Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

Cicada T-shirts

May 20, 2007

Imagining Magicicada

Filed under: Brood XIV | Magicicada | Roy Troutman — Dan @ 8:52 am

In the coming days I’ll get a lot of emails from people telling me that they’ve found albino cicadas — well, they aren’t albinos, they just haven’t turned black yet. Once a cicada splits its nymph skin and imagines into the adult form, it takes some time for it to turn the familiar black color. Now, if you find a cicada with blue eyes, that’s different, that’s unusual (about 1 in 1000), so we want to hear about that.

This picture was take by Roy Troutman, last night in Batavia Ohio. It’s important to note that this is a Brood XIV straggler and not a Brood XIII cicada.

1 Comment

  1. amy says:

    This is one beautiful picture!!! You can see all the colors and everything close up.

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Cicada T-shirts

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