Wendy submitted this photo of a cicada taken this July in Kyrenia, Cyprus (yes, the island nation in the Mediterranean sea). I’m excited any time I can expand the international diversity of cicada photos on this website.
Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.
Wendy submitted this photo of a cicada taken this July in Kyrenia, Cyprus (yes, the island nation in the Mediterranean sea). I’m excited any time I can expand the international diversity of cicada photos on this website.
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I feel much not to have answered before but I thank to you to me to have offered those photographies of the cicadas that you have been able to photograph! nonwise I who also existed a cicada traced to the Plebejus de Tibicen imagine that when singing she moved the abdomen at moderate speed for ahead and stops after thus producing that so characteristic and pretty song.
I put this connection where it appears photographies of this cicada and its song, she is very informative that Web since it shows all the species of cicadas that we have in Europe and are piles that I do not know!
I think better than instead of sending me to the my single fixed pictures of the cicada you are sent them Web to this so that they put it in I publish and thus we pruned to see them all! but you do what you want since they are your photographies :).
A greeting and thanks.
Tis cicada of Kyrenia is a “Lyristes sp” certainly “gemelus” Ihave to check
I leave in South of France. I have photos of about ten species..If you are interested I can send you some.
Sincerely yours
It is a precious unit, is a Tibicen plebejus does not fit doubt! she is precious this is one of the cicadas that but also call the attention and my favourite to me, is great and when it sings in your finger it makes vibrate as if it was in a branch, I have I videos in where appears this cicada singing in my loose hand and by my room!
A greeting and thanks to photograph it!