Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

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October 16, 2023

Gallery of Cicada Photos from Costa Rica by Jose Mora, part 5

Filed under: Costa Rica | Jose Mora | Photos & Illustrations | Quesada — Dan @ 7:58 pm

Gallery of Cicada Photos from Costa Rica by Jose Mora, part 5.
More: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 6.

These are nighttime photos and appear to be a cicada belonging to the genus Quesada, like Quesada gigas.

Molting cicada:
Cicada Photos from Costa Rica by Jose Mora,

Molting cicada:
Cicada Photos from Costa Rica by Jose Mora,

Molting cicada:
Cicada Photos from Costa Rica by Jose Mora,

Molting cicada:
Cicada Photos from Costa Rica by Jose Mora,

Molting cicada:
Cicada Photos from Costa Rica by Jose Mora,

The cicada has left its nymphal skin, and now its body can harden:
Cicada Photos from Costa Rica by Jose Mora,

The cicada has left its nymphal skin, and now its body can harden:
Cicada Photos from Costa Rica by Jose Mora,

The cicada has left its nymphal skin, and now its body can harden:
Cicada Photos from Costa Rica by Jose Mora,

The cicada has left its nymphal skin, and now its body can harden:
Cicada Photos from Costa Rica by Jose Mora,

The cicada has left its nymphal skin, and now its body can harden:
Cicada Photos from Costa Rica by Jose Mora,

Gallery of Cicada Photos from Costa Rica by Jose Mora, part 4

Filed under: Costa Rica | Jose Mora | Photos & Illustrations | Quesada — Dan @ 7:33 pm

Gallery of Cicada Photos from Costa Rica by Jose Mora, part 4.
More: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 5, Part 6.

These are nighttime photos and appear to be a cicada belonging to the genus Quesada, like Quesada gigas.

Cicada nymph:
Cicada Nymph Photo from Costa Rica

Molting cicada:
Molting Cicada Photo from Costa Rica

Cicada nymphs on a tree:
Cicada nymphs on a tree

Teneral (soft) cicada that recently molted:
Molting Cicada Photo from Costa Rica

Teneral (soft) cicada that recently molted:
Molting Cicada Photo from Costa Rica

Teneral (soft) cicada that recently molted:
Molting Cicada Photo from Costa Rica

Adult cicada:

Teneral (soft) cicada that recently molted:

Teneral (soft) cicada that recently molted:
Molting Cicada Photo from Costa Rica

Molting cicada:

October 13, 2023

Neotibicen canicularis in Lakewood, NJ

Filed under: Elias Bonaros | Neotibicen | Photos & Illustrations — Tags: — Dan @ 9:35 pm

This is a series of Neotibicen canicularis Northern Dog-Day cicada photos from Lakewood, NJ taken by Elias Bonaros.

Click the photos for larger versions:

A recently molted male Neotibicen canicularis cicada:
Neotibicen canicualris eclosing in Lakewood NJ

A recently molted male Neotibicen canicularis cicada:
Neotibicen canicualris eclosing in Lakewood NJ

A molting Neotibicen canicularis cicada:
Neotibicen canicualris eclosing in Lakewood NJ

Neotibicen lyricen photo by Elias Bonaros

Filed under: Elias Bonaros | Neotibicen | Photos & Illustrations — Tags: — Dan @ 9:24 pm

This is a photo of a teneral (soft) Neotibicen lyricen cicada by Elias Bonaros.

Click the photo for a larger version:

Neotibicen lyricen

Neotibicen linnei photo by Elias Bonaros

Filed under: Elias Bonaros | Neotibicen | Photos & Illustrations — Tags: — Dan @ 9:17 pm

This is a photo by Elias Bonaros of a teneral (soft) Neotibicen linnei cicada and its exuvia (molted skin). It was taken in 2009, and knowing Elias, probably in New York or New Jersey.

Click the photo from a larger version:

Neotibicen linnei teneral and its exuvia:
Neotibicen linnei teneral and its exuvia

Cicada Killer Wasp photos by Elias Bonaros

Here are two Cicada Killer Wasp photos by Elias Bonaros. The Cicada Killer Wasp has captured a Neotibicen tibicen tibicen cicada. These photos are from 2009.

Yes, Elias is holding the wasp and cicada on has hand!

Click the image for a larger version:

Cicada Killer Wasp and Neotibicen tibicen:
Cicada Killer Wasp and Neotibicen tibicen

Cicada Killer Wasp and Neotibicen tibicen:
Cicada Killer Wasp and Neotibicen tibicen

October 7, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Created Cicada Images, DALL-E 3, Bing Image Creator

Filed under: Arts & Crafts | Photos & Illustrations — Dan @ 8:31 am

Use of AI image software like DALL-E 3 is exploding. I used Bing’s version of DALL-E 3 called Bing Image Creator to create some images of cicadas. I am impressed. And maybe a little bit worried for artists and designers.

AI created Lego Cicada

AI created Lego Cicada

AI Cicada Eating Pizza (cicadas do not eat pizza)

AI Cicada Eating Pizza

AI Cicada Halloween Party

AI Halloween Party

AI Cicadas in Space in the style of a 1980s neon poster

AI Neon Cicadas

AI Cicada statue

AI Cicada statue

October 3, 2023

Fall Magicicada cassini straggler found in Park Ridge, IL

Filed under: Brood XIII | Magicicada | Periodical Stragglers — Tags: — Dan @ 10:22 am

Mary Rotter Fullerton found, or rather heard and recorded, a Brood XIII Magicicada cassini straggler on October 2nd, 2023, in Park Ridge, Illinois! This cicada emerged 7 months early!

Listen to the edited file (volume increased, background noise removed):

There are squirrel sounds in the mix as well.

Mary says:

Very cool, I have never heard one in fall. It was in a 50-year old maple tree that hosted many stragglers (early Brood XIII?) this past spring of 2023. Park Ridge, IL.

Mary Rotter Fullerton

David Marshall of confirmed that this is indeed a Magicicada cassini.

David says:

Yes to me that’s unquestionably a set of cassini calls. There are some literature records of autumn Magicicada, sometimes with speculation that it’s related to sudden late-season warmups.

It looks like there’s been quite a few fall stragglers, according to the Magicicada Straggler project on iNaturalist.

September 27, 2023

Fall Southeastern Dusk-Singing Cicada photo by Riley Campbell

Filed under: Megatibicen | Photos & Illustrations — Tags: — Dan @ 9:56 pm

Here’s an awesome photo of a Fall Southeastern Dusk-Singing Cicada by Riley Campbell:

Riley Fall Singing Cicada 760.

Click for a bigger image.

More information about Megatibicen figuratus (Walker, 1858) aka Fall Southeastern Dusk-singing Cicada.

September 13, 2023

Mystery Neotibicen in Edison, New Jersey

Filed under: Neotibicen — Tags: , — Dan @ 8:11 pm


Occasionally similar cicada species mate and form hybrids. Neotibicen linnei aka Linne’s Cicada exists in most of New Jersey and Neotibicen winnemanna aka Eastern Scissors Grinder exists in central and south-western New Jersey. These two species are known to hybridize. The other day I heard a cicada and wasn’t quite sure what it was. The tone sounded like Linne’s Cicada but the rhythm was like the Eastern Scissors Grinder. Is it a hybrid? The good people over on the Cicada Discussion, Science and Study Group say it’s likely a hybrid.

Here’s the audio:

Maybe the most interesting thing is proof of the existence of Eastern Scissors Grinder in Middlesex County, New Jersey. Others have heard them in East Brunswick as well.


spectrogram of the hybrid's song.

Or listen on YouTube:

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