Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

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March 2, 2008

New Cicada Photos from Adam Fleishman / ID this cicada

Here’s some new photos from photographer and cicada enthusiast Adam Fleishman. As always, they’re great photos. If you can help ID the first two photos, we’d appreciate it.

Neotibicen dealbatus:


Neotibicen dealbatus:


Neotibicen dorsatus (formerly T.dorsata):

T. dorsatus (formerly T.dorsata)

T. dorsata

Neotibicen superbus (formerly T. superba)

T. superba

Visit Adam’s website Cometmoth Sight and Sound


  1. Jacky Noles says:

    I have a photo I would like to get identified. This cicada is the smallest I have ever seen. It’s barely over one inch wings included. Can I send or post a photo somewhere?

  2. Gerry Bunker says:

    The two top photos are of T. dealbata (or T. dealbatus) if you prefer.

  3. Roy Troutman says:

    The two top photos look like a more pruinose version of the T. dorsata to me but I could be wrong.

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