Brood X Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from March 2004

for PG Residents

Date: Wednesday, Mar/31/2004
I hate bugs. The cicada thing was AWFUL in DC. One got down my back and I almost pulled my blouse off on downtown K Street!However, in PG County, where I lived, they did not seem to be that bad. I don’t recall any getting in apartment or being particularly afraid outside. bughater, Temple Hills, MD

Bee Keeper Outfit (Plastic)

Date: Wednesday, Mar/31/2004
Where can you purchase Bee Keeper Outfits Vannett, Cincinnati, Ohio

Periodical Cicada Broods

Date: Tuesday, Mar/30/2004
We’ve got cicadas here every year (in fact this year they lasted through the mild winter we had).Does anyone know if the Houston area experiences a large scale cicada brood hatch? If so, what is the period (13 years, 17 years) and when is the next brood expected?Thanks! Chuck, Richmond, TX (near Houston) U.S.A.

Cicada Facts

Date: Monday, Mar/29/2004
Facts: The 17-year cicadas will emerge this year with their ugly red eyes. The adults live 2 to 6 weeks and are very clumsy flyers. So if one happens to land on you or fly into you it can’t help it.
The male cicada will be the only one singing its mating call for the females are totally silent.
Cicadas do not eat leaves, fruits, or vegetables. However what the adults do eat (or rather drink)is the juices inside of the branches of trees, etc… The females saw their way (using the back of their abdomen)into twigs and branches of trees and lay rows of eggs usually around 400. They lay the eggs in a line which will look like a slit of about 2 to 3 inches long on the branch. At about the time the males stop singing the egg infested twigs/branches will have died and fallen to the ground or the branch will just die. Then the eggs hatch and the cicada nymphs(babies) dig themselves into the ground where they live off of the tree’s root juices for the next 17 years and then it happens all over again. The nymphs do not cause any significant damage to the roots. It’s only when they emerge that the destruction is done.
Neverthelesss I hate these bugs, I can sympathize with Lisa from Kentucky for 17 years ago (when I was about thirteen) I was walking for the March of Dimes and a boy stuck one of these male monsters into my hair. While “rachelling” ( the term used to officially describe the noise these bugs make) it tried to fly out with no success. After screaming my lungs out someone finally took mercy on me and removed the insect from my then tangled hair. Later, I felt sort of sorry for the bugs when I saw the same boy catching them then pulling off their wings. JD, Maryland


Date: Monday, Mar/29/2004
My ex wife made funny noises and her name was Rachel.Does that mean she was rachelling ? Daryl, logan county


Date: Monday, Mar/29/2004
Rick: cicada have no interest in water, but they may fall into your pool if there are trees growing above it. You should be able to take care of the issue with a pool skimmer net, and a good sense of humor. Dan, Jersey

Should I delay opening my swimming pool?

Date: Monday, Mar/29/2004
Do they gravitate to water? I’d imagine that they end up there whether they intend to or not! Rick, Ellicott City

Location, Location

Date: Saturday, Mar/27/2004
Does anyone in Indy remember the X brood here??? I am curious as to where I may take my kids to see and hear this historic event. Thanks for any info, Kim. Kim, Indianapolis IN


Date: Saturday, Mar/27/2004
I work outside and i am really not looking forward to this. Any ideas for some sort of cicada suit or something to wear that is lightweight and breathable? I cant stand the thought of them sticking to me while i am watering or unloading trucks….yuck B, Cincinnati

Nasty little creatures

Date: Thursday, Mar/25/2004
Last year I spotted one or two of what appeared to be these nasty creatures. I figured it was a premature sign of things to come. How long will it last? I don’t plan to leave my house until they’re all gone!!!! Margie, Baltimore

Help for Those Who are Afraid

Date: Thursday, Mar/25/2004
When I moved to the Washington area 17 years ago and saw the cicadas, I was lucky to have been living in Lorton, VA, where there weren’t as many flying around as compared to the District. But I SWORE I that would rather find another job (or some out-of-town assigment) than to get caught in the middle of the next infestation. But alias, I am still here, 17 years older (middle-aged), now married (so I can’t leave), unable to run as fast as I used to, and only 15 mintues from DC, and therefore, much closer to the ‘zone.’ I’m in a lot of trouble: if I don’t get myself killed trying to run from them (or wreak my car should one be inside), I will most likely develop vascular problems from weeks of constant stress and anxiety. I can only ask that those who are not frightened of them, please have some passion and understanding for those who do. It is an irrational fear, but a fear nevertheless (ususally brought on by an emotional event or trauma.) (Everyone has fears; this one is just more difficult to hide.) I’ve worked on my problem for years (including therapy 22 years ago), so I haven’t been just complaining or feeling sorry for myself. Progress has been quite slow, but steady. (I can now garden but still have a generalized fear of large flying, mostly stinging insects.) I think that reading and learning about their habits will help in some small way, but not enough, I’m afraid, to deal with what’s to come because there will be so many of them. If there is anyone out there willing to share how they’ve resolved their phobia (short of flooding), please do so. You will be helping a lot of folks, including those too afraid to speak up. I also have a couple of questions about the habits of cacidas: Do they fly around in the dark, and do they favor any particular flowering or vegetable plant? (I may decide to skip the gardening this year.) Thanks. Chay, Prince Georges County ,MD

1998 cicadas in Tennessee

Date: Thursday, Mar/25/2004
Dick – Yes and no — the ones in Tennessee in 1998 were the 13-year species (Brood XIX). Also, this year’s brood will mostly appear in different locations in Tennessee, not the same places as in 1998. Dave Marshall, Storrs, Connecticut


Date: Thursday, Mar/25/2004
The scientific sound of the cicada is termed “Rachelling”. Buzz, Cin

name of circadia’s sound

Date: Thursday, Mar/25/2004
does anyone know the scientific term applied to the sound the circadia makes? dennis, poughkeepsie ,ny

Say It Ain’t So

Date: Wednesday, Mar/24/2004
guess what sucks? I have no a/c in my car. so not only will those gross, retarded bugs be flying into me, I also will be sweating to death in my car on the way to work. I hate bugs, and they hate me. I was six the last time they were here in abundance, and can’t remember how bad they actually were. I’m in denial right now, and pray every day they won’t rise from the ground. I’ve always wanted to know what it’s like to be in a sci-fi movie, though. I’m so lucky. Julie, Cincinnati


Date: Wednesday, Mar/24/2004
Is it possible that we saw the same bugs in Tenn. in 1998? Dick, Grand Rapids, Mi.


Date: Wednesday, Mar/24/2004
How far do cicadas fly? Laura, Fremont, Michigan

Those Creepy Critters

Date: Wednesday, Mar/24/2004
I am terribly afraid of all insects. Please make them go away. Cynthia B, Prince George County -Forestville

Wouldn’t want to miss it

Date: Wednesday, Mar/24/2004
Am thinking of planning a trip home to coincide with the Cicadas in Cincinnati this summer. Has anyone nailed down the exact dates that they are supposed to start and peak?By the way, responding to Lisa (previous message), I’m thinking you are probably class of ’88, Highlands? Me too. I’ve got some bad memories as well, particularly from my lawn-mowing summer job (the engine noise really got them interested), but I just couldn’t bear to miss the spectacle. Especially when I think about how old I’ll be next time… Rhodri, overseas

Terrified of Cicadas

Date: Wednesday, Mar/24/2004
I’m 34 years old and I’m embarrassed to say … I’m terrified of Cicadas. While I am somewhat of a bug-phobe, it’s never forced me to stay indoors. I am, however, planning on converting to hermit status mid-May to late June. Don’t know how I’m going to do it, just that I am. Many of you are probably wondering what caused this fear, so let me share. I was 17 years old and taking driver’s ed at my high school. It just happened to be my turn to drive – with 4 other classmates and a teacher, mind you – when, all of a sudden, Larry Riley stuck two cicadas in my long hair. As I was driving, one of the little suckers crawled into my ear opening and screamed. Needless to say, I swerved the car and nearly killed everyone aboard. I recall throwing the car into park, jumping out of the car and running, running, running … as far and as fast as I could. I’m happy to report that Larry Riley got detention that day! I, on the other hand, have never recovered, as you can see. I’m considering buying a bee keeper’s suit for those times when I absolutely have to show my face to the world. Fortunately, I’m laid off right now! Any suggestions? My husband and I live in a condominium overlooking Cincinnati with woods all around us. They’re going to be everywhere – and I mean everywhere! Lisa, Ft. Thomas, KY

opening swimming pools

Date: Tuesday, Mar/23/2004
when would it be a good time to open the swimming pool. should we wait until mid June? mike, cincinnati

Protection from Cicada

Date: Tuesday, Mar/23/2004
I have planted small pines and some birch trees in the last week. Should I spray these trees. What can I do to protect them. Barb, Nashville TN


Date: Tuesday, Mar/23/2004
What is a brood and how many broods are there? Cait, U.S.

How will gardens weather?

Date: Tuesday, Mar/23/2004
will they eat our tomatoe plants,squash
greenbeans,onions,lettuce you get the idea. Does anybody know Thanks- Christy Christy, Springfield, Virginia

My tree not there anymore..

Date: Tuesday, Mar/23/2004
What happens if I had my huge maple tree in my front yard cut down that was there 17 years ago????? Marsha, Kentucky

Yes, you can work outside

Date: Tuesday, Mar/23/2004
No matter how big the cicada event, anyone should be able to work (or do anything else) outside.The biggest danger is if you’re on a ladder or roof and a cicada suddenly gives a distress screech near you. This is quite startling and it’s possible to fall off if you recoil in fright at the sudden noise and sight. Be prepared not to be surprised by sudden distressed cicadas.There’s also the slight surprise of an occasional cicada crawling on you. This shouldn’t be a problem to anyone who doesn’t have a huge phobia of insects.
Eric, Missouri

To Christy in Maryland

Date: Tuesday, Mar/23/2004
Christy, if the 17-year cicada emergence is a “once in a life time thing”, and you were 6 years old last time, guess what? You are going to die, “cause you had your “once”. Sky, Mason

Bugs is good to feast on..i reckon

Date: Monday, Mar/22/2004
I eated many a bug in ma life. But the cicadda is da best to chew and chew ,,oh yea i had tummy ache 2 days oh yea, I reckin all da bugs is good though kentucky lost yeserday to UAB Troy Vespie, Amelia Ohio

Can i work outside

Date: Monday, Mar/22/2004
Can anyone tell me please is it going to be possible to work on the constraction and to do framing job in May or June. Sergei, Cincinnati, Ohio


Date: Sunday, Mar/21/2004
In my last messege I had some typos and or misspelled words. I actuallt ment to say, to make it clear as these cicadas do not bite or sting. I hope you all don’t get to confused by may last messege and read this one instead. Christy, Maryland

I Can’t wait till these once in a life time flying noisy bugs arrive

Date: Sunday, Mar/21/2004
Hey everyone, I came to this website before, because I was looking for cicadia sounds on the internet. I came accrose this site instead. Well bottom line is I was 6years old when they came out of the groud flying and buzzing about. I remember it well. I was over my grandparaents house when i had just got back from visiting Ghettesburg. I look forward to seeing thse bugs as it is once in a life time thing. Thse bugs to not sting now bite. They will cause a horrible time with yard plants. However as for myself I’am not a bug type person as I don’t like bees, spiders, or creepy crawley things. Well this is all for me. Just wanted to leave my mark. Christy, Maryland


Date: Friday, Mar/19/2004
Hi, i see your expecting a mass emergence of Magicicada’s. I was hoping that someone there may be able to collect me some and send them on to me here in New Zealand. Or if someone is keen to swap your American species for our New Zealand species.
you can message me at nzcicada [AT] Kees Green, Auckland, New Zealand

For goodness sakes

Date: Thursday, Mar/18/2004
Mia,Do not let anyone play to your fears (or their pocketbooks) . The cicada is a harmless insect. They may cause some minor tree or bush damage, but basically they are just out to reproduce. They do not attack in a sworm, nor do they go out of the way to attack anyone. These neat bugs can be an inconveniece because they are terrible flyers and may bump into you, however, they mean no harm and do not bite…. I hope I have helped…
Klamarr2, Indy, Indiana

Date: Thursday, Mar/18/2004 > Metro > Virginia

In Brief
Monday, March 15, 2004; Page B03
THE REGION Infestation of Brood X Cicadas Forecast Millions of cicadas are expected to infest the nation’s capital and parts of Maryland and Virginia this spring. Periodical cicadas, who’ve been underground for 17 years, will tunnel out of the ground, fling their winged bodies through the air and sound off day and night. Bug experts say their coming will be of biblical proportions.

Some cicadas emerge annually in the eastern United States. Others come out every two to 13 years. But this variety, known as Brood X, invades every 17 years. The last time they covered the Washington area was in 1987, when remnants of cicadas covered roadways and sidewalks. Residents pulled them out of their hair. And the bugs drove some outdoor events, such as weddings and graduations, inside. When exactly they emerge will depend on the weather. The Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History is planning a cicada exhibit in May, complete with sounds and live specimens.

� 2004 The Washington Post Company
Rusty Kochka, Arlington, Virginia


Date: Thursday, Mar/18/2004
Thanks Eric for the formula. I remember now that “my” formula was something like T = x(n-y)+ z, where x, y and z were some arbitrary constants. The resulting temperature T was in Centigrade. Maybe that explains the structural difference in the formulae. Ajit, Knoxville, TN


Date: Thursday, Mar/18/2004
My son is very afraid of flying insects. He would run out in front of a speeding car before he let one get close to him. I have been trying to find some kind of repellent or something for him since he has to walk to school. I don’t think the school will allow me to home school him for 6 weeks. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Lear, Cincinnati,OH


Date: Wednesday, Mar/17/2004
I live in prince george county MD.DO cicadas stick to you threw your clothing,about how big will they be and do they sworm you? mia, prince george countyMD


Date: Wednesday, Mar/17/2004
I live in prince george county MD.DO cicadas stick to you threw your clothing,about how big will they be and do they sworm you? mia, prince george countyMD

May 22nd, wedding

Date: Wednesday, Mar/17/2004
I am getting married on May 22nd, 2004, which is in 10 weeks, Its planned as an outdoor wedding. How bad will the cicadas be, is it wirth it to change the wedding. I read in the paper that Williamson and Davidson Counties, which is where the wedding will be will not get hit as hard as others in Tennessee. How does that work? ANy answered questions will really help me and my angered/frustrated fiancee. Thanks
Greg Greg, Nashville, TN, Williamson County

Bob from London, England

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004
Hey, I was looking up info on the England cicada on the web and came accross this posting (below). If “Bob” is still out there could you please tell me where you heard/saw these cicadas? Was it in England, or were you overseas? My email is cicada900 [AT]
Thanks…Date: Tuesday, May/28/2002
i saw all these cicadas and they f***ing rule!!! tssss tssss tssss tssss tssss tssss tssss tssss tssss they went! YO! — Bob, England, London Kathy Hill, Willimantic, CT

say it aint so

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004
This isn’t really happening — right? Say it ain’t so… I don’t do bugs… not liking life, Silver Spring, MD

To Christy Eicher

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004

Christy, I personally would not plan a wedding outdoors at that time. However, I’d suggest contacting them, and find out if there was someone that was there 17 years ago. If so, maybe they will be able to tell you if that area had much infestation.Good luck and congrats! Jules
Jules, Louisville, KY

say it aint so

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004
This isn’t really happening — right? Say it ain’t so… I don’t do bugs… not liking life, Silver Spring, MD

To Christy Eicher

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004

Christy, I personally would not plan a wedding outdoors at that time. However, I’d suggest contacting them, and find out if there was someone that was there 17 years ago. If so, maybe they will be able to tell you if that area had much infestation.Good luck and congrats! Jules
Jules, Louisville, KY

Swimming Pools?

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004
A few of us over at were wondering if the Cicada will have any effect on our pools?If they are gone by mid-June, should we leave our pools covered and wait until after they are gone to open the pool for the season?Thanks for any info you can give! Jules Jules, Louisville, KY

New to cicadas!

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004
Does anyone know if the cicadas will be bad in the Stafford/Fredericksburg area? We just moved here and bought our home! (of course!) WHat do we need to do to protect our property, landscaping, etc.? I’m a bit nervous about this outbreak. Jennifer, Stafford, VA

Noisiest Insect

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004
While looking up the temperature formula, saw the next question: what is considered the noisiest insect? “The Cicadas are usually considered the noisiest, but it has been said that the European Cricket (Brachytrypes megacephalus) is louder still and that its note can be heard a mile away”.I’ve been around periodical cicadas and cannot imagine anything louder. The Cassini are almost deafening, and they synchronize their calls to make themselves even louder. The Decim “Martian” call, when in large concentrations, must be audible for at least a mile.
Eric, Missouri

Formula for Temperature

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004
The Katydid formula seems to work, though it suggests they don’t sing below 53 degrees, and I believe I’ve heard them on colder evenings (their call is _really_ slow when it’s cold). In my area the Katydids usually start in early July, when it’s usually so hot, the chirps are too fast to count!As to Cicadas, there’s such a variety of calls, one might need a different formula for each species.
From _1001 Questions Answered About Insects_:Count the number of chirps in a minute, represented by the letter “n” below.For the Katydid (Cryptophyllus perspicalis):T = 60 + ((n-19) / 3)For the Snowy Tree Cricket (Oecanthus niveus):T = 50 + ((n-40) / 2)T is the temperature in Farenheit.
Eric, Missouri

Anyone know how bad this can get????

Date: Tuesday, Mar/16/2004
Anyone know how bad this can get in Baltimore, MD I am moving [AT] the end of May and this is the first time I will ever experience any thing like this…. Please shed some light on this! Thank You! R, Baltimore,MD


Date: Monday, Mar/15/2004
Anyone know the likely timing for the emergence in Tenn? I had planned to go camping there the last week in April & they just aren’t my favorite camping companions. Plus we don’t want to move them around on our truck – the old invasive species thing. Meg, Ellicott City MD

Will they ruin my wedding (at Farnsley Moreman Landing, Louisville, KY)?

Date: Monday, Mar/15/2004
Anyone know if the Cicadas are likely to be in Louisville, KY? More specifically, at Farnsley-Moreman Landing…10 mins southwest of Louisville, on the waterfront? I’m getting married there June 5th. Christy Eicher, Louisville, KY

Cicadas and ambient temperature

Date: Monday, Mar/15/2004
To Eric in Missouri,
So what is the mathematical formula for the katydids anyway? It might just jog my memory. Have you ever tried it for Cicadas? Ajit, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA


Date: Monday, Mar/15/2004

Stop The Cicada!

Date: Monday, Mar/15/2004
We Must Put A Stop to the Cicada!!!! on 5 – 1 – 04 we will all Get Together A Build A giant Flame Thrower. Kill Them All!! Before They can start to take over the world.when They begin to come out the ground thats when we start Ed, Baltimore County, MD

Are they coming here this year

Date: Sunday, Mar/14/2004
I need to know if the bugs are coming here this year.Please let me know. Dawn, Charleroi Pa.

Motorcycle Downtime

Date: Sunday, Mar/14/2004
Has anyone ever hit a cicada doing 45-50 miles per hour? It sucks. Feels like a big rock thrown up by a truck in front of you…..smmaaack. I don’t have a windshield, and I’m just bummed because I won’t be able to ride from the middle of April to the middle of May without worrying about knocking one of my eyes out when they hit my sunglasses and implode the lenses. Splaaat!! Michelle D., Cincinnati, OH

When did the cicadas swarm in the 1950-1960’s?

Date: Saturday, Mar/13/2004
I’m trying to remember how old I was when cicadas swarmed here in southern Virginia, and my evil older cousins made me stand still while they “hooked” the shells all over me! I was born in 1954 and I figure it was sometime in the late 50’s or early 60’s. Anybody know? (thanks!) Katie, Henry County, VA

Several things about Cicadas

Date: Saturday, Mar/13/2004
The host of a radio garden show made ignorant remarks today about Cicadas. He claimed 2004 has a convergence of 17 and 13 year classes, that they’d emerge around Quincy, IL (a small green patch on the UM page), and that they damage trees. A guest politely explained that trees have strong immune systems and the best way to handle Cicadas is to let Nature take its course, and that their holes are beneficial, aerating the ground.I’m probably going to south central Indiana the second weekend of June in search of cicadas. Anyone who hears them in that part of the country, please post when you hear them.I have an insect book that gives the mathematical formula for the temperature based on the frequency of Katydid songs, but not for Cicadas. The book has an amusing poem about Cicadas, obviously written a long time ago before “political correctness” set in:”Happy are the Cicadas’ lives,
For they live with voiceless wives!”
Eric, SE Missouri

Memories of last emergence

Date: Saturday, Mar/13/2004
I lived in Cincinnati the last time they emerged — we created an exhibit at the Cincinnati Museum of Natural History all about them. I don’t know what was more amazing — seeing and hearing them everywhere, or watching the insectaphobic people freak out about these harmless creatures. I can still remember walking down Ludlow Ave. with cicadas flying everywhere, landing on people, crunching them underfoot (it was impossible not to). We had to keep the car windows rolled up on the highway in some areas because the sound was so deafening!If you’re freaking out already about the coming emergence, let me reiterate: CICADAS DO NOT BITE OR STING. THEY ARE HARMLESS. PLEASE DO NOT tax our already overloaded environment by trying to SPRAY POISONS to kill them — it’s pointless, there will be too many off them, and you’ll only wind up polluting the streams and rivers (due to runoff) and poisoning songbirds, cats, dogs, and other creatures who will be eating the cicadas. Chill out people! Roberta Burnes, Lexington, KY

you’ve been fooled

Date: Saturday, Mar/13/2004
there is no such thing as a cicadanotor. i bet it if you find it, it will be a very expensive fly swatter, available by mail order only. some one is trying to make a buck out of this hysteria! i lived in baltimore, in 1970, and lived thru the spring. yes, its unpleasant, but it doesnt last long. just keep your car windows up! michele, charlotte nc


Date: Saturday, Mar/13/2004

Rarotongan cicadas??

Date: Saturday, Mar/13/2004
Does anyone no if there are cicadas in Rarotonga, you can message me at nzcicada [AT] Kees Green, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand


Date: Friday, Mar/12/2004

NJ Cicada Schedule

Date: Friday, Mar/12/2004
Your Chart Says NJ is 1970, 1987, 2004. I grew up in a town in EssexCounty NJ. I Know we were swarmed in 1978. They were coming in our fireplace like a bad sci-fi movie. !
Is there any steadfast rule to 17 year cycle or are anomilies in schedule normal? Ralph, Maplewood, NJ

First Cicadas showing up

Date: Friday, Mar/12/2004
During the last week I have seen two early risers. Not long before they will be everywhere.Interesting note:
You can tell the temperature outside in Texas from the singing of Cicadas.They all sing at one time together when the temperature hits 78 degrees, 86 degrees, 94 degrees, and at 102 degrees. This is fairly consistent. They are loudest at the 78 degree and 94 degree marks. John, Houston, TX

can’t wait

Date: Friday, Mar/12/2004
this is going to be cool. cept there has been so much building in Maryland, i bet lots of them will not be able to emerge. gary, montgomery village maryland

Eaten Alive

Date: Friday, Mar/12/2004
I was told a story about a man that died in 1987 while mowing his grass during an infestation period. Apparently, these bugs overtook him and while trying to drive his John Deere mower to safety, he inadvertently swallowed about 30 of them. An autopsy performed later showed that the bugs were still alive in his throat cavity and where feeding on the chewing tobacco that he had in his mouth. (true story) Amber, Georgia

Cicada spotting circa 1963

Date: Friday, Mar/12/2004
Madison, NJ was the ground zero of a cicada happening. I was a high school kid and when changing classes, had to put coats over our heads to avoid being covered with the 3 inch bugs. And they would die in big piles and smell really bad. they don’t bite, but they get all over you, smell bad and the noise never stops…Run to your home! Peg, Georgia

Baltimore, Cicadas

Date: Friday, Mar/12/2004
I was in the Baltimore suburbs in 1987 and the cicadas were everywhere. I remember them so vividly because I was just visiting from New York,where we don’t get them. Tmac, Connecticut

Cicadas Are Comin’!

Date: Thursday, Mar/11/2004
They are suppose to start emerging in May around the 21st and only be around six weeks. So for the Bride worried, I wouldn’t be. 🙂 They are harmless bugs, they stay predominately in trees, and on grass. The West side is supose to be heavily hit. Don’t freak out it’s only six weeks. 🙂 I’m not even native here in Cincinnati, and I can’t wait for them to come up! This is going to be cool!
Mary, Cincinnati-East Side

Cicadas and ambient temperature

Date: Wednesday, Mar/10/2004
When I was a kid, an Uncle had given me a simple formula for determining the ambient temperature of the moment by counting the number of cicada chirps per minute. The formula was wonderfully accurate, for I used to verify it from the thermometer hanging in the porch. I can’t remember the formula now. Does anyone know of such a thing? Ajit, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA


Date: Sunday, Mar/7/2004


Date: Saturday, Mar/6/2004

can cicadas see?

Date: Saturday, Mar/6/2004
Another teacher in my building told her students that cicadas are blind which accounts for them running into everything (and everyONE) in sight. I told the student who asked me about this that I thought they could see….their eyes are surely BIG enough but would search the net for reliable information!
BTW…your site is fantastic!
kinderteacher Kinderteacher, Cincinnati, OH, USA

Cicada summer?

Date: Saturday, Mar/6/2004
Will someone PLEASE tell me when these cicadas are supposed to take over? This summer? Where specifically? I don’t want them to attack my August wedding reception. Thank you, concerned bride Lisa, Millersburg, OH


Date: Thursday, Mar/4/2004
How might one deal with them attempting to eat the grapevine leaves? lynne, darlington, MD, USA

cicadas at the shore

Date: Wednesday, Mar/3/2004
I’m planning a trip to the Maryland Shore(Ocean City) in June. Will cicadas be found there as well?
If so, I may need to cancel. The flies are bad enough! susie, Maryland

When exactly are the expected

Date: Wednesday, Mar/3/2004
Would really like to know when the cicada’s are expected this summer in Ohio as I am trying to plan a summer outdoor wedding for my daughter. was thinking of either late May or August. Any idea which would be better? Vickie, Trenton, oh

sounds of cicadas

Date: Tuesday, Mar/2/2004
I”ve only lived here for 2 years.I’ve been hearing awful stories about these animals.I admit I”m scared.I want to know if anyone knows of a sight to hear there sounds.They say were being invaded with 5 billion this year.Help what are these creatures? What purpose do they serve? stacy parker, kentucky

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