Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

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December 25, 2012

Ceramic Singing Cicadas from France

Filed under: France | Pop Culture | Video — Dan @ 10:44 pm

I received a pair of ceramic singing cicadas for Christmas. Here’s a video of what they look and sound like. They are made in France and were obtained from a restaurant in Westfield, NJ called Chez Catherine.

Cicadas are called cigale in France.

Here’s the cicada Keychain mentioned in the video.

1 Comment

  1. Tony Locke says:

    I purchased a 4″ long ceramic cicada in France. It has a function, but I don’t know what it is. The mouth is open with about a 1″ diameter leading into an open space. There are two small holes just under the mouth. Can you tell me what this ceramic cicada is used for?

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