Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

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November 30, 2003

Cicada Comments from November 2003

Filed under: Old Message Board — Dan @ 11:06 am

cicada noise for Cristean Aust

Date: Sunday, Nov/30/2003
move to texas they havent got them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guns galore, Texas

Swapping cicadas

Date: Friday, Nov/28/2003
Hi i was just wondering if there is anyone out there from Asia who would like to swap cicadas for New Zealand species.
Of course anyone else from other countries as well who is interested could also leave me a message at nzcicada [AT] thanks
Kees Green, Auckland, New Zealand

Cicada Brood X

Date: Monday, Nov/17/2003
My boys age 5 and 7 are interested in taking our 2004 vacation to a state that is having a Cicada emergence in May of 2004.We want to experience seeing and hearing all those Cicadas. We do not have them in the Northwest.Any good suggestions of where we should go for the best emergence possible? Thank you, Deanna Russell at
deannar [AT] Deanna Russell, Vancouver, Washington

Cicadas in Maryland

Date: Monday, Nov/17/2003
I am just learning about these little creatures. Do these cicadas really have biblical significance? I read that the word cicada is not mentioned in the Bible unlike locust and grasshopper which appear repeatedly. Also, does anyone know when the cicadas are to appear in the D.C. metropolitan area? I live in Prince George’s County, MD. Kristen, PG County MD


Date: Thursday, Nov/13/2003
Just finishing up an undergrad entomology degree at Ohio State… was wondering if anybody here does research on cicadas? Aaron, Columbus, OH

Latest Cicada of season?

Date: Wednesday, Nov/5/2003
What is the latest day of the year you’ve seen/heard a live Cicada “in the wild” ?This year I heard one on November 3, the latest I can remember. It was warm and other insects were still active (Katydids, Preying Manti, Grasshoppers, etc). He sang in a bottomland forest near a river in the evening. His call was steady in pitch. Now it’s freezing so I don’t expect to hear Cicadas until next year.
Eric, East Central Missouri

Life Histories

Date: Wednesday, Nov/5/2003
I am beginning to collect life history data on cicadas. Right now I need information on Diceroprocta bibbyi, D. canescens, D. cinctifera, D. eugraphica Okanagodes terlingus, Tibicen chisoensis, T, druryi, T. Inauditus, and T. townsendi. johnne [AT] Wes Phillips, Fritch, Texas

Philosophical Cicadas

Date: Monday, Nov/3/2003
Does anyone know which species of cicada live in Athens (to which Socrates refers in Plato’s Phaedrus simply as ‘tettix’), or where I might find this precise information? I hope someone out there can point me in the right direction. Thank you for your help.
James, CA

cicada sighting

Date: Sunday, Nov/2/2003
i saw cicada in the school play ground and two cicada shells and two cicadas no the tree near the ice cream shop sami, toronto, ont

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