Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

Cicada T-shirts

July 13, 2008

Looking back at Brood XIV: 17-year cicadas

Filed under: Brood XIV | Magicicada | Periodical — Tags: — Dan @ 7:01 pm

17-year cicadas, originally uploaded by fmerenda.

Check out these 17 year cicada photos from Frank Merenda of Asheville NC.

July 3, 2008

Rotten, but not forgotten

Filed under: Brood XIV — Dan @ 8:49 am

As promised, the Magicicada adults are all but gone in most areas. I assume that most that are left are in Long Island or Cape Code.

Compared to last year (Brood XIII), Cicada Mania had 57% fewer unique visitors, which was expected. That said, I had 57% more fun this year, which makes up the difference.

Looking back at Brood XIV: Weaverville NC pileup

Filed under: Brood XIV | Magicicada | Periodical — Dan @ 8:21 am

, originally uploaded by chiral_c.

Looking back at Brood XIV: 2 dozen cicadas on a tree

Filed under: Brood XIV | Magicicada | Periodical — Dan @ 8:20 am

DSC_0052, originally uploaded by nikon_d50_user.

Another cool Flickr photo.

Looking back at Brood XIV: Ick bugs

Filed under: Brood XIV | Magicicada | Periodical — Dan @ 8:18 am

Ick bugs, originally uploaded by scribbie.

Another fine photo from Flickr.

A look back at Brood XIV: Cicada Tree

Filed under: Brood XIV | Magicicada | Periodical — Dan @ 8:00 am

Cicada Tree, originally uploaded by Mark from Cincinnati.

Another photo from Flickr — all that stuff on the ground — cicadas.

A look back at Brood XIV: Cicadas on a Tree

Filed under: Brood XIV — Dan @ 7:59 am

Cicadas on a Tree, originally uploaded by Mark from Cincinnati.

Another excellent photo from Flickr

A look back at Brood XIV: Leaves w/Cicadas

Filed under: Brood XIV | Exuvia — Dan @ 7:54 am

Leaves w/Cicadas, originally uploaded by dcfox.

An excellent photo found on Flickr.

A video Montage of Brood XIV Magicicadas in Ohio in 2008

Filed under: Brood XIV | Magicicada | Periodical | Video — Dan @ 7:12 am

Brood XIV Magicicadas in Ohio in 2008:

  • A male missing it's abdomen.
  • Another missing it's abdomen due to a fungus infection.
  • Adult cicada with it's nymph skin still attached.
  • A cicada laying eggs on a branch. Mating cicadas.

We need a CICADA montage! from Cicada Mania on Vimeo.

June 30, 2008

Brood XIV Magicicada song

Filed under: Audio, Sounds, Songs | Brood XIV | Joe Green | Video — Dan @ 5:54 am

These videos feature the song of Brood XIV Magicicada cicadas. The videos are by Joe Green.

Brood XIV Magicicadas singing by Joe Green from Cicada Mania on Vimeo.

Brood XIV Magicicadas singing by Joe Green from Cicada Mania on Vimeo.

Brood XIV Magicicadas singing by Joe Green from Cicada Mania on Vimeo.

Brood XIV Magicicadas by Joe Green from Cicada Mania on Vimeo.

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