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May 13, 2005

Cicada Fossils, part 2

Filed under: Anatomy — Dan @ 11:15 pm

From article in The Journal News:

“We found cicada fossils,” says Norell, who also discovered evidence of ginko trees on his expeditions to China.

1 Comment

  1. AJay says:

    The cicada fossils are fascinating. I am curious as to how far back fossils of magicicadas go. I am also trying to imagine how they managed to make it through all of those recent glacial periods. I cannot picture magicicadas surviving in a Pleistocene May. Their occupation of areas such as Michigan and upstate NY must be very recent, yet they do not seem to migrate very far. Obviously, there were no starlings and sparrows in those days. An acquaintance told me of seeing noisy red eyed cicadas in Jamaica. I wonder if they could be related to magicicadas.

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