Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

Cicada T-shirts

March 1, 2020

My Magicicada Photos from 2004, Brood X

Filed under: Brood X | Magicicada | Photos & Illustrations — Dan @ 8:59 am

My Magicicada Photos from 2004, Brood X. These were taken in Princeton, New Jersey, with a home video camera. Princeton is a “hot spot” for Brood X in New Jersey. They’re usually out during the Princeton University graduation ceremonies, which is a nuisance for both graduates & their families and for people who come to see the cicadas (and could care less about the graduates). Interestingly enough, the Princeton colors (orange & black) closely match the colors of the cicadas.

Magicicada on a tree in a park in Princeton NJ

Magicicada on a tree branch in a park in Princeton NJ

Magicicada on a tree in a park in Princeton NJ

Magicicada on a tree in a park in Princeton NJ

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Cicada T-shirts

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