Ivan Garcia Lyristes Spain Video

More cicadas from Spain

Iván Jesus Torresano García sent us another 44 photos of Tibicen plebejus aka Lyristes plebejus, and several YouTube videos.

31 Tibicen plebejus molt sequence, photos by Iván Jesus Torresano García

Some YouTube videos:

Momento en el que finaliza de emerger Cicada 27/June/2007.

Tibicen plebejus recién cogida del parque Forestal Entrevías:

Tibicen plebejus recogida del parque.Emergiendo.27/June/2007

Lyristes plebejus or Tibicen plebejus?Emerging 27/June/2007.

Here’s a cicada news cast from Spain:

One reply on “More cicadas from Spain”

Hello to All!

I happen me again daros thanks to expose gallery of Cicadas Tibicen that I could to photograph in house since the suit until I finish emerging releasing them in the park of where the suit to make the pursuit, I am glad very many which you have been so amiable to put the gallery here in this wonderful Web since I am in favor very happy of it for having found although it is in English, then I until nonwise which people also existed who have the odd habit by these wonderful insects and thought that she was a rare person but now I have realized that I am not single and also there are people who turn upside down to study and to know all the possible one by these creatures of but the pretty thing who can have created God, I am learning very many thanks to all the information that encounter to make my videos here and also small works that I make in house to differentiate the species that live here in my country concretely in my zone, whenever I can I enter the page to see you complete new features that show Give to us :D, I have several videos and photographies that you have never seen where it appears the Cicada barbara lusitanica, Cicada orni and many but that I will be showing to you little by little.

A greeting and thank you very much by everything!

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