Brood XIV Magicicada Periodical

Cicada Emergence Update

Shawn McLeod in Flemingsburg, Kentucky has reported a light emergence (3 cicadas).

John Hupka has reported empty shells of Cicadas in Nashville, Davidson Co, Tennessee!

Diane has reported “The Cicadas have arrived in our trees. We are 30 miles northwest of Nashville, TN. They seem to like our sycamore trees.”

Sherry has reported “I just got back from Cades Coves Tennessee the Magicicada were in the emergence stage both nights.”

Greg Stamper reported “Hazard, Kentucky – The Cicada started slowly a week ago now are beginning to pick up speed.”

John reported “I live in Floyd County Kentucky ans there are hundreds of them coming out.”

Tammy reported “I live in Corbin KY and my house is COVERED!!!!”

Also check out the Where Are They Now map on the Mount’s Cicada Web Site.

Brood XIV

Cicada Emergence Update

Gene Kritsky wrote to say that the emergence in the Cincinnati area did indeed start on the 13th, particularly in areas where the sun was able to heat the ground to 66 degrees. The past week or so has been cold in the Cincinnati area, which has slowed the progress of the emergence. Those of you hoping to get the emergence under way need to wish for warmer weather. Of course you should visit The Mount’s Cicada Website and check out the Where are They Now Google map, which will show you where they are emerging. I encourage you to report your sightings on Gene’s site as well.

Nanci Perlstein reported on the message board that “in Asheville, N.C. very close to the Blue Ridge Parkway. There are hundreds of them!”.

Roy McGinnis reported that he witnessed 1000’s of cicadas in “Carter County half way between Johnson City and Elizabethton TN

Rita Bobeana reported that they’re experiencing a hatch and a half in “the very northeast end of Unicoi County, TN“.

And Becca reported at least one cicada found by herself and her daughter in Louisville, KY.

Brood XIV

Live map of cicada emergences

For those of you who want to see where cicadas are emerging, check out the Google map on Cicadas @ UCONN (formerly It’s on the right side of the page.

Brood XIV Magicicada

The Brood XIV emergence has begun

Folks, we just got word from Gene Kritsky that an adult was reported emerging in Maderia, Ohio today. The emergence has begun; expect large numbers of cicadas to start appearing within the next 10 days in most areas. Get your cameras, camcorders, audio recording devices and fishing rods ready.

From Gene:

I had my first report of an adult periodical cicada emerging in Madeira, a suburb of Cincinnati today. So the early ones are starting.

Read the news story.

Brood XIV

The latest 17 year cicada news

Cicadas attending the Kentucky Derby (Minyanville)?

A 13 image slide-show of Magicicada photos (Citizen-Times).

Cicadas coming to Warren County, Kentucky (Bowling Green Daily News).

Cicadas ready to croon in Cincinnati (The Enquirer).

Brood XIV Magicicada Matt Berger

Matt Berger’s Cicada Experiment Continues

Earlier I wrote about Matt Berger’s experiment to coerce a nymph to emerge as an adult in captivity. The experiment worked.

Here’s the latest pictures. The cicada has assumed its final, black-colored adult form:



Brood XIV Magicicada Matt Berger Periodical

The first adult Magicicada

Matt Berger was able to coerce a cicada nymph to enter the adult phase (instar) by raising it indoors (where it is warmer). Congratulations to Matt!

I took a Brood XIV nymph i found under a rock about a week ago, put some soil in a pot, poked a cicada sized hole in the soil and let the cicada burrow in. I wanted to see if I could make them emerge early. I put it in my house where it is warm. It worked! I now have a male (im guessing M. cassini) that just emerged from that hole and shed his skin and is now drying. Probably the first Magicicada to emerge all year! Earliest emergence I have ever heard of (even if it was assisted). Thought it might be interesting for Cicadamania.
Here are some pictures!

Here’s the nymph:


Here’s the adult leaving the nymph skin:


Here’s the teneral adult, still white in color (I will turn black soon enough):


Brood XIV

17 year cicada emergence predictions

Hey everybody!

Using Gene Kritsky’s formula, and the Weather Underground, I’ve pulled together some sample emergence predictions. Chances are I missed your town, but you can use the formula and gab your own prediction.

Louisville Kentucky – May 11th

Lexington Kentucky – May 15th

Cincinnati & Batavia Ohio – May 15th*

Charleston West Virginia – May 11th

Bendersville, PA – May 15th

Islip & Stony Brook, LI — May 16th

Plymouth, MA – May 22

Falmouth, MA – May 24

Looks like the cicadas will start appearing a couple at a time next week, and then starting the following week the full-blow emergences will begin in the southern most states.

* Note: Gene Kritsky wrote to say that he has predicted May 13th for Cincinnati using his formula. The reason the numbers differ is Gene has more precise temperature information.

Brood XIV

Brood XIV Information Update

Read: Gene’s Book Periodical Cicadas: the Plague and the Puzzle is available through his website. I own it, and can confirm that it’s the best 17 year cicada book your money can buy. It has all the information you need, and it will make a handsome addition to your home library.

Report an emergence: the Cicadas @ UCONN reporting form is live.

The cicadas making the latest appearance are Brood XIV. Brood XIV is centered on the eastern two-thirds of Kentucky, although they are also in 11 other state

Brood XIV Magicicada

Cicada Links and Video to hold you over… part two

Gene Kritsky awaiting their noisy return:

UPI: Scientist awaits cicadas’ noisy return

Gene Kritsky, a professor of biology at the College of Mount St. Joseph, said this year most of the bugs are expected to appear in the area east of Interstate 71.

The Enquirer Cicadas making noisy return

Gene Kritsky, a professor of biology at the College of Mount St. Joseph, says in a news release that cicadas are coming to eastern Cincinnati this May.

Video: Cicada pheomenon interview with entomologist Doug Fraser. Very good.

A Kentucky article:

News Channel 5: Cicadas ready to reappear in Kentucky after 17 years

Gene Kritsky, a cicada expert at the College of Mount St. Joseph in Cincinnati, says their appearance will be spotty. That could be caused by a number of factors, including development that has dramatically changed landscapes since the early 1990s.

A Cape Cod artlce:

Cape Cod Times: Creeped out by creepy-crawly season on Cape

Periodical cicadas went underground on the Cape 17 years ago, and have been living off tree sap ever since. Experts expect them to emerge from their holes all at once, probably on a night in early May. They can number in the millions per acre, and cling to any vertical surface after coming from their holes, to molt, then fly up into the tree tops to mate.