Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

Cicada T-shirts

February 29, 2020

Okanagana bella photo by Phobe

Filed under: Okanagana | Photos & Illustrations | U.S.A. — Tags: — Dan @ 11:01 am

Okanagana bella photo by Phobe.

Okanagana belle photo by Phobe

Pool filter basket filled with cicadas by Brian Oliva

Filed under: Brood XIV | Magicicada | Photos & Illustrations — Dan @ 10:53 am

Pool filter basket filled with cicadas by Brian Oliva.
These are Magicicada cicadas from Brood XIV that emerged in 2008.

Pool filter basket filled with cicadas by Brian Oliva  These are Magicicada cicadas from Brood XIV that emerged in 2008

Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae) photo by Bron

Filed under: Australia | Cyclochila | Cyclochilini | Photos & Illustrations — Tags: — Dan @ 10:46 am

Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae) photo by Bron. Taken in Australia in 2007.

Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae) photo by Bron

Pacarina puella photos by John Beard taken in Texas

Filed under: Fidicinini | Pacarina | Photos & Illustrations | U.S.A. — Tags: — Dan @ 10:41 am

Pacarina puella Davis,1923. These photos were take by John Beard in Atascosa County, TX.

Pacarina puella photos by John Beard taken in Texas

Pacarina puella photos by John Beard taken in Texas

Carineta diardi photo by Pia Öberg taken in Brazil

Filed under: Brazil | Carineta | Carinetini | Photos & Illustrations — Tags: — Dan @ 10:32 am

Pia Öberg from Sweden took this cicada photo back in 2004 at Hotel do Ypê in Itatiaia NP in Brazil. Thanks to Roy Troutman and cicada expert Allen Sanborn we were able to ID this pretty cicada as a Carineta diardi (Guérin-Méneville, 1829).

Carineta diardi photo by Pia Öberg taken in Brazil

Okanagana bella photo by Matt Berger

Filed under: Matt Berger | Okanagana | Photos & Illustrations | U.S.A. — Tags: — Dan @ 10:06 am

Matt Berger was backpacking around Yellowstone national park recently when his chanced upon this Okanagana bella. 07/25/2008.

Okanagana bella photo by Matt Berger

Okanagana bella photo by Matt Berger

Photos from our 2004 Blue-eyed Magicicada Contest

Filed under: Brood X | Eye Color | Magicicada | Photos & Illustrations — Dan @ 9:47 am

Photos from our 2004 Brood X Blue-eyed Magicicada Contest.

Contestants won a Cicada Mania button.

Brood X Button

Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Cody:
Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Cody

Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Luke:
Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Luke

Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Mike:
Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Mike:

Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Wade:
Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Wade:

Neotibicen photos by Elise Solloway from 2005

Filed under: Neocicada | Photos & Illustrations | U.S.A. — Tags: — Dan @ 9:35 am

Neotibicen photos by Elise Solloway, from 2005.

Photos taken southwest of Woodward, Oklahoma, the first week in July, 2005 and in Oklahoma in August, 2005
Neotibicen photos by Elise Solloway, from 2005.

Neotibicen superbus photos by Elise Solloway, from 2005.

Neotibicen superbus photos by Elise Solloway, from 2005.

Neotibicen superbus photos by Elise Solloway, from 2005.

Neotibicen photos by Elise Solloway, from 2005.

Neotibicen photos by Elise Solloway, from 2005.

Neotibicen photos by Elise Solloway, from 2005.

Neotibicen photos by Elise Solloway, from 2005.

Neotibicen superbus:
Neotibicen superbus

Cicada Nymph Exuvia by Andrea from 2005

Filed under: Exuvia | Neotibicen | Photos & Illustrations — Dan @ 9:24 am

Cicada Nymph Exoskeleton (skin, “shell”, exuvia) by Andrea from 2005.

I believe this is from a Neotibicen (United States).

Cicada Nymph Exoskeleton (skin, "shell", exuvia) by Andrea from 2005.

Cicada Nymph Exoskeleton (skin, "shell", exuvia) by Andrea from 2005.

Cicada Nymph Exoskeleton (skin, "shell", exuvia) by Andrea from 2005.

Megatibicen resonans photos by Joe Green

Filed under: Joe Green | Megatibicen | Photos & Illustrations | U.S.A. — Tags: — Dan @ 9:16 am

Neotibicen resonans photos by Joe Green from 2007, taken in Florida.

Neotibicen resonans photos by Joe Green from 2007, taken in Florida.

Neotibicen resonans photos by Joe Green from 2007, taken in Florida.

Neotibicen resonans photos by Joe Green from 2007, taken in Florida.

Neotibicen resonans photos by Joe Green from 2007, taken in Florida.

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