Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

Cicada T-shirts

May 24, 2008

Emergence Update

Filed under: Brood XIV — Dan @ 10:09 am

This should be a warm weekend all around the Easter half of the U.S.A. so the cicadas should definitely be emerging in Pensy and south.

G Murphy reports that he can hear them over he sound of his tractor in Muddy Pond, Tennessee.

Susan Blase reports that the cicadas are crawling up through their pavers in Bear Gap, Pennsylvania.

Karen reports that the emergence is “unreal” Northern McCreary Co., KY.

Leann reports that there are hundreds coming up through the ground in Bowling Green, KY.

June reports that there are so many that the grass is moving in Richmond, KY.

Becca reports “There are hundreds in my yard in Huntington, West Virginia“.

Verna reports that the emergence has begun in Frankfort, KY.

John Ashville reports that they’re singing in Asheville, NC.

Mike reports that “the yard looks alive as hundreds, perhaps thousands have emerged in the lawn” in Radcliff, Hardin County KY.

Roy Troutman reports that they have emerged in Batavia OH, and both Roy and Matt Berger report that they have emerged in Loveland, OH.

Some photos from Roy:

Nymphs crawling up a tree

A cicada fresh out its shell.

Don’t forget to:

  1. Report your sightings to
  2. Take photos and video

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