Elias Bonaros Magicicada Nymphs Periodical

Magicicada Nymphs found by Elias, part 1

Have you every wondered what cicadas look like when they’re underground? Elias Bonaros did some digging and took these photos of first and second instar Magicicada periodical cicadas on a warm winter day (March 21, 2010). Magicicadas have 5 instars, or phases of development. Each phase has a slightly different appearance.

This is a probable second instar nymph of Magicicada septendecim (Periodical cicada) from the 2008 Brood XIV emergence. Dug up from beneath an oak tree. It was living approximately 4-6 inches from the ground surface. Temperature 70 degrees.

Elias cicada nymph

These are probable first and second instar nymphs of Magicicada septendecim (Periodical cicada) from the 2008 Brood XIV emergence. Dug up from beneath an oak tree. They were living approximately 4-6 inches from the ground surface. Temperature 70 deg.

Elias Magicicada nymphs

Brood II Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

My Magicicada photos from 1996, Brood II

My Magicicada photos from 1996, Brood II. These were taken with disposable cameras and scanned in with a flatbed scanner also from the 1990s. They’re mostly from Metuchen NJ. Otherwise they’re from Westfield NJ.

At this point in time I was not as interested in cicadas as I am now. Back in 1996 they were more of a novelty, but over time my obsession grew.

Magicicada adults in a jar:
Magicicadas in a jar

Magicicada in a jar

Magicicada exuvia in a jar:
Magicicada exuiva in a jar

Scenes from a cicada wedding:

My friends David & Claire were married in an outdoor wedding ceremony in Westfield, NJ, at the peak of the Brood II emergence. No one freaked out — in fact everyone seemed to enjoy it, especially the kids.

The bride and groom, Claire and David:
David & Claire

A cicada creeping up a wedding chair leg during the ceremony:
A cicada creeping up a wedding chair leg during the ceremony

Video from the wedding:

I was even calling them “locusts” back then. Gee wiz.

Brood X Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

My Magicicada Photos from 2004, Brood X

My Magicicada Photos from 2004, Brood X. These were taken in Princeton, New Jersey, with a home video camera. Princeton is a “hot spot” for Brood X in New Jersey. They’re usually out during the Princeton University graduation ceremonies, which is a nuisance for both graduates & their families and for people who come to see the cicadas (and could care less about the graduates). Interestingly enough, the Princeton colors (orange & black) closely match the colors of the cicadas.

Magicicada on a tree in a park in Princeton NJ

Magicicada on a tree branch in a park in Princeton NJ

Magicicada on a tree in a park in Princeton NJ

Magicicada on a tree in a park in Princeton NJ

Brood XIII Magicicada

Seagulls and cicadas photo by Sue

These images go back to 2007 (Brood XIII).

Sue had noticed that seagulls had taken a liking (maybe an obsession) to cicadas. Look at all those seagulls ready to swoop down (or up) and grab a cicada:

Seagulls waiting to eat cicadas

No seagulls in this photo, just exuvia on a tree:
Magicicada on a tree

I live near the ocean and can testify that seagulls are bold and voracious eaters. They pose a threat to not just cicadas, but also seals and even Jedi:

Brood I Exuvia John Cooley Magicicada Periodical

Magicicada skins blanket the ground around the roots of a tree

Magicicada skins (exuvia) blanket the ground around the roots of a tree. This is a photo of periodical cicada skins taken by John Cooley of Cicadas @ UCONN (formerly in Warriors’ Path State Park, TN, in 2012. Brood I.

2012 Tennessee photo by John Cooley

Brood X Jim Occi Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

Brood X Magicicada photos by Jim Occi from 2004

Brood X Magicicada photos by Jim Occi from 2004.

Magicicadas mating:
Brood X Magicicada photos by Jim Occi from 2004

Adult Magicicada
Brood X Magicicada photos by Jim Occi from 2004

Teneral Magicicada
Brood X Magicicada photos by Jim Occi from 2004

Brood XIV Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

Pool filter basket filled with cicadas by Brian Oliva

Pool filter basket filled with cicadas by Brian Oliva.
These are Magicicada cicadas from Brood XIV that emerged in 2008.

Pool filter basket filled with cicadas by Brian Oliva  These are Magicicada cicadas from Brood XIV that emerged in 2008

Brood X Eye Color Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

Photos from our 2004 Blue-eyed Magicicada Contest

Photos from our 2004 Brood X Blue-eyed Magicicada Contest.

Contestants won a Cicada Mania button.

Brood X Button

Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Cody:
Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Cody

Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Luke:
Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Luke

Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Mike:
Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Mike:

Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Wade:
Blue-eyed Magicicada photo by Wade:

Brood X Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

Brood X Magicicada photos by Melanie Chang from 2004

Brood X Magicicada photos by Melanie Chang from 2004. Taken in Burke, VA, June 2004.

Brood X Magicicada photos by Melanie Chang from 2004. Taken in Burke, VA, June 2004.

Brood X Magicicada photos by Melanie Chang from 2004. Taken in Burke, VA, June 2004.

Brood X Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

Brood X Magicicada photo by Michael Malsam from 2004

Brood X Magicicada photo by Michael Malsam from 2004. Parts unknown.

Brood X Magicicada photo by Michael Malsam from 2004. Parts unknown.