Update 2: Listen to an ABC radio interview with Nathan.
Update: Nathan’s books are back from the press. Buy it online, or contact him via Twitter to get yours:
That new book smell. My #cicada guide books have arrived. Over 2/3s are pre-ordered! Contact me to buy one. #wildoz #ecology #ozinverts pic.twitter.com/bpNEgTFzLh
— Nathan Emery (@ecotechnica) October 26, 2016
Nature photographer and cicada researcher Nathan Emery is working on a new book called “A Photo Guide to Common Cicadas of the Greater Sydney Region“. It is due out at the end of October, 2016.
Exciting! Test run for my #cicada guide book arrived today. Final copies end of October. Preorders coming very soon! #wildoz #ozinverts pic.twitter.com/K3rZlFSxtB
— Nathan Emery (@ecotechnica) October 6, 2016
4 replies on “New Cicada Photo Guide by Nathan Emery”
How do I get this guide ?
I don’t know how to do Facebook or Twitter.
I have a Visa Card.
You can reach Nathan at the email address nje.seed@gmail.com
He’s also going to put some copies on eBay in the future.
They are on eBay now as well http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/-/122224131035