Brood VIII Brood XXIII Old Message Board

Cicada Comments from June 2002

Note: June of 2002 would include Brood VIII and Brood XXIII.


Date: Saturday, Jun/29/2002.
We have swarms of those ugly things herewill be glad when they are gone, but in the mean time our 4 dogs love eating them. I don’t see how anyone can call them cute, they are a pain in the backside and destroy trees. HOW DO YOU MAKE THEM DEAD!!!! Patricia, Winnemucca,Nv

Cicadas in the north

Date: Friday, Jun/28/2002.
After looking at the photos on the Great Lakes Cicada Page, I believe the cicadas I saw here in the Peace Country of northern British Columbia are Okanagana canadensis. Some of this species are supposed to be desert dwellers and the site I found them in was a mini-desert area in the middle of grain growing fields of what is mostly considered boreal forest. I did not think cicadas could survive this far north with our incredibly long, cold winters. Anyway, I am really excited that they exist up here! Penny Johnson, Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada

They’re here!

Date: Thursday, Jun/27/2002.
Last Sunday we were moving solar panels & a pump jack in the hills. The cactus were blooming and so were the sego lilies. I asked my husband why there were SO MANY buzzing insects out there with us. Usually you here a few, but this was something else. We also have plenty of snakes, so it was very distracting! I looked around and immediately found several cicadas. These hills are considered high altitude desert- lots of sagebrush and greasewood. Well, this morning the cicadas were here – enjoying our irrigated fields and lawn! Whole lotta buzzin goin on! Karen, south central Montana

Invasion of Cicada

Date: Thursday, Jun/27/2002.
WOW! I had no idea what these noisy huge bugs were. Called the Cooperative Extension they gave me a two paragraph plurp-Cicada. All of the North Valleys sounds like your about to take off in a plane. So I went out a looked in our trees-WOW! There must be at least 10 cicada per branch. I’m told these will only last until the end of June. I’m glad I got to witness this phenomomen. It has been very interesting. Heidi, North of Reno, NV

Tibicen cicadas beginning to get more numerous…

Date: Thursday, Jun/27/2002.
T. pruinosa and T. chloromera are becoming more common every day. T. linnei has made a few appearances as well. Of course Neocicada heiroglyphica ia out. They have become quite numerous the last week or so. I captured a couple of Tibicens Monday and photographed them together with some of the Magicicada I brought back from Clinton Lake, Illinois. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen the two types alive together at the same time. Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Tibicen auletes joins the crowd!

Date: Wednesday, Jun/26/2002.
On the evening of June 24 at 8:49pm, Tibicen auletes was heard calling in Ridge, Maryland (82 deg). This is very early for this species whose average call season begins in mid-August. It is almost 6 weeks earlier than the previously earliest record for our area (July 31). T. lyricen is now abundant in the evening about a half an hour before dusk (last two nights). T. chloromera is now commonly calling during the morning hours for the past two days. T. auletes was heard again last night (Jun 25). With N. hieroglyphica calling in localized areas, there are now 4 annual cicada species calling in Southern Maryland. J. Zyla, St. Mary’s County, Maryland

A bug that appears to look like it is a small dragon fly

Date: Tuesday, Jun/25/2002.
I aasume that this is a lucust however I have never really seen them before Tom, Moncton New Brunswick Canada

Is there a 8 yr varitey of this bug

Date: Tuesday, Jun/25/2002.
We have these bug enmass right now and was wondering if there is a 8 year variety because they seem to show up enmass about every 8th year? L. B., Reno, NV

Periodical Cicadas in eastern PA

Date: Tuesday, Jun/25/2002.
I was rafting on the Lehigh River in Carbon Co. PA on June 23 when I heard scattered songs of periodical cicadas along a 13-mile stetch of the river. No real chorus, just individuals. This seems to be way out the normal range of Brood VIII in PA. anybody have any ideas on this ? Ed Johnson, Staten Island, NY

Cicadas in the far North

Date: Monday, Jun/24/2002.
I am thrilled to have found and heard cicadas up here in northern BC where we have very long winters and minus 30 degrees celsius in common. I live a year in Tucson, so I immediately recognised the sound. The place was a desert-like area that is quite rare up here, high above the Peace River. This is the only area I have spotted them. Is this unusual to find them so far north? Penny Johnson, Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada


Date: Sunday, Jun/23/2002.
Do Cicadas spit? I heard if you hold em by their wings they spit they sometimes spit? Vanessa, Toronto,Ohio USA


Date: Sunday, Jun/23/2002.
Do Cicadas spit? I heard if you hold em by their wings they spit they sometimes spit? Susan, Wintersville,Ohio USA


Date: Sunday, Jun/23/2002.
driving pittsburgh to cleveland this weekend, saw literally hundreds of cicada(e?) dead along side of pa 60 up through allegheny and beavery counties. also heard classic hum while walking on montour trail. They hover above your windshield, then make a juicy splat. Also saw a few on US 30 in eastern Ohio (Columbiana County) today… dan roth, robinson twp, pa

Two More Annual Cicada Species have begun calling in Maryland!

Date: Saturday, Jun/22/2002.
A Tibicen chloromera (Morning Cicada) was heard calling for the first time this season at 10:14am (77 deg) on June 19, 2002 in Ridge, Maryland. (This is a week early from the 7-year average first call date of Jun 26 in MD). A Tibicen lyricen (Lyric Cicada) was heard calling for the first time this season on the evening of June 20 at 8:39pm (72 deg)in Ridge, MD. (This is 10 days early for the 7-year average first call date of June 30). Neocicada hieroglyphica continues to call sporadically. We now have 3 annual cicada species calling sporadically in our area. J. Zyla, Ridge, St. Mary’s County, Maryland

Can cicada’s cause brances to seep sap?

Date: Saturday, Jun/22/2002.
I have a young Red Crimson Maple tree and noticed the tips of a few branches not looking healthy. I could find no insects on the trees but have had a ton of cicada’s. I did notice where sap had run down from the higher branches and was wondering if the cicada’s could have caused that? Terri Orkwiszewski, Apollo, PA USA

Daugher loves “Locust Hunting”

Date: Friday, Jun/21/2002.
My 2 y/o loves to hunt the little critters. She asks me every day, “Go locust hunting?” (Easier to say than “cicada”.) She enjoys holding them by the wings to feel them flutter, then gets the biggest kick out of feeding them to either of our two dogs. The dogs have taught themselves the meaning of my exclamation to my dtr “Here’s one!”, and they excitedly come running. 🙂 They haven’t eaten a full meal of dog food for a couple weeks now! Shari, Frazer township, Allegheny Co.

Time to Leave!

Date: Friday, Jun/21/2002.
Ready to drop and roll. Live in the country and love to be outside gardening, etc. We have many trees and they are constantly flying. Their noise sounds alien, they are just big ugly flying bugs that eat the trees and will bite you if you leave them on long enough. Unless, you have a bee suit on, a walk in the woods would be impossible. Sure will be glad when they leave so I can hear the birds singing again. No wonder they only come every seventeen years!!! C. Kralik, Fawn Township, PA

Cicada Population

Date: Friday, Jun/21/2002.
I am inquiring regarding the unusual cicada population emergence in the middle to North Eastern region of Jefferson County, OH. During the last few weeks, they have become quite audible, even deafning with their nocturnal, but beautiful chorus of nature. Subsequently, they appear very dense with respect to population.I happened to be in a small town in Columbiana County, Wellsville, OH on 26 May, 2001, when I noticed many dead cicadas but I did not hear any specific audible tones to lead me to any conclusions that these wonderful creatures were back. Last year, in 2001, I had seen the culmination of the last 17 year cycle with an almost exponential amount of insects & didn’t expect them to be present again for more than another decade at the very minimum.Can you advise me as to why the emergence is occurring so quickly again and what type of cicada are we experiencing? Additionally, is this a different emergence than the one witnessed in 2000/2001?Regards,Jerry Jerry, Toronto, OH

Still going strong

Date: Friday, Jun/21/2002.
This seems to be the third week in our area for these noisy, gregarious insects. We are facinated with them and ever so pleased that they don’t cause permanent damage. We live in the woods and the noise can be eerie at times! Coleen, Indiana, Pennsylvania

Reno cicadas

Date: Thursday, Jun/20/2002.
The cicadas you are experiencing in Reno are probably Okanagana utahensis, but might be another species of Okanagana. O. utahensis is found throughout the Great Basin area and sometimes occur in large numbers on the sagebrush. (The people experiencing the emergence of the 17 year cicadas would not be impressed.) I have seen large numbers out by Austin and Elko, NV in past years. O. utahensis is mostly black but have very pale marks on the pronotum, behind the head. They will be pretty much gone by mid to late July Tim McNary, Ft Collins, CO

What is the life cycle of the cicada in Nevada?

Date: Thursday, Jun/20/2002.
We have hundreds and hundreds of holes in our yard. The sounds are incredible! What type of Cicada lives in Reno, Nevada? What is the life cycle? Susan, Reno, Nevada

cicads found on luggage a airport

Date: Thursday, Jun/20/2002.
I found 2 adult cicadas on the luggage carosel at the Buffalo airport. The flight had come in Atlanta-But who knows how long the bugs had been riding around with the luggage. I scooped them up and brought them home. Took a couple of fuzzy webcam photos then turned them loose on a maple tree in my backyard. gary nelson, buffalo ny

Cicada grub found in Michigan

Date: Wednesday, Jun/19/2002.
My son and his babysitter were sitting in the yard when they saw a grub emerge out of the ground right in front of them. They had it in a jar for me when I got home from work. Also found a shell attached to a leaf. The babysitter knew all about them…I had never heard of them until now!! From reading your site, sounds like we will see many more of them in the near future. So far, I have not heard their sound, but it has been rather cool at night here lately, if that has anything to do with it. Pretty interesting creature! Evan, Oxford, Michigan


Date: Tuesday, Jun/18/2002.

Cicada in our sage brush

Date: Tuesday, Jun/18/2002.
It started with hundreds of holes appearing on the hill in our backyard. Then the buzzing started. After analyzing the dead ones that our cat brought into the house, we saw that they were cicada’s. What I don’t know is what kind and how often they will appear here. They aren’t living in our trees, they are in our sage brush. So far, I havne’t read anything about cicada’s that live in bushes like these, so low to the ground. Everything is about them being high in trees. Does anyone have any ideas? I most curious about their life span. From the number of holes (can’t walk for the number of them) and what I’ve read about how many eggs the females then lay, next time they come out could mean not seeing the back yard through the mass of them. I don’t want to kill them or even get rid of them, I just want to know what to be prepared for and when.Thanks,Troy Troy, Reno,Nevada

Near Car Cicada accident

Date: Sunday, Jun/16/2002.
I remember one day getting into my sisters car and after a few minutes of driving heard a loud buzzing noise. I looked up and on the dashboard was this Cicada that started flying around inside the car. My sister freaked out while driving and nearly got us killed.I did not know then what this insect was But remember it looked like a giant fly. Sam, Queens, NY

Cicadas are Popular

Date: Sunday, Jun/16/2002.
I Wanted to know more about these Giant “Fly Like” Creatures AFTER trying to describe one that fell in my pool.I personally have a fear of like roaches and giant flying Bugs. I am amazed that so many people like these Insects.. I am sure they are helpful, I just have a crazy phobia. Sam, Queens, NY

oh my god there here

Date: Saturday, Jun/15/2002.
well i don’t really have a lot so i’m glad there here alexa, New Brighton


Date: Saturday, Jun/15/2002.
They must be young (or small) plants. Or you may have just had an awful lot of cicadas concentrated in a small area. Still I think the azaleas will come back, as they grow from the roots, unlike some herbaceous flowers that actually do grow from the tips. They could die, but I don’t think they will. They’ll need time though. Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Date: Friday, Jun/14/2002.
Nick. The azaleas are dying. it isnt just teh ends. There are deep nicks made by the female from the tip all the way to the base of the branch. The cuts are so deep that many branches have broken already and not at the ends. Christine P., Center Twshp., PA

I’ll Miss Them When Gone

Date: Friday, Jun/14/2002.
I’ve been enjoying these guys for the last three weeks. I’ve spent all my time watching them, playing with them, and listening to their songs. I feel privileged to have so many of them here and I can’t stand the thought of them leaving for another 17 years. It’s going to be awfully quiet and boring! Any way to get them back sooner? Jan, Rural Valley; Armstrong Co., PA

My backyard

Date: Friday, Jun/14/2002.
Yesterday evening I heard my first annual cicada of the year. He was barely audible for a while, then loud for less than a minute. His call was steady in frequency. About two weeks earlier than I usually first hear annuals.Also in my backyard from about May 31 for about 5 days, I heard the lonely calls of one to several Decim in my backyard each morning! Searched the woods on my property but didn’t even find skeletons. But it’s better than nothing. I wouldn’t know if they were more likely XXIII who wandered from their main range, or XIX who emerged four years too late, thinking they were 17-year cicadas instead of 13.Travelled last weekend to Carlyle Illinois (flooded) and forests southeast of St. Louis; heard and saw zilch. Looks like I won’t encounter periodicals again until 2011. Eric, Missouri


Date: Friday, Jun/14/2002.
You might need an address to send the picture of the cicada pupa to, so here it is….terriblet272002 [AT] Thanks again. Tara Nicholson, Southeast Missouri

We found a pupa of something….

Date: Friday, Jun/14/2002.
My husband found a pupa and thought it might be that of a cicada. We have been trying to find pictures of cicada pupas, but can not seem to find any. Please if at all possible, could you send us a picture of one so we can see if that is what it is? Thank you. Tara Nicholson, Southeast Missouri

cicada leaving

Date: Friday, Jun/14/2002.
hi, i am wondering when these cicadas are going to be gone more sound, no more flying everywhere.please let me know very soon.i have a phobia of bugs,i need to know.thank you very much.bragom000 [AT] brandi gomez, midland,pennsylvania

Shrub damage

Date: Friday, Jun/14/2002.
Dude, the shrubs aren’t dying. Take a look, it should just be the tips. The egg-laying kills the tips of the branches but not the tree or shrub itself. It may look bad, but it doesn’t hurt them any more than pruning would. Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Shrub Damage

Date: Thursday, Jun/13/2002.
The “Quesion & Answer” portion of this web site made mention that cicadas do not damage shrubs but rather only small disiduous trees. I assure you this is not true. They are killing my azaleas. The female has cut notches into the branches everywhere. Can anyone tell me if the azaleas will make it? Thanks. Christine P., Center Twshp., PA

attacked baby

Date: Thursday, Jun/13/2002.
a cicada flew onto my baby’s face and when I hit it off of her it left a huge red, swollen and bloody mark on her. I can’t wait for this 17 yr. stint to be over. I hope I never see another one again!! h, boardman, oh

I heard them…

Date: Thursday, Jun/13/2002.
Yesterday I was driving, into Frazier Township (About 10 miles from my home) and I heard this humming sound. I didn’t change it’s tone, I heard this sound for about a mile or so. I thought it was may van making the noise, but to my wonderful surprise it wasn’t. It was created by a large group of Cincada. I didn’t see any until this morning, I went outside for my morning cig, and there was one, only one. Light green in color, clear wings, red eyes. Not the prettiest thing. Robert Aston, Cheswick, PA

Brood XXIII wrapping up in Arkansas

Date: Wednesday, Jun/12/2002.
Everywhere I went that has cicadas today has died down significantly. The decim are completely gone for all intents and purposes. The cassini are still there but greatly diminished. And the decula… well, they were never out in force to begin with, except Lake Poinsett and along Crowley’s Ridge, where I didn’t manage to get to. But I would suspect that anything east or southeast of here is even farther progressed than this anyway. Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

They were cute at first…

Date: Wednesday, Jun/12/2002.
But now they are laying eggs in all of the young trees and ruining them. I read up on them and they are right, they are quite dumb insects. Why? Because there is so many of them that if a few get caught or killed there are always more to come. Seem sad that I’ll be 36 before I’ll see them again. Clinton, Armstrong County (Gilpin) PA

none here, but are they there?

Date: Wednesday, Jun/12/2002.
are they in the yough river valley yet? looking for some great fly fishing…. dave, irwin pa

Getting quieter…

Date: Wednesday, Jun/12/2002.
The noise is already starting to die down up here in Chippewa Township. I’ve noticed a major difference in noise level over the past few days. Sounds like we only have a short time left to enjoy the lovely sound 🙁 Brendan, Chippewa, PA


Date: Tuesday, Jun/11/2002.
As a young girl I recall finding the shells of the cicadas on the maple tree in the back yard. Their only significance to me at that time was how frightened I was of the ugly shell and having to check my bed at night as my brother would put them there to torment me. Now, the same yard the same OLD/HUGE maple tree continues to bring forth these interesting creatures. I’ve asked around the neighborhood and no one else is having a problem with them but the landscaping of my home is covered with the shells. I was in the area of Racoon State Park today (near Hookstown) and I have never heard such an almost deafening constant drone from within the woods. They were flying across the road, splating on my car and falling down into the wiper well. I’m certainly glad I was not outside in this! One last thing, one nymph left it’s shell on my shoe during the night, I looked around the porch for the live critter and couldn’t see it then I carefully looked in the inside of my other shoe before putting it on and there were two bulging red eyes looking back at me. I always thought these guys were green and square heads, this one almose resembled a large yellow jacket body and the red eyes…well he sure was creepy looking!! If anyone has any input on this ‘type of locust/cicada please e-mail me patterson [AT], as I’m beginning to really become interested in these things, Strange???????? Chris Patterson, Ellwood City, PA

13 Year Cicada has arrived!

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
For the past week or so we have heard them in the woods all around us and now they have invaded our property to the point I have major problems doing anything outdoors without being bombarded by them. L D M, New Harmony, In.


Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
I wish the guy from the White River Bottoms had posted a few days sooner. Last Thursday (June 6) I was looking for the cicadas (particularly tredecim and neotredecim) in Knox Co., Indiana and couldn’t find them. Granted, the weather was bad last Thursday, but I should have heard something if I’d been in the right place. I guess the populations are spotty up there and I managed to dodge them all somehow… Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Brood VIII

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
I was running on Panhandle Trail, and about a half mile toward Carnegie from Gregg Station, the woods are crazy with the 17 year cicadas. Big area, over a half mile wide. The noise is awesome. I was puzzled both by cicadas in early June, and by the local concentration, so I did an internet search. Now I know what they are! Frank, Carnegie, Allegheny County, PA

Don’t worry, they’re all W’s

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
I’ve been told the old wives tale that cicadas have either a W or P. Since then, I’ve read that all of them have a W on them so let’s not get all worked up. Also, I’m lucky enough to have been peed on by the cicada. They can call it honey dew or whatever, but I call it gross. They’re beginning to die already and they smell terribly. That does not stop my dog from feasting on them however. Hopefully, I’ll live somewhere else in 17 years!! Tina, Sewickley,PA

When are they coming?

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
Hi Everyone,I remember the 17yr cicadas in Jr High and I just wanted to know when they will be coming again? Is it about time?Could someone with this information let me know?Thanks Romulus, Baltimore, Maryland

The bugs are ruining my research

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
I really never minded the cicada. In fact, I always enjoyed hearing from them on warm spring nights. Now, however, I “hate” them. I have reforestation research going on in West Tennessee and they are not treating my young seedlings very well at all.Oh Well… I’ll continue loathing the animal. Chris , West Tennessee

Large invastion

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
While visiting my country home on Saturday June 8th, I was amazed at how many cicadas there were. They were buzzzing and hanging on the trees. I hadn’t been up there for two weeks, so I don’t know when they arrived and how long they will be around, but they were annoying. Dora Dickerson, Dayton, PA USA (Armstrong County)

Outer Limits

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
Our back yard is over run my Magicicada Septendecim Brood VIII (30 miles N. of Pittsburgh). The little critters are everywhere. All the moles in my yard this spring suddenly make sense, what with the larvae getting ready to emerge and all. The local bird population must be taking advantage of this event too, as I’ve not filled the feeder in a week. The chorus has been steadily getting louder the past week, and is about 50-70 decibles now. They sound very “Outer Limits-like,” weird and yet wonderful! Jeff Thieret, Harmony, PA

Answer to PLF, Periodical Cicadas in DC

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
Dear PLF, While annual cicadas will soon be out in the Mid-Atlantic area, Brood VIII of the periodical cicada does not extend south to DC. The next periodical cicada emergence for DC will be in 2004 when Brood X emerges. If you can wait two more springs, you will probably have plenty of them. John Zyla, Ridge, MD

Are there Cicadas in Wassington , DC

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
I just moved to DC and I miss my Cicadas. An anyone tell me if I can expect to here them here in the capitol city?Regrds, PLF PLF, Washington, DC

Cicada Sighting

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
We have those bugs EVERYWHERE!! Missy, Burgettstown, Pa


Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
Hi,Upon visiting the White River bottoms, I heard the unmistakable call of the Periodical Cicada over the noise of traffic. I had never seen this species of cicada in my life before last week. I was back again on Sunday, and they are still there just as in the week before. I’m 23, so it makes sense that I wouldn’t remember the first time I may have seen these guys. Just wanted to let you know that the brood is quite active near the White River and in wooded clumps in Southern Indiana. Thanks. Eric Holman, Knox & Sullivan Counties, Indiana

Cicadas with “holes”

Date: Monday, Jun/10/2002.
The hollowed out cicadas are victims of a fungal infection that affects the Magicicada. It is more widespread in some areas than in others, but as you noticed, it feeds on them until the entire abdomen, and sometimes part of the thorax is eaten out. The only places I’ve seen it this year are Lake Poinsett State Park in northeastern Arkansas and Harmonie State Park in southwestern Indiana. I saw some of it in north Arkansas during the Brood XIX invasion in 1998 too. Nick, Cicadas of Arkansas

Can I look forward to them here?

Date: Sunday, Jun/9/2002.
I live in the south suburbs of Minneapolis, MN. Are we going to get the cicadas here? I hope so, because my kids would love them! Please let me know where they are expected. Amy, Twin Cities


Date: Sunday, Jun/9/2002.
The Cicada’s started emerging about three weeks ago. The woods near us are full of them now, with their constant “singing”. Richard Rosey, Apollo, PA


Date: Sunday, Jun/9/2002.
My mother and I are sitting on our porch listenting to the cicadas. We wanted to know things about them so we found your site. I’m so happy now that I know cicadas pee. Ryan Ryan Talkington, East Liverpool Oh

Siting in Mingo Creek Park, near Finnleyville, PA

Date: Saturday, Jun/8/2002.
First my friend and I heard them as we were driving into the park. Then saw them swarming by the hundreds on tree tops, in trees, etc. Saw the little round holes on the ground, from which they emerge. Oddly, my mom had been at the park several days earlier, and the circadas had not yet emerged. These little buggers are LOUD! Jamie, Pittsburgh, PA (Allegheny County), USA


Date: Saturday, Jun/8/2002.
Oh my god, these things are everywhere. They seem as though they are going to take over my house. I live in the middle of the woods and i have been surrounded by locust now for two weeks. I just wish that they would stop making that annoying sound. chirs, Cranberry, pennslyvania, us

They are here but have holes!

Date: Friday, Jun/7/2002.
We have tons of cicadas in the yard. We have noticed that some of them have their entire end hollowed out. It looks like something has eaten them except they are still alive and flying. we have noticed also that some of them with the holes have what appears to be dirt like matter in them. What is happening to these bugs? Betsy Nix, Hernando, Mississippi

They look like hummingbirds everywhere!

Date: Friday, Jun/7/2002.
I heard them for about a week now but I didn’t really see any, but today they are everywhere here, flying from tree to tree. This is the 3rd time I seen them in my lifetime the first time I was about 11 and terrified of them now I find them fastainating, they look like hummingbirds everywhere. Jackie Mabin, Rochester Township, PA

First Annual Cicada of Season Calls in Maryland

Date: Thursday, Jun/6/2002.
FYI. A Neocicada hieroglyphica was heard calling at 5:43pm (86 deg) on June 5, 2002 along Rt 235 near the intersection of Turkey Neck Road in Saint Mary’s County, Maryland. This was the first annual cicada heard so far this season and it beats the previous earliest known MD record by 5 days (June 10,2000 & 2001)for this species. “Hear” we go!!! John Zyla, Ridge, Maryland

Cicada activity near Pittsburgh

Date: Wednesday, Jun/5/2002.
I work near the Pittsburgh Airport and just today noticed shells on the ground around a couple of the trees and cicadas singing in the woods nearby. From what I understand their emergence was delayed because of some cold weather we had in May. I live in the South Hills and haven’t seen any at all. We were right on the edge of the last emergence in 1999 of another brood. I’m wondering what other areas around Pittsburgh have them, I recently bought a motorcycle and plan to do a lot of riding starting now, but want to avoid areas where they may be. I don’t want to get hit by them, I would think they would hurt! Sandy, Pittsburgh, PA

Cicada Surprise!

Date: Wednesday, Jun/5/2002.
June 5, 2002 See our message of June 3. Since our research said that full adulthood occurs 4-6 days after emergence we went out to listen for the cicadas choruses. SURPRISE! We didn’t hear a sound. More cicadas. Humdreds of them. All stages again. Even some on the Hollys. Two on the Dogwood. They really love the big Oaks. More pictures taken: 15 of them. Research says they do not destroy, only occasional “flagging”. They do not bite. They do not sting. They have only sucking mouth parts. They do not transmit disease. They sure do FASCINATE!What’s going to happen next? O and E Montgomery , Natrona Hgts. Allegheny Co. PA

W = war

Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
Yep that’s right, locusts and cicadas know when there is going to be a war and they write “W”‘s on their wings. I’m scared… I hope the Indians don’t nuke us! Virgil, California

They are every where!!!!!

Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
Last week my wife askewd what is that noise. At first I said frogs, only becaues it rained the night before and I figured that was whatthey where until I started to notice all of the skins on the trunks of the trees. They where far off in the distance then this morning I noticed the sound closer and then looked up and to my amazement to see thousands flying in the air around the trees. I’ve been playing with the dead ones but wondered if they would bite or sting. Loked up on the net to find out more info and to find out that they are very harmless. Now my curiousity will be stronger. Here they are quiet at night but all day long they don’t quit! They are ugly but cute. Explain that!!!!! Ray , Sewickley, Pa


Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
Someone has aready mentioned a Godzilla-type movie sound, and I’m inclined to agree. While I don’t know too much about these little buggers (ha!), this variety (small, dark abdomen) seems different than last “awakenings” (large, green abdomen). Is there any truth to this? Mike Kartje, Carbondale, IL

It’s over in Clinton

Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
Brood XXIII activity seems to be finished here in central Mississippi. I have heard no songs and seen no fresh specimens since June 2. However, a Tibicen species has emerged here and is now producing a nice evening call. Bill P. Stark, Clinton, Mississippi, USA

Locusts Markings Indicating War or Peace?

Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
We heard of this story, but really didn’t believe it about the 13 yr old locusts until we saw one this weekned. The story is that if the locusts wings shows a visibl W or P that it indicates peace or war for the next 7 years. We saw one that dropped from the ceiling to the porch on Sunday afternoon and it was clearly a “W” on the wing. Anyone ever heard of this before? Pls email me if so at bonniejeancarter [AT] earthlink.comThanks! BJ Carter, Milledgville, TN

nature seems cruel

Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
Wow, what a strange and seemingly cruel world that we live in. These beautiful insects live beneath the earth for 17 years and emerge for only one week? I’ve always loved seeing the cicadas. When I was young, I used to use the spent cicada shells as clothes ornaments. The shells will hang onto your shirt all day. It freaks lots of people out, but it is a neat way to introduce children to this facinating insect. Gotta go now, we’ll talk in 17 years! valera hodill, West Deer,PA

Amazing Noise

Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
I live in the middle of town my parents live about a mile away at the edge of town. I have seen maybe on flying around home but my parents have tens of thousands. The sound is almost deafening. If you stay outside for a while it reminds me of the way your ears would ring at the end of a Ted Nugent concert. I wonder if they will damage the trees? It is kind of like an old Sci-Fi movie the way the sound goes up and down. Ken Wagner, Chester, IL

when are they leaving??

Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
We live near the woods and hear the cicadas all day and last night I kept waking up, either actually hearing them, or the sound is just buzzing in my head at night. It’s a little annoying, actually….when will they leave? DJ, Little Rock, AR


Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
I’ve never seen anything like it! It was my dog Willow that made me notice them emerging. Now we’re both fascinated by the numbers and the sound, though I have no desire to eat them, like Willow does. They’re certainly aerodynamically and navigationally challenged, so they’re fun to watch…but combine their incessant racket with a steamy hot southern Illinois day, and…enough, already! Thank you for this site! Lynn Winston, Carbondale IL USA

Millions of these things

Date: Tuesday, Jun/4/2002.
In 43 years, I’ve never seen so many of these things as I have this year. The sound is so loud, it’s almost frightening. Why are there a thousand times more cicadas around here this year than ever before? John Nemetsky, Carbondale, IL 62901

How do you kill these things?

Date: Monday, Jun/3/2002.
Please tell me HOW? Paul C., Hopewell, PA

brood xxiii

Date: Monday, Jun/3/2002.
Surfed the net this evening to find out what it is I’ve been hearing for about five days now. Brood XXIII sounds like a good title for a horror movie. The noise is deafening. We have about a dozen acres of woods. I trust they won’t do too much damage. It’s a bit creepy to look up into the treetops and realize that it’s no breeze that’s stirring them. aaron lisec, anna, illinois

It was like a horror movie!

Date: Monday, Jun/3/2002.
I live up near Erie and we haven’t spoted any yet. However this weekend we traveled down to my father’s in Beaver. As soon as we got out of the car we heard something…WEIRD. At first I thought it was a car alarm going off across the valley. I t soon became apparent that it was no alarm. I am 37 and can’t remember ever seeing them. There were thousands of them. My folks had a nice picnic planned for us but they kept flying around and falling out of the trees on us…Yuck! After I got over the initial creeps I started to examine them, they are pretty interesting. I am a teacher so was glad to find your cite so I could better explain to my students what I had experienced. Liz Barry, Beaver, PA

Where I’ve seen them

Date: Monday, Jun/3/2002.
There here in E. Liverpool, but patchy. Areas I remember them last time have none (yet?). I have seen them east in Beaver PA. and south toward Stubenville.This weekend went west and saw few toward Canton and none in the Loudenville OH area. Paul Weymouth, E. Liverpool OH

The latest

Date: Monday, Jun/3/2002.
Have reports of emergence in Austintown Township, west of Youngstown. That’s where I grew up and experienced them in 1968 (wasn’t here in 1985). Yesterday saw and heard very many in the picnic area below the dam at Jefferson Lake State Park NW of Steubenville. ray novotny, youngstown, mahoning county

17 year cicadas

Date: Monday, Jun/3/2002.
Emerged June 1, 2002. Hundreds of them. Holes 1/4 to 3/4inches in diameter. Front lawn primarily. Traveled up to 75-100 feet to our big Oaks. Very few paid any attention to our Dogwood tree. Ignored the Hollys. Pictures taken: 14, all stages about 10 am. on June 2. After returning home at 12:30 pm they had disappeared into the heights of the Oaks. Only traces were the holes, shells molted, and dead ones. We are excitingly awaiting the music of the adults in 4-6 days. O and E Montgomery, Natrona Hgts., Allegheny Co., PA

We got tons

Date: Sunday, Jun/2/2002.
Cicada were quiet in May because ofadverse weather. Arrived in fullforce May 23, O2. gil hoffman, Indian County PA, USA

where in Ohio

Date: Sunday, Jun/2/2002.
Where in Ohio are the cicadas. I have heard of Youngstown area and East Liverpool area. Any where else? Dan Kendle, Nortrh Canton,Ohio

they’re all over!

Date: Sunday, Jun/2/2002.
even tho i was only 3 the last time they were here, i remembered, and waited for them to arrive this year. well, they’re definitely here! they seem to think the brick on my porch is a tree and leave their shells behind there! then there are live ones crawling and writihing and doing all kinds of stuff right outside my front door. i think their noise sounds like something from the twilight zone! Mac, OHIO

The noise, the noise,aaahhhhhhhhhhh

Date: Sunday, Jun/2/2002.
Been workin in the yard, sound of them buggards drivin me crazy. All along the woods line are millions of em.They really don’t agree with my dog tho. He was eating them and then up-chucked a wad on our living room carpet. My wife isn’t too thrilled either when they land on her. Al , Economy Boro,Pa

me again

Date: Sunday, Jun/2/2002.
I have looked up the type of cicadas we are currently experiencing and we are not having the annuals we are having the ones that come along every 17 years. They are about 1 to 1 1/2 inches long and have black bodies and red eyes. priscilla, weirton, wv, hancock county

they’re back

Date: Sunday, Jun/2/2002.
i don’t know about anyone else but we have hundreds maybe even thousands of the darned bugs and my flowers are suffering. they have been here about a week now and i don’t think they are in full force yet. They start their singing, to put it mildly, about dawn around 6:30 am and stop when the sun goes down over the hill at about 7:00 to 8:00 pm and as the day goes on they get louder and louder till you want to scream! The neighborhood cats are enjoying them they consider them a great snack food. I live in what we call a holler between two hilly ranges and the nieghborhood is mostly family. There are about 10 houses in our valley. We have decided not to put our garden in this year… if the flowers are any indication of what is to come we don’t want to loose all of our garden plants… good thing I canned enough last year to last alittle thru this year. priscilla, weirton, wv, hancock county

Singing Times?

Date: Sunday, Jun/2/2002.
I’ll be visiting the Pittsburgh, PA area in the next week to see family and collect the cicadas that have recently emerged. Can anyone there give me some ideas on what time singing starts and stops during the day? Tim McNary, Ft. Collins, CO

I Saw 1

Date: Sunday, Jun/2/2002.
This morning on my way to get the mail I saw somthing unusual and when i took a closer look i knew right away what it was. There was only 1 and i found only 1 “shell” but i’ll be on the lookout for more. It’s actually very interesting what they go through to be here such a short period of time. I’m sure there will be more coming. Leanne, Indiana, PA


Date: Saturday, Jun/1/2002.

Catch one

Date: Saturday, Jun/1/2002.
Someone should catch a few for pets and keep em for 17 years. I’m gonna go do that right now, Im surprized no one mentioned doing anything like that yet. Jon again, PA

i have seen them

Date: Saturday, Jun/1/2002.
i’ve seen them. they are loud. they smell. they look wierd. i don’t like them. they are ikky. they suck large monkey balls. zach, pa


Date: Saturday, Jun/1/2002.
This is the first time for me seeing these things, of course, because Im only 13. The noise was annoying for about the first day but now I can fade it out in my head. Anyway, these things are crazy, I like it thought.I went outside a little bit ago with a hockey stick to scrape them all off our trees, we have about 5 acres. That was fun… not. I dont see how theyre scary, I made a Cicada Killa shirt, pretty cool stuff. I hope they don’t leave too soon! Jon S., Westmorland County, PA

thousands of cicadas

Date: Saturday, Jun/1/2002.
The noise of the cicadas is almost deafening. It isn’t even fun to go outdoors on this beautiful spring day. How long does this sound continue to go on? B Duncan, Carterville IL


Date: Saturday, Jun/1/2002.
Hello! They are here! Eli, Zelienople

So Many Bugs!

Date: Saturday, Jun/1/2002.
I opened my door this morning and heard the strangest sound, kind of like machinery running down the road. I asked my family if they thougth it was the cicadas and no one thought a few bugs could make that much noise. Then I went outside and found out that the few bugs we had yesterday had turned out to be a massive amount of bugs today! And I guess since the noise is still out there it is the cicada song. I think I will stay inside until they leave for the next 17 years! Connie Stenger, East Liverpool, OH

They are here.

Date: Saturday, Jun/1/2002.
Just moved to the area three weeks ago. Have a nice wooded 1.5 acre lot. Don’t think I’ll be out side for awhile. There are buckets full of cicadas everywhere. This morning the sound started. Lara from Beaver(neighboring town) Made me feel a little better. Can’t describe the sound as singing. Looking forward to July. Kate, Baden, Pa.

They are here!

Date: Saturday, Jun/1/2002.
We are swarming in the little darlings. I thought three years ago we were lucky not to have too many. That was just a preview. We have buckets now! Began appearing 5/26, swarms on 5/31, do you think we can safely plan an outdoor picnic on 6/8? Happy chirping to all! Jim, Toronto, Ohio

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