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March 28, 2020

Brood X Stragglers from 2017 in Princeton

Filed under: Brood X | Magicicada | Periodical Stragglers | Photos & Illustrations — Tags: — Dan @ 6:25 pm

Photos of Brood X stragglers in Princeton, New Jersey, from back in 2017. The rest of the brood will emerge in 2021.

Magicicada cassini with mosaic pigment mutation:
Magicicada cassini with mosaic pigment mutation in Princeton 2017

Magicicada cassini with mosaic pigment mutation:
Mosaic Pigment Mutation

Female M. cassini. Notice the all-black abdomen:
Female M. cassini Princeton NJ 2017

Cicada skins and Albert Einstein:

Close up!
Close up Magicicada

Magicicada cassini:
Magicicada cassini; Brood X straggler

1 Comment

  1. I also documented the 2017 brood, in a post called “Slapstick Cicada”:

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