Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

Cicada T-shirts

September 4, 2011

Tibicen auletes from North Carolina

Filed under: Annual | Megatibicen | Tibicen — Tags: , — Dan @ 8:00 am

Here’s a Tibicen auletes found in Winston-Salem, North Carolina by my friend Erin Dickinson. The T. auletes is also known as Northern Dusk Singing cicada. It can be found in most Southern states, IL, IN, MI, OH, MD, DE, NJ and CT.

The Tibicen auletes is the largest species of the Tibicen cicadas (largest in terms of physical size). Visit Insect Singers to hear its song.

Neotibicen auletes found in Winston-Salem, NC by Erin Dickinson. 2011.

View both Tibicen auletes photos.

* Note as of 2023 the name of this cicada has changed to Megatibicen grossus. You can also call it a Northern Dusk-Signing Cicada.

1 Comment

  1. Joan Bixler says:

    I live in Central Michigan(Alma)and I was camping 15miles south of here this Labor Day weekend and one these landed on my matt in front of my trailer. I was pretty sure it was a Cicada and from all the singing that went on out there I’m sure there were many more. Don’t recall ever seeing any in this area before.

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