Here’s some new photos from photographer and cicada enthusiast Adam Fleishman. As always, they’re great photos. If you can help ID the first two photos, we’d appreciate it.
Neotibicen dealbatus:
Neotibicen dealbatus:
Neotibicen dorsatus (formerly T.dorsata):
Neotibicen superbus (formerly T. superba)
Visit Adam’s website Cometmoth Sight and Sound
I have a photo I would like to get identified. This cicada is the smallest I have ever seen. It’s barely over one inch wings included. Can I send or post a photo somewhere?
The two top photos are of T. dealbata (or T. dealbatus) if you prefer.
The two top photos look like a more pruinose version of the T. dorsata to me but I could be wrong.