Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

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November 25, 2007

Double Drummer photos by Kevin Lee

Filed under: Australia | Kevin Lee | Thopha — Tags: , — Dan @ 6:13 pm

Double Drummer (Thopha saccata) photos by Kevin Lee:


This is a double drummer who got stuck whilst emerging so he never got to fly and sing.. but he still saw the light of day and was in the room with the other cicadas and had a bit of company. But if I had left it on the tree he would have been eaten alive by ants.

double drummer

November 20, 2007

Cicada photos from Australia

Filed under: Australia | Cyclochila | Kevin Lee | Thopha — Tags: , — Dan @ 8:33 pm

I’m happy to announce that we received our first Australian cicada photos of this season!!! The photos were taken by Kevin Lee, Australia’s biggest cicada maniac.

According to Kevin:

This is the season for cicadas and this year they are more proliferating that usual. Some would call it a plague but I love it.

The birds (kookaburras and magpies) are having a feast!

Double Drummer (Thopha saccata):

Double Drummer (Thopha saccata)

The Double Drummer can be found in parts of eastern Queensland and Eastern NSW, from November to early March. (Moulds, M.S.. Australian Cicadas Kennsignton: New South Wales Press, 1990, p.55)

rare green yellow Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae) and others:

Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae)

rare green yellow Green Grocer:

Green Grocer (Cyclochila australasiae)

Cyclochila australasiae can be found in eastern Queensland, NSW and Victoria, and most emerge in October and November (Moulds, M.S.. Australian Cicadas Kennsignton: New South Wales Press, 1990, p. 61.).

More: Previous posts about Australia’s cicadas.

See all of Kevin’s cicada photos.

November 4, 2007

Cicada Fish Lures

Filed under: Roy Troutman — Dan @ 8:56 am

Russian fishing lure company used one of Roy Troutman’s cicada photos for a recent ad for cicada themed lures.

Russian Cicada Lure

October 20, 2007

Jersey Blog Appearance

Filed under: Cicada Mania — Dan @ 7:34 am

Thanks to Roy Troutman for reminding me about my interview which appeared in the Star Ledger recently. It’s about Cicada Mania and blogging in general.

October 10, 2007

Cicada Quote from author John Berger

Filed under: Pop Culture — Dan @ 9:03 pm

‘Your voice, he interrupted, is also like a cicada, not only a corn-crake. Do you know the legend about cicadas?
They say they are the souls of poets who cannot keep quiet because, when they were alive, they never wrote the poems
they wanted to.’

… from author John Berger.

October 6, 2007

Cicada Time in Australia

Filed under: Australia — Dan @ 8:59 am

It’s cicada time in Australia again, so I’m reposting my list of Australian cicada names. Australians are the best in the world at naming animals.

Australia has the best cicada names:

  • Cyclochila australasiae
    • Green Grocer
    • Yellow Monday/li>
    • Chocolate Soldier
    • Blue Moon
    • Masked Devil
  • Macrotristria angularis
    • Cherrynose or Whiskey Drinker
  • Tettigarcta crinita
    • Hairy Cicada
  • Pauropsalta extrema
  • Lembeja paradoxa
  • Cystosoma saundersii
    • Bladder Cicada
  • Abricta curvicosta
    • Floury Baker
  • Psaltoda moerens
    • Redeye
    • Cherryeye
  • Anapsaltoda pulchra
  • Arenopsaltria fullo
  • Arunta perulata
    • White Drummer
  • Macrotristria godingi
  • Thopha saccata
  • Psaltoda plaga
  • Tamasa tristigma

There’s plenty more on the the incredible CSIRO Common Names site.

New photos from Iván Jesus Torresano García

Filed under: Ivan Garcia | Spain — Dan @ 8:46 am

Two new cicada photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García from Spain:



Magicicadas in the Fall? Experts say it’s possible

Filed under: Magicicada — Dan @ 8:19 am

We received a report of Magicicadas being heard in the fall. Normally Magicicadas appear in the spring of course, but they might be tricked into emerging later if a dormant tree is revived.

My speculation: maybe the warm fall weather has tricked them into thinking it is spring.

I have no visual or audio evidence for you.

September 23, 2007

Cicada Slowdown

Filed under: Tibicen — Dan @ 5:27 pm

It’s September in the USA. The cicadas are done singing in my state (Jersey), and most of the USA. More fun next year for sure.

Thanks to Jaime for this pic of two cicadas mating:

cicada mating

September 8, 2007

Many new Cicada Videos from Phoebe

Filed under: Video — Tags: — Dan @ 8:06 am

Here’s some cicada videos Phoebe found on YouTube:

cicada singing, then crawling:

cicada singing, good side view:

Cicada mystery movement: What are they up to?

And from Japan セミの生態: cicadas mating:

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