Cicada Mania

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December 31, 2010

2010 General Cicada Questions

Filed under: Old Message Board — Dan @ 1:01 am

These questions come from the old General Cicada Questions message board. The questions and answers are in reverse order. URLs found in comments are old and likely do not work. is a good place to find cicadas. is a good place to find cicadas.

Comment by Dan — December 29, 2010 [AT] 5:27 pm

I am looking to buy about 10 cicadas(dead of corse) for my daughters science project.

I am looking to buy about 10 cicadas(dead of corse) for my daughters science project.

Comment by missy — December 29, 2010 [AT] 4:59 pm

Hi, just found your great website while trying to identify a cicada I photographed recently in Central Queensland

Hi, just found your great website while trying to identify a cicada I photographed recently in Central Queensland. Do you have any idea what this one is? I’ve had a look at the most common ones and quite a few more, but have not identified it as yet.

We’ve recently been inundated with them — a very large bunch have been serenading us (more probably the girl cicadas) from a tree next-door. They’re the loudest I’ve ever heard!

Anyway, here’s a link to my flicker page. I also have a head shot which I can provide if necessary.

Comment by Vicki — December 14, 2010 [AT] 6:15 am

When did you take it?

When did you take it? Sounds like it could be a Magicicada (Periodical Cicada). Please email the picture to Dan, the creator of this awesome website and he can help you further! cicadamania [AT]

Comment by Elias — August 1, 2010 [AT] 8:43 pm

I have a wonderful picture of a cicada after it has ‘hatched’.

I have a wonderful picture of a cicada after it has ‘hatched’. It’s white with read eyes still hanging onto the husk of the pulpa. How can I post it here — I have NO idea what kind, etc.

Comment by Robin — July 29, 2010 [AT] 9:10 pm

I believe the white strands are connected to the spiracles

Hello Suzanne,
I believe the white strands are connected to the spiracles, the cicada’s respiratory system. As far as the gel, there are two possibilities. One is that sometimes during eclosion (coming out of its shell) a cicada urinates. A second possibility is that it was damaged and some hemolymph (cicada blood) leaked out. This usually chabges to a black tarry substance and deforms the wings if it gets on there. The process of changing to an adult is a lot of work so it can definitely appear like a struggle. Lastly, if it came out during the morning, there is a high likely hood that a bird ate it.

Comment by Elias — July 28, 2010 [AT] 3:26 am

I found a cicada on the ground who had fallen from his perch

I found a cicada on the ground who had fallen from his perch. It seems as though his shell dried to much before he could get all the way out. Is there anything I can do to help?

Comment by cammie Wiggins — July 27, 2010 [AT] 5:40 pm

With the explosions of cicada in SE Ohio this week

With the explosions of cicada in SE Ohio this week (temps over 90 and heat index above 100) why do we not see birds with fat full tummies? What are the natural predators of cicada, and when can we expect to see them kick in? Songs are loud and long chorus at dusk around here now, up from just a few alternating songs last weekend at dusk.
Found a dead adult in our driveway today, and an empty nymph shell under a mailbox two days ago. What brood is this, and how can you tell they are periodic and not annual? thanks.

Comment by Kirk G — July 24, 2010 [AT] 6:26 pm

I saw a cicada this morning as it was emerging from it’s shell.

I saw a cicada this morning as it was emerging from it’s shell. I was fascinated. It pulled on it’s “tail” (don’t know the correct terms) and this gel looking stuff came out. Then his wings seemed to get bigger? I watched him for a long time. It seems like he was struggling and kept pulling on a long white appendage coming from his abdomen. Looked like some alien movie to me! Can you tell me what he was doing? I went inside for a while and when I went back outside and looked for him, all I found was his wings! I’m wondering if a bird ate him. Poor little guy. I felt sorry for him.

Comment by Suzanne Prince — July 17, 2010 [AT] 6:57 am

I live in Mississippi and pretty sure there is an Australian Green Grocer Cicada hanging on my front door

I live in Mississippi and pretty sure there is an Australian Green Grocer Circada hanging on my front door. He is unbelievably loud.

Comment by Steve — June 25, 2010 [AT] 10:10 pm

Okanagana cicadas are very interesting.

Okanagana cicadas are very interesting. Here in the North East we have two species, Okanagana rimosa and O. canadensis. This is O. rimosa
This is O. canadensis:
Thanks to SONGS OF INSECTS for their great website and book. This species is commonly overlooked as they sound like grasshoppers or katydids! Their nymphs have an interesting pattern of dark stripes. Are there any pictures of the New Jersey Specimens?? They should be peaking around now. Please listen for them and report them here.
Take care,

Comment by Elias — June 15, 2010 [AT] 9:11 pm

Possibly an Orientopsaltria species.

Possibly an Orientopsaltria species. Need a shot of the underside (opercula). See Duffels, J.P. and Zaidi, M. 2000. A revision of the cicada genus Orientopsaltria Kato (Homoptera, Cicadidae) from Southeast Asia. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 142:195-297.

Comment by David E — June 12, 2010 [AT] 3:53 am

I have an unidentified cicada seen in Gunung Mulu National Park, Malaysia in August 2009.

I have an unidentified cicada seen in Gunung Mulu National Park, Malaysia in August 2009.
Here are the photos :

Could anyone point me to a family/genus?
Thank you

Comment by Sophie — June 11, 2010 [AT] 3:48 am

That’s actually cool news. I’ve lived in Jersey for most of the past 40 years, and I’ve never seen an Okanagana. There’s hope for me yet!

Comment by Dan — June 9, 2010 [AT] 9:30 am

CORRECTION!! the two 6/8 cicadas found in Jefferson, NJ were Genus Okanagana, and not Magicicada. Very sorry but glad to correct it! (Thanks to Dave Moskowitz)

Comment by Scott McDonnell — June 9, 2010 [AT] 9:24 am

[AT] Scott — in your location it would be Brood II.

Comment by Dan — June 9, 2010 [AT] 4:06 am

Found two magicicadas, (late XIV or early II?), mating in Jefferson Township, NJ on June 8, 2010.

Comment by Scott McDonnell — June 8, 2010 [AT] 10:09 pm

According to Marlatt’s maps, Kentucky is in Brood XIX territory. Please report your findings here and to

Comment by Elias — June 3, 2010 [AT] 4:38 am

Walking in Red River Gorge in eastern KY today, we found a couple of fresh Magicicada wings with the unmistakable orange veins along the path to Auxier Ridge. We also heard just a few of them singing. These must either be stragglers or early appearing ones, as they were few and far between. Any ideas as to which brood they might belong to?

Comment by Roberta Burnes — May 29, 2010 [AT] 1:17 pm

Hello Lady
I posted pictures of hatchling nymphs on this site. i believe there are others who have contributed photographs too. They have legs and look like small clumsy termites to the naked eye. Most nymphs are usually whitish. Maybe you found a beetle grub which has small underdeveloped legs. Good luck!

Comment by Elias — May 24, 2010 [AT] 12:44 am

Hi. I was digging up a mulberry sapling today and found something that resembled a cicada larva. But it doesn’t have any legs. It was roughly the same size as a nymph, reddish-brown in color, but no legs. I could make out it’s eyes on the front of it. I was just wondering, does a nymph hatch with legs? this thing doesn’t have any.
It was about 4 to 6 inches down, in loose earth. i put it in a flowerpot with the sapling, about 6 inches down, but I’m worried about watering my plant now. will it be okay? if you can help, Thanks!

Comment by LadyStarscream — May 11, 2010 [AT] 12:22 pm

Looking for a few Brood X skins or specimens from the 2004 Indiana emergence. Already checked ebay. I’m doing an art piece and don’t really need beautifully displayed specimens, but I’ll be happy to find anything!

Comment by Courtenay — April 8, 2010 [AT] 7:48 pm

I wrote a story about a cicada, please let me know what you think of it.

If you like it, please share the link with your friends.

Thank you.
: ^ )


Comment by Phantomimic — March 7, 2010 [AT] 3:44 pm

Probably have about 200 cicada nymphal shells on hand from all different species. What types are you looking for?

Comment by Elias — February 2, 2010 [AT] 7:29 pm


Try ebay.

Comment by Dan — January 31, 2010 [AT] 5:33 pm

I am looking to acquire a rather large collection of cast-off cicada shells for a creative project with my 7 year old son. We’ve been collecting them for a few years, but are only upto about 20 and I’m hopeful to get 200+. Perhaps we’ll travel in 2012 to one of the 17-year sites? Figured I’d put the request out there though, in case someone has a large collection they are considering selling…

Comment by Elizabeth — January 31, 2010 [AT] 5:18 pm

It is 18 degrees Fahrenheit today. Wishing I was in Australia……..

Comment by Elias — January 30, 2010 [AT] 11:12 am

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