Fidicinoides fumea (Distant, 1883) is a cicada found in Panama.
Fidicinoides fumea was formerly known as Fidicina fumea. Its name changed when it moved from the Fidicina Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843 genus to the Fidicinoides Boulard & Martinelli, 1996 genus.
Scientific classification:
Family: Cicadidae
Subfamily: Cicadinae
Tribe: Fidicinini
SubTribe: Fidicinina
Genus: Fidicinoides
Species: Fidicinoides fumea (Distant, 1883)

The image might say Fidicina fumea, but the newest name for this cicada is Fidicinoides fumea.
F. fumea species description by W. L. Distant, from Insecta. Rhynchota.:
Head and thorax above olivaceous. Head with the front marked with a central lunate spot, a central longitudinal line and the basal margin black; vertex broadly black between the eyes, which are bronzy; the ocelli pale shining castaneous. Pronotum with an elongate black spot on centre of inner border of posterior margin. Mesonotum with the following black spots and markings: — anterior margin with two central obconical spots, followed laterally on each side by a much larger and more pointed spot; between the anterior angles of the cruciform elevation is a longitudinal and somewhat wedge-shaped spot, pointed anteriorly and widened and rounded posteriorly; on each side of this is a small rounded spot and a basal and lateral streak; cruciform elevation greenish ochraceous. Abdomen black. Body beneath black, sparsely and ochraceously pilose; legs castaneous and more or less streaked and marked with black. Rostrum pale castaneous, the apex pitchy. Tegmina and wings pale smoky hyaline, the first with the base opaque and pitchy, and the basal half of the venation and the costal membrane greenish ochraceous, the apical venation more or less pitchy. Wings like tegmina, with the base opaque and pitchy, and the margins of the claval area of the same colour.
- The illustration comes from Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Rhynchota. Hemiptera-Homoptera. Vol. 1. By W. L. Distant F.E.S. and The Rev. Canon W. W. Fowler, F.L.S. (1881-1905). Read it on the Biodiversity Heritage Library website.
- Species name verification comes from Allen Sanborn’s Catalogue of the Cicadoidea (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha).