep them in and how long do you allow for this “warming up” period?
All of mine have passed on July 2nd. I wish I still had specimens. LAst year I had one from Chicago that I brought home and lived for 14 days in captivity.

Comment by Elias — July 4, 2008 [AT] 7:22 pm

Although the cicadas have long since gone from here (Lenoir, NC), I have a half dozen (both males and females) M. septendecim from Asheville (May 17) and Lenoir (May 21) as well as almost a couple dozen M. cassini (again, both males and females) from Bellefonte, PA still alive in a walk-in refrigerator. I believe some of these were rather teneral when collected, so this may be contributing to their longevity. I take them out every few days, and the latter spcies starts chattering once it gets warmed up! I have twigs of eggs of both species, so with a little luck I might manage to have nymphs and adults alive at the same time! (I might as well enjoy them—it will be three years until the next emergence!) Now, I’m also waiting for Tibicen to start appearing.

Comment by Bob Jacobson — July 4, 2008 [AT] 7:12 pm

Hello Diane,

I just dropped the camera off at my girlfriends house and she will download the videos. Have a lot of footage from your town. Just wish I took some video with you and your children! IT would have been fun to review some footage of them having so much fun. I remember their excitement when they discovered the difference between male and female cicadas! I shared their same enthusiasm at their age.
The eggs take about 6-8 weeks to hatch. According to Dr Gene Krtisky, there is a 50% mortality when the branches are separated from the parent tree. Some naturally separate becuase the egg laying is so intense. I am looking forward to seeing the first stage nymphs. IF you can tell me when they start hatching I will make a last trip! They are the size of ants and pure white. I await your email and will try to see if we can put together a good assortment of cicada videos. I took many many hours worth LOL!
Have a great night!

Comment by Elias — July 1, 2008 [AT] 8:55 pm

Hello again! We also have lots of flagging on our trees….been picking up all of the branches for the past few days now, but now I feel maybe I should have left them a little while longer to give the eggs a chance to get out? How long does it take once the branch falls? Oh….my son said to tell you he will definitely be back in 2025 at the same spot (the bus stop) where we met you, now you guys just have to pick a day so you can meet up as I am sure you will be there too! I think my son may be the next generation cicada expert following in your footsteps 🙂 🙂 🙂 I will email you so you can send me whatever pictures you took as the kids are asking to see your video again! I am still finding wings everywhere, especially in my pool! My dog still searches around for them too! Okay….gotta run..have a great night!! Diane

Comment by Diane — July 1, 2008 [AT] 6:32 pm

Went back to Brookhaven today. Almost all dead. 2 individual males heard calling deep in the woods. Captured 3 females and this was done with some effort. As quickly as they emerged is as quickly as they died. Lots of flagging seen. Besides Massachusetts, do any other sites have live cicadas?

Comment by Elias — July 1, 2008 [AT] 11:37 am

Stopped in Berks County PA (Hwy 10 in Roberson township)on the way home from Canada to see the cicadas one last time before they were done. Interesting observations. In Morgantown around the library there were none and no flagging and the workers had heard of the cicadas but had not seen any. A little research sent me up Hwy 10 to Roberson township. About 2-3 miles from the library I started seeing lots of flagging, so stopped and saw many cicadas and lots of dead bodies. Many had the fungus and as my daughter said had their butts felled off. I have nothing to compare to at that site in terms of the peak since my only observation of XIV was in Asheville NC at the start of the emergence. In PA I saw only 1 nymph shell and no exit holes. The chorusing was not as loud but still obvious. That will have to do til the 13-year emergence in 2011 in my area. I hope it is good. Will miss the little fellas.

Comment by Kevin — June 29, 2008 [AT] 6:53 pm

Report from LI June 29th

Chorusing has even decreased from yesterday. 70% of males captured yesterday died. All females survived. It appears their time is up. There was still some mild chorusing. These are the last vestiges of Brood XIV. They will be missed. We await their return in 2025!

Comment by Elias — June 29, 2008 [AT] 3:47 pm

Yesterday, still some chorusing left in Upton near Brookhaven lab in addition to points north along William Floyd Parkway. Flagging has now become quite apparent (seems like an early autumn). OBserved alot fo ovipositing. At the beginning, the female’s last abdominal segment becomes completely vertical with the tree. Then it pulses as the eggs are discharged. It is pretty interesting to watch.
Saw cicada eggs for the first time as I broke open one of the “flagged” branches that were on the ground. Next I would like to see the first instar nymphs.

Comment by Elias — June 29, 2008 [AT] 3:32 am

Still a lot of activity in the Cincinnati area. No longer any singing in our Hyde Park neighborhood, but the Mariemont and Blue Ash suburbs still have thousands of Cicadas in the trees, and the noise is almost as loud as the first few days after the emergence. I was at Kings Island last Saturday for our company picnic and the trees that have been planted on the grounds are LOADED with cicadas. It was amusing to watch how annoyed/scared most people are by these amazing creatures. You should have seen the looks on their faces as I gently picked one up off the parking lot and gave it a ride on my index finger!

Comment by Tom L — June 24, 2008 [AT] 8:00 pm

We still have quite a few chorusing here on Cape Cod (East Falmouth). It is sad to watch them dying. There are some fledgling birds around who seem to be enjoying a feast. The titmouse seems to enjoy the cicadas. The golf course is a feasting area for squirrels. It is such an amazing phenomenon to me. I wish I had less fear of them — I might have looked one in the eye or held one…I know they are harmless. At least they continue the cycle of nature by being a source of food.

Comment by Laura Tutino — June 24, 2008 [AT] 6:19 pm

Hello all,

Made one trip to the Brookhaven lab. I was denied access as a non lab employee. They did let me search at the front gate. The decim choruses were loud!! I was so happy I did this. Then drove up William Floyd Parkway and they were criss crossing the street. Found another area on the side of the road on Research Drive and was able to look around. Tons of calls with lots of ovipositing too. Did not see extreme predation like I did in western sites. This part of the brood looks healthy. No blue eyed or marble eyed specimens.

Thats all for now from LI. Will get out there again on the weekend hopefully.

Comment by Elias — June 24, 2008 [AT] 4:26 pm

Hello Diane,

Will take one more drive through East Setauket. Will also hit Manorville and Brookhaven in an attempt to see the last of the cicadas. Hope I hear some calls.

I can be emailed at epb471 [AT] Still have to download the videos.

Take care

Comment by Elias — June 24, 2008 [AT] 7:11 am

I noticed this morning that the tips of a large number of oak trees on my property have turned brown, so I suspect that is from the massive egg laying? It is readily apparent seeing this how many of these creatures must of existed here! Almost every single branch of all the oaks trees were affected. I still saw some flying around over the weekend, but the chorus is probably 5% of what it was at the peak. Guess the end is near. I must admit, while the cicada’s grossed out my wife, I think the whole cycle they live is really very interesting. Again, I am near Morgantown in Berks county Pennsylvania.

Comment by Ken — June 23, 2008 [AT] 8:32 am

Hello Diane,

Glad you visited this website. I will never forget the excitement on your children’s faces when they heard them call individually and learned the differences between male and female. I wish I had met me when I was their age — LOL!
I am interested if they have started calling again. I will be able to come out again next Tuesday (my day off from work). Have to see if any sites are still active on LI. HEard Brookhaven is still active. Have to check that and manorville again.

Hope all is well, and I should make it to Setauket one last time!

Take care,
P.S. Maybe I can email you some footage. Have not downloaded it from the camera yet. I should have taken some with the children playing with thyem. COme to think of it that was priceless. Where will they be in 2025 when they return???

Comment by Elias — June 22, 2008 [AT] 8:34 pm

I just wanted to report that the chorus just suddenly stopped yesterday afternoon on Mayflower Lane in East Setauket. I have hundreds of them all over my yard and driveway (just had to clean it to walk), but they seem to have all died. The birds have been eating non-stop though. We had alot of sea gulls arrive the other day too and they were actually swallowing them in mid air! Elias, I am the woman you met the other day at the bus stop with my children…I just wanted to say hi as I know you also said you have come on here 🙂 My son got a kick out of holding the cicadas while they sang 🙂 It was also a great sight to see the female depositing her eggs on the branch. My son is still talking about it!! Even though we have had so many in our yard for weeks now, my son thought it was the coolest thing meeting you since you also love the cicadas as much as he does. Can you post a link for your video on here as I would like to save it for him? He was very depressed this morning when he did not hear them singing like usual. He keeps saying they are not gone 🙁 Well just wanted to say hi and give you an update. Take care….Diane

Comment by Diane — June 20, 2008 [AT] 8:27 am

Without exaggeration, I think there are thousands of them on my property in East Falmouth, right behind the Paul Harney golf course. The noise is other-worldly, and their “shells” are stuck on the cedar shingles on our house. When the sun is out, we see them flying (it seems aimlessly) everywhere. They seem to love the scrubby oak trees here. Let’s just say that my gardening plans are on hold — I know the cicadas will not harm me, but I prefer them not to fly into me, or ON ME!!!

Comment by Laura Tutino — June 19, 2008 [AT] 9:51 pm

There’s still some chorusing here in Southwest Ohio but it has diminished signifigantly in the past few days. It will probably be very quiet here in about a week. It’s late enough in the month that we may get some song mixing of annual cicadas as well as periodicals which I haven’t experienced before.

Comment by Roy Troutman — June 19, 2008 [AT] 2:37 pm

They are still singing at my location in Berks county PA, but it is at a much lower level then before. I have not seen any emerging for a week or so, and you do not see nearly as many flying around. Bet in another week or so we will be back to “normal”.

Comment by Ken — June 19, 2008 [AT] 8:02 am

On Father’s Day my family and I traveled to Trevorton Pennsylvania in an attempt to witness Brood XIV. Disappointment quickly set in as we made our way southward through northen PA. No cicadas, no shells, no singing. We arrived at Trevorton around noon and found the heads and thoraces of a few cicadas and about 10 wings scattered on the sidewalks. Strangely, there were no shells anywhere! If anyone knows of a specific place in PA where the cicadas are currently out in large numbers, please let me know. I’ve been waiting to see them since I was 6 years old — and I’m 34 now!

Thank you,

BigEdK7 [AT]

Comment by Ed — June 19, 2008 [AT] 5:15 am

Are there any action up in berks county still? I would like to make the trip up there this Thursday 06/19/08…

Comment by McKenzie — June 18, 2008 [AT] 2:18 pm

Well, it appears the Cicadas have officially died off here in the East End of Louisville, KY. No singing, no dive-bombing, just quiet. Like the good ole’ days. My husband and I did find a few females/males hanging to the side of a model home in our subdivision, but they were likely getting ready to kick the Cicada bucket after having a short but productive rendevous.

Bye little fellas. See ya’ in 17 years.

Now, we must suit up for the invasion of Japanese Beetles!

Comment by Lisa — June 18, 2008 [AT] 5:48 am

Well, it appears the Cicadas have officially died off. No singing, no dive-bombing, just quiet. Like the good ole’ days. My husband and I did find a few females/males hanging to the side of a model home in our subdivision, but they were likely getting ready to kick the Cicada bucket after having a short but productive rendevous.

Bye little fellas. See ya’ in 17 years.

Now, we must suit up for the invasion of Japanese Beetles!

Comment by Lisa — June 18, 2008 [AT] 5:47 am

Hello all,

Had a curious occurrence today. 90% of the activity in Otsego Park Dix Hills has diminished rapidly. It seemed like multitudes of birds were preying heavily on them . They were only calling by the roadside in front of the park. Not sure if the future for cicadas in dix hills looks good.

Lenny, I met Peter for the first time today. We caught some males for him to bring to the office. East Setauket is one of the best places. I hung out on Mayflower road and Branch lane today. Two very educated homeowners were there and asked a multitude of quesitons on cicadas! Their children loved them too. The chorus here appears the strongest on LI. The whole area is surrounded by woods and I think this helps. They do recall some activity in 2004. I drove out here in ’04 but saw nothing.

Next I hit Manorville, Mastic and Shirley. All the action seemed to be on or near Moriches Middle Island Road. Saw some nice aggregations of septendecims and heard a moderate chorus. Traveled probably over 100 miles today. Time to go to sleep.

Good night

Comment by Elias — June 17, 2008 [AT] 9:07 pm

This past Saturday (June 14) I was in Bellefonte, PA where I enountered a nice sampling of Magicicada septendecim and larger numbers of M. cassini. The latter species is so much louder than the former, and I was impressed by the way their “chorus” suddenly get louder for a couple seconds and then softer for several more, and then repeats the process. I observed females of M. cassini laying eggs in maple twigs, and I have a large leaf, the petiole into which a cicada had made 11 slits. (If anyone wants a photo, email me at jacobsonbob [AT] I found cast skins in Lanse, PA and heard M. septendecim in both Drifting (Clearfield Co.) and just E of Mont Alto (Franklin Co.)

Comment by Bob Jacobson — June 17, 2008 [AT] 6:37 pm

I have no personal issues with cicadas and have been doing my best to keep them alive in spite of their own stupidity by rescuing them from my pool whenever possible (as bad as they fly, they swim even worse!) But they are now officially out of control. I can’t get my wife or kids to empty the skimmer basket on the pool anymore. I don’t understand why— check out the pictures at

I’ve had enough! Bring on the fourth of July!!

Brian Oliva
Milford (Clermont County) Ohio

Comment by Brian Oliva — June 17, 2008 [AT] 3:03 pm

For Father’s day, my wife and kids joined me on a Magicicada search in Asheville, NC. The action is beginning to wind down, but we still found some pockets of good activity. Tunnel Road in East Asheville had some nice action. We sat outside to eat lunch at a Sonic and the cicadas were buzzing all around us. Then we went out to Biltmore Forest in the south end of Asheville and they were everywhere. The choruses were not deafening, but were still strong in places. Dead cicadas littered the ground all throughout the town and the skies were filled with them buzzing back and forth between the trees and shrubs. As far as I saw, both the living and dead cicadas were all septendecims.

Peter, I’m glad to hear to you got in some good action on Long Island! I hope the girls enjoyed them!

Elias, my 2004 success for Brood X was limited to a few emergence holes and a handful of exuvia. So few emerged that they must have been picked off right away. This was around Mayflower Lane in East Setauket. I wonder if that’s one of the hot spots this year. If so, perhaps they were very early Brood XIV stragglers!

Comment by Lenny — June 16, 2008 [AT] 8:09 pm

I am Russell KY 41169 about two miles inland (south) of the Ohio River

I’ll bet I killed 300 of the things each day for a week when they first emerged (2nd/3rd week of May) but I swear I haven’t seen one in at least three weeks now. We don’t even hear them any longer- haven’t heard them in maybe four days now. Husband works two miles away further south and is swarmed. My property borders a patch of woods and we could hear them getting further and further away each day there and now there isn’t the first sign of any being around. I want to take the bags off my trees but am afraid.
What to do, what to do?

Comment by Toni — June 16, 2008 [AT] 6:15 pm

We just had our first sighting here in Montgomery,PA. But so far we only had one visitor, and he had a deformed wing. Friends down the road had a massive emergence in Eilmsport, PA.

Comment by Sara Vallese — June 16, 2008 [AT] 4:08 pm

I live in Bellefonte, PA, also. Today there are major swarms to which extent one cannot even go outside. We have now had four of these critters in our house. Our cat just plays with them but they perish easily with the swat of a fly swatter.

Personnally I think they are totally gross and annoying. You can’t even sit outside right now. It’s a phenomenon unlike anything I have ever seen. My wife and I are transplants to Bellefonte so we are totally amazed at this emergence. It’s massive for sure! I think our town is the center for this particular Brood. I hear them elsewhere but nothing like here in Bellefonte!

Comment by Jeff — June 16, 2008 [AT] 12:43 pm

Many cicadas in Mifflin County, PA. Burnham (near K Mart), Belleville, Rt 26 the whole way down to Huntingdon.

Found some very loud and very dense populations 2.5 miles in on Alan Seegar Road just north of the 26 / 305 junction. Matches any I’ve ever seen in person and on video.

Comment by Mike — June 16, 2008 [AT] 10:49 am

Dye-down is FINALLY happening here in the East End of Louisville. Several of our neighbors’ young trees — specifically Maple and Oak — are showing stress from flagging. Fortunately, our Yoshino Cherry Trees and Sweet Bay Magnolia have stood up quite well so far. My husband is religious about picking the females off in both the AM and PM — translation: ending their lives by way of “eating concrete” — so we’ll see.

Seen lots of cicadas with the fungus. Will have to see what the sunshine brings today — quiet or chorusing. It’s so nice to hear myself think again!

Comment by Lisa — June 16, 2008 [AT] 5:03 am

We live in central New Hampshire and my Daddy found two burrows near the garden after he moved a stump and saw two red eyes peeking at him! Because of the red eyes we believe this nymph is a 17 year cicada.

Comment by Claire — June 16, 2008 [AT] 4:42 am

Out at Otsego Park, Dix Hills, NY today with my 3 and 6 year old and wife Had them all holding and allowing the cacadas to crawl on them. With the Sun out they were easy to find and hear along the main drive in. Help get more kids out to see them. They need you all to help get them excited which will lead to more people in the future protecting them and their habitat.

Comment by Peter — June 15, 2008 [AT] 8:36 pm

Nymphs still emerging in Dix Hills today (Otsego Park). Best place is along the entrance by the parking lot. Earlier today the chorus was quite loud. This is geographically closer to my home. Took home 3 nymphs to watch them eclose (this never gets old). Taped it the other night in its entirety. It took 1 and 1/2 hours from the back split to the final wing folding. Always wanted to do that. When you play it in fast forward it looks nice. Good night!

Comment by Elias — June 15, 2008 [AT] 8:19 pm

June 15, 2008. They are thick here in Bellefonte (near the little Bellefonte airport) for the past week or so. It’s almost impossible to enjoy being on your porch or in the yard, both because of the noise and the fact that they are flying everywhere and landing on us! We also went to Bald Eagle State Park in Howard today and they were terrible. How long will this last????

Comment by Ruthie — June 15, 2008 [AT] 2:41 pm

Just came back from Dix Hills. The emergence is still going strong at Otsego Park. Caught 3 nymphs tonight. Was successful in filming the entire eclosing process yesterday. Maybe tonight I can create “Part II”. East Setauket still going strong. Some trees were covered with them which was an awesome spectacle. Also had the good luck of finding a chocolate eyed and and a mustard eyed cicada. Will send pictures soon. Still looking for a blue eyed one! (Lucky enough to find one last year in Chicago). Went to Coram by the street featured in Newsday. It did not seem as intense. Maybe because it was later and cloudy. May have to recheck this area. Northern Pinnequid St seemed to be were the action was.

In answer to the purpose of cicadas, they areate the soil as nymphs, provide food for countless animals as adults, and fertilize the earth when they die.

Comment by Elias — June 14, 2008 [AT] 8:50 pm

I took my two youngest kids to see the Brood in Morgantown Pennsylvania this morning….we found plenty of them!!…..I love the sound!….anyway, took Pa turnpike to Morgantown exit, then took Rt 10 North for a mile or so until I saw them flying and heard them……then just followed my ears til I got close. We walked a trail and saw them in trees by the hundreds to thousands with some dead/dying on the ground…..found a few with the fungus, most dead were not fungus filled but complete??…..They didnt seem to be asnumerous as the Brood that emerged in 2005 in parts of Pennsylvania (North of Harrisburg), but it was great to see and hear them again! I will be back next week for more!

Comment by Bill — June 14, 2008 [AT] 8:35 pm

Everything has a purpose. What is the purpose of the cicadas?

Comment by Brenda Madden — June 14, 2008 [AT] 11:31 am

Greetings! Just wanted to report a lone Brood XIII “straggler” who was singing in our tree for the past couple days here in Park Ridge, IL (a suburb of Chicago.) Sadly, he is gone now. I hope he had a chance to “hook up” as they say. Enjoy Brood XIV, folks! Wish I could be there.

Comment by Mary — June 13, 2008 [AT] 7:42 pm


I was just wondering if/ when the magicicadas will come to the poconos (in PA)? or more specifically stroudsburg (18360)?

and is it true that they only come out every 17 years or do they only live 17 years?

I might have gotten it confused.



Comment by Katie — June 13, 2008 [AT] 6:42 pm

I’m also in Bellefonte and am at the end of my rope with these critters. We are trying to train a new dog how to recognize the audible signal of our invisible fence … but nope you can’t hear it over the din. They dive bomb us every time we step outside and it’s just getting more intense every day. Make them go away!

Comment by Linda — June 13, 2008 [AT] 3:14 pm

Jennifer, glad you made it out to East Setauket. If anyone finds a denser emergence let me know. It is very loud over there!! Coram and Ridge arent bad but the decibel level appears lower. I used the Newsweek article in May of this year and followed the map with the streets that contianed 1991 emergences. You can easily see nothing if you drive around without exact streets in mind. They are very specific to small areas.
I will be out in East Setauket again this weekend. Hope to see more. Dix hills should hopefully be catching up as the emergence started in earnest this week. Not sure why it was behind the rest of the island.

Lenny, I felt the pain of 2004 too. I did not see any out in East Setauket then. That was sad. I was in Ronkonkoma in 1987 and saw tons of exuvia. I went to late to see living specimens.

Comment by Elias — June 13, 2008 [AT] 2:05 pm

Here in Louisville, Ky and our Magicicadas are in full swing.

We had an emergence two or so weeks ago and it was a heavy one. In my area anyway. I have piles of shells 3 inches deep around my trees and live Cicadas everywhere.

The little buggers love to divebomb our heads when we pull in the driveway. My 3 year old loves it. He won’t pick up a live one, but he loves to see daddy with a handfull. My wife does not fair so well. She is not enjoying the emergence as we are and stays in the house mose of the time.

Our afternoon ritual had become the “saving of the Cicadas. We head home and head to the pool. To swim of course, but also to save the still alive Cicada bugs from the water.

I have to say that I have never put much thought into these little creatures, but I am really enjoying having them around. I like to hear them sing and really enjoy their presence around our home. As stated… my wife would disagree.

The guys will be missed when they are gone.


Comment by Eric — June 13, 2008 [AT] 11:04 am

I guess it would be good to have a URL 😉

Comment by AlienFrog — June 13, 2008 [AT] 10:57 am

The Cicada’s are starting to wind down now. I’ve taken a number of close up pics and they are on my web site.

This is from Asheville, NC

Comment by AlienFrog — June 13, 2008 [AT] 10:56 am

Looks like the massive movement from the ground is over in my area (Joanna Furnace / Morgantown PA.). We had three days where the back yard was just covered every morning. Wednesday evening we got a massive thunderstorm that dumped bout 2 -3 inches of water in a very short time. This seemed to stem the tide of the ones coming out of the ground and also quieted the ones in the trees some (I presume they got washed out of the trees and drowned). There is still some stragglers coming out of the ground and plenty of singing. Guess its just mating time now and it will soon be over! Guess the rain will be good for the nymphs! I don’t want to think how old I’ll be when this brood emerges again.

Comment by Ken — June 13, 2008 [AT] 7:10 am

Cape Cod Mass. is in full swing now! The Green Walk area by the Cataumet Post Office is a nice place to see them. (off of Scraggy Neck RD.) Also they trails/roads of the Quashnet River State Forest (Route 28(Falmouth rd) in Mashpee is also good. But the real amazing break out is at the lower part of the Francis A Crane Wildlife Management Area. Best access is off of Hayway RD. There is a parking area. Just walk in and you will be swarmed!

Comment by Kevin — June 12, 2008 [AT] 7:43 pm

We live in Kings Mills, Ohio. We went to the Beach Waterpark yesterday(near Kings Island), and couldn’t even hear each other speaking at the entrance because the cicadas were so loud. But the more exciting part of the story is when we arrived home. We heard the unmistakable buzz of a cicada in the car. I shared a secret look with my daughter, Haley, not wanting to scare her brother, Michael, because he would have jumped out of the moving vehicle if he knew a cicada was in the car. We went inside and heard the sound again. Haley looked at me with big eyes and said, “Mom, I think there’s a cicada in your suit.” My eyes got bigger, and I tore my suit off as fast as I could right then and there and threw my suit into the washing machine. Unfortunately, the poor cicada experienced a dizzying and wet death. We found about 6 parts of the bug after the cycle finished (even the cicada’s beady, little eyes!)

Comment by Heidi Adams — June 12, 2008 [AT] 6:49 pm

My wife and I drove from Ontario Canada to central Pennsylvania to experience this great natural phenomenon. OK, OK I know if you have to live with an emergence it could get a bit tiring but what a unique event in the world, and for us visitors a very cool event.

They were not as easy to find as I thought and locals we talked to hadn’t heard of anything (should have gone to Bellefonte I guess). Maybe they were just really getting started here? We did manage to find a small patch of mostly M. septendecim on route 192 just east of Lovonia. Not much of a pull off and we only spent about 20 minutes here and left to avoid a traffic accident.

Next day found a good emergence of mostly M. cassini along the quite dead-end Franklinville Cemetery Road just off route 45 and was able to enjoy a leisurely exploration of this remarkable insect.

On the way home heard many spots along the 220 north of State College where M. cassini was singing but not a road to stop on.

It took three days and 1850 kilometers (1150 miles) in temperatures up to 100F in an non-air conditioned car but well worth the experience. Thank You Pennsylvania.

Comment by David Bree — June 12, 2008 [AT] 5:31 pm

When will these annoying insects go away????

Comment by Ann — June 12, 2008 [AT] 12:01 pm

I live in Bellefonte, PA and when I step outside my door, the sound is deafening. They are all throughout my decorative trees… I try to water my plants and they fly at me! There are exoskeleton shells all over my deck. This problem is not present in the adjacent towns (State College, Pleasant Gap) but Bellefonte is plagued. Glad I don’t have any children. I’m worried about what would happen to my first born.

Comment by Dana — June 12, 2008 [AT] 10:53 am

Hello Elias and Lenny,
I did make it out to East Setauket yesterday and wow! Elias, you are right about it being a heavier emergence than say, Coram. I never thought I’d say this, but the noise actually did hurt my ears! Nevertheless, I was in heaven! I also saw them flying around all over. Why oh why couldn’t they be in my yard! Over Memorial Day weekend I was at Southhaven Park and I saw holes everywhere, so I am going to check that out soon. Let me know if you get there before I do!

Comment by Jennifer — June 12, 2008 [AT] 9:50 am

I’ll be heading to Asheville, NC this weekend. Does anyone know of any locations (Folk Art Center, Biltmore Forest, etc..) where the Magicicadas are still active in good numbers?

I was on Long Island last Tuesday and visited wooded areas in Manhasset, Smithtown, Stony Brook and Port Jeff station, but I got skunked. It’s good to hear that the action is picking up now. Thank you Elias and Jennifer for all of the reports. I was “obsessed” with Brood X on Long Island in 2004, and logged many miles and hours searching around for them, only to find a small emergence site in East Setauket. I’m so glad to hear this brood is out in force in several pockets within Suffolk County. I look forward to more updates.

Comment by Lenny — June 12, 2008 [AT] 7:17 am

Hello Dan,

I am compiling all the data for John Cooley (creator of Cicadas @ UCONN (formerly I think I am the only one mapping Long Island so any leads or data points are so useful. Also I automatically veriify them with GPS coordinates. As you know you could drive for miles and hear NOTHING. LEads are so important. I know negative data points are useful but it gets boring driving in miles of silence!!

Thanks for running an awesome website. Keep up the great work!

Comment by Elias — June 12, 2008 [AT] 6:59 am

Or better yet Elias, they should report their locations to the Magicicada .org project and report the exact location of the emergence while remaining anonymous.

Comment by Dan — June 11, 2008 [AT] 9:56 pm

A request to all Long Island readers, please provide streets and towns were cicada activity has been spotted. I will be out and about this weekend mapping. Any assistance will greatly be appreciated.

So far East Setauket and Port Jefferson Station appear to have the highest density.

Hope to pick up some more nymphs tomorrow and film one emerging from beginning to end! I am sure some other people out here have done that already.

Comment by Elias — June 11, 2008 [AT] 8:49 pm

Hi, there! My mom was known as the bug lady when I lived up there in ’91— our house was on the news for the previous emergence!! I heard she was on news 12 a day or so ago and I cant find the feed! If anyone can send a link to the Brood 14 clip in East Setauket from News Channel 12 from I think this Tuesday, please post it! I’m in NoVa! Thanks!

Comment by ArlingtonDeeDee — June 11, 2008 [AT] 8:40 pm

The activity of the cicadas is nearly over in Lenoir, NC so the “event” lasted just slighly over 3 weeks. I found that some that had been stored in the refrigerator are still alive, so I hope to see how long I can keep them. With a little luck I hope to be able to photograph a live Tibicen (dog-day cicada) beside a live Magicicada, something probably not occurring naturally!


Comment by Bob Jacobson — June 11, 2008 [AT] 7:14 pm

I live in Scott County, Kentucky, located approx. 13 miles North of Lexington. Last Saturday, June 7, 2008 my trees were literally covered from bottom to their tops with the cicada’s. Many of them still remain, but they are starting to fade here ~ at least in my yard. The noise was unbearable for many many days as we were unable to stay outside for long periods of time. They are fascinating to watch since we won’t see these little ones for quite some time to come.

Comment by Lori Thompson — June 11, 2008 [AT] 6:22 pm

The cicadas have emerged in Lexington, Ky. From the map I saw on the site they are a heavy emergence. I can believe it. The trees in my yard are covered with them! Boy are they noisy! I took some pictures of them.

Comment by Tina — June 11, 2008 [AT] 5:09 pm

Ridge (Long Island) NY — The local paper actually printed our street in the paper as a “prime” cicada site. I thought they were kidding. The noise this past week is REALLY loud and getting louder! But if you go a few houses down the street you hear nothing. It’s going to be a long 4/6 weeks!!!!!

Comment by Terry — June 11, 2008 [AT] 2:27 pm

Cape Cod, MA. They are here by the thousands!! My back yard is filled with cicadas! I wake up to the VERY LOUD cicada music every morning!

Comment by Tracy — June 11, 2008 [AT] 2:12 pm

Here is a Reading Eagle article describing the emergence around Joanna Furnace area in Pennsylvania. My neighbor actually cleans up the dead ones!

Comment by Ken — June 11, 2008 [AT] 11:16 am

I live in California (not many cicadas over here 🙂 ). After visiting my sister in Charlotte, NC I rented a cabin outside of Asheville. I was hoping to take a ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway with my family, but (upon noticing the detour signs) decided to ask the staff at the Folk Art Center what was going on. I heard a high pitch whine as I exited the vehicle, but it never really registered. After going inside and grabbing a few maps, I exited and was immediately dive bombed by a cicada! I looked up in the sky and I saw a few flying overhead. I knew what they were immediately and asked my wife/kids to check them out. I was pretty sure they were only around once every 17 years and (thanks to your site) am now able to verify with certainty that was the case. A wonderful little experience completely out of chance.

Comment by Neil — June 11, 2008 [AT] 1:29 am

Just did a lot of driving today. Went all over Long Island. Heard the strongest choruses in East Setauket and Port Jefferson. Mild choruses heard in Dix Hills, Coram and Ridge. Its amazing how you can hear nothing for blocks and then stumble upon an area where they are all around!

Wondering where the densest emergence is on Long Island. Also if anyone has anyother points please let me know. Jennifer — did you make it to Setauket today? THe choruses were powerful and I found a few shrubs loaded with calling males.

Comment by Elias — June 10, 2008 [AT] 9:18 pm

Yes, we had them in 2004. They were quite loud then also. However, I saw nothing like I am seeing in my back yard this time around. I was not living here in 1991.

Comment by Ken — June 10, 2008 [AT] 1:14 pm

They’re all over the place in Louisville Kentucky!

You can hardly walk outside without them getting on you if you’re near a tree!

Comment by Ben — June 10, 2008 [AT] 12:37 pm


Did you see any cicadas 4 years ago (in 2004) at the Joanna Furnace area?

And, have you lived there long enough to remember if they were there in 1991?

Comment by Mike — June 10, 2008 [AT] 12:35 pm

On route 10 near Joanna Furnace in Pennsylvania. Over the last two mornings I have had thousands in my backyard on the ground. Impossible to walk in the area without stepping on them. They are all gone by mid-day. The singing sounds like a tractor trailer idling!!!

Comment by Ken — June 10, 2008 [AT] 11:05 am

I live in Kings Mills, OH and they have been here for a few weeks. However, they just started getting bad a week ago. They are everywhere! I can’t go outside without being dive-bombed! My 4 month old Boxer puppy loves them though! 🙂

Comment by Eleise — June 10, 2008 [AT] 9:57 am

Hello-Just wanted to share that we live on the east side of the city of Louisville in Kentucky and the songs right now outside are so loud we aren’t able to sit outside and talk. My zip code is 40245 to be more precise and we are enjoying the songs!!

Comment by Diane — June 10, 2008 [AT] 4:39 am


Glad you too are obsessed! I just got back from Otsego Park in Dix Hills. Takes me a half hour to get out there! Saw hundreds of nymphs coming up everywhere. Heard the rustling in the forest that is unforgettable. They climb very high into the trees. Took 5 nymphs home and watched them molt in front of my eyes. Please share with me other locations that you find. Will be out and about tomorrow. It is my day off so hopefully will hit some more cities. May see you out in Port Jeff/Setauket LOL!

Comment by Elias — June 9, 2008 [AT] 9:18 pm

Thank you so much Elias for the specific locations of cicadas! I am going to check them out asap. Thanks for sharing the Newsday article as well, I read it immediately. I am a “tad” obsessed, so I really appreciate any information I can get.

Comment by Jennifer — June 9, 2008 [AT] 8:17 pm

Hello all,

I am happy to report New York Newsday published an article with me and the cicadas!,0,7759589.story

If this link doesnt work, search for cicadas and the article was yesterday. This has been an awesome emergence for me!

Take care

Comment by Elias — June 9, 2008 [AT] 5:00 pm

To the Honey Brook cicada watchers: Thanks for the info — I didn’t come that far south and east to see them there. I will now!

Question 1: At this time in 2004, did you see cicadas in the same location?

Question 2: Were any of you there in 1991 and can remember if there were cicadas then?

Comment by Mike — June 9, 2008 [AT] 3:20 pm

Hello jennifer,

I had good luck finding them in East Setauket and Port Jefferson Station. The weird thing is if you drive a few blocks in one direction you may hear — NOTHING! Its weird how patchy the emergence is. In Port Jefferson Station Found them at Old Town Road and Half Mile Road in addition to Hart Street and Broadway. In East Setauket I found them at Mayflower Lane and Branch Lane. Also Mayflower and Fireside LAne. In additon — Old Town Road and Arrowhead Lane.

Yesterday went to Otsego Park (DIX HILLS) and right before they closed the park, hundreds came up and climbed three trees by the parking lot. It was an awesome sight!

Also want to thank Laurie for the Mastic Data Point. Will check that out too. Please keep the NY reports coming!! I can be reached via email at epb471 [AT] if anyone needs. Will be assisting in the mapping of NY for UCONN.

Take care and thanks!

Comment by Elias — June 9, 2008 [AT] 1:49 pm

On Hill Road between Honey Brook and Hibernia Park. The loudest I’ve ever heard — sounds like a spaceship hovering overhead. Also don’t recall seeing this many last time.

Comment by wendy — June 9, 2008 [AT] 1:07 pm

Outside Honey Brook, PA on Hill Rd

Comment by Andy — June 9, 2008 [AT] 12:53 pm

Andy from Lancaster: Where are you located? You don’t need to give me your address, just tell me the general vicinity. Or, email me at mike21b dejazzzd com

Comment by Mike — June 9, 2008 [AT] 10:55 am

Regarding previous post: sound pressure measured at 90db — consistent peak.

Comment by John Rausch — June 9, 2008 [AT] 10:43 am

Oregonia, north of Ft. Ancient along the Little Miami in a heavily wooded area. I have never seen this many cicadas in either of the broods. It is unbelievably dense.

Comment by John Rausch — June 9, 2008 [AT] 10:22 am

Hey Andy,
It sounds like you are hearing chorusing from the species of 17 year cicadas called Magicicada Septendecim. They do sound like the mother ship landing.

Hope this helps,

Comment by Roy Troutman — June 9, 2008 [AT] 10:14 am

Not sure if this is what we are experiencing here outside Lancaster, PA. I haven’t actually seen any cicada’s. but come morning and all through the day there is a constant humming (I joke it sounds like the “War of the Worlds” death rays). So you tell me is this cicada or just the end of the world? (LOL)


Comment by Andy — June 9, 2008 [AT] 7:09 am

I’ve been hearing a high pitched sound outside for the past couple of days. It’s a constant sound, not at all like a cricket. Could this be the cicadas? If so, Elias this is for you, I’m located just east of the Brookhaven Calabro airport in Mastic NY. The cicadas are everywhere and are still emerging.

Comment by Laurie — June 9, 2008 [AT] 6:48 am

Hi Jackie,
The cicadas you are seeing are just late stragglers left over from last years main emergence. A very small percentage of 17 year cicadas “lose count” of the years & come out late or early.


Comment by Roy Troutman — June 9, 2008 [AT] 5:41 am

I live in the SW Suburbs of Chicago (Palos Park) & we had tons of cicadas last year. This evening I spotted one lone cicada inside my gazebo. 2007 marked our 17th year. I didn’t think I’d see another one til 2024. I know we have cicadas every summer, but I thought the 17 year ones were different. Am I missing something? It looked just like the Magicicada pictured.

Comment by Jackie — June 8, 2008 [AT] 9:02 pm

You welcome Elias. Would you mind letting me know where you have seen them in East Setauket and Port Jeff? I have driven around and around with no luck and with gas prices the way they are, I would love to know exactly where to go. I have read on another site that Ridge has them, but I could not see any there.

Comment by Jennifer — June 8, 2008 [AT] 8:31 pm

My back yard stinks! (Cincinnati) Millions of dead, decaying cicada bugs smell awful. The noise continues to be deafening, mowing the grass today was an adventure. Haven’t seen deer, squirrels or bunnies in days. Usually see wildlife multiple times a day. Even the birds are scarce. My two dogs are annoyed by the noise, the loud hovering noise and then the “singing”. They are not eating them this time. Definitely worse than the last emergence a few years ago. The novelty is over, I want my yard back!

Comment by Margaret — June 8, 2008 [AT] 6:34 pm

Starting to quiet down now here in East TN, this brood was much shorter lived then Brood X. Been about 3 weeks since they started chorusing and last go round they lasted about 2 weeks longer and were 10 times the number of bugs. Still great to see, and I am somewhat sorry to see them go.

Comment by Magi Cicada — June 8, 2008 [AT] 5:48 pm

I’m in Mt. Washington, KY (just south of Louisville) and they are simply everywhere. We haven’t even bothered to open our pool as we are sure the filter will be full of them in no time.

My question is we have seen fully developed cicadas since Memorial Day weekend, when will they be going away? I’ve had my fill of them and am ready for a 17 year break.

Comment by Carrie — June 8, 2008 [AT] 12:04 pm

me and my boyfriend live on a horse farm in versailles, ky and they have come out bad..i dont even go outside with my son anymore (im scared of bugs!). my sister in law in upton, ky says they scatter everywhere when she opens her front door. ewwww. thier so nasty!

Comment by nicole — June 8, 2008 [AT] 11:06 am

Hello Jennifer,

Thanks for responding. I will go to those spots today. I am trying to assist UCONN in mapping LI. Anyother spots that people have heard strong chorusing please let me know. I personally heard them in East Setauket and Port Jefferson. I drove through Miller Place and did not hear them. I think Dix Hills is delayed. Will keep a close eye on there.

Comment by Elias — June 8, 2008 [AT] 10:05 am

Re: Natural Bridge and Red River Gorge

They are currently EVERYWHERE. Friends of ours just returned from camping and they ended up leaving early. It was just too much to take!

Comment by Lisa — June 8, 2008 [AT] 7:30 am

We are planning a trip to stay in a cabin near the Natural Bridge State Park and Red River Gorge the week of June 23rd. Does anyone know if the magicicada have already been there?

Comment by Carol — June 7, 2008 [AT] 10:55 pm

There is a decent choruses and shells on trees & adults on Pennequid Road and on Windside Lane in Coram,Long Island- NY. These streets are off of Wedgewood Drive. I’ve been driving by about every other day. Can’t get enough!

Comment by Jennifer — June 7, 2008 [AT] 9:10 pm

Hello all,
Just finished covering a fairly large portion of Long Island. Dix Hills is pretty quite at present. Heard only 1 male calling in Otsego Park and not too many exuviae. Commack was quiet too (saw many emerging 1 week ago). East Setauket and Port Jefferson had some nice strong choruses. Some spots still had tenerals (younger adults).

Replicated an interesting experiment that I learned from Gerry Bunker. If you snap your fingers near a male while it is calling, he thinks its a female wing flick response. He will then alter his calling by decreasing the pause time between calls. If you immitate a male call during this time, you can hear the “interference buzz”. Was able to produce this today. Will return tomorrow. If any other LI locations have really strong emergences, please post here so I can visit!

Comment by Elias — June 7, 2008 [AT] 8:00 pm

In Huntington, WV right off Ritter Park. They are everywhere. I was having an outdoor wedding and during the ceremony one landed on my head, I just brushed him away and continued the ceremony. What else can you do, but it makes a great memory and I’ll be thinking about that again in 17 years.

Comment by Stephanie — June 7, 2008 [AT] 4:21 pm

In Louisville, on Shelbyville Rd. East off the Gene Snyder Pkwy., it is ONE GIANT SWARM. They are EVERYWHERE. And they won’t shut up!

Last night, my husband was working on our lawn. At one point, while weedeating and edging, he had 5 on his shoulders and many more circling his head. I, on the other hand, was swatting them with — what else — our ADT sign!

Comment by Lisa — June 7, 2008 [AT] 4:17 pm

I live in Deer Park (Cincinnati), it has gotten warmer in the last few days and the cicadas are out in full force. It is so loud outside you can’t even stand to be out for more than a few minutes and they are everywhere. They were in our area a few years ago and I thought it was bad but this is worse. I’ll be glad when they are gone, they really creep me out.

Comment by Patti — June 7, 2008 [AT] 3:00 pm

Over the last week Cicadas have been absolutely SWARMING, we had a bonfire last night and hundreds of them came out to enjoy it with us. Im looking out my window now and its just a constant thing. at any given moment there four or five of them flying past the window!! There are thousands of them on my honeysuckle bushes, they’d be okay if they didnt fly into my hair everytime i went outside! Yikes!

Comment by Adrienne — June 7, 2008 [AT] 11:10 am

They came here in the northern mid Tennessee area ( almost on KY border) right after Mothers Day. I live in the country with lots and lots of trees and its totally annoying. They are loud, everywhere and constantly landing in my pool, house, in the house and on me when doing garden work. If I put a water hose to my young trees in my yard they fly out in masses. Its actually pretty freaky. I want to know how long this will last. I am so ready for them to die off. The noise has my family that came to visit freaked out because they had never heard such a thing. I totld my 14 yr old daughter this is a great science project…start collecting specimens and taking pics…lol

Comment by Deborah Barber — June 7, 2008 [AT] 4:59 am

Over the past few days in Nicholasville, KY the temperature has creeped into the low 90’s and the cicadas are everywhere. Sitting in the house it is almost hard to concentrate on anything else but the sound. No buy horror movies for me for awhile. I will be glad when they move on. Hard to enjoy the yard, feels like you are being attacked. Shew!!

Comment by Eric — June 6, 2008 [AT] 4:39 pm

They just emerged in Bellefonte PA. Boy are they ugly and my dogs are having a ball eating and playing with them…Ewwwwww!!!

Comment by Chris — June 6, 2008 [AT] 3:02 pm

Here in Cincinnati, I saw a few of these today. It is, however, VERY loud outside! It is usually never this loud, this early.

Comment by TeacherE — June 6, 2008 [AT] 1:55 pm

Here in Harrodsburg Kentucky, they are swarming all over the place. It wasn’t so bad when they were just in my trees, but now they are all over they place….flying into my house. The noise it the worst part of it…..I feel like I am going crazy & there is no way to escape them. Millions all over the place….& all that, just on my 10 acres

Comment by Deborah A Klinkner — June 5, 2008 [AT] 1:37 pm

zillions of cicadas at the white deer golf course in montgomery,pa.
lower lycoming county in
several hung on my neck as we played today.
played well however.

Comment by c.b.henry — June 5, 2008 [AT] 12:54 pm

Thanks for the information Dan. I looked at the emergence map and I can’t believe that Long Island only has a mild emergence. I feel bad for you folks in KY!

Comment by Laurie — June 5, 2008 [AT] 10:04 am

I was working in Grundy, Virginia today and these things were everywhere. The guys told me they bite and wanted to know if I was allergic to them. I don’t know if they were teasing me or not, but I’m highly allergic to bees, so it kind of scared me. They fact they were dive bombing me and sounded like they were screaming didn’t make matters better. They were everywhere. It sounded like thousands of them and they were everywhere!

Comment by Michelle — June 4, 2008 [AT] 4:27 pm

I have still seen only M. septendecim in Lenoir, NC. I’m finding many dead ones (mostly males), some having frayed wings.

Is anyone finding either of the other two species (septendecula and cassini) anywhere? In case you are not familiar, these are smaller than the M. septendecim which has extensive orange on the underside of the abdomen and a “WEEEE-owe” song (more appropriate description for today’s economy!).


Comment by Bob Jacobson — June 4, 2008 [AT] 4:26 pm

WOW!!! We just had our annual Disc Golf Tournament at Charlie Vettiner Park in Jeffersontown (Louisville) Kentucky on May 31st and June 1st. There weren’t any the week before the tournament. By Wendsday they had taken over. The woods are just loaded with them by the millions. The trees look like they are flooding out of them, it’s crazy. I’ve seen them before but never to this magnitude. The out of towners were also amazed at this site! So next year we are going to have Discs printed with piles of there dead shells, how cool is that? Anyhow if anyone would like to here how loud they are I have some nice videos posted . Although I was not trying to film them, I was trying to film the tournament. Seems though they are louder than most people. The address is:

Go to the bottom of my page until you see the videos. There are about 50 of them all from June 1st at the same park.

Comment by Russell Gore — June 4, 2008 [AT] 1:35 pm

OMG!!!!! I’m feeling plagued! Is this what Pharoh had? I understand that these are also called locusts. My daughter and I are stepping on every one that we come across in the yard!!!! (We are not even making a dent in the population around our house) Nicholasville, Kentucky.

Comment by Teresa — June 4, 2008 [AT] 1:11 pm

Diane — it should last 3 to 4 weeks. The female cuts grooves in branches with her ovipositor and that is where she lays her eggs. Once the eggs hatch, the young nymphs fall to the ground where the dig, and then spend their next 17 years.

Laurie — the emergence should end in 3 to 4 weeks.

Comment by Dan — June 4, 2008 [AT] 8:04 am

I live in East Setauket, Long Island, NY and we first saw them on the Saturday just before Memorial Day and they are still coming strong! We have them all over the trees, lawn, driveway, street and even on the mailbox, stop signs and my wheels on my truck! They just started the singing a few days ago and it comes and goes. Right now it is quiet as it is raining. My kids actually have brought them to school to show the class as not everyone has them. My dog and a few of my friends dogs all seem to eat them…..gross!! Does anyone know for how long this will last? Do the female fly underground in the original holes to lay the eggs?

Comment by Diane — June 4, 2008 [AT] 7:58 am

I live in Mastic NY just east of the Brookhaven Airport and these cicadas have been emerging for a little over a week. They are huge and ugly and they leave their exoskeletons all over the place. I have seen many shells on my shed, covering telephone poles. When can I expect this emergence to end?

Comment by Laurie — June 4, 2008 [AT] 4:57 am

Ed they are in mcdermott ohio the ;ones with the red eyes

Comment by terri jo — June 4, 2008 [AT] 4:48 am

I’ll be in the Florence, KY/Cincinnati, OH area this weekend and was wondering if anyone could recommend some local nature preserves/city parks where I could find a large number of cicadas to photograph. I have been doing searches online but haven’t been able to find much.

Thank you

Comment by Tim — June 4, 2008 [AT] 4:03 am

Ed — most of the time the wings become deformed when they’re in their soft white teneral state, and they fall off the tree and damage their wings.

Comment by Dan — June 3, 2008 [AT] 7:38 pm

There is a large ammount of cicadas in Peebles, Ohio. I have tried to take as many photographs of the occurance as possible. The cicadas are molting in a 30 foot Maple tree then moving to a large elm and singing. There are literally thousands of molted skins on the trees in my yard which include a Wild Cherry, Several Maples, Crab Apples, Weeping Cherry, and even on the Spruce trees. It is spectacular as I do not recall a brood as large as this in my lifetime.

Comment by Ken — June 3, 2008 [AT] 7:21 pm

Went to Loveland to see the cicada’s. Stopped at a school off I275/Loveland exit. They were out but nothing major in my view. What caught my attention was the seemingly large number of deformed cicada’s that could not fly. Are deformities just a typical outcome of large outbreaks of cicada’s?

Comment by Ed — June 3, 2008 [AT] 4:37 pm

I live in Alexandria, VA. This past Friday I heard a couple of the little type 17 year cicadas! These are the ones with the high-pitched whine with clicking. These must be the current brood that is in Ohio. But there are definately a few around here. I have heard a couple of the regular “pharough” singing types also. So for sure a few are down here in NOVA.

Comment by Fred Berry — June 3, 2008 [AT] 9:16 am

I live in Alexandria, VA. This past Friday I heard a couple of the little type 17 year cicadas! These are the ones with the high-pitched whine with clicking. These must be the current brood that is in Ohio. But there are definately a few around hee. I have heard a couple of the regular “pharough” singing types also. So for sure a few are down here in NOVA.

Comment by Fred Berry — June 3, 2008 [AT] 9:15 am

Sheena — the wings can get crumpled when they fall off the tree when the wings are still soft.

Leo — cool weather definitely slows them down, but the weather should be hot at the end of the week.

Michael — all cicadas are white when the first emerge.

Comment by Dan — June 3, 2008 [AT] 8:54 am

Here in Madeira (Cincinnati), Ohio, there are thousands in my backyard (I have a big yard filled with older trees). On one of my bigger trees, I see hundreds on the tree trunk, and then at the base of that tree trunk there are hundreds of shells in piles, as well as live adult cicadas milling about. Their singing is pretty loud in the afternoons nowadays—it comes in deafening waves. I don’t notice the birds going after them like I did with the “west-side brood” that emerged a few years ago. I guess the birds have already had their fill beginning Memorial Day weekend when they really started emerging. I have to admit, I am terrified of them. I’m anxious for July 4, when they’re out of here.

Comment by Lisa — June 3, 2008 [AT] 6:46 am

We live in southern WV, surrounded by woods and the Magicicadas are singing 24 hours a day. You can’t walk across the fields without brushing them out of your hair and the trees are covered. We haven’t seen too much damage at this point and frankly, we enjoy their song at night. The down side is that now we can’t hear the birds…..or anything else for that matter. Our dogs really like crunching on the shells……kinda’ like potato chips.

Comment by Jill Glenn — June 2, 2008 [AT] 8:30 pm

Julian, PA 16844
May 30
just one so far.

Comment by Leslie Demmert — June 2, 2008 [AT] 4:44 pm

i am in lexington kentucky and there are prob 3 to 4 thousand cicada shells in my back yard. they started showing up about two days ago and they are still coming, the odd things are that they have not come up anywhere but in our back yard, our neighbors trees have been untouched and on top of that they are not making any sound!!!

Comment by nick — June 2, 2008 [AT] 3:33 pm

I’m in Deer Park (Cincinnati). About 3 weeks ago I was digging up some garden beds, and noticed a bunch of cicadas near the surface of the ground. The first ones came up around the 21st or 22nd of May, and as of today-May 31st-we have a full on cicada onslaught! My kids enjoy playing with them, but don’t play outside for too long because there are just too many. I thought it was cool for the first few days, but I’m ready for them to be gone now!

Comment by Kelly Waggoner — June 1, 2008 [AT] 11:15 am

I live in Crab Orchard Kentucky and the Cicadas are here in abundant amounts. You can hear their mating call very loudly everywhere you go.
I dont know if youve heard the story about the W or the P on their wings but today on inspection of one’s wing a W was very apparant.
W for war and P for peace.

Comment by Beth — May 31, 2008 [AT] 10:16 pm

I heard repots that Magicicadas were out in droves at the W. Kerr Scott Dam And Reservoir in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mtns in Wilkesboro, NC. I finally had a chance to get there yesterday and was not disapointed. There were many cicadas in the trees and in the air and strong choruses could be heard in patches of woods along the reservoir. I found several dead ones under some small trees.

I’ll be out near Port Jefferson on Long Island this coming Wed and Thurs, so I’m looking forward to having some more fun with Brood XIV up there.

Comment by Lenny — May 31, 2008 [AT] 8:32 pm

They are here on Cape Cod, MA…they are all over my beach grass.

Comment by Kathy — May 31, 2008 [AT] 5:30 pm

Hello all!

The emergence has definitely started here in Long Island. In Dix Hills Otsego Park I was able to locate only 7 adult cicadas and a few cast off exuvia (nymphal shells). Drove a little further north east to Commack and some trees were literally covered. Even mailboxes were not spared with 20-30 on each! Saw 3 nymphs molting in broad daylight. No chorus yet, it still seems early.

Comment by Elias — May 31, 2008 [AT] 4:26 pm

Up until this morning, we hadn’t heard a peep or seen the little critters, although elsewhere here in Louisville, many people have. Since we’re in a new development with houses no older than 3 years, we really thought we’d dodged the “invasion,” however, during our morning walk, we saw three or four hangin’ out on the street curbs. It’s important to note though, our entire subdivision is old farm land and, although the clay soil has been turned over and over due to homebuilding, the entire perimeter is very heavily wooded. We noticed that Shelbyville, KY, which is about 7 miles down the road, saw their firsts a couple of weeks ago, so I guess they finally popped in our area. As for our location, we’re in the East End of Louisville, right off the Gene Snyder Pkwy. on Route 60 (Shelbyville Rd.). Our subdivision is about 4 miles East off the Snyder.

My husband and I just finished covering 58 — yes, I said 58 — new trees and shrubs that are Cicada favorites for egg-laying. Of course, our neighbors think we’ve lost our minds, but we’ll see whose trees are still green this time next year! We’ve spent entirely too much money on professional landscaping to let the horny little trysts of these bugs kill them off.

One more note, before moving here from Northern Kentucky, we had just made it through the 2004 invasion and the loud “weed-eater” type buzzing we’re hearing now — although quite deafening already — doesn’t begin to compare. They were dripping from everywhere and you couldn’t hear yourself think. Hopefully, it won’t be THAT bad. I’m inside our 2-story house with the AC on and I can hear them still.

What bugs will do for a little nookie!

Comment by Lisa — May 31, 2008 [AT] 1:58 pm

They started coming out about 28th of May here in East Asheville, close to Fairview, NC. The woods nearby have seperate groups of thousands. I saw a bear on the trail not 1/2 a mile from the road. I guess they like to eat them as much as my dog does! People on the phone can hear them and think there’s a tornado going by!

Comment by Katie — May 31, 2008 [AT] 3:54 am

Yes, they’re here in Pickett County TN. Actually I don’t know when they started singing because we were camping at Cades Cove campground in the GSMNP from May 21st through the 24th. I heard the noise and told my husband that people were running their generators. He said, “If that’s a generator it’s got a bad bearing”. When we got home, sure enough our woods were full of “generators” too. Today they’re flying around and being eaten by the birds.

Comment by anita — May 30, 2008 [AT] 5:41 pm

We saw our first one today. For the last two weeks we had been seeing the ones still in the ground, didn’t know what it was.Now we know. I remember them all to well.We are in Falmouth,MA that is Cape Cod if your not sure.

Comment by sara — May 30, 2008 [AT] 2:46 pm

They’re just getting started here in McDowell County (southern WV). Found one of the ones that hadnt hardened yet (still light colored) in my dog’s water dish a couple days ago, and the song is just starting. Today’s the first day i’ve really noticed it, and its not super loud yet. Bradshaw/Raysal, wv

Comment by Kevin — May 30, 2008 [AT] 1:16 pm

Our home is surrounded, literally, by the Pisgah national Forest in Western NC. The Cicadas have been singing loudly now for over a week, and they are leaving their shells everywhere. There are tens of thousands of them! I had a male get caught in my hair this morning when I went out to water the garden. I didn’t know he had hitched a ride until I got in the house, then he was tangled in my hair, finally he got free and flew up and sat on the wall, screaming loudly until I put him back outside. It’s cool to hear them, but I look forward to the quiet of our mountain when these guys are gone! We live between Marion and Spruce Pine, in the shadow of Mt. Mitchell—it’s off 221 N. if anyone’s searching to experience this brood’s emergence.

Comment by Susan — May 30, 2008 [AT] 8:15 am

Very disappointed so far here in Nashville. I had maybe 40 or so emerge in my yard earlier in the week, but none since. It’s nothing like the Brood 19 emergence back in 1998, which was massive. I took a road-trip North on I-65 today into Kentucky, and could hear them chorusing with my windows up!

Comment by Casbah — May 29, 2008 [AT] 5:04 pm

I live in Springfield, KY and these cicadas are everywhere. The empty shells are piling up under my maple trees. You can’t walk across the yard without them crunching under your feet. They were even trying to cling to our clothes last weekend as we were sitting outside at dusk enjoying the evening and grilling out. It’s great hearing them sing!

Comment by Angela — May 29, 2008 [AT] 1:59 pm

We first noticed the emergence three days ago on our 13 acre spread 4 miles west of Harrodsburg, KY. There seems to be ‘groups’ of them on our property. Some have started singing and are in the tree tops. Some (fully developed) are nearer the ground, are slow moving and are not singing. A few appear to have deformed wings and bodies?? Or maybe they are not finshed developing?? It’s been intersting a d educational to read about them on this site…KUDOS!

Comment by sheenah — May 29, 2008 [AT] 1:54 pm

I live in Mars Hill, NC (l5 miles north of Asheville), and there are over a thousand living and dead cicadas — with the red eyes— on my property and on my house…Astounding! I first noticed them a week ago…Then I started seeing the empty shells clinging to my fence, and every day there are dying ones on my car tires. They also climb my house to die…

Comment by Tobie Bradshaw — May 28, 2008 [AT] 5:36 pm

I also live in Long Island, East Setauket area and there are hundreds all over the trees and even on the ground too. The birds are eating away……I love the birds! They are big and pretty gross looking……but my kids think it is really cool!

Comment by Diane — May 28, 2008 [AT] 12:05 pm

I spotted a few over Memorial Day weekend. This morning( Wednesday) they are all over the place. Last time was 1991. I live on Long Island in the Port Jeff -Setauket area…eww

Comment by Helen — May 28, 2008 [AT] 10:01 am

I live in Stanford, KY and I am seing many nymphs emerge and some adults flying in my back yard. I went up to Lancaster, KY on Monday (5/26) and saw much of the same thing. None are singing yet. Could the cool weather of late here be slowing that down? The last time I had experience with these insects was in Cincinnati, Ohio in the late 80′s.

Comment by Leo Cormier — May 28, 2008 [AT] 8:13 am

I found a cicada that was White(light coloured) on my house today. is this normal ? i took a picture if anybody would like to see it. ive always thought ALL cicadas were dark coloured.

Comment by michael — May 28, 2008 [AT] 7:21 am

There are hundreds of these little gadgets that have emerged in my Cookeville, TN, wooded backyard. The sound is deafening and quite surreal. I’m loving it!

Comment by Linda Harp, Cookeville, TN — May 28, 2008 [AT] 7:17 am

Forgot to say where…Flemingsburg Kentucky!!

Comment by Cara, Jeff & Haley Doyle — May 27, 2008 [AT] 6:53 pm

We have hundreds of Cicadas in our yard!!

Comment by Cara, Jeff & Haley Doyle — May 27, 2008 [AT] 6:52 pm

Millions and Millions all over eastern TN. It was slower to start this year then in 1991 and the chorus just went into full swing last week. To say it is a spectacle would be an understatement.

Comment by Magi Cicada — May 27, 2008 [AT] 4:56 pm

I have to “eat” my words (posted May 11) about cicadas probably not going to appear in Lenoir, NC! One can now hear their “chorus” in the trees near Greer Laboratories (William White Drive at jct Nuway Circle). I have seen only M. septendecim so far. They have been present for at least a week, and mating pairs can be easily seen.

Bob Jacobson

Comment by Bob Jacobson — May 27, 2008 [AT] 2:47 pm

Here in Danville KY, (or rather very near Perryville) they have just started their “singing” today. I’ve been watching them for the past several days molting and wandering about. Now the sounds are starting up. It’s very cool, as I love sounds like this being an ambient music fan.


Comment by Rob — May 27, 2008 [AT] 12:49 pm

They are every where here in New Hope, Ky. This is the first time I have ever heard them like this. I am 22 years old so the last time they emerged I was only 4 or 5 lived in northern Ohio and don’t remember. It is really neat to hear them.

Comment by Vanessa — May 27, 2008 [AT] 11:30 am

live in knott county kentucky theres so many it sounds like a space ship hovering over the mountians.

Comment by jason — May 27, 2008 [AT] 10:40 am

We live 9 miles north of Cookeville, TN. In the past two weeks, the noise from the ‘little buggers’ has become intense. They are localized to an area just West and North of Hardy’s Chapel (off Hwy 136). We’ve explored some of the surrounding woods and find literally thousands of holes in the ground where they have exited.

Comment by Don — May 27, 2008 [AT] 8:04 am

They are coming out by the thousands in my yard. I live in LaGrange, KY. I know that Otter Creek Park (Meade Co., KY) will have them, because in 1991 I worked there , and they had a heavy emergence.

Comment by rodney — May 27, 2008 [AT] 5:41 am

Memorial day weekend! I will remember Memorial day weekend 2008 for a long time. Upper East Tennessee, Grainger County, close to Knoxville in the foothills of Appalachin Mountains. Loud clicking noise all weekend especially in the Morning. Exoskeletons all over the yard. Holes all over yard about the size of pencil erasers. We have found live ones, our cats eat them. I missed them coming out of the holes but they let me know they were there.

Comment by Conman — May 26, 2008 [AT] 11:15 pm

Hello Keni Marie and Denise,
Here are some answers to your questions:
1. We saw one cicada that was stuck coming out of shell…will they eventually free themselves?
When a cicada nymph gets stuck in it’s shell while molting it is almost always fatal for the cicada. There are many factors that can cause this like damage from a fall from a tree, interaction with other nymphs (pinching), or simple dehydration.
2. Are ants predators?
Yes, I have personally seen ants “gang up” on molting nymphs & use them for food.
3. How many different types of trees do cicadas like?
When it comes to molting, nymphs don’t have much of a preference as long as they can find an upright surface to molt on. When it comes to adults however the females like laying their eggs in tree branches of Boxelder, Ash, Oak, Maple, & other various species. They don’t like Cherry or Pine trees because the holes that the females lay their eggs in will get “gummed up” & the baby nymphs can’t escape the branch. Studies have shown that Osage Orange gets pretty much left alone as well because the wood is extremely hard.


Comment by Roy Troutman — May 26, 2008 [AT] 10:12 pm

We were visiting our cabin in Ferguson, NC (in the lower elevations of the Blue Ridge Mtns) this memorial day weekend and saw (and heard, of course) lots of Magicicada! There were lots of holes all in the ground and empty “shells” in the trees. What a neat experience! Never remember hearing that many humming in unison at one time!!! The kids enjoyed it as well—-and it got them away from video gaming (for awhile at least 🙂 Love your web-site!

Comment by Paula Teander — May 26, 2008 [AT] 7:49 pm

Dug up some immature nymphs yesterday in Dix Hills, Suffolk County Long Island. One tree had about 60 exit holes beneath it. The woods are quite, no adult cicadas seen yet. This weekend was beautiful. Hope the emergence will be on the way soon!

Comment by Elias — May 26, 2008 [AT] 7:11 pm

I have seen several hundred cicadas in my backyard…several of them have malformed wings and a couple deformed bodies. I am located in Oldham County KY.

Comment by Molly — May 26, 2008 [AT] 6:51 pm

Hi! my daughter (6) and I want to report a great cicada sighting. There seem to be many everywhere all over our property in Sevierville Tennessee. They seem to really like box elder trees. Thank you for teaching us all about cicadas (great homeschool project). We have watched different stages of the Cicadas-coming out of the ground as nymphs and then coming out of the shell and then lots of adult cicadas flying around. We saw the blue birds munching on a cicada. Yum! Keni has some questions: We saw one cicada that was stuck coming out of shell…will they eventually free themselves? Are ants predators? How many different types of trees do cicadas like?

Comment by Keni Marie and Denise — May 26, 2008 [AT] 6:35 pm

We just spent Memorial Day at Stone Door in the Cumberland Plateau area of TN. As we sat in our campsite, we saw them emerge from the ground, climb up the trees, and shed their shells. It was amazing to see the progression throughout the evening and night! The hum is different than any other I’ve heard and sounds a little like electrical wires at times 🙂 I like to wear a shell on my shirt (a “cicada broach”) in honor of the hatch.

Comment by Lisa Pellegrin — May 26, 2008 [AT] 5:50 pm

Thousands of emerging cicadas on my trees here in Jessamine County.

Comment by Mark Sawyer — May 26, 2008 [AT] 2:00 pm

During a school field trip last Friday to the Lincoln Boyhood Home in Hodgenville, KY, we saw hundreds of cicada shells and emerging cicadas. I don’t have any at my house in Lebanon, KY yet, but there are quite a few at my parents’ farm a few miles south of me.

Comment by Katherine Smith — May 26, 2008 [AT] 12:12 pm

We live in an apartment in West Chester, Ohio And there are Magicicadas in the woods behind us. There are not a lot of them yet.

Comment by Maria & Jazmin — May 26, 2008 [AT] 8:00 am

Earthy home
long endured.

Warm awakening
to light above.

Journey of peril
new beginning.

Drone enraptured
life encircling.

Comment by Charlie — May 25, 2008 [AT] 12:12 pm

I live in K.Y. and they are all over my house. Because i have a wood house

Comment by Andrew — May 25, 2008 [AT] 11:23 am

If anyone is seeing or hearing cicadas around the area of Wilkesboro/Moravian Falls, NC, please provide a general or specific location. I’m planning on going there soon to try and find some. Thanks!

Comment by Lenny — May 25, 2008 [AT] 10:19 am

There emerging in Letcher county Ky. We live on the Va. Border. You can hear them inside our house with everything shut

Comment by Mike — May 25, 2008 [AT] 9:53 am

They are emerging in Jenkins Ky Va. Border

Comment by Mike — May 25, 2008 [AT] 9:51 am

I live in Asheville North Carolina, and we have the Magicicadas everywhere. In our yard I believe I have saw at least 3,000 or more of them. They are everywhere even in our garden on our trees and shrubs, and Im beginning to fear for the safety of our garden. They are also in Weaverville North Carolina where my aunt lives. She said she cant even sit outside for them swarming.

Comment by Connie — May 25, 2008 [AT] 8:47 am

Can anyone in the area of Wilkesboro/Moravian Falls, NC provide a specific location for where they’re seeing or hearing cicadas. I’d like to get over there this week and check it out. Thanks!

Comment by Lenny — May 25, 2008 [AT] 7:02 am

May 22, 2008 They are in Louisville
(J-town) I have only seen them in my yard, and a little in my neighbors yard! The kids are all coming down collecting them! we have millions. We used to have a tree where they are coming up, but we took down the tree a couple of years ago! So they are holding on to the blades of grass! Everywhere you step there is a ton!

Comment by Kristie — May 24, 2008 [AT] 10:37 pm

May 24, 2008. Two miles east of Rareden, Ohio or one mile east of Brush Creek State Park office. On Route 73. While putting flowers in the local cemetary, found significant number of shells leading to numerous Magicicada’s. No noise, just idle cicada’s that looked almost moist in the wings like they are just molting and in final stages of drying out. Most shells were typical tan. A couple were blotchy dark (almost black) which may not mean anything but thought I’d mention it. Weather was clear and very warm. Tiger Swallowtails were extremely numerous. Suspect tomorrow will be really see the outpouring if there is to be one.

Comment by Ed — May 24, 2008 [AT] 2:09 pm

Here in Muddy Pond ,Tennessee they are alive. I can here them over my tractor noise. Probable ten gillion

Comment by gmurphy — May 24, 2008 [AT] 8:57 am

Morning of May 24, 2008. Replacing coarse sand in between my pavers and my nephew and I noticed holes all over and Cicadas poking out and all over joints and under pavers. We live in Bear Gap, Pennsylvania 17824 and in a wooded lot (Columbia County). I have a feeling from the amount of holes we are going to have to wear earplugs in a little while!

Comment by Susan Blase — May 24, 2008 [AT] 8:07 am

Northern McCreary Co., KY This is unreal!!! The cicada “song” is so loud outside that it is literally deafening. They can be heard in our house without a single window being raised. Our entire yard is “moving”. I fear for the foundation of our house with all of the holes that are being created in our yard. It is unbelieveable, there are thousands of them everywhere. I’m really trying not to be freaked out by this, but the sheer enormity of their numbers seriously alarms me. My husband had to turn our outside lights off because they seemed drawn to the house and the lights.

Comment by Karen — May 23, 2008 [AT] 10:20 pm

Bowling Green, KY
Home of the Corvette

Hundreds coming up in my front and backyards…moulting evidence on the maple trees. They’re still coming out of the ground! This is the first time I’ve seen so many at our house. We’ve lived here 4 years! Quickly becoming a cicada enthusiast!

Comment by Leann — May 23, 2008 [AT] 6:03 pm

Richmond, KY, 05-23-2008. They began emerging 2 evenings ago in my yard. This evening the grass is moving as hundreds emerge and head for a place to climb. Am afraid to walk in the grass as the sun sets as I know I’d probably step on dozens of cousins. I’ve placed a few on a tree on the back porch so the children can watch them climb and molt this evening and early tomorrow. It’s amazing and wonderful to see once again!

Comment by June — May 23, 2008 [AT] 6:01 pm

Dug up a nymph when I was planting flowers in my backyard. Also found a shell under my oak tree in the front yard. (Silverton (Cincinnati), OH)

Comment by Cathy — May 23, 2008 [AT] 4:16 pm

There are hundreds in my yard in Huntington, West Virginia and I’m really trying not to be creeped out by them. It seems they’re mostly attracted to my wrought-iron fence.

Comment by Becca — May 23, 2008 [AT] 12:55 pm

I live in Frankfort, KY and I went out to feed the cat and noticed there were 4 that had already emerged just sitting on the porch with their shells scattered about. In the back yard there are holes all along the spots where grass doesn’t grow close to the house. But in the front yard, there are several clinging to the trees there and shells littering the bottoms. Haven’t seen the lawn “moving” but the one’s who have sure are getting a treat!

Comment by Verna — May 23, 2008 [AT] 10:04 am

Asheville, NC (Specifically off New Stock Road north of town) — I’m listening to them ‘sing’ out my window in beautiful Asheville, NC as I type. Our neighbors yard looks like it is moving there are so many crawling around in there! How cool.

Comment by john.asheville — May 23, 2008 [AT] 8:59 am

Found 4 nymphs emerging at my home which is located in Batavia Ohio. Also saw 50+ emerging in Loveland Ohio last night as well. Looks like the emergence of Brood XIV is finally getting under way in Southwest Ohio!

Comment by Roy Troutman — May 22, 2008 [AT] 10:46 pm

5/22: Radcliff, Hardin County KY. Saw one or two the other day. Tonight the yard looks alive as hundreds, perhaps thousands have emerged in the lawn and are moving toward what they hope will be high ground. It’s an amazing sight. I was overseas during the last emergence so am looking forward to experiencing this one (I think).

Comment by Mike — May 22, 2008 [AT] 7:32 pm

I am in Roan Mountain, Tennessee. I was just sitting outside on the porch and one landed on me. My ol man took some pictures of it. I came inside to investigate them. I heard about them the other day on the news. I remember learning about them when I was in the 4th grade. We collected the shells and the kid that got the most won something. They were everywhere. All over all the pine trees. They are really cool. I am glad I get to show and teach my little girl about them. We are going to look for more and take pictures after naps.

Comment by Dan_ziggy Stardust — May 22, 2008 [AT] 10:18 am

They are here in Jackson County,Ky.

Comment by Chuck — May 21, 2008 [AT] 10:05 pm

I brought back about 15 cicadas from Asheville to my home. They haven’t fared well. An interesting note is that one has developed the fungus that causes the abdomen to explode open and expose a white powder. It is currently still alive but I understand is sterile.

Comment by Kevin — May 20, 2008 [AT] 4:15 pm

Asheville, NC-Eastern Buncombe County: Our yard has been on the move for about four days now. The largest emergence was two days ago. Thousands in my yard alone. The singing has begun, and the droning seems to come from everywhere. What an incredible sight and learning opportunity for our kids. The house is covered with the critters. I had to stop my neighbor from trying to spray them. I told him it was futile, and they’d be gone soon enough. When I told him what they were, he understood we were witnessing something ancient and rare. My one quandary is, how am I ever going to mow my yard? And When? The yard is filling up with the dead or dying bugs. Kinda stinks…

Comment by Jim — May 20, 2008 [AT] 11:34 am

Here in Wilkesboro/Moravian Falls,NC in the Blue Ridge Mt. foothills. we have hundreds in our yard. Started about 10 days ago. Our fig tree was covered in them and we discovered they were all dead, but clinging to the leaves!
The sound of these things was driving us batty as we had never heard it before in our lives. Sounded like an alien space ship hovering over us! 🙂 Thanks for all this information. God is smiling as we behold His “wonders”.

Comment by Randy Bigbie — May 19, 2008 [AT] 7:26 pm

Several cicadas were discovered in the Pierce Community of Greensburg, in Green County Kentucky. They are coming out next to a large tulip poplar tree.

Comment by Cathy Decker — May 19, 2008 [AT] 2:02 pm

They have arrived in Adairville, KY 42202

Comment by PATRICIA COOPER — May 19, 2008 [AT] 12:32 pm

Good Morning To all:

I’m doing a radio news story on—of course the 17-year cicadas.

I’d like to interview someone via phone for 10-mins to talk about being a cicadas enthusiasts?

Rose Marie Holmes
WABE 90.1-FM
678.686.0311- Office

Comment by Rose Marie Holmes — May 19, 2008 [AT] 8:13 am



Comment by PATRICIA COOPER — May 19, 2008 [AT] 7:59 am

I found hundreds and hundreds in Cades Cove in the smokeys, specifically in the Methodist Church Cemetery.

Comment by Tarry Samsel — May 18, 2008 [AT] 6:31 pm

I just got back from a trip to Asheville, NC and can report that we found many, many in the Biltmore Forest town in the neighborhood surrounding the Biltmore Forest Country Club. Lots of calling occurring this morning that reminds me of a spring peeper treefrog chorus. We also observed and heard them to a lesser degree at the Folk Art Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway just outside of Asheville. We observed many empty shells, unsuccessfully emerged bodies, malformed adults, and some normal adults.

Comment by Kevin — May 18, 2008 [AT] 3:42 pm

I live 7 miles south of Grayson Ky. Periodical cicadas began emerging about May 10 in open sunny areas.
Cool and more rain than usual, so no singing yet. Birds are preying on them- many cicada wings are on the ground under trees where they have been emerging.
Of the specimens I’ve inspected, I’ve seen male and female septendecim and cassini.

Comment by Brian — May 18, 2008 [AT] 3:01 pm

I’ve got several cicada photos here:


I’ll be posting more photos an information here:

A BBC crew was in Asheville last week to do extensive filming of the emergence of the 17-year cicadas. North Asheville neighborhoods have several areas in which the bugs have come out and covered fences, trees, porches, etc.


Comment by Jason Sandford — May 18, 2008 [AT] 10:00 am

I live in Floyd County Kentucky ans there are hundreds of them coming out.

Comment by john — May 17, 2008 [AT] 8:52 am

I live in Corbin KY and my house is COVERED!!!! They started coming out last week, and the ground and trees are moving with them. No one else in my neighborhood has them. Why could that be??

Comment by Tammy Smith — May 16, 2008 [AT] 11:48 am

I just moved to the southeast from the west coast. I live between Atlanta and Athens, Georgia, does anyone know if I will see any cicadas this summer?

Comment by Josh — May 16, 2008 [AT] 7:42 am

i live in east ky. have noticed cicadas emerging since the 12th. brobably have seen at least 100 new cicadas location is in paintsville,ky johnson co.

Comment by leslie spradlin — May 16, 2008 [AT] 6:57 am

Could the NC, especially Asheville/Spruce Pine area folks give directions to viewing locations. I plan to come up from Raleigh to see them. Missed them in 04 in DC although the newscasts were enticing.

Comment by Kevin — May 15, 2008 [AT] 6:44 pm

Hazard, Kentucky — The Cicada started slowly a week ago now are beginning to pick up speed. But the weather has been wet and no sound has been made thus far.

Comment by Greg Stamper — May 15, 2008 [AT] 3:02 pm

Thursday May 15th The cicadas are hatching in mass numbers in Huntington,West Virginia. They are dropping from my Grandmothers Oak Tree-lookout below!!

Comment by Pete — May 15, 2008 [AT] 7:08 am

During the last few days we have seen the cicadas a few at a time. Tonight they came out in thousands. All of them crawling across the grass to the trees, then up the trees no higher than approximately 25 feet. Location is Carter County half way between Johnson City and Elizabethton TN. My dogs like them as well. Can’t wait till they start singing. Don’t forget to report your sightings on this web site. Report them so they can be tracked.

Comment by Roy McGinnis — May 14, 2008 [AT] 7:43 pm

We are having a “hatch and a half” here on our lawn. May 14, 2008. Started about 1 week ago and tonight there are literly 1000s crawling all over the place. I’m 52 yrs old and have never seen so many! Location is in the very northeast end of Unicoi County, TN.
I have found it quite amazing. Our two dogs thinks they are all treats. We have to struggle to get them out of the yard and back in the house.

Comment by Rita Bobeana — May 14, 2008 [AT] 6:42 pm

An individual periodical cicada male is not as loud as an individual male from the summertime “annual” species. But the periodical ones are so much more numerous that they make more noise as a group.

After they emerge, periodical cicadas need five to seven days of decent weather before they are mature enough to starting singing and mating and egg-laying. Hence the quiet in the early going.

Comment by Dave — May 14, 2008 [AT] 1:51 pm

We have had a 17-year cicadas out in our yard for 5 days. They are quiet compared to our yearly summer time cicadas. They also seem to not harm the leaves they are on, or tree trunks. They are only in certain places in my yard and none of my friends at work or gym have them at all. I live in Asheville, N.C. very close to the Blue Ridge Parkway. There are hundreds of them!

Comment by Nanci Perlstein — May 14, 2008 [AT] 10:18 am

My daughter and I just found a cicada walking in the grass of our front yard. It is the first we have seen this year. It has not molted yet. We found your website to learn more. Thanks for the extra info! Oh, by the way, we live in Louisville, KY.

Comment by Becca — May 13, 2008 [AT] 3:57 pm

In response to Lenny’s comment on May 4, I’m not sure the periodical cicadas are expected to emerge in Lenoir, NC this year, at least not in any great numbers. I currently live there but plan to go to Asheville and northward in the next couple weeks to look for cicadas. I’ll be interested in reading about large populations appearing in that area.

In any case, if I see any in Lenoir or elsewhere, I will report it. I will probably be visiting central PA, so I will check there, too.


Comment by Bob Jacobson — May 11, 2008 [AT] 7:03 pm

Hey Elias,
When the nymph starts getting the 2 black patches on it’s back (pronotum) it is getting close to being ready to molt. As far as I have seen they do not feed the last few weeks before emerging & molting but I still keep the soil moist so they don’t dehydrate.


Comment by Roy Troutman — May 10, 2008 [AT] 9:24 pm

Hello all,

Just got back from Otsego Park. 59 degrees and no exuvia have been seen yet. Found 5 nymphs under rocks and logs. They made some nice mud turrets and chimneys. Some tops were closed, others were open.

Brought them home and housed them in my nymph terrarium. ONe of the nymphs from a week ago is getting darker. Will he emerge soon? Does anyone know if these nymphs still feed? Seems like the more I learn, the more questions I have LOL!

Comment by Elias — May 10, 2008 [AT] 7:09 pm

Interesting…I thought that the Athens OH area was Brood V (last out in 1999). If it is, then these are either really really late or really really early.

Comment by Dave Marshall — May 9, 2008 [AT] 2:43 pm

I saw my first cicada of the season today just outside Athens, Ohio. My attention was attracted by a blue jay that dove and pecked twice at something in a mowed lawn, and when he came up, he had a cicada in his beak!

So, though I had not expected to see them this far north, Brood XIV appears to be on the move!

PS: My daughter tells me she say a shell on our garage door just earlier this week. I haven’t heard any of them yet, Thank GOD, but I know it’s just a matter of time…

Comment by Kirk G — May 9, 2008 [AT] 1:33 pm

I’m in Asheville, NC — have had numerous holes for the past two weeks and today, May 8, found two shells about 6 feet up a maple tree.

Comment by Joanne Bartsch — May 8, 2008 [AT] 3:28 pm

Hello Andy,
Here are some short answers to your cicada questions:

1) How deep underground do the larvae live for the 17 years?
Nymphs usually stay 8 to 15 inches below the surface.
2) What is the life cycle? That is, how long as egg, larva, pupa (nymph?) and adult?
8 weeks or so for the egg, 17 years as a nymph, & about 3 or so weeks as an adult.
3) What does each stage do, where, and for how long?
Basically there are 5 nymphal “instars” or molts that the nymphs go through during their life. They will continue feeding until they die as adults.
4) Why do the eggs cause the unsightly goiter-like damage to some tree and shrub limbs?
Eggs don’t cause this damage, the ovipositing “slits” that females make when laying eggs cut off sap flow to the branch & sometimes make it wilt & die.
5) What are the holes in the ground? Are they temporary boroughs for insects waiting for “The Song” or have they left the ground?
Those are nymphal exit holes that they dig in the spring of the emergence (or summer before). They don’t wait for other adults to sing.
They will emerge when temps reach approximately 65 degress Farenheit.
6) By the way, how do they make those perfectly round holes, anyway? There is no apparent mound of soil like ants make.
They “push” the soil in with their 2 front claws like a cat kneeding on a blanket. If the soil is wet enough they do make small mounds of
dirt called “chimneys”.
7) Other than nets, is there a way to protect valued trees from the damage or repel the cicadas from them entirely?
The best solution is covering your tree with netting or cheesecloth. No other means will work efficiently.
8) Other than a food bonus for those birds and animals that eat them, are the Magicicada beneficial in any other known way?
They aerate the ground with their numerous exit tunnels & their decaying bodies will “fertilize” the soil with loads of nitrogen.

Hope this helps,

Comment by Roy Troutman — May 6, 2008 [AT] 2:11 pm

Hello again from Mashpee, MA. I last posted on April 22, after several days of very warm weather reaching mid 70’s. Since then, the number of holes has about doubled to as many as 1 every 8 inches (20 cm) in wooded areas as observed by raking away leaves and pine needles. The number elsewhere is about half that. I do not see as many in open areas of lawn or in lawn beneath individual trees, partly because the holes are simply harder to see in grassy areas. So far, the droning has not begun. The weather has been cool, around 45 at night and 65 days, and there were several days of spring rain. I did find a few white nymphs while picking up some construction wood cuttings I had left on the ground in the back yard last year.

Now, I have some questions for the experts:
1) How deep underground do the larvae live for the 17 years?
2) What is the life cycle? That is, how long as egg, larva, pupa (nymph?) and adult?
3) What does each stage do, where, and for how long?
4) Why do the eggs cause the unsightly goiter-like damage to some tree and shrub limbs?
5) What are the holes in the ground? Are they temporary boroughs for insects waiting for “The Song” or have they left the ground?
6) By the way, how do they make those perfectly round holes, anyway? There is no apparent mound of soil like ants make.
7) Other than nets, is there a way to protect valued trees from the damage or repel the cicadas from them entirely?
8) Other than a food bonus for those birds and animals that eat them, are the Magicicada beneficial in any other known way?

Your responses will help me as we tolerate this, to say the least, annoying visit again, although I will be reminded that at my age, it might be nice to have it happen again!!

Andy E

Comment by Andy — May 5, 2008 [AT] 8:58 pm

I just read my last post. Sorry, I meant 2004 for Brood X, not 2000.

Comment by Lenny — May 5, 2008 [AT] 7:35 am

I went searching for nymphs today around Lenoir, NC in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. No holes and no nymphs found. There are reports of nymphs being found close to the surface in Asheville but I haven’t heard any other reports for western North Carolina. I was on Long Island in 2000 when Brood X was a bust. I’m so happy to hear that Brood XIV should make a strong showing on the Island this year. I’ll keep checking for some action in western NC.

Comment by Lenny — May 4, 2008 [AT] 7:43 pm

Hello all,

2 nymphs are still alive. They do not yet seem ready to emerge yet as evidenced by their lack of pigment on their prothorax. Will keep you posted. May go out to find more sites on Tuesday.

Comment by Elias — May 4, 2008 [AT] 7:33 pm

Hi Roy,

Your guess is as good as mine on the meaning of the smaller and larger dots on earlier maps (I don’t have the 1940 study to look at). I’ll bet that at least some of the time they meant exactly what you suggest — differences between counties in the number of places reporting emergences, rather than differences in average emergence densities between counties. Either way it may be worth maintaining the distinction between counties with lots of records and counties with few.

Comment by David Marshall — May 2, 2008 [AT] 12:29 pm

Thanks Dave for the explaination of “heavy” vs “light” emergences. When I made the Brood XIV emergence map I was basing it primarily on the 1940 US Department of Agriculture brood study & the county records contained within it. I also used the 1988(Simon)revised map that Marlatt had made in 1907. I assumed that the smaller “dots” were areas with fewer satiated areas within the county but I could be mistaken. On future maps I may not have heavy or light designations.


Comment by Roy Troutman — May 2, 2008 [AT] 9:27 am

Re: heavy versus light emergences:

Judgements about the density of the emergence are important for sorting out normal, on-schedule emergences of self-reproducing brood populations from the occasional off-schedule straggler emergences that sometimes occur (especially one or four years off).

These straggler emergences often get included accidentally in the records for the brood they happened to emerge with.

The important thing to know is that stragglers, when they occur, rarely do so in numbers that can “satiate” all of the predators. In contrast, normal brood populations come out by many thousands to hundreds of thousands per acre, satiating predators and allowing the individual cicadas to reproduce despite their “predator foolhardy” behavior.

So if you see evidence for only a handful of cicadas at a site (e.g., only one or two calling, or say less than a hundred in an acre), you can be reasonably sure that those cicadas are either (1) stragglers from another brood that is found at that site, (2), cicadas that were blown in by storms from a normal emerged population nearby, or (3) the very last dregs of a normal population that is dying out at that site. For those of us trying to work out brood distributions, it is important to distinguish between these clearly low-density situations and clearly normal-density emergences.

There is no way to accurately measure density without counting emergence holes or adults systematically — how do you quickly determine in a repeatable fashion if there are only hundreds and not thousands per acre? — but at least we can specifically note when an emergence appears to involve only very small numbers, in which case we have good reason to suspect that the population is not “self-reproducing”.

As a general rule of thumb, I think one can use the chorus sound as a guide to judging the extremes of population density. If the weather is warm and sunny, and the date is appropriate (i.e., the cicadas are supposed to be all out and mature), and you hear only isolated songs with no continuous background chorus sound, the emergence is much lighter than normal density, a “sparse” or light emergence. In such a situation, you will be able to hear the individual cicada males singing far away from you, e.g., in the tops of the trees.

If you hear a constant background chorus that drowns out the songs of all individual males except those very close to you, you are observing a population that is probably dense enough to reproduce itself.

There will be intermediate situations that will be tough to classify, and in those cases I avoid a judgement if there is no more detailed density information available. I just call those “intermediate” density. Fortunately, most populations will fit the “sparse” or “dense” categories (once the cicadas are all out). This convenient fact comes back to the basic need for periodical cicadas to satiate predators, and the fact that very very large numbers (thousands per acre or more at least) appear to be needed locally to accomplish that.

Again, these judgments depend on context — you have to know what the time, date, and weather conditions were in order to make use of the information.

Comment by David Marshall — May 2, 2008 [AT] 7:13 am

Hello all,

My two cicada nymphs are so far surviving in captivity. I am keeping them inside the house with a hope of accelerating their development. I wonder if anyone has tried to raise them indoors for their entire lifecycle. Hopeing to reproduce Matt Bergers findings. The are resting horizontally in their little burrows. Does anyone have any detailed information regarding towns in New York where the cicadas will come up. So far I have Dix Hills, Ronkokoma, Setauket, Stony Brook and Islip.

Comment by Elias — May 1, 2008 [AT] 4:28 pm

Thanks for the reply Roy. What does “heavy emergence” vs. “light emergence” mean? It’s like this: Imagine reading one random weather forecast from the past 365 days and a from a random city. The only thing written on this forecast is that the forecaster says that it will be “warm”. What does that mean? It could mean 65 degrees in January in Anchorage. Or it could mean 120 degrees in August in Phoenix.

I’m trying to get a sense of reference. Does “light emergence” mean 5 cicadas/acre or 5 trillion cicadas/acre? There must be a definition out there somewhere.

Comment by Kaman — May 1, 2008 [AT] 1:52 pm

Hi Jenny,
South-central Kentucky is well within the boundary of Brood XIV so I suspect that there will be areas near you with a heavy emergence. Ask neighbors that have lived in your area for over 17 years if they experienced a large emergence back in 1991.
I haven’t personally read any study on bright colors attracting cicadas but there might be one out there so don’t count out the possibility.


Comment by Roy Troutman — April 30, 2008 [AT] 6:38 am

I lived in Nashville during the emergence in 1998 (I believe that was the 13-year cicadas?). I now live in South Central KY and saw an article in yesterday’s paper stating the 17-year cicadas are due any day. The Nashville emergence I lived through was HUGE! Will this 17-year emergence be like that? The map shows a heavy emergence in my area…

Also, has there been any study on cicadas being attracted to bright colors? I seem to recall be “attacked” more when wearing bright colors last time!

Comment by Jenny — April 30, 2008 [AT] 5:50 am

Hello Elias,
I managed to keep a nymph alive for weeks back in 1987 when I built my first nymph terrarium during Brood X that year. I didn’t have as much luck in a jar back in 2004 as the soil was too wet & all the nymphs drowned (I think). I can add water daily to keep the soil moist in my current terrarium & allow enough drainage as not to over saturate the nymph’s burrows. I cannot prove this but I believe that nymphs take up water direct from pools in the soil so a root isn’t necessary.

Comment by Roy Troutman — April 29, 2008 [AT] 7:36 pm

Hello Roy

Thanks for your reply. I am utilizing a plastic jar as a nymph terrarium and observed similar behaviors. This is a first for me. My only question is, do the nymphs require feeding (e.g. proximity to a tree root) during this time before emergence?

Thanks again,

Comment by Elias — April 29, 2008 [AT] 7:18 pm

Hi Kaman,
That map is based on older data & may not be extremely accurate. There should still be scattered heavy emergences in your county & your best bet to find the heavier locations is to talk to folks that have been living there since before Brood XIV emerged in 1991. There is a combined effort this year to re-map Brood XIV so that the map will be much more accurate & up to date.


Comment by Roy Troutman — April 29, 2008 [AT] 6:36 pm

Hey Elias,
Check out the comments section of “Nymps Digging In The Dirt” & it explains how I built a nymph terrarium. Here is link for a photo of the finished product:

Hope this helps,

Comment by Roy Troutman — April 29, 2008 [AT] 6:30 pm

What is the definition of “Heavy Emergence” vs. “Light Emergence”? Does anyone know the density range accociated with these terms (#/yd2 or #/acre) I’m trying to get a sense of how large this emergence (2008) is expected to be in my area. What is the expected density in the Cincy/N KY area compared to the 1991 and 2004 infestations that hit this area? (I remember watching the news in 2004 about all the cicadas) I realize it’s a craps shoot with all the variables, but I’m just trying to get a general sense of things.

I’m a recent transplant to the Midwest after living most of my life on the West Coast, which don’t have these critters. I’m in Alexandria, Kentucky (a Cincy suburb). According your the B-XIV map, I see that my county (Campbell)is expected to have a “Heavy Emergence”, yet the next two counties to the east of me (Kenton, Boone)isn’t highlighted at all. (Look at the three northern most counties in KY on the map-nothing, nothing, heavy). What’s interesting is that the counties immediately north, south, east, and southwest of Kenton and Boone counties are”Heavy Emergence” counties, including mine. The expected B-XIV emergence “flowing around” these two counties reminds me of how water flows around a rock in a stream.

Comment by Kaman — April 29, 2008 [AT] 4:13 pm

Made a trip to Otsego Park today in Dix Hills, Suffolk County, NY. Today is 4/29/08 and it was rainy with an outside temp of 50 degrees F. By turning over a few logs in the woods, multiple exit holes were uncovered. A few mud turrets were seen too. Captured 3 immature nymphs. They are completely white with dark maroon eyes. I saw two additional nymphs move very quickly underground when I uncovered their tunnels. Does anyone have info on keeping the immature nymphs in captivity? I retained 2 specimens, one male and the other female. Looks good for the upcoming Long Island emergence!!

Comment by Elias — April 29, 2008 [AT] 4:03 pm

Hi Charleen,
It looks right now like the cicadas will start emerging about the middle of May & be in full chorus probably by the last week of May/1st week of June. If you live on the east side of I71 you will see heavier emergences with only scattered cicadas emerging west of there.

Thanks for posting,

Comment by Roy Troutman — April 27, 2008 [AT] 4:05 pm

when will the cicadas be in cincinnati

Comment by charleen — April 27, 2008 [AT] 3:55 pm


Comment by DENISE — April 24, 2008 [AT] 8:18 pm


Comment by DENISE — April 24, 2008 [AT] 8:15 pm

Hi Roy,

Thank you for responding to my question. I am in the Franklin Twp area and am a transplant from NH. So, I am interested in seeing if they emerge here. Jackie

Comment by Jackie — April 24, 2008 [AT] 4:43 am

May = April, sorry!

Comment by David — April 23, 2008 [AT] 12:33 am

Hi. I had a scare about 20 minutes ago. A saw a fully grown, giant (largest I’ve seen) Cicada in the middle of my bedroom floor. I have no idea how it got in, because I have screens on all windows and it wasn’t warm enough to keep the windows open anyway. The bedroom is on the second floor too! My main reason for the scare was that I thought they only come around in August and this is middle of May! I live in Northern New Jersey, across from NYC.

Comment by David — April 23, 2008 [AT] 12:32 am

The return of the 17 year Cicada to Mashpee
Submitted to Mashpee Enterprise

My wife and I live in Mashpee, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA. We moved here in 1980. Our first cicada experience was exactly 17 years ago, in the Spring of 1991. My Father-in-law was visiting us from Germany for only the second time, I am certain that the experience left him very happy to return to the Fatherland! The creatures began emerging, it seemed, simultaneously, but actually over three or four days. They quickly shed their shells, leaving great piles in some areas as they morphed into the winged adult stage. Now, as a veteran of the experience, I see the holes beginning to reappear, but only in small areas of my property. It may be another week or two before they emerge en-masse! I have two cherry trees that barely survived the last onslaught, I know of no defense, so I will simply write them off this time. The noise will be so irritating that, in spite of the fact that I have diminished hearing, we will probably try to travel away from the infested areas as often as we can. The bugs are about the size of the last two joints of a little finger and, as for flight and sight, well, in spite of their bright red eyes, they don’t seem to fly by sight, nor avoid anything. They will bump into nearly anything in their path. Now, here is the good news: Although the females are able to pierce thick bark on trees with an abdominal saw-like device, to deposit eggs, they can not bite and do not attempt to puncture humans. I suppose that one could be injured if you swat them so just pick them off or have a friend help if they get in your hair. There is no reason to panic. Friends and I experimented with, and cleaned up after, thousands of them in 1991. I have not done so, but I see that there are a number of recipes on the internet and that some people regard these as a true delicacy. If you do gather them for cooking, follow the instructions carefully and be sure they came from an area that has not been treated chemically for other grubs or insects.

I do regard this as an amazing event by a remarkable creature but I am thankful that they can wait 17 years between visits!
Andy Eliason, April 2008

Comment by Andy — April 22, 2008 [AT] 8:26 pm

Hello Jackie,
The old records from 1940 list the city of Compass, townships of Brandywine, Highland, Uwchlan, West Caln, West Nantmeal, & West Sadsbury in the emergence area. Keep in mind that these are outdated records & cicadas may not emerge there now. Please report here if you do see some this year:


Comment by Roy Troutman — April 21, 2008 [AT] 5:56 pm

Hi Daniel,
You may be on the very southern edge of the emergence area. A 1940 study indicated that the northern part of Davidson county saw an emergence. Let us know if you see any this year.


Comment by Roy Troutman — April 21, 2008 [AT] 5:55 pm

Does anyone from here know what to expect in Southeastern Pennsylvania? Specifically the Chester County area?

Comment by Jackie — April 21, 2008 [AT] 9:57 am

Anyone know what to expect for brood xiv in the Nashville Tennessee area?

Comment by Daniel — April 21, 2008 [AT] 9:49 am

When pulling weeds in my woods in Frankfort Kentucky (Franklin County) April 20 I found a nymph within an inch of the surface.

Comment by Charles Wrigh — April 20, 2008 [AT] 4:03 pm

I just noticed a bunch of holes at the Stop N Shop in Ronkonkoma on Long Island. I dug down a little with my hand to see if I could see anything and I saw my first nymph! I’m so excited!!

Comment by Jennifer — April 18, 2008 [AT] 12:38 pm

I just checked out my friend’s yard on Lodge Street in South Setauket. Seeing large numbers of round holes, I borrowed a shovel and unearthed a couple of dozen cicada nymphs, with their typical red eyes. I am going to try and keep them until they molt. I have a number of pictures to post. I actually saw one at the top of its burrow. It was a very warm day, about 80, unusual for Long Island so early in the year.

Comment by Andrew J Popper — April 17, 2008 [AT] 4:41 pm

My friend in Satauket LI has just dug up lots of nymphs and his yard is peppered with small round holes especially under a large oak tree. He is on Lodge Lane north of rte 347 and near Arrowhead Lane. I am going to CA for three weeks so i hope I hope I not miss the emergence.

Comment by Andrew J Popper — April 16, 2008 [AT] 5:23 pm

July 23, 2008

The Songs of Insects

Filed under: Anatomy | Audio, Sounds, Songs | Books | Broods — Dan @ 10:02 pm

Lately, we’ve received quite a few emails asking for audio samples of cicadas and katydids so folks can A) tell them apart, and B) tell what species they are. There’s plenty of sites on the web that feature cicada sounds; look for links tagged AUDIO on my cicada links page. Two particularly good sites for sound files Massachusetts Cicadas and Cicada Central.

In my search for good cicada and katydid sounds, many people recommended the book “The Songs of Insects” by Lang Elliott and Wil Hershberger. I ordered it immediately, and it arrived today. I am truly amazed by this book (and audio CD). The book profiles 75 North American singing insects including cicadas, katydids, crickets, and grasshoppers. Each profile features two excellent color photos of each insect, a map of where you can find them, a description, and the audio CD that includes the insect’s song. The book is over 225 pages long, and a high-quality paperback. If you or your kids are interested in signing insects, there’s no better book to buy. All my nieces and nephews are getting this book for Christmas.

The authors of the book have a webpage featuring the songs of the insects featured in the book. Note that the book is lacking in species found in the western U.S. — if you live east of the Rockies this book is awesome.

Listing for bugs is a fun thing to do in these hot summer months — buy this book before the summer ends.

5 Marvins 5 out of 5 Marvins.

The Songs of Insects by Lang Elliott and Wil Hershberger

It is available on

July 13, 2008

Looking back at Brood XIV: 17-year cicadas

Filed under: Brood XIV | Magicicada | Periodical — Tags: — Dan @ 7:01 pm

17-year cicadas, originally uploaded by fmerenda.

Check out these 17 year cicada photos from Frank Merenda of Asheville NC.

July 3, 2008

Rotten, but not forgotten

Filed under: Brood XIV — Dan @ 8:49 am

As promised, the Magicicada adults are all but gone in most areas. I assume that most that are left are in Long Island or Cape Code.

Compared to last year (Brood XIII), Cicada Mania had 57% fewer unique visitors, which was expected. That said, I had 57% more fun this year, which makes up the difference.

Looking back at Brood XIV: Weaverville NC pileup

Filed under: Brood XIV | Magicicada | Periodical — Dan @ 8:21 am

, originally uploaded by chiral_c.

Looking back at Brood XIV: 2 dozen cicadas on a tree

Filed under: Brood XIV | Magicicada | Periodical — Dan @ 8:20 am

DSC_0052, originally uploaded by nikon_d50_user.

Another cool Flickr photo.

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