Cicada Mania

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December 31, 2009

Paraguayan cicadas

Filed under: Chonosia | Paraguay | Tettigadini — Tags: — Dan @ 1:50 pm

Have you ever wondered what cicadas look like or sound like in Paraguay? The Fauna Paraguayan website has many photos and sound files of Paraguayan cicadas.

Here is a small sample from their website:

Chonosia crassipennis:

Chonosia crassipennis

Quesada gigas:

Quesada gigas 26 dec 07 same as larval case 20d07

1 Comment

  1. Kat says:

    Why yes…actually I have wondered about what cicadas in Paraguay sound like! Mostly because I want to know what the insanely loud creature outside my kitchen is…
    Thanks for the link, it was really helpful!

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