Brood X Magicicada Periodical

Cicada News for 4/27/2004

The Washington Post’s Express is available online as a PDF Dowload it and read Helen Fields’ "Cicada Survival Guide".

Some people just couldn’t wait to meet the cicadas of Brood X—even if it meant traveling hundreds of miles.

Baltimore Sun heading: Ick! ‘Looks Like A Bumper Crop (thx Roy).

With uncanny mathematical precision, and with sex on their minds, millions of red-eyed cicadas that last saw daylight in 1987 are poised just beneath the Maryland soil, raring to wriggle out, raise hell, make love and die, carpeting the ground with rotting carcasses.

TerraDaily: After a 17 Year Wait, Milllions of Locust-like Insects To Swarm Parts Of The… (thx Roy).

Locust-like insects called cicadas will make their appearance soon in biblical proportions across large swathes of the United States for about three weeks — only to vanish and re-appear again.

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