Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

Cicada T-shirts

August 21, 2012

Cicada Mania News

Filed under: Cicada Mania | Pop Culture — Dan @ 7:53 am

Saturday the BBC stopped by Cicada Mania headquarters to interview me for a Periodical Cicada episode of their show Nature’s Weirdest. The episode will also feature Dr. Gene Kristsky, and other cicada experts. The show will air in January, and hopefully end up on NetFlix, BBC America or YouTube sometime after that. Here’s a photo of the amazing crew that interviewed me:

BBC film crew

Also, my friends David and Claire gave me this very nice cicada whistle from Peru:

Cicada Whistle

1 Comment

  1. Elias says:

    Great picture! Who else would have a huge Magicicada picture up on the wall!! Keep up the great work Dan!

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Cicada T-shirts

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