Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

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August 7, 2005

22 New Tibicen and Okanagana photos!

Filed under: Neotibicen | Okanagana — Dan @ 9:38 pm

NEW! Gerry Bunker’s Tibicen Gallery: Photos from Gerry who runs the Massachusetts Cicadas web site.

NEW! Elise Solloway’s Tibicen Gallery: Photos taken southwest of Woodward, Oklahoma, the first week in July 2005

Photo by Elise:
Tibicen from Elise

NEW! Sloan Childers’s Tibicen Gallery: Photo taken in Round Rock Texas.

NEW! Natasha’s Okanagana rimosa Gallery: Okanagana rimosa, taken in Edmonton, Alberta.

1 Comment

  1. david says:

    To Sloan,
    If you have any spare dead ones of Tibicen superba, would be interested in exchange for some Australian species?

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