Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

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April 12, 2016

Beameria venosa (Uhler, 1888) aka Aridland Cicada

Filed under: Audio, Sounds, Songs | Beameria | Fidicinini | Philip Reese Uhler | U.S.A. — Dan @ 10:43 am

Song type: Call

Source: ©Insect Singers | Species: B. venosa

Name, Location and Description


Family: Cicadidae
Subfamily: Cicadinae
Tribe: Fidicinini
Subtribe: Guyalnina
Genus: Beameria
Species: Beameria venosa (Uhler, 1888)

List of sources

  1. Full Binomial Names:
  2. Common names:; The Songs of Insects by Lang Elliott and Wil Herschberger; personal memory.
  3. Locations: Biogeography of the Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of North America, North of Mexico by Allen F. Sanborn and Polly K. Phillips.
  4. Descriptions, Colors: personal observations from specimens or photos from many sources. Descriptions are not perfect, but may be helpful.


  • Some descriptions are based on aged specimens which have lost some or a lot of their color.


  1. Erin says:

    I found one that is camouflaged, is a female maybe an inch long including the wings.

    1. Dan says:

      Feel free to send a photo to

  2. Pete says:

    I grew up in north central Texas and used to catch cicadas as a boy.I remember three species I encountered a lot—a small green one,a yellow one with a siren-like song and a big brown one.Used to catch the latter type frequently because they were down low in shrubs instead of trees.Some were females.Sometimes I would observe them mating.

  3. Annette Ray says:

    Last year these noisy, creepy, creatures took up house keeping in a large tree in my backyard and just this week I’ve been hearing a few and I found an exoskeleton on my back porch ceiling.
    Last year they nearly drove us nuts. There were so many I thought it would never end.
    If there are as many this year, is there some way to scare them off without killing them?
    Rio Vista, TX 76093

    1. Dan says:

      @Annette, I don’t have a good answer for you. You could always pick them off the tree and put them in a local park.

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