Canada U.S.A.

North American Cicada Websites

These sites contain information about both periodical and annual cicada species. Last updated on 11/10/2024 with links from the 1998 version of this page.

  1. Bug Guide ( A massive site devoted to North America insect identification, including an abundance of cicada photos and information.PHOTOS, MAGICICADA. (2024)
  2. iNaturalist ( Worldwide cicada photos and sounds. PHOTOS, MAPS, AUDIO, MAGICICADA. (2024)
  3. Cicadas @ UCONN (formerly ( is devoted to monitoring emergences and providing Magicicada information. AUDIO, PHOTOS MAPS, MAGICICADA. (2024)
  4. Cicadas of the Mid-Atlantic ( Sighting information for Magicicada and annual cicadas in the Mid-Atlantic region. Yearly cicada reports are available. PHOTOS, MAGICICADA. (2024)
  5. Insect Singers ( A new site from David Marshall and Kathy Hill featuring dozens of cicada song samples from North America.AUDIO, PHOTOS, MAGICICADA (4/19/2022)
  6. Great Lakes Cicada Page ( RIP, Lots of Magicicada information, but sadly the site is no longer live. PHOTOS, MAGICICADA. (7/24/2021)
  7. Gordon’s Cicada Page ( A photo and about 10 printed pages worth of solid cicada information. PHOTOS. (5/16/2020)
  8. Gene Kritsky’s Web Site ( Gene Kritsky is one of the worlds foremost cicada researchers. Book him for your next cicada event. PHOTOS, MAGICICADA (2020)
  9. Singing Insects of North America Cicada page ( A large site featuring lists of North American species and audio files. PHOTOS, AUDIO. (2019)
  10. Colorado State University Extension cicada page ( Includes a picture of Putnam’s cicada and a paragraph of information within 3 pages of various information about cicadas. PHOTOS. (2019)
  11. Long Island Cicadas: cicadas of Long Island, NY, plus New Jersey and Pennsylvania. PHOTOS, MAGICICADA. (7/5/2018).
  12. UF|IAFS Cicadas (of Florida) ( PHOTOS. (12/?/2017)
  13. Cicada Central ( RIP, One of the premier cicada sites. Many pictures, maps and information. Superb Magicicada information. PHOTOS, MAPS, MAGICICADA. (2015)
  14. Massachusetts Cicadas ( tremendous cicada site packed with information
    and photos. Dozens of pages of information. Neotibicens, Magicicada, Cicada Killer wasps. PHOTOS, MAGICICADA. (4/9/2013)
  15. Periodical Cicada ( Many nice photos depicting the cicada’s life cycle, and good information. PHOTOS. (10/2011)
  16. Tim McNary’s Bibliography of the Cicadoidea ( for many, many cicada papers and articles. MAGICICADA. (10/9/2010)
  17. Checklist of Cicadas of Kansas ( RIP, A list of species you’ll find in Kansas, references, photos and illustrations. PHOTOS, ILLUSTRATIONS. (1/10/2008)
  18. Seventeen Year Cicada ( Dozens of Magicicada photos and info. PHOTOS, MAGICICADA (12/2007)
  19. Apache cicada, Diceroprocta apache ( A photo and 3 paragraphs of information. PHOTOS. (7/2/2005)
  20. Annual Cicadas of Arkansas ( Photos and information about Neotibicen robinsonianus (formerly T. robinsoniana), Megatibicen dorsatus (formerly T. dorsata), Neotibicen pruinosus (formerly T. pruinosa), Neotibicen lyricen, Neotibicen davisi, Megatibicen auletes, & Neotibicen aurifera. PHOTOS. (6/13/2004)
  21. The University of Michigan Cicada Pages ( RIP, Magicicada, Tibicen, Okanagana, and Diceroprocta info. The owners of this site now contribute to Cicadas @ UCONN and Insect Singers. PHOTOS, AUDIO, MAPS. (7/26/2000).
  22. Periodical Cicadas ( RIP, A fun and informative Magicicada page with many excellent photos, recipes and 19 paragraphs of information. PHOTOS, MAGICICADA. (5/11/2000)
  23. Homoptera: cicadas, hoppers, & aphids ( Information about the Homoptera order, photos and illustrations. PHOTOS, ILLUSTRATIONS. (2000)
  24. Katherine Klein The Cicada watercolor, 24″ x 18″ ( ILLUSTRATIONS. (1999).
  25. Cicadas Genera Magicicada – Tibicen ( PHOTOS. (1999).
  26. Periodical Cicadas in Iowa, Again ( MAGICICADA. (1998).
  27. Guide d’identification d’insectes du Quebec ( En Francais. Canicularis and Okanagana rimosa info and photos. PHOTOS, AUDIO. (1998?)
  28. Cicadas are Laying Eggs and Preparing to Go ( MAGICICADA. (1997).
  29. Periodical Cicada Emergence in Iowa in 1997 ( MAGICICADA. (1997).
  30. Insect Images ( About 150 North American cicada photos, including Magicicada, Tibicen, Okanagana, and Cacama. PHOTOS, MAGICICADA
  31. Cicada Videos and Sounds Alarm Squawks and Mating Calls is also very helpful for identifying cicada sounds.
  32. Selected North American cicada species has about 20 song samples too.

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