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October 20, 2023

Megatibicen grossus odds and ends

Filed under: Exuvia | Megatibicen | Photos & Illustrations — Tags: , — Dan @ 7:44 pm

I had virtually no time in the summer of 2023 to look for cicadas outside my town. Also in 2023, the name of Megatibicen auletes (Germar, 1834) aka Northern Dusk Singing Cicada changed to Megatibicen grossus. While I was not lucky enough to see a Megatibicen grossus, I did find exuvia (molted skins), a headless corpse and some exit holes in late August in the Brendan Byrne park in New Jersey. Something is better than nothing.

A male exuvia and a headless female Megatibicen grossus
Small exuvia and  female Megatibicen corpse

A headless female Megatibicen grossus
Small female Megatibicen corpse

A Megatibicen grossus exuvia with ruler.
Small Megatibicen exuvia

A Megatibicen grossus hole
Small Megatibicen hole

Three exuvia top to bottom: Megatibicen auletes, Neotibicen sp., Neocicada hieroglyphica
Small image of Megatibicen, Neotibicen and Neocicada skins.

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