Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

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August 16, 2006

Cicada knocks man off bike

Filed under: China — Dan @ 6:02 am

From an article on the CHINAdaily news site: Cicada knocks man off bike.

Wang was riding a bicycle when he spotted two boys catching cicadas. He rang his bell, warning the boys to stay away, which scared the boys as well as a cicada on the tree. The frightened cicada flew toward Wang at high speed and knocked him off his bicycle. Physical check-ups in a hospital indicated that Wang had bruises all over his body and had three broken ribs because of the fall

Thanks to Roy Troutman for passing along the article.

August 2, 2006

It’s an Apache, not a Magicicada… or mabe an semicinta

Filed under: Diceroprocta — Tags: — Dan @ 6:10 pm

Update: Gerry from Massachusetts Cicadas site said that this is a Diceroprocta semicinta, not an apache.

Kathy Hill had this to say

It could be apache or it might be semicincta, depending on where he got it from. But from the pics/specimens we have I think it does look more like apache. We’ve never noticed one with red eyes either but then Dave and I have only collected apache and semicincta once in 2003, so we haven’t seen very many. I don’t know of any other Diceroproctas that it could be. Apache/semicincta are very common in parts of Arizona. I think they are parapatric.

Bill Sheridan has contributed this excellent photo of an Apache cicada, often confused with Magicicadas because of the red eyes and black body.


July 27, 2006

Giant Cicada returns to central Texas

Filed under: Mike Quinn | Quesada — Tags: — Dan @ 5:01 am

The giant cicada, Quesada gigas, has returned to Texas after 50 years!

Here’s a link:

Giant Cicada / Chicharra Grande

Thanks to Roy Troutman and Mike Quinn.


A large photo of the Giant Cicada (Quesada gigas).

June 17, 2006

Magicicada Straggler Watch 2006

Filed under: Magicicada | Periodical Stragglers — Dan @ 2:55 pm

In a few weeks you might see some Magicicada stragglers in areas that saw the Brood X emergence back in 2004. If you see any, let us know.

Update: some exciting news in the comments (before I accidentally deleted the original article):

Our 2006 straggler hunt has been very successful— much more successful than our 2005 Brood XI hunt.

Our group found M. septendecim (XIII), M. tredecassini (XIX), M. tredecim, M. neotredecim, M. tredecassini, and M. tredecula (XXIII), and unidentified nymphal skins, as well as a possible M. cassini (X) straggler— all on a 3-day Midwestern trip. Although most sightings consisted of isolated or small numbers of individuals, two emergences— one at Moody Cemetary in Greene-Sullivan State Forest, Indiana (mostly M. neotredecim), and one at the Vectren Energy plant entrance, near Yankeetown (east of Evansville) IN (mostly M. tredecassini) were substantial enough that there were periods of continuous calling. Not bad for an “off” year!

Complete records will be incorporated into the Magicicada database on Cicada Central as soon as some server issues are solved. If you have records that you’d like to put in the database, send the details (species present, approximate numbers of individuals), the complete locality info (including lat. and lon. if you have it), the date, and your complete name to me at the University of Connecticut (email is just

John Cooley

Cicada Central.

June 4, 2006

ID this Thailand Cicada!

Filed under: Santisuk Vibul | Thailand — Dan @ 1:12 am

Can you ID this cicada from Bangkok, Thailand? Santisuk Vibul (the photographer) and I would be greatly pleased it your could.

Update: Here’s the ventral view, David:

Cicada, Cicada. Santisuk Vibul. Thailand. 2006.

Update: More Photos! NEW! Santisuk Vibul’ s Cicada Photos from Bangkok, Thailand.

Thailand Cicada

Some more info:

  • Cicada in Bangkok, Thailand.
  • An annual adult male cicada of unspecified genus and species.
  • Photo taken: April 15, 2006 by Santisuk Vibul, Bangkok, Thailand. (While it was alive)
  • Characteristics: The cicada is brown in color with red eyes and brown wing veins. The total body length is 5 cm including wings. The body only is 3.5 cm and the body width is 1.5 cm.
  • Please notice about a white band on the tail part of the body, it appears in both males and females.
  • The calling songs of the cicada more or less resemble that of T. auletes.

June 2, 2006

Okanagana from Carlsbad, CA

Filed under: Okanagana | Proto-periodical — Dan @ 9:08 am


This photo was taken on May 28th, in Carlsbad, CA by Rebecca. Thanks Rebecca!

Originally I had this labeled as O. rimosa, but it is not.

May 31, 2006

Cicada Mania 10 Year Anniversary!

Filed under: Cicada Mania — Dan @ 9:48 pm

This June marks the 10th year of this Cicada Mania web site. It was 10 years ago that I created the original Cicada Mania logo, and posted a bunch of cicada pictures from a friend’s wedding. Not as cool as the 17 year anniversary, but impressive none the less.

Cicada Mania logo

Four new Roy Troutman Galleries!

Filed under: Magicicada | Neotibicen — Dan @ 4:30 am


We have four new Roy Troutman galleries of restored images from the 1980’s and early 1990’s!

NEW! Roy Troutman’s Cicada Photos. Assorted cicadas photos from the 1980s!

NEW! Roy Troutman’s Cicada Photos. Brood X photos from 1987 and 1988

NEW! Roy Troutman’s Cicada Photos. Brood XIV cicada photos from 1990-91

March 19, 2006

Brood X: Year of the Cicada movie

Filed under: Pop Culture — Dan @ 5:34 pm

The Brood X: Year of the Cicada movie is playing noon Monday (3/20) in the Charles Sumner Museum and Archives, 1201 17th St, N.W., Washington, D.C. (the address has been updated).

A story about the movie in the (thanks Dan Threadwell).

Another article in the Washington Post (thanks Roy Troutman).

The movie features about 15 minutes of Roy Troutman’s cicada footage.

If someone gets to see it, let us know.

March 15, 2006

Cyborg Cicadas: Weapons of the Future

Filed under: Cicada Mania — Dan @ 8:07 pm

DARPA is soliciting research proposals for creating cyborg insects, which would presumably be used for military and paramilitary applications. I’m not sure whether I should be excited or terrified. Imagine armies of cicada cyborgs spying on enemies with tiny cameras and deafening enemy troops with robotically-enhanced screeching power. (story found on BoingBoing.)

From this page on the Darpa site:

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting research proposals in the area of Hybrid Insect MEMS. Proposed research should investigate innovative approaches that enable revolutionary advances in science, devices or systems. Specifically excluded is research, which primarily results in evolutionary improvement upon existing state-of-the-art.

DARPA seeks innovative proposals to develop technology to create insect-cyborgs, possibly enabled by intimately integrating microsystems within insects, during their early stages of metamorphoses. The healing processes from one metamorphic stage to the next stage are expected to yield more reliable bio-electromechanical interface to insects, as compared to adhesively bonded systems to adult insects. Once these platforms are integrated, various microsystem payloads can be mounted on the platforms with the goal of controlling insect locomotion, sense the local environment, and scavenge power. Multidisciplinary teams of engineers, physicists, and biologists are expected to work together to develop new technologies utilizing insect biology while developing foundations for the new field of insect cyborg engineering. The HI-MEMS may also serve as vehicles to conduct research to answer basic questions in biology.

The final demonstration goal of the HI-MEMS program is the delivery of an insect within five meters of a specific target located at hundred meters away, using electronic remote control, and/or global positioning system (GPS). Although flying insects are of great interest (e.g. moths and dragonflies), hopping and swimming insects could also meet final demonstration goals. In conjunction with delivery, the insect must remain stationary either indefinitely or until otherwise instructed. The insect-cyborg must also be able to transmit data from DOD relevant sensors, yielding information about the local environment. These sensors can include gas sensors, microphones, video, etc.

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