Neotibicen Tacuini (Cryptotympanini) U.S.A.

Neotibicen winnemanna from Garner, NC

A Neotibicen winnemanna (Eastern Scissor(s) Grinder) from Garner, NC. Photos by me (Dan Mozgai). Caught by Bill Reynolds.

Neotibicen winnemanna Garner NC #3

Neotibicen winnemanna Garner NC #4

Neotibicen winnemanna Garner NC

Neotibicen winnemanna Garner NC #2

Neotibicen Tacuini (Cryptotympanini) U.S.A.

Neotibicen lyricen engelhardti from Raleigh, NC

Neotibicen lyricen engelhardti (Dark Lyric Cicada) from Raleigh, NC. 2015. Photos by me (Dan Mozgai). Caught by Bill Reynolds.

Neotibicen lyricen engelhardti Raleigh NC #3

Neotibicen lyricen engelhardti Raleigh NC #4

Neotibicen lyricen engelhardti Raleigh NC #5

Neotibicen lyricen engelhardti Raleigh NC

Neotibicen lyricen engelhardti Raleigh NC #2

Megatibicen Tacuini (Cryptotympanini) U.S.A.

Megatibicen resh gallery

Megatibicen resh, aka the Resh Cicada. Photos are from the summer of 2018, Dallas, Texas. Photos by me (Dan Mozgai). Read about Megatibicen resh aka the Resh Cicada.

Click/tap the image for a larger version:

Megatibicen resh adult:
Megatibicen resh

Megatibicen resh adult:
Adult Megatibicen resh

Megatibicen resh nymph:
Resh nymph

Megatibicen resh nymph:

Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting Megatibicen resh

Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting Megatibicen resh

Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting Megatibicen resh

Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting Megatibicen resh

Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting Megatibicen resh

Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting Megatibicen resh

Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting Megatibicen resh

Molting female Megatibicen resh:
Molting Megatibicen resh

Megatibicen resh, Megatibicen auletes and Neotibicen tibicen exuvia (skins, shells, molts) compared
Exuvia compared

Les Daniels Okanagana U.S.A.

Okanagana Cicada Photos by Les Daniels

Okanagana cicada photos by Les Daniels. Les has a book called The Season of the Cicadas, which I recommend.

Neotibicen Tacuini (Cryptotympanini) U.S.A.

Teneral Neotibicen canicularis photos by Daniel Costa

Teneral (soft, recently molted) Neotibicen canicularis (Dog Day Cicada) photos by Daniel Costa, from 2014.

Teneral (soft, recently molted) Neotibicen canicularis (Dog Day Cicada) photos by Daniel Costa, from 2014.

Teneral (soft, recently molted) Neotibicen canicularis (Dog Day Cicada) photos by Daniel Costa, from 2014.

Teneral (soft, recently molted) Neotibicen canicularis (Dog Day Cicada) photos by Daniel Costa, from 2014.

Neotibicen Tacuini (Cryptotympanini) U.S.A.

Neotibicen tibicen tibicen photos

Some Neotibicen tibicen tibicen photos from 2005 taken by me. At the time these photos were taken this cicada was dead. Neotibicen tibicen tibicen are popularly called Morning or Swamp cicadas.

Neotibicen tibicen tibicen photos

Neotibicen tibicen tibicen photos

Neotibicen tibicen tibicen photos

In this photo an operculum is outlined in pink.
Neotibicen tibicen tibicen photos

Gerry Bunker Molting Neotibicen Tacuini (Cryptotympanini) U.S.A.

Gerry Bunker’s Neotibicen Gallery

Photos of a molting or molted Neotibicen by Gerry Bunker from 2005.

Molting Neotibicen Roy Troutman Tacuini (Cryptotympanini) U.S.A.

Teneral Neotibicen photos by Roy Troutman

Two Teneral Neotibicen photos by Roy Troutman. Teneral means soft. These cicadas have recently molted so their bodies are soft. The photos were taken in 2004, probably in Ohio.

This one looks like a Neotibicen tibicen tibicen:

Teneral Neotibicen

This one looks like a Neotibicen linnei or pruinosus.

This one looks like a Neotibicen linnei or pruinosus.

Molting Neotibicen Roy Troutman Tacuini (Cryptotympanini) U.S.A.

Molting Neotibicen cicada photos by Roy Troutman

Molting Neotibicen cicada photos by Roy Troutman from 2004. Probably Ohio. Looks like a Neotibicen tibicen tibicen.

Neotibicen Roy Troutman Tacuini (Cryptotympanini) U.S.A.

Neotibicen tibicen tibicen (Morning Cicada) photos by Roy Troutman

Neotibicen tibicen tibicen (Morning Cicada) photos by Roy Troutman from 2004. Probably taken in Ohio.

They’re also called Swamp Cicadas.

Neotibicen tibicen tibicen (Morning Cicada) photos by Roy Troutman

Neotibicen tibicen tibicen (Morning Cicada) photos by Roy Troutman