Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

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May 29, 2005

Straggler found in Bethesda Maryland

Filed under: Magicicada | Periodical Stragglers — Dan @ 1:43 pm

We’ve had a report of a straggler found in Bethesda Maryland.

Details are developing…

If you find a straggler, take a photo. Better yet, take a photo of the cicada next to today’s paper so we can have a record of the date.


  1. Dan says:

    It could be crickets, katydids or cicadas, but cicadas are active almost exclusively during the day.

  2. I am visiting my hometown of Bethesda, Maryland from Santa Cruz, California. Is the constant insect hum I hear day and night cicadas? I can’t believe how loud it is! Or just crickets?

  3. Dan says:

    Sounds like a Tibicen Chloromera, which actually emerge each year in limited numbers. The orange eye kind are Magicicadas.

  4. Jim L says:

    Just found one on my porch tonight (Aug 20th, 2009). It was mostly green/blue. Not the orange eye kind we had in 04. I thought it was dead but it flew away when I tried to pick it up to put into a bag.

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