Cicada Mania

Dedicated to cicadas, the most amazing insects in the world.

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July 11, 2007

Jan & Roger’s Brood XIII Magicicada Gallery.

Filed under: Brood XIII | Magicicada | Photos & Illustrations — Dan @ 7:24 pm

Here’s our one any only 2007 Brood XIII gallery:

Photos by Jan & Roger. Click for larger versions of the images.

A mix of Magicicada skins and adults from Brood XIII:
A mix of skins and adults - Brood XIII

Many Adult Magicicada cicadas from Brood XIII:
Adult Magicicada - Brood XIII

An Adult Magicicada cicada from Brood XIII:
Adult Magicicada - Brood XIII

Many adult Magicicada cicada from Brood XIII:
Adult Magicicada - Brood XIII

Adult Magicicadas from Brood XIII:
Adult Magicicadas - Brood XIII

Magicicada adults from Brood XIII:
Magicicada adults - Brood XIII

Magicicada holes from Brood XIII:
Magicicada holes - Brood XIII

Magicicada skins from Brood XIII:
Magicicada skins - Brood XIII

Molting Magicicada from Brood XIII:
Molting Magicicada - Brood XIII

Nymph and adult Magicicada from Brood XIII:
Nymph and adult - Brood XIII

Skins and adults on leaves:
Skins and adults on leaves - Brood XIII

Skins on leaves:
Skins on leaves - Brood XIII

Teneral, recently molted Magicicada:
Teneral, recently molted Magicicada - Brood XIII

Teneral, recently molted Magicicada:
Teneral, recently molted Magicicada - Brood XIII

Teneral, recently molted Magicicada:
Teneral, recently molted Magicicada - Brood XIII

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