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Cicada Comments from October 2002

Ceramic cicadas?

Tuesday, Oct/29/2002
I was in Arles, France, a few years ago and they worship the cigale there. There were all sorts of ceramic locust figures for hanging on the wall. Does anyone know where I can order one of these on-line? Thanks. Jane Robertson, California, MO 65018


Saturday, Oct/26/2002
I’m writing a report for school on cicadas. i need the copyright info for this site. I also need to know what the cicadas closest relative is and how their different from each other. I need the info asap!!! j, Texas

new web site of art comics

Thursday, Oct/24/2002
You can find it here: carlos, Peru


Saturday, Oct/19/2002
Can someone tell me what the predators are for cicadas! Thanks Cody J., Ayer, MA 01432

How The Hell….

Saturday, Oct/19/2002
Hi people,
i had always been awed by cicadas and i know the usual sounds they make, like a song, repeating over and over again. Well i never had been close up to a cicada before and one just appeared outside my window and it ‘singing’ its cicada song, and damn it was really loud close up. Well, i assume that cicadas have 2 pairs of wongs because i did not see its outer bugger wings move when it ‘sang’. And i also noticed that it moved it’s butt up or down every change of the note, i suppose to change the friction of the inner wings rubbing against it’s ‘butt’. I am not so sure about this but please e-mail me at kensheex [AT] to inform me more about how they do that sound. Mah Chen Zhong, Singapore

I enjoy the sound of cicadas they remind me of the fun times I had at my grand mother’s house in Lousiana

Thursday, Oct/17/2002
I want all the information in the world about cicadas
Thank you
my email address is kathydelrio [AT] Kathy Del Rio, 1845 Kendall St. #319 Lakewood CO 80214

Pompone imperatoria

Friday, Oct/4/2002
Where do I buy eggs of Pompone imperatoria? Gustavo, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

Species in our area

Friday, Oct/4/2002
We have two types in Ennis. One is an orange and black color being larger than the most common green, white, and black. Can’t believe they live in the ground for 16 years and only a few days when they come out. Love to listen to them and drink a cool one. Tony Vitovsky, Ennis TX USA

cicada predators

Thursday, Oct/3/2002
Here in NZ its mainly birds, but also wasps, cats and dogs and humans.
Humans by destroying habitats. Kees , New Zealand


Wednesday, Oct/2/2002
What are cicada’s main predators????? Someone., Usa

NZ Cicadas

Wednesday, Oct/2/2002
Well Owen unfortunately I missed my first one, would have been a new species for me to.
I am still not sure what species of Kikihia it was but I’m sure I’ll catch a few of his friends.
Good to hear that your season is going well Lindsay, by the way I think everyone should check out your website, it is amazing, hopefully I will send the cicadas to David next week, there could be a couple in there for you to, especially Notopsalta sericea, but there will be more later for you anyway.I hope you guys get some rain soon to end that drought your having, rain doesnt seem to be a problem here in Auckland, its my first year here and I dont think I have seen so much rain.
Catchya later Kees, New Zealand

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