Neotibicen superbus from Bill Reynolds’ collection.
Category: Tribe
Neotibicen tibicen tibicen with red cruciform elevations from Bill Reynold’s collection.
This is a Vittagaeana dives (Westwood, 1842) from the W.T. Davis cicada collection at the Staten Island Museum. I believe they can be found in India.
This cicada was formerly known as Tosena dives, but its name recently changed due to research done as part of the article: Hill Kathy B. R., Marshall David C., Marathe Kiran, Moulds Maxwell S., Lee Young June, Pham Thai-Hong, Mohagan Alma B., Sarkar Vivek, Price Benjamin W., Duffels J. P., Schouten Marieke A., de Boer Arnold J., Kunte Krushnamegh, Simon Chris (2021) The molecular systematics and diversification of a taxonomically unstable group of Asian cicada tribes related to Cicadini Latreille, 1802 (Hemiptera:Cicadidae). Invertebrate Systematics 35, 570-601.
Scientific classification:
Family: Cicadidae
Subfamily: Cicadinae
Tribe: Gaeanini
Genus: Vittagaeana
Species: Vittagaeana dives (Westwood, 1842)
See the related cicada: Vittagaeana paviei (Noualhier, 1896)
A Fidicinoides spinicosta from the collection of Richard Newfrock. Colombia. Misspelling on the label.
Fidicina mannifera
A Fidicina mannifera from the collection of Richard Newfrock. Peru.
Carineta diardi
A pair of Carineta diardi from the collection of Richard Newfrock. From Argentina.
A pair of Neotibicen pruinosus aka Scissor Grinder from the collection of Richard Newfrock.
A pair of Zammara smaragdina from the collection of Richard Newfrock.
These are Neotibicen photos from Les Daniels, author of the cicada book: The Season of the Cicadas. They are from the mid-2000s (maybe earlier). This is part 3.
I’ll leave them unidentified in case you want to guess at their identity in the comments. 🙂
Teneral Cicada #41
Teneral Cicada #42
Teneral Cicada #43
Adult Cicada #44
2 Cicadas #45
Adult Cicada #46
2 Cicadas #47
Adult Cicada #48
2 Cicadas #49
Adult Cicada #50
Adult Cicada #51
Adult Cicada #52
Adult Cicada #53
Adult Cicada #54
Adult Cicada #55
Adult Cicada #56
Adult Cicada #57
Teneral Cicada #58
Teneral Cicada #59
Teneral Cicada #60
These are Neotibicen photos from Les Daniels, author of the cicada book: The Season of the Cicadas. They are from the mid-2000s (maybe earlier). This is “Part 2”.
I’ll leave them unidentified in case you want to guess at their identity in the comments. 🙂
Molting Cicada #21
Molting Cicada #22
Molting Cicada #23
Molting Cicada #24
Molting Cicada #25
Molting Cicada #26
Molting Cicada #27
Molting Cicada #28
Molting Cicada #29
Molting Cicada #30
Molting Cicada #31
Molting Cicada #32
Molting Cicada #33
Molting Cicada #34
Molting Cicada #35
Molting Cicada #36
Adult Cicada #37
Adult Cicada #38
Adult Cicada #39
Adult Cicada #40