Cicada Mania

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October 3, 2023

Fall Magicicada cassini straggler found in Park Ridge, IL

Filed under: Brood XIII | Magicicada | Periodical Stragglers — Tags: — Dan @ 10:22 am

Mary Rotter Fullerton found, or rather heard and recorded, a Brood XIII Magicicada cassini straggler on October 2nd, 2023, in Park Ridge, Illinois! This cicada emerged 7 months early!

Listen to the edited file (volume increased, background noise removed):

There are squirrel sounds in the mix as well.

Mary says:

Very cool, I have never heard one in fall. It was in a 50-year old maple tree that hosted many stragglers (early Brood XIII?) this past spring of 2023. Park Ridge, IL.

Mary Rotter Fullerton

David Marshall of confirmed that this is indeed a Magicicada cassini.

David says:

Yes to me that’s unquestionably a set of cassini calls. There are some literature records of autumn Magicicada, sometimes with speculation that it’s related to sudden late-season warmups.

It looks like there’s been quite a few fall stragglers, according to the Magicicada Straggler project on iNaturalist.


  1. Mary Rotter Fullerton says:

    Thanks for posting this on the site! I meant to write “Early Brood XIII” (not Brood XII) in my comment, that’s the one due in Northern IL in 2024. -Mary F

    1. Dan says:

      How did I miss that. I fixed the Brood to Brood XIII in your comment in the article itself.

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