Brood X Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

Brood X Magicicada photos by The McShane Family from 2004

Brood X Magicicada photos by The McShane Family from 2004. Towson, Maryland.

Cicada exuvia on a fence:
Cicada exuvia on a fence

Brood X Magicicada photos by The McShane Family from 2004. Towson, Maryland.

Cicadas on playground equipment:
Brood X Magicicada photos by The McShane Family from 2004. Towson, Maryland.

Brood X Magicicada photos by The McShane Family from 2004. Towson, Maryland.

Cicadas on a tree trunk
Brood X Magicicada photos by The McShane Family from 2004. Towson, Maryland.

Cicada skins/exuvia and dead cicadas at the base of a tree
Brood X Magicicada photos by The McShane Family from 2004. Towson, Maryland.

Cicada on tree bark
Brood X Magicicada photos by The McShane Family from 2004. Towson, Maryland.

Cicada on the ground
Brood X Magicicada photos by The McShane Family from 2004. Towson, Maryland.

Brood X Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

Brood X Magicicada photo by Fred Berry from 2004

Brood X Magicicada photo by Fred Berry from 2004. Parts unknown.

Brood X Magicicada photo by Fred Berry from 2004

Brood X Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

Brood X Magicicada photos by Mark Goldberg from 2004

Brood X Magicicada photos by Mark Goldberg from 2004. Maryland.

Brood X Magicicada photo by Mark Goldberg from 2004, Maryland.

Brood X Magicicada photo by Mark Goldberg from 2004, Maryland.

Brood X Magicicada photo by Mark Goldberg from 2004, Maryland.

Brood X Magicicada photo by Mark Goldberg from 2004, Maryland.

Brood X Magicicada photo by Mark Goldberg from 2004, Maryland.

Brood X Magicicada photo by Mark Goldberg from 2004, Maryland.

Brood X Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

Brood X Magicicada photos by Phil Smith from 2004

Brood X Magicicada photos by Phil Smith from 2004. Indiana.

Brood X Magicicada photo by Phil Smith from 2004. Indiana.

Brood X Magicicada photo by Phil Smith from 2004. Indiana.

Brood X Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

Magicicada Brood X photo by Frank Mefford from 2004

Magicicada Brood X photo by Frank Mefford from 2004. Kentucky.

Magicicada Brood X photo by Frank Mefford from 2004. Kentucky.

Brood X Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

Magicicada Brood X photo by Walter Hanig from 2004

Magicicada Brood X photo by Walter Hanig from 2004. Washington, D.C.

Magicicada Brood X photo by Walter Hanig from 2004. Washington, D.C.

Brood X Magicicada Photos & Illustrations

Magicicada Brood X photos by Steve Groh from 2004

Magicicada Brood X photos by Steve Groh from 2004. Cincinnati, Ohio.

Magicicada Brood X photos by Steve Groh from 2004

Magicicada Brood X photos by Steve Groh from 2004

Magicicada Brood X photos by Steve Groh from 2004

Magicicada Brood X photos by Steve Groh from 2004

Brood X Eye Color Magicicada Periodical Photos & Illustrations Roy Troutman

Photos of Magicicada cicadas with white & blue eyes by Roy Troutman

Photos of Magicicada cicadas with white & blue eyes by Roy Troutman from 2004.

Photo of a Magicicada cicada with blue eyes by Roy Troutman.
Photo of a Magicicada cicada with blue eyes by Roy Troutman.

Photo of a Magicicada cicada with blue eyes by Roy Troutman.
Photo of a Magicicada cicada with blue eyes by Roy Troutman.

Photo of a Magicicada cicada with white eyes by Roy Troutman.
Photo of a Magicicada cicada with white eyes by Roy Troutman.

Photo of a Magicicada cicada with white eyes by Roy Troutman.
Photo of a Magicicada cicada with white eyes by Roy Troutman.

Magicicada Periodical Photos & Illustrations

Magicicada Photos by Gwen Elferdink from Brood X, 2004

17-year Magicicada Photos by Gwen Elferdink from Brood X 2004.

Magicicada photo by Gwen Elferdink

Magicicada photo by Gwen Elferdink

Magicicada photo by Gwen Elferdink

Magicicada photo by Gwen Elferdink

Eggs Magicicada Nymphs Ovipositing Periodical

Check for first instar periodical cicada nymphs

It’s been about six weeks since the emergence of Brood VIII in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia and Oklahoma. Now (first week of August) is a good a time as any to check for periodical cicada nymphs that have hatched from eggs laid in branches. Once they hatch they’ll find their way to the ground, where they’ll find and begin feeding on roots for the next 17 years.

Look on branches where cicada laid their eggs.

An illustration of egg nests (Marlatt 1907 Egg Nest Detail):
Marlatt 1907 Egg Nest Detail

A nymph on a branch with adult male finger for comparison:
Periodical Cicada Nymph

Close up:
Periodical Cicada Nymph

Another close up:
Periodical Cicada Nymph